Sorry to leave the previous one on a cliffhanger, but I needed some time to finish this chapter. It will be significantly shorter, but because its just a singular fight scene.
Chapter 4:
Time seemingly stood still, as Bad crouched; his legs in a squat position, prepping him for a jump. Izuku, still barely conscious, only managed to see a person with a pompadour donning a black leather jacket, turning itself into a human cannonball.
Wh-what's he doing...? O...Oh...Bad...
...y-you're crazy...
The other examinees, after seeing the recent sequence of events, had finally lost all hope. The blue-haired Lida, having cowered away earlier, could only look in helplessness as the now unsuppressed Zero Pointer proceeded to wreak even greater havoc.
"Only in the presence of an overwhelming threat do people reveal their true nature." Lida was no coward, he told himself; he was simply not suicidal. To a certain degree, however, he was right.
Ochako could only slump down, trying to stop Bad; her efforts wasted, however. She cried, "Don't! Just don't!" She had already endangered one life because of her stupidity; she wasn't ready to risk another. Tears in her eyes, she pleaded,"Please! Don't!"
"It. Is. NOT. WORTH. IT!" Her words were bullets to bulletproof glass.
Bad did not move an inch.
"Please...Not one more..." Her mind flashed memories of when she was still back home.
She had failed to become a hero, to save people, before she even started.
Sorry, Oto-san, Oka-san... I'm so sorry.
Her tears fell to the ground, seemingly blue-balled of a response.
A resounding impact had shaken the ground and caused a mini-earthquake, shattering concrete as Bad's feet leapt off it. The resulting jump broke the sound barrier several times over, as the baseball player lunged towards the malevolent mechanical god. Other students only glanced in fear at the machine, wondering what had happened to create that deafening noise. Bakugo, initially busy running, halted his tracks. The hell was that?
Ochako's tears stopped dripping from her face. Her face had turned into one of shock and confusion; surveying the ground, she noticed that the boy was nowhere to be found. The only remnants that were left of him, was a massive crater and smoking concrete.
"FACE ME, YA SCRAP PIECE!" Coiling his upper body backwards, he stopped at the Mechanical Monster's eye level and slammed with all his might, the hilt of the bat into its face - wait, arm?
Metal met metal, Armour met Bat as the swing connected. A large explosion that caused a small earthquake ensued. The smoke cleared quickly, as Bad barely had time to notice:
"It blocked-"
Before, leaning its bodyweight into its other arm, the 0 pointer punched him away, thrusting him directly horizontally backwards.
The boy flew back straight into a fake apartment, crashing into one of the levels and breaking multiple walls. After several seconds, the dust cleared, showing Bad getting up from the ground, staggering slightly to his feet and already leaking small tidrops of blood.
"Tsk, what a the damn thing can see my swings and block? Ain't it only to scare away those cowards?"
Collecting himself, he thought, "Damn. That appliance's actually really freakin' tough! It took a full swing and didn't even budge..." On his feet once again, Bad's eyes met those of the emotionless 0 pointer. "I've never imagined taking on a scrap o' metal like you." He glanced down at his slightly damaged bat.
"Moreover, my damn bat's got dented. Wasn't it supposed to be super strong?" Bad's definition of a "durable" bat was actually indestructible, which was rather different from the normal, sane blacksmith that had made it for him. Of course, him being relatively poor was also a factor for his destructible bat.
Sigh, blame me and my damn poverty.
Sighing in disappointment, he quickly shook his head, getting back into a jumping stance facing out of the hole the earlier impact had created.
"Tsk, no choice. Here we GO-" Bad once again leaped towards the 100 pointer, bat firmly in grasp and eyes focused on an opening. The two clashed in spectacular fashion: metal met metal, dented bat met still pristine armour...
Bad wasn't a great critical thinker, but when it came to fights, his instincts were sharp. Realizing that the monster may be able to react at crazy speed, he tried to brute force this problem by willing his speed up by several folds, leaping and dodging whilst anticipating for an attack.
