
Rhaegar smiled at him and Harry flitted past him, calling a dozen serving girls to fill a bath for him as soon as he made it to his bed chamber. He laid out his very best, and favourite, silk doublet. It was his most expensive too being inlaid with over two hundred rubies of varying sizes to shape out the Targaryen three headed dragon sigil, some as big as his knuckle, others as small as a droplet.

His best breeches were also black silk and of course he was going to wear his favourite black leather, ruby studded, ankle boots. He had yet to grow out of them, but they were becoming a little tarnished and ragged, he would need new ones soon enough. He was going to have them made exactly the same, he was even thinking of having the rubies taken from his old boots to use on his new ones, to give them a sense of sentimentality. It seemed ridiculous, but he was very attached to these boots.

"You." He pointed at one of the serving girls filling the wooden tub as he walked into the bathing chamber. She almost swooned and passed out onto the floor. "I want my hair cut once I'm finished bathing, get someone for that."

Harry stripped off, ignoring the eyes of the serving girls on him as he slipped into the boiling hot water. He was too nervous, too excited to care if they were seeing him. He was getting married tonight and he wanted to be extra clean and well dressed.

The girls flitted around him, finding excuses to stay in the room and Harry didn't care enough to send them away as he got one of them to sponge off his back and another to wash his hair for him.

He sighed happily as the boiling water warmed him from the inside and he was pampered by numerous small, soft hands.

He still didn't know how the whole pregnancy was going to work, or how in the hell he was going to bring back the dragons with Rhaegar, but at least he was doing it with his brother. If things all went badly, and the prophecy wasn't actually about them after all, then at least they truly loved one another and it wouldn't matter so much, but they'd lied pretty badly to the three other men who were involved in this little ceremony. They hadn't given up on their family at all, just the opposite in fact, but they could have hardly told them about Harry potentially being able to carry and birth a baby with his own body, especially not when they had no idea how it was to work or even what the prophecy had meant and could not answer any questions about it. They would have believed, wrongly, that the madness of Aerys had been passed down to his two older sons also.

After his bath, Harry wrapped up in a sheet of linen to dry himself off and he sat on a stool as a grizzled old man cut his hair for him while a serving girl held a mirror up so that Harry could see what was being done. Once he was happy with his cut, he thanked the man, pressed a silver coin into his hand for a job well done and then dismissed him.

He got the girls to sweep up the cut hair and brush his body of stray strands before he dismissed them too so that he could dress. They left giggling and chatting happily and excitedly. He sighed, they were probably going to go and tell all the other servants of what he looked like without his clothes. Serving girls never changed.

He dressed in never before worn smallclothes before pulling on his brand new silk breeches. The silk doublet went on easily and Harry took several deep breaths. He smiled as he smoothed down his doublet and laid his Maester's chain over the top. He was marrying Rhaegar tonight, in just a few short hours.

He went back to his rooms and he stayed in them, waiting, trying to distract himself as the sky got darker outside his window. He read several passages from an old scroll about medicine and child birth while he played with his chain anxiously as he waited. He already had all the potions and medicines that he needed for child birth ready. Or at least the ones used when a woman was pregnant. He'd made several additional potions and pastes that he thought that he might need and he made sure to pack them all into the solid wooden chest that he was going to take tomorrow, when he and Rhaegar went to Dragonstone.

All too soon, Prince Lewyn Martell walked into his room unannounced and gestured for him to follow him. Harry stood up, swung his cloak around his shoulders and he hurried excitedly to the side of his friend.

They made it out of Maegor's Holdfast easily enough, but Harry's heart was in his throat as they had to pass White Sword Tower. The tower where all the members of the Kingsguard slept when they weren't on duty and there would be a few of them in that Tower right now and it faced out into the courtyard, the yard that also contained the entrance to Maegor's Holdfast. If any one of them looked out of their windows, he would be seen and they would possibly raise the alarm.

"My Prince, quickly." Lewyn chided him.

