Chapter 3: Vampire Nature

Alucard walked at a steady pace towards his room, giving all the servants he passed by a polite "Hello" or "Thank you for your work", he couldn't say he was tired he hadn't felt something like that ever since he had awoken here. What he felt now was more a sense of metal exhaustion, having wasted his time with those men back at the village had really bored him. Having to lower himself before Gazef and Ainz, might have been too extreme of a decision now that he through about it, even so an apology was necessary he had acted to recklessly given the situation.

Finally, he arrived at the door that lead to his room, it was a massive thing with obsidian color on the outside. The door opened inwards as he took his first steps into his chamber, the walls and floors were colored a light grey, it was simple and uniform just how he liked it, after all he had never been a man to live in luxury only enjoy it. Nether the less it was a sizable room, still nothing compared to Ainz's, the large bed was located against the back wall with a nightstand on each side, to his right was a door leading to his closet. A place he rarely went to, because he simply didn't have much stuff in there, it wasn't rare for sometimes guild members to ask him to store something for them. To his left was a black desk, with a music box on top of it and other meaningless things, on the back wall there were two other doors, one leading to his training room and the other to his Brides chambers.

First thing he noticed when he arrived was Touka, she was wearing her white dress and sitting on the floor in front of the bed, not paying attention to other details he directed his words to her.

"Why are you sitting on the floor? Won't your dress get dirty?" he asked in a monotone

While he spoke, Alucard went to his desk there he removed his right-hand gauntlet and then took off his Ring of Incognito, even if it pained him to do so for now it would be best if people could freely contact him.

"I was on the bed, but Talia said I moved too much, so I decided to sit here." she replied, frowning

Alucard had not noticed Talia, looking up at the bed the female vampire was sitting on the edge of the bed, on her lap was Nyx who apparently was sleeping. From his perspective, it was a heartwarming sight, just like a mother taking care of her child, but part of him wanted to ask why they were all staying around his bed.

"Is she asleep?" he asked, leaning back on the desk

"Yes, Alucard-sama. She tried to wait for your arrival, but it seems she was not able to do so." Talia replied

Hearing these words, he did his best not to raise an eyebrow at her, from what he had experience here vampires had no need for sleep. Even when he stayed inside the cave, the need for sleep did not come, he was certain he had slept at least a few hours, which made sense since the lack of a need did not mean they couldn't do it. Another factor he soon remembered was the nature of Nyx's personality, he had made her to be childlike, that could explain why she fell asleep. She was waiting, closed her eyes and simply fell asleep, either way it wasn't any cause for concern surely even vampires shared differences amongst each other, he just hoped this wouldn't happen if he sent her out on a mission.

"Touka, can you get me some more manageable clothes? I don't think walking around in armor all day would be that comfortable."

"Right away, Alucard-sama!" the Bride replied, jumping back to her feet, and running inside the closet

"Should I wake Nyx up?" Talia asked

"Momonga is planning to make an announcement in the Throne room, so we will wake her up then."

"Does that mean, we are allowed to go?" she asked in her low tone, her checks were a little red showcasing the shyness and uncertainty being her words

"Of course! You are my Brides after all, I cannot simply leave you in this room." Alucard replied, with a smirk

"Alucard-sama, I found them!" Touka announced cheerfully, emerging from the closet

Hanging from her right hand was a black trench coat, on the left were matching boots and draped over her left arm were pants and a belt, basically just aesthetic clothing. He wasn't going to even consider the possibility of them being comfortable for everyday life, what was more important was if they would transmit the authority he had to show before the NPCs.

"Why did you chose those clothes, in particular?"

"I think they would look awesome on you!" Touka replied, her eyes lighting up with excitement

"Talia?" his eyes went to the older of the three

"I would believe it would depend on the image, Alucard-sama would wish to present himself to the others."

Once more Alucard had to fight back against making any strange facial expressions, this time widening his eyes, why did she say such a thing? He was sure Talia was not able to read minds, then how did she know he was concerned about that, was it possible that eve controlling his expressions she was able to see through him non-the less, what a scary thought.

