Chapter 1: Pro Hero: Metal Bat!

Hello Readers, thanks for checking out my story. This is my first time writing any fanfic at all, or even anything this long online. I wanted to make this story about as close as you could get if Metal Bat was truly in MHA and was set into similar initial circumstances as Izuku Midoriya. So, I've tried to retain their unique personalities to the best of my ability. 1. Power Scaling wise, Base Bad will be around his level of strength when he fought Garou in the manga, and this will be by the time he takes the U.A entry test. 2. Bad wil have no certifiable Quirk, and he will be just a force of nature with a bat. 3.I'm a much bigger fan of OPM than MHA myself; and so pretty much after AFO vs OFA's fight I'm kinda green, however if there is enough support, I might still continue after that arc.

Lastly, as I am new to this whole fanfiction thing, it would be greatly appreciated if you could recommend anything to me or correct my grammar in any way; if any story suggestions sound interesting enough, I might implement it into the story. Anyway, enjoy!

EDIT: (5/7) For those that read this one awhile ago, the edits are done, and I hope its better. Finna correct the gay shit that was my initial writing lmao

Also real quick, have been getting comments saying the first few and trash. Yes they are, and I am working to get them better. I started this as a newbie, and I don't think I'm remotely even a decent writer, but the later chapters are far better judging from the positive response they are getting. I will jsut put this out here; I am editing the first few cancer ones, mainly 2-4/5/6, so if this first chapter doesn't give you the same cancer as the next, here's why.

Chapter 1:

Abysmal powers. A stoic attitude. A smile so wide it would put even Pig God's breadth to shame. The limelight was constantly on the number one hero in Japan; All Might. As the Symbol Of Peace, he was not only an idol to children, but also a radiant light to the weak and a Symbol of Fear for villains. With each Smash, he decimated and dashed villains and their hopes respectively, inspired countless people to become heroes and grew a larger and larger following. He was the pinnacle of heroes, a legend never to be forgotten.




...and also...

"Bro Bad! Loooook! All Might's so cool!"


Zenko's idol.

A petite girl with short black hair and a rose hairpin stared back. Her high-pitched fangirl squeal perked the ears of a certain 13-year old boy, dressed in a white school uniform and dawning a black leather jacket. This leather jacket was sentimental, of course; he would have it tailored to fit his body as he grew.

The boy glanced back as his little sister. Seeing the fangirl in her draw out her innermost joy, he smiled, and made a promise. "Really? That's great, I'll remember to buy ya his figurine next time."

"You promised twice already!" Pouting, she continued, "Booooooo, you can't care less about me, Bro!"

The rather bratty remark that would have stunted or annoyed even the most tempered individuals barely budged a brother that hailed his sister as the queen of the world. Rather, it sent him into a mild depression.

"Ah, shit. Sorry! Ya stupid bro won't forget again-"

"Idiot, that's what you said last time!"


The currently-getting-smacked-on-his-head Bad crouched in fear, tearing at his sister's wrath. It would be unthinkable that this apparently cowardly boy would eventually crack heads wide open and tremble buildings with an indestructible metallic bat, right?


It was 2 minutes from 7, and they needed to hurry to school, fast. As he led Zenko out the door onto the creaky wooden stairs, he slipped on his shoes and grabbed hold of his bat; accompanied by his baseball cap, of course.

"Bro Bad, I'll be late for school! Serves you right for wasting 5 minutes!" Said 5 minutes was used to fire a barrage of punches at Bad, who wasted no time apologising profusely even though he wasn't the one at fault; something that he would never admit out of submission to his sister, however.

Bad had always walked Zenko to school; one reason was out of safety concerns, of course. The other was out of the bonding opportunities that they could have on the walk. As for today though, this opportunity was wasted on Zenko blaming Bad for forgetting to purchase her dearest All Might figurine.

Zenko always had an eye for heroes; not just All Might. Though coming off as bratty and childish, she could be rather mature in her thought processes. She did not just blindly follow heroes due to their flashiness and displays of strength, unlike what most middle schoolers did. She understood the dangerous nature of the job, and admired their courage and determination, despite being in the face of death.

"Bro Bad, you should become a hero too, just like All Might!"

"Hai, hai Zenko, ya already told me that five times earlier-"

"Hero name- Bad the Bat! Quirk- Bat!"

Bad was adamant to turn away from his sister's gleeful face; it was the purest form of joy watching her dream. And it was for him! Bad internally screamed and cried simultaneously at any praise for him from his sister. These complements were pieces of gold; both in worth and rarity.




"Actually, Bro Bad, aren't you going to take the Hero test?"

He reminded himself of the prestigious academy that was U.A and its rigid exam. Of course, he was aiming to become a hero; protecting his sister was its main benefit, and the gain in admiration he would receive was the cherry on top of an already sweet cake.