Harry followed the Kingsguard quickly to the serpentine steps. He stuck close to Prince Lewyn and together they avoided the city gold cloaks on patrol around the curtain wall battlements of the Red Keep. They made it to the godswood with no issue and it was eerily silent and still in the dead of night.

It was an acre of black cottonwood, alder and elm trees, all close together and it felt oppressive and magical here. Harry loved it in the godswood and when Rhaegar went on one of his trips to the ruins of Summerhall and didn't want Harry to be with him, Harry came here and he spent the night looking up at the same stars that Rhaegar was looking up at, letting himself float and bob on the magical energy that surrounded him only ever in the godswood. It always helped him believe that he was closer to Rhaegar when he did so.

He saw Rhaegar standing at the heart tree and he ran the last few feet to him, wrapping his arms around him tightly, smiling up at him. Rhaegar cupped his face and smiled just as happily down at him. They turned to face the great oak, covered in smokeberry vines, the base of the tree obscured by the beautiful red dragon's breath flowers that Harry adored. He kept a vase of the fresh cut flowers in his bed chamber at all times, they were exchanged for fresh flowers weekly.

Ser Arthur Dayne was acting as their officiator and Lewyn Martell was acting as if he were Harry's Father while Jon stood to the side of Rhaegar with a face like thunder.

"Are you both sure of this?" Ser Arthur asked.

"I am." Harry answered.

"Yes, please do this for us." Rhaegar said softly. "We've been waiting for this for years, please, do not deny us now that we are here, so close to being bonded together."

"We really do want this." Harry said as the godswood remained silent. "We love one another. Please, if you can't do this for us, then leave. We will not hold it against you, we know that we ask a lot of you, but please, if you cannot be here, keep our secret as if it were your own, I beg you."

There was a deep, oppressive silence in which no one moved and no one dared to speak. Then Ser Arthur shifted and faced more centrally, his back to the great oak heart tree.

"Who comes before the Old Gods this night?" Ser Arthur asked tonelessly, starting the marriage ritual.

"Prince Haradarian, of house Targaryen, he comes here to be wed. He comes to beg the blessing of the Gods. Who comes to claim him?" Lewyn replied and Harry could have wept in joy as he realised that they really were going to marry him and Rhaegar together.

"Rhaegar, of house Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, Heir to Kings Landing and the Iron Throne. Who gives him?" Rhaegar answered strong and firm.

"Prince Lewyn, of house Martell."

"Prince Haradarian, will you take this man as your Husband?"

"I take this man." Harry said happily with no hesitancy.

Rhaegar smiled at him and held out his hand. Harry took his hand and squeezed it. They knelt before the great oak and they both bowed their heads in silent reflection and prayer for several long, silent minutes. Harry begged that the old gods accept them, that they blessed their union and that he fell pregnant soon with Rhaegar's child. He begged them not to sully their love just because they were both men. He asked for their blessing and their protection in the years to come, for himself, for Rhaegar, for their three witnesses and their future children too and finally he begged that King Aerys never, ever found out so that he would never have the chance to null their marriage and ruin their lives completely.

He felt a slight tingling in his fingers, the sign he always took to mean that the old gods had heard his prayers, that they had heard him and had blessed him. His breathing came faster, the thick air hard for him to breathe as the magic here concentrated in the very air. Rhaegar, just beside him, their hands linked, seemed to not even feel the magic that he did, he was breathing normally, easily, as were the three other men with them. It was only him that was affected by the swell of magic, the air that felt too thick for him to breathe as he listened to the whispers of the trees around him, as if the old gods themselves were speaking to him.

He sat back, almost gasping with no sound, and Rhaegar followed him, his older brother stood, pulling him to his feet easily and with one fluid motion, Rhaegar tugged off Harry's cloak, letting it drop to the leaf strewn ground, and then he swung his own heavy, beautiful cloak around his shoulders, tying it at his throat and wrapping Harry in it to make him warmer in the cool night air, but Harry had not shivered from the breeze, but from the thickening air, the whispers in his ears and the growing tingling in his fingers as the magic swirled around him like a tangible force.

