Alucard moved his arms around testing his mobility, he had changed from his Blood Armor to a similar armor used by his Brides, the only difference was that on his gauntlets he had 3 blades, the feet and hands ended in claws much like the other armors. He had yet to place his hood on, which gave him more freedom to look around and take in his surroundings, but now he was tempted to put on to hide his shame. He was having trouble finding Sebas, now that the NPCs were roaming freely he did not know where to find him, luckily while he was walking towards Momonga's room he came across one of the Pleiades, Solution Epsilon.
"Welcome back, Alucard-sama." she said, bowing before the vampire
Waving the maid to straighten her stance, he got a better look at her, saying that she was beautiful would be close to an insult, remembering that she was a slime so this appearance was nothing more than a disguise. Alucard mentally sighed, he could not get distracted with trying to understand the workings of the slime race, right now there were other things to do.
"Greetings, Solution. Do you know where Sebas is?"
"Sebas-sama, is in Momonga-sama's room."
"Thank you for the assistance." Alucard gave her a nod and began to walk towards the room
If she said something in reply he honestly did not listen, right now his only desire was to meet up with Momonga and see what he thought of the situation. Him going to a human village made Alucard curious to see what had happened, out of all possibilities that came up to his mind he could not chose one that would make sense. Finally opening the door, he was face with an opened portal and Sebas standing near it, seeing the butler Alucard couldn't help but smile. Alucard and Touch Me had exchanged blows more than once, for the vampire it was one of the few times he could go all out and still lose, for the World Champion it was the chance to fight someone who managed to give him an actual challenge.
"Sebas. It's good to see you." the vampire hissed
"Welcome back, Alucard-sama." the butler replied, taking a bow
"What can you tell me about Momonga going to a human village?" Alucard asked, stopping just a few feet from the portal
"Momonga-sama, went to help them against an attack." Sebas replied
"Anyone else?"
"Albedo-Sama went with him. Troops are being prepared to provide assistance when the time comes…" Alucard spoke over him
"Sorry for interrupting, but I understand the situation now. Just another question, how many troops are you preparing?"
"I am unsure, Aura-sama and Mare-sama took it upon themselves to assemble and command the force."
Alucard was worried by this, there should be no great need to mobilize so many resources, true he did not know the nature of the ones attacking the village but with Momonga and himself present there should be no need for many troops.
"If they are in charge of that, please go and tell them to only send…15 of them to the village. Of those 15, one of them is to come meet us the others will spread and monitor the surroundings. Also, no need for any of the Guardians to leave Nazarik just have them on standby, if the situation calls for it they are to act immediately. Also inform my Brides of the situation and give them the same instructions as the Guardians."
"It will be done, as you request it, Alucar-sama."
"Good to know. Then I will go on ahead, wish me luck." turning to face the portal, Alucard placed his hood on and jumped into it
Alucard arrived at a small clearing, now he was faced with the problem of finding the village, sniffing the air he detected the sweet smell of people and something that had a similar smell to him. It could be another vampire, or perhaps another undead, if his body had changed it would only make sense that the same thing had happened to Momonga.
"Here I come, Momonga!" letting out a growl, the vampire ran in the direction of the smell
While Ainz was speaking with the village chief, Albedo walked around the village not having anything to do, her senses detected something approaching them at great speed. For a moment, she was ready to panic, luckily her body made the connection before her mind could, it was a Supreme Being. She had heard about Ainz-sama allowing the three Vampire Brides to go find Alucard-sama, most likely he had heard that they had come to this village. Albedo ran to the edge of the village, a place she concluded the vampire would pass through if he kept his current trajectory.
When the Overseer of the Floor Guardians arrived behind one of the many houses, before her was a path leading further into the forest. A moment later a mass of wind hit her head on, forcing her to take a few steps backwards, waving the resulting dust away from her face her eyes fell on the being before him. The black armor with the cape hanging from the lower back, a hood covering his face so that only the lower half was visible and the sheathed katana to his left, there was no doubt about who he was.
