
"I'm so happy that you're home. Look how you've grown! I'll send for a tailor so that you can be measured and fitted for new clothes. My wonderful, beautiful boy, how I've missed you. Rhaegar visits now and again, but I have had no word from you in two and a half years, Haradarian."

"Rhaegar's home too." Harry told her. "We're going into the courtyard to spar with Ser Arthur Dayne."

He rather thought that his beautiful Mother was going to burst out crying as she hurried her steps to the solar where they always broke their fast.

"Rhaegar." She called out happily as she threw her arms around her oldest son and held him tightly.

"Mother. You're looking very well." Rhaegar told her.

"Look how tall and handsome you are." She fawned. "I haven't seen you in half a year and already you've grown another several inches."

"I'm sorry for that, Mother."

Harry was pulled into the embrace of brothers by his Mother, so all three of them were being touched by their Mother at the same time.

"My three boys, all back at last." She sniffled slightly. "Now go, go and do whatever you were doing, I need to break my fast. Viserys, have you eaten, darling?"

"Yes, Mother." The three year old replied. "I'm going to watch Rhaegar and Haradarian spar!" He declared.

"Oh, well do be careful, dear, stay close to the Kingsguard and to your brothers."

Viserys, still in Rhaegar's arms, nodded his head and Harry gave his Mother one last hug, tried to ignore his Father's stench from where he was breaking his own fast, glad that he had already eaten as the King was touching everything with his unwashed, ungroomed hands, and he hurried out into the training courtyard of the Red Keep with three members of the Kingsguard, Ser Arthur, Ser Barristan and Prince Lewyn.

"Hand that sword here." Ser Arthur Dayne told him sternly. "You haven't touched a sword in two years, you will have a wooden one."

"He's a Prince!" Viserys cried out in all his three year old disbelief. "You can't take his sword!"

"Viserys." Harry laughed. "When a knight of the Kingsguard tells you that you aren't good enough for a sword, you listen." He insisted. "I haven't touched a sword in two years, it's dangerous. I will not accept this sword back until I have earned it back through hard work and training."

Harry handed his sheathed sword over to Ser Arthur Dayne, who handed it off to Barristan Selmy. Harry was handed a heavy, wooden training sword instead and then he paid for his two year absence. He paid for it with pain as he proved exactly how inept he had become with a sword.

"Gods be damned, boy! Have you forgotten everything that I taught you?" Ser Arthur burst out as Harry was disarmed easily yet again.

"I told you I'd be rusty!" Harry complained.

"There's rusty and then there's abysmal!" Prince Lewyn laughed. "You are easily categorised as the latter."

Harry frowned. "I was at the Citadel, I didn't exactly have anyone to spar with! They're all old men with their noses buried in a book! Half of the boys my own age had never even seen a real sword, let alone held one! I got into a few fights though." He admitted.

"Hand to hand combat?" Prince Lewyn asked, grinning. "How very lowbrow for a Prince."

"You would know." Harry said tartily, referring to the many times that Prince Lewyn Martell had used his fists in a fight. "Oberyn has told me all the stories about your antics."

"Come on then, show me what you can do, my Prince."

Harry kicked away his already dropped wooden sword from where Ser Arthur Dayne had disarmed him and he rolled his shoulders. He crouched down to show that he was ready and he allowed Prince Lewyn to jab at him, dodging without retaliating until a particularly vicious swing gave him the opening that he was looking for and he took savage advantage of it. He kicked out the back of a knee with a short, but vicious kick with the top of his foot before putting his own knee up into tender ribs with the same leg and then using his own body weight to get Lewyn to the floor, where he wrapped his legs around the other man's throat, sat up straight on his knees and grabbed both wrists and pulled them back. Prince Lewyn could no longer move or get himself to his feet and he was slowly being choked by the pressure of Harry's body and legs around his neck.

"Very impressive." Ser Barristan told him and Harry grinned, letting go of the wrists he held and then slowly, carefully unwinding his legs. He helped the coughing Prince Lewyn back to his feet.

"You weren't kidding, you really did get into a few fights." The man told him as he massaged his throat.

Viserys was cheering for him and Harry gestured him over.

"Come here, Viserys. Ser, on your knees." He directed to Lewyn Martell.

"I'm going to regret this." The man grumbled, but he did as he'd been told.