"I love you, Harry." Rhaegar told him softly, breaking the silence of the godswood and bringing Harry from his thoughts and back into the real world.

"I love you…Husband." Harry replied and he delighted in seeing Rhaegar's dark purple eyes gleam with lust and pleasure at that announcement.

Rhaegar bent his head and kissed him. Only a short, hard pressure of lips, but still it discomforted the three men watching them. Again Rhaegar seemed to not feel the build-up of magic within him as their lips touched, he had no reaction while Harry felt as if he had been hit by lightning. Another sign that the old gods accepted their marriage, their bond.

"We need to be ready to leave for Dragonstone, are you packed?" Rhaegar asked him, ignoring the three others and that Harry himself was slightly dazed.

Harry nodded slowly. "I packed everything that I need to take."

"Are…are you going to have a bedding?" Jon asked.

"We're going to consummate, of course, but no feast and no bedding for obvious reasons." Rhaegar answered. "This needs to be kept as secret as we can possibly make it. You tell no one, you don't even speak aloud of this matter to yourself, or you'll face me."

Harry, still hand in hand with Rhaegar, waved bemusedly to the three men as he was pulled away by Rhaegar. As soon as they were out of the godswood, he could breathe again, pulling in the air deeply and easily, the tingling in his fingers easing off and the whispering from the trees cut out as soon as he was away from the acre of ancient trees. He said nothing, recovering from his trip to the godswood, as he was pulled back over the serpentine steps, hurriedly past White Sword Tower and they stole back into Maegor's Holdfast. He was so excited that he could have bounced back to Rhaegar's bedchamber. He wasn't nervous exactly, but he was a little apprehensive as Rhaegar shut the door to his bed chamber and bolted it.

"Are you alright? You look worried." Rhaegar said softly.

"I'm okay, you know how the godswood affects me. I am worried about our night a little bit." Harry replied. "I'm fine, though, truly. I've bedded others, but I've never been bedded myself, so there is that anticipation in finding out exactly what it's like."

Rhaegar smiled and picked him up, much to Harry's surprise as he gasped audibly.

"You're getting taller." Rhaegar told him. "But you're still so tiny in my arms, you're still so beautiful."

Harry grinned happily at the compliment. "I might be as tall and as beautiful as you one day, once I've grown some more."

"We've been through this, my love. You are much more beautiful than I am, though you'll never be taller." Rhaegar told him as he sat himself on his bed, Harry straddling his lap.

"I might be! You don't know that." Harry protested with a wide, teasing smile.

"It's no matter if you do grow taller than me." Rhaegar told him kindly before twisting and putting Harry's back to the downy feather mattress. "I'll still love you."

Harry smiled and looped his arms around Rhaegar's neck. He kissed Rhaegar and with that one move, their simmering passions were ignited and started boiling over.

Rhaegar easily took over and Harry allowed him, resting against the pillows and he let Rhaegar kiss him furiously, barely able to take a breath before Rhaegar was kissing him again.

The cloak came off first, Rhaegar treated it gently after Harry protested his rough treatment of it. His boots were treated the same, he'd worn them to death and Rhaegar knew that they were his favourites, and so too was his Maester's chain, which was pooled carefully onto the table beside the bed. His doublet was eased off carefully, Rhaegar making absolutely sure that none of the large rubies caught his face or tangled in his hair, but his brand new silk breeches were all but torn off of his body and the new smallclothes that he'd chosen to wear were cut off with a simple swipe of Rhaegar's favourite dagger.

When he was completely bare, Rhaegar just sat back and looked at him, his eyes tracing every line and dip of his body. After a full, silent minute of this, Harry squirmed and tried to cover himself.

"Stop it." He complained, his cheeks reddening.

Rhaegar grinned and gripped his wrists and pulled them away, pinning them up by his head.

