Chapter 2: Katsuki and Izuku

EDIT: (5/7) This chapter is currently under rennovation. Expect to see it better in the future :))

Chapter 2: Katsuki and Izuku

"Who was that guy, anyway?"

Entering the school compound, Bad glanced down at his splintered wooden bat, which was somehow still smoking from its impact with the villain earlier. Being rather dense, he hadn't really stopped until now to consider what he had just done.

He had been heading towards school in a mad dash, when a crowd just assembled out of thin air, leaving him to jump towards this giant dude who had some weird branches form another weird dude growing towards him, and he'd smacked that big guy away, and the other people looked confused, and-

"Fuck that. Thinking about this's gonna be more of a pain than what'll be the lecture from Coach. Shit! That's been the third time this year!"

The truth dawned on him at long last. He was now at the mercy of Aldera. God save him from whatever crazy preparations they were gonna exact on him.

"Sigh...Guess I'll just evade the team for the rest of the year."

Whilst still thinking of an excuse to pardon himself as an alternative option, Bad walked past the foyer and further into Aldera, as nearby students glanced at the sizzling bat that he held. Some were already used to dealing with the insanity of their seniors.

Having joined the baseball team when he entered the school, this was at least the ninth bat that Bad had broken. He splintered a good few during tryouts, a few more here and there, and was close to getting ousted for wanting to splinter not his bat, but one of his annoying teammate's skull, after he had crossed the line far too many times with him.

You see, most people disregarded Bad, as he initially stood out like a leaf of grass in a field. He was mostly passive, talked normally, and was cold towards any external influence trying to lure him into what he considered was corruptive friendship.

He never really bothered himself with his schoolmates. Most of them were your average moe, uninteresting Junior High students. The girls chatted about useless social media jargon, whilst most the boys acted like total pimps, or self-destructive nerds. It was all stupidity, meant for the stupidest of stupid people.

"Tch, oh well. At least I managed to secure it." He patted his prized possession; the All Might figurine that Zenko would kill him if he'd forgotten; and held it firmly in his hand. Let those irrelevant problems be dealt with by the future me, I suppose.

And with that, another boring day of school started; one that seemed to repeat for the last four-odd years.




Today's first class was Form Teacher Class; they were to discuss the education paths they were to take once they had graduated. Bad, of course, had already decided on becoming a Pro Hero; both to protect and to impress Zenko. Not an honourable cause, but to him, it was the only one he would fight for.

Bad was privileged to be seated in the cool, windy window seat, allowing him to cool off as the person taking up his neighbouring seat prattled on and on about how big his dick was, or something.

Enter Katsuki Bakugou, the thorn in Bad's side. Well, it was more like a nasty cramp. Besides, there was nothing much he could do about it. If he wanted to deal with Bakugou his way, he would have already broken several laws.

The "King" of his class, Bakugou ruled everyone as he pleased, covering them in insults and egotistical boasts, crowning himself as Numero Uno. Of course, many disliked him but fell to his violent nature, countless lackeys and most importantly, Explosive properties.

With a Quirk that was considered top-of-the-class to many, Bakugou's Quirk, Explosion, allowed him an unchallenged reign in his school, and Bad, of course, despised him.

"Oi, scum! Pass down the pamphlet already, before I bust your ass!"

"O-o-o-oh, s-sorry, Bakugou…"

Motherfucker acted like he owned the damn place!

The boiling blood surging in his veins reached temperatures so high, the metallic window frame neighbouring Bad's clenched fist began glowing red from a surcharge of thermal energy.

One bash. One bash is all it would take. He'd bring him to an abandoned alley, and thwack him in the back of the head with the hardest bat he could find. No, to make sure this damn cockroach couldn't live even without his head, he'd maul the rest of the insect with all his might.

Anything to kill off this damn pest.

Bakugou's view on Bad was equally as negative as the other way around. He had been the one person to resist the blonde boy's childish and ridiculous assertions, and occasionally stood up to him, refusing to back down until an exasperated teacher came along to settle the matter.

Bad had never liked petty scuffles; he had a decent sense of honour in terms of fighting. He'd usually just stare his opposition down with a killer glare, scaring the poor soul off; but with Bakugou, it was a different story.

He continued fantasizing of the glorious ways Bakugou would die to him.

