Author's Notes
So it seems that the whole Republic getting a Halo army turned a good deal of people off. Honestly that wasn't what I was expecting it to be given what happened last chapter. But okay... if people don't want to read epic space battles and planetary invasions reminiscent of Reach that's fine. We'll just go on to enjoy it all.
This chapter is more of a transitionary one. We will be moving on from Winterfell and onto King's Landing. Yay... plot progression. As much as the North is cool... pun... Naraiz can't do much if he stays there. So on to the South!
Please consider supporting me on P-atreon for all my writing ventures.
"I did it again!" I said as I slammed the door to my room open knowing Jaesa was already inside. What I wasn't expecting was that her lower half would be covered in blood and naked on my bed. I thought I told her I don't like blood on my bed when I sleep. Oh well… I'll deal.
"You did what again master, there's a great number of… oh~" Jaesa smiled as I came in pulling Lyarra by a chain into the room and shutting the door behind her. "I like the tail… fits for the wolf-woman." Jaesa said as she hopped off my bed and began circling Lyarra who I left to stand in the middle of the room. She stood dutifully only have a simple robe to cover her. Her new wolf tail however peeked out of the dress. This caused the robe to be hitched up and gave a perfect view of her shapely rear.
"I might have gone a little too deep in the Dark Side with this one." I growled as I leaned back with a frown in my chair. I had cleaned up the dinning hall, reapplied my Mask, and snuck Lyarra through the castle back to my room. It was a difficult task and would have been impossible with my Force Cloaking power. I was a little drained from how long I had to keep it up and for covering two people.
"I can see that." Jaesa said as she stared at Lyarra collar. Mesmerized by the power radiating off of it. It was my Dark power, her favorite kind. Jaesa reached out to touch it but Lyarra pulled back and gave my apprentice a hard death glare as she held onto her precious collar. "You little…" Jaesa growled but gave a little flare of my power to draw both their attention.
"Jaesa play nice. Lyarra is now my property and I won't have you damaging her." I warned as my eyes turned a twinge yellow. The sight of me acting so authoritative got both of the women in the room hot, Lyarra extra so given that I had called her my property and defended her. Jaesa on the other hand let the matter go as it was clear that I wasn't in the mood for Jaesa to play with my new toy, but that didn't mean that she couldn't play with me. Ahh… I do so love her twisted mind.
"Vette's not going to like you taking on slaves." Jaesa smirked knowing that with whatever I did to Lyarra made her completely loyal to us. Jaesa knew she could speak freely with Lyarra around. I groaned as my apprentice reminded me of my little free spirit of a Twi'lek. Vette knew that I stood in the moral gray area on slavery. That I didn't support widespread wholesale enslavement of populations as it wasn't pragmatically effective when Droids could be used without the expense of food, shelter, care, or the threat of revolt. But at the same time Vette knew that I was perfectly fine with personal enslavement of defeated enemies or indentured servitude of certain types of people. Those that owed a debt for example. We had debates over this and I usually won out by making sure I kept my side as logical as possible. The second I went to the moral argument was when she won, and she knew it. As a Sith I didn't care but if she thought she won, then I lost.
"I will handle Vette." I said with the full intention of making sure that Vette never finds out about this until I was able to impart a little more of the Dark Side into the Twi'lek. Just enough to where she wouldn't be so mad that she'd resent me forever. Lyarra was way beyond just a normal slave, I literally collared her mind, body, and soul. I couldn't free Lyarra because she didn't want to be free now, she wanted me to dominate her forever. "Our plans however have changed a bit, instead of leaving in a week we will leave in two days." I said and while Jaesa looked ecstatic Lyarra I could sense was horrified and a little hurt. "The longer we stay the more chance there is that Rickard could discover what I've done." I said as I interlaced my fingers in front of my face as I tried to think hard on adapting my plans. I wanted to originally wanted Lyarra and me to become fuck buddies and a little more. Maybe eventually turn her loyalty toward me more than anyone else but her kids. But this required a lot more work than that, Lyarra was attached to me deeply and while that would never change… I didn't like hurting her by leaving like this. The Sith side wanted to blow those feelings off but I still felt responsible for what I had done. Lyarra was now my responsibility.