"Viserys, listen up. Rhaegar, you too." Harry called out. "When earning my silver links, I learnt extensively about the human body. I know exactly where to hit to incapacitate a person with a single blow. Viserys, you're too young for swords as of yet, but there's no reason that you can't help yourself a bit. Here."

Harry pressed into Viserys' chest with a finger. Viserys giggled.

"Now, you feel this bone here." Harry said, picking up his brother's hand and dragging Viserys' own finger down his breastbone. His three year old brother nodded. "You feel where it ends here." Again Viserys nodded. "Use the side of your fist, like this, and smash the spot where it ends."

Harry helped Viserys do just that and Lewyn Martell went down on his hands, gasping for the breath that had been knocked out of him by a three year old. Viserys laughed loudly and happily at what he'd done and Harry patted his head.

"You must only use this for defence, Viserys." Harry said sternly. "If I hear that you've done this to anyone who didn't deserve it, I will punish you myself, am I clear?"

"Yes, Haradarian." Viserys said happily.

"How do you do it?" Rhaegar asked interestedly.

Harry stood and smiled at the few Kingsguard members who had come out to oversee his sparring. It looked like they were regretting that decision right now. "Who wants to go down next?" He asked cheerily.

Ser Barristan sighed and stepped forward.

"Thank you, Ser." Harry said genuinely. "Rhaegar, you can use your fist, not the side of it like Viserys, you'll get more power behind a punch. You want to hit right here."

Harry took great pleasure in running his fingers down Rhaegar's breastbone, teasing his older brother through his belted tunic and giving him a sly, sultry smile.

"This spot here, where the breastbone ends. Punch right here. As hard as you can against an enemy, not too hard on poor Ser Barristan as if you hit hard enough, it can kill." Harry explained.

Harry stood behind his much taller brother and he kicked Rhaegar's feet into position, he stood behind Rhaegar and placed his hands on his waist and he turned, moving Rhaegar's arm.

"Bend at the elbow, Rhaegar." He instructed. "Pull all the way back and then throw forward with all of your weight. Act as if you're going to punch right through your enemy."

Rhaegar threw forward and almost toppled as he wasn't aiming to hit anything with this punch.

"Well done. A hit like that will kill if you get the right spot and the right amount of force." Harry said happily. "Now do the same, but don't throw all of your weight behind it this time."

Harry again helped Rhaegar set his body up, more for an excuse to touch him, and Ser Barristan stepped forward, within reach, to be Rhaegar's target.

Rhaegar just punched outward this time, without twisting and throwing forward, but still Ser Barristan went down to his knees, unable to catch his breath, gasping urgently for air. Harry knelt down to help him, coaching him through the pain and panic of being unable to breathe until he could take in deep, desperate gasps.

"Of course as soon as they're down and incapacitated, you can hack their head off." He said matter-of-factly as he stood again as soon as Ser Barristan was breathing more normally. "It just means less sword play and a bit more using your fists. Naturally, if you're wearing a mailed fist or a gauntlet it'll be easier to kill your opponent, but it won't work if they're wearing a good quality breastplate. If they're wearing just a breastplate, feign high with your sword to remove the shield, then kick out the back of the knee. If they're in full scale or plate armour, run."

"Run?" Rhaegar turned to look at him in shock at his perceived cowardice.

Harry laughed at the stunned look being sent his way. "Not away!" He insisted sternly. "In a circle if you must. Full armour is heavy!" He emphasised. "You're more like to win if you tire them out a bit beforehand. It gives you a bigger advantage."

"What if you're in full armour too?" Ser Arthur asked him, his eyes narrowed. Harry got the feeling that he was being tested. It was like he was back in the Citadel earning his iron links all over again.

"Dodge." Harry answered immediately. "You let them swing as wildly as they like, just keep them moving while merely dodging yourself. They'll tire more before you will and thus you keep the advantage."

"I'm impressed."

"You shouldn't be. I do have three links for Warcraft." Harry grinned. "Coupled with what I learnt for medicine and healing, I can combine the two to deadly effect."

"It is an…odd combination, I grant you. Warcraft and healing don't exactly come together easily, one creates pain and injury, the other removes it."

"On the contrary, I use the knowledge that I learnt in healing to better incapacitate my enemies as I know where to strike to kill or to cause the most pain."

