"Lyarra." I said as I walked up to the sole sitting Stark at the high table in the dining hall. It's a very interesting thing marriage, it's a commitment made by two people to love and stand by each other. At least in most minds it is, but the thing I learned in my two lives was that it was built upon small things. Sure something big can come along and destroy it, but to keep it strong meant that both sides needed to keep by just a few things to fuel the belief of commitment. "I'm surprised to find you alone, where are the pups?" I asked and she slouched a bit in her seat. "Oh… bit of a romantic dinner between such a happy couple? What's the occasion?"
"Anniversary." She said with just a tiny bit of the flood of bitterness that was being held back in check. She then looked up to me, the man that was here instead of the husband that should be here. Lyarra had been fighting her needs ever since she had laid eyes on me and I had sensed it since that first meeting. She didn't love me, she found me attractive and enjoyed my company. That was it but that was all she needed. For once she wanted to feel a passionate night with a man that she could actually feel attracted to. But she stuffed down those feelings down and likely arranged this night with Rickard in hopes of finding some reason to not go through with her desires.
"I will leave you to this then, enjoy your fight with your husband as I enjoy my night with my apprentice." I said knowing what was going through Lyarra's head. I presented her with both the near undesirable future she had with Rickard and the enviable time I would be having with Jaesa. And just as I knew she would, she grabbed my wrist before I left her side.
"Wait." She said with a frown on her face, both anger at her husband and jealousy toward Jaesa mixing upon her beautiful features. She knew what she was going to do, but she needed to be sure. Some semblance of loyalty to Rickard and her vows remained and needed to be tested. "W-where… where is he right now. I know that you know these things."
"Currently…" I reached out into the Force and felt the ebbs and flows of it. "He's with several of his veteran guards all drinking. There are no whores… they're just trading stories of the battles they fought in." I said and while I knew I must have made it not nearly as easy as she would have wanted it, it was enough. Her hand had still not left my sleeve although it was slightly limp now.
"If I were to…" She bit her lip as if to stop herself. She wanted this, she wanted to sully her marriage to her cousin that she had no feelings for. She wanted to step on the farce that was this family. She loved her children she did but she only wished that they weren't Rickard's children or that they were some other woman's and she had her own with another man. It was a horrible thing for a mother to think but she couldn't help but feel it. These feelings were so bare for me to see, I guess this is what Jaesa must feel like. I watched as she gathered her wits and tried again. "If I were to ask you to-" This time it was me that stopped her, with a single finger to her lip. She looked up expectedly as if waiting for a lecture on how she was an awful wife she was. But never came.
"Lyarra… you once asked me if there were any Gods where I came from." She her eyes shined in slight amazement that I had remembered that. "I want you to think of me as the Devil in this moment." I said letting a small piece of the Dark Side flow out of me. The Dark Side has both the power of dread and the power to entice. I let both out in equal measure. She flinched but didn't look away, her attention was on me in full. The rest of the building could be burning and she would not notice. And I let my Mask drop.
My eyes turned yellow, a small twinge of crimson red at the very center. Where's Jaesa's yellow eyes were a sickening color mine were tinted more golden. The veins in my face turned black as my skin grew ivory pale. My black hair grew sharp and very quill-like and shined in a strange light. My bone structure grew sharper and more akin to True Blood Sith giving me a demonic face to the unknowing human. And out from a small parting of my lips fangs could be seen. For any Sith small physical changes are accumulated over time as your exposure to the Dark Side grew. This was the changes that had been done to me, I thankfully got off very light given that I had achieved Balance before ending up a monster like some other Sith.
"N-Naraiz? What is happening to you?" Lyarra asked as I pulled my finger away to let her speak. Her breathing was heavy with both fear and arousal. She had no idea how but this man before her was the most demonic thing she had seen and yet… she could not look away. He was both horrifying and beautiful at the same time.
"I told you… think of me as the Devil." I said, my voice having a small dark echo to it. I reached out and put my fingers under her chin, our eyes locked with each other as she was completely memorized in my power. "I will grant you all that you desire and more. A world of pleasure and fulfillment is just in your grasp. A place in my plans, I would protect you from all and make sure you want for nothing. But the Devil must have his due." I said as I moved my hand to cup her cheek, leaning down close so that she could see every detail of the Devil in front of her.
