Chapter 3: First Section - Chapter Two

Thank you so much for all the support so far! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Also, you may notice I have switched between writing in the past and in the present. It makes me more comfortable, but do tell me if it bothers you.

You might recognize some sentences from this story's previous version if you have read it. In this case, it simply means I based some of this story's paragraphs from the other one.

One last thing before you read this chapter! One reviewer kindly pointed out my mistakes regarding yin and yang chakra. I do have to admit they made me slightly confused, and I tried to simplify them by focusing on their nature. Don't worry, these are things I'll explain in the next chapters.

I do not own Naruto.




Becoming a hokage 101


First Section


Chapter Two


If I were to reflect back on it, my first meeting with Kakashi and his dad could have gone a lot better. Embarrassment aside, though, there wasn't much I could have done about it. One moment I was working quietly on the paperwork assigned to me; in the next, I fell to the floor clutching my head, a piercing pain unlike anything I'd felt in both lives burning my brain from the inside out and making me scream.

But, well. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's rewind a bit.

On the fourth day of my 'punishment', Hatake Sakumo appeared in a well-placed shunshin in front of the hokage's office, carrying his son in his arms. I remember looking into Kakashi's eyes and recognizing him, which had triggered a bunch of memories to flood my already overloaded mind. The result was such blinding and atrocious pain I was unable to do anything but fall to my knees.

First impressions are important, my mother had said. Always make sure people have a good one of you, she'd said.

"Chiyuki-hime!" In my vague memories, Sasakibe-oji was beside me in an instant, supporting my body with strong arms. There were other hands, as well; my father's, no doubt having heard the commotion outside his office, as well as unknown hands hovering above my head. The pain briefly subsided, and I might have felt relief for the presence of a medic-nin, but the pain was too much, too much-

It's an odd feeling, really, because I can still feel my hand throbbing, but I can't feel people's touches or hear their voices; it all sounds muffled, as if we were underwater. Although everything is dark and the air is heavy, I feel strangely at home here. Maybe it's because there's a part of me that knows I'm inside my own mind, and maybe this is just how the memories usually play out and I've forgotten how it feels like.

Suddenly, it's like I'm inside a TV screen, watching as Kakashi's life starts to play out: there's a little boy with striking silver hair so painfully similar to his dad's, the same dad he finds dead on the floor after a mission gone wrong. His genin team and their sensei; the missions they go on together and the bond he forms with them. Unbidden, helplessness and desperation fill up my throat in a painful way as that dreaded mission comes around, and the way he loses himself after Obito gives him his eye makes my heart hurt. I see him using the sharingan, and I see him piercing Rin with his chidori. I see the Kyuubi's attack, and I see the way Minato dies. Kakashi tries to drown his emotions in ANBU, going back-to-back on suicidal missions and building a name for himself. Then, like a reluctant Sun, team 7 shows up in his life, and he becomes a reluctant and awkward teacher. I see the choices he makes; some good, some bad. The literal and the figurative mask he always wears no matter what. The day Sasuke leaves, and how he breaks again for losing another precious person. I watch as the war comes, and how he loses even more comrades. I see him become the Rokudaime Hokage.

And then, I see a boy.

The film is over. In front of me stands three year old Kakashi, in the same clothes he was wearing when we first met. He doesn't show any emotion, but that's okay, because I know I'm feeling enough for the both of us.

And it chokes me up and tears me down from the inside out and again and all over again because this is Kakashi-

Kakashi, Kakashi, just a boy, just a boy who keeps losing people and doesn't know how to stop it-


My eyes snap open and with a choked gasp, I sit up in one abrupt moment-

Only to immediately close my eyes again and cover them as much as possible with the palms of my hands. Something in me tells me it hurts, it hurts, my head, my head-

I feel like screaming-

It hurts, it hurts too much, a sob, too much, make it stop, Kakashi-

Suddenly, there is darkness and blissful sleep, and I welcome both with open arms.