"Are we just going to leave her here?" Jaesa asked not sure about that. I could tell she wanted a chance to play with the new slave with another slight glare I kept her in her place. Jaesa didn't play well with others and Lyarra I wanted to keep alive.
"Lyarra will stay here in Winterfell until I have the means and opportunity to have my own base of operation here in Westeros. And that I can have her there without raising suspicion. Perhaps fake her death or something." I said throwing out ideas for any way for me to keep Lyarra around without putting me in a bad light with the Northern Lords. The problem came was that I had no idea about her in terms of what happened to her in the books. How did she die and what happened after Rickard went down south and got killed by the mad king? At best I can guess she died of natural causes after being widowed and the war ended. So at most I had to wait until Rickard dies and then I can arrange for something. But that was still nine years off. "Jaesa, call Vette, audio only." I said and Lyarra expectedly looked confused. Jaesa meanwhile grabbed a holo-transmitter and did as I asked.
"-Yeah boss?-" Vette's voice came through the device and Lyarra's eyes widened at this. She didn't say anything but I could tell her mind was spinning. What this could mean for what me and Jaesa and the rest of my cohorts could be. Was it more of our magic? "-Whats with just callin' on the audio?-"
"I'm in a situation where I can't be so public with the Holo-image. You know how Feudal Worlds are with advance tech." I said covering my tracks effortlessly. "How's it going with the ship?" This was a report late coming but I should have gotten it much earlier. It just sorta slipped my mind.
"-I've been able to dig a lot of it out safely. It's more intact than we first thought. Makes me think that it will be able to get through the atmosphere.-" Vette said and that was very good. If we could fly out of here I could eventually connect to the HoloNet and get my hands on all the information I would need to understand what I was dealing with. Force Visions were helpful but I needed cold hard data.
"Communications Array?" I asked thinking that maybe I could just skip going to space for the moment. If I could access the HoloNet now then I could better plan where to go once the ship was fixed.
"-Nah… the thing took a ton of damage in the crash.-" One more dream crushed but I didn't have high hopes for that. "The cargo hold survived really well by the way.-" That was good to hear but it was expected. God did give me a full cargo hold full of stuff I could play with. "-Even your speeder survived, was surprised to find that.-" I raised an eyebrow at that. I knew that I had a Adno Firewasp in the cargo hold but I honestly expected that to be the single thing that was broke. Thanks god… still pissed at you for sending me Spartans.
"Vette… You're going to get my speeder out and make sure it's in working order. You're then going to drive it to a location I'll send to you later." I said as I begun to plan around this. Now that I had rapid transportation new options were available to me. It still didn't solve my problems with Lyarra but I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet on this and make a choice. I sighed before looking to Lyarra and just couldn't help but feel for that pleading look of submission on her face. "But for right now, after you get that done I want you to make a full list of what we have in there. Also see if you can get the Droid up and working while you're at it. While I hate the thing it might prove useful." I said and after getting a confirmation from Vette Jaesa shut the transmitter off. "I've reconsidered, we're taking Lyarra with us."
"Wow… something Vette said change your mind?" Jaesa asked as she looked back toward Lyarra once again with a hungry look in her eyes. "I can see why you might want to keep her around a little longer… she does have her appeal." Jaesa said before reaching out from behind Lyarra and grabbing ahold of the Stark's bust. Her fingers digging into the soft flesh that spilled out between the other woman's digits. Lyarra bit her lip, trying to keep the moan of pleasure from escaping but Jaesa's hands proved to be too skilled and Lyarra melted back into my apprentice's ministrations. "Oh yes… she's very appealing now that's no longer so proud."