At this point my mind was fully delving into the Dark Side. More and more of the ensnaring power of the Dark Side leaked out of me, and seeing Lyarra shiver in hungry need for me lowered my guard and allowed the Dark Side a stronger footing in me. It knew I would later purge it from my soul as I always did when I slipped up. As even now I wasn't giving in to it but getting a little drunk on its power. It happened from time to time but I did indulge the Dark Side, sometimes a little more than I should, such as in this moment. Maybe because it was the first time doing so with my new mind, the me from Earth was unused to getting so close to the sun and our wings melted a bit.
"And what is the Devil's due?" She asked as she leaned into my grasp, her eyes speaking nothing but long desired longing for more than the life she had. Her pure love of her children was muted by the denied woman that had gone unsatisfied for too long. She wanted to feel something for a change, instead of the Northern cold of her husband.
"What the Devil always wants." I said before pulling my hand away from her, causing the woman to nearly whine at its loss. I reached out and pulled with the Force one of the swords that hung on the wall. The second it reached my hand I grasped around it and began infusing my power into it. The Dark Side guided my actions now as I used my unrivaled skills in Sith Alchemy to change the metal into what I desired. Lyarra watched in awe as the sword melted down before her eyes. Arcs of dark energy passed between my arm and the molten metal imbuing with the magics I and the Dark Side needed from it. Just as with Midwan, I was creating an artifact of the Dark Side, but one that would not destroy but dominate. "… the Devil wants your soul." I said as I held out my creation. Lyarra stared at the collar in my hand, a band of blackened metal with Sith Runes carved into it lined with dark gold with a small triangle hook in the front.
"My soul?" She asked with trepidation but I could sense that just seeing the collar had her swelling with a perverse excitement. Something dark in her had festered long under her resentment toward her life as Lady Stark, and now both my power and the allure of the Dark Side was feeding into it.
"Put this on, and you will be my slave. Mind, body, and soul. I will be your undisputed master, and my power will forever tie you to my will." I said as she looked at the ornate collar unwilling to answer the side that screamed to shove the object away. Instead all she could feel was anticipation. She had always lived in a cage and she had long since resigned herself to it. From birth she knew that she would amount to little more than Lady of Winterfell. So early on, she learned how to find relief and peace in that cage. But that didn't mean she accepted it, far from it. Now in front of her was a choice, one cage or the other.
There as a small clink sound as Lyarra took the collar and snapped it shut around her neck. She felt nothing at first until the band tightened around her neck, only stopping just as she felt it nearly choking her. She then grasped her neck as she felt the pain now begin to spread across her body starting from the collar. She stood up from her seat and turned around, stumbling back into the table. Then just as she was about to scream… it all changed. Her arms limply fell from clawing at her neck as the pain vanished and was replaced by a numbness that sunk deep into her mind. Then she began to feel warm… then hot as her whole body exploded with arousal. Lyarra fell back on her hands on the dining table, panting as her whole body felt a heat like she never felt before. Her eyes glazed over in pleasure as her tongue draped out of her mouth drooling.
"Master…" She panted as she laid eyes on the man she just instinctively felt subservience to. Her mind twisted as something new pushed itself onto her. Then she felt her body heat up even more as she felt her skin begin mold like hands were sculpting her into something else. But most of the time she felt something deep inside of her being stained by some force, something was tainting her soul as her mind and body changed to what her master desired of her.
I watched it play out before me and with the drop of my hand I used the Force to rip down her dress leaving her body completely exposed. Even her smallclothes had been removed giving me a full view of her impressive bust and dripping womanhood. She never moved to cover herself and if anything having me admire her naked body increased her arousal. I watched as the Dark Side shaped and molded her flesh into impossible beauty, and then with insane fascination as she took one some not so human traits. It wasn't unheard of for Sith to graft changes onto their slaves but only a master of Sith Alchemy like myself could do so as seamlessly as what was happening before my eyes.
"Oh… I really do have quite the sense irony." I laughed as the Dark Side fed off my inner thoughts and changed Lyarra to be what I wanted her to be. Honestly I really doubt how much effect the Sith Naraiz Rhyhall would have on me. The me of Earth would be freaking out and even mildly disgusted by my actions, but this new me just felt excitement at what was happening to Lyarra. I watched as she began to mutate, changing by the power of the Dark Side guided my dark desires.
"M-master please…" She begged as she looked to me, in her eyes was lust and submission. Gone was the mother wolf that only sought to protect her pups, now it was replaced by a bitch that only craved to pleasure and be pleasured by her alpha. I knew that the wolf would come back for anyone other than myself. As that's what I wanted, I had no time for weak willed doormats, even in my pets.