Waking up for the second time is far easier. I feel slightly dizzy, but thankfully my head doesn't hurt anymore. In the air, there's the light smell of cleaning products, and a warm breeze caresses my skin somewhere to my right. Although there are no headaches, my limbs feel like jelly, unresponsive to my brain's commands. A rustle, and I finally decide to open my eyes.

The white ceiling of the hospital room is painted with the colors of the twilight, shades of red and orange dancing before my unfocused eyes. In the quiet evening, I can hear two people breathing; myself, and my mother, her chakra swirling tensely next to me.

Blinking and turning my head to the right, I come came face to face with my mother's exhausted but relieved expression, and it somehow makes her look even older than she is. It was obvious she had been worried.

"Mother." I try to whisper, throat raw and sore from disuse (Did I scream? Maybe. Probably. I do remember screaming. But at this point, which memories are real?). Swiftly, my mother hands me a glass with a straw, and the water going down her throat feels heavenly next to the last hellish hours. After coughing a little, I feel her firm hands gently guiding my body into a seating position. When I look into her eyes again, there's the shadow of something I had never seen in them before, and I don't know how to feel about that-

"You gave us quite the scare, child."


"Mommy." The sob is out before I can even think of stopping it. Unbidden, all my walls come crumbling down as one.

"Mommy." My face is already a mess of snot and tears but mother doesn't care, for once she doesn't care, and between one heartbeat and the other I feel her arms tucking me against her chest, protecting me, guarding me. "Mommy."

Like with my memories of Kakashi, it's like a dam had broken and only now could I feel how much I had worried them. For my mother, always strong and stern, to admit such a thing with a small, scared voice?

"Mommy, mommy."

I just. Couldn't. Stop. Crying.

And it was too much. And it's like- like all of my emotions decided to be overwhelming at the same time and it feels like drowning except I'm not and it feels too much and it hurts-

Too much, too much-


"Chiyuki, breathe." Biwako's sharp command snaps me daughter out of it, and I belatedly realize I'd been hyperventilating. My mother's thin but strong hands never once falter in their hold on her child, firm as the very own earth.


It doesn't feel like showing weakness. And how could it be, when I feel my everstrong mother shaking just as much as me? It's just too much, and yet-

"Shh, I know, I know. Breathe. It's okay. I'm here, I'm right here."

Yet, she makes it all bearable.

(Not better, no, because she can't make this better. She can't make it better because it doesn't feel like me beneath my own skin, and how would she fix that?)

Some time passes. It could have been seconds or minutes, but me, it feels like hours before the tears finally dry and the air easily enters my lungs again. In the silence of the hospital, everything feels surreal and floaty in a bad way.

'I am an adult, looking at a little girl who'd just had a breakdown and the worst part is that there wasn't anything I could do because I was both the adult and the girl.' I can't help but think bitterly, still being rocked in my mother's safe arms. 'Rather, I am both my saviour and my worst enemy, as I am the only one who can fix this and make sure this doesn't happen every time I meet a plot-relevant character.'

I hear my mother's whispers telling me to sleep, to rest, but even though I'm tired, it's not something sleep can fix.

I'm exhausted, and I want my old life back.

After spending nearly sixty hours in the hospital, I was finally released on a bright Monday morning, with chirping birds and a cloudless sky. It was still early enough that most people were only just beginning to go about their days, opening shops and getting ready to go out. Tooru, my precious sunshine incarnate, had insisted on waking up earlier just so he could pick me up, along with Asuma and our mother. I walk between both my brothers, one of their hands in the grasps of each of mine, sighing happily at the sun shining down on us.

Already, I can feel the difference. See, I wasn't exactly scared of hospitals Before. Of course I didn't like going to one, but I didn't exactly mind either. If I needed to go, then I sucked it up and went. Needles and the smell of cleaning products never really bothered me; in fact, there was a part of me that knew I'd definitely get better if I saw a doctor, and I knew I'd be okay.