Oh, and I'll deport his dumbass parents to some rehab center. They need to learn how to raise a damn child. And his lackeys. I'll hospitalise them by taking my fist to their cranium! His eyes turned bloodshot. Fuck it, luring him to a damn alleyway takes too much effort. I'll become a statesman, and I'll pass a new law on mauling that blonde fuck down-

"Bad, I would appreciate it if you could stop wandering off in that empty space of a head you have, and pay attention!" His teacher snapped, the entire class turning to give the centre of attention mischievous glares; the culture Junior Highschoolers only demanded mockery out of those who got called out by the teacher.

Though, after seeing a brief and quaint smile that satisfied the teacher turned into a murderous glare that striked fear into their hearts, Bad's classmates reeled in their laughter. Some of them knew this was the line being drawn.

"Since you're all third years, it's time to think seriously about your futures." A serious voice then boomed across the classroom. Everyone sat up straight at a moment's notice, tuning their ears in, for once, to what their teacher said. "I'll pass out handouts for your future plans now, but..."

"You're all planning to go for the hero course, right?" A much lighter, more relaxed tone aimed at complementing the students emerged from their teacher's mouth.

"YES!" A resounding response came from the class, which was currently filled to the brim with students on the brink of using their Quirks; with the exception of Bakugo, Bad, and a certain green haired boy.

"You all have SPECTACULAR QUIRKS, agree?" Once again, a resounding cheer came from the class; its students now standing up, all hyped for their futures-

"Tsk, don't lump me in with this pathetic group!" A cocky, Bad infuriating voice came from Bakugou, whose legs were crossed on his desk and whose arms were buried in his pockets. "I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these subjects!"

This move did not stick well with the rest of the class.



"...Shut up, Katsuki!" "That was uncalled for!" "Sheesh, what a jackass." Numerous Quirk users turned their heads towards Bakugou, once again complaining of his arrogance. It seemed for once, the class actually had a brain for their own.

However, Bakugou remained steadfastly arrogant. "You should all shut up like the extras you are!" He said in a mocking tone, once again reminding them of their position in his world.

Meanwhile, Bad's shattered bat began acting as a stress-ball to him; wooden splinters crunching inwards an infuriated boy. Yes. Riot against him. Burn the bastard to the ground.


The teacher seemed to not pay much attention to his students' reaction, however. He continued with the lesson.

"Ah, young Bakugou, if I remember correctly, you're heading to U.A high, right?"

Violent complaints turned into discrete murmurs; his classmates' voices containing both shock and admiration, came after this statement.

"Whoa, really?"

"Shit, he's really an elite after all."

"..." A certain green haired boy was about to wet his pants.

"That's exactly why you're all extras!" He leaped up onto his table, continuing, "I aced the mock test! I'm the only one from this school capable of even getting into U.A. I'm gonna become the number one hero and surpass All Might!"

At this rate, he was feeding complements into his own mouth like a pig stuffing itself. Meanwhile, the school would need to pay for repairs to the now melting window frame next to a certain baseball player.

A small silence ensued, with the teacher continuing,"Oh yeah, if I'm not wrong, young Bad and Midoriya also wanted to go into U.A High, right?"





"If I'm not wrong, despite being Quirkless, both still passed the mock test-"

"WHAAAAAAT?!" The class was about as tense as it could be now.

"Only one, eh?" Bad mocked with characteristic wit. He secretly chuckled, the only thing restraining him from bursting out laughing was uncharacteristic discipline. Ironically, he deduced that the best way to piss off Bakugou was to stay a level above him, mocking him calmly, as hard as it was.

The class was doubly shocked now: Bad fit the description of a hero; shapely and defined muscles, impressive physical feats (without any fighting spirit), and a disciplined and dedicated attitude to match. They were only unsure if he would survive, given his Quirkless nature.

However, the more alarming one was Izuku. The green nerd was a typical bookworm; nervous and shy while being bullied constantly. How had he been able to pass? And, was he really so delusioned to the point that he thought he could become a hero?

Bakugou lunged towards Izuku with his fist, firing up a small, luminous orange explosion at his desk. "OI, DEKU!"


"You're below the rejects. YOU'RE QUIRKLESS!" Smoke fumed from his fist, as Bakugou eyed up his prey. "You think you can stand in the same ring as me?" His blood was curdling and eyes turning bloodshot, staggering in a pissed-off fashion to Izuku, who began to freeze up.

