It wasn't like she didn't like humans. Far from it, sometimes she preferred humans to her own kind. A traitorous part of her mind whispered that a certain human was way better looking than any Twi'lek male she had ever seen. She frowned as she munched on more deer jerky that she brought with her. She was starting to get sick of living off of what Broonmark hunted, but the ration stores in the ship where too valuable. No way was she snacking on her last bag of junk food when the possibility of not getting more until years later was hanging over her.
"I know that frown! You're thinking about how much you want master's hard cock tearing you up." Vette nearly bit her tongue hearing that. She scowled and looked away from the source of the voice to hide her darkening cheeks. Even if her red skin hid a great deal of the color it was still visible to anyone with a keen eye. And Jaesa had some of the best eyes ever.
"Shut up you little psychopathic tramp." Vette mumbled to herself before beginning to chew on another stick of jerky. Jaesa constantly pissed the former slave off, what with actually having sex with the man that she loved, to encouraging said man's worst traits, the way Jaesa never stopped teasing Vette, the list went on and on. "About time you got here, been worried that someone would see this thing." Jaesa grinned as Vette stood by Naraiz's speeder, waiting for Jaesa to get on.
"There's no way that I could be in back?" Jaesa asked with an innocent look on her face like she had no plans to have a little fun on the way back to the ship. Vette glared at the Sith, there was no way that she intended to let Jaesa have backseat on the speeder, with Vette having no means to stop whatever was going through the Sith's head right now. "Fine." Jaesa grumbled and took the front seat of the speeder having half a mind to ditch the Twi'lek. The two women took their posts on and with a hum of the speeder roaring back to life, they were off back toward the north.
"So what's the boss doing anyway? I haven't heard any news from you guys?" Vette asked feeling that the empty silence between them needed to be filled by anything Jaesa considered banter. The air rushed past them as they hovered above the ground going at speeds no horse could ever hope to match. A small group of deer watched them speed on by, the animals completely unused to the sight scattered and ruined the day of the hunters that had been tracking them a week.
"He's got a plan, he's going down south to talk to some asshole king. Probably has an idea on how to take a castle or something so we can have a nice home for the next few years." Jaesa hoped there would a bath house, and that it wouldn't be in the North. She had read about the lands of Westeros, because she knew her master was expecting her to, and hoped that they would either spend their time on this world in Dorne. Sunny and loose on sexual morality.
"Think he could get a castle nearby? Maybe move what we have of the ship so I could you know… not be camping in the woods with just Broonmark?" Vette really wanted to get out of the mountains and into somewhere with real people and real comforts. There was only so much she could do to make her little campsite bearable. Broonmark at least was able to give her some pointers on shelter and living rough, but she was a city-girl at heart.
"Fuck no… I hate this snowy ass land. Nothing but burly thick neck savages here." Jaesa said instantly telling Vette that her fellow woman had the exact opposite ideal home in mind.
"Just because you want it doesn't mean Naraiz is going to go with it." Vette shot back and thus began the shouting match between them that lasted until they arrived at their wrecked ship.
I was not happy. I had learned something that everyone that intends to invade the North learns… the Neck sucks! I hate that bog infested land with a passion. If not for the help of the Lord Reed's men, who would never had helped us had we not had Lyarra with us, we would still be in that hellhole. Turns out during Winter, the Kingsroad part of the Neck gets impossibly more difficult to manage. Trade between the South and North was mostly done through ports during Winter because of this. Only special traders that had the favor of the Reeds were able to still manage the Kingsroad during Winter.
"My lord, do you not think we should take shelter, we are running low on food and water." Quinn said bringing my thoughts out of my head and back to the present. We had just passed out of the Neck and were approaching the Riverlands. While it was true that our supplies were running a bit dry, there was only one place close enough.
"You suggest the Twins?" Lyarra asked with a small scrunch to her nose. She knew exactly what was on my mind even if she didn't know it. But then something played across her mind and she smiled. "It might be fruitful master to visit, I know that you have not let news of your appearance reach beyond the North." This was true, I painstakingly made sure that any little spies in Winterfell did not mention my presence. But I was intrigued by Lyarra's mind and let her go on with whatever she was scheming. It was nice to have my pet scheming for me. "You showing up unexpectedly on the door of the King with me at your side without warning might cause an uproar. Surely it will turn suspicion on you as the King has well respected spymaster in his employ. How would the King not know of a man that was important enough for the Warden of the North to send with his wife?"
