Chapter 2: Monkey D Luffy

Hello to any readers giving my fanfiction a chance thank you. Now on with the story.

Ages Ichigo- 10 Luffy- 12

Chapter 2: Monkey D Luffy

Outside the village in Fiore

"Yahoo looks like we are finally out of that village. Wow that was a good run I'm amazed you were able to keep up Strawberry." Luffy said with a toothy smile.

"Fo(wheeze)r the la(wheeze)st time my n(wheeze)ame doesn't mean stra(wheeze)wberry dam it.I've to(wheeze)ld already it me(wheeze)ans one who prot(wheeze)ects.'' Ichigo said, wheezing most of those words out while scowling at Luffy. Luffy looks at Ichigo with a confused face and says

"Where did your giant sword go? Did you drop it back in the village should we go back and get it Strawberry?" Ichigo with an even more angrier scowl then yells

"Are you even lessening to me it doesn't mean strawberry and for the sword I had to put it away! It's to damn heavy to run with!"

''But you would've looked so cool running with it and if it was so heavy how were you able swing it before." Luffy said with a pouting face.

"I can only swing it once because it's so damn heavy it makes me use up all my energy when I swing it, plus summoning it uses up a lot of my magical energy. And speaking of magic is that some type of body alteration magic you used back there." Ichigo said. Luffy then says

"You were able to tell just by looking you must be smart and that reminds me." After he says that a red magic seal appears below Luffy and then after a few seconds it disappears. Luffy then proceeds to pull on his face.

"His face doesn't seem to stretch like before." Ichigo thought to himself. Once Luffy was pulling on his face, he proceeds to say

"Thanks for reminding me about my magic. I would've forgotten to deactivate that spell, then I would have used up all my magical energy again."

"Wait, what do you mean by again this has happened before?" Ichigo asked in a shock expression while Luffy only nodded with a toothy smile.

"I call my type of magic Rubber Body and what about you Strawberry what type of magic do you use besides sides sword magic.'' Ichigo with his scowl now returning says

"I can use sword equip magic and arrow magic, but the downside is that I haven't trained hard enough to use them that properly."

"Well then let me help train." Ichigo looked surprised at what Luffy said then they both hear a big growl from Luffy's stomach. Luffy's starts looking depressed and say ''Before I saved you I was going to get something to eat, but since we can't head back to that village I'm going to starve out here."

"Hargeon Town shouldn't be far from here, it's probably a few hours away on foot. We both should go there since I got nowhere to go as well." Ichigo tells Luffy who then says with a toothy smile

"Ok, then Strawberry lets go!'' while putting on a straw hat then Ichigo says

"Hey, Luffy that's a cool hat you got there." Luffy simply looks at Ichigo with a toothy smile and says

"Thank you Ichigo."

Five years ago in a forest near small town

An younger and injured Luffy appears to be fighting a giant boar. The boat began to charge at Luffy who then proceeds to dodge making the bar to hit a nearby tree causing it to start seeing stars. Luffy ran up to it and put his hand into a red magic seal behind him and said

"This time it will work." His arm begins to stretch a little, but it started to hurt him so he pull his hand out of the magic seal and that gave the boar enough time to headbutt him. Luffy was sent flying onto the ground, he then gets back up only to get headbutted back down. The boar went for another attack, but for some reason it fell to the ground with foam coming out of its mouth. Luffy turns to see a red head with a long black cape, a straw hat and what appeared to be a large saber strapped to his waist plus three notable scars over his left eye.

"Hello kid are you ok?" the red headed man said.

"Yeah, I'm alright, I could've beaten it all by myself." Luffy said. This made the man chuckle and say

"Then that means you're the one who took out those other boars over there, but that one got the best of you am I right." Luffy simply nodded then the man proceeded to say "But that magic you were trying to use you should train more to master that. Well, it's time for me to go see you later..." he was interrupted by Luffy saying

"Mister will train me, you must be strong if you took that boar without even touching it so please train me!"

"Lesson kid why don't you join a guild my brother is in a really nice guild that's located in..." The man is then interrupted again by Luffy saying

"No, I won't join the anyone elses guild. I will make the strongest guild in all of Fiore and become a king." The man simply bursts out laughing and says

"I like your moxie kid fine, I'll train you my name is Shanks Clive (AN: Yes I gave Shanks Gildarts last name) and what is your name."

"Monkey D Luffy" A few months past everything was going well until Luffy took a quest that was to take down a rogue wizard named Higuma. Luffy was barely able to beat Higuma but was attacked by a giant snake-like creature. Shanks stepped in to protect Luffy, but lost his left arm in the process. A few months after that incident it was the day Shanks was going to continue his adventure he was on before he met Luffy. Shanks says

"We'll its been fun training you, but now it's time to continue my journey so don't cry Luffy." Shanks began to leave, but is stopped when Luffy yells out

"You'll see Shanks next time we meet ill have strongest guild in all Fiore I promise you that." Shanks with a noticeable grin walks up to Luffy and places his straw hat on Luffy's head and say

"In that case ill leave this hat to you Its very important to so you better take care of this you hear me. I want you to return this hat to me in good condition, but only once you have a strong guild."

In present time

At a restaurant in Hargeon Town

Luffy and Ichigo are currently eating a meal.

"Ichigo so since you got nowhere to go why don't you just join my guild?" Luffy says and Ichigo then says

"You're part of a guild Luffy. Which guild is that?''

"No, I'm not a part of an existing guild I'm going to make the strongest guild in all Fiore. So will you join Ichigo.'' Ichigo simply smiled and says

"Ok, Luffy I'll join." Luffy then says

"From this day on you are one nakama Ichigo.'' After they were done eating they began to leave the restaurant and began to walk into a crowd until a smoke bomb is set off covering crowd in smoke. As the smoke decapitated Ichigo and Luffy notice they are missing something. Ichigo is missing his jewel bag and Luffy was missing his straw hat. Ichigo and Luffy notice a person with a fox mask running and they both began to chase him down. They're able to corner him in an ally then Luffy and Ichigo both say simultaneously said in unison

"Give us back our stuff you stole from us!'' while giving off a murderous aura. The masked kid then says

"You two are the first people to keep up with me. So I'll give you an award for keeping up.'' he then takes off his mask revealing his face. Luffy starts laughing and says

"You have whiskers. Are your cat or something? They look so stupid.'' And Ichigo then says

"Why did you show us your face Whiskers?'' The whiskered face boy with an angry face says

"Stop laughing, they aren't whiskers they are birthmarks and the reason I'm showing you two my face is so you can remember this face because not long from now. I'll will be known as the strongest mage in all of Fiore and my name will be known throughout the land. My name is Naruto Uzumaki!"

Thanks for reading

Next Chapter: Naruto Uzumaki