"Now we just need to get you used to a sword again and you'll be a very formidable warrior."

"Shield too." Harry grinned. "Not to mention lance."

The Kingsguard members shoulders all slumped at near enough the same time. Harry couldn't help laughing.

"Let's get down to business then." Ser Arthur Dayne said firmly. "We have a lot of ground to cover."

Harry picked up his wooden sword again and his actual shield with the Targaryen sigil painted onto it and he tried to get his body to form the right positions that he did remember but his muscles just could no longer conform to as they hadn't been used in such a way in such a long time.

The Kingsguard kept him practising for hours and in the end even Rhaegar went to attend to other matters, leaving Harry pouring with sweat and panting in exhaustion by the time that Ser Arthur was content to let him go and bathe.

Harry was exhausted, but he still had ten serving girls draw him a hot bath, pouring large, heavy kettles of boiled water straight into a wooden tub to keep it hotter for longer. Harry liked his baths scalding hot, as did Rhaegar. They were the blood of the dragon and heat didn't bother them as much.

"Would you like me to stay and welcome you home properly, my Prince?" One bold, buxom girl of seven-and-ten asked him breathily.

"No." Harry said simply. "I wish to bathe alone. All of you, leave me."

Of course he knew what she had meant, he had practiced a bit with others while in Oldtown, but mostly because he had been lonely and sometimes drunk on the very rare and sparse occasions that he had taken away from his studies. He was too exhausted anyway, even if he had felt the mood for such things, of which he didn't. He had had his practice, now he was to be married and he would not disrespect Rhaegar in such a manner by engaging in such activities in Kings Landing.

He had practiced with a few boys too, but he had never, ever allowed them to penetrate him. That honour was for Rhaegar, and Rhaegar alone, and now that he was home, he was not going to play or practice with anyone else. He wouldn't disrespect his love in such a way, he swore it.

He sunk into the scalding hot water with a blissful sigh, his skin not even turning pink. He liked the heat of the water, he could even touch hot coals or sun baked metals. He was by no means impervious to fire, however. He was not so crazed as Aerion Targaryen, who had drunk a cup of wildfire in the misguided belief that it would make him into a real dragon. He still had a healthy respect for fire and there was no way that he would ever touch it or play with it, he had no desire to be labelled as mad like his Father or like Aerion before him, who had died screaming. But an extra hot bath didn't do him, or his reputation, any harm.

After the royal family had supped and had then retired for the evening, Harry stayed in his bed chambers, waiting, until in the dead of the night, he slipped out of his room, padded silently down the dark hall and into Rhaegar's room. He saw the lump in the bed that was his brother and Harry's heart started beating faster. He closed Rhaegar's door and he slid the deadbolt across before he padded quietly to Rhaegar's bed and slid in with him. He was grinning when a sleeping Rhaegar became aware that he was no longer alone in his own bed as Rhaegar had slipped his arms around Harry's waist and snuggled in before his face creased in confusion, his sleepy mind telling him that no one should be in the bed with him.

Those purple eyes blinked open and looked at him for a moment before Rhaegar actually saw him properly and he sat himself up and rolled over on top of him. Harry's heart did a back flip and his breath caught in his throat.

"I'd hoped that you'd come, I must have fallen asleep waiting for you." Rhaegar said huskily. "It was a long, hard sail from Dragonstone, the waters were a bit choppy."

"I was going to come sooner, but Ser Gerold was patrolling the corridor relentlessly. I think he is worried that we might run off again." Harry said, looking up into Rhaegar's devastatingly beautiful face.

He found that he couldn't help himself as he pushed himself upwards and he kissed Rhaegar on the mouth. Their first proper kiss and after a moment's shocked pause, Rhaegar cupped either side of his head and kissed him back, hard. He forced his tongue into Harry's mouth and his larger body framed Harry's easily. As soon as their passions had been unleashed, it was impossible to cage them back in, that one kiss had broken the sibling bond between them and opened them to more carnal desires. That one kiss had been the push over the edge, the permission that had been needed and now…now there was no stopping them. Rhaegar was ready, Harry was more than ready and he was now old enough for such things. He wouldn't be a man for another year, but that didn't matter. He was old enough for marriage and sex and he would be having both with Rhaegar very soon now that he was back home.

"You've kissed someone before." Rhaegar told him, panting, breathing heavily.