"Wisely put, Talia. I think I'll risk going with Touka's suggestion."

"Shall we help you change, Alucard-sama?" Talia asked, shyly

"There is no need!"

Alucard marched towards Touka, took the clothes from her hands stepped into the closet and closed the door behind him. Leaning back against the door, the Supreme Being sighed he was not ready to undress in front of them, it wasn't because he had some issue with his body, but them being his Brides made him unsure of what to do. When he created them, he had placed a few lines referring to romantic feelings in their settings, outside of Nyx who given the design he had given her the idea of romance was not the intention. Taking this into account undressing in front of them, might have some kind of unwanted reaction in Talia and Touka.

A minute later, Alucard walked out now in the clothing given to him by his Bride, he still had his katana resting to his left and not having anything under his trench coat his abdomen was exposed. His eyes went to Touka who seemed to be transfixed on his abs, seeing this now Alucard concluded that this was possibly the reason she chose these clothes and did not include a shirt.

"Anything the matter, Touka?" he asked walking pass her, stopping in front of Talia and the still sleeping Nyx

"Let's go." Alucard announced, looking down on the oldest Bride

"Then I…" Talia said preparing to wake up Nyx

Before she could do so, her superior leaned down and picked up the younger vampire, since she was small in size it wasn't difficult to place her over his arm, her head resting on his shoulder and her left arm placed over it. Talia was frozen, and so was Touka, they had never seen anything similar to this from their creator such act of kindness to them, honestly was impossible.

"Look alive people, we're walking to the Throne Room and I don't plan to wait." Alucard chuckled opening the door to his room and exiting

The other two Brides quickly rushed out of the room, having to go into a small jog to catch up with their fast paced superior, when they managed to stand to his sides they reduced their speed to a fast walk other than job. Alucard didn't want to say it, but he was in a rush he was unsure if Ainz was already at the Throne room, so he wanted to get there as fast as possible.

Arriving at the door that lead to the Throne Room, Alucard used his free left hand to push it open, revealing inside a large crowd. It's size surprised Alucard, outside of Gargantua and Victim, all other Floor Guardians were present along with other NPCs, they were already on their knees, which made him wonder for own long they had been like that. Stepping into the chamber, and slowly making his way toward the throne, his eyes went to Albedo who was at the edge of the steps to the right of the throne. If she had taken the right, he should probably take the left side.

"Nyx, it's time to wake up." he whispered into her ear

Given the silence of the Throne Room, Alucard was able to listen the footsteps of those walking inside, which was himself, Touka and Talia, this made it possible for him to listen two of those sounds stopping just as they arrived at the front of the crowd where the Guardians were.

"We will stop here." Talia announced, kneeling along with Touka

Alucard simply nodded and gave Nyx a soft nudge to wake her up, the child like vampire began to move fidgeting in his arm, to the point he tightened his hold on her so she wouldn't fall off.

"Alucard-sama." she mumbled, her head lifting from his shoulder

Nyx looked around, her eyes still dazed from sleep, they went to the crowd, then to the Guardians, back to Alucard and finally to the room itself.

"My apologies!" she gasped, realizing where she was

"No harm done." Alucard said, dropping her like he hoped she landed perfectly on her feet

"I bothered, Alucard-sama. I…" he placed his right hand on her head interrupting her

"You slept well?" Nyx looked up at the Supreme Being, in his face there was but a warm almost fatherly smile


"Good. I need my subordinates properly rested. Now, go join the others." she gave him a bow and rushed to Talia's side

Adorable little thing, Alucard through, continuing to the stop he had chosen to be his own inside the Throne Room, now standing on the opposite side from Albedo he had a better view of those present. It would be a lie if he said, that such sight did not overwhelm him, to think that these beings supposedly were all loyal to him and Ainz was also a scary thought.

"Everyone, let's properly welcome, Alucard-sama." Albedo said, Alucard's eyes darted towards her attempting to stop her from speaking but it was already too late

"We, servants of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, welcome the Master, Alucard-sama. All of us can only hope, that the Master accepts our everlasting bow of fidelity!"

