Chapter 1

An: We start this reboot on pretty much the same first chapter just kind of with better spelling.

"STOP" Naruto yelled, watching Haku throw himself in front of the Chidori.

Naruto watched not blinking as time seemed to halt he saw Haku protect Zubzuba with his life.

But when it came down to it, nothing happened, the attack had stopped moving, and Naruto realized time had frozen at this one instant.

Not even wasting time to consider he ran to Haku, he ran faster than he ever had before. He shoved the boy out of the way of the attack just as time restarted itself around him.

"CHIDORI" Kakashi yelled, only to widen his eye's in horror, instead of Zubzuba, he hit his student. No, he tore straight threw the boy like he wasn't even there.

"No, oh god no, NO" Kakashi yelled watching the body of his student fall to the ground, alive if the blood pumping out of him was an indicator.

"It all stopped, all of it, like I had frozen time" Naruto muttered out inaudible, kind of like dying words.

"NO YOU FUCKING BRAT, IF YOU DIE ON ME RIGHT NOW, I'LL TEAR YOUR SOUL APART" An enraged voice yelled in his head as blood red chakra came off his body, sealing the gash on his body almost instantly. "Now then, you better thank for that, fucking brat."

The scene before him occurred like a haze, he couldn't understand a word of what was said. All he could tell from what he saw was that Haku was still there, and that was the most beautiful sight to him. Everything was fading away, if this was death it felt blissful. If the last sight Naruto would ever see is Hakus face, he could accept it.