"I got in some practice while I was in Oldtown. I was very lonely." Harry told him truthfully. "I never let anyone take me, however. That honour was always reserved for you. For our wedding night."

"I've dreamt of this for so long. I prayed to the Seven for forgiveness for thinking of you that way so young, but you have always been dear to me."

"I don't want to wait any longer, Rhaegar. I want to be married to you. I want to have children…your children."

Rhaegar looked at Harry's serious face and he nodded. He smiled and then kissed him again, hard, but briefly.

"It will be done. I'll immediately prepare the ceremony. I've been thinking almost of nothing else ever since you left for Oldtown and I believe that the only way to do it is as quietly as possible. We'll have to do it in the godswood, by the tradition of the old gods in front of the great oak heart tree. It's too dangerous to do it in a Sept. We only need a few witnesses for a marriage in front of the old gods. We can have a marriage in the Faith of the Seven if you want one once we have the Iron Throne, as soon as Father passes."

"Who would we ask to witness?" Harry worried.

"Jon." Rhaegar said immediately. "He would never tell a living soul. I was thinking of Ser Arthur Dayne too."

"Rhaegar, I know he's your oldest, closest friend, but Ser Arthur is sworn to report to the King."

"Only if the King asks him." Rhaegar insisted. "Why would Father ask him if we had married each other?"

Harry swallowed and he took a leap of trust. "Okay, those two and Lewyn Martell, no more."

Rhaegar nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure Jon will do it?"

"Yes, Arthur and Jon are my oldest, closest friends, Haradarian. Don't forget, we'll be Kings soon, no one would dare to upset us. Father doesn't have long left, I fear. His madness is eating away at him."

"I saw it too. He smells awful, but under that stench of an unwashed body is the smell of sickness. I know it well from my time in the Citadel studying for my silver links."

"Things will work out. I told you in my letters that he sent Lord Steffon Baratheon to Essos to find me a wife. But when Lord Baratheon came back, not only had he failed, but his ship went down in his own waters with his Wife aboard, in front of their two sons, the now Lord Robert Baratheon and his younger brother, Stannis. They'd just had another son the year before as well, little Renly. Of course, Father blamed Tywin Lannister. Apparently the man is conspiring with the gods now, or perhaps sea monsters that drag ships under water, who knows."

Harry considered that. "I actually like the name Renly…Prince Renly Targaryen. I like it."

Rhaegar laughed and kissed him again. "The point is I am still unmarried, still not betrothed and Father's plans to find me a wife have failed."

Harry smiled in satisfaction. "No one will be as good for you as I am." He declared.

"It seems even the gods know it too. Why else would Lord Baratheon fail to find a suitable wife for me in Essos despite the blood of old Valyria still being strong over in Volantis? The gods conspire against them and in our favour. We will usher in a new age of the dragon, Haradarian, I am more certain than ever that the prophecy refers to us both. Even the gods are on our side."

Harry pulled Rhaegar's head back down and kissed him, playing his tongue along his brother's and teasing his hair with his fingers.

"I've waited so long for this. For you." Rhaegar declared when they next broke apart for air. Harry was too breathless to reply, which didn't get any better when Rhaegar pushed up his sleeping tunic and kissed his belly. "I love you."

"Love you." Harry managed to force out as his body was assaulted by hormones and the pleasure of having Rhaegar's lips on his skin.

"How much practice did you have?" Rhaegar asked him seriously.

"Not much." Harry admitted. "A couple of girls and I did take a boy or two, but I wouldn't let anyone take me. I think I hurt those boys more than anything else."

"Did the boys or any of the girls suck you?"

"Wh…what?" Harry asked confusedly. "Suck me? Suck me where?"

Rhaegar grinned and he rolled over to his bedside table and he took the candle burning there and lit several more on either side of his bed.

"I want to see you properly when I do this." He declared as he came back, pushing Harry's tunic right up to his chest and removing his smallclothes. "You're so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you are."

Rhaegar laughed. "No one in the Seven Kingdoms or beyond could compare to your beauty, Harry. Not even me. Half the Lords and their sons want you as a lover, with your midnight hair and large, emerald eyes, not to mention this slim, supple body of yours. I'm too bulky and muscular for most of their tastes."

"How do you know that?" Harry demanded angrily, smarting from the disrespect shown to him that he would be a mere lover of anyone when he was a Prince.