Getting out of the hospital and walking with my brothers for barely two minutes, however, has done much more than the doctors ever could.

'Ah. This is nice.' I can't help but think, and a smile easily finds its way to my mouth. Between Tooru and Asuma, I feel whole again. Back in the hospital, it felt as if I had forgotten my goals and dreams Here, like I was simply too tired to keep on.

And yeah, it is a little worrying, because that was the first breakdown of many. There's no way I'm going to allow myself to act like that everytime a flashback happens in the middle of the day. It just meant I was going to have to up my meditation game and… that's all I can do, honestly. I can't really tell anyone about the dreams, and I sure as hell can't go to therapy.

I was gonna have to go to war with the weapons I had on me, which might as well be nothing at all, but the mere presence of my brothers was enough to remind me of why I had chosen the most difficult path.

"Oh, Chiyuki-hime!" The voice that suddenly calls out to me is vaguely familiar, and I can't pinpoint it until I turn around and see the middle-aged woman that 'rescued' me from the Red Light District. The civilian bows to my mother and my brothers, and the gaze she immediately fixes on me is so intense I feel a little uncomfortable.

"I am very sorry to interrupt you, Biwako-sama, but as soon as I saw Chiyuki-hime I just had to rush over." Indeed, she does look and sound a little out of breath, face red and-

Was she about to cry?

Both my brothers tense next to me, and I know they also sense she is about to shed a tear or two. The woman, however, keeps the waterworks at bay, and I can't help but be impressed at the way she basically just ignored my mother to talk to me. Me!

What the hell, you crazy woman?

"When I stopped seeing you around the market I knew there was something wrong and oh, I was so worried! I'm so glad to see you well again, Hime!" I can feel mother's curious stare burning a hole in my head, but despite my flaming cheeks, I manage a smile at the flustered woman.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Satoru-san, but I'm fine." To my utter horror, the middle-aged woman all but swoons, holding her cheek against her hand. Biwako merely raises a thin eyebrow and addresses the woman for the first time.

"I was not aware my daughter was such a well-known figure, Satoru-san." Satoru Mina manages to impress me even more as she proceeds to ignore the light warning in my mother's tone, choosing instead to explain the situation.

'Thanks for the save, Satoru-san.'

"Oh, Biwako-sama, Chiyuki-hime is such a well-behaved child! Whenever she passes through the market she greets all of the merchants with a smile, and she is so polite!"

'...or not.'

I almost sigh when mother nearly preens at all the praise, and it does nothing to me except turn my stomach into acid. Just when I think I'm safe from all the comparisons… and right when my brothers are present! This is not fair!

(I knew I was being childish. I knew that. There was a voice in my head scolding me and saying that I was doing all the right things, building connections with shinobi and civilian alike. It would be great for my future position as hokage, I knew. Yet-

'Isn't this what you wanted, Hime?' It comes out as a sneer, but I return the expression.

'Not at the expense of my brothers.'

I'm my own worst enemy, but I am also my strongest ally, and I will succeed.)

"Ah, mother. I'm sorry, but didn't father say he wanted to see us?" Asuma, the blessed child, smoothly interrupts the two women. I squeeze his hand in thanks, and relief floods me when he squeezes back. Really, my brothers are the best in the entire world, and I will fight whoever says otherwise.

Biwako nods, and after a quick goodbye, we start our walk home once again. After a couple of minutes, we reach a bifurcation in the path; the left road continues onto the rest of the main street, where all the busy places are at, and the right road leads to Konoha's residential area. Mother gains our attention as she turns to the three of us, expression serious as usual.

"Very well children, this is where we part ways. Tooru, please take your sister to the Hokage Tower before you head to the academy, as your father wishes to see her. Asuma and I will head home, where we shall continue his training."

We part with waves and smiles, and I hug Asuma extra tight. My brother, to his credit, doesn't even comment on it; merely hugs me back with as much strength. Then, Tooru and I head to the left, and his warm hand on mine feels right. It feels like I belong in my own skin again, like I'm whole and healthy again. It makes it that much more real.

