Chapter 6 - Camp Lehigh

I do not own anything!

Camp Lehigh - June 1943

I glanced up from my book to see Peggy walk in, in full military uniform. "Good morning, Agent Carter," I called out, shutting my book.

She glanced in my direction, nodding. "Good morning to you, too, Edward." She then turned to one of the officers. "Are these for the recruits, soldier?" she asked, motioning towards the wooden box filled with clipboards and forms.

"Yes, ma'am," he replied curtly.

"Good, grab them and follow me, then." She didn't wait for an answer as she turned heel, heading towards the exit. "Edward?"

"Coming!" I called, watching the soldier stare between Peggy and the box, bewildered. I motioned for him to hurry before I caught up with Peggy.

I heard him huff but he did pick up the box, leaving the room as well. We walked in silence through the camp, Peggy marching confidently slightly ahead of me.

I was still marvelled by her attitude and how she held herself amongst all these men. When I had told her I respected her six months ago, I had not been stroking anyone's ego. I meant it and, if possible, I mean it even more today. I had seen how soldiers – how men – have treated her and how she fights back every time.

I had once snapped and confronted one of the men who insulted her. Peggy, however, had been quick to remind me that she could handle the derogative comments herself.

She had thanked me but added the warning of never doing it again.

From then, we had formed an understanding and – dare I say it? – friendship. She had offered me the possibility of calling her 'Peggy', which I did whenever there wasn't any soldiers present. When there were, I always used her S.S.R. rank. I didn't want to give them the idea that, because I could call her Peggy, they could as well, or worse, think they could disrespect her even more…

"What are you reading this time, Edward?" asked Peggy out of the blue.

I glanced at the book in my hand, "Albert Einstein's Relativity. Dr. Erskine managed to find a German version of it for me."

"I remember that book," remarked Peggy, nodding. "I read through the first part but I never got around to finishing it… Let me know if it's worth getting back to it, would you?"

"Sure thing," and I couldn't help adding, "Ma'am."

She glanced back, frowning slightly. I smirked, knowing how it annoyed her when I used 'ma'am' on her.

As we continued to walk, I glanced at the book again. I had just started it but the theory of relativity may hold the answer to getting back to Amestris: the how space and time are related. Maybe at some point, he'll talk about the possibility of other worlds. One can hope.

"Behave," muttered Peggy in my direction just as we reached a row of soldiers. "Recruits, attention," she called out, reaching the new soldiers and stepping in front of them. "Gentlemen, I'm Agent Carter. I supervise all operations for this division."

"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria?" called out one of the soldiers and I rolled my eyes at his tone. Two sentences. That's all it took Peggy to say before someone jackass decided to butt in… "Thought I was signing up for the US army."

Peggy stopped in front of him, unfazed. "What's your name, soldier?" she asked sharply.

"Gilmore Hodge, your Majesty," he drawled out, giving her a once over.

"Step forward, Hodge," ordered Peggy. He chuckled doing as he was told slowly and grudgingly. "Put your right foot forward."

"Are we gonna wrassle?" Wrassle? What the fuck is wrassle? Did he mean wrestle? Even I spoke better English than this asshole! "Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like." For the love of… He's really asking for a beating.

And a beating is what he got. Peggy punched him square in the jaw, making him fall to the ground.

"Agent Carter!" I turned around, spotting the Colonel and Dr. Erskine heading our way.

"Colonel Phillips," she greeted, straightening her jacket and saluting him.

"I can see that you're breaking in the candidates. That's good." The Colonel reached Hodge and he stared down at him, shaking his head. "Get your ass up out of that dirt and stand on that line at attention 'till somebody comes and tells you what to do."

Hodge stood shakily, stepping back into line. "Yes, sir!" replied Hodge as he tried to make his discomfort as unnoticeable as possible. Didn't work though with the bloody nose and the way he was trying to move it without touching it.

"General Patton has said that wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by men," began the Colonel. "We are going to win this war because we have the best," he paused, taking a good look at Rogers, "men." He visibly sighed, turning towards Dr. Erskine. I glanced at the Doctor but he was unfazed, not even returning the Colonel's look.