That was the line. "What's it to ya, Burnt Bollocks?!" Bad fired back, several veins already popping from his skull. Never mind his pre-existing hatred, or anger he had collected from earlier; he was ready to use the other side of his broken bat to obliterate Scalded Scalp over here.

Meanwhile, Bakugou was ready to explode; and it was not just from his hands...

"...WATCH YOUR DAMN MOUTH, REJECT!" Bakugou turned back to Midoriya, eyes now fixed on his prey.

Slowly cornering him, he flashed an evil grin while stomping to the cowering boy. "No, wait, Kacchan! It's not like I'm trying to compete with you or anything! Believe me!" He desperately explained, all while distancing himself further. "It's just that it's been my goal ever since I was little...And well...I won't know unless I try..."

"Whaddaya mean, unless you try?! Are you taking the test for fun?!" Bakugou hollered, his hands already smoking, gearing him up for another explosion. Behind him, his classmates looked at Izuku in dismay and mockery, petrifying him.

"What the hell can you do? You're Quirkless!"

Bad could only sigh; reality was crushing. Though he did not empathise with the delusional boy, his heart softened ever so slightly, after seeing the distraught and hopeless expression on his classmate's face.

Indeed, Quirkless people that wanted to become heroes like him were often outcast and rejected. The world continued spinning; with, or without these aspiring, powerless heroes. It was just a matter of the world they lived in. Great heroes could only be forged out of great Quirks.

However, Bad had convinced himself different. Still oblivious to his absurd natural strength due to his airheaded nature, he knew his cause differed from Mossy Hair. He wanted to become a hero for Zenko, not for the greater good. As he reminded himself; the greater good was second, his sister was first.

Midoriya just had to live with that lame motivation. How plain.





After class, Izuku had chosen to forget about the incident earlier, checking his phone while once again nerding out about heroes. "The incident this morning is all over the headlines! Unknown blur takes out a monstrous villain!"

He recalled how he had been in the crowd, cheering along with others for Kamui to unleash his special move, when a black blur had swiftly taken out the villain; both in power and style. No one had known who or what it was, and theories had already begun circulating; of course with such terrible footage quality from phone cameras, nobody knew that it was a certain baseball player.

"I wanna hurry up and go home so I can write it down in my notebook!" He hurriedly chucked his phone into his pocket, picking up his hero notebook; when...


"?" Midoriya looked up to see that a pissed off Bakugou had stolen his book, and had begun to wave it around like a fan. "We're not done talking yet, Deku."

"Deku" 's eyes stretched wide open; he both had expected and dreaded for this moment.

"Katsuki, what's that?" One of his friends said in a rather mischievous voice. The blonde bully flicked the book back at them, allowing them to see...

"Huh? 'Hero Analysis for the Future'? Seriously?" He questioned, sniggering as his other friend flashed a smug grin. However, Katsuki did not budge.

"I-its fine, isn't it? Give it back!"




A soft and controlled explosion ensued. The smoky book was then thrown out of the window, into the school pond below.

"Hmh. Most top first-string heroes have stories about them from their school days. I want the shine of being able to be called the only student to make it into U.A from this mediocre city junior high school." Closing his eyes in arrogance, he continued to fan his ego: "I mean, I am a perfectionist."




Bad was already stomping on his way home, when he felt rather empty. What was this feeling of dread, as if his like was at stake?




As other students watched, clearly weirded out by the pompadoured boy's sudden change in behaviour, Bad began to sprint back to class, taking extra care not to smash up the ground beneath him like he did earlier. In a blink, he arrived back to class.


The rubber on his shoes barely managed to stop Bad's velocity, as he quickly surveyed the nearly empty classroom for Zenko's present.

Apart from seeing a distinctive lack of a certain figurine, he also saw Bakugou placing a sizzling arm on Midoriya's shoulder.

"So anyway…"

Oi oi, what's the blonde bastard up to now?

"...don't apply to U.A., nerd."

Bakugou flashed a forced smile, clearly made with the intent of scaring the wits out of the already intimidated green haired boy. His cynical nature had its intended effect; Midoriya only shrivelled up into a ball.

At this point, Bad was left at a crossroads. Both choices tore him apart; either take the time to split Bakugou's head, or use that time to find Zenko's figurine, the latter avoiding him jail time, most likely. Fortunately, Bakugou wouldn't let him decide.