"Right, so this is where I drop you off!" My brother's bright voice brings me back to the present as I glance at the stairs leading to the hokage's office, where father was apparently waiting for me. Sometimes, I felt like he was abusing of his power; then, I remember I will probably do the same. "Don't get lost on the road of life, mhmm?"

Tooru winks as I roll my eyes affectionately, but I promise him I'll be good either way. As my brother turns on his heel and heads to the academy, he gives me another wink and a cheeky grin. The cute little shit.

"Just go already niisan, or you'll be late."

"Sure, sure! See you later, Peanut!"

After making sure he's heading the right way, I step towards the hokage's office, curiosity dominating my mind and making me wonder just what my father could possibly want with me. I get that he'd want to see me, but did I really need to come all the way to his office? Couldn't he wait until evening?

'Well, I do want to apologize to Sasakibe-oji. This is as good an opportunity as any.'

Recognizable mops of silver hair freeze me on the stop just as I reach the last floor. Standing next to Sasakibe-oji's desk are both Hatakes, and Sakumo looks like he's going to run the hell out of here at any moment. Kakashi just looks bored.

"Chiyuki-hime." My father's secretary stands in one smooth movement, and I don't have time to be jealous as I forget myself and run into his arms, relishing in the familiar smell of paper and ink.

"I'm sorry I worried you, Sasakibe-oji. I'm all better now."

"It is alright, Hime. What matters is that you are fine now." I thank all the forces in the Universe for the way his robes cover my face and muffle my voice, because until that moment I hadn't realized how much I adored him, and how much I'd missed him.

'Ah, Sasakibe-oji. I kinda want you to be my secretary, too.'

A quiet cough comes from Sakumo, and the older man finally releases me. I can't help but giggle at the way he light pats down my short overalls, smoothing down wrinkles. Then, I turn to the two awkward men in front of me, so very similar to one another. I blink, remembering my manners before anyone can rattle me out to my mother.

"Ah, I'm very sorry for the rudeness and for startling you the other day. My name is Sarutobi Chiyuki and I am pleased to meet you two." In a such a swift bow my mother was sure to be proud of, I introduce myself and apologize to them. Sakumo looks even more uncomfortable, although he tries to hide it. His son just looks even more bored.

"It is our pleasure, Hime. And please don't apologize, we're just glad you're better. I'm Hatake Sakumo, a friend of your father's, and this is my son, Kakashi. C'mon, son, say hi."

The last part was said in a bit of a hushed tone, as if the father had had to repeat it many times. Somehow, I can tell Kakashi would sigh heavily if his dad wasn't right next to him, but he just blinks and in a very deadpan voice says,

"Hi." This time, his dad does sigh, and nudges his son in my direction.

"Well kids, I need to talk to the hokage for a moment. I'll be right back. Hime, would you mind keeping Kakashi company? He's shy and doesn't have many friends- ouch! Don't pinch me!"

I laughed despite the situation I found myself in. Seeing those two interact was even better than I could have imagined, and it reminds me a little bit of the teasing between my brothers and I.

"Of course, Hatake-san."

"Ah, just Sakumo is fine."

"Okay, just-Sakumo-san."

The man is about to knock on my father's door, but then his brain catches up to what I said and he playfully narrows dark eyes at me. I can't help but giggle again.

Then, he's inside the office and an awkward silence settles in the corridor. For a few moments, Kakashi and I just stare at each other, unsure of what to do next.

'Alright, okay, fuck. What the hell do I do with a three year old Kakashi? Has he joined the academy yet? What do we talk about?'

Sasakibe-oji, my saviour, shuffles his papers and lightly suggests we go to the roof while we wait for our fathers, since it's such a nice day out. We both shrug, seeing as there was nothing much we could have done, and we climb the flight of stairs that leads to the roof.