"Alucard-sama!" she gasped, bowing before him
"I apologize for my rudeness. Not properly welcoming you…" his voice overwhelmed hers
"There is no need to worry about that, Albedo. So, what brought Momonga here?" his voice was calm and friendly
Albedo cursed herself, how could her body react to such a forgiving tone with a cold chill? There was no hint of hostility in his tone or posture, even after her lack of proper manners, even so her body was scarred by this, her mind could not understand such action.
"Is something the matter?" he asked, slowly approaching her
"N-No! Ainz-sama wanted to save this village. He is now speaking with the village chief. If you wish I can…" once more he interrupted
"Momonga-sama, said that he would use that name till more of the Supreme Beings arrived."
Alucard motioned her to get up, seeing her constantly prostrating herself when she thought that her words had insulted him, was starting to tire, and bore him. Now this name change was interesting, for him to take such action by himself was also interesting, in the end it made sense if anyone was to carry that name it should be the guild master.
"I see that you managed to save many people." Alucard pointed out, listening to the sounds created by the nearby humans
"I did nothing. It was all Ainz-sama." Albedo politely corrected
"If you did nothing, then allow me to ask this. What did you think of the humans?"
"They are weak and fragile. I believe that crushing them like the insects they are, would provide an entertaining sight."
This might be a problem, Alucard thought, her words were unfiltered that was for sure, which meant the only reason she had not done anything to the villagers was because Ainz was here and he had yet to order her to do so. If she had these feelings, it was possible that the others thought similar things, he for one considered that his view of humans had changed along with his body. For one he now saw them as food, even if he was able to hold back, the feeling was still there.
"Then you consider them a species that would easily be crushed under our might?"
Albedo did not answer right away, his tone had changed once more, unlike the previous question this one had some hidden purpose behind it other than curiosity. Should she answer her true feelings, or construct an answer that would please the Supreme behind, but by doing that she could anger him if he perceived her words to be a lie.
"I…I believe that yes, we could easily crush their forces."
She looked straight back at him, his words freezing her body, the vampire lifted his head slightly so their eyes would meet, from her point of view two red orbs pierced through her mind.
"You are underestimating them, Albedo."
"Please explain, Alucard-sama! How can such insects be underestimated!?" at that moment she raised her voice, prompting Albedo to quickly cover he mouth after speaking
"It is simple. You know nothing of humanity's infinite potential for evolution."
It was if a stake had been driven through her heart, by the look in his eyes she could see he told no lie, even if his lips were curled into a somewhat disturbing grin. Albedo was baffled, how could a Supreme Being, an entity that easily surpassed all others, speak so highly of those akin to ants. Was Alucad-sama the only one that thought this, or did Ainz-sama also share these beliefs, was that the reason he was being so cautious, fear of what humans could do or was it like he said just the nature of the situation.
The silence between them came to an end when someone approached them, Alucard was the only one to turn to meet the new arrival, Albedo was still deep in thought.
"It is a great honor to meet Alucard-sama…" spoke the Eight-Edge Assassin, before being interrupted by Alucard
"No need for courtesies. Are there 15 of you like I requested?" Alucard asked turning to him, lowering his head so his eyes would be hidden once more
"Good. You may take the remaining position around the village." with a boy the being vanished
"Albedo, are you still thinking of what I told you?" Alucard asked, facing the motionless Albedo
"I…" she muttered
"Do not think too much into it. I have fought and killed my share of humans, so I know the truth behind these words. But more importantly let's go meet Ainz, he may already be waiting for your return."
"Y-Yes." she replied, the name of her lover having reinvigorated her moral
When they found Ainz, he was lost in deep thought, the Elder Lich turned to meet the duo he first looked at Albedo before focusing on Alucard. Alucard could not see his expression from behind the mask, that he concluded was being used to hide his skeleton face, he was the first to make a move lifting his right hand for a handshake.