"B-bite your tongue witch whore." Lyarra shot back surprising both myself and Jaesa. "You're just jealous that master has a proper lady to attend to him." Lyarra had a wolf's grin as Jaesa scowled and pulled away from her teasing of the slave. The room was then filled with my deep laugh at the scene, it was too funny not to laugh.
"Oh… just as I wanted. A bitch for me but a wolf to the world." I sighed feeling a little better about this. Now that I know that Lyarra still had some semblance of herself, I could better come to terms with what happened. I still felt like I crossed a line… but it wasn't as bad as I first thought. If anything I might have empowered her to be a bit more outspoken and true to what she wants, the Dark Side that stained her soul would see to that. "Lyarra, you are allowed to speak as you see fit, tell me what you think of what you just saw." I said wanting to learn what this primitive, and I use the term categorically than dismissively, thought of us.
"About the…" She said looking to the Holo-transmitter in Jaesa's hand. I nodded and Lyarra looked a little more certain. "I am at a loss for words master, I do not know how you do the things you do but I am in awe by it." She said, and it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. But I guess even when I tell her to speak freely it wasn't possible given I rewrote her brain to be subservient to me.
"Lyarra, me and my fellows do not come from across the western seas. We instead come from the stars. This world is one of many in a Galaxy of humans and many alien species. The woman I was speaking to on the Holo-transmitter was a Twi'lek. I myself am not wholly human either, my blood is one third Sith, the species not the Order." I explained and I could sense that she believed every word I spoke. It was strange having her so ready to take everything I said as gospel truth. But I could get used to it, I certainly loved the power trip it gave me.
"Is that what I saw master, when you changed?" Lyarra asked and Jaesa shot first the woman herself a dirty look before changing focus to me.
"You showed her that side of you?" She asked before putting the pieces together. "She had sex with you in your real form?!" Jaesa raged, her Dark Side traits bleeding through at her heightened emotional state. While I needed a Sith Mask to cover up my darker features she still could just push them down. "You haven't done that with me." She mumbled looking to the side feeling hurt by what I did. But then I gently lifted her head back up, moving from my chair in front of her in an instant. I then cupped her face and gave her one of my rare kisses, she quickly fell into my embrace as our lips were locked to each other. But we soon parted and she rested her head in the crook of my neck feeling my power wash over her in a soothing warmth.
"If you wanted that, you only needed to ask." I said knowing that Naraiz never want to ever give Jaesa that level of intimacy. I on the other hand was ready and very willing. Love and Hate were things that Sith had over the Jedi in spades. And I was perfectly willing to show Jaesa just how much I loved her. Even as little time I spent with her as this new mind, I loved her. I couldn't deny that even if I wanted to.
"Master." Jaesa sighed contently knowing that she was going to take him up on that. But she would until she found the perfect moment.
"Come now, we have to prepare for our departure." I said before kissing the top of her head, feeling the devotion that she had for me. She was so open to my senses that it frightened me sometimes. But it was because of the small romantic gestures I gave, the small little moments of genuine care I had for her. The Sith of the Old Order and the Rule of Two too often forgot that we love. And it was more than a tool to turn Jedi to the Dark Side, it could be used to strengthen the bound of all Sith. "Lyarra." I said as I pulled away from a reluctant Jaesa. When I looked toward my Lyarra I could tell that she wanted what she just saw. I smiled knowing that it wasn't hard to understand even changed as she was she still longed for love.
"Y-yes master?" She said picking herself back together after witnessing such a tender moment between the two Sith. Two Sith she had no idea had more blood on their hands than an ocean could fill.
"If I'm going to take you, even for a short time as I doubt you could stay with me for too long, then I can't be the one to suggest it." I said as I walked back to my chair. Jaesa walked back to the bed with a small sway to her hips and a pleased smile on her face. "The moment I bring up that we will be leaving, I will use my Force powers to plant the idea in you husband's mind that we should have an escort." She did not even flinch or react at all to the idea I could manipulate the mind. "We will be heading for King's Landing to speak to the King. He will suggest himself or one of his Lords. You. Will tell him no, that you will go."
