Chapter 4: First Section - Chapter Three

Hello, y'all! Thank you so much for your love and support!

Someone asked me why I chose Shisui as her love interest (I'm so sorry but I don't remember who you are) and the answer is quite long, because it was something I considered for a while. At first, I thought about not pairing her up with anyone because I felt it wasn't really necessary. Then, I thought about how interesting it'd be if she got involved with a number of people but never really settling down. And then, I was watching Itachi Gaiden for the millionth time and it was like a light bulb turned on in my head. In general, I think Chiyuki and Shisui would complement each other well, because while they have similar thoughts regarding the village, they are very different people. Either way, Chiyuki's in for a long ride before we see some ShiChiyu.

Also, you may have noticed this already, but Chiyuki does not cover her seal, not only because she's comfortable with it but also because people simply don't ask her about it. Later on, we'll see that as she enters the academy and gets to know many people in a short time span, she'll have to decide between covering it or explaining it to curious children every time. Stay tuned!

(Remember I said the Academy began this chapter? I lied. Please don't hurt me.)

I do not own Naruto.



Becoming a Hokage 101


First Section


Chapter Three



I'm thankful I don't need to focus too much on chakra control, being giddy would surely not help me any if I needed to concentrate. Alas, almost effortlessly my chakra obeys me, easily going from its core near my heart to my hands, then to the paper-

-which promptly turns into metal.

'What the fuck.'

As if it burned me, I drop it to the floor, feeling my mother's bewilderment and her heavy gaze on my face.

I can't breathe.

'No. No normal chakra release does that. No. Absolutely not. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK.'

For a brief moment, I close my eyes tightly, pinching my arm and muttering a 'kai' to make sure I'm not dreaming or stuck in a genjutsu. My heart clenches and my vision becomes blurry when I realize I'm not that lucky.

'No. No. This can't be possible. No, please, no.'

(But it is. The paper, now turned into a thin piece of metal glints in the sunlight, as if mocking me.)

'No. I can't afford to have such a stupid chakra release in this godforsaken world. They'll try to- gods, what if they think this is a kekkei genkai? Worse, what if-

-what if they think I'm like Hashirama's second coming?'

I can't breathe.

'I don't want this I don't want this I DON'T WANT THIS-'

"Chiyuki!" Once again, my mother's tense voice snaps me out of my thoughts. Belatedly, I realize my cheeks are wet. Was I crying?

"Breathe." Under her sharp gaze, I take a deep breath, the sudden movement making me cough.

"Easy. Again."

Biwako is much, much calmer than I am, and it's a relief. I don't trust myself in this moment, not after…

(Stubbornly, I refuse to look at the innocent-looking piece of metal.)

It feels like an eternity before my mind feels clearer. There's a dull headache making my head throb, but it's nothing compared to what I used to feel, so I focus on the white elephant lying on the grass.

"Mother." I rasp out, and involuntarily make a face. Had I been yelling, as well?

'Well, great. Fucking wonderful. This day just keeps getting better and better.'

"Mother," I look into her eyes, so serious and focused, and somehow I'm not surprised to see fear in them. Fear for me, for my safety. "Mother, I don't want this. Please, I don't want- I can't-"

"Hush, child." One of her hands come to rest briefly on my forehead, making the headache go away.

My mother is struggling. In her stormy eyes I see fear, pride, and a strong sense of determination made obvious by the set of her jaw. I can almost hear her thoughts clashing against one another, analysing every piece of information and coming up with solutions. Yet, not even once she strays her gaze from mine, probably sensing that I just… can't afford to freak out. Not again.

While she sorts out her thoughts, I meditate. Still keeping my eyes open I let my senses take in all they are able to, from how hot it is to the cold breeze that indicates summer is almost over; how green and lively our backyard is, and how gracefully the grass succumbs to the wind's whims; my mother's firm but gentle hands on my shoulders, grounding me and preventing me from panicking again; the smell of earth and freshly-cut grass and my mother's particular smell, a mix of sandalwood and ink that still manages to soothe me no matter how overwhelming she can be at times.