A scary sight indeed, to see all those voices echoing through the Throne Room, was enough to even make Alucard want to step back. Had he really done something worth of such loyalty, definably not, even among the guild he was happy to limit himself to a warrior not worthy of taking the place of a ruler.

"Everyone…" he spoke, right away Alucard felt all eyes one him

"Truly I am a blessed man. To have before me, people who showed such loyalty, is certainly more than what I had ever expected. If that is the case then I have only one order…" Alucard paused again, pointing at the flag of Ainz Ooal Gown

"Let us all work together under this great name! Look to the person to your right, then to the one to your left, whatever issue you have with them, when the time comes, and it will come, is mute. We are legion, we are Nazarick, let us move forward in the great name of Ainz Ooal Gown!" Alucard roared, as passionately as he could muster

"I see you have been busy, Alucard-san." a voice spoke

Alucard's eyes darted to the entrance, the crowd who was starting to get energetic went back to its immobile nature, Ainz and Sebas had just entered the Throne Room, the now overwhelming silence being dispersed by their footsteps as the true ruler of Nazarick made his way toward his throne.

"They gave me a very heartwarming welcome. I was just showing them how please I was with it." Alucard explained, as Ainz took his seat

"There is no need to explain your actions to me, Alucard-san. Our situation is the same, and standing similar."

What followed was the announcement of his name change from Momonga to Ainz Ooal Gown and a much better version of the speech Alucard had tried to give. Seeing how expertly Ainz was able to speak and motivate those present, only confirmed it in his mind, that Alucard had chosen correctly in being his sword.

"Let us go, Alucard-san. I wish to brief you in private."

Ainz lifted himself from his seat, he took point followed by Alucard and finally Sebas who walked behind the two Supreme Beings. Their destination was Ainz's room, originally Ainz had considered the Round Table but the vision of the vast table only being filled by two people was too painful to realize. Sebas remained at the entrance once they arrived, Ainz took a seat on one of the couches that were in his room, Alucard did the same sitting on the opposite edge.

"Devoted, aren't they?" Alucard chuckled, Ainz placed a hand on his temple

"Overwhelmingly so. I fear that one missed step, one wrong word, one failed action will shatter their view of me." Ainz said

"I get it. But since you are the Guild Master, you've got it worse than me."

"Don't remind me." Ainz sighed, Alucard couldn't help but chuckle

"But that is not the reason we are here. First, anything happened before we met up?" Alucard asked, waving away the previous discussion

Before his eyes, Ainz seemed to sink deeper into the couch, at first glance one would think he had done something wrong.

"I…I altered Albedo's settings…" Ainz mumbled

"Why?" Alucard asked in a monotone, he was simply curious to know

"It was supposed to be a joke, since there was going to be the shutdown."

"What did you change?"

"There was a line saying…that she was a "slut"…I changed it with "She is in love with Momonga."…"

Alucard was faced with two options, he could comfort his comrade or make some joke about it, taking the mood maybe something humorous would be more appropriate.

"Trying to take all the women for yourself, are ya?"

"Certainly not!" Ainz spat back

"What about Shalltear?" Alucard asked

"What about her?"

"She commented something about my beauty rivaling yours. Anything happened between the two of you?"

"Now that you mentioned, she did say something like that to me." Ainz remarked

"Peroroncino, seems to have created quiet the interesting vampire." Alucard said, with a grin

"Let's move along to the reason we came here."

Ainz proceeded to tell Alucard everything that had happened till the moment they were reunited, but more importantly gave to him the information the village chief had given him. The vampire listed silently to his words, writing down in his mind every little detail, if the time come he had to go around, the outside world he would need this knowledge.

"You said, that you and Gazef had listened in on my fight. What did he think?"

"He was very curious, asked me if you were using martial arts." Alucard blinked

"I did not even move…" Ainz quickly explained

"Not those. Gazef explained to me, one could call it a warrior's magic and they are unique to this world, they allow the user to transcend one's perceived limits."

"We could possibly learn those." the vampire remarked

"I've already thought about it, and am thinking of ways to get our hands on some Martial Arts users. I'll tell you more when I have a concrete plan."