"Ya damn weakness is that bein' a hunk of metal makes ya extra heavy and slow..." Bad muttered to himself, further studying its moves. He noticed the number of attacks thrown at him were actually less than the other way around; the robot was playing defensively, and taking chances when Bad was in midair after his swings to throw him back. However, how could he counter this?
"Tsk, rackin' up my brains such a pain."
Moreover, the thing's hard armour was like it was from a damn fairy tail! It somehow remained without a trace of damage, even from taking Bad's swings head on. On the contrary, Bad's weapon was looking more and more like a bat that had been abused terribly, which it totally was. To add even further to the odds against him, his body was not used to swinging this hard against an opponent that wouldn't give in, and his physical strength was slowly turning against him; his bones sstarted to quiver, clearly unused to the forces they were currently being subjected to.
Refusing to give in, willed his power even further, pushing his body to its limits. It was not like him to think so hard during combat, after all. Fuck! Come on! After getting thrown back by wind pressure for the fifth time, Bad was understandably pissed, and his strategic thinking halted. His calm manner that he had approached the metallic behemoth with earlier had totally vanished, leaving a panting, sweaty and bleeding mess that seemed to be at his limit. In spite of all of this, Bad refused to give in even more as the damage he was taking stacked up against him; running at the robot with only sheer determination to finish it.
"What is that boy doing... We already know he is plenty capable, is he just that arrogant?" Toshinori grimaced. He knew he wanted to see more, but was also afraid for the boy's safety.
Nezu shook his head and replied as calmly as he could without breaking his usual smile, "It doesn't look like it... He's fighting it with all he's got." A zoom on Bad's face showed a mad glare in his eyes, while being matched by a face showing an amazing, steely resolve.
"...Showboats don't act like that."
Bad steadied himself; he kept flying back from the pure wind the giant's punches blew at him. "Fuckin... I have to end it now, before this useless scrap of a stick gives in on me!" His bat, similarly damaged as him, was now a dented, bent mess. He only had one shot to end it. He glared back at the robot, readying himself for one last attack, this time at above a hundred percent power!
"Tsk... Oi, big robot thing!" The robot turned to look back emotionlessly.
"Ya know how ya fix a broken appliance?!" Bad pointed his dented bat at the robot, tapping his toes against the roof of the building he was on. He flashed a mischevious grin, showing that he obviously had a plan.
Of course, it was a rhetorical question meant to provoke the robot.
A massive, metallic arm flew towards Bad, accepting his challenge; only to be mounted by the baseball player now climbing it! As Bad scaled the hulking robot, he gripped the bat's handle as hard as he had ever gripped anything, launching himself at the robot's face while breaking his earlier speeds once again.
A loud battle cry prefaced the incoming swing, catalysed by Bad's immense rage.
Bad's eyes zoomed in and focused on the snapped bat.
The robot threw a punch at the defenceless Bad, bypassing the broken scrap of mmpetal that had disconnected itself from its handle. Bad now took on a jet-powered punch from the massive behemoth, who had also supplemented the punch with its bodyweight.
However, the 0 pointer still wasn't finished.
Bad, still cannonballing backwards from the force, was met face-to-face with two high-speed Tomahawk missiles, which collided directly with the already damaged Bad, who had no choice but to tank the damage. His chest was the one to bear the brunt of the first missile, which exploded and threw his face backwards. The second one on the chopping board was his ribcage, which had to block somehow block his vitals from the incoming shockwave that would enter hisbody, rupturing his organs.
Two explosions erupted as the boy was forced backwards at an even higher velocity; trailing him were several ounces of blood leaking from his mouth. White eyes, a lifeless face... it looked like he had finally slipped unconscious. Several high buildings crackled as Bad was catapulted through them, the horrifying scene ending as the upper half of those buildings collapsed.
The slowly subsiding rubble was a fierce display of power from the 0 pointer, and a honourable sendoff to a worthy fighter.
Everyone; Bakugo, Ochako; the examinees; they were all stunned by the procession of events. The 0 pointer's arm was, however, smoking from the impact; its once thought-to-be impenetrable armour around its fist now slightly bent after taking the normal-contact force from hitting Bad's head. However, the battle already had been decided. One dent wasn't enough.