"And look who's here; the arrogant, Pompadoured asshole who thinks he's better than me."

Bakugou slowly cracked his head, turning towards Bad in a futile effort to intimidate him, as he did with Midoriya. His friends also began to size him up; though even a socially inept person like Bad could tell, they were hiding some apprehension. After all, he was a good bit taller than them, and his usual appearance was one of a Yakuza-like gangster.

Two crossroads, one seeming much more attractive than the other. However, Bad forced himself to take the alternative, choosing to bury his homicidal intentions by focusing on finding his figurine. Of course, the dumbass only needed to check in his bag instead of shuffling around some papers under his table, the author jested-

"OI, DON'T IGNORE ME, POMPADOUR!" Katsuki exploded, slowly inching towards Bad in a threatening stance.

Suddenly, killing a guy didn't seem that unappealing.


"I've had it with your shit. You clearly think your Quirkless ass can beat me, right?" His sudden quiet tone heavily hinting the combustion of his anger, as it crawled to its boiling point, Bakugou stuck his head out at a 45-degree angle, curling his face and attempting to assert his dominance.

The mood turned more sour than acidified lemon. The duo of Bakugou's friends, and a mossy-haired boy sweltering under the heat, the confrontation was giving off, cowered away, fearing the literal eruption that might happen.

"What, ya wanna brawl? Take your petty shit to the trash." Bad turned, only showing a calm expression. However, no one else in the room knew what was happening inside Bad. He was trying to imagine Zenko, welcoming him home and leading him in, away from the murderous intent that was pulling him towards violence.

However, his imaginary Zenko wouldn't be helped much by what happened next.



"FUCK YOU AND YOUR ATTITUDE, JACKASS!" A brilliant uppercut flew to Bad's chin, boosted by a sparking explosion and fiery temper by its wielder. Bakugou, now so angry the air around him was wavering, threw a punch right at Bad's face, supplemented with a serious explosion.

A vibrant explosion set off in the corner of the classroom, shaking the building and the school compound.

"Holy shit, what was that?"

"That's gotta be some terrorist, right?"

"Oh fuck. That's one hundred percent Bakugou..."





Bakugou's punch may have managed to minutely scrape Bad, but not when he was Badly pissed off. To Bakugou's horror, that chiseled chin had remained unharmed; its owner looking increasingly murderous however. In the perspective of the Baka-gou, it was as if Bad was standing encased in a red aura that turned the classroom to a preheated oven; his arms about as tense and tightly gripped as they could be and the ground trembling before him.

Even though it was temporary, Bakugo felt genuine and absolute...No.

Overwhelming fear.




"...C-Cut it out, you two! T-The whole building might collapse at this point!" A desperate cry by a small, green boy for peace between two superpowers, one much more superior than the other.

Bakugou, instinctively reeling from that feeling of fear he had forgotten about so long ago, slowly backed into his place. Only did the increase in distance between the two subside Bad's rather...overpowering presence. And yet...

"Whoa, Bakugou shook the whole damn building with that punch!"

"Holy crap, did you see that explosion! Thats, like, only a small portion of this guy..."

"(I got piss in my pants...)"

His other friends reeled, clearly impressed while oblivious to the actual, true menace. Midoriya, however, expressed his shock in different ways.

Things cooled as the blonde party backed off; a sudden resurgence of a long lost feeling known as intimidation spooking Bakugou into a state where common sense was at long last, common.

He knew where the line was.

Still, he put on a farce. "Tsk, let's go already..." Bakugo turned to exit the classroom. His friends followed him, clearly relieved that their lives had not ended right then and there.

Bad said a small prayer, despite not being religious. May God so help him, before I send him to hell myself.



"Sigh, it's gotta be around here somewhere…"

Resuming to complete his original objective, Bad scoured the class for any sign of Zenko's figurine. A high price tag was nothing to foot if he was spending it for his sister, but wasting close to fifty dollars with zero return due to his carelessness? He'd kill himself from guilt before Zenko rolling-pinned him to death.

He turned away from a closet containing only English files, the likes of which he usually forgot to bring, only to see a timid Midoriya staring back.