So, he hadn't warned the Colonel of his last pick for the training. This will be interesting.

"And because they are gonna get better. Much better."

Well, that can also apply to the other soldiers, especially Hodge. He needs to get better; get a better attitude.

"The Strategic Scientific Reserve is an Allied effort made up of the best minds in the free world," continued Phillips. "Our goal, is to create the best army in history. But every army starts with one man. At the end of this week, we will choose that one man. He will be the first in a new breed of super-soldier. And they will personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of hell."

Super-soldier…? That was a new word for me. I'll have to ask Dr. Erskine later what Phillips meant by that.

"Now, Agent Carter will be taking notes during this coming week as Sergeant Duffy," Phillips motioned to a soldier standing nearby, "will be conducting the training. You will listen to both of them, am I clear?"

"Yes, sir!" called out the recruits.

The Colonel nodded. "Good." He then spotted me and visibly sighed again. "Elric, are you still going through with this?"

The recruits glanced in my direction, most in confusion. Not that it really bothered me or anything. "Yes, sir!" I replied instead, adding a mock salute because I knew it would annoy him.

Whilst I had gotten closer to Peggy over the past six months, Phillips just did not like me no matter what I did: if I stayed out of his way, was in his way, was just PRESENT, he did not look the least bit happy about seeing me.

Hence why I decided that, if I do bother him so much, I'll have a bit of fun with it.

Phillips breathed deeply, turning towards the Sergeant. "Sergeant Duffy, Elric will be joining the recruits in some of the training. Use him as a guinea pig if need be: he volunteered."

"Sir, yes, sir!" called out Duffy loudly.

What's a 'guinea pig'?

Well, I found out 'guinea pig' could mean the one that test runs most of the stupid training. When they said training, I thought sparring would be part of it.

Not some stupid rope climbing exercise…

This is what the officers back in Amestris had to do to get their rank?

I took comfort in that fact, thinking of how Mustang would have to climb this net of ropes, failing dramatically at the attempt. I then thought of Hawkeye standing nearby, sighing in defeat as she went to cut the ropes before Mustang made good of his possible threat to burn them down.


Sergeant Duffy was standing less than two meters away when he yelled that at me. I turned towards him, massaging my ear. "Was that necessary?" I gritted out in frustration.

"Let's go! Today would be nice!" He then turned towards the recruits as I rolled my shoulders, getting ready to climb that stupid rope wall. "I want you all to do this, faster than Elric, of course! MUCH FASTER!"

Fuck you, Sergeant Asshole.

I took off in a sprint, climbing up and over the wall in seconds. The moment I reached the top, I didn't even bother to turn around and climb back down. I just jumped far enough away, diving and rolling in the dirt. I used my momentum to stand easily and spun towards Sergeant Duffy, smirking the entire time.

"What did you say about faster?" I called back before bowing dramatically.

Sergeant Duffy stood there, mouth agape for a moment before yelling out orders to the recruits, pointing them towards the rope wall. I wasn't listening at that point, preferring to head towards Peggy as she took notes on her clipboard.

"Edward, piece of advice," she muttered just loud enough for me to hear, "behave this week, will you?"

I sighed, looking up at her. "What –?"

"Behave. For Dr. Erskine and my sake."

I bit my tongue, not liking this situation. I never 'behaved', doing pretty much what I wanted to do, what I needed to do.


The threat over Winry's head had been enough to keep me in check.

I didn't like it though, not one moment.

"Fine," I muttered, crossing my arms. If it'll be for Dr. Erskine and Peggy, I guess I ease up.


"Rogers! Get up!"

I glanced back, easily seeing Rogers dangling upside down from the entanglement he got his legs in. I groaned, he really wants this but he doesn't seem to have any physical ability what so ever.

"I'll be back," I muttered towards Peggy.

"Edward, don't –"

"I can't just leave him," I interrupted, pointing to the still trapped Rogers. "The others aren't helping even though I know soldiers are supposed to help their own. I'll behave!"

I didn't wait for Peggy to answer as I ran towards the rope wall. By that time, all the other soldiers were up and on the other side, leaving Rogers struggling to get his leg untangled. I climbed up higher than him, hooking my right arm around rope and leaning back, holding out my left hand.

