Chapter 5: Quirk Apprehension Test! (1)

Chapter 5:

The roar of scorching metal and brilliant explosions was a monumental sendoff to the zero pointer. Bat had done what most examinees could only dream of; defeating the metallic behemoth.

This was of course, without mentioning the upgrades it had received; stronger armour that was shock-resistant, high class cruiser missiles and numerous other power boosts.

And this boy with a sick pompadour had bashed it into oblivion. This Quirkless, (now) weaponless boy.






"...w...what on Earth IS he..." Toshinori Yagi looked on in genuine shock, the Number One hero still fumbling to process what Bad had just done. U.A. had these robots specially made; even more so from the past few years, and that Quirkless boy had just defeated one, barehanded even.

"It seems that we have ourselves quite the monster." Nezu said, the Brilliant Lab Rat no longer smiling. He could only imagine the kaijin Bad would become, when trained by U.A's teachers. Few examinees had taken on the 0 pointer up till this point in time, however to defeat a super-upgraded one by tossing a building and obliterating it with a single punch was something nearly all Pro-Heroes couldn't even imagine doing, let alone physically doing it.





On the field, Iida, Bakugou and Ochako (still carrying a fainted Izuku) were without comment. After seeing this sequence of events playing out, Iida had changed on the inside. He had just seen the student he called as an "All talker" wreck a massive behemoth that could've obliterated the city with ease.

"...Monster…" were the only words that exited Bakugou's mouth. This was the second time he had felt true fear; except this time, it was combined with feelings of rejection towards reality.

Ochako didn't bother thinking too hard about things. Her tears resumed their flowing, however their purpose had changed.





"So, uh, ya okay?" Bad stopped sipping his orange juice.


"Him too?" Bad pointed to Midoriya.

"O-Of course." Ochako sheepishly smiled and sighed, relieved that everything was over. Today simply left her in stupor; her exhaustion simply causing her to acknowledge everything that was happening without questioning it.

"I-I should be asking you that question, y'know…" The Anti-Gravity user pointed back to Bad, whose face was painted scarlet red in blood; his shirt half-ripped showing off his chiseled chest. His entire arms were still shaking from lifting one whole building and chucking it at the 0 pointer; his fingertips clearly dusty from the effort. The baseball player was actually suffering from several broken bones and burst blood vessels; hence him being coated in blood; but he shook all of it off.

"I'll deal with it, it's fine." Bad shrugged off the mortal wounds he had whilst still leaking blood; his bones creaking as he walked back to the gate.




"Oi, the fuck're yall staring at?" Bad had finally noticed everyone in the vicinity was staring at him, not moving a muscle. Of course, any regular, non-insane person would have; Bad just neither understood nor cared about the magnitude of his feats.

"Buncha freakin' weirdos. Oi, Floaty Girl, let's bring Mossy Hair to the medic." He beckoned Uraraka to pass Midoriya over, but Ochako only smiled and declined.

"You should get some rest…" She requested.

Seriously; the hell is wrong with you people. I'm fine, dammit…






"Okay, good work."

The examinees turned over, only to be met with a small, frail old lady with a needle was a walking stick going over to them.

"Good work, good work." Standing in front of them was none other than Recover Girl, the school medic and the only reason why U.A. could conduct such a reckless exercise.

"Here, here you go. Have some gummies." She fished out a handful of gummies and handed them to surrounding students, walking closer to Midoriya as she continued.

"Oh dear, you were hurt this much by your own Quirk?" Her usual smile diminished into one of concern after seeing Midoriya's state. His right arm and two legs were completely jelly and red; his newfound powers clearly having a devastating effect on his body. The green haired boy lay unconscious after Recovery Girl told Ochako to set him down.

It's as if his body is not used to his Quirk yet…














Never had Bad felt such sincere fear from anyone else other than Zenko herself. Watching the old lady kiss Midoriya with her extended lips was fear inducing and trauma causing. In fact, it could be said that all guys nearby were having a "Reverse erection."

"W-what was that?!" A girl with pink skin and cute horns asked.

"U.A High's licensed school nurse… the Youthful Heroine, Recovery Girl!" A certain blonde haired, lasers-firing-out-of-his-belly-button boy responded in a terrible french accent.

YOUTHFUL MY ASS! Bad continued to hold in his vomit.

"I see…" Mina Ashido replied.

"Her Quirk is the super-activation of healing ability." The boy with the French gimmick continued. Miraculously, a few moments was all it took for Midoriya's arms and legs to inflate back to their original sizes and shuffle back to their previous alignments.

"Let's finish this quickly. You, come here…" Recovery Girl's lips were already swelling back up, turning towards Bad.




"...G-GET AWAY FROM ME, OLD CREEP!" Complete and utter fear was a feeling not known to Bat up to this point. Scratch being terrified of Zenko, this is wayyy fucking worse.

"Don't be like that, boy! You're clearly badly wounded, get over here and let me help you-"



Bad sprinted as fast as he could out of the battle center, cratering the entire concrete road with heavy footsteps. It was a pure fight-or-flight response to get as far away from that old creature as possible. He didn't care about anything more in that moment; neither his profuse bleeding, nor his broken bones.

