Chapter 5 - World Exposition of Tomorrow

I do not own anything!

I hope you enjoy the chapter! Steve finally shows up!

June 1943

I waved back at Howard, not wanting to turn around and see exactly what he was doing with those girls. I've come to realize it quickly in the past couple of months but seeing Howard's womanizing side is still a put off for me.

I made my way through the crowd, scanning the surrounding displays and presentation booths. Everything drew my attention: the advancements this world has made with physics and machinery is INCREDIBLE! That – that thing over there with the –

I got knocked to the side before a steadying hand grasped my left arm, keeping me upright.

"Sorry! I'm really sorry!"

A man in military uniform let go of my arm but his attention was already elsewhere, searching around the area.

"You wouldn't happen to have seen a man, about your height, blond hair, beige coat, walking around here?"

I had not been paying attention to anyone to be honest, just the exhibits… I shook my head and he sighed in frustration.

"Thanks anyway. I'll keep looking…" He paused, his gaze fixed on something. I followed his line of sight, spotting the enlistment poster. "He can't be serious…," breathed out the soldier, exasperated. "Sorry again."

And he took off.

I watched him run for a moment before shrugging my shoulders at the bizarre display. I was about to continue looking at the different displays when I glanced back at the enlistment poster. Fuck… I had promised Dr. Erskine I would see him after Howard's presentation.

I guess my sightseeing will have to wait for later…

I made my way to the enlistment office, looking around for the Doctor. He had said he would be walking around the area to find a future soldier for the training tomorrow. Maybe he had been successful…

Then where would he be?

"Ah, Edward, there you are. Come along now." Dr. Erskine had suddenly grasped my elbow, steering me towards the medical offices.

"What's going on?" I asked, trying to keep my balance because of the awkward grip he had me in. I glanced back at his face, noticing a smile. "And why are you so happy?"

He glanced down at me, still smiling. "You shall see."

I sighed, rolling my eyes but I let myself get steered all the way to the examination rooms where an MP, a military police officer, was standing by. He handed Dr. Erskine a folder before pulling back a curtain and entering the examination area.

Dr. Erskine opened the folder briefly, nodding to himself. "Hopefully he will agree." He turned to me, patting my head. "Wait here."

I swatted his hand away, just like I've done over dozens upon dozens of times that him or Howard had thought it was funny to pat me on the head. I swear I may break their fingers one day!

"Fine," I grumbled, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall next to the curtains.

Dr. Erskine smirked before entering the examination area as well, sending the MP out a moment later.

"So, you want to go overseas, to kill some Nazis?"

That was Dr. Erskine's voice. I know I was close to the curtains but there was still ambient noise around me. How can I hear him so well? Though, at the same time, it is interesting to hear what the Doctor was asking this potential candidate for the training.

Just to be safe, I scooted closer to the curtains.

"Excuse me?"

"Dr. Abraham Erskine. I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve."

I held in a scoff at the name. I liked to forget how long the SSR name really is. Why give it such a long name? Why not just call it one thing and be done with it. I wonder if this man had heard about the SSR or not. I'm not even sure if it's supposed to be a known organisation… I've just been housed by them for the past six months.

"Steve Rogers." That was the man.

There was a pause on their end and I waited, wondering what they were doing.

"Where are you from?" asked Steve suddenly.

"Queens, 73rd Street," replied Dr. Erskine casually. "Before that, Germany. This troubles you?" I didn't hold my breath… If he was like the other soldiers, chances were it did… I could perhaps hope for indifference but that was as far as it went for them.

I waited for a while but I hadn't heard any response from Rogers.

I'll have to wait to see if his answer was a good one or not.

"Where are you from, originally, Mr. Rogers?" asked Dr. Erskine and I faintly heard papers rustling. "Is it New Haven? Or Paramus? Five exams in five different cities–"

"That may not be the right file."

"No, it's not the exams," cut in Dr. Erskine. "It's the five tries." This guy is VERY determined. Who would try FIVE times to get into the military? Why do they keep rejecting him? "But you didn't answer my question. Do you want to kill Nazis?"

There was a pause from Rogers and I was growing more and more curious about this man.

"Is this a test?" he asked instead.

"Yes." Dr. Erskine's blunt answer nearly had me laughing out loud. I managed to contain it thankfully to a quick release of breath.

"I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies, I don't care where they're from."

I actually turned towards the curtains, towards Roger's voice. Impressive. Very Impressive. That answer… I think Dr. Erskine just found his candidate for the training.

"Well, there are already so many big men fighting this war. Maybe what we need now is the little guy. I can offer you a chance."

The curtain suddenly opened and I jumped up, straightening. Dr. Erskine briefly glanced in my direction, a small smile on his face.

"Only a chance," he repeated, heading to the desk with the folder in hand.

"I'll take it!"

I was physically shocked at the sight of Rogers. He was as tall as I was, around 1.65 meters, but he was so thin – so scrawny – I could probably snap him in half. He quickly walked past me, a slight shuffle in his step. I could not stop staring.