"Come on," I called, catching his attention.

"I got this," he gasped out, trying to lift his upper body.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure you do, but humour me, why don't you?"

Rogers was still struggling to lift himself and then resorted to some type of kicking to get his leg untangled.

I sighed, leaning back. "There's no shame in taking my hand so you can get not-stuck and finish the exercise, Rogers."

He paused, his breathing heavy. His face was even turning a shade of red, probably from hanging upside down for so long.

He thankfully reached out and grasped my still outstretched hand. I pulled him up easily – what did this guy weigh? 40 kilos? Barely that? – and Rogers finally got his leg out from the knot he had made.

"Alright, you're free. Have fun," I said, sitting on the ropes.

He didn't move for a moment, his breathing laboured. "Thanks," he gasped out before climbing up.

From the movements I felt from the ropes, he wasn't getting stuck again, hopefully. I glanced towards the side where Peggy was walking, still taking notes. We caught each other's gaze for a moment and, even though the smile was slightly pinched, she nodded towards me.


I breathed deeply, looking up towards the sky.

Stupid fucking Gate and its horrible sense of humour.

"Pick up the pace, ladies! Let's go, let's go! Double time! Come on! Faster! Faster!"

I was going to punch him in the face if he didn't shut up… Ladies my ass. The only 'lady' here is beating them at their own game.

Fucking assholes…

"Squad, halt!" The soldiers slowed to a stop, the Sergeant pulling up next to them. "That flag means we're only at the halfway point!" I rolled my eyes, continuing on my way, towards the vehicle parked up ahead. "First man to bring it to me gets a ride back with Agent Carter!"

I walked up to the car, stopping next to Peggy. I nodded towards her before we both eyed the feral group of soldiers attempting to climb the flagpole.

And failed miserably.


"I wouldn't, Edward," stated Peggy, just loud enough for me to hear.

I sighed, nodding. "I wouldn't have taken the free ride back to base."

"Edward," she warned.

I raised my hands in surrender. "Yes, I know behave. You've –"


He removed the pins holding the flagpole up and the entire thing came crashing down. Stunned silence followed as he unhooked the flag and handed it to Sergeant Duffy.

"Thank you, sir," he huffed before climbing onto the back seat of the car. Once seated, he looked, nodding towards Peggy. I eyed her, spotting the smile on her face as she faced the front. Okay, someone found something amusing.

Probably the fact that the least likely soldier beat the others with something so simple.

I heard the car start and I backed away, watching the trio head out. Alight, I guess –


I winced at the shout from the Sergeant. I still wasn't used to how LOUD he was.

"Yes?" I called back in a normal tone.

"Hang the flag and get the post back up!" He thrust the crumbled up flag at me, barely waiting for me to grab it. "Recruits! Let's go! Double time!"

And they took off. I could somewhat hear the snickers from the soldiers, somewhat hear their words as they left. None of them were nice…

I stared after them in disbelief. He – they – what…?

"Fucking assholes!" I yelled out, my grip on the flag shaking. I think I nearly tore it.

As I turned heel, heading towards the stupid flag pole, I tried to calm down. I should be used to this. None of their actions should come as a surprise anymore. I've dealt with idiots like them in Amestris when they found out about my being a State Alchemist. I've dealt with pig heads in the S.S.R. when they found out I'm 'German'.

These ones…

As I placed the pin back, I leaned my head against the cool steel.

Who am I kidding? In Amestris, they had gotten over the State Alchemist title when I helped them, when I showed them I wasn't like the rest.

These assholes, no matter what I did, they discriminated against me the moment they heard me speak. Nothing seemed to change that.

I began my run back to the camp, unmotivated. At least I had Dr. Erskine and Peggy here. Howard's lucky to not have had to come all the way here thought I don't think I would have wanted to stay with him… Science side, yes, he was great. Social – and I mean girls and parties – side, I could not understand.

Though… Out of the recruits, Rogers hasn't treated me any differently. Not even when I met him.

I didn't know though if it was because I was Dr. Erskine's assistant or because he genuinely didn't care that I was German.