The roof at the hokage's tower is nice and open, and I knew father sometimes held super secret meetings here. The day was indeed very nice, as Konoha's summer was in full swing. There was a light breeze, and I took the time to close my eyes and breathe in.

"I'm not calling you Hime." Aaand there it is. It's the first thing he says to me, as soon as he realizes we're both alone. He looks at me defiantly, despite being shorter than me, and I suddenly realize he's measuring me up. Testing the waters. He's not being spiteful, just... a little shit. A cute and suspicious little shit. I shrug, not really caring one way or another.

"I don't really care. Just call me Chiyuki. Adults are weird." Just like that, the invisible wall he built between us crumbles, and his small body visibly relaxes. I had known Kakashi was a prodigy at around Itachi's level, but this was just ridiculous. What kind of life has this boy been living? Why is he already suspicious of everything?

Deciding that it would be no good to dwell on it, I fall silent, and a comfortable silence settles between us. Wordlessly, we decide to sit down, with Kakashi on the shade and me right next to him, on the sunny side of the roof. My internal clock suddenly warns me I need to eat soon, so I take out a packet of crackers from one of my many pockets and offer one to the boy next to me. I nearly giggle when he stares at it and silently grabs one, hesitating only a second before lowering his scarf and taking a bite of it.

Knowing how sensitive he was about his face, I make sure to turn around and start eating my own crackers, and I feel him lightly relax. While he sluggishly slides down the wall after putting his scarf back, I take my time in wondering about this new development, and how things might play out from here on out.

Kakashi and I are the same age, though he's a tad shorter than me, and already wears a green scarf to cover half of his face. He had taken it off to eat, not bothering to try and hide his face further from my view after that second of hesitation, and the thought is flattering. It's as if he knew I wouldn't make a big deal out of it, even though I could clearly see how pretty he is and how flattering the mole next to his mouth is. His hair, slightly darker than his dad's, is as untamed as it can possibly be, but it suits him. He seems... a little bit suspicious of everything, yes, but I suppose that's partly his nature and partly his shinobi training. Not only that, but he's a prodigy – if I'm not mistaken, he graduates really early from the academy, at age 5.

My thoughts take me to another direction as I let my mind wander aimlessly; his dad is obviously an old friend of my father, and a loyal ninja to the village. He greatly values friendship and must have instilled those teachings into his son, even though Kakashi doesn't seem to have many friends. Well, neither do I, but if there's something I absolutely refuse to do is play with real toddlers who cry and whine for everything. Maybe Kakashi and I do have a lot in common, after all.

Maybe I can make this friendship work.

"Kakashi." I call out, and he immediately snaps his eyes open and looks at me curiously. "I know it's a bit out of the blue, but if I ask something, will you answer truthfully?"

He scrunches up his face adorably, and I imagine the mole near his mouth following the pout his lips do. Suspicious Kakashi makes an expected appearance.


"Because it's an important question to me."

He stares at me for a few seconds, probably trying to judge whether I'll ask something about his clan or dad, but when he finds nothing he hesitantly nods.

"I can't promise I'll be honest, but I'll try my best." It's good enough for me.

"What do you think is a hokage's job?" If the boy had been expecting something, this certainly hadn't been it. He furrows his eyebrows, taking his time to organize his thoughts. If I hadn't said this was important, he might have scoffed and thrown an out-of-the-book answer at me, but he's clearly thinking deeply about it, and for the first time I truly appreciate prodigies. I could never have this kind of conversation with any other kid my age, except maybe for Asuma.

"I think a hokage's job is to keep the balance between the shinobi population and the civilian one." I smile and motion for him to continue. I knew I had been right to ask him. "There are a bunch of strong ninja, and if that's all it took to be hokage, we'd have many more candidates. There needs to be a balance, I think, between physical strength, political knowledge and strategies. We're supposed to be the nice village, so on top of all that, the hokage needs to make sure there are enough alliances and open roads to merchants so our economy can prosper."

He then shrugs, sounding a bit hesitant to end his speech. "It's a hard job. I don't think just anyone can do it."