"Anything else you wish to discuss with me?" Ainz simply nodded no

"Then I will be going, Ainz."

Alucard stood in the middle of his training room, it was a large chamber both high and wide lit by some crystals that decorated the corners of the room, he was surrounded by his Brides and all of them were wearing their black armors. In his hand was the music box, inside it had a small screen and a keyboard which Alucard was currently using.

"This will be an exercise to test the body, so use of any kind of magic is forbidden. Since I don't want to risk any unnecessary injury, weapons of any sort are also forbidden." he spoke, placing his hood on

"Everyone place your hoods, we have to train as if this was a real fight." the vampire continued to use the music box, while his Brides placed their hoods on

"This will be a 3 on 1 exercise. The 3 will be you, your objective will be to pin me down, if you manage to actually knock me out it's also good. I however will be working towards knocking out every single one of you…" a chill went down their backs

"…Of course, if anyone wants to give up during the session they are allowed to, no shame will come from that. Anyone can fight, but few are those who are brave enough to admit that they are weaker than their opponent and give up."

"Anyone not ready to start?" he asked

"No, Alucard-sama." they replied in unison

"Then just let me put on the music…" pressing one of the buttons it began, before opening a small black portal and placing it inside

Bleach – Invasion

"Start!" he roared

Nyx was in front of him, Talia was behind him to his left and Touka behind him to his right, the trio charged at him as soon as he gave the order. Touka went for a kick and Talia a punch, Alucard ducked under the blows just to have Nyx come at him for a punch of her own, at last moment he threw himself to the left. Touka emerged behind him bringing both her fists down on him, acting quickly Alucard hit her in the gut with his right elbow then grabbing her by the left arm threw her into the ground in front of him.

Talia came next throwing several blows, however she had a weakness that he could easily exploit, compared to the others her speed was average while her strength was greatly above average. Unlike Touka who had speed on her side, while her strength wasn't anything special when compared to the others. Dodging a left and from Talia, Alucard grabbed on to her arm pulled her forward kicking her right leg from under her, having sufficiently destabilized her he easily jumped over her. Nyx attacked him, once he landed behind Talia, she threw some blows which he easily avoided side stepping around her, however she was able to match the speed of his movements and continue on the offensive. This was the reason while at a physical level she was the strongest of the three, while her speed wasn't as good as Touka and her strength wasn't as great as Talia's, they were still above average and well balanced.

Bending backwards, Alucard avoided another attempt at a punch by Nyx, the small vampire passed clean over him so taking this to his advantage he hit her with a palm strike in the gut sending her flying into the ceiling. Having regained her footing, Talia attacked him from behind throwing a left hand, moving to the right the fist went pass Alucard who wrapped his arm around hers. He followed up with an attempt at an elbow, his Bride managed to block it with her right hand then lifting a knee into his back.

Alucard arched his back, using this to swiftly move his right foot in-between her legs and behind her right foot, when Touka appeared before him ready to attack he pulled forwards. Using the positioning of his right foot and the hold he still had on her arm he managed to get Talia in between himself and Touka, so she ended up attacking her fellow Bride. The sound of something erupting from the ceiling alerted the trio, Nyx landed between her master and the other vampires, her fist cracking the ground under her before she lunged at Alucard.

Hunter x Hunter (2011) - The Last Mission

Acting quickly, he placed both arms in front of his face, using them to damper the impact of her right hand, a shockwave went through the area, the Supreme Being staggered backwards trying to recover his footing. At that moment, he noticed that Touka was missing, then someone hit his left leg right from under him, it was her, letting out a frustrated hiss he tried to use his other leg to jump out of harm's way. His eyes darted to the right when Talia went on the offensive, had it just been her it would have been fine but Nyx was still attacking, so getting a punch to the face was unavoidable.

Being hit by all of his Bride's strength, Alucard found himself being sent into a wall cracking on impact, the trio stopped their attacks for the moment looking at their creator. The True Vampire moved a little and fell from the wall on to his knees, from their point of view they could see a small drop of blood leaving his mouth. Nyx tried to run to his side, but Talia stopped her, their orders were to fight him, the fact that they had stopped was enough to contradict that him.