"My pet did you really think I would leave you wanting?" I said as came in close, she smiled the most honest smile I had seen on her before I took her lips with my own. Instantly she opened her mouth to let my tongue do as I pleased. Lyarra moaned as she felt one of my hands reach around her head and take a handful of hair, while the other one snaked around her back and gripped ahold of her shapely behind. However, I smirked as I moved both of my hands to her two new additions. One hand slipped off her flesh and caressed the new wolf tail that had grown out of her, while the other soon moved to scratch her new set of wolf ears. Oh Sith Alchemy… bringing a nerd's dreams to reality. While I could sense that there was panic in Lyarra at the sensation of her new features, never did she push me away or move to stop me in anyway. I was her master and I could do with her what I want. Deciding that I should answer for what I have done, I pulled away from my new slave. Though by the slight lean back towards me and open mouth ready to continue I may have overestimated her desire to understand what happened to her body. "My-my-my… aren't you an eager one."
"Please master, use me as you want." She pleaded as her juices ran down her leg, her cunt gushing arousal as her body rippled with pleasure from the transformation and just being in my presence. The collar on her neck looked like it was fused to her flesh, and Lyarra never wanted it to leave her. It was the symbol of her master's ownership of her. She was my property, a bitch to be used at his pleasure. Whatever vestige of independent spirit she once had been consumed by the Dark Side.
"I will pet, I will." I said as I reached out and patted her on the head. A small reward for her acceptance of her new role. Lyarra could not deny the wonderful sensation she felt as her master scratched behind her new wolf ears. "You're not the least bit curious about these new features? Speak honestly." I said knowing that she might not in hopes of hurrying along to me taking her. I planned to fully, the guards outside were all in a daze and under my power. They would not recall anything but that I arrived tonight and left a few moments later. Beyond that, I had thrown up a bubble around us keeping any sound in the room. I intended to make my bitch howl tonight.
"If this is what my master desires my body to look like than I accept it." Lyarra said as she twitched her ears and moved her tail gently. Testing out the feeling of the new appendages. The ears surprisingly were the most noticeable by her, the tail on the other hand she could barely feel unless she brushed it along the table behind her. She could also feel that her waist was a bit slimmer and her hips wider, not much though. Her chest remained as full as it had been. And the rest of her body had become much more toned and even enhanced beyond what a human's body should be capable of. She should want to, she could punch through the stone walls of the keep and not even feel a thing after breaking right through. "This will be difficult to explain." She said not really understanding it would be impossible, but then again she was in a lust drunk haze.
"After tonight I will make you a Sith Mask, a Dark Side Force power that I use to conceal my true face." I said as I touched my face, it had been a really long time since I let the Mask drop. Not even Jaesa has seen what I really look like more than once, Vette's actually the only person I let see me when she's tending to me while I go into Force Rest, a meditative slumber where I am the most vulnerable. During it I have to drop the Mask and any other Force powers that are active on my person, I only trust Vette to my body during this time. "But that's for later." I said as I began to take off my upper robes. I had made sure to wear some of the more easy to remove robes. Lyarra gazed longingly as my upper body was exposed, just as my face the rest of my skin had turned ivory pale with black veins contrasting to the white of my skin. I chuckled as Lyarra attentively took my robes and placed them aside. "Do as you want my pet." I said and Lyarra reached to touch my chest, the feeling of her soft hands graze across my real skin felt wonderful. I forgot how much my sense of touch is diluted by the Mask.
"Do my hands please you master?" She asked as she continued to explore my uncovered body. Her eyes at times looking down, I knew what she really wanted but I just wanted to enjoy myself some more. I sighed contently as she traced along a few of my scars, I could sense the sight of which was turning her on even further. "Master? Is there ayh~" She moaned as I cupped her breasts, feeling that she should be rewarded for giving me such joy of another person's touch. "Master is touching me… I've never felt so good." Her hands grasped onto me as I continued to play with her superbly full chest, the look of pure pleasure that she had on her face told me all I needed to know. That Rickard had seriously left this woman wanting in bed, a true crime if there ever was one.
"Such a dirty slave I have, moaning like this just from having your tits groped." I chuckled as kneaded her soft globes of flesh. My fingers grasping and squeezing, and with each movement I made her moans grew louder. And eventually as I twisted one of her hardened nipples I caused her to let out the first howl of the night.