"You such wonderful points my pet." I said as I reached back a gave Lyarra a well-received pat on the head. It was adorable how I could turn a wolf into a pleading little puppy with the least bit of praise. "Considering what I have heard of this Walder Frey, I will be hard to keep our visit a secret. And you are right, the control of information might have served a purpose before but now it might cause us trouble."
"I live to serve you master in any way I can." Lyarra said submissively, feeling a great warmth in her chest for helping her master. Lyarra touched where her collar was under her Mask and couldn't help but feel so fulfilled in ways she had never just as the Lady of Winterfell. It was only comparable to the fulfilment she felt as a mother. But this was for her, it was more personal than what she might see her children happy.
"Pierce! Quit laughing back there." I said shaking Lyarra from her internal thoughts. Since Pierce had learned of what I had done to Lyarra he couldn't help but find it funny. Quinn had no thoughts on the matter as he deemed it irrelevant personal matters but Pierce had this humor about it that only he understood. I theorized it was because here I was this Sith that propagated against the more vile and cruel elements of the Sith… taking on a mind broken slave I had seduced and fucked into submission. But while that was true… I don't particularly care about things like hypocrisy. "Come now, let us see the famous Twins." I said with a small groan as I headed off in the direction of the crossing.
"Halt, state your business here at the Twins." One of Walder's many… many sons barked at us as we approached the eastern keep of the Twins. It was an impressive fortress I did have to give them that. Well maintained too, likely the Freys knew to keep what made them money in good condition. They also probably knew that the second that they started to look weak, the nearby Houses would pounce hoping to install a better House as Lords of the Crossing.
"I am Lyarra Stark, I am on a mission from my Husband Lord Stark to escort these men to King's Landing. Let us inside so I may speak to Lord Frey." Lyarra said from behind me, the authority and predatory warning that she spoke in caused the few Frey soldiers at the gate shiver in fear. There was the woken wolf again, now that we were outside of Winterfell she could fully express herself in ways that she couldn't before. Even in the North ladies were expected to act in certain ways unless they early on defied the expectation of a noble lady. And even then it was a case by case basis. However it seemed one of the little weasels had a bit of back bone to him.
"And how do we know that to be true?" He spoke with a crude guttural speak and a cocky tone that implied he didn't believe a word of what was said. His words seemed to infect the rest of his kin with the same undeserved confidence and they all began to leer at my Lyarra in ways that only damned them to hell. "If you were really Lady Stark, you'd have some guards with 'ch." He pointed out and the rest of them only started digging their graves dipper.
"Yeah! You'd need to try a lot harder to pull one out on us." One of the others yelled in glee having now been given a spine by his kin's words. "Be pretty big crime to call yourself a Stark… even here in the Riverlands." He said looking to his brothers and all of them seemed to pick up on the message.
"A grave crime… one that we as honorable men of House Frey would be happy to mete out justice." They all were really dumb weren't they? Yes, there was a possibility that we were lying, but they should really check this shit first. Because if they were wrong and did what they planned on then that would mean war at the very best. All of House Frey being purged, root and stem, was the worst that could happen. "I'd say we kill this lot and teach this little cunt the meaning of respecting one's superiors." This… is where I got involved or would have. Before I knew it Lyarra was off our horse and storming her way toward the Frey guards. I had to look away before I very nearly killed her as I had been building up an attack on the irritating guards.
"You little worms dare." Lyarra spoke and once again they all stopped. The way she had gotten off our horse with all the grace of a circling dire wolf, the look in her eyes matching said emblem of her House. Without fear of anything these men could do to her, she marched up to the Freys and stood in front of the one that had started all this. "You dare to question my very name, a name that was held by Kings when this bridge was nothing but twigs and firewood. And furthermore you have the gall to even form that putrid thought of touching me in your minds! Unless you have them bring down that bridge in the next moment I will demand for Lord Frey to have all of you gelded for such a insult, or winter shall come for all of House Frey." Lyarra had them all cowering and the second she finished they scrambled to get the drawbridge down for us to proceed. I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear at that last comment, it was perfect. And I didn't even plan it! That made coming here worth it.