The fuck, what else does this lil' bitch boy want? His shy nature eradicated previous sympathy from Bad's head. It irked him seriously. Not to mention, earlier, it seemed like him and that annoying fuck had some feud, right? Hmph, at least we have a common enemy. He turned back to continue his search. Okay, so whatever ya do, just fuck off and let me do my own thing-





"I'm in a hurry, so ya batter make it quick." The metallic closet slammed shut, scaring what little wits remained left in Midoriya; its reverberations mimicking the timid boy's racing heart. Bad was far more terrifying than Bakugou, by a long shot.

A short silence ensued. It was clear that Mossy-Hair was too intimidated to talk. His original conversational points had been dismissed, before the conversation had even started.

Bad trapped his descent-leaning eyebrows between thumb and index, closing his eyes in pure disappointment. Any more, he'd give two smacks to that hot-headed idiot for traumatizing his classmate so bad, he became mute.

"Okay creep, bye now."

He was ready to leave, but finally, man-guts entered Midoriya.

"W-wait! I..."

You have like, 10 seconds. He was already running two minutes late; which would not even bother most people, but he wanted to deliver the All Might Figurine to Zenko, ASAP. Each second was only adding to his suffering.

"D...Do you think I could become a hero?"

The hell is that kinda question? Go find some therapist; I ain't yer man.

Still, he was rather surprised; despite Midoriya's volatile nature, as if he were about to break down at any moment, he assumed that since he applied to a hero school, he would have already made up his mind.

"Whaddya talkin bout, ya fool. Go home, nervous wreck."

"No...I-I'm serious. With such a powerful Quirk, you should be able to judge whether I can go into U.A, right?" Midoriya said, barely stuttering for once in his life. Bad had sensed something was different about the boy this time. His voice was more of a plea than a question, as if seeking affirmation.

"Ya made up yer mind, right? Ya got into U.A, now go make yer dumb delusions come true."


Bad tanker nearly burst with exasperation. What on earth was his problem?

"So, you agree with Kacchan, right?"

"Hm? Oh, no. No no no no no. Count me the fuck out-"

"It really is just a delusion, eh…"

The green-haired boy's shoulders drooped down, as if all sense of hope had vanished in an instant. This only reaffirmed the idea in Bad's head; that his idiot was seeking justification for an equally idiotic cause. Why did he have to deal with these kinds of people?

Fucking shit. I might as well go home tomorrow at this rate.




"Oi, ya outta your mind?"


"Ya said I had some awesome Quirk, right? What Quirk are ya mumblin' about?"


Bad drove a finger into his ear, simulating what he thought Midoriya desperately needed to do.

"Didja hear what the teach' said? I'm Quirkless, like you."


Birds outside chirped, flying back to their nests in a relatively peaceful afternoon. The sun maintained a nice yellow glaze, casting decently long shadows onto trees in the school compound. No matter how you cut it, today was a peaceful day-.


The sudden influx of sound waves took Bad by surprise that quickly turned into annoyance. "Oi, pipe down, loudmouth! Ya ain't another Katsuki, are ya-"

"Bu-bu-but didn't you ju-just d-do something incredible?!" Midoriya interrupted, something uncharacteristic of his quiet self.

"First, shut up." An outstretched arm silenced the still hollering Midoriya. "Secondly, stop uttering bullshit. What incredible thing?"

A temporary release allowed the mossy-haired boy to recover and rearrange his thoughts. He did not want to trigger someone that could literally stomp him. "I-I'm talking about Kacch-Bakugou…" He finally quieted down, much to the content of Bad's ears. "H-How did you make him b-back off?"

This guy's even dumber than I am. Bad facepalmed, almost wanting to smash the classroom clock that was reminding him of his punctuality, or rather, lack thereof. And that really means something.

"What's there to be afraid of? Dude's just a toddler in a high-school body." Bad knocked some quick sense into Midoriya; the upfront statement taking him aback. "Instead, ya should gather those two testicles of yers, and learn to stand up for yerself once." Now pointing his finger harshly, Bad split the very foundation of the green-haired boy's ideals in half.

All this while, he had been looking at Bakugou like he was the uncontested king of the world, as it seemed to be at his mercy. A powerful Quirk with an equally explosive attitude to match, popularity and complete dominance in the school's mini-society. His sense of inferiority truly stemmed from the fact that he was too weak.