"You're absolutely beautiful. Don't cover yourself in my bed, Harry. You're so slender and willowy, more for speed than strength, you'd be formidable in light, swift armour."

"I haven't seen you fully bare yet, I want to see my Husband." Harry complained. Rhaegar laughed.

"Harry, you've seen me bare more times than you've seen me dressed." His brother wildly exaggerated. "You've even washed my hair and back for me while I've been bathing."

"The water obscured my view and every time I've seen you undressed, you've still had your smallclothes on."

Rhaegar shook his head with a chuckle, but he let go of his wrists and he undressed slowly.

"You're teasing me." Harry protested, even as he licked his lips as Rhaegar's doublet came off and bared his glorious, muscled chest.

Harry reached out and touched it, playing his fingers over the muscles that danced under Rhaegar's skin.

"It's no wonder that the serving girls fight each other every time you call for a bath." Harry said. "You know that young one almost died from her injuries. You're a hazard."

Rhaegar laughed deeply, his voice already gone husky. "Are you not going to mention the poor tailor's apprentice who was forced to touch you as you were measured for your new garb when you came home from the Citadel?"

"I didn't like him. He touched me much more than was strictly necessary." Harry complained.

"He was telling all the other little apprentice boys and the serving girls how soft and smooth you were. I told him that if he said one more word then I'd have his tongue ripped out. Poor thing, he almost wet himself in fear."

"The tailor wasn't much better. I want a new one."

"I'm afraid you are just too irresistible, my love. I'm afraid that all tailors and their little apprentice boys will react the same to you."

Harry sighed. "There's only one thing for it, Rhaegar. You'll have to train to become a tailor so that I can have you fit me for new clothes."

Rhaegar smiled down on him and cupped his face with both hands. He bent down and kissed him soundly.

"I'd do anything for you, Harry. Anything." He swore.

"I don't expect you to become a tailor, though perhaps the next time I need new clothes you could sit in the room with me. Your sharp tongue and furious glares might dissuade anyone from touching me more than is needed."

"Of course, you only need to ask and whatever it is, it's yours."

Harry nodded. "Then fuck me, brother. Let us consummate our marriage and make me your Husband truly."

Missing Scene

When Harry slowly woke up again, taking his time to come around in the warm, soft bed, it was already morning and Rhaegar was still fast asleep. His brother-husband had moved off of the top of him and was instead sleeping beside him, their bodies curved together perfectly as Rhaegar held him around his waist.

Harry moved gently and he groaned as a dull ache made itself known in his lower back. He sat himself up and Rhaegar stirred beside him.

"We fell asleep." Harry said roughly, his voice raw.

Rhaegar's eyes opened and Harry saw exactly when he realised that it was already morning. He sat up and cursed.

"What time is it?"

"No idea, but if the sunlight is that bright from the back windows, then it's closer to noon than daybreak."

Rhaegar cursed again.

"I told you that it was too late to go to the library last night." Harry said loudly.

Rhaegar looked at him and Harry winked. His brother laughed and hugged him tightly, finding his lips and kissing him soundly.

"I love you, Haradarian. My Husband."

"I love you too, Rhaegar. Now, let's go down and try to explain away our very late night as studying theories on dragon eggs. We have done that often enough in the past for it to be deemed an acceptable excuse."

Harry got up and he cleaned himself off with a rag and a bowl of water before dressing himself in the clean clothes that he'd left in Rhaegar's room for this very purpose.

He went down first and Rhaegar was going to follow him later. He was a little stiff, a bit pained, but he was so happy, so overjoyed, that he put it from his mind. It was sinking in that he was now married to Rhaegar, his love. They had consummated their marriage and now, no one could tear them apart, not unless somehow, their Father found out, but he was never going to, Harry was adamant about that.