Speaking of Rogers.

I spotted him along with some of the other recruits behind one of the further buildings, the others encircling Rogers with his back pressed against the wall.

Fucking assholes.

I ran towards them and I could start to hear their conversation.

" – not scared of any of you. I just want to know where Edward went."

That was Rogers' voice. Why – why did he care where I was?

"That stinkin' German went running with its tail between its legs, ain't that right? But we're more cu–"

"Did you do anything to him?" snapped Rogers.

Hodge paused, looking at the others in bewilderment. "And what if we did?"

Rogers looked ready to fight them but I decided to step in.

"Really? You 'did' something to me? Do tell."

The recruits whirled around, some taking a step back. Hodge, though, didn't move, just stared down at me, sneering. "This is none of your business, germ. Get lost."

I rolled my eyes. "I heard your conversation, idiot. I know you were talking about me. But, I'm not going to bother continuing this," I motioned towards the group in general, "because whatever good English I learned may vanish if I continue to listen to your horrid speech. Let's go, Rogers."

Hodge held out his arm, blocking Rogers' way towards me. "You don't like the way I talk than too bad, germ!"

I cringed. "Yes, too bad you couldn't be bothered with learning your own damn language. Now let Rogers leave."

"You're going to have to make me, Nazi."

Fucking –!

Hodge suddenly buckled, his knees giving out before he face planted on the ground at my feet. I stared wide eyed at the fallen soldier and then, there, behind were Hodge was standing, Rogers was seething in anger.

"Edward isn't a Nazi, Hodge! He's an ally! We're on the same side! Learn the difference!" he yelled out, his fists shaking.


Hodge was scurrying to his feet, whirling around to face Rogers. That's not good. I –

"Ah, there you are, Edward." I turned around as Dr. Erskine reached our group, taking in the situation. "Did I catch you at a bad time?"

I shook my head. "Excellent timing, Doctor," I replied.

He seemed pleased with himself as he glanced at the others. "Hodge, you do seem to have dirtied your uniform. I do believe Sergeant Duffy will not be pleased with that."

"I didn't dirty it on purpose! I was pushed!" cried out Hodge, trying to dust off his clothes.

"Pushed?" repeated Dr. Erskine. "By whom?"

Hodge went to point to Rogers but I believe he finally realize how stupid his story sounded. Pushed by a man who was less than half his weight? Yes, what a story that will be.

"Nobody," he gritted out.

Dr. Erskine hummed in acknowledgement. "Alright then, do be careful next time. Edward, let's go."

I motioned for Rogers to come as well and he quickly squeezed past the other recruits, falling into step next to me. We walked in silence for a while, getting far away from where the other recruits had been.

"Thanks, Rogers," I finally muttered. "For what you said back there."

"I wasn't blowing hot air, Edward, I really did mean it. We're on the same side. I just wish punks like Hodge would realize that."

I scoffed, shaking my head. "One day maybe but for now…" I took a deep breath, finally looking at Rogers. "You can just call me Ed, by the way."

"And you can call me Steve," he replied, smiling.

I smiled back, turning my attention back to the front, just in time to see Dr. Erskine glancing back briefly, a small smile on his face.

I flipped the page of my book, trying to ignore all the noise around me. I had been good at it back in Amestris: tuning everything out and focusing on the task at hand. Here, however, I just heard everything and I could not turn it off.

"Why can't it be Hodge? He's completed every task we've thrown at him with flying colours."

Like that voice. Phillips must be getting closer to my spot in the bed of a truck.

"Then by those same reasons, Edward would make just as good a candidate," replied Dr. Erskine and I heard them stop just on the other side of where I was sitting.

"I told you," I cut in, "not doing it."

"The US government has already told you no, either way," added the Colonel.

I rolled my eyes before going back to my book. "Then we finally agreed on something."

"Come now, look at him," sighed the Colonel, probably referring to Steve now, "he's going to make me cry." Yup, definitely Steve. From what I had seen with his attempts at doing a series of push ups, it could make a grown man cry and teacher to blow her fuse. "Hodge is big, strong, fast, and he obeys orders."