"I've heard some of them muttering at tourneys, the muttering only got worse when you vanished as no one knew where you were, there were even rumours going around that some Lord had had you kidnapped to be his paramour. Of course, they all pray that I haven't heard them when they spot me, but I have heard them, though I act like I haven't. That was the hardest part of hearing them speaking of you like that when you're to be my married Husband. They will learn soon enough. I remember every single one of them and I will not favour them easily when we have the Iron Throne."

Harry frowned, not sure how to take the news that people were seeing him as a mere catamite, a paramour for others to use as they saw fit. He needed to start making a better name for himself. He refused to be remembered in history as just someone that somebody else wanted to fuck.

"Do not look so angry, brother. They will never be able to have you." Rhaegar comforted him. "You're all mine."

Harry's thought process was cut off when Rhaegar kissed at his inside thighs, causing him to make a soft 'oh' of sighed pleasure. Rhaegar smiled into his leg at the sound as he kissed down to his knee and then back up, right to the very sensitive spot high up his thigh.

"Ser Arthur Dayne has said that you can squire for him." Rhaegar told him. "He's already training you, why not squire for him too. That is if you still wish to be knighted."

"Uh?" Harry grunted, confused.

Rhaegar laughed. "Perhaps this isn't the best time to engage your brain. Just lay back and relax for me, Harry."

Missing Scene

Rhaegar curled up next to him and smoothed his hair away from his sweaty face, looking down at him adoringly.

"I just knew that I'd get addicted to watching you like that." Rhaegar told him, touching his hip with one hand and his belly gently with the other.

Harry yawned, very tired now all of a sudden and he hummed sleepily, contentedly.

"I can't wait until we're married." He said happily.

Rhaegar laughed gruffly, his throat raw. "Neither can I. Nor for when we have the Iron Throne. You'd be able to stay in my bed and no one could say a thing about it. I would be able to touch you publically, I'd be able to kiss you and fuck you whenever the mood struck us. I will approach Jon, Lewyn and Arthur and I will get them to act as our witnesses and as soon as they do, we'll be married as soon as I'm able to manage it. I have a marriage cloak already, Mother gave it to me last year, just before Steffon sailed for Essos, likely in the hopes of pushing me along to find a wife sooner, but I think your old cloak will suffice. It's more important that you wear my cloak at the end of the ceremony."

"We're swapping Targaryen for Targaryen anyway, it's not as if the symbolism will matter much, it's the same house." Harry yawned wider. "But your cloak will be bigger and warmer. I want to keep it always."

Rhaegar smiled happily and bent down to kiss him properly, on the mouth. Harry sighed happily.

"I suppose I better go before I fall asleep here with you."

"I don't want you to go." Rhaegar groaned before he sat up. He bent over him again and kissed him before pulling down his sleeping tunic and sliding his smallclothes back onto him.

"I'll see you on the morrow." Harry sighed, even as he didn't move a muscle.

Rhaegar kissed him again. "Go on, before the Kingsguard start another shift patrolling the corridors."

Harry groaned pathetically but he sat up and swung himself over the side of the bed.

"We better be married before the end of this turn or I'm not going to be able to help myself." He told Rhaegar as he stood, hissing as his bare feet touched cold stone.

Rhaegar cupped his hand around Harry's bum and squeezed.

"Don't fret so, brother. I'll be sure to marry us together by the end of the week after tonight." He laughed.

Harry chuckled too before he bent back over the bed and kissed Rhaegar passionately and lingeringly. He pulled the top sheet over Rhaegar and tucked him in.

"Go back to sleep now." Harry told him.

"I wish you were staying here."

"I wish that too, but it's too dangerous while Father is still King. Just get some more rest and I'll see you tomorrow, my love."

Harry padded back to his own room and snuggled under the sheets, wriggling about to warm himself up. He smiled to himself in the darkness and he sighed happily. He'd be married to Rhaegar very soon and after tonight, he was certain that Rhaegar would definitely be able to please him, he just hoped that he could please Rhaegar in return. He fell asleep and he dreamed of Rhaegar's mouth on him again, he had very pleasant dreams that night.