He and Rhaegar trusted the three people who had been in on their marriage and he knew that not one of them would ever tell their Father on them. They just needed to hold out now until King Aerys died. In his professional, medical opinion, it would not be very long now. Aerys was becoming more and more unstable, he was getting sicker, he was getting more and more suspicious of Rhaegar which was straining their relationship and he had gone back to threatening Harry's life, which caused Rhaegar's relationship with their Father to break down even further.

Harry made it to the royal solar, where the noon meal was being served, they really had slept in late. Viserys immediately jumped up and ran to him. Harry picked him up with a contorted scowl and a hiss of pain, but he bit it back and he forced his scowl into a smile instead. It likely came out as more of a grimace, but he tried his best.

"You were not in your rooms this morning. The servants believed you to be gone again." His Mother told him, visibly relieved to see that he was still here.

"I was in Rhaegar's room." Harry said easily, with not even a hint that what he had done was anything wrong. "He decided that it was a good idea to start looking into the legends of Valyria and we went to the library to study a theory that he had thought of, we took those scrolls back to Rhaegar's room and we just fell asleep there very late. His theory fell through."

"It could have worked!" Rhaegar said, striding into the room and acting as though he knew what was going on even though he'd likely been listening at the door.

"It didn't, a whole night wasted." Harry groaned.

"What theory did you investigate?" Their Father asked.

"Dragon eggs." They said together before looking to one another and laughing.

"Turns out that the theory had already been practised." Rhaegar sighed unhappily.

"At least we know that now, but I am not working on any more theories with you so late at night. I'm exhausted."

Harry saw Ser Arthur and Prince Lewyn shift uncomfortably, but he ignored them. They alone in this room knew that he and Rhaegar were not studying any theories late last night and they knew, or could at least imagine, the real reason why they were both so exhausted still.

Rhaegar tore some bread and meat apart and Harry snatched some of the pieces and fed them to the three year old Viserys, still in his lap, who was very happy with the attention from his two big brothers.

Harry took his own dagger to a roasted carrot and he held it up to Viserys, who pushed it away with a frown.

"Eat your carrot." Harry said sternly.

"I don't want to."

"Viserys." Rhaegar said just as sternly, his voice deeper and more authoritative.

Viserys slumped and he opened his mouth for Harry to pop the piece of carrot in. Harry ate himself, but he and Rhaegar kept feeding Viserys between them.

Harry picked at the food, Rhaegar ate enough to feed an army and Viserys tried to get out of eating any carrots or mashed turnips while Harry forced him to eat them.

Harry ate an apricot, fed some grapes to Viserys and then he excused himself, passing Viserys to Rhaegar, who was still eating, and he went to put his things into Rhaegar's room. They had decided that to remove any suspicions, Rhaegar would pack his ship up with all of their things while Harry played with Viserys and made himself seen so that no one could guess what they were doing. When the ship was ready, then Rhaegar would come back to collect him and they would leave quickly and quietly. They didn't plan to come back for a few years.

He took his bags and the one single chest to Rhaegar's room and he made absolutely sure that he'd packed everything that he wanted and needed to take before he went back to the royal solar and he touched his brother's shoulder and gave him a small nod to show him that he'd done his part, it was now Rhaegar's turn to do his part and load their things onto his ship.

"Viserys, do you want to play?" He asked his brother with a smile.

His brother nodded happily and Harry hefted him up and kissed his cheek. "Come on then."

Harry took him out into the courtyard and he was aware of Ser Oswell Whent following them out and watching over them. Harry set Viserys to running, training up his speed and stamina, but making it a fun game so that Viserys didn't really notice as Harry chased him. When he caught Viserys, he pretended to bite his neck like a rabid beast, making his brother screech with laughter before Harry let him go again, pretending that Viserys had managed to wriggle free of the beast's grip, and let him run for a bit, then he'd start running after him again.

He noticed with pride that Viserys got faster with each catch and release and he started dodging and ducking to avoid Harry grabbing him. It didn't help Harry that his lower back was so stiff and uncomfortable either, or he probably would have been doing better, but he didn't mind. Viserys was happy and this was the last time that he'd be seeing or playing with Viserys for some years.