"I told ya before, Zenko; I've applied there already. Everyone says their exam is tough. Tch! I'll show those weak bastards what true fightin' spirit is like!" He'd always seen lamenters and complainers as weak, their words destined to only weigh themselves down. Who cares about complaining all day? Grow a pair of balls and take it to the face, cowards!

Bad differentiated himself from the rest of the crowd by simply being himself; that incident had hardened him into a mentally fortified mess that refused to buckle under any challenge (that he didn't find a waste of time), seeing it both as a way to test his limit, and as potential boasting material aimed at impressing his sister.

However, he was rather dense in regard to his power when he felt "Pumped Up". In this state, he would only focus and care about his objective, and not about his physical strength, although, if a regular person had this power, they would probably notice that they were moving at speeds beyond the human eye.

"Yeah, it won't be tough for you, because you're the coolest bro in the world!" An innocent and hopeful glee at Bad caused him to shed a tear. The manliest tear. The power of the Imouto was undefeatable-

"...Though Bad the Hero loses to All Might in terms of coolness."

If his heart was a baseball bat, Zenko just hit it with a home run. Never mind that, second place will do!


Not long after, Zenko arrived at her school. She hopped off Bad's shoulders and landed with a light *poof* on the concrete floor. Impossible with most other girls, but she was a god beyond these mere mortals. In fact, many people in her school revered her as superior, not to the extent as her brother did, but her position was still elevated; such praise from others being outside of both her willingness and power to resolve.

This, of course, made her much more popular than the average elementary-schooler without her even trying, which was in complete contrast to her sibling. Still, she was sometimes annoyed at how she was hounded to such a high level.

"Alright, here we are-" Bad's eyes glided over to the massive clock that hung above the school's foyer, its seemingly harmless hands being like swords to the now petrified boy.

"Shit, I'll be late, G'bye Zenko!" Contrasting his arrival, Bad had leaped into the sky and left a trail of dust behind him, as he rallied his entire body to rush to reach school in time. Along the way, however, his mind did not falter whilst thinking of his earlier blunder. How could he have made Zenko mad? Did he even qualify as a brother?

Sigh...No time for self-hate, just gotta get to the shop and to school in time...Let's see...


1. The special discount for that All Might figurine is 10% in the morning, so if I make it on time, I can surprise her the moment I get back and same money for some sweets too-

I have to get to school in under 5 minutes, and its around 2 kilometers away, so I'll have to run around - uh - twothousandandfivehundredmeters dividedby5minutesor360 seconds, whichwouldbearound4.5 meters persecondohwaitwasthat5.6m/sorwaitwhatwasthedistance-

"Damn it all-" He muttered under his breath. Bad was not the brightest; his math results were absolute crap, but compounded with Zenko's earlier beating, and the self-blame stacking up on him, he was unable to do even simple division and estimation.

The boy's pompadour bounced to the motions of his strides, as the pursuing updraft dusted the roads for free. For the folks in the streets, he was a freak. For him, he was just pumped up.

"Crap! There ain't no time for playing around; I'll just have to gun it even faster-" The streets were no longer trailing with dust, they were set ablaze. Bystanders watched as a 13 year old defied human possibilities and outran a speeding car; people with widened eyes staring wordlessly at a boy swearing profusely with words we weren't allowed to say in this fanfiction; birds slowing their motion in utter fear thinking they had seen a ghost.

The ground began to crack at the raw power of his steps; mini-craters left behind by the seismic impact his feet had caused on the pavement.


"Pumped up, Fightin' Spirit, Ground Pummlin'!"

A certain kid with blue hair and jet engines calves that stood on one side of the street barely caught a whiff of the speeding baseball player, absolutely stunned at the aftermath he left.



Not too far away, a giant villain that stood tall above several low-rise buildings in the middle of the street appeared; evident from large sweat droplets precipitating on his face, tension was retained in his body, showing that he was a freshman in villainy.

Still, the eyes of the man darted around, as if still considering whether to commit to the path he was taking. However, in view of numerous civilians that looked at him from his perspective, begrudgingly, his morals buckled under the pressure, and conceding into desperation, he swung his forearm around, knocking down a nearby metal electrical line.

"Whoa, what the-" "Gasp!" "Gah, duck!"

As the metal fragment descended upon their dreading eyes, those below shrieked in fear, prefacing what would likely be many injuries and casualties from metal fragments. Regardless, those that had seen what was incoming did not fear; help had arrived.


A man with caution striped-wrist braces and a headband with a similar colour scheme charged in; the arrival taking those that were stunned earlier aback.



Tensing his upper body and planting his shoes into the concrete blow to decelerate himself, the new arrival sparked hope in everyone around him, as he stuck his muscular arms out, bracing to catch the falling structure.