"Chiyuki." Something goes off in my head at her voice. It's quiet, hesitant, and it's something that doesn't fit Biwako. At all. "Pay attention, child, for this is of the utmost importance."

I have no other option left but to nod, showing her I understand. And oh, how I understand. My life is taking a turn for the worse, and I'm the only one to blame.

"What just happened is something unheard of." She pauses, and dread fills my gut. This is not like my mother.


I swallow loudly, throat even dryer than before. My mother sighs heavily, as if the entire weight of the world is on her tiny shoulders - and, hell, it might as well be.

"I can only thing of one other person who had a similar situation,"

'Please no.'

"-and that person is-"


"the Shodaime, Senju Hashirama."

'Gods, please, no.'

I feel light-headed. Kinda like when your blood pressure drops and you're just about to pass out, but worse.

So, so much worse.

"Calm down, child, I am not finished." Thin, long fingers are brushing away the second wave of tears, and relief beyond me floods through my body when I see Biwako has gained her sense of self back. She's my mother again - strong, confident, wise, and sure of every step she takes. I nearly cry again.

"It is a delicate situation, yes, but it is not all that bad. Your chakra release is something that's a mix of two others, and that might just be the result of your unbalanced chakra."

Glorious air fills my lungs. What she says makes sense. There is hope.

(There is hope.)

"I have the suspicion one of them might be earth, but I'm not sure about the second one. I will study some more about the seal I placed on you and how it might have affected your chakra release. In the meantime, you will not fear it, or let it become your enemy. You will practice it and conquer it, because it is yours, Chiyuki. It is yours to tame and yours to turn it into something to be feared by others, not you."

My mother smiles at me. It's little and weary, but it's also filled with strength I do not have yet.

"Whatever the outcome of all this, I want you to know I'm proud of you, and will always be. The same can be said for your father and your brothers. You are not alone, child."

Even though I'm still uncertain and a little scared of what this might imply, breathing is a little easier, and that's enough for now.

My fourth birthday came by faster than I'd expected, and with that came a myriad of emotions I wasn't quite ready for. For one, it meant my somewhat peaceful days were over. My parents had already upgraded my training, to fit both my meditation regarding yang chakra and what we had dubbed as 'Iron Release'. Father had been both proud and horrified, and for now we were still keeping the whole thing under wraps.

Not only that, but if my maths were correct, Asuma would be going to the academy soon enough, which means I'd have to choose between convincing my parents to let me join in one year early or wait for my own time.

Meditating became something I did more and more often each passing day.

"What's this?" Peeking from behind my shoulder, Asuma and Tooru look curiously at the scrolls on my desk and the little notebook full of explanations and definitions. They must have just finished their training, if the smell of earth and sweat is anything to go by, but there's just something utterly familiar about it that prevents me from being the slightest bit disgusted about it.

"Father gave me these to study today. He's gonna quiz me later on."

I can feel their eyebrows shooting up to their hairlines, a dubious look passing between them before I turn around to face my brothers before either have the chance to open their mouth.

'It's now or never.'

"Tooru-nii, Asuma-nii, I'm going to be hokage."

A storm of emotions go through their young faces. If the situation were any less serious I'd have laughed at how in synch they are, emotions ranging from surprise, worry and understanding until it finally settles on a half-hesitant, half-worried expression.

'Huh. I'd have thought they'd be happier about it.'

My thoughts must have showed on my face because soon enough I feel Tooru's heavy hand ruffling my hair, my bangs free for once, and a heavy sigh escaping Asuma's lips. They look at each other for a brief moment longer before our oldest brother turns to adress me.

"Ah, Peanut. It's not that we're not happy or proud, because we are. I always knew you were destined to be great." There's something about the tone of his voice that makes my stomach churn uncomfortably, but I don't dare interrupt him yet. He needs to get it off his chest. "It's just that… is this what you really want?"