Pfft… Ashido sniggered softly. After seeing the complete contrast in attitude, she wondered if the boy's Quirk was in his personality. How cute...

"Sigh… someone get that rude boy back, we still need to have a debrief!"

"I'll go." Ochako offered, flashing a bright smile. "I still haven't thanked him, after all."





That's right, Iida thought. This was all it is; an exam. Had we been in a real-life scenario, if not for those two, all of us would have been decimated…

At last, he had a good thought about Bad and Midoriya.

Those two…





...they were the true heroes here.





"W-w-w-ait up, Bad! We still need to head back to the debrief!" Ochako struggled to catch Bad, who was no longer using his full speed, but instead clumsily staggering around.












One week later...

"Tadaima, Zenko!"

"Okaerinasai, Bro Bad!" The exhausted brother sat back down, bone-weary from his trip to the supermarket. Right after the U.A test, he was sent to the hospital due to his severe injuries, but was only hospitalised for four days. Having Zenko visit him and seeing his little sister care for him made his faith in the power of 'the Imouto' even stronger, and had helped him to recover faster.

"Oh, Bro Bad, there was something in the mail for you…"


"It's from U.A.!"

Zenko's petite hand excitedly stretched out towards him, handing the letter from U.A. towards him. They both went to sit down at the dining table and Bad ripped the envelope open, revealing a small mechanical device.


On cue, the device rolled out onto the table, before turning on and flashing a pre-recorded video of All Might.

"I Am Here; AS A PROJECTION!" He triumphantly announced loudly towards the camera, opening his arms wide.

"All Might?"

"AALLL MIIIIGHTT!" Zenko went absolute batshit after seeing the Number One hero in front of her face; flustered that he had made his appearance to her.

"Wait, this is from U.A, right? Oh, dude's probably a teach' there..."

"Thank you for applying to U.A, Mr. Bad! Your hard efforts have paid off; not only are you the first Quirkless person to pass the test, you have also ranked the highest this year!" All Might left out the part about him ranking the highest in U.A's history, in hopes of avoiding the boosting any egos.

"WHOOAAAAAA, ALL MIGHT CALLED BIG BRO BY HIS NAME!" The ball of joy was now rolling on the floor, rubbing her hair all over Bad's lap and banging her small hands on the floor.

"You, along with your friends from the same high school; Izuku and Bakugo; have entered U.A's finest class!"


"Welcome...To Your Hero Academia!" All Might gestured towards the U.A insignia, congratulating Bad on his performance and acceptance into U.A High. Damn, getting accepted into U.A was already good enough, but getting the Number One Hero to speak directly? The reward to Bad wasn't in the form of the honour of receiving a specially made letter from All Might, but to see Zenko's pure joy, and to feel her pride for him, of course.

"MY BRO KNOWS ALL MIGHT, HOW COOL!" Zenko ran around the house, exclaiming repeatedly. Bad could only let out a satisfied sigh, knowing he had done his sister proud.

"Oto-san, Oka-san...are you seeing this? Bro Bad has gotten into U.A.!" Normally, the sensitive topic would incur resentment from Bad, but now, it was a joyous occasion.

That's right, Mom and Dad; watch me. Bad looked outside the windows at the stars, as if facing his parents.

Watch me now.


Bad arrived at U.A early, hoping to find his classroom and be on time. The campus was massive; not including the numerous battle centers about the size of small cities, the blocks of classrooms were humongous, still excluding the school field, baseball court, basketball court, soccer field, parade square-

'Okay, how fucking big is this school? These guys are filthy rich…"

Climbing past the many levels that the canteen spanned, he finally reached the floor of his classroom.

"1-A, 1-A… How the fuck are these hallways so big?" The school was cool as hell though, no doubt about that, Bad thought.

There it is!


Opening the sliding door, Bad was greeted with two familiar, albeit unwelcome faces.

"Don't put your feet on the desk!" One demanded.

"Huh?" The other smirked, firing back.

"Don't you think that's rude to the U.A. upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?" The first, blue haired one questioned, pointing at Bakugou whilst making weird hand gestures.

"Nope! What junior high did you go to, you side character?" Bakugou answered back mockingly, clearly attempting to piss him off.





"I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida!"

"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh?"

"Yo, Glasses, Explodey-balls."


The rest of the class turned their heads to see someone who was now a celebrity among the First-years, someone who had been rumored to have destroyed the behemoth that was a 0 pointer.

"Tsk, and here comes Pompadour…" Bakugou jested. Bad glared at him back, sending both of them into a staring contest.

"...Good morning! I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is-"

"I just heard and forgot, so I probably don't care. My name is Bad, and I'm telling you to piss off, Glasses." Some salt was still lurking in Bad's mouth, making the tense relationship between them clear. Iida looked down, his glasses now acting as mirrors and hiding his eyes; he clearly felt annoyed at Bad, but he still had questions for him.

"...Bad, behind that rather gangsterish attitude of yours, you realized there was something more to that practical exam, didn't you?"


"I had no idea...I misjudged you! I hate to admit it, but you are better than me."