"Do you really think this man will let you go with his wife for months, because that's how long this trip will take, just like that?" Jaesa asked finding the idea a little hard to believe.
"I have spent every interaction I have with the man fortifying the idea that he owes me in his mind. All I have to do is make it seem like this will clean the slate clear of any further debt, combined that with it won't be my idea which will help keep him from thinking I'm after his wife… and it should work." I surmised and Jaesa thought it over for a bit before shrugging. It wasn't a fool proof plan but it was set to work given all I had done. True I was cashing in the big favor I had been growing in Rickard's mind but it was worth it. It wasn't like Rickard had much that I want… well… he had one thing. But it was something I could now take now that I had his wife.
I chuckled as I watched Lyarra scratch at where her wolf ears should be. It was adorable seeing her handle her new Mask. She said in private that it felt a little constricting not having her tail be free and her head constantly itches where her wolf ears should be.
I was currently sitting down in the rows of tables as the keep held a small feast at my leaving. It wasn't as big as what I saw for King Robert in Game of Thrones but it was winter and I wasn't a king. I was present but unlike Pierce I wasn't involved much with the revelry. I did smile at my master at arms trying to teach the locals an Imperial battle hymn, but I knew he would fall a little short. It wasn't the same one as he had to adlib a few words here and there. Quinn was speaking with the Maester, getting in some last bits of information out of each other. Jaesa was waiting in my room, likely lacking any clothes, as I didn't trust her with being at a party with booze and not ruining it.
I then looked back up to the head table and tugged at the collar hidden under her Mask, I found I could still interact with the collar no matter the distance or if it was gone under the Mask. I smirked as Lyarra blushed and looked like someone had just whispered something dirty into her ear. She knew that was the signal to move the events along. She leaned over to her husband, who she had made sure to keep involuntary celibate for the past few nights, and whisper something to the effect of getting to his announcement. It worked and Rickard sat up and slammed his tankard on the table to gather everyone's attention.
"Northmen, today we hold this feast in honor of the man that saved my son's life. Without him, my son Brandon could very well be dead at the hands of mountain savages." There were a few shouts of approval and cheers from the assembled men. "All by himself, and not knowing what he faced, he slaughtered a whole tribe of the filth saving my boy. And for that, I am grateful." I smirked as he looked at me and I could feel the gratitude and debt he felt he owed me. The man wanted it gone, he wanted to repay me for what I had done and was beginning to get frustrated that he hadn't yet. Oh he wasn't sick of me or anything, this frustration was more directed toward himself than anyone else. Which was good given how I planned to use these feelings.
"Please Lord Stark, I have seen you with your sword. What I did was nothing you could not." Humility wasn't exactly a Northern trait but buttering up the Warden of the North was needed here. Plus, by comparing myself to a man all respected, I was putting myself on his level while not overstepping him. Given that he was already complimenting me, the room would see my words in the perfect light.
"You are too kind Rhyhall, truth be told I am growing old. And having you save my heir is a great favor to me." He said and I could feel a bit of aged weariness in his voice. I found it a little funny because internally he didn't see himself as old yet and his body wasn't too far out of his prime. Seems like Rickard really wants to pass on the title to Brandon as soon as possible. Maybe so he could take the Black as most Starks did, hmm… no… the Old Bear would be better than Rickard. Well… that was the case now that I was banging his wife. "And in these days since you arrived my men and my family have enjoyed your company and the company of your followers." I'm sure the sixteen people that Jaesa killed were very happy to have her in their home. Damn I need to control her better now that she can't just say Sith privilege to make her troubles with the law go away. "And we are sad to see you go."
