Chapter 5

Chapter fiveRin couldn't take the silly blush off of her face as they all headed to Rei's room after Kakashi sang the stupid kissing song after explaining that they decided to call him Reiji but Rei for short and Kakashi suishinned for his life when the vein on Rin's head bulged out.

Kakashi came back when they started walking to Rei's room with Rin walking up ahead, Minato, Kushina and Naruto walking together behind her and Kakashi behind them for his life. Rin knocked on his door before sliding it open and peaking her head through to see him sitting up and reading a magazine, he turned to the noise and smiled at her a little.

"Hey Rei, you have a few visitors." Rin said with a smile, opening the door further to reveal Minato, Kushina and Naruto and Kakashi. Rei's eye widened and he sat up straight and bowed awkwardly sitting in his bed after putting the magazine down.

"Yondaime-sama, what an honour to see you again, please come in." Rei said, surprise evident in his voice. Minato smiled and walked in with his arm around Kushina's waist.

"Rei, I'd like you to meet my wife Uzumaki Kushina and my son Namikaze Naruto. Kushina this is the boy Kakashi found and we've decided to call him Reiji or Rei for short." Minato introduced them and Kushina grinned.

"Good to see you're all right after the state you were found in." Kushina said and Naruto babbled.

"Thank you and I am grateful to be alive right now even if I've lost my memories and it's lovely to meet you Kushina-sama and Naruto-kun." He said, waving at the kid who laughed and grinned with his gums.

"Oh please, just call me Kushina." She said with a small blush on her cheeks and waved her hand and Rei smiled.

"Okay then. So what do I owe this honour to, having so many visitors?" Rei asked, relaxing back into his bed a little, eyes already drooping with sleep.

"We won't take up much of your time however you will be getting out of the hospital soon and will need a place to stay. And it would be unfair to just throw you into jail when you haven't done anything." Minato mused with an evil glint to his eye and Rei shivered and swallowed. Kakashi snorted at that thought, leaning next to the door. "We're trying to find a jonin or at least a chunin to watch over you most of the time as well as close enough to Inoichi in case something happens with your memory."

"You see I would do it but I only have a one bedroom apartment and not even a couch for someone to sleep on plus I'm always away." Kakashi said off handed with a smirk behind his mask and Rei looked like he was glaring at him through his droopy eyes.

"He can stay with me. I'm sure my mom won't mind and it's in the civilian area so it's all calm for you to recover." Rin said with excitement and Kakashi rolled his eye, which no one saw. "I'm always in the village and the hospital anyway so I have the time to watch him plus I'm a jonin so it's perfect." She added at Minato's unsure gaze.

"Go on Minato, it can't hurt." Kushina grinned and winked at Rin who blushed. Minato just sighed in defeat he knew he wouldn't win against Kushina on this one.

"Very well then if it's okay with you Rei you'll be staying with Rin after we go and talk to her mother first." Minato said, turning and leaving with Kushina, Naruto and Rin after she grinned at Rei and waved goodbye, leaving Kakashi there again.

"A smooth talker huh?" Kakashi asked plainly and Rei just blinked.

"I'm just trying to be polite. For all I know I could have been sent here to cause trouble and I've done enough of that already… Besides you talk like I do anyway." Rei countered and Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"Touché…" Kakashi laughed. "But remember this Rei. If you were sent here to cause trouble in Konoha, I will have no qualms about killing you myself so tread lightly." Kakashi warned before he suishinned out and Rei's eyebrow quirked.

"Says the one who saved me in the first place." Rei muttered to the empty room while settling down in bed again and drifting to sleep.


Minato finally sat at his desk with a long drawn out sigh. He didn't know what to do with Rei from now on since Rin's mom graciously took him in for the time being even when Minato warned her he didn't know when he would be able to leave. No information but an age and his possible skills as a shinobi, a clean and well trained slate but he couldn't just enrol a random person into the Ninja Corps in case he got his memory back, he'd have too much information on Konoha just by being a ninja.

He mentally face palmed for his break down the other day and for acting like he did… Especially hugging Kakashi after he didn't know how he got home. A lot of things came down hard on him that week with the early birth of Naruto and the test results coming up with a lot of Obito's DNA… But he had no solid proof that Rei killed Obito that night and his emotions had jumped ahead of him and he lashed out.

Kushina had been like an angel when he woke up and made sure he was coherent and awake before her hair flared, placing her hands on her hips with Itachi hiding behind Mikoto who also wasn't very impressed. Apparently she wasn't very impressed that Minato destroyed a training field and had everyone in Konoha cowering in fear… He had a lot of complaints the next day and each complaint he received Kushina was there to put ointment on one of his self imposed wounds… Not to mention how much he had to pay out of his own pocket to fix the training ground. He promised to himself and Kushina he'd be responsible and there would never be another next time and Minato sighed again as he stared down at the papers on his desk.

"You look like you could use a drink." A voice mocked from behind him to his left and Minato couldn't help the smile forming on his face as he turned to look at his old mentor.

"I could use some helpful information. Got anything interesting for me sensei?" Minato asked, hopeful there might be something, anything to go on with Rei.

"Unfortunately not Minato… But Sarutobi-sensei has all of his resources out there and my spy network as well trying to find any information on this kid." Jiraiya said and Minato groaned and dropped his face into his hands. "But…" He began and Minato looked up with interest. "I've found an interesting mercenary group I'm looking into that have apparently been used through the countries in the previous war that is more heartless than the other organisation I discovered called Akatsuki. It's still new to my sources but I'll keep my ears open for you." He said with a smile and Minato smiled back.