Back in the control room, the U.A teachers were horrified. They intended for no one to challenge the 0 pointer; hence making it to be unbeatable; even implementing powerful weapons meant to be aimed away from the examinees, with the goal of scaring them away. However, at the recent turn of events, they were at a loss for words.
A shriveled-up Yoshinori quickly turned to the engineers operating the 0 pointer, yelling, "Shut down the robot, NOW!" The engineers quickly halted the robot's operation, disabling the auto-defensive system that had caused U.A this year's first casualty.
Turning to the intercom, Present Mic said in as cheery of a voice he could muster:
"Examinees at Zone B, We Regret To Inform You The Exam Is Over! The Zero Pointer Has Been Disabled! Please Assemble At The Main Gate Now!"
As the applicants watched in relief, the robot began to power down. However, many had their hearts still beating at a mile an hour.
"Didja see what happened to that dude?"
"He got thrown into multiple buildings right?"
"No way..."
Many assumed he was dead. A certain brown haired girl laid on the ground, evidently having not moved a centimetre since the crater on the ground appeared. Her eyes were dry; no one in her position would or could have cried at what had happened.
Because crying wasn't enough.
The grief in her heart had paralysed her. Laying motionless, the girl was thoughtless. The hate that filled her was towards herself. She hated herself to the highest degree.
She had just caused another person to be hurt.
All because of her, someone had been hurt.
All because of her, another family's hopes would be dashed.
All because of her...
...that boy had died.
"AS IF!"
A flying high rise building, paired with a remarkable battle cry.
"...?" Everyone looked back up in disbelief.
No, the building was being lifted. Lifted by a boy with a black jacket, painted in blood.
This boy was in a blinding rage, ready to let loose, like an unstoppable bull.
Everyone else was speechless as this display of power, still not knowing what was happening. However, a baseball player who had broken two of his bats, had his gaze locked onto his target.
The resounding cry signalled the start of round two.
The building was thrown with unrealistic might towards the robot which was in the process of shutting down; the structure's length casting a gigantic shadow on the battlefield.
The 0 pointer, which still had not finished shutting down, automatically responded by attempting to catch the building. It, of course, was instantly overwhelmed by the sheer force of the throw, and magnitude of the building's weight. Now, as metal met metal, heavy building met armour, the robot was overwhelmed and lost balance, quickly getting hammered into the ground.
Present Mic, sounding like he was in a seizure due to bewilderment, barely uttered through the intercom:
"Wh-Whoever This I-Is, P-Please Stop N-N-Now-"
A black blur sped across the sky, clearly agitated by Mic's words. Upon closer view, Bad had white eyes; his entire body coated in an aura of intense, dark red colour; mixing blood and grit together. His muscles were about as chiseled as diamond, his arm pulled backwards as air that he was displacing blew his hair into a new, sharp and ruffian style. The wild Bad, still whistling from his speed, darted at the robot, firing off a powerful punch; the likes of which had never been seen. Through pure speed, he vaporised building debris and came face to face, once again with the machine.
The 0 pointed had seen what no human would, or should ever see.
He had somehow made a killer robot fear for its life.
His fist, scorching from air resistance, planted itself into the poor machine's chest. This explosion was about ten times bigger than the previous two, and it manifested itself in a giant robot being thrown back about fifty metres. Without any hesitation, its hull strength gave in; robot-guts and parts flying out of its back, and its body now erupting in a brilliant fire.
On this day, at this moment, a future hero who would posess immense strength, unparalleled fighting spirit and a terrifying aura when pissed, made his debut in front of everyone at Exam Center B, as well as the U.A staff.
His hero name, of course, would be:
Metal Bat.
Dismantled robot parts accompanied Bad as he planted himself back onto the ground, cratering the ground below him once again.
"Phew. Been awhile since I've been as pumped up as that." Bad commented as he casually shrugged off his wounds, snatching and sipping on a carton of orange juice from another examinee.