"And I am sad to be away from the North, it is an honest land that breeds some of the toughest people I have met. There is a strength here that few places have, pragmatism and the ability to just survive are in short supply in many places but not here." My speech was supposed to be minimal and impersonal. Flattery and little else. "But now I must head to the south, I hope that I can appeal to your king to let me rebuild my Order here in Westeros."
"Aye, I wish you success and if there is a man out there that could tame a dragon like Aerys Targaryen it would be you Rhyhall." Rickard raised his mug up and all followed. After a loud cheer we all drank, I looked to Lyarra who understood now was the time to begin my plan.
"Rickard…" She began softly but at the same time giving him a small bit of warmth that he never been given before. His attention along with many others was captivated by the Lady Stark. Under the table I weaved my hand focusing on Rickard, I was opening his mind up a little. Not fully controlling it or implanting thoughts but just getting him a little open to suggestion. It was a trick that Master Baras taught me, the bastard he was I can't fault him for his skill with the mind. "… As much as our Maester has told him of our lands, I believe that sending him alone with his followers would be a disservice. It is one thing to be told of a culture it is another to interact with it." She spoke elegantly and had her husband hanging on every word. Funny for me, not so funny to Rickard if he knew what was going on.
"Yes I suppose so, we here understand and know him. There are times when his ways are strange even to us, I hate to think how those southerners would treat him." Oh they'll treat me just fine. In fact I think I'll be able to handle them better than northerners, up here things are far to survivalist for my tastes. While the North is fucking awesome… it makes for poor scheming lands.
"I believe that we should send him a guide, someone of noble birth." To my surprise it was the Maester, whose name I have already forgotten, who suggested this. "Lady Stark, your family name would garner great respect and credibility and you have the sharp mind to keep our guests safe in the south." He continued and I couldn't believe what was happening. This was good, I looked to Quinn and he was just as shocked as I was. So this didn't come from him. I focused on the Maester and was surprised when I found out that he was feeling emotions of contained fear and greedy hope. What was his game?
"You would have my wife be sent down during winter to that nest of vipers?" Rickard nearly growled, and this was where I needed to work carefully. It was winter but northerners always forgot that winter hit the south not nearly as much as it did here. But the Maester looked calm and ready for this.
"The Kingsroad is well protected and it is the duty of the Lords of the North to keep the road clear even in the winter. You have said on many occasions, tonight included that Rhyhall is one of the finest warriors you have seen, your wife will be well protected. She is a capable rider and she would not stay in King's Landing long." I kept up the Force persuasion on Rickard, giving it a little more power. He blinked and rubbed his head, that's what I didn't want. Even if he had no reason to suspect I was doing something, I don't want there to be any doubt to his decision when he looks back on it. Thankfully Lyarra took the initiative and took her husband's hand.
"Rickard, I will be safe. It is as Walys said, the Kingsroad is safe and clear, I promise to send a raven from every keep I come to, and Rhyhall will be with me. He shall keep me safe from any vipers." She said with a small squeeze to his hand. The wolf knew how to handle her discarded mate to further her true alpha's plans. "I want there to be no doubt that we have repaid him for all his done for us, I want our family's honor to stay true." That clinched it in Rickard's mind.
"Very well, but I expect those ravens." He sighed after nodding in agreement. Lyarra hid her joy well while I could feel that Walys, that was his name, felt nothing but satisfaction. He casted a small gaze toward me and I could tell that I would be meeting the Maester soon, privately.
"Maester Walys… I surprised by your words back there." I said as I caught the Maester on his way toward his raven tower. Further surprising me was that was fearful and worried at hearing me. What was he up to? "Not that I don't appreciate the help, will be nice to have Lady Stark escort me to King's Landing."