"Ainz." Ainz replied to his handshake
"Alucard-san. I was worried that I was the only one to have been brought here." both hands went back to their usual resting positions
"And that would be the case, I only logged in about 2 minutes before the end. But I have no regrets." Alucard reassured, with a laugh
While the two Supreme Beings made small talk, Albedo was still obsessing over Alucard's words, she wanted to, no she needed to know what Ainz thought of humans, if he too shared such view.
"Ainz-sama…" she spoke, her tone was low but was enough for her superiors to listen
"Yes, Albedo?" he asked
"What do you think of humans?"
Ainz was surprised by this question, what would bring about her wish to say such a thing, has he possibly done something that went against what Albedo expected from him? Certainly, that shouldn't be the case, so far he had acted cautiously as a man searching for information, she seemed to have understood that so why ask this now.
"You're still thinking about that?" Alucard asked, in a calm manner
"Yes. My apologies, Alucard-sama."
"Did something happen?" Ainz asked, now looking at both of them
"I asked what she thought of humans, she said they were insects, and I retorted she was underestimating them." Alucard replied
"I see. You both have a point. From what we've seen so far, they are weak, so I cannot blame Albedo for her views. However, we are new to this world we do not know anything about how it truly works, the time may come you are indeed proven wrong, Albedo." Ainz said
"I understand, Ainz-sama." she said, sounding calmer now
"Let's call it a day. We're done here. Albedo, Alucard, let's head back." the guild master announced
"Understood." the others replied
Alucard walked to Ainz left, his left hand rested on his katana's hilt, from time to time looking back at the Elder Lich he could notice that his comrade seemed to be searching for something, perhaps someone they had meet. The vampire was also interested to see what the Death Knight could do and how Ainz had created it in this new world, his thoughts came to a quick end when their group made a turn and began to approach some villagers.
"What's the matter, village chief?" the man who the vampire assumed to be the village chief face lit up in hope
"Oh, Ainz-sama. There seems to be people riding horses, who look like soldiers
approaching this place…"
"I see…" Ainz muttered
The villagers all shared worried looks, Alucard was unsure of what to say or even if he should say anything, since he was a stranger to them, surely the humans were also wondering who he was.
"Leave it to me. All the villagers will seek shelter in the village chief's house; the two
of us will stay here." reassured Ainz
A bell rang, and the villagers began to gather. At the same time, Death Knight went
next to the village chief's home to guard it and Albedo stood next to Ainz waiting for
his commands. Alucard tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword, this was not an act of fear but of eagerness, his bloodthirsty vampire personality could already imagine his blade cutting through those soldiers.
"Don't worry, since this is a special case I'll help you free of charge."
Alucard's attention went to the village chief, that from what he could tell was doing his best to look as calm and collected as possible. The mentioning of a charge, made him think that the chief most likely had already paid something for Ainz's previous assistance with the knights. Looking around the village he doubted that they had much money, or items, that could serve as proper payment, that would explain why his comrade quickly mentioned the payment.
A few moments later, several horsemen appeared on the road and quickly came into the square. Both Ainz and Alucard had their eyes fixed on the men and their equipment, no proper emblem, a wide range of armor so much so some did not even wear proper armor, and a variety of weapons. These men were soldiers, there was no doubt about it, perhaps mercenaries or raiders that would explain their look, it was the product of several battles and conquests. Alucard couldn't help but smile, even if he didn't admit it part of him wanted to see what they could do and what he could do to them.
From their ranks a single man emerged, ridding in the direction of Ainz, for the vampire there was no mistake this was the leader, his expression alone was enough to confirm this. This man looked around, not letting even the small detail escape his eyes, his gaze went to the trio fixating on Ainz the longest, perhaps he could tell who was the leader amongst them.