He and Asuma sit directly in front of me on the floor, choosing to ignore the fact there's no cushion for them to sit on. Asuma makes himself comfortable, sitting cross-legged and resting his chin on one of his hands, while Tooru leans forward with pinched eyebrows. I bite my lower lip, briefly wondering how I'm gonna explain this to my most precious people - and make sure they understand I want to walk next to them, not in front of them.

"Konoha is good, but it can be great. I love it here, and I want to see it grow and prosper and I..." I pause, hoping no one is listening but lowering my voice anyway. "There are many things I wanna change. Things that don't seem right to me."

"Such as?"

Surprisingly, it's Asuma who asks, a calculating expression on his face. I shrug, trying to buy time. I couldn't exactly tell them I want to change ANBU completely and hunt down Tsunade so she can take over the Health System. I wasn't even supposed to know ANBU existed.

"I want to build an entire new health system, for one. Since Tsunade left the village, the hospital has been severely understaffed even if she hadn't been doing surgeries. There's also the fact some shinobi refuse to go to the hospital and/or stay there for a decent recovery time, which is also a problem."

I don't think they're aware of it, but both my brothers are staring at me with furrowed eyebrows and an open mouth, and it makes me oddly self-conscious. I fiddle with my bangs.

'Just imagine you're like that ice princess. Conceal, don't feel. Don't let them know.'

Before I can say anything, though, Asuma schools his expression back to his 'bored neutral' look and gives me an assessing look. This is a terrible time to notice he looks just like mom when he does that. Tooru still has his mouth open, and I worry a fly is gonna enter it.

"You've given this a lot of thought." The middle sibling muses out loud, and I fiddle with my pencil to keep my hands occupied.

I hum. "Yeah. For the past year or so."

Tooru finally snaps out of it, and gives me an odd look. He seems like he wants to say something but then decides against it and sighs heavily, running a hand through his wild brown hair.

"Well, Peanut-"

"Tell me." I interrupt, and he turns dark eyes to me. In his face, a hint of amused surprise, but he's managing his poker face well.


Before I can stop myself, I roll my eyes and lean forward impatiently. An amused smirk lets me know he knows exactly what I'm talking about. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Asuma rolling his eyes as well, but I can tell he's curious too.

"You were going to say something. So do it."

Asuma shakes his head, thick dark hair moving around as he does. "I swear, you're like a mini-mom." I wave in his direction, a clear 'I know so please get to the point already' gesture. Tooru chuckles, but then looks oddly hesitant, not like he was when I mentioned I wanted to be hokage. This feels different.

"I was just thinking that maybe this is what you and Kakashi talk about when you run off to plot."


So this was it. Whether he's jealous or offended I hadn't come to him first, I can't tell, but the sight of his young face struggling not to frown makes my heart squeeze painfully. Next to him, Asuma's face flashes with understanding and then a look of deep concentration. My body automatically reacts, and neither brother fights the bear hug they suddenly receive.

"Hey, now." I hear Asuma mumble before he adjusts himself slightly, so we can hug each other more comfortably. Toory remains silent, and my heart squeezes painfully.

"I'm sorry. It's not that I don't trust you two." Distinctly, I feel their hands rubbing my back up and down in a lazy motion, and I hide my face in the crook of Tooru's neck. By now, the sweat has dried from their skin but it's still just like home.

Tooru and Asuma smell like home.


(Taking off the hokage hat, I arrive just in time to prepare for a little cannonball to attach itself on my legs.

"Welcome home, Yuki!"

Asuma and Kurenai's daughter looks just like her mother, but the way she walks is Sarutobi through and through.

Not one to be left behind, Konohamaru sprints towards me as well, and soon enough I have an armful of children.

"Welcome home." Tooru says amusedly from his seat on the couch, and Asuma and Kurenai smile at me.



"Why are you even apologizing?"

"I didn't want to upset you, it's just that I had figured I'd tell you after really thinking about it."


All three siblings know the answer to that.

"I was afraid I'd change my mind if I had told you before."

