Thank you to anybody reading my fanfiction. I very much appreciate it now enough with my Ramblings on with the story.
Chapter 4: Finding a place to begin our guild.
One year time skip. On some random road in Fiore
"I'm sooooo bored when will we get to the next town, Strawberry.'' Naruto whined.
"Yeah Naruto is right when are we getting to the next town I'm so hungry.'' Luffy whined as well.
''We will be arriving in the next town in a couple of hours if we keep walking at the same pace. So stop whining you to your making this trip feel longer than it is." is what Ichigo said with an annoyed face.
"But we are so hungry, we haven't eaten in a while. Give us the emergency food or we will starve.'' Luffy and Naruto said in unison. This only caused Ichigo to scowl at them and say
"You guys ate two hours ago when we were in the last town. Seriously, how are you guys hungry, you almost ate out that restaurant we were at. Do you know how hard of a hit my wallet took from that?.'' Luffy and Naruto started to whine in unison again
"Pretty please Ichigo please have mercy and give us some food.'' with puppy dog eyes.
"NO!" Ichigo yelled at them.
"Fine we will keep annoying you till you give up.'' They both said. Ichigo just ignored them, but two hours of being annoyed, finally broke the eleven year old and he gave into their demands. They sat down near a random tree to eat.
" It's probably been a year since I met Luffy and Naruto its been fun. We spent a long time looking for a place to start our guild at but to no avail. We have also been training together to help us use our magic better. We have been making it by on small jobs in order to keep us full like catching rich peoples pets and helping random shops as staff nothing to big.'' Ichigo thought to himself while Luffy and Naruto we're eating.
" So wh(chew)at is the next town we are go(munch)ing to Stra(swallow)wberry?'' Naruto said while still eating his food. Ichigo then punches Naruto on the head, then says
"Well lets see its a port town called Water 7 well, that's so original.''
" We haven't been there yet, maybe we'll see if they will let us begin our guild there.'' Luffy said with a happy smile.
"Well lets get a mov.." Naruto started to say, but is interrupted when they hear something that's not that far from them. They then go to see what's happening and then they see a girl around their age running from three men. Then one of her attackers is able to catch her and say
"You that you can get away from us. We told you dam town people if you try to go get help we kill the messengers and they send a little girl. Well, we did kill all the knights that were sent to go get help so they must of thought a kid would get threw our blockade.'' The attacker then processed to try to punch the girl. But is stopped when he gets a kick delivered to his face, knocking him out from a whiskered face kid. The attacker dropped girl, but before she could hit the ground, she is caught bridal style from the blond kid.
"Hay you alright." her savior said she simply nodded with a blush.
"You'll pay for what you did to our friend's kid.'' one of the other attackers said.
''Yeah kid we'll kill y...'' the third attacker was about to say, but was shot in the head by a blunt energy arrow knocking him out. That arrow was fired from a orange haired boy. The last attacker prepared to attack with a spell, but is punched by a third boy that had a straw hat. Once that was over, the boys taking the girl somewhere to rest.
"Ttthanks for sssaving me my name iiss Hinata Hyuga.'' the girl said stuttering.
''It was no problem Hinata. By the way my name is Naruto Uzumaki.'' the blond said and then the black haired kid said
"My name is Monkey D Luffy.''
''And my name is Ichigo Kurosaki'' the orange haired boy said.
" Ichigo that means one who protects right.'' Hinata says. Ichigo then responds with
'' NO IT MEANS... wait, you said one who protects right. She nods. "I'm sorry for yelling people always get it wrong.'' Ichigo said in an embarrassed voice.
" So why were those done Basterds talking about your town and not sending for help?'' Naruto asked the girl. The girl with a sad face started to tell the boys how her home town Water 7 was attacked by a dark guild called CP Elephant (AN: Not the best name ever, but just roll with it) ran by a man named Spandam two months ago. The guild hurt and killed many of the townsfolk. One of the casualties was her mother. The towns best fighters were able to drive them off. But after they were driven off they decided to a blockade the town off from getting outside help. She then snuck out of the town to go get help. But she got spotted then she ran from them and the boys know the rest. Then after that she fainted from exhaustion. The boys went to see if she was alright. After laying her down the boys started to talk about what to do. And they come to the conclusion to help the town. They began to walk to the town while Ichigo and Luffy had Naruto carry Hinata. A few hours of walking and avoiding the dark mages on the way. They reached a steel gate and knock on the gate getting the guards.
"GO THE HELL AWAY YOU DAR...'' the guard stopped yelling when he notices the girl being carried by the blond and says "It's the girl who we been looking for. Let them in.''
In a waiting room in a hospital in Water 7 a couple of hours later.