"I am a Warrior Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Strolonoff. Under orders from the king, I have come with a punitive force to fight against the knights of the Empire and have been patrolling around various villages." the man's voice echoed through the square
"A Warrior Captain of the Kingdom…" Ainz muttered
Alucard then saw Ainz ask the village chief who this man was, from what he picked up of the conversation, the one standing before him was given to his achievements was given a place as the king's bodyguard and has the commander of his elite soldiers. The vampire felt his right hand twitch, it was ready to reach for his katana and prove how good this knight actually was, luckily his mind was superior to this and he kept his composure.
"You must be the village chief. Could you tell me who the man standing next to you
is?" asked Gazef
"Do not bother. Hello, Sir Warrior Captain of the Kingdom, I am Ainz Ooal Gown, a
Magic Caster. Because the villagers were attacked by knights, I came to here to
rescue them."
Alucard was surprised, he was certain that angering the soldiers would result in nothing but a easy fight, but still addressing Gazef when he had directed his question to the village chief was a bold move. What happened next, further shocked the vampire, Gazef jumped down from his horse and bowed deeply before Ainz.
"Thank you for saving this village, I am unable to repay your kindness."
"With all due respect, Warrior Captain. But shouldn't we get going, Ainz-sama? It will be night soon." Alucard spoke up, his attention fallen on Ainz ignoring the human
"I see you are a traveler and I apologize for wasting your time. But I have to ask what happened to the men that attacked the village?" Gazef asked, keeping his calm look
"First allow me to apologize for Alucard's actions, he is rather eager…" Alucard once more spoke over him
"I simply wished to spare us another headache, but I smell something approaching." he informed
"Are you certain!?" Ainz asked, turning to Alucard
"My nose doesn't lie. What do you wish to do?"
Ainz sighed under his breath seeing another problem come his way, it could possible that the knights from before had brought in backup or this threat was a completely new one. Which would mean that either this village had some kind of unknown value, or the arrival of Gazef and his men had triggered this. He was also worried by Alucard's attitude, the way he first spoke suggested he was trying to leave before things went wrong, but quickly abandoned that idea when Gazef spoke.
"Then we will do what we did before. We will protect this village." Ainz replied, he could see a gin under Alucard's words sending a chill down his spine
"Then please give me the honors of taking care of this situation." the vampire said
"Master Gown, Alucard, we shouldn't take conclusions lightly. We have yet to confirm who it is that is approaching the village." Gazef pointed out
"Indeed. Then, Alucard, go find out who is approaching the village." Ainz instructed, Alucard quickly left
"Wait, Master Gown! As a knight of the Kingdom I cannot simply stand by while you and your men do all the work." Gazef said
"That is not my intention, I took the liberty of sending out Alucard to scout out the threat. I have no intention of fighting in you place. However, I cannot say the same thing for Alucard."
Nigun and his men began to cast all the high tier spells that were used to summon Angles, before them was just another assignment. It didn't matter who the target was, it shouldn't at least, they were God's men and were doing His duty so worrying about anything other than serving him was nothing more than an insult. So, when a large gust of wind hit them followed by the appearance of a hooded figure in black, there was nothing but a little surprise and loathing at Gazef's cowardice.
"Who are you!? Are you perhaps here to plead for your life?" Nigun roared, doing his best to ignore the man's entrance
"I wish to know who I am speaking with? I do not know business, unless I know who I am doing it with." Alucard replied, his tone was confident but not too confident he wanted to know more about these men
"What business would that be?"
"You are here for the Warrior Captain, correct?" the fact that he could not see the man's face bothered Nigun
"If it will make things quicker. I am Nigun Grid Luin. Captain of the Sunlight Scripture of the Slane Theocracy. Do you wish to assist us?"
He could not form any better question, what other reason could this man have for approaching them? Certainly, he wasn't going to hand Gazef over to them in a silver platter, anything other than help would be insanity or stupidity.