"Wishing for it isn't enough." I muse, and he nods, seemingly relieved I wasn't offended by it. I let my body slide down the wall in a similar fashion to is, absent-mindely reaching for another cracker and munching on it. Unsurprisingly, he'd given me a lot to think about. I really wanted to ask my mother what she thought, but she'd no doubt get suspicious, and while I know she would never push me to be something I didn't want to be, she'd inevitably get expectations. That, and I wasn't exactly sure if she'd approve fully of it. She of all people knew how worn out hokages were.

I had also refrained from mentioning anything to my father and my brothers. I knew they'd support me, and yet… I wanted to be absolutely sure of it when I told them. I didn't want it to be viewed as a kid's dream, fueled by my father's position and the power that came with it.

"Are you planning on it?" Kakashi tries his best to look as uninterested as possible, and even though his face is almost entirely covered, something in his eyes gives him away.

I shrug, briefly wondering how much I could tell him. "I don't know. I've been thinking about it."


"What?" Bewildered, I look at him. Mother would surely scold me for my lack of eloquence.

"Why are you considering it?" He elaborates, and I shrug again. The action often resembles my state of mind, scattered and unsure.

"I love this village. Not just in a 'oh this is a nice place to live in' way, but in a 'I want to see this place grow and for people to speak wonders about it' way. It's a bit of a far fetched thing to think about but. I don't know. It's hard to explain."

"Try me." Some would say Kakashi's dark orbs are inexpressive, especially when half-lidded. Right now, though, I beg to differ. I have never seen eyes shine brighter than his. Why would he even be interested in it, though, I have no idea.

"Konoha is a good place to live, but it could be great. The potential is there, we just haven't reached it yet. I just… I want this village to grow. Make alliances with other ninja villages. Attract merchants and tourists. I want to make medical care available for everyone, and I want to set new guidelines for the homeless and the Red Light Distric. I want shinobi and civilians alike to be happy to live and serve the so called 'nice' village, not out of obligation, but out of love."

I sigh heavily. Holding Kakashi's gaze seems impossible. Saying the words out loud makes me realize how childish and unrealistic this dream of mine is.

"It's an unrealistic dream." I shrug again.

"It is. But not impossible." Involuntarily, I feel my face scrunch up in a disbelieving frown. I had never expected the boy to be conceding, of all things. He scoffs, crossing his arms.

"Don't look at me like that. It's a very unrealistic dream, yes, and no matter how hard you try, things may never be quite like you wanted them to, but you can get very close." And then he looks at me, and looks so much wiser than a three year old had any right to be. The silver haired boy considers me carefully for a couple of seconds, and if mother hadn't looked at me worse, I'd have squirmed under his gaze.

"If you choose to be hokage, I'll support you."

Just like that, Kakashi blows my mind to smithereens and leaves without bothering to clean up the mess.

"I never knew you and that Hatake kid were friends, Peanut." Oh, Tooru, you precious child. Always trying so hard to be nonchalant and failing.

"We've been friends for a few months already, Tooru-nii. You need to keep up with your social circle." My oldest brother splutters, choking on his rice for a few seconds. No one even bats an eyelash.

It's been three months since The Hospital Incident and, thankfully, there haven't been anymore flashbacks. It's something that won't last long, I know, and I try to appreciate every night well-slept.

"You! Where have you been learning that kind of thing?!" He points his chopsticks at me accusingly, and I barely manage to hold in a giggle. Asuma snorts quietly beside me. (Mother quickly swats Tooru's hand and tells him to not use eating utensils to point at people, and he mumbles an apology.)

"People around father use a lot of different words." Even though that was clearly a social cue for him to join in the conversation, father simply continues to chew leisurely, face full of contentment. Lately, he's been working harder than ever, and due to the serious nature of his meetings, I haven't been able to spend too long around his office. I vaguely remember a big conflict is close, most likely the Third Great War, and I try to swallow down the nausea.