"Are you going to give up, Alucard-sama?" Touka asked

Talia looked at her, but didn't say anything her question was a good way to justify why they had stopped, they were just making sure he did not wish to stop and admit defeat. Her thoughts came to an abrupt end when the fallen Supreme Being began to laugh weakly, cleaning the blood away from his mouth, Alucard looked up at them. What they saw sent a chill down their backs, his eyes were bright red the only thing they saw in them was killing intent, so it was instinctual when they took their fighting stances in reply.

"That was a good attack, Talia." he got back up, with a simple blink the killing intent was gone

"Let me correct myself. That was a good combined attack, as I was expecting from my Brides." Alucard continued

"Touka, you have yet to properly take advantage of your speed. I feel you can do more with it, but you used it quite well in that last attack."

"Nyx, doing just as I imagined you would do. Got to say, it's an imposing sight when you get serious."

Hearing his complements, they couldn't help but blush under their hoods, then the mood changed once more, Alucard also adopted a stance of his own. When this started, he was just taking them lightly a warm up, now he was ready to start things off seriously.

Bleach – Power to Strive

Alucard charged, for a moment even to his Brides he became a blur, stopping in front of Talia he delivered a devastating uppercut to her sending her across the room. He then turned towards Touka, the Bride instantly had thrown herself back, lucky for her Nyx tried to attack Alucard who majestically did a back flip over her. Landing behind the small vampire, he threw a right hand which she avoided in the same manner he did to her, however she landed on top of his arm, being distracted by such skill he let himself be hit by Nyx's spinning kick.

The Supreme Being was sent staggering to the side, placing his hand on the floor he used as a support to regain his footing. A blur passed in front of his face, then he also felt someone pass by his left, then right, it wasn't Nyx she was still a few feet from him and Talia had yet to move since taking his initial blow. The only person remaining was Touka, she was using her speed to its fullest like this not even he would be able to track her movements, a blow to his side brought him back from his thoughts. It had started, she was using her speed to attack him when he least expected, a grin decorated his lips, if Touka was only using this now she had yet to achieve the level where she could keep this speed while attacking. Another hit to the side, like he expected he saw her right after the blow, Alucard jumped upwards into the ceiling, when his hands made contact with the surface he pushed himself down towards Nyx.

Hitting the ground with a thunderous noise, cracking the ground around him, he lunged full speed at the smaller vampire, like this she shouldn't be able to dodge or block his attack. At that moment, her child like nature came out, she flinched and covered her eyes waiting for what was about to come. Seeing such frail and helpless figure Alucard reduced his speed, making him an easier target for Touka who hit him in the ribs with a knee, much to her surprise he did not stop he turned around hitting the side of her head with his hand and slamming her into the ground.

Hunter x Hunter (2011) - Requiem Aranea

"Stop! We give up!" Nyx cried out

Alucard moved like an automaton, his back straightened, his arms fell mechanically to his side and he turned around to look at the now crying Nyx.

"Is that so?" he roared, waiting for the others to reply, they didn't

"Seems like they are knocked out…" Alucard stopped mid-sentence, finally realizing what had happened

"Nyx heal them!" he roared, she did not even bow and quickly went to help the others

Alucard turned off the music box and staggered out of the training room, he was still lacking proper control over his new self. Normal everyday life was fine, even feeding he could handle properly, but at least when it came to battle he still needed training. Thinking back at what he had just done to Talia and Touka, he was unsure of how much strength he had truly placed behind his blows, was it possible that he had killed them or seriously hurt them.

The Supreme Being's hand passed through his hair, hitting them like this was a real fight he was better than this, more experienced than this. Those who had no experience could not hold back while sparring, he should be able to do so easily, perhaps this was caused by his new body. No, it was because of his new body, it lacked the control his new one had, if he was to make any proper use of it proper mental training was necessary.