"First allow me to introduce myself. I am Alucard. But that is not the name I wish you to remember, you will remember the name of the one superior to me, Ainz Ooal Gown."
"Certainly you mock us? You present yourself before us, men of God and dare to waste our time?"
"On the contraire. You are wasting my time and unless you are going to do something about that. I will be on my way."
How dare he poison their work with his words, to stand before God's soldiers and God's envoys. Certainly, there was no other option, this was certainly a mad man of the worst depravity, it would only be the correct thing to do and put an end this his suffering.
"Cut him down!" Nigun commanded
Two Archangels of Fire were sent out to carry his orders, the flying beings made a beeline for the enigmatic figure, what happened next none of the Sunlight Scripture could understand. Once the angels got close three things happened, the stranger placed his right hand on the hilt of his sword, followed by his right arm was stretched to the right side holding on to the katana and finally back to the initial state with the blade in its hilt.
"What happened?" some mumbled
"Did you see what happened?" other's questioned
The angels flapped their wings a couple of time, before disintegrating into several particles of light, which allowed Nigun to finally reach the obvious conclusion. This man name Alucard, had sliced through the angels with ease, the three phases they had seen was simply what their minds were able to perceive from his movement, which would imply monstrous speed. His mind went to their target, the strongest warrior of his kingdom, could he do things like this certainly he should be able to do so. Such conclusion was the only thing Nigun could muster not to perceive the hooded figure as some kind of demon.
"Are you finished? I have no wish to waste my time on weaklings."
Having made his mind known, Alucard lifted his right arm so his hand was slightly below his face, he placed his thumb over his index finger and pressured it down causing a cracking sound in response.
"All the Angels attack!" Nigun spat
Alucard was wondering where Gazef was, he had shown reluctance when the suggestion was made to take care of these guys without including him, now he was nowhere to be seen. In his direction came a wall of angels, it was tall and wide, leaving Alucard little room to avoid it, such thing almost looked like a challenge. Once more Nigun and his men saw Alucard unseat his blade, this time he pointed it directly at the incoming angels, Nigun didn't understand what he was going. Was he attempting to summon some kind of attack, or had he finally understood the forces that opposed him and was trying to die as a warrior.
"Shi. Cyclone!" Alucard said
In a blink of an eye the wall had been cut through in every possible angle imaginable, what remained of them began to fall before breaking apart into light particles. Nigun was frozen in horror, what had just happened, he had not seen what ever had cut down the angels.
"Impossible…" he muttered
By now his subordinates were sending waves of spells towards the demon, not even this had an effect Alucard summoned a large stone wall and that was enough to block their failing efforts.
"Go forth, Principality Observation!"
Alucard sliced down the stone wall in time to see the incoming attack, this angel was different and looked tougher than the others, still not enough to worry him. He did a simple stabbing motion in its direction, that was enough to stop the incoming angel as a hole was punched through his gut.
"With only one blow…"
"That's impossible!"
"How is this possible!?"
Nigun was shouting and cursing at Alucard, whatever he was saying he was unsure but to see the angels he had saved up so far, the ones known for being high level beings, being destroyed with one simple attack. The fact that he was yet able to understand what the nature of the attacks was lost on him, his mind was blinded by the results these caused.
"Such a thing is impossible! For someone to defeat a high-level angle with one attack…" Alucard spoke over him
"That creature had nothing of "high-level" to it, it's as simple as that. Do not try to direct your ignorance towards me, after all it is you who is lacking in knowledge of what truly is "high-level"."
Alucard was done, this wasn't being productive at all, yes the strength he had assumed he had was there, but this wasn't a good way of testing it. Probably it would have been wiser to have stayed in Nazarik and get someone to spar with him.