There was something that we had never talked about, but everyone knew it was there: us siblings were much closer to each other than to our parents. It might have been simply an unfortunate turn of events, caused both by father's absence and mother's strictness, but whether that was good or bad, it was just how things came to be. I trusted my brothers with my life and many of my secrets; I could only truly be myself around them, and them alone. They had been my everything back when I didn't even know what was happening, and their opinions matters greatly to me. If either had somehow implied that they didn't want me to do it, I can't assure I wouldn't have listened.

Above me, our oldest brother sighs heavily, tightening his hold on me for a second. Asuma does the same.

"I hope you know we don't hesitate because we think you can't do it."

I nod, holding my precious brothers back just as tightly.

"I do. And I hope you know I want you both next to me. All the way, till the end."

If it's somehow possible, Tooru tightens his hold even more, making it slightly difficult to breathe. No one bothers to move.

"We do."

The Naka Rivers runs through Konoha in different widths throughout its length, but unless it rains it's a very calm river – non-ninja kids often play in the most shallow parts, while some of the deepest ones are used to practice water-walking.

"How do you do it so easily?" Kakashi mumbles under his breath, a sullen look hidden by the mask on his face. Next to me, he looks like a kicked wet puppy, hair and clothes dripping wet. Apparently, even prodigies struggle with chakra control exercises.

"Apparently, I have crazy chakra control. Mother taught me how to do it last month." My friend huffs, refusing to ask for help even though there's clearly nothing wrong with it. Another odd thing with prodigies is the fact they always want to get things right on their own, so I leave him to his devices while walking slowly over to the other side of the river, making sure to keep a close eye on both my chakra levels and my feet.

While my stamina levels have gotten better during the last months, I'm nowhere near Asuma's level. It frustrates me more than I would like it to, meditation often helps me shrug it off. If I have time to be upset about it, I have time to work on it.

'Speaking of working on it…'

I stare at the fish leisurely swimming in the clear water, not really seeing them. Inside my hoodie's kangaroo pocket there is a small but very much solid metal ball, cold to the touch but that immediately warms up with the slightest exposure to chakra. Mother had somehow gotten it for me from a swordsmith, and had told me to practice my chakra release on it. Multiple times a day, I was to hold the ball and mold it in as many shapes as I could until it became as natural as breathing - hidden from most eyes inside my hoodie's pocket, of course.

It's getting colder now, and it finally feels like autumn is here. Leaves are slowly turning to warm shades of brown and many merchants are rushing to grab fresh products while they still can. I'm suddenly thankful for how mild winters usually are in the Land of Fire, else I was sure my body would suffer even more trying to keep up with my training while keeping itself warm.

I palm the solid ball in my pocket, distractedly shaping it into a star. Weeks ago, father had come up with the idea to mold chakra using different hand signs, specific for each chakra release. Mother had agreed, and that was how we found out my 'Iron Release' is a mix of earth and fire chakra. They aren't really uncommon in the Land of Fire, and I'm still at a bit of an advantage with how much it fits the country we live in even if I can't use them separately.

'Baby steps, I suppose.'

Despite my freak out and despair those months ago, I had slowly gotten used to it. I'm not thrilled, and I still kinda wish I'd gotten a more normal chakra release, but beggars can't be choosers. Mother was convinced my unbalanced chakra was the reason for this mess and was sure I'd make the most of it, but father was strangely apprehensive about it. Thankfully, my brothers thought it was the coolest thing in the world, which was something I'd worried greatly about.

As I shaped the metal object into a poor version of a dog, I thought back on all the design scrolls hidden on my desk. I'm not very good at drawing, never was, but I'm still proud of the detailed armor drawn on one of the better-hidden scrolls. It was something heavily inspired by Before's knights, very different to the armor samurais and ninja wear. Not only that, but I had also convinced Tooru to help me with the design of a solid iron club, identical to what an oni would use. It was supposed to be heavy and big, and what a sight wouldn't that make?

'Mhmm. I wonder if I can turn my body into iron? Or maybe extend my limbs using my oh-so-special chakra release? That would certainly be useful for medium and long-range combat…'

"I can hear you thinking about something complicated. Stop that." Kakashi's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and while he's successfully standing up on water, he hasn't moved any closer to me. It puts me at ease, honestly. I got lost in my thoughts very often, and I needed to be careful with my (admittedly poor) sensor skills so that I'd still be able to sense someone approaching even if I wasn't actively paying attention to it. It's easier than I'd imagined, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's easy, and required a certain amount of constant attention.