He wished again that they could take Viserys with them, but despite being their younger brother, they would be charged with the abduction of a royal Prince if their Father had the mind to claim as such and Harry wouldn't put it past him to do so, not anymore…using it as a flimsy, meagre excuse to finally get his way to burn him alive and disinherit Rhaegar in favour of Viserys.

Their Mother came to collect Viserys for his lessons with Maester Mellciter with Ser Jon Darry escorting her. Harry hugged Viserys and gave him a kiss and he did the same to his Mother.

He stretched himself and sighed, looking at his own guard for the day, Ser Oswell.

"What do you think, Ser, where shall we go now?"

"That is up to you, my Prince. Where you go, I will follow."

Harry hummed, thinking as he played with his Maester's chain, considering his options. He needed to be seen, so he had to stay where others could easily see him, and it wouldn't hurt to interact with the smallfolk a little before he left, so they wouldn't forget him or his good deeds. He hummed to himself, his mind made up. "Perhaps out into the city then. I haven't been out there in a while."

Ser Oswell looked horrified at the mere thought of Harry wandering around Kings Landing, mingling with the smallfolk with only himself as protection. If any trouble kicked off, it would be his sole responsibility to protect him and get him back into the protection of the Red Keep and if anything at all went wrong or Harry was hurt in any way, then he alone would be held responsible for it as his personal guard for the day.

Harry made his way down to the huge bronze gates of the Red Keep and he walked through them with Ser Oswell under the watchful eyes of the city gold cloaks. Harry had his purse on him and he was going to make sure that these smallfolk remembered him and Rhaegar in their absence. They'd be gone for years, he wanted them to remember him and Rhaegar fondly, with love, as he was sure that in the coming years King Aerys would make them hate all Targaryens and forget that he and Rhaegar were decent, loving men who cared for the smallfolk.

He wandered around and he showed interest and enthusiasm in the daily lives of the smallfolk. Of course they were visibly surprised to see him. As of late it was very rare to see a member of the royal family out and about…only a handful of the smallfolk had ever laid eyes upon the three year old Prince Viserys and even then it was only a glancing view from a distance.

He bought an apple, worth only three pennies, with a copper star, waving away the change of five pennies from the vendor. He bought some bits of tat here or there from different people and he pressed copper stars into the hands of every beggar that he saw. It was the children that tugged at his heart the most however, with their rags and their bare, dirty feet, too long, tangled hair and their bloated, starving bellies.

"I want all the pastries that you have." Harry ordered from a bakers, flashing two gold dragons at the wide eyed man, his equally shocked wife almost falling over a stool to start handing Harry the baked pastries. "Some tarts too if you have them."

"Of course, my Prince. Of course!" The baker replied happily. A gold dragon would be more than he made in a year and a half, two of them together would mean that he could take his sickly daughter to a good woods witch and get her the medicine that she needed.

Harry handed over the two gold coins and he crouched down and handed the hot pastries and fruit tarts to the hungry children, touching their faces gently. The one needed medicine, he could feel the fever, the sickness ravaging him with his bare hands.

"Drink this, sweet one. It'll make you feel better." He told the little boy, who couldn't have been older than seven, taking a bottle of liquid from his top pocket of his tunic.

He watched the boy drink the liquid and he took back the glass vial. He handed him another tart to get rid of the taste.

"You…you know medicines, my Prince?" The baker's wife, helping him hand out the pastries and tarts, asked him.

"Yes, my good woman. I learnt healing and medicine in the Citadel at Oldtown when forging my Maester's chain."

Harry pulled the chain from under his shirt and showed off the half a dozen silver links. The woman looked to be warring with herself, making soft noises of uncertainty.

"Whatever it is, you may ask." He insisted with a kind smile.