"O-only you master. Only you can… ahh yes… please master, touch me more!" She said as she moved one of her hands from her master's arm to her breast, intent on keeping it there for as long as she could. Lyarra had never had sex like this, it was always was so simple with her husband. He stick her with his cock and thrust into her until he finished, it had been better when they were younger but that faded quickly. Never did he touch her like her master did. "I feel something…" She mewled as she could feel her body heat up once again and unfamiliar build up followed. But then it all stopped as her master removed his hands from her breasts. "Master no~"
"Not just yet my pet." I said as with the snap of my fingers I used the Force to click my lower robes open. The straps that acted as a belt unlatched themselves and let my body be completely free of clothes. Lyarra looked down in awe, she had only ever seen one man's penis before but now that she was seeing mine she knew even deeper what she had been lacking all this time. I loved Sith breeding practices, selecting only the best physical specimens to carry on the Sith lines. Making sure that they were the best in all areas.
"Please master… let me please you as you did me." Lyarra begged as she continued to stare at my already hard member. She never even saw that my right leg was entirely black metal. I moved around her and took the seat that she had been in at the start of all this. With a small gesture of my hand I told her to do as she wished. I watched as she got on her knees and tentatively reached out and began slowly stroking my cock. Her hands feeling even better there than on my chest. She began slowly, not entirely sure on how to please me but she knew that was her purpose here. "I'm sorry master, I don't know how to do this." She said deeply ashamed of herself that she was doing so poorly. I just chuckled at her inexperience.
"Use your mouth." I said as I rested my head on my fist. While it was true that she wasn't as skilled in the bedroom as say Jaesa, she didn't have much chance to become skilled at it by what her surface thoughts of Rickard showed me. But I knew she would take direction well and she did. Without a thought of hesitation she took the tip of my cock into her mouth and began sucking it. Almost like a switch she began to bob her head up and down on my manhood like she had done a thousand times before.
"I need more master… your taste is so delicious." She praised after letting my prick go with a loud pop, her hand stroking it as she now sucked on my balls. I didn't know if it was the collar or the Dark Side but her skill was improving by the seconds. "Please master, I want to be covered in your seed." Lyarra begged with a needy look in her eyes as she returned to sucking my cock, taking half of my length with each bob of her head.
"Keep this up and you'll have your wish." I groaned in pleasure as I rested a hand on her head and began moving her to a better rhythm that I enjoyed. She picked up on this and followed my unsaid directions perfectly. Her small moans vibrating around my dick as I rewarded her by scratching behind her new ears. Her pace slowly increased over time and soon enough I was at my climax. "I'm cumming." I grunted and Lyarra was apparently not ready for the ending of her first blowjob. I shot a rope of cum into her mouth and filled her up. She pulled off my cock, causing me to continue to spray the rest of my load all over her naked body.
"(cough) T-thank y-you master." She coughed a bit more before finally stopping and began savoring the taste of my seed. "So good… it's like nothing I've ever tasted before." She said as she used her fingers to collect what had covered her chest and face. Enjoying my essence so much she began cleaning herself by licking up whatever had landed on her. My cock stood right back up at the sight, I already had good recovery time but damn if that was not sexy as fuck.
"I think it's time that I claimed you properly." I said as I raised my hand in the air and grabbed ahold of a chain that materialized out of the air. The chain connected to the hook on Lyarra's collar and using it I pulled her up and onto my lap. My hardened cock now sliding along her drenched pussy, I rubbed across her clit sending waves of carnal ecstasy through her body. "Do you want this Lyarra, for me to take you forever and reshape your pussy so that no man could please you but me?" I growled as I lightly yanked on her chain, causing a yelp of pleasure as the collar glowed slightly reminding her who she belonged to.
"Yes! I want you master, take me and make your bitch!" She howled as her mind fogged in the euphoria of lust. With a smirk I used the Force to lift her up and grabbed her legs so that I could control the pace to how I wanted. Then without warning I dropped her down onto my length filling her all the way to her womb. She screamed out as she came just from that one thrust, coating my cock in her juices. Her face was priceless, cross-eyed drunk on the pleasure as her tongue stuck out unable to properly voice what she was feeling. But her voice returned to her as I began to move her up and down on my shaft. Seemingly still out of it, she unconsciously wrapped her arms around my neck and clung to me as I pounded into her still hungry cunt. "Yes-yes-yes… keep going master! Make forget all about my husband… I want no one else but you!"
"Don't worry, I intend to do just that." I smiled, my sharp fangs on full display as an elongated tongue licked my lips in hunger. I continued to slam in and out of her tight inner walls, I could feel her grip around my cock in a vice like grip with the desire to never let me go. From the sounds she was making it made me think she never had an orgasm in her life let only multiple ones so closely together. Deciding to have a better view of her, with only my mind I used the Force to push everything off the table in front of us before picking Lyarra up and placing her on her back on the now clear table. Her arms left my neck and grabbed ahold of the edges of the table to anchor herself in one spot. I had a wonderful view of her body glistening in sweat as I pumped in and out of her, her beautiful face contorted into a mask of stupidly fucked pleasure, her breasts heaving with every thrust I made, her legs wrapping around me pulling me in further to her hot core.