Over the next week, Harry got more and more excited, he didn't know exactly when it had started, but very suddenly one day he noticed that Ser Arthur and Prince Lewyn were always near him, and they were always watching him closely. It had clicked that Rhaegar had spoken to them, that he had told them of their plan to marry, and they had not gone immediately running to King Aerys. They could trust the both of them and that was the greatest feeling in the world.

He tried to carry on as normal, keeping to his usual routine and performing his regular duties as a Prince, but it was difficult knowing that his wedding was coming up and later that same day, after they'd supped with the three other members of their family, Rhaegar followed him out of the royal solar and led him far away from their family and the on duty Kingsguard, to a small room that he locked after himself. Inside the room were Ser Arthur Dayne, Prince Lewyn Martell and Lord Jon Connington.

"Are you serious about going through with this?" Ser Arthur demanded as soon as the door was closed.

"Yes." Rhaegar answered.

"Begging your pardon, my Prince, I wasn't speaking to you." Dayne said staring at Harry.

Harry blinked. "It was my idea." Harry said confusedly before turning to Rhaegar. "Didn't you mention that I was the one pushing you for marriage?"

"You're not pushing for marriage. I want it as much as you do."

"This isn't a jape?" Jon Connington asked, looking shocked and…oddly crushed.

"No." Rhaegar said seriously. "The three of you are here because Haradarian and I have spoken about it and we have decided that you three are the only ones that we can absolutely trust with this delicate matter."

"You're both men!" Ser Arthur raged. "You're Princes! You have a duty to the realm to provide heirs for the royal line!"

"Don't you think that we've thought of all of this and more over the last four years?!" Harry demanded. "Of course we have and we've tried, but we love one another! I will not be parted from Rhaegar and we'll be having this wedding with or without you!"

"Tonight." Rhaegar added firmly.

"Tonight?" Harry asked, turning to look at him happily with a grin.

Rhaegar nodded. "Tonight, we'll be married in the godswood. A marriage by the heart tree means that strictly, we don't even need witnesses, but due to the nature of our marriage, it'll be smoother if we do have witnesses to our union."

"I can't believe that you're even considering this!" Dayne carried on, going red faced. "What about children?"

"We have Viserys." Harry said, mentioning nothing of the prophecy that said he and Rhaegar would be able to have their own children. He wouldn't mention that until he absolutely had to.

"The Targaryen line is suffering, Aerys had three sons, you can't deprive him of two of them by marrying one another!" Jon burst out furiously.

"Watch us!" Harry hissed back. "The Targaryen line has been suffering for decades. The Blackfyre rebellion, the Dance of the Dragons, the Spring Sickness, the tragedy of Summerhall. The Targaryen line was failing long before Rhaegar and I were even born! So what if I want to marry the man I love instead of some stupid, insipid girl that I'll barely tolerate, let alone love?"

"So you'll leave the weight of the entire Targaryen line on Viserys' young shoulders?" Arthur asked them.

Harry sighed. "We were thinking of adopting Viserys as our own son. He's still young enough."

"Do you plan to assassinate the King? Your own Father." Lewyn spoke up for the first time.

"No!" Harry burst out, aghast at the very thought of killing his own Father.

"With the way he's carrying on, we won't need to." Rhaegar added more calmly. "He's sick and he's completely mad. He's killing himself by not accepting medicine or even bathing. He's becoming more frail by the day and there is nothing that we can do, we're watching him die before our eyes and he is refusing our help."

"I'm not even going to try anymore." Harry sighed. "I offered to make him some medicine for his cough, but he accused me of trying to poison him and threatened to have me burnt alive if I mentioned it again."

"He's gone back to threatening your life?" Rhaegar asked angrily.

Harry nodded. "I guess two and a half years away in Oldtown only warranted a little over a week of being pleased that I was back. I was only trying to help, Rhaegar. I know I have a lead link, but I'd never poison him. I only studied poisons in the first place to try and find remedies to the more common poisons, just in case. I was just curious about it."

"You don't have to explain yourself or your decision to study for your lead link! Just because you've learnt about poisons and how to make them does not make you a common murderer, Haradarian and I won't have him threatening your life as if you were one. We're going to Dragonstone." Rhaegar said firmly. "We leave on the morrow, at first light."

"Unless he forbids it again." Harry sighed.

"I don't give a fuck if he does forbid it, tonight you will become my Husband. We sail for Dragonstone on the morrow." Rhaegar said, his voice rising slightly in his anger.