"Ah… Rhyhall… yes… you are quite welcome." He stuttered nervously hiding the small message that was in his hand under his gray robes. We were alone in the halls of the keep, no one was near us by my senses. "I only thought that maybe Lady Stark could do for some southern weather in this long winter we have been having." He was lying. I looked down at the diminutive old man, then using the Force grabbed ahold of his message and unfurled it. He went to grab it but I took out one of my hidden daggers and held it to his neck.
"Tsk-tsk-tsk… what have we here. A message to your fellows back in Old Town, telling them of my travel to the south. Telling them that the best time to attack would on the Kingsroad." I said as I read the message and I honestly wasn't surprised to see the fan theory of the magic hating Maesters being included in this world. It would be something I would have to deal with and my plans would be putting myself at odds with the gray rats. "Oooh… you also have told them of Lady Stark's involvement and how it would be best to dispose of her so that you may convince Lord Stark to take a southern wife." I said as my eyes, now yellow, looked back to the fearful man. I did not like that one bit. Lyarra was mine! And I would not have her life be in needless danger like this.
"I-I-I-I…" he kept up his fearful stuttering. And this didn't go to what I thought his plan was at all. I was hoping that it was that he wanted to work with me. That he became enamored with the Empire from his exchanges with Quinn and wanted to help me rebuild it here. But no… that would not be the case. His satisfaction before came from his plots and plans to have me and Lyarra killed. And the greedy hope was thinking toward a future where Lord Stark married a wealthy southern lady who would turn Winterfell more like the south. The problem was I couldn't dispose of him, I needed him to convince Rickard to send Eddard to the Eyrie and arrange for Brandon to marry Catelyn. These things needed to happen.
"Shut it you little roach." I growled having half a mind to throw the future to the wind and kill him now. Just stab him and be done with it, Lyarra was mine and would not let this pathetic gray rat to threaten her. "Here's what's going to happen, you're going to send a new letter. Tell them that by my foul sorcery I have enthralled Lyarra to my will. Tell them that I have the power to control minds… I wish I did because that would make this so much easier." I said and I could feel relief spread through his mind, good… he's that stupid. "Tell them that any attempt at overtly killing me would result in Lady Stark's death, and by doing so ruin any plans to send her second son to the south for fostering or any chance to marry the eldest to a southern girl." Interesting… I planted the seed of the first idea but he was already think of the second.
"Y-yes my lord… I will do as you ask." He sputtered hoping to appease me. It didn't work.
"If I find out that you have targeted Lyarra… I will return faster than your ravens can flap their little black wings. And when I do… I will make the Boltons blush in envy with the torment I will give you." I said before holding up my hand and arcing a few bolts of Force Lightning between my fingers. His shocked eyes told me everything. At that I let the old man go and began my way back to my room where I had Jaesa waiting for me. The Maester watched my robes billow as I walked down the hall, making me look like a specter of death that had just speared him. I knew he would not go against my orders, his fear permeated too deep into his mind for him to do anything else but my exact orders.
And so we were off, I looked back at the distant Winterfell. My company of those that I had brought to the castle and my new pet. Lyarra was happy to be leaving the place that had felt like a prison more than a home though she would miss her kids terribly. It helped that I told her that I foresaw in the Force that they would be safe while she was gone. It was somewhat of a lie, I knew that nothing was supposed to happen. And so far my presence hadn't changed too much by what I found in Walys' scheming mind. Eddard would someday be sent out to the Vale, Brandon would be engaged to Catelyn, those two were the current most vital for things to play out as I wanted them to.
"Seriously master what is it about this world that has you so enamored?" Jaesa asked bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked back from the distant castle and back to my followers. Jaesa looked bored and ready to get moving. Quinn was crisp and awaiting orders. Pierce was a little laid back but at the same time watching the hills for enemies. Lyarra was behind me on the same horse as myself, as Rickard wanted me as close to her as possible to keep her safe. Oh that poor dense man. Lyarra was contently pressing herself into my back, holding onto me for support on our shared steed. The rest were on their own horses.