'Focus on the present, Chiyuki.'

Mother nods, taking my side. "Expanding your vocabulary and having good friends have never been bad things, Tooru. Both of you should follow in your younger sister's example."

I try my very best not to cringe, I swear I do, but from mother's warning look I haven't done a very good job at it. I catch Tooru's eyes and he winks, showing me it's okay. Asuma doesn't even seem to have heard. The unease lessens, but does not fade.

"Now come on, hurry up and finish lunch, the three of you. We have training to do."

Well, that brightens up my mood considerably. Today's Saturday, which means all three siblings have mother's entire attention during the afternoon. Apparently, she had insisted on taking a day off every week to supervise our training and overlook our progress closely. It was both exhilarating and scary.

Soon enough, all three ducklings are standing in front of three identical shadow clones of our mother, while the original watches the whole things with hawk eyes from the veranda. We're all gonna have different tasks for the day, and the thought brings a bitter smile to my face; I doubt many other clan kids had a personalized training such as ours.

"Come, Tooru, we will need space. Today, you will learn a new earth jutsu." Even if I hadn't been standing right next to him, I would be able to feel his grin from afar. "Don't get too excited until you master it, child."

"Yes, mother!" One of mother's clone then leaves with Tooru in tow, who gives us a wide grin and a thumbs up, probably to go to the most deserted part of the clan's compound, near the woods.

"Asuma," Biwako's other clone begins, sensing no need to waste time, "today I will teach you how to manage your wind nature."

'So this is how the whole thing starts,' I muse. In the Other Narutoverse, Asuma had been capable of wielding knife-like brass knuckles, whose power could be enhanced with his wind chakra. It had been nothing short of amazing.

"Chiyuki. Today, we will find out your chakra nature. The next steps of your training will be based off of this, therefore it is important you do not slack off."

That single sentence is enough to make goosebumps appear on my skin and the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. Involuntarily, I grin widely, and my mother's clone chuckles.

It's a ninja world. A violent, military one. This is basically the start of my ninja career, stamina and chakra balance aside. Mother had already told me I'd probably be good at ninjutsu and perhaps genjutsu with my chakra control, and I was looking forward to it. This is the first step to assure my survival in a foreign, unpredictable world, and if I was planning on messing up the storyline as much as I did, I sure as hell needed to be two steps ahead of- well, whoever my enemies turned out to be.

Mother-clone sits both of us down on a nice patch of shade under a giant apple tree in our backyard, across from each other. Her gaze is serious and unrelenting, leaving no space for me to try anything less than my absolute best. Wordlessly, she gives me a piece of blank paper that looks average, at first. Upon touching it, however, I find out it's thinner than most papers, resembling those people used to draw on Before.

"Now, focus and let some of your chakra out into the paper. Depending on what happens to it, we will know your chakra nature."

With a giddy smile, I wasted no time in following her instructions.



Welp. I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. I've rewritten it so many times ugh. The plot didn't advance much and it feels mostly like a mess of angst and philosophy and too many explanations, but at the same time I tell myself it's necessary for the readers to understand just how much Chiyuki wants to be hokage, and all that entails. I can't assure you she knows exactly what she's doing, but her heart is in the right place. I've got big plans for her, you wait and see! Also, I swear that on the next chapter things will get more interesting. It's when the academy finally starts, after all. ;)

On another note, a friend of mine asked if I thought Chiyuki was a genius, or even a prodigy. My answer is no, and I'll explain why: Chiyuki is certainly talented, yes, but how much of that talent would still be there if she were a normal girl, without memories of a past life? And that is how I measure things, because she has a slight advantage when it comes to life lessons. There are some lessons she has already learned in her previous life, so she has no reason to make the same mistakes again, and that might be viewed as maturity and intelligence. Without those flashes and memories, she would still be talented, but no more so than your average clan kid.

I would still love to hear your opinion about it, though! And I've got yet another question: who is your favorite kage, and why?