"Damn… that whipped them into shape fast." Pierce chuckled having greatly enjoyed the display. The show had turned around a few opinions he had on the woman.
"Yes, very impressive." Quinn said simply with a nod of acknowledgement. Seeing these fools that pretended to be soldiers being sent through the ringer was pleasing to him but Quinn knew this would never happen with true Imperial soldiers.
"It was nothing." Lyarra said fixing a strand of her hair away from her face. In truth she was happy to hear the two Imperials approval, they were trusted and respected by her master. But it was his words that matter most to her.
"I still have half a mind to snap their necks." I could do it too, even from here I could reach out and with the flick of the wrist they would be dead. But Lyarra had pulled it off beautifully, and prevented me from exposing myself too early. Thankfully none of the Freys noticed my yellow eyes, I was nearly about to burn them into nothing by my glare alone. "Lyarra, return to me." I said and could feel a ping of sadness come across my pet as she returned to our horse. "In the future warn me before you do something like that… I very nearly killed you with my Deadly Sight. It doesn't discriminate between friend and foe. After seeing that, I would be even sadder at your loss than I already would have been." I said making Lyarra blush at my fond words.
"Thank you master." I could feel that sadness that had been there before vanish as if it never existed to begin with. I smiled but internally I was cursing myself, the time I had spent in front of the Weirwood trying to regain a bit of balance hadn't been nearly enough. I was still tilting too much toward the Dark Side. The fact that I even considered using a power like Deadly Sight just for something like this was a testament to how little I had been able to achieve just with grinding the Dark Side back.
My soul itself was still perfectly in Balance, even something like what I did toward Lyarra wouldn't change that. It was more like the surface had been darkened. A bit of oil thrown on top of a pond. It could be cleaned up and nothing would be done to the pond in the long run. It would take an extraordinary event or action in my life to turn me one way or the other. It was difficult to achieve Balance but thankfully it was hard to change that too. Falling to the Dark Side was easy and it was hard to claw out of it but possible. Achieving harmony with the Light Side was hard but easy to fall from. But Balance was just hard either way, it was about the most difficult thing a Force User could do. But I intended to create an Order with the goal of helping people get there.
"They didn't get the drawbridge down in time… still thinking about killing them?" Pierce asked as we began our way across the bridge with the various Frey soldiers lining the gate in nearly royal formation. It was slightly warranted as Starks were one of the Great Houses of Westeros and deserved such treatment.
"They're trying… and the fear in them is a salve on my soul." I said as I looked down toward the fearful looks that they all had. It wasn't directed at me but at Lyarra… likely these men had heard what she threatened from those that alerted them to our arrival. We rode into the gate house where we handed off our horses to the Twin's stable master. Then, very politely, escorted to the great hall where the Lord Walder was waiting on his house's seat. I did have to admire the power the chair projected, the Freys if nothing else good can be said about them understood the importance of maximizing even the littlest bit of coin.
"Lady Stark, what bring such a lovely northern flower to my home." Walder said as he leered at my Lyarra like his sons and/or grandsons had been earlier. But then his vulture like gaze moved to me and my men. "Heh, with such unfamiliar companions with you." I held my breath at the sight of the withered old man. It was every bit as an ancient weasel he was written as in the books. As good as David Bradley did the role… he did not do the real thing justice. And I think that was for the better for the actor. Rickard was the first person that I had seen that had an actor play them in the show, his children were still too young to compare to that one Bran flashback. Rickard however was spot on. So seeing Walder differ from his HBO portrayal made me think that not everyone would be as they were in the show. I did say Game of Thrones to God but I think he mixed in the show and book up a bit.