"I'm cumming again on master cock!" Lyarra screamed and I could feel her constrict around me as she neared her climax. "Master… I want it. I want to feel you filling up with your magnificent seed. Please grace this bitch with everything you have." She begged with eyes full of pleading lust. Smirking, I began to thrust in and out of her faster getting me up to my own climax. The sounds of Lyarra howling filled the hall and could not help but feel a little pride by the volume.
"Your mine Lyarra Stark, mine forever." I growled as I came inside her, sending her over the edge. She lost her voice as her face was stuck gasping as her mind was subsumed in the pleasure. The feeling of my cum filling her womb to the brim was too good for her and her limbs went limp from the sensation. She fell off my cock and the table, landing on her side panting heavy on the stone floor. Her own juices and my cum leaking out of her abused snatch.
"I'm your master… forever." She said dumbly as she weakly put a hand to the collar that was around her neck. It's dark aura a soothing comfort as it felt as warm and pleasing as the white goo that settled within her. I however had returned back to the seat and looked on the sight of Lyarra in her fucked stupid state with a frown. My mind had begun to lift the fog of the Dark Side and I was unhappy with what just happened. Both from the perspective of the Sith and the man I was before this.
From the Sith I felt nothing but white hot rage at my weakness to allow myself to create that blasted collar. Sure… it was indescribable how turned on it made me seeing it on her. And I was very proud of it in theory but not so much its use on this particular person. It would be difficult to hide this from Rickard. Her personality was changed and he'd likely figure out that something happened. The physical traits would be easy to hide with a Sith Mask, so I only found them ironically amusing and fantastically adorable. On the other side of my mixing personality… I was a little horrified at what I had done. Sure I had the memories of me breaking people to my will but… this was still me doing it now. It was only thanks to my Sith side that I wasn't freaking out over this.
The Dark Side had been fed and I knew it had to be done sooner or later, going to long without indulging in the Dark Side made me both weaker in it and made the allure of it stronger. This was just one of the few safer ways I could give into the Dark Side without falling to it. It felt nice to take a short swim in the darkness but I couldn't stay too long. Now I would need to do something to sate the Light Side which was tricky seeing as I mostly did that by chance. The Dark Side was action while the Light Side was often inaction… making it difficult to take a dive into the Light Side so to say. I needed a situation where I could attune to the Light Side beyond just meditating. I'm sure one will come up sooner or later. And if not that means I'll have to spend a few days in front of the Weirwood bathing myself in the Light to push back the Dark.
Author's notes
Yeah... that happened. Let me get this out of the way right now, No... Naraiz did not rape Lyarra. Did he do questionable things to her... yes. However it was all consensual on both sides. Lyarra agreed to this even if Naraiz pulled out several tricks to get her to do this, including striking at a vulnerable time, using the Dark Side to influence her current emotional state, and taking advantage of the fact she was thirsty as fuck and in a loveless marriage. But again, the MC of this story will never ever forcibly rape a woman who does not want any sexual relations with him. There is a line people. I'm not saying that Naraiz will be a saint but he does have a moral code and that is high on it.
Hopefully most of you already have some idea what we are getting into with this story. But I'm sure there will be snowflakes that will get triggered regardless. For the rest of us let us continued to enjoy the story as it plays out.
Check out my original work on here - www. pat reon MikeX713
Reviews (again, if you have a basic review, thank you for saying how you feel but to avoid clutter I will only answer people with a direct comment or a question.)
rmarcano321 - that I'm in it
Notsae - He know all of that but is not actually planning much of the Empire building right now. He's more focused on rebuilding the Sith and getting established in Westeros.
CaptainRolo - eh... it's going to be a while. This is going to be a epic length story so the pacing is going to be a little slow. First Naraiz needs to get his order approved by the King, then get the needed resources and manpower, and then he needs to actually find other Force Users. So I would say it's going to be at least... twelve more chapters. I think.
Ser Dinadan - Oh yes... he will be getting a few of those.
Seraphius - That is a interesting point and we shall see how that plays out. As for the aliens... Vette will pop in here and there. Broonmark will be very background character for the time being. He'll be more important later on, I have a full chapter where he and Tormand go on adventures together. But for right now I'm tabling them for when the ship gets fixed and Naraiz can start working on a galactic scale.