Chapter 3: Naruto Uzumaki

To any readers giving my fanfiction a chance thank you.

Ages: Naruto- 10

Chapter 3: Naruto Uzumaki

A random alleyway in Hargeon Town

"Your name is Naruto as in narutomaki you were named after a fish cake. I feel sorry for you blonde." Is what Ichigo said with a slight chuckle is in his voice to Naruto while Luffy was on the ground still laughing his ass off at Naruto's whiskers, but now he was laughing even more from what Ichigo said.


"Fine my name Ichigo Kurosaki.'' Ichigo said to Naruto. Only for Naruto say at the top of his lungs

"YOUR NAME MEANS STRAWBERRY AND YOUR MAKING FUN OF MY NAME CARROT TOP." This only caused a vein to appear on Ichigo's head and then he yells at the top of his lungs to match the whiskered blonde

"IT MEANS ONE WHO PROTECTS NOT STRAWBERRY YOU GOT THAT YOU WHISKERED FACE BASTERD." Luffy gave a toothy smile and said to Naruto with it no hint of sarcasm in his words

"My name is Monkey D Luffy and I'm going to be the leader of the strongest guild in Fiore, one day plus I well be a king you got that blonde." Naruto only had a blank expression on his face and said with a smug smile on his face

"Your dream means nothing to me kid because ill be the strongest mage in all of Fiore so that means I'll be stronger than any guild so dream is just worth..." before he can finish Luffy run up to him and to punch him but he was able to dodge. Naruto then jumps up to give Luffy a roundhouse kick, but Luffy was able to duck under the kick. Luffy then tries to uppercut him, but Naruto by the skin of his teeth was able to dodge. They both land in safety on the ground and began to glare at each other. They both began to run and punch each other without any of them giving an inch. Naruto looks over and to see Ichigo running over to help Luffy. Naruto then reaches in to his pockets to pull out a smoke bomb and sets it off covering the ally in smoke. A yellow magic seal appears under Naruto and he says

''Endurance Boost'' then he proceeds to jump on a rooftop and begins to run faster than before.

"You aren't getting away from me that easily." Luffy yells out while a red magic seal appears under and says ''Rubber Body'' he then jumps up onto the rooftop to chase after Naruto. Ichigo sees this and runs out the ally to the sidewalk to keep up them since he can't jump high enough to get on the rooftops. Back to Luffy and Naruto. ''Get back here and give me back my hat.'' Luffy says while he put his hand in a red magic seal ''Gomu Gomu No Pistol'' his arm stretches towards Naruto hitting him but once it makes contact he puffs into a log. Luffy looks confused as Naruto appears behind him and kicks him in the face, sending him a few steps back. Then Naruto puts fingers together to make a cross and say while a magic seal appears below him

"Energy Make: Clone'' making two clones appears next to him. Luffy sees this and with stars in his eyes then says

"You can do that, that's so cool. I got an idea if I beat you and prove I'm stronger then you must join my guild.''

"It doesn't matter because I'm going to win, but I'll indulge you if you somehow beat me I'll join your guild." Naruto replied with a toothy smile and Luffy simply smiled. They began to charge at each other. Naruto's clones were in the front while the real one was behind them. While Luffy then stretches both his arms back into a magic seal. The clones reach Luffy and prepare to attack him, but Ichigo suddenly appears out of nowhere with his hand in a blue magic seal. He then pulls a giant sword out from it and proceeds to smash the clones making them puff but also cutting the building they we're on half. Naruto was to shock from what happened to register Luffy's attack hitting him.

"Gomu Gomu No Bazooka" Luffy yelled as the attack hit Naruto sending him crashing him into the now destroyed building making a small crater where he landed. Luffy landed in the building safely exhausted and looks over at Ichigo who is putting away his monster of a sword and says to him

''Thank for helping, but I could've beaten him alone.''

"We better get going before some rune knights come by to arrest us for causing this destruction. Should we take him with us.'' Ichigo says with Luffy replaying with a nod and they began to run with the unconscious Naruto.

An hour time skip on the outskirts of Hargeon Town

Naruto starts to wake up he see Ichigo and Luffy sit down seeming to wait for him to wake. He also sees that Luffy wearing the straw hat he stole from Luffy earlier and yells at them


"What we can't get our stuff back from our new guild member who stole them in the first place.'' Ichigo says while Luffy smiles.


"But I still beat you. You must join we made a deal or I will beat you up again!" Luffy says after that Ichigo cuts in and says

"If you don't want to join then you better leave your family must be worried about you." Naruto with a saddened face says

"I don't have a family I'm an orphan.''