"I am traveling from Winterfell to King's Landing, on a mission to introduce the man beside me to King Aerys." Lyarra said with respect though there was anger veiled behind her words. Walder, not being the old fool he looks to be, picked up on that and smirked. The greasy smile he had infuriated me as he was already thinking of Lyarra naked. "We request that you grant us Guest Rights in your home, and we would pay for lodging and supplies for our journey." Lyarra had been given plenty of gold dragons for the trip by Rickard… maybe a few too many. The North was pretty much the poorest of the seven kingdoms and it would not do for Rickard to go broke over us.
"Heh, and just who is a man to warrant such an audience I wonder?" Walder asked and I was… surprised that I could not get anything off him. It was like my senses just washed over him like a rock at the bottom of a river. If as he could tell I had failed to penetrate his mind he smirked at me. Granted… I wasn't actually trying too hard. Just a general once over for his current state. Mmm… interesting-interesting.
"My name is Naraiz Rhyhall Lord Frey, I come across the sea to your lands' western shore. Beyond what you call the sunset sea." I said with the smallest bow I could muster without seeming disrespectful. I could lace my words with Force Persuasion but I was cautious given that I still couldn't get a read on Walder. The Freys at his side, likely his eldest sons however… I had perfect insight. They were both fearful of me and worried about what they had invited into their home. "I seek to appeal to your king to allow my Order to reestablish itself here in Westeros."
"And what sort of order would this be?" Walder said but I didn't need to read his feelings to see that he had lost much of his interest. He feigned it well, locking his fingers together and looking over us with a calculating gaze, but he was dismissing us already. It was in his tone, he sounded passively interested instead of actively. If a person as greedy as Walder was, there was no passing interest, there needed to be something in it for him on the table or he would wave it off. But there was a Stark involved so he had to play the part.
"We are the Sith, an order of Warrior-Monks, if you wish a demonstration than I would be happy to give it. Pierce." I said looking back to Pierce who put a hand over his gifted long sword. In the months in Winterfell he had sharpened his skills with a blade, even if he missed the feeling of a rifle in hand.
"That won't be necessary, I trust that if the Starks have enough faith in you skills to show to our king they would enough to put my sons here to shame." He snorted as he glanced to the men behind him. Both of which looked to the side and grumbled a few curses. I think he just did to get this over with faster. "Guest Rights will be extended…" As much as those are worth anything in this damn tower you fucking weasel. "… and should you pay us, we will give you what meager rations we have. It is Winter after all. You Starks are right eventually heh." He chuckled in his cringe worthy way.
"Thank you Lord Walder, if possible we would like to retire for the day. The road has been a difficult one." Lyarra said with a courteous nod and Walder waved her off with a few more hehs. We were then escorted over the first half of the bridge to the single tower in the middle of the Twins. The Water Tower is where the guest rooms were, good place. It was also a good place to hold hostages as it didn't matter which way you went it lead to either the Freys or the rushing waters of the Trident.
Me and the boys were given one room, with one bed… funny. The reason for this that was given was that the Water Tower needed to use up the spares for storage for the Winter. Bullshit. But Quinn and Pierce knew I wouldn't be staying long so they decided on the age old method of Sabacc to decide who got the bed. Meanwhile I… just slipped out of the room under Force Cloaking. I quickly found where they had put Lyarra in her own room. To their credit they actually posted a guard whose mind was filled with thoughts of duty and protecting the noble lady. I would not be killing him. But I slipped in after giving him a slight daze with the wave of my hand, and found my pet pacing nervously in her room. A smile on my face I threw up a ward around the room to keep our business our own.
"That man… the rumors do not do him any justice." Lyarra mumbled to herself as she thought about the meeting they just had. She had no doubt that it wouldn't be too long before word got around to those with eyes and ears in the walls about what just happened. Despite the limited scope of the meeting, the fact that a Stark was involved gave it enough credence to merit note for spymasters across Westeros. "What should I… ah!" Lyarra yelped as she felt someone come from behind and with one hand grabbed ahold of her breast and the other her ass. Had she not felt the warm tingling sensation caused by her collar she would have attacked whoever did this but instead she just let her master do as he pleased. "Master~"
"Aren't we a nervous girl?" The sight of Lyarra lightly moaning at my touch was indeed a sight to behold. She continued her sounds of pleasure as she held my hand to her ample breast and pushed her rear back into my grasp. "You did quite well today my pet. I had been worried for some time that you would be nothing but a dull and boring fuck toy but I was pleasantly proven wrong." I said as my right hand kneaded her breast, a small tweak to her hardened nipples through her dress was all that was needed to elicit a loud moan. I however removed my left hand and outstretched it and with a yank materialized the Force Chains that connected me to the collar on her neck. The action broke the Mask that hid away her abnormal wolfen features, she let out a sigh of relief had the free feeling she got at having the appendages once again let loose.