Harry nodded and he turned to hug Rhaegar around the middle, he sighed and rested his head against Rhaegar's chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too. But we got off track." Rhaegar sighed before turning to the three other men. "The issue here is not why we're marrying and you can't stop us. One way or another we will be married tonight. The issue is if you will witness for us or not."

"He is a boy of fifteen, he's not yet a man!" Jon said harshly. "If you want a man to marry, then find an actual man, Rhaegar."

"It's not just any man I want, Jon." Rhaegar said calmly, trying to swallow back his anger. "I only want Harry. Man or woman, it wouldn't matter. Harry is the only one who can turn my head and keep my interest. It's him or no one in my opinion and as I'm expected to marry, and soon, it has to be Harry."

"Have you even been with another man?" Ser Arthur demanded of Harry.

"Yes. Women too, in Oldtown. The women were…unpleasant." Harry said with a scrunched up face while Rhaegar snorted behind him and tried to cover it up, Harry still turned and frowned at him before turning back. "I don't think the boys I had liked me very much either. I hate whores, all they want is money and they offer no real practice or pleasure. It's hard to take someone, or learn from them, when you know they don't actually like you and only want your coin."

"You don't need any whores now." Rhaegar told him.

"No." Harry smiled and turned back around in Rhaegar's arms to look at the three angry men. "We're not asking you to like or even accept what we're doing. We know our family's culture and traditions sicken most other people in the Seven Kingdoms, particularly the Faith, and Rhaegar and I being together probably twice as much. We're just asking for your trust and your help, please. We trust the three of you more than anyone else, we class you as our friends and we're asking for your help. You only need to witness our marriage, nothing more."

"Damn you both to the seven hells." Lewyn cursed before thrusting a hand through his hair. "Alright, I'll help, but only because I love you, my little friend." He directed at Harry.

Harry grinned the sun shaming smile that hurt his face and he rushed over to hug Lewyn Martell happily.

"Thank you! I appreciate this so much."

"Just…just promise me that this is what you truly want. That no one has pushed you into this and that you're happy."

"No one has forced me into this, especially not Rhaegar. He had to keep reminding me that we had to wait. If you want to ask if anyone has pushed the other into this, you want to ask Rhaegar." Harry laughed.

"You were too young." Rhaegar said sternly. "You were eleven!"

"I just didn't want to be apart from you. I had to run to Oldtown to make myself behave."

"I thought you left because…" Arthur trailed off before he spoke treason.

"Because Father was threatening to burn me alive on public display because I'm a false Targaryen?" Harry asked, his voice trembling only slightly with suppressed emotion, but still Prince Lewyn's arms tightened comfortingly around him. "I did. But I was planning to leave for Oldtown before Duskendale, remember? I announced my intentions at the tourney at Lannisport celebrating Viserys' birth, but I wanted to wait until after my twelfth name day, but it took so long for Father to agree to let me travel to Oldtown. Then Duskendale happened and I felt that I couldn't leave, but then Father came back and started threatening my life, so I sort of had to go, but I was productive about it." He explained, fingering the twenty odd links of the chain around his neck in a nervous gesture.

Ser Arthur sighed. "Fine, I'll help, but I don't approve of this. Two men have absolutely no business being married together."

Harry went to him next and hugged him, accepting an awkward pat to the head.

"You don't have to accept it or approve of it, I've said. You just have to help us. We want to be married to one another. The Targaryen's are over." He said sadly. "I don't like it, but it's the truth. There are five of us left alive. Five from a whole family. Even if Rhaegar and I do marry women and have a few children each, we're only delaying the inevitable. Our family line has ended and it ended as soon as our ancestors turned against one another and fought each other into depletion. How many dragons died in the Dance of Dragons? Two years of Targaryen against Targaryen and sixteen dragons dead. Our line started dying when the dragons did. We are of dragon blood and we have no dragons. The winters are longer and colder since the last dragon died and the Targaryens have been in decline ever since. Rhaegar and I would need twenty sons each and we'd need to take over more land than our family currently holds for them to own in order to bring our line back into prominence. Our time is over."