"It's stronger than me." I reply cheekily, and he rolls his eyes at me. Internally, I tuck all thoughts away, and make a mental note to ask mother if she thought it would be possible.

"You're going to be such an air-headed hokage."

My grin widens just as my chest swells with warmth. It never ceases to amaze me how certain about this whole hokage thing Kakashi is.

"I'll have you to protect me, won't I?" He scoffs, crossing his arms, but doesn't deny it.

'I hadn't ever thought little Kakashi would be so cute.'


(In one of the darkest corners of my mind, an image forms. Myself, wearing the hokage hat, looking down at a kneeling, bloodied Kakashi, who was wearing the ANBU gear.

"It has been done, Hokage-sama."

His voice sounds so much different. It's deeper, yes, but strangely neutral. Dead. As if the Kakashi standing before me is merely a shell of who he once was.

I stomp the image down before it can go further than that. I would not have other people dirty their hands for me.)


I needed to be careful about teasing him, though. While he was very lenient towards myself (granted, we were each other's only friend, but eh), there were still his shinobi and genius pride that prevented him from reacting amusedly to teasing, instead choosing to pout and frown until I apologized. I hadn't ever said it out loud, but that was adorable as well.

All of a sudden, Kakashi frowns minutely, then dark eyes widen in realization.

"Oh, no." He whispers, and it's the only warning we have before something green moves too fast for either of our eyes to catch. It meets my friend's fist head on, and I can only gape at the sight.


As both of them move to solid ground in a flurry of movements, neither talking despite Gai's grin, I look around the area, checking there's no one but us. Keeping an eye on the blur of green and blue sparring in front of me, I choose a nice tree to sit under, thinking about what this new development could mean.

I hadn't know Kakashi and Gai had known each other for this long – hell, for all I know, they might have known each other for longer than Kakashi and I. It brings a strange sense of relief to me, to know that the silver haired boy had a friend like Gai from such a tender age. Watching the fight unfold, it's really easy to let yourself be amazed at the sight. Gai's fast, no doubt, but my friend learns at an absurd speed. There's nothing the older boy does that catches him off guard twice.


(The image changes. Gai has joined Kakashi, kneeling and bloodied.)

I refuse to think any more about this.


I blink, and the fight is over, with Kakashi as the winner. Both are panting, but the taijutsu user has a wide grin on his face despite losing. Kakashi may be frowning, but from the way his chakra is swirling at a comfortable pace inside his coils, I know he's happy. I feel a smile tugging at my lips at the casual banter they keep up as they slowly walk over to where I am, and both of them flop down unceremoniously on the soft grass.

"I must apologize for nearly hitting you, Youthful Flower! Are you a friend of my Eternal Rival's?"

His smile is nearly blinding, but even at this age I have to admire Gai; not everyone would have the patience and determination he has with Kakashi. I easily smile back at him.

"Yes, I am." Before I can will it away, the manners my mother has instilled so deep into me show themselves, and I bow slightly. "Good afternoon, I'm Chiyuki – hey, Kakashi!"

Looking back at me with a disgruntled expression, the boy lets go of the back of my overalls and crosses his arms. I raise an expectant eyebrow at him.

"You don't need to be so formal all the time, especially not with Gai."

If said person noticed the tone of his voice, he chose not to mention it.

"That is right, Youthful Chiyuki! It is also my pleasure to meet you! I am Konoha's Green Beast, Maito Gai!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Gai." I nod at him while nudging Kakashi in the ribs. He frowns back at me, expression growing more and more sour by the second.

"Don't be rude." He snorts.

"What are you, my mom?"

"Unlike you, I just have manners." He huffs, and apparently that seems to be the end of it. Next to me, Gai looks slightly worried, but I smile at him and shake my head. Little arguments like these between us weren't uncommon at all. It helps build character and camaraderie, Sakumo-oji likes to say.