"Our Prince has just given us two gold dragons, Margram. We can get our daughter to a good woods witch with that." The baker interrupted, wary of asking too much of his Prince who had just paid so very much for just a few tarts and pastries for orphaned street urchins.

Harry frowned. Woods witches were sometimes farces who took people's hard earned coin and gave them fake potions and cures, or even just false hope, while taking every penny that the desperate people who came to them had. He didn't hold much stock to many woods witches.

"If it's all the same to you both, I would rather see to your daughter myself. I am a trained Maester with six silver links. A woods witch has none and perhaps only a fraction of the herblore that I've also trained for. I have five platinum links for herblore on top of my silver links for medicine."

"Oh, would you?" The woman pleaded with tears glistening in her wide, hopeful eyes.

"It would be no trouble." Harry insisted.

"Thank you, my Prince." The woman, Margram, said softly, dabbing at her eyes. "Our daughter got sick a turn ago, we've been trying to save for a woods witch as it's all we can afford, but she's only getting worse and we haven't got enough coin to have her seen to."

Harry followed the woman into her home with Ser Oswell following behind silently, his hand on the pommel of his sword, ready and alert for any hint of an attack. He was not happy at all, Harry could tell.

He was led through the bakery, up the rickety stairs to the ramshackle home above. In one bedroom, three battered beds stood, all with old, lumpy straw mattresses. On one, a small, pale girl lay still.

Harry immediately went to her and touched her head, before peeling an eyelid back to peer into the brown eye below.

"How long has she been this still and quiet?" He asked sternly.

"Only a few days, my Prince." The baker insisted.

Harry nodded as he checked what few medicines he had on him and weighed up what he needed.

"When did she go cold?" He asked seriously as he touched the girl's hands and feet and found them icy.

"Cold?" The woman asked in panic as she seized her daughter's hands herself. "She's not dead, is she? I checked her not half an hour ago."

"No, but its close." Harry said as he unstoppered a vial and dribbled it slowly into the girl's mouth, helping her to swallow by massaging her throat.

He did this with two other vials, from the one he tipped just a single drop into her mouth before recorking the vial and putting it back into a cloth pouch on his belt. He placed his hand back on her head before he bit his lip.

"Take this." He said to the baker, handing over a few copper stars. "I need ginger and mint, as fresh as you can find." He insisted.

The baker nodded and recited the two items under his breath repeatedly as he ran back through his house.

Harry turned to the woman. "Boiled water and a clean rag." He said, aware that perhaps she might not have a clean linen cloth.

The woman nodded and hurried into a different room to gather what he had asked for.

"Perhaps you shouldn't be touching the sick, my Prince." Ser Oswell warned him when they were alone.

"She's a little girl, Ser. I will not leave her to die in such a manner. It is beyond cruel when she has such a treatable sickness. If this sickness of hers is not contained and cut off at the source it will spread through the entire of Kings Landing like wildfire, putting all of the smallfolk at risk. It particularly affects young children, so Viserys would be at risk too if this contagion is allowed spread. I cannot allow that to happen."

The woman hurried back to him with a bowl of clean, boiled water and a cleaner rag than Harry had been expecting.

"A cup, please, good woman." He said as he picked up the rag and started folding it over.

The woman hurried off again and came back quickly with a clean, clay cup. Harry dipped it into the boiled water and put it to the side. He dipped the rag, wrung it out and he laid it over the girl's throat. The baker came back all too soon with a piece of ginger and a bundle of several stalks of mint. Harry was pleased to see that there were several large, mature leaves on each stalk.

Harry took them and he used his own silver dagger to slice up the ginger and he added it to the cup of boiled water before tearing up a few mint leaves and adding them as well. He used his dagger to carefully stir the stewing mixture, aware that silver also had healing properties.

He checked on the girl, re-dipping the rag and applying it back to her throat before he went back to the mixture. He checked the temperature with the back of his knuckle and then he carefully removed the bits of ginger and mint and then he helped the girl drink it by slowly dribbling it down her throat a bit at a time so that she didn't choke. As soon as the drink was finished, Harry checked the girl's hands and feet again and he nodded. They felt warmer than they had when he'd arrived.