"Then why don't you join us then we can be your family that what a guild.'' Luffy said with a toothy smile while Naruto looked at him with a surprised face. Tears begin to flow down Naruto's face and say

"Ok I'll join but I want a rematch one of these days." Luffy and Ichigo simply smile and say in unison "Welcome to the guild Naruto.

" That's just adorable Kit you making friends."An imposing voice says to Naruto in his mind

"Shut up, Kurama you stupid demon fox." Naruto said with a appears to be a gigantic fox with red fur.

"Minato and Kushina would be so proud of you kit.'' Kurama says with a grin.

Ten years ago in a small house located in a random forest (AN: I seem not to be able to leave this forest alone.)

"Why are you here? You have no reason to be here." A blond man with a long white cape with red flames, says while protecting an exhausted red head women who is holding their newborn child from the intruder who is a red headed man who seems to have fox ears and red slitted eyes.

"So your one of the Wizard Saints Minato Namikaze and that human woman over there must be your mate, Kushina Uzumaki.(Sniff)And that child must be your offspring by its smell. Let me introduce myself, my name is Kurama and I am one of many demons created by Zeref. I was sealed away for a hundred years until recently a bunch of mages tried to harness my power. But they released me and I processed to slaughter them as a thank you gift. After looking around the place they released me at I found a book called Sorcerer's Weekly and found an article on you becoming a Wizard Saint which it said that these saints are the strongest humans in this land. So I decided to come and test that out for myself." Kurama said with a toothy grin.

"Kushina, I want you to take Naruto and run while I hold him off." Minato said with a worried look.

"No, Minato I could help I'm not useless.'' Kushina said with an equally worried look.

''Sorry Kushina, but its a husband's job to protect his family. I love both of you so please be safe. Flying Thunder God's Battlefield'' Minato said while a gigantic yellow magic seal appears under them that expands to almost the entire forest. Minato then puts a symbol written in kanji onto Kushina and baby Naruto making them teleport away. Minato then turns to the Kurama and Kurama says with a grin

"So sensible the distractions are gone Fox Flame Cannon!'' Kurama said while firing a giant white flamed fireball out of a purple magic seal at came towards Minato at unbelievable speed it seemingly hitting him. The fireball went on for a few more miles before disappearing, leaving everything it past turn to ash. "Was that all a wizard saint could do that was unsatisfying." Kurama said until Minato appeared behind him roundhouse kicking him threw a wall. Once Minato landed on the floor, he said

"Power and Endurance Boost'' while a magic seal was below him. Kurama finally recovered from the attack and prepared to fire an attack, but Minato appears in front him to upper kicked him into to to air. Once Kurama was a few feet in the air Minato attacked him with a barrage of punches and kicks while teleporting all over the place, keeping Kurama in the same position.(AN: Basically the Hidden Lotas)

"Is this some type of spacial magic because I can't seem to be able to keep up with him. His continuing teleport is getting too much to handle and his physical attacks hurt like hell, so this the power of a wizard saint.'' Kurama thought with his grin turning into a frown while he was still getting attacked. " I hope you had your fun because its over Fox Flame Burst!''Kurama said, causing an explosion of white flames destroying in the area but Minato was able to teleport out of the way. Only for Kurama to appear behind him and pierce him through the chest with his hand. "Looks like I wi..." Kurama said before the Minato puffed into a log.

"Energy Make: Rasengan" is all Kurama heard before Minato appeared in front of him striking him in the chest with a blue orb that was in his hand, making cough up blood and sending him crashing into the ground but not throwing a small flame onto Minato's right hand. Once Minato safely lands on the ground the white flame that was put on his arm start to spread throughout his arm. He tries to put it out with water magic, but it won't go out and he starts to feel like he is getting weaker as he notice the gigantic magic seal he made earlier disappear.

"Hahahahahaha you are caught in my curse you human Basterd.'' Kurama said getting up.

''Curse you mean the flames.'' Minato said

"You're getting it now you Basterd those flames will spread out all over your body turning it to nothing (AN: Basically Amaterasu, but with white flames.) and it also drains your magical energy.'' Kurama said with as murderous smile. After hearing that Minato pulls out a kunie then does the unthinkable and chops his arm off. Kurama only had a shocked look at that and says ''Fine human you're impressive, but it ends here.'' Kurama says while three magic seals appear near his mouth and start gathering blue and red energy as Minato looked on in fear but he hears

"Energy Make: Sealing Chains!'' A couple of golden chains appear around Kurama forcing him to stop him from charging his spell.

"WWHAATT THE FUCK DID YOU DOOO HUMAN?'' Kurama yelled at the top of his lungs. Minato turned to see his wife Kushina running towards him and he then says in a weak voice

"What are you doing here Kushina and where's Naruto."