"Rogers obeys orders," I put in at the same time as Dr. Erskine added, "He's a bully."

We glanced at each other, a smirk spreading across my face. "Hodge is that too," I agreed.

"Oh please, both of you. You don't win wars with kindness."

I bit my tongue at that comment, remembering Amestris, specifically Major Armstrong. The tales of Ishval that Hawkeye had told me came back to me along with how the Major didn't want to fight, to kill innocents. And how he was sent home only to have his sister hate him for years to come… Yeah, you don't win wars with kindness but you sure as hell have a better conscious about it at the end.

Unlike Hawkeye and Mustang…

The Colonel's movement brought me out of my thoughts as he reached into a crate at my feet, pulling out a grenade. The hell is he…?

He pulled the trigger off, turning towards Dr. Erskine. "You win wars with guts."

And he threw it towards the training soldiers.

I had flung my book aside as he tossed the grenade, jumping off the bed of the truck and rolling on the dirt floor, dashing towards the soldiers. What the fuck was he thinking?

Just as I was about to grab the grenade in the middle of the scattering soldiers, Steve dived onto it, covering it with his body.

"GET AWAY!" he yelled, flinging his arm out towards me. "GET BACK!"

Too late… Backing up wasn't going to do me any good now…

I held my breath for a moment, bracing myself for the explosion.

One. Two. Three.

Wait a minute.

Steve uncurled slowly, glancing around. I breathed out, sagging to my knees as I massaged my head. Unbelievable…

"Was – was that a test?" asked Steve, glancing at myself and then behind me.

I turned slightly and spotted Peggy standing there, a small smile on her face.

Fucking assholes, this was a test!

I growled, reaching for the dummy grenade, ignoring the sputtering that Steve was doing. Knowing full well I couldn't take it out on the Colonel, I turned around, towards the empty field near the training ground and hurled the grenade as far as possible into the air.

"Scheiß-… das Mistviech! You sick, demented, sons of bitches!" I yelled out angrily in German. "Give me a damn warning next time, assholes! I should pummeled you to the ground you –"


Dr. Erskine's voice cut off my yelling and I realized many of the soldiers were staring at me, most with fear and mistrust. Right… German. That wasn't smart.

"Sorry. Temper," I mumbled, stuffing my hands into my pockets as I made my way back towards the Colonel and Dr. Erskine. "Warn me next time," I managed to grit out instead of all the threats and insults from before.

Dr. Erskine chuckled, patting me on the head. "And miss you demonstrating your 'guts'?"

I scoffed, shrugging my shoulders. "I don't need to demonstrate anything…" I glanced around, finding the book I was reading several meters away. Jeez, I really flung it far.

I walked towards it, hearing the Colonel mutter, "It's still a no for Elric and Rogers is still skinny."

I shook my head. I don't know how many times I told them that I didn't want to be their test subject: I am not becoming a soldier again. I picked up my book, shaking the dust off of it.

"Hey, Ed!"

I glanced back, spotting Steve jogging towards me. Well, jogging is being generous: it was more he was dragging his feet quickly as he made his way towards me.

"Hello, Steve," I replied, tucking the book under my arm. "Training done?"

He nodded. "That grenade seemed to have marked the end of it."

We walked away from the training ground, passing other soldiers that shot us weary looks. I learned to ignore them but Steve always seemed ready to start a fight with them because of their mistrust of me. If he went looking for a fight today, I believe it may mark the 10th time I would have to pull him away from one.

And people say I'm quick to anger and get into a fight.

It's only been a week!

Honestly, this is how Al must have felt every time he held me back when I yelled at others.


"Ed?" I turned towards Steve. "You okay?"

I guess what people tell me about my face being an open book – easy to read every emotion – was true. Though, I wasn't ready to share with anyone at the moment.

"Yes, sorry. I was thinking."

Steve stared at me for a while longer before nodding. "Alright, I won't pry. But if there's anything, let me know."

I want to get back home, I thought. But Steve can't help with that. No one could. I needed to figure it out for myself.

"Thanks," I muttered anyway.

And done! I couldn't find the right spot to split the chapter so I decided to just publish everything together!

Let me know what you think! Thanks!