"Unless you have some trump card, I'll be ending this now." he said in a monotone
"Then I will give you the honor of being killed by the Angel of the highest level. Now hurry up and buy me some time!" Nigun roared in triumph, his face looked like one of a mad man
He revealed a crystal, the object caught Alucard's attention the second it was revealed, could this possibly be a Crystal of Magic Sealing. Now it was starting to get interesting, if this was the type of object he considered it to be, it could contain the a spell to summon an Angle. If he seemed to have so much hope that it could defeat him, possibly it could even be a Seraph Empyrean, or something new altogether. Alucard almost laughed at the karma of the situation, he wanted to test his strength so much that now he could possibly be faced with something stronger than he was.
"Look! Behold the glory of the highest-ranking Angel! Dominion Authority!"
The following light forced, for the first time in this "battle", Alucard to step back even if his hood covered his eyes the light was incredibly strong. The angel was being showered in cheers by those present, in their eyes this was truly God's holy judgment and something that not even Alucard could hope to defeat. When the light subsided, Alucard got a good look at Dominion Authority, to say he was disappointed would be wrong, he felt something closer to anger, pure rage at those who dared to mock him in such a matter.
"That's right! Even if you're afraid there is no way out, this is the image of the highest
level Angel. Originally using him here would be a waste, but I judge that you have that
value." Nigun gloated, once more Alucard simply pointed at it with his blade
"Shi. Trick Spear!"
Alucard could swear some of those present collapsed, through the angel's chest was now a hole, Nigum was on his knees like the others who had enough dignity not to faint.
"Shi. Six Way Slash!"
If the hole in the chest was not enough, a cut appeared horizontally on the chest, one vertically slicing him clean in half, another appeared from the left shoulder to the lower right side and one symmetrical to this.
"Just what are you…"
"Who am I am does not matter. You need only to remember this the one that defeated you was the sword of Ainz Ooal Gown."
Alucard calmly made his way back to the village, waiting for him was Ainz, Albedo and Gazef, these were the only ones that mattered. Stopping just a few feet from the three, he gave them all a quick look before doing something unthinkable, he kneeled before them.
"Alucard…" Ainz mumbled, but his comrade had already started talking
"First I would like to apologize for my overall selfish behavior. I was too eager to test my strength to wait for a strategy or even take into account the opinion of others." no one said anything, since they knew he was not finished
"Then, Warrior Captain, Gazef Stronoff I beg that you forgive me, as a warrior. I ignored the will of someone my senior, and by defeating those who were in reality your opponents have insulted your pride as a warrior." Ainz and Albedo were shocked, this outburst of emotion was real no part of it felt faked
"You have no reason to lower yourself before me." Gazef said, kneeling and placing a hand over Alucard's shoulder
"I am the one at fault, the reason they came here was for me…" Ainz added a small piece of information
"We managed to listen in, on some parts of the battle."
"If it wasn't for that all of you would have already left and this village would be at peace. When it comes to pride, I was the one who was ready to step over your pride. Had it not been for Master Gown I would have interfered, in the end it seems like I would have only gotten in the way."
"You honor me with your words." was all the vampire managed to say, now shifting his position towards Ainz
"Ainz, once again forgive my actions. I got carried away, given the situation, I should not run into situations unprepared…" Ainz calmly began to speak
"There is no need for such things, Alucard-san. We have all much to learn on this journey, sometimes it will take quick action to get things done without losses, you have showed that much. Now rise, after all I can't go anywhere without my sword." he said, ending in a chuckle
"Now rise, Alucard. We have to get going."
"Finally." the vampire sighed, getting back to his feet
"It's already late, to travel now is a bit…" Gazef pointed out, before realizing who he was speaking to
"My apologies, this is unnecessary worries for a powerful man like Master Gown. If
you drop by the imperial capital, please pay me a visit, my doors will always be open
for you. And Sir Alucard if you ever have the time I would be honored to have a sparring match with you. Other than that, I am thankful for you giving me a set of equipment from the knights attacking the village." Ainz and Alucard simply nodded
"Let's return, Albedo."