The boys were waiting to see if Hinata was ok. Until A guy came up and started to talk to them. His most notable feature was his blue hair that was in pompadour style, a nose made of iron and his forearms looked bloated with stars on them. He wore a Hawaiian shirt with a chain and just a Speedo.
"Hey, I heard you're the ones who brought back that girl who left to go help find some help. That was so brave of you little bros. You want some cola plus my name is Franky and I'm the Co owner of the ship making company.'' Franky said and the boys except the cola.
"Are you a pervert?" Naruto said while Luffy added
"And are you a mage?'' Franky said
"No little guys I'm not a mage. I'm just one SSUUPPEERR shipwright.''
"Wow, what type of ships do you guys make.'' Luffy said with excitement.
"We make all kinds of ships from sailing ships to flying ships. We make the best ships in all of Fiore. But ever since that dark guild made that blockade our business took a hit because we can't get supplies to build the ships.'' Franky said with a frown.
"Did you help protect the town?'' is what Ichigo asked Franky. Franky then shows them a picture of how he used to look and begins to tell them during the attack, he helped fight back but he got injured beyond belief. But thanks to the head doctor here and his buddy named Iceberg who was the owner of the ship making company then put him back together. After he was telling them his story a woman with long black braided hair came up and said
"So Franky you're giving our guests some company while they wait.'' with a smile.
''Yeah, I am doc. Kids, this is our resident SSUUPPEERR doctor Retsu Unohana.'' Franky said while he introduced Unohana.
"Nice to meet you Miss Unohana'' is what the three boys said while they introduced them self's to the woman. She simply smiled and said
"Nice to meet you boys. You can go see her now." after hearing that they all said thank you to Unohana and bye to Franky to go see Hinata. In Hinata's room.
"I'm happy she is ok.'' Naruto said with a sigh of relief.
'' Yeah, she's lucky we got her here. She was a lot more injured, then she looked back when we found her.'' Ichigo says with the same amount of relief. Luffy was about to say something, but is interrupted when an old man appears with two men. One that was a guy with an eye patch and black spiky hair. The other guy had long light brown and was even taller than the one with the eye patch.
"Hello, you must be the three young mates who saved little miss Hinata here. I'm the mayor of Water 7 Hiruzan Sarutobi nice to meet you kids. This is a tall guy over here is Sajin Komamura (AN: His human form). This eye patched fellow here is Kenpachi Zaraki he's my body guard and Dr. Unohana's husband. (AN: BTW, I ship Unohana and Kenpachi) " Hiruzan said.
"Wait, that guy is married to that sweet lady no way what does she see in him.'' Ichigo and Naruto thought in unison.
"Wow you guys look strong can we fight?" Luffy said with a toothy smile to the two men.
"I like this kid's moxie.'' Kenpachi said with a smile while Komamura said
"You have a lot of confidence don't you straw hat.''
"Now for your payment what do you boys want.'' Hiruzan asked. Luffy replied with
"Let us help you with that dark guild that's been bothering you.'' Hiruzan look surprised by what he just heard and says
"Why not mayor you guys need all the help you need?'' Ichigo says.
"You three are still children and I will not use children to fight our towns trouble for us. My two strongest here would have dealt with CP Elephant but they warned us if either of these two leave, they will attack the town while they're gone. So I implore you three to not to do anything. We have a place for three to stay and give you time to think of your payment.'' Hiruzan says as he leaves with his guards. An hour after that conversation the boys had left the hospital.
''Kit don't get mad about something like this if they don't want you guys to help then screw them or is it to avenge that Hinata girl's mother.'' Kurama said in Naruto's Mindscape.
"It doesn't matter what it is about I just want to prove that old man wrong. Plus Hinata risked her life to go get help and we found her. We will help no matter what anybody says'' Naruto said back to the fox.
"I agree with everything you just said Naruto.'' Luffy said and Naruto looked confused on how Luffy heard him.
"You were speaking out loud again Naruto. You should at least try to speak in your mind only when talking Kurama.'' said Ichigo.
''I really got to stop doing that or else people will think I'm crazy.'' said an embarrassed Naruto. Luffy then says
"Then lets go beat up that entire guild then.''
"Yeah, there are a few problems, first we don't even know where their guild is located, and second even if we did know where to go we would still be outnumbered.'' Ichigo said to the others and they both replied in unison with "We'll just wing it.'' This only caused Ichigo to say
"You guys can't be serious.''
"Well, we are so are you with us Ichigo.'' Luffy said.
"Fine, lets go beat the shit out of those Basterds. If are guild can't beat a dark guild then we will never be the strongest guild'' Ichigo replied.
"Then lets do this." they all said in unison.
It was a big decision to see if I was going to add more characters from Bleach Naruto and One piece. So after a lot of thinking I decided to add them, but as side characters and antagonists. So thanks for reading.
Next Chapter: CP Elephant Raid