"Sounds interesting, keep me posted. At least it'll take my mind off of Rei." Minato said before turning back to his desk and began with the paperwork.

"Rei? Oh the kid, I heard it was given to him. So he has no memory at all?" Jiraiya asked, sitting on the couch off to the left of Minato.

"No memory but his age and his skills as a shinobi on instinct. It's a shame really that his skills will be going to waste in the meantime but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place." Minato sighed once again, reading over a document.

"Perhaps you should let him keep training." Jiraiya said and Minato dropped his pen and looked up at his mentor like he was crazy. "Just listen… It could jog his memory quicker… They may be the more unpleasant memories but maybe the others will float back with them… Don't let his skills go to a complete waste either, give him some of the new genin D-rank missions so he can earn his keep… Under watch of coarse." Jiraiya continued and he could see the wheels turning in Minato's head and grinned to himself.

"That… may actually work. Sensei, you're a genius… Now all I have to do is work out a schedule and who can watch over him and it would be perfect." Minato said, writing on a scroll furiously while Jiraiya slipped out silently with a grin.

"Sensei… Oi, Minato-sensei!" Minato jolted up in his chair and didn't realise he had fallen asleep, grinning at Kakashi sheepishly. "You're not suppose to be sleeping there… That's what the couch is for." Kakashi said, eye smiling but Minato could see him grinning under the mask and holding a laugh in as he glared at his student.

"Brat… That's your place anyway." He said with a wave of his hand and Kakashi opened his eye and it softened for a second, bringing a smile to Minato's face.

"I use to lie there all the time away from my fan club now I'm just too busy…" He mused as he walked over to it and sat down, wiggling in it fondly, leaning back and looking more rested than he had in a while.

"So… Why'd you wake me from my nap?" Minato asked as he sorted out his desk and got back to work.

"What do you know about Rei and the whole incident?" Kakashi asked plane and serious and for a second time that day, Minato dropped his pen and leaned back in his chair. "And don't say nothing… There isn't much that can rattle you up so badly as the other day before my last mission… You know something else don't you?" Kakashi accused and Minato groaned and looked up at the ceiling. "You're a lousy liar sensei."

"Fine then but I cannot give you details as all we have to go on is the DNA we managed to scrape up from the fire Rei was found next to… We linked that DNA to four people in the village… Three are suppose to be dead, well technically they are dead and the other is related to one of the deceased plus he's well monitored and has alibis for that specific night and weeks before it." Minato explained and Kakashi soaked the information in, trying to slot it in with his teacher's breakdown. The only time Minato gets angry like that is when his loved ones are in danger… He looked into his blue eyes and saw pain being held in them as well as simmering anger and he knew exactly who it was as Minato only held a certain few loved ones, only one dying recently.

"Obito…" Kakashi allowed the name to ghost off of his lips and Minato stiffened, confirming it as Kakashi slumped back against the couch.

"I've sent ANBU out to locate and investigate Orochimaru since it was confirmed after he left he was looking into the Niidaime's reanimation jutsu… I thought we might get clues or some information as to why we found his DNA. Perhaps it was an experiment of his…" Minato said and Kakashi nodded, as it became deathly silent.

"Sensei." Kakashi spoke up softly after a while and Minato hummed to let him know he was listening. "Do you think it's possible… Obito might have survived after the landslide?" Kakashi asked hesitantly as Minato's eyes shot to Kakashi who was staring out the window across the room with his arms crossed.

"You said it yourself plus Rin said she checked while doing the eye transplant… Obito's right hand side was crushed and if that rock moved, he would have bled out quicker than he was already and died. There's no possible way he could have survived, not even Tsunade-sama would have been able to save him." Minato said, ending in a low and saddened voice, avoiding eye contact. Obito still is and always will be a sore topic for the team especially Kakashi and Minato, Kakashi had always considered that a failure of a mission and will for the rest of his life and his left eye will always be the reminder of it.

"So… Then whoever was in the fire wasn't Obito." Kakashi said sternly, standing up. "We'll just have to keep looking and hope Rei gets his memories back so we can see who that 'person' was and solve this case once and for all… I'll see you later sensei and don't stay too late, Kushina has been worrying about you." He said with a salute and suishinned away with a stunned Minato sitting there staring at the spot Kakashi was just in.

He couldn't believe what had just happened as he picked up his pen and smiled at himself as he worked. He knew Kakashi was always mature beyond his years but he was still young and always needed guidance and emotional support but today his student had swapped it all around.

He had just proven how much he had grown over the years of war kids like him have matured quicker which was a shame really but what could they do? It was the harsher realities of life. Kakashi had known them since his mother died and then his father and now his best friend, being trained as a shinobi genius since he could walk and comprehend, he had no need or time to just be a kid but he handled and still is handling it well.

Minato knew he could never fully understand Kakashi because his circumstances and pain throughout his life had been way different back then. He grew up not knowing his parents since his father had died before he was born and his mother died during childbirth, he wasn't forced to jump up the ranks quickly and could take his time to learn and comprehend things like seals and create his own jutsus that have saved countless lives and taken countless more but as a ninja you just have to endure and it seems like Kakashi had come to terms with it already… At the tender age of fifteen.

Minato leaned back in his chair and linked his hands across his stomach and smiled to himself, seeing as the sun was going down he should get home soon. His time teaching was fading like the setting sun and his student's time was rising to take their own students like his son in the next few years and that thought made him grin as he stood up and headed out the door, turning the lights off as he went home to his family waiting for him.