"T-thank you master… it feels unbearable having my body confined in such a way." She said with a slight whimper as I removed my hands from her body. I motioned for her to undress me and like the dutiful slave she was, did so without hesitation. With every movement she made, the sound of the Force Chains clinking would follow and sent shivers of excitement through Lyarra's body. As she removed my lower robes she could only marvel in hungry lust at my exposed cock, I watched with a small smile as she licked her lips before looking up at me with pleading eyes.
"Go on." I said and with great eagerness she began stroking my dick, her soft hands causing me to go hard in seconds of their touch. Once she had stroked life into my manhood Lyarra quickly took it into her mouth and began sucking like it was the most delicious treat she ever had. I gave a small groan as she continued to work my cock, the feeling of her wet and hot mouth running itself along my shaft felt incredible. "You're getting better my pet, I can see you trying your hardest to please your master." I pulled lightly on the Force Chain and it seemed to make her only suck harder. I grabbed ahold of her scalp and as she began using her tongue to swirl around my member I began thrusting into her willing mouth. It didn't take long for her to get me to reach my climax and soon enough she felt my load blast into her mouth. The muscles in her throat began to squeeze every little drop I had left as she swallowed it all. Lyarra nearly came as all throughout servicing me she had been staining her smallclothes with her juices.
"Did I please you master?" She asked dutifully after letting go of my manhood, but not after giving it a few licks to clean it off. I smiled down at her and gave her head a few rubs focusing on her adorable ears. I love Sith Alchemy… and there is no doubt in my mind that she will not be the last hybrid I have sex with.
"Yes you did, but it would please me more if you were free of these clothes." I said and in a harry to do as I asked, Lyarra quickly discarded her dress and underthings. Letting her body be free for me to see. I circled around her, appraising my work sculpting her new body more extensively. I did have to admit that it was flawless. The Dark Side really is vein after all and it pays off in the most unexpected ways. "On your hands and knees." I ordered and she did so without reservation, getting down onto the fur covered floor presenting her gorgeous rear to me. Her womanhood glistening in her own juices waiting for me to take her.
"Master please, I need your glorious cock, I need to have you fill my cunt and spread it wide." She pleaded as her whole body felt hot and her core quivered for attention. It had been weeks since she had been able to feel his length spear her deep into her. Making her feel more than she ever had before meeting him.
"Who am I to deny such a request?" I growled with lust as I lined up my prick with her hungry pussy. Gripping her ass cheeks I thrusted deep inside her making Lyarra squeal in joyous carnal rapture. Then with each thrust I began blurring her vision further and further. Her moans filled the chamber and if I had not sealed the room the news that Lady Stark had taken a lover would be heard by all in the seven kingdoms by tomorrow. Definitely all those in the Twins would know. Lyarra pussy closed around me as I felt her grow closer and closer to her first, and certainly not last, orgasm came to her.
"Please master harder, fuck me harder." She begged in between her moans. I smirked and as I pushed even deeper into her walls, the heat of her snatch and the sight of her bucking back into my hips making my tool twitch with excitement inside of her. "It's so good…" Her walls were so tight and wet that it felt so good to slid in and out of her. Then I felt her constrict around my cock tightly and then a flood of her sweet nectar came gushing over my still pounding manhood. "I'm cumming on master's cock!" She screamed as she hit her euphoric peek, lengthened by me still pushing deep inside of her.
"That's right, and you better not stop until I'm satisfied as well." With that I slapped her ass making her howl in both pain and pleasure. I felt her retightened around me and regain the rhythm we had almost instantly.