"The people for one thing." I joked through my rebreather and could feel Lyarra's happiness spike a bit. She really was adorable, in the days after being collared I found out just how far the extent of the personality change there was. To me she was just as submissive, hungry for approval, and a tad clingy as she had been since I put that collar on her neck. But to everyone else, ohhh… I loved watching her tear apart the Winterfell staff that had it too good for too long apparently. Rickard it seemed took a laxed approach to his household sans defending it. The staff took advantage of this and the quality of the keep suffered for it. After Lyarra had her little awakening of her new self, that all changed. She had begun whipping everyone into shape as Lady Stark. The wolf had woken up and it was not too pleased by the state of its home. "But I have my reasons my darling apprentice." I said as I held up my wrist terminal and sent Vette the location of the meeting spot.
"I don't see it… this planet is primitive as fuck and too damn cold." Jaesa said as she layered on another application of the Force to warm her body. It was amazing that the Force could be used for.
"The seasonal cycle on this world can't be explained by any natural phenomenon, these year long winters and summers are most strange." Quinn stated as we all began back on our way down the Kingsroad. However little the road actually was, it was more trial than real pavement.
"Another reason why I like this world, there are mysteries of the Force at work here." I chuckled as I moved on from sending Vette various messages to playing a few Video-Games on my wrist. The thing was like a damn smart watch but better and actually useful. Apple could learn a thing or two from this. Hmm… I wonder how much money I could make by bringing Candy Crush to the Galaxy? "Jaesa." I said getting my apprentice's attention. "There is a small abandoned windmill west of our location. Vette will be there soon enough with my speeder. You are to meet her there and take her back to the ship before heading to this location. Once you do, hide yourself and await my instruction." I said and she looked troubled for a moment.
"When you say hide myself…"
"You can do anything you want so long as you do not kill any nobility, or draw attention to yourself. I want you to be able to be ready to begin a plan of mine at a moment's notice." I said knowing that Jaesa wanted to cut a little loose. More loose than she had been anyway. And now that she would be away from the eyes of Rickard and would be on her own and not directly connected to me, she could have the freedom to indulge her dark needs. "Again, keep your face hidden and your name even more so." I warned seeing as I would eventually need her by my side again, wouldn't want any charges to follow her back to me.
"Yes master." She said with a smirk before turning her horse west and trotting off. I was already missing her by the time she was just a small blip in the distance.
"Are you sure that was wise my lord? Without you to keep her on a tight leash, Jaesa is a walking disaster waiting to happen." Quinn warned and I did have to give it to him for trying to be helpful. But Jaesa was able to operate on her own competently, she might be bloodthirsty but she was smart. She knew when to keep her needs in check and when to let them run wild. It was only thanks to me beating into her to control the Dark Side instead of falling to it that had brought this happy medium to my apprentice.
"Quinn… let the Sith do as he pleases." Pierce said shutting his fellow Imperial up. Since I was the last Sith of the Empire, I had promoted Pierce to head of Imperial Command. While Quinn I gave the title of Head of Imperial State. Both made up but then again I was drunk and sick of their fighting over how had authority over who. Quinn outranked Pierce but Quinn betrayed us so… I decided to bury the argument once and for all, but putting them on equal footing. Pierce knew it was bullshit but Quinn took it seriously and didn't bother Pierce anymore with acting higher than thou because of his rank. "So my lord, where are we heading first?"
"Good question, get ready boys… this is going to be a long trip." I said knowing that it was going to take a great deal of time before we reached Crossroads Inn. I know that Rickard wanted Lyarra to stop at every castle and send a Raven to him, but fuck that.
Vette leaned back on her boss's speeder, it was damn fine ride she had to admit. She was even a little jealous of Jaesa, the Sith apprentice would be using this speeder for the coming years to traverse Westeros by speeds unseen in this world. Allowing for Naraiz to have a fast action assassin or agent of his will. It would be a serious advantage he would have over the primitive humans of this world.