Chapter 1: The Top Box
"Father's had these tickets booked for months, you know," Draco drawled, leaning against the wooden pillar, glancing across at the bright green fabric that encased the small, rickety staircase. "I'm astounded that your mother didn't get you any for the Top Box, Blaise, even if she can't make it herself."
Blaise Zabini - tall for his age, dark skinned, dark haired, dressed in freshly pressed black wizard's robes - raised an eyebrow and shrugged across at his friend. "I don't see it as that important," he lied, trying to ignore Draco's knowing smirk. "And after all, I'm only one floor below you and your family. It'll be exactly the same."
"Will it, now?" Draco snickered, pushing one hand through his slicked back blonde hair. "You say that when you see what crummy view you end up with. I'll be sure to let you know how amazing sitting in the Top Box was."
"Now, now, Draco," Lucius tapped his son on the shoulder, slowly and noticeably gently, giving Blaise a slightly pained nod. "Don't go making everyone jealous. That simply isn't the done thing."
Draco glanced back at Blaise, making a show of rolling his eyes, but begrudgingly closed his mouth. He knew better than to contradict his father. Leaving his friend behind in the queue for the stands, he double stepped up the staircase on his way to catch up with the rest of his family.
The Top Box was pretty high up - as it should have been, at the amount of money it costs (although it hardly put a dent in the Malfoy's pockets) - and Draco couldn't help but smirk at the slightly insistent way that his sister was staring at her Omnioculars, rather than anywhere else.
"Having a good time?" she asked him, not giving him a second glance (probably as to not evoke the wrath of her greatest fear, but it was best not to judge a book by its cover). "How are your friends?"
"Good," Draco shrugged, pulling the object out of his sister's hands and turning them over in his own. "According to father we'll be sharing the Top Box with the Weasleys this evening. What do you think to that?"
"How did they get the money?" Selene glanced up, looking somewhat surprised. "I know they won the Daily Prophet's lottery last year, but that money only goes so far. And they were in the newspaper for blowing it all on a trip to Egypt, too."
Draco sneered, rolling his eyes again. "I just don't think tonight will be as enjoyable with their sort around with us too. Don't you think?"
"Haven't really thought about it," Selene shrugged, taking the Omnioculars back with a slightly incessant tug. "And anyway, just concentrate on the players. I know you've been looking forward to this for months. Don't let people like them ruin your time."
"Lovely to see you Lucius, as always. Is this your wife?" They could hear Minister Fudge up ahead, as their parents disappeared into the Box. Draco raised an eyebrow at his sister, who sighed heavily and slowly followed, ignoring the jostling hand that her brother was trying to use on her back.
She glanced over the group of redheads - with, interestingly, as she noticed, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger - quickly, before extending her hand to the Minister, along with a charming smile. "A pleasure, Minister," she said, giving her mother a sideways glance. "It's always lovely to see you again."
One of the Weasley boys - one of the ones she didn't know the name of - mimed sticking a finger down his throat in the corner of her vision, and she was caught between giving him a dirty glance and laughing. In the end, she settled for a weird choking, coughing, almost giggling noise, before quickly excusing herself to Fudge - who was looking a little concerned that the elder Malfoy child seemed to be in the process of dying in his presence.
After all, that wouldn't do him any good for his re-election next year.
She didn't notice the curious, slightly bemused look that she got from said Weasley boy, as her mother led her over to their seats, or hear the whispers exchanged between him and his twin brother.