As nervous bystanders flinched, all they saw with the reopening of their eyes was a man that clutched the descending structure firmly in his hands; his teeth gritten like iron clamps. This man, no, hero, was none other than Death Arms!

With a small gust of wind effectively blowing their fears away, the crowd lit up in joy, seeing that a Pro-Hero had come to the rescue.

"Oh, it's the Punching Hero, Death Arms, who carries out justice through his great physical strength!"

"Oh my-We're saved!" Another civilian cheered on, with his friend joining in.

"Al-right! Kick his ass, Death Arms-"






The sound of running water that formed itself into a barrier that held back the eager audience interrupted the civilian, as his attention drew towards another arrival that was clothed in fireman attire; the fire hydrants he had as limbs forming a 'Do Not Cross' line.

"Everyone, this is dangerous. Stay back, please!"

"Whoa, the rescue specialist, Backdraft, is here, too!" The arrival of another Pro-Hero further hyped up the crowd.

Ignoring their cheers out of the duty that his profession carried, the rescue hero focused on the battle up ahead, before a shadow darted by; wooden tendrils that bore uncanny flexibility sending another hero flying straight at the villain.

Upon the crowd noticing who had arrived, a bunch of fans, most of which were female, leaped up in excitement at the arrival of their idol.

"Kamui Woods!" They all collectively cheered at an annoyingly high pitch, unknowingly causing those around them to be slightly weirded out at this display of idolatry.

Still, the cheers of his female fans going unnoticed from the valiant hero, Kamui darted directly at the giant villain, leaping and progressing up from a traffic light to nearby train tracks situated on a bridge, before jumping to confront the rogue villain.



The villain's fist missed the agile hero, further agitating the already distressed man. "Grrr...Get away!" He barked at the Wooden hero, before throwing his other arm in an attempt to grab Kamui. Confidently, however, the hero quickly shot a branch that extended to nearby supports, before pulling himself out of his opponent's sluggish attempts.



As he landed on the tracks, Kamui sped towards the increasingly troubled villain, dodging and climbing up his giant and sloppy arms before throwing even more branches that latched onto his opponent's wrist; with the gigantificated villain desperately wringing him around by the wood connection, stupidly attempting to shake off the continually tightening grip of Kamui's branches.


What little success the giant villain had manifested itself in the form of Kamui being thrown back to the train station, still attached and confidently maneuvering mid-air, due to the agility his Quirk allowed him, with the hero hurriedly disconnecting himself from his enemy to allow a comfortable landing on the roof of the station.


Allowing himself to slow to a halt, the hero got back to his feet from a crouched position that was used earlier to break his descent, and got into a stance.

"Illegal use of powers during rush hour and robbery resulting in bodily injury." The valiant Kmui said as he shifted his body, readying his arm forward before throwing them to his flanks; wooden branches and shoots slowly growing from his limbs. "You are the incarnation of evil!" Declared the hero, as he prepared himself to unleash a final restraining move.

"Here it comes!" With his shoots hardening and extending further, members of the crowd gleamed in anticipation for the hero's move. A certain green haired boy peeked through the crowd and pointed at Kamui, clearly engaged in the action, as a man with an oddly shaped head next to him called out, "Show us something flashy, Tree-Man!"


Kamui drew his arm back, before showing the crowd said flashy move.

"...Lacquered Chain Prison!"

Wooden branches shot out of his now extended hand, as the giant villain cowered under the meager and ineffective protection his arm offered to the flexible prison Kamui was growing-





A certain boy wielding a baseball bat, nearly invisible to the naked eye, dashed straight past the high powered water fence, leapt above metal debris, and sped towards the villain with near zero hesitation. The destructive shockwave temporarily deafened everyone at the scene due to its sheer magnitude. Kamui's enhanced senses could barely catch the essence of the young man, who blitzed like a literal human cannonball.



Before he even uttered a syllable, the gigantic villain had been smacked on his left arm and flew to one side like a rag doll. A booming sound that shook the area followed. The pure air pressure from that one, resounding strike made its presence known to all present at the scene, as neither Death Arms with his super-strength, Backdraft with their water pressure or Kamui with his wooden arms could resist recoiling in utter shock.




Upon the collapse of the massive villain, who appeared to be barely alive, a shockwave-inducing yell forced it way out of the boy's lungs, as he continued to trample the road beneath him.

"Who-...what-...Damnit." The wooden hero lowered his arms in resignation, as everyone else failed to register what just happened.

"ONE MINUTE LEFT, FUUUUUUU-" A certain boy with an obliterated wooden bat hollered, about 1 kilometre away from the scene.

No Quirkless man would or could have trained to this level; it would have to be a quirk user to attempt performing these feats. And even then, pro-heroes would be petrified at the raw power of this child. However, he had no Quirk.