"She's going to be fine." He said calmly. "Keep her in bed for the next few days, she should have only water and a thin broth. In two, maybe three days, then try her on something more substantial and she can try walking, but not too far. After a week she should be back to her active, happy self."

Harry stood, trying to ignore the woman sobbing gratefully onto her Husband. He was about to turn away when brown eyes blinked open. He smiled and ignored the red blush that turned those pale cheeks feverish.

"Hello there. I wasn't expecting you to wake for another day at least. You are a very strong young lady."

"H…hello." The girl stammered.

"Oh…oh sweet girl. I was so worried." The woman, Margram, insisted as she fussed about her daughter.

"I shall take my leave. Remember to keep her resting for a few days, plenty of water and broth."

"Thank you, my Prince." The baker said almost tearfully. "Allow me to see you out."

Harry and Ser Oswell took their leave of the bakers and they found that the little street urchins had eaten their pastries and tarts and had vanished. Harry breathed in the fresh air, even if the smell of shit and urine was strong down here in the city proper of Kings Landing.

He carried on his walk, handing out more coins and buying more rubbish that he didn't actually want, but it was making the smallfolk remember him, from the bakers and food vendors, to the market sellers, right down to the street orphans. He was making friends and he hoped that no matter what his Father did in the next few years, that the smallfolk remembered this day when thinking of him and of the time when he had ruled the Seven Kingdoms while the King was a hostage for half a year. He hoped that they remembered that they had named him Haradarian the Heart, because if they didn't remember, then the Targaryen family was done. If all they remembered was the mad king, then it wouldn't matter what he and Rhaegar did, the Targaryens would be over.

He sighed and made his way back into the Red Keep, his purse now considerably lighter, and he made his way to the royal solar where he supped with his family, Rhaegar sat beside him, looking very pleased with himself. Obviously he had accomplished all that he had needed to. As soon as the meal was done, they both said their goodnights to Viserys and their Mother, and out of courtesy their Father too, before they left the royal solar.

They did not go to their rooms however, instead they stole out of Maegor's Holdfast, avoided White Sword Tower and then they snuck out of the Red Keep, keeping to the shadows and out of view of the patrolling Gold Cloaks, making it all the way down to Blackwater Bay where Rhaegar's crew were preparing his ship to leave for Dragonstone.

Rhaegar escorted him onto the ship and got him settled in his personal cabin while he oversaw the preparations to launch the ship and within fifteen minutes they were sailing to Dragonstone and Rhaegar joined him in the cabin. It wasn't a very long journey to Dragonstone, but still, the both of them found a very pleasurable way to pass the time until they docked again. Harry barely noticed the sailing as he laid in Rhaegar's arms, his body slick with sweat and his lips bruised from Rhaegar's impassioned kisses.

A/N: I am so overwhelmed by the response this fic has had, for such a taboo subject too, but thank you all. I've loved hearing your thoughts on this fic and your excitement for the following chapters is infectious! I couldn't wait to finalise this chapter so that I could post it up for you all.

Chapter three is, of course finished, and will be starting when Harry and Rhaegar sail back to Kings Landing from Dragonstone a year after they left…the chapter is a MASSIVE 46,000 words currently, so that is going to take me a while to get through, I might even have to split the read through into three days just to get it done properly, and I'm back in work this week too, so it's going to take a while to get that one done. It is the biggest chapter for this fic, as the main bulk of the plot happens in chapter three, and thus I found it hard to skim it down anymore (I already split it in half and created another chapter when the word count surpassed 65,000 as this fic was only supposed to be four chapters and an epilogue, so we have an added chapter from that.)

But the next chapter will be up as soon as I can bring it to you now, I hope that you continue to love it as you loved the first chapter and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this chapter now, thank you for reading,

StarLight Massacre. X