"He's right." Rhaegar interrupted the long, dead silence that followed. "Our family is at an end, we have no bastards, no out branches of the family, no cadet lines, no lesser houses, there is just us two, Viserys, a mad old man and a down beaten woman who has had more stillbirths and miscarriages than any woman should be forced to live with. We're at an end. Why shouldn't Harry and I be happy? We can't do anything to help our line, our ancestors have destroyed it irreparably by warring with one another. We want to marry and be happy and no one would ever make me happier than Harry."

"He's your brother." Jon tried.

Rhaegar actually glared at him. "Are you insinuating that I'm simple minded, Jon?" He growled.

"Of course not, Rhaegar, but he is!" Jon said, almost a little too fervently and Harry wondered then and there if Jon actually loved his brother a little bit too. That made the hideous jealousy that he carried around with him flare, as it always did when he thought that someone might try to seduce Rhaegar away from him, and he strode to his brother and hugged him tight in a show of possession. Rhaegar hugged him back just as tightly, bending slightly to kiss his head.

"I know that he's my brother, the Seven damn you, Jon! Don't you think I've tried to talk myself out of it over these last four years? That I haven't tried to ignore my feelings and let him have a normal life? He doesn't want that and neither do I and neither of us can help how we feel about one another, Jon! I love him and for some reason I have yet to find, he loves me too."

"Don't sell yourself so short, Rhaegar! You're a beautiful, talented, intelligent man, of course I love you. We may not have planned for this, but it has happened." Harry said to his brother before turning to the others in the room. "We couldn't have planned for it to happen, of course not, but we've always been very close and along the way, we fell in love. You're either with us, or you're going to sell us out to our Father, in which case we're likely to be executed, so either way house Targaryen will lose two sons, at least this way, our way, we get to live and be happy with one another."

"Your father is looking for a wife for both of you." Ser Arthur told them. "He rants about it daily."

"We know that, but he's never going to find one in the Seven Kingdoms and Steffon Baratheon couldn't find one in the free cities, what can he do? He's never going to settle for second best for either of us, so unless he and Mother actually do have a daughter, it's of little consequence now."

"And if they do have a daughter?" Lewyn asked seriously.

"We'll be married tonight. It's too late." Harry said. "Even if they announced, by some miracle, that they were having another child tomorrow, it'll be fourteen or fifteen years before she's a flowered woman of child bearing age and that's only if they have a daughter at all and not another son. By then Rhaegar will be five-and-thirty and I'll be thirty. We'll be too old and she much too young."

"We've made up our minds. We will be married." Rhaegar said firmly. "We'll meet you in the godswood at the second hour of the morning. I've prepared everything and the ceremony will take half an hour at the most. Tomorrow we'll sail for Dragonstone as I will not risk Harry's life with that mad man. It is unlikely that we will be coming back before he is dead."

"I can't believe we're going to be a part of this." Ser Arthur raged, stomping a few paces forward, turning and then stomping back, his enamelled white scale armour clanking with every step. "A part of the downfall of the Targaryen line."

"The Targaryen line started dying when our dragons did." Harry reiterated firmly. "Our fate was tied to theirs. Our lives have always been tied to them! Strange isn't it that our family only really started failing after the last dragon died?"

"There must be some wild dragons left, beyond Asshai in the shadows of Stygai or even in the wilds of Sothoryos." Lewyn said. "We can save you if we find some dragons!"

"Isn't there a horde of dragon eggs on Dragonstone?" Ser Arthur asked, catching on.

"The rumours are greatly exaggerated, there are only three." Rhaegar sighed. "They're eons old and fossilised to stone. Even if the knowledge on hatching dragons wasn't lost to us and we did know how to hatch them, they likely never would."

"They're beautiful." Harry sighed. "Green and bronze, white and gold and black and red. They're always hot to the touch, but Rhaegar's right, they're stone and unlike to hatch even if we knew what to do with them. They're kept in the vault on Dragonstone and only a Targaryen knows how to open it."

"There have to be living dragons somewhere still." Lewyn said desperately. "I'll sail out tomorrow and go all the way to Asshai. I'll find a live dragon for you!"

"What will you tell Father?" Rhaegar asked pointedly.

Harry snorted. "He'll be gone for two days and Father won't even remember who he is." He scoffed.

"It's a suicide venture." Rhaegar sighed. "I've accepted that my family has come to its end, I just want to be happy for the remainder of it."

"Me too. Now, I am going to go and bathe, you had better too. I'm not marrying a peasant farmer so I don't want you to smell like one."