The realisation taking root in his mind at last, Midoriya flashed an outwardly depressing look, showing a certain sense of rejection. Hoping that he'd finally gotten to his head, Bad's eyes swiveled around, as he turned back to hunt for Zenko's present. He was already running a good three minutes late, and any more, he'd be questioned by the jury of Zenko-

"You really are amazing, aren't you..."

C'mon, just let me go already. I'll really kill this guy for wasting this much time.

"People like you... The bravest and the strongest, those with powerful Quirks, they all can succeed…"


"I guess you really have to be strong, and nothing else, to become a hero."



The classroom turned quiet. It finally seemed that Midoriya was caving into his insecurities. He had always deceived himself that he was worthy to become a hero; that everyone, even the talentless, could do it; if they worked hard enough and had the right heart.

Oh well, the world was unfair. Cruelly unfair.








The teary-eyed green haired boy looked up, but still lacked any remote sense of hope.

"Blah blah blah, blabber blabber blabber...ya done with all that self-pity?"

No response. Bad couldn't read him, but still spoke his mind.

"Wisen up, will ya? Ya lament about being this weak, that weak; then ya complain that only the strong succeed, and the weak lose. The fuck is yer mindset?"

...What's his point? His harsh words distracted Midoriya from his immersion in self-doubt, seeing that Bad was trying to make a point. The pompadoured boy shook his head, getting more frustrated by the second; not from the time, however, but rather Midoriya's obstinate mentality.

"Quit acting like such a loser. At this rate, yer damn spirit's as flimsy as paper. Are ya balls made outta cotton?"


"Stand up for yerself, hero or not. I don't care whether ya powerful or not. Where's yer bravery, yer pride? All you are is just some damn earthworm squigglin' in fear!" Bad's frown deepened; his beady eyes like pins aimed straight at Midoriya's soul. "If ya want people to cry for ya, go jump down a ditch or something."

His piece nearly said, Bad walked over and grabbed his duffle bag, ready to part ways with the human waste of time; his eyes suddenly fixing themselves on the area underneath his table.

"Oh, so it was here all along…" He nabbed it, and hastily stuffed into his bag. Still, he had one last thing to do.

From the corner of Midoriya's eyes, he saw Bad's other fist clenched, and staggered back as the baseballer approached him with a menace that paralleled his attitude during his earlier confrontation with Bakugou.



*Step* *Step*



Only a few moments later did Midoriya catch a glimpse of a fist plunging into his chest; its owner showing little exertion in his gut punch.


Bad quickly retracted his fist from the green-haired boy, allowing him to crumble onto the floor. "If ya wanna truly be someone strong, then do something about it. The world doesn't owe you a damn thing."

His eyes widening from both shock and realisation, Midoriya slowly shifted himself to his knees; the punch not so much affecting him physically as it did mentally.

"Alright, gotta go. Have fun with that floor, or something."

And with that, he trotted out of the class peacefully, leaving Midoriya to reflect over the new insight provided to him.




"I can't believe I left the damn thing under my desk…"

After searching his bag upon his exit from Aldera, Bad sighed in relief, but crumpled his palm with all five fingers and smacked himself on the head repeatedly. "Shit, because of my damn hubris, I waste a good five minutes...Goddammit."

Still thankful that the earlier endeavour had come to an end, Bad slung his duffle bag around his shoulder, and began sprinting home. At the very least, he treaded with greater precaution; taking special care not to break up the road back home; some parts of which were already crowded with construction workers pondering at the peculiar reports they had been given earlier that morning.

Shit, I really inconvenienced them, eh. I really gotta be more careful; in the end, karma bit me back and that green asshole wasted my time too.


Unbeknownst to him, however, he did realise that what he'd said earlier would directly lead to Midoriya's brave interference in a certain villain incident that happened later that evening, concerning himself, Bakugou and the number one hero, All Might.

Here, edit done for Chapter 2! Hopefully this gave some better insight into how I wanted to portray this scene, something that my newbie previous self couldn't do as well. Like I stated before, these first few chapters are under serious renovation, so if chapter 2 doesn't give you the same cancer as chapter 3, and if chapter 4 seems like a total flop, it's because it was. Don't worry, however. As stated previously, rewrites are on their way, especially for like easily the fucking worst chapter of all in the history of forever, no. 4. Seriously, my dumbass couldn't write shit back then lmao.