"Alucard-sama…" said the familiar voice of Talia

"I'm so sorry!" he said, throwing himself to the ground, kneeling before his subordinate

"Please…I am not worth such acts…" she continued, in a low tone

"No. It is me who is not worthy…" Alucard mumbled back, he sat on the floor his head hung low

"Do not say that, Alucard-sama! We are your creations, we are here to serve you as you see fit…" Talia said in a shooting voice, kneeling alongside her creator

"What kind of master, throws away his creations!? It is not my place to treat you as a punching bag, no one has that right not even me!"

Talia was unsure of what she should say, or if she should say anything at all, obviously, the situation had affected Alucard. For a moment, she felt useless for not knowing of what to do, but that would only be selfish now, the priority was her master.

"Talia, how was Touka?" he mumbled

"She…she was alive."

A knock at the door broke the silence that now filled the room, Talia went and slightly opened the door, confirming who it was she closed it and informed Alucard.

"Shalltear-sama wishes for an audience."

"Open the door." Alucard said, his voice reduced to a monotone

"Greetings, Alucard-sama." he turned towards her

"Greetings, Shalltear."

Maybe it was his expression, or the overall tone of the room, Shalltear felt like something had happened, something possibly violent.

"If you don't mind me asking. Did something happen, Alucard-sama?"

"A sparring season gone too far." he hissed back

The Guardians reaction was not what he had expected, it turned mischievous she licked her lips slightly as if in anticipation, this was not disgust or even indifference, this was more akin to lust.

"Well, such thing should be expected from the weak. If I may, I suggest next time you pick someone who can handle it, when things get rough." Shalltear placed special emphasis on "rough"

"Look who it is!? Fake Boobs!" Touka shouted, staggering out of the training room

"Touka! Are you ok!?" Alucard asked, rushing to her side

"I am." she replied shyly, her face turning red

"Shalltear why are you here? Certainly, it was not to give us insight into your fetishes."

"N-No…Ainz-sama is sending me out on a mission and he wishes for you to accompany me. I came here before going to see him."

"Then let's go. I have to discuss this situation with him."

"By your command…" Albedo was about to say when Alucard rushed into Ainz room

Both her and Ainz himself looked at the vampire, who was marching towards them with Shalltear and Talia running after him trying to stop him from doing anything rash.

"Alucard-san…" Ainz began, but Alucard spoke first

"I am not fit to go on this mission." he said, placing his katana on top of his superior's desk

Albedo, Shalltear and Talia were all taken aback by such impossible words, how could a Supreme Being not be "fit". Such a thing was impossible in their mind, but looking at Alucard he looked serious and confident in his words.

"What do you mean?" Ainz asked

"In a simple sparring session, I who have being doing them for all my life, almost killed both Talia and Touka! That is not what I am, that is not who I am!" he roared back, slamming his hands on the desk

"Is this true?" Ainz asked, looking at Talia

"Y-Yes, Ainz-sama."

Ainz sighed, this had not happened to him, maybe it was because his emotions were suppressed, but Alucard was different as a vampire surely, he must be acting differently with this change. Unfortunately, he did not know how to help his friend, Shalltear hadn't shown anything similar to this, unless she was hiding it, or what Alucard was feeling was his Blood Frenzy.

"But I can…fix this…" Alucard mumbled

"…I need to retrain my mind, that is all." he added

"I understand. However, I need you to go with Shalltear…" the vampire spoke over him

"What if I get into a fight, and can't control myself!?"

"That is why Shalltear is there. Until you can control yourself, she will be both your sword and shield. You don't mind that do you, Shalltear?" Ainz asked

"Of course not, Ainz-sama."

"Then will you go? I need someone with combat experience to go with her, in order to find the best martial arts users."

"Please go, Alucard-sama. It will be good for you." Talia spoke out

Alucard turned to look at her, she seemed to be near tears, he didn't want to see her like this, neither her or any other of his Brides. The danger was high, but if Shalltear would be there to fight and he just had to evaluate their targets the chances of him losing control would diminished greatly.

"I'll be counting on you, Shalltear." Alucard said, picking up his katana

"I'll do my best, Alucard-sama."