"What're you doing out of the academy, Gai?" Kakashi suddenly interjects, looking at the last person who would consider skipping school.

"It has ended early, my Eternal Rival! We were doing Youthful Taijutsu Drills!" I share a look with Kakashi, and he nods. Of course Gai would be the first to finish whatever taijutsu exercise they had been forced to do.

"Did you get into the academy this year, Gai?" I ask politely, pointedly avoiding Kakashi's glare. Gai gives me another blinding smile and a thumbs up.

"Yes, I did! This year, the Flames of Youth have started to Burn Hotter than Ever!" That means Gai is five, a year older than myself and Kakashi. Glancing at the latter, I briefly remember he had graduated quite early from the academy even before the war, at age five or six.

'Well, I can't let that happen, now can I?'

I knew we were going to meet many of the people who would be tokubetsu jonin and jonin in a not so distant future, and that the war was going to speed up that process quite a bit. Ultimately, there was nothing I could do to prevent war from happening, that much was obvious; I could, however, watch closely how my peers progressed and try to predict the teams we would end up on.

I glance at Kakashi again. As much as he was my friend, I wasn't so sure I was willing to be put in his team and have to deal with all that drama. I could do my thing in another, calmer team.

'Maybe I can talk to father about this.'

Gai left shortly after, suddenly up and about, and ran off after shouting something about training with his dad. Kakashi had chosen to not comment on it, and I decided to let the subject drop.


"Will you be going to the academy next year?" My masked friend asks, feinting a punch only to turn around and try to hit my legs. I jump, quickly evading another punch just as he avoids mine.

"Yeah, why?" He manages to shrug, taking a second too long to avoid my kick. He stumbles back a couple of steps, but he's soon trading blows with me as if nothing happened.

Sparring with Kakashi is both exciting and humbling. He catches up on things faster than I do, but there's something that only age can give you, even if your body takes a little bit to catch up with your brain. In a way, Kakashi is predictable; his strikes are clear, fast and confident, and he's able to think up of new strategies on spot.

Age allows you to see things in a completely different light. Kakashi could adapt to the situation faster, but I didn't need to. I knew this particular training ground like the back of my hand, knew Kakashi since we were three. Sometimes he gets overconfident, but what is often his downfall is his inability to see the bigger picture. Whereas he sees arms striking out to punch, I see a body twisting, legs tensing, fingers curling in a punch. There was no doubt he'd learn to do that on his own, with time, but for now I was content in holding that advantage over him.

If we're talking about strategies, seeing the bigger picture is essential. (One of the reasons why Naras were so feared was because they are able to both think up of multiple plans before the confrontation and adapt it according to what happens in the moment. Now that's something to be feared). Kakashi could adapt, yes, but it was limited to what he was seeing at the moment. Mother had told me it was a boy thing.

Of course, if we all ignore how much I pant and sweat after five measly minutes of sparring, all is good.

"Just curious. We're going to join at the same time." I smile internally, taking care to keep my face carefully neutral as he somersaults away from me, tensing his legs to gain momentum. I tense mine as well, squashing down the frustration I feel at my body's exhaustion.

"Yeah. Father told me Sakumo-oji had wanted you to join in this year?" We both fly at each other at the same time, blocking and striking in a dangerous dance. He snorts, and the fighter in me whispers that he's too close. Time to put in some distance and end this now.

"Yeah, but he changes his mind every second. Now he wants me to join in with you so I can have a friend." Something in the tone of his voice makes me narrow my eyes just as I manage to land a quick strike on his ribs, which makes him fall back.

"Oooh, are you embarassed?" He startles, narrowing his eyes at me and falling out of his fighting stance. I grin, despite the extra energy it takes me to do it. "There's no need to, Kashi-chan, I would still have been your friend if you had chosen to join the academy earlier."

I lost, but his face had been totally worth it.



Originally I hadn't thought of making Kakashi and Chiyuki interact so much but well, things happened! What do you think about their relationship?

Today's question is: what's your favorite jutsu?