He had no gifts.

An ordinary boy, who, through raw determination, had the potential to will his body into a terrifying machine; without concerning himself if that machine would break down.





The quiet hush of rain and the occasional bellow of thunder that rocked the skies hid the tears on Bad's face. Under the shelter of a black umbrella, he watched as two rectangular wooden coffins were lowered into the hollow earth; its jaws taking from him his most beloved Oto-san and Oka-san, and his hope along with them. Shadowy figures stood next to him; he did not care who they were or where they came from. The only person of concern was...

"Bro Bad," A gentle yet desperate tug beckoned him. Glancing wearily as the young girl, he waited for her to finish.

"...Oto-san and Oka-san... will they be okay?"

The reflection of raindrops made it tough for Bad to see her expression.

He softened his usual tough talk.

"Zenko... Oto-san and Oka-san are gone."

As if on a grim cue, a sharp blade of lightning struck the ground. A dramatic and unwelcome addition.

Zenko, normally a radiant sunflower that teased and laughed with her brother, only now reduced to a stiff doll.


Her brother tilted his head in response. An unexpected reply, to be sure, but this was his sister. Perhaps her unpredictable nature had gotten to her head this time?

"Zenko, don't be sad; listen, they aren't completely gon-"



A steady, slow pace of footsteps that matched the light nature of descending raindrops that made the environment increasingly suffocating. These footsteps were headed towards their house. Their previously comforting and homey house.

The house once filled with laughter, now turned into a place of grievance and sadness.

"Zenko!" Bad called after her, his cries halted by the growing rainfall.

A teardrop leaked from her pale and innocent face. Then two. Then three. Four followed rapidly, and soon the pace of raindrops matched her teardrops. Bad had no time to clear his mind when a soft thud, yet dauntingly thunderous in Bad's head, was accompanied with a fallen little girl; her face planted in dead leaves. It was as if a wilting flower finally fallen.

This wilting flower would be lightly picked up from its grave by a small set of gentle, yet strong hands. Teardrops mixed with black shirt and jacket, with the owner of said items regarding them as the most valuable things on Planet Earth, as they had just been soaked with Zenko's tears.

It hurt him to see her like this; a sobbing mess that laid itself to the ground; both in defeat and trauma.

It wasn't so long ago.

"Bad, could you pass me that plate?"

"Sure, Mom."

After one long night painstaking arguments between their parents, Bad was exhausted. He stayed up the whole night praying to any God up there and covering Zenko's ears from violent banging, wishing for the fight to stop.

Of course, regular traumatic experiences do decrease the magnitude of trauma felt each subsequent time.

This however, seemed much more final.

"I've had it with you! All you do is laze around in the house, acting like a slob!" The female voice shouted between sobs. "Why don't you get a job already? Can't you see our family is struggling?"

An angry male voice slammed back at this remark. "Save the big talk for yourself! You were the one who gambled away our lives!"

"You joined in too!"

"You started it first!"

These exchanges had lost its punch on Bad, who grew resistance in his mind towards violence. He no longer cared about family matters; he just wanted them to stop.

Hours later, with a hollering voice and the booming slam of a door, along with intense sobs from his mother, Bad knew it had ended.

"Bad, could you pass me that plate?"

"Sure, Mom."




The kitchen and living rooms were a mess; though they retained some human morals and did not resort to violence, the once peaceful house because a hellhole of alcohol bottles and snuffed cigarettes. These additions were relatively new, only brought here recently by some...


"Bad, tomorrow me and Oto will be out for a drive." She winced and smiled back at me, terribly hiding her sense of remorse and regret.

"We have to sort some things, Bad..."

"Will you be back, Oka-san?"

"I can make a pinky promise!" By concealing her hurt much better this time, Bad had regained some hope.

Before this disaster had happened, Bad loved his parents; theirs seemed like the perfect family. He had some preference for his mother, but he did not hate either. Not even now.

Not even now...

On the next day, as Bad waved goodbye to his mother entering the family car and held a drowsy Zenko's hand, he tried to tell himself everything was alright.

The obituaries, unfortunately would have said the drive went...


He had only one left; a fragment of his family, to be sure, but one that he would value with his life. With an unconscious Zenko clutched to his chest, an oath was made that Hell on Earth would be met by anyone who tried to hurt her.

This oath would be kept for the rest of his life, to the best of his ability.

This oath would decide everything he did from that point on.

This oath would give him a power that he would use to guard the weak and crush his foes. Only unto him, an indomitable fighting spirit.

Of course, our pompadour-ed protagonist wasn't dwelling on these distant memories. All Might figurine in one hand and his shattered wooden bat in the other, he would arrive on time for a certain school:

Aldera Junior High.