His body… It was only slightly better than Al's had been at the Gate. Sure, Rogers had a bit more meat on the bones but…

He did not look like he could be a soldier.

He had the heart of one, but not the body.

Dr. Erskine glanced back at Rogers. "Good," he said as he opened the folder. "So where is the little guy from, actually?" he asked as he searched through the stamps on the table.

"Brooklyn," replied Rogers.

The Doctor finally stopped searching, using the stamp on the file before handing the folder over to Rogers. "Congratulations, soldier," stated, turning away.

As he passed me, he stopped and leaned closer. "Can I trust you with informing him about the training camp, Edward?"

He didn't really wait for a reply as he smiled, patted my head, and continued on his way.

I swear, those fingers are going to be broken one day!

I waited a moment, letting Rogers beam at the acceptance of his file. Well, who am I kidding? Seeing him reminded me of Al, of how I left him in Amestris. I didn't want to talk to him when he reminded me so much of my brother... Hopefully after six months, Al's gotten better.

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders. Just go.

I approached him, stopping right in front of him. Damn, he really was my height… "Rogers, right?" I asked.

It seemed I startled him as his head jerked up, staring at me. "Uh, yes. Sorry. Steve Rogers."

"Edward Elric, Dr. Erskine gave me the task of letting you know about where the training will take place."

Rogers' attention was caught then and he straightened, closing the folder. Wow, he really looked like a soldier… ish.

"Woah, there. At ease, I'm not military," I stated, lifting my hands in surrender. Well, not military here, anyway. "I'm not going to…" I forgot the word court martial in English so I just let it slide. "Anyway, just relax."

Rogers paused for a moment but his shoulders did unstiffen. "Sorry."

I waved him off. "It's fine. So, tomorrow. Camp Lehigh. Heard of it?"

Rogers shook his head. "No, sadly. Is it in the state of New York?"

I thought back, trying to keep all these areas straight. "No, New Jersey, I believe. I'm not from around here as you probably guessed."

Rogers shook his head. "I never would have."

I was taken aback for a moment. Did – did he just use sarcasm? "You're joking, right?"

He smiled, scratching the back of his neck. "Yes, sorry. You're from Germany too? Like Dr. Erskine?"

I nodded. "From the North of it. I'm acting as Dr. Erskine's assistant at the moment." I paused, thinking it over. "And messenger. So, Camp Lehigh, New Jersey. Training starts tomorrow so I'd get back home and pack up, say your goodbyes and… whatever else you need to do."

Rogers glanced at the folder. "Packing will be easy enough. The rest, well, that's been taken care of already."

I frowned, wondering if I understood his words correctly. Yes, I had been learning English. Yes, those words separately, I knew what they meant. Together, with the tone he used, though, was another story.

I'm not even going to start with some of the stupid expressions they've come up with…

"You've said goodbye already?" I asked slowly.

"Yeah, my friend is being shipped off to England tomorrow. I'd been trying to enlist to join him. Hopefully this will be my ticket there."

He didn't mention family and I realized he may not have any left. Apart from the friend that was leaving, he was alone.

That feeling, I understood far too well.

"You really do want to join the army, don't you, Rogers?"

He looked up at me, determination in his gaze. "Men are laying down their lives for freedom, I got no right to do any less than them…"

No wonder Dr. Erskine chose this guy. I smiled at him, nodding my head. "Then good luck with the training. I'll be heading off there as well."

"As Dr. Erskine's assistant or…?"

I quickly waved my hands. "No, no, no. Just assistant. Though I may take part in some of the exercises."

"Well, I'll know at least two people there, then."

I scoffed. "True. Alright, soldier," I turned around, heading towards the exit. "Let's get out of here. There's nothing left to do anyway."

I heard Rogers shuffle to catch up and we left the enlistment building. I looked around, trying to remember where I had left off before I had been…


I turned towards Rogers as he was pulling on his coat. His beige coat. I studied him for a moment recalling the one-sided conversation I had with the soldier previously. "Was someone looking for you?" I asked suddenly.

Rogers turned towards me, surprised. "Yes, actually. Why?"

"Small world," I muttered, stuffing my hands into my pockets. "He ran into me before I came here," I explained in a normal tone. I then remembered what Rogers had said about a friend – a soldier being shipped off. "He's the one you said good bye too?"

Rogers sighed. "Yeah. I told him not to win the war until I got there. Think it's possible?"

I shrugged my shoulders, heading down the stairs. "I honestly don't know what could or couldn't be possible anymore. Just look around you."

"Yeah." Rogers did look around, a small smile on his face. "We're in the future."

According to Captain America 2, Steve's height pre-serum was 5'4", which translates to roughly 1.64 meters. I kept the metric system because Ed would know only that: in the series, the measurements are metric (grams, liters, etc.) so I would figure the length measurements were metric as well.

Let me know what you think of the chapter! I hope you enjoyed it!