"I'm sorry master, please punish this needy slave for not satisfying you." She said looking back at me with pleading eyes. I'm not sure how much of this was me messing with her mind or if she was always like this but it was just repressed… but damned if I'm not going to enjoy it. I slapped her ass again and like before her pussy clenched around my thrusting cock as she gave a howl. "By the gods, punish me more master!" I then reached down grabbed ahold of her swaying tits and squeezed them hard. The sensation made Lyarra go cross eyed as this new jolt of pleasure was sent through her body. Leaning forward I kept up the round of new sensation with a small nipple to her ear as my fingers played with her sensitive breasts.
"I'm about to come my pet, I want to hear you scream, declare to those gods who you belong to." I whispered into her ear and not a second later she screamed.
"Yes! By the Old Gods and New you are my master! Naraiz Rhyhall is my master, everything that is me belongs to him! My pussy, my tits, my ass… all of it belongs to you!" She roared and with that I came deep inside her, sending her down to the floor with a fucked stupid look on her face. She could barely contain herself as the orgasms hit her over and over again. I groaned as I shot the last rope of my spunk into her hungry cunt, then slid out allowing my cum to drip down and onto the floor. "Master no~" She whined, the loss of fullness in her bringing some sense back to her mind. Her wits fully returned when I pulled on her collar making her kneel in front of me.
"Clean me up." I said and Lyarra licked my manhood clean of our combined releases, She savored the my taste along with her own sweet juices as she sucked the last bit off my cock. Once Lyarra was finished, I lead her over to the admittedly soft bed where she crawled in after me. Coming to my side and caressing my body lovingly.
"I'm sorry that you had to speak to that weasel like you did, you shouldn't have to. Even as my pet you still are far above scum like him." I said as lazily made circles on her bare back, eventually finding my way to her ass. She made a small humming sound as I grabbed what she had declared as my property.
"It's all in service to you master… I will go through any indignity to for you." She said as enjoyed being by his side. Her master's aura washing over her and circling around her in a protective and possessive blanket. "I can only hope to not be a disappointment in your eyes." She recalled his words before their pleasurable time together. She knew that something had changed in her after she put that collar on. More than just how she felt around him, and Lyarra was self-aware to realize that her personality had been changed to a degree. But that didn't matter as everything felt too right, if she did change than it was by her choice. Anything was better than forgettable nobody that existed before.
"Lyarra, today proved you won't ever be a disappointment to me. So long as you continue to honor the wolf blood in you I will be proud of you." I felt her resolve to live up to what I said strengthen in her. Honestly I felt more disappointed in myself for being so cool with this. But as time went by… more and more of my old selves melded into one. I felt guilt somewhat but not at the action but more of letting the Dark Side play me like that. Lyarra was happy now so… why be guilty over the hows and whys? "Enough of this for now." I said as I gave Lyarra a small pinch to her rear. "Ride me." I ordered and Lyarra had a wonderfully hungry look on her face as she sat up and lowered herself onto my once again erect manhood. We continued to fill the chamber with our moans and screams of passion as the night went on, not that anyone would hear them.
Author's Notes
Another chapter another Lyarra Lemon... this won't be happening in every chapter by the way.
Check out my original work on here - www. pat reon MikeX713
Rmarcano321 – Dark Side
AnimeA55Kicker – I'm going under the idea that super strong Force Users can extend their lifespans. I know that's not exactly how it works and a bit of because plot reason but Force Sensitives lifespans aren't well defined in canon.
Reads too Much – Jaesa is like that in the MMO if she takes the Dark Side route and I would never let he go the other way. Light Side Jaesa is boring. So I really can't be faulted for her, and she's not a complete yandere. She's not going to kill Naraiz or anyone he sleeps with, mostly because she knows he can beat the shit out her. And as far as I know I haven't made any others. Satele is pretty much a Tsundere but… reasons. As for the cloning of Astartes, not really. I mean Naraiz is certainly going to be more proactive when it comes to making better genetically enhanced soldiers, adding in some Sith Alchemy into the mix, but they'll never get to Gene-Seed level of perfection. Making Terminator armor on the other hand…