"He's safe and I came to help you. Your lucky I got here when I did, you baka.'' Kushina said while she helped her husband up.

"Let me end this battle Kushina. Energy Make: Clone" Minato said making a clone appear next to and both say in unison Energy Make: Rasengan" making the blue ord appear on both their left hands. They both run at Kurama while he was still holding down by the chains and once they reach him the clone jump over Kurama and hits him with the orb while the real one hit him in the front. "Energy Make: Giant Rasengan." both Minatos said making Kurama to get consumed in a ball of magical energy seemingly killing him. Minato then falls onto the ground, exhausted, but Kushina was able to catch him before he fell and said to him, "Let's go to where Naruto is.'' A few minutes later at Naruto's location. Kushina was treating Minato wounds until until appeared a badly bleeding Kurama and he says

"You two thought I was dead, but I'm not and now I'm here to kill the both of you filthy humans and ill do it in my true form.'' in a much more demonic voice as his body start to change. He starts to grow red fur all over his body and nine red tails appear behind him. Finally, his body grew gigantic from the time his transformation was he was a giant fox. Minato and Kushina looked on in fear while the now fully transformed Kurama said "You its time to die you two.'' while three magic seals appear in front of his mouth and start charging like it did before.

"Energy Make: Sealing Chains.'' Kushina says summoning hundreds of gold chains trying to stop him again but no avail once it was done charging into a black orb Kurama says

"Bijuudama!'' and fires it, but Minato gets in between the attack and his family. He then summons two yellow magic seals and says

"Flying Thunder God's Teleportation'' making the Bijuudama to disappear and then appear in front of Kurama making him eat the full force of his own attack. After that Minato looked at Kushina and say "I love you both.'' then he falls lifeless on the ground. The only thing Kushina could do after is to cry tears of great sorrow for her husband, but that is cut short by bloody Kurama try to pierce Naruto with his razor sharp nail while yelling in rage

"HOW DARE THAT BASTERD DIE BEFORE I GOT TO KILL HIM FINE THEN ILL KILL HIS OFFSPRING AND END HIS FILTHY BLOODLINE!'' Right before nail got too close to Naruto, Kushina then jumped in the way using her body as a shield stopping the attack."YOU RED HEADED BITCH ONCE I GET MY ENERGY BACK ILL KILL YOUR FILTHY OFFSPRING!"Kurama yelled in rage.

"Fine then ill make sure you won't hurt you, will instead protect Naruto for us think of it as your penance for taking me and Minato from him.'' Kushina said to the demon then she says"Grand Bonding Seal!" making multiple different colored magic seals appear above them shining a light on Kurama making him slowly disappear and a seal starts to appear on the infant Naruto's stomach.

"CURSE YOU TO HELL YOU FILTHY HUMAN.''Kurama says before he fully disappears. A weakened Kushina walks over to her child picking him up and walk away with him, but with looking at her deceased husband on last time. She sees a town and began to walk towards it. While walking with her baby in her hand, she began to say

''Naruto don't be picky with your food. Eat lots and grow strong. Make sure you bathe every day and stay warm. Also, don't stay up late you need lots of sleep and make friends. You don't need a lot of friends just a few. Ones you can really, really trust. I wasn't good at but practicing your magic really hard. Remember everyone has strengths and weaknesses. So don't get too depressed if you can't do anything well. No alcohol until your Twenty too much can ruin your health so drink in moderation. And about women I'm a woman so I don't know too much about this, but all you need to remember is that this world is made up of men and women. So it's only natural to take an interest in girls but don't get hooked on bad women. Find someone like me. Naruto you're going to face lots of pain and hardship, but be true to yourself. Have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true!'' She began to cry as she reaches the town "There is so much oh so much more that I want to pass on to you. I wish I could stay with you longer. I love you.'' Once she got into the town finally her body gave out and fell to the floor but safely fell to protect Naruto. She makes sure Naruto is alright before passing away.

Present time

"So what are we going to do now Luffy." Ichigo says to Luffy and Naruto adds on to that by saying

"Ya Luffy do you even have a location where our guild should be at.''

"No, not really'' Luffy replied, causing Ichigo and Naruto to smack their faces of disappointment. Both of them in unison thought

"He seems not to have thought this through.''

"Well then lets go look for one come on slowpokes.'' Luffy said running only for Ichigo and Naruto to say in unison

"Wait for us Luffy!'' and they began chasing him.

Wow, that was a long chapter. Well, thanks for reading and if you review thank you.

Next Chapter: Finding a place to begin our guild.