Chapter 2: Mosmordre

I'm aiming for one chapter update every weekday!

Chapter 2: Mosmordre

Selene skirted a peacock, ignoring the intense wish to blast it out of the way, grabbing her brother's arm and dragging them into the clear patch of land in front of their tent, away from all the insane decorations and animal wildlife.

"What the hell is going on?" Draco asked, yanking his arm out of his sister's grip as soon as he could. "Father said nothing like this was due to happen! I thought mother said that he'd stopped all of this since You-Know-Who fell!"

"You think he'd tell you?" Selene snapped, trying to steady her breathing. "Draco, just stay here, I need to keep you safe, at the very least, whilst I find a way out of here, Muggles be damned."

"You're staying here!" Draco grabbed his sister's arm, holding her in place. "Mother will be terrified if she comes back and you're not here, and you know it!"

"And wait for us to be completely annihilated by whoever comes along?" she glanced over and shook her head fervently. "We need to get out of her, at the very least. Maybe I can make a Portkey, I'm sure we could explain it to the Ministry if we tell them what the circumstances were…"

"You're insane," Draco shook his head, in abject disbelief. "You're acting way too much like a Gryffindor. Maybe being in the Top Box with the carrot heads has had some kind of affect on you."

"Shut up," Selene pulled a face in his direction. "And no, I'm not insane. It's a good idea. We can use any kind of object, it's not like any Muggle is going to come along and erroneously pick it up. And I know how to do the incantation, I looked it up last school year."

"Of course you did," Draco sneered. "Go on, then, play the hero. Get us home. We'll have to enter you for the 'Annual Heroic Idiot of the Year' Awards, although you'll always come second to Potter."

"Stop being rude," Selene sighed heavily, looking around. "And it's hardly heroic. It's running away, although that's mostly so any particular haters of our father can't find us and try to drag us into an interrogation."

"Oh for Christ's sake," Draco rolled his eyes. "It's not like You-Know-Who's back or anything. We'll be fine. Father knows better than to go getting himself into trouble, too."

There was a loud, bellowing yell, an incantation of sorts, and the siblings jumped, Draco quickly tightening his grasp on his sister's arm again. And then, slowly, as one, they both stared up at the sky, where a cloud of gray and dark green smoke was slowly arranging itself into a horribly familiar symbol.

"Change of plan," Selene said quickly, not daring to look up again. She felt for her wand in her pocket and grasped it. "We're staying here."

Draco nodded his head, also reaching for his wand. "I'm inclined to agree with your decision there."