"I didn't realize anyth-"

"Yo! You that guy that smashed up the Zero Pointer, right? So badass!" A red spiky haired boy walked up and greeted Bad, complimenting him.

"I don't remembe-"

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima, nice to be your acquaintance, dude!" He grinned, introducing himself. Behind him were two students; one with dark-yellow hair and a black lightning mark, and the other with pink skin, black eyes and horns.

"I didn't ask-"

"W-whoa, Bad, didn't e-expect to m-meet y-you firs-"


Midoriya, who had just arrived and had peeked through the sliding door, slowly shut it. "...u-u-u-uh, s-s-s-so-sorry…" HIs stutter had become worse. Bad, realising it was Mossy Hair, turned to meet him. "Ah, wai-"

"I am from Somei Private Academy! My name is Tenya Iida!" Iida marched towards MIdoriya, eager to meet the other person who had faced off against the 0 pointer.

Can people here not finish sentences or what? Bad began to fume.

"...u-uh, hi… I'm Midoriya… N-nice to meet you, Iida." Midoriya, still nervous from their previous encounter, staggered back a little.

"Midoriya, you realized that there was something blah blah blah blah-" Like previously, Bad began to tune him out. He glanced around at the classroom, which made his previous one seem like a small cave. Not only was it spacious, it was neat and tidy whilst not being filled with quotes about the art of perfecting one's studies. Damn posters were annoying anyways; Bad sighed in relief.

"Knock knock, Earth to Bad, you there?"


Met face to face with a girl with pink skin and short horns, Bat recoiled back a little.

"Hehe, nice to meet you, I'm Mina Ashido! Oh, but my friends can call me Mina, Ashi, Pink-a, umm, what else…"

"Ya can stop telling me ya 15 different names now…"

Mina let out a small pout, clearly hurt by the cold response. Upset, she teased, "Boo, so mean; what a nasty guy…"

"..." Bad's face turned from one of annoyance into one of resignation. "Hai-hai, weird missy, the hell am I supposed to call you…"

"Haha, I'm just playing with ya!" She joked back, imitating Bad's way of speaking. "Ya can call me by my first name; Mina; since we're already such great friends; right?"

"But I don't even-"

"Shh, no buts!" She shushed him with a pink index finger whilst lightly punching him on the chest, grinning cheekily at Bad. Bad looked down; having seen the punch coming, but was surprised to see her face turn from one of cheekiness into one of embarrassment and shock..





"THE HECK'S YOUR CHEST MADE OUT OF?" Closely inspecting it, Mina repeatedly poked at Bad's chest like a woodpecker to a tree; the other side simply letting everything happen due to lack of experience with interactions between the opposite sex. Flustered, she stopped and slowly began to back off, returning to her seat beet red.

Bad decided to find a seat with the time he had left. Seeing the red, spiky haired dude gesturing him over, he plopped down next to him, still having a weird impression on him.

Ochako entered later than Midoriya, and complimented him for his "cool moves" on the 0 pointer and thanking him for saving her butt. Midoriya, vibrating as a self-defense mechanism, was freaking out, of course. His eyes remained wide as the Anti-Gravity user spoke her mind, when…

"...Go somewhere else if you wanna play at being friends."

Ochako's head creaked as she turned back whilst Izuku and Iida looked on wordlessly.

"This…is the hero course." The man unzipped his sleeping bag and sucked on a bag of juice.

The trio who had first seen the man looked about 50 years older in that instant, utterly petrified at the new arrival. The man's eyes were bloodshot and wrapped around him was what appeared to be a scarf; his hair messy and ruffed up, accompanied by a tone of voice that resembled a half-dying person.

...So, they have earthworms here… Bad couldn't identify the being in front of him as a human.

"...Okay, it took eight seconds before you were quiet." The odd man slowly unzipped his sleeping bag, slipping out of it like a larvae molting into a butterfly. "...Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough." Bad surveyed the man, who then proceeded to identify himself as Mr Aizawa, their homeroom teacher; which raised a large question mark over everyone else's head. Bad was one of the few who didn't gasp at the reveal, concealing his shock in.

He turned to look at Mina, who was still busy poking other things while flushed red.

"...Really, what a weirdo…" His mumbling put his dense nature on full display.





"It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field." Mr Aizawa now fished a blue, white and red P.E attired out of his sleeping bag.

"Huh?" A collective response from the rest of the new students.




"A Quirk assessment test?!" The newly formed group of 1-A students gathered at the baseball field, lined up orderly facing Aizawa-sensei.

"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" A light voice coming from Ochako directed a question at her teacher, who was getting more and more done by the minute.

These kids… He thought to himself.

"If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for leisurely events." Murmurs went up in the group of students.

"U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes." Aizawa turned back. The entire 1-A class recoiled in surprise, feeling that they had been placed into a strange situation, and were at the complete mercy of a teacher that did not have any.

"You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right?" He flashed up his phone, displaying a number of physical tests used to grade an individual students' physical abilities, without taking into account their Quirk.

"The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their Quirks. It's not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is- blah blah blah" Once again, Bad turned off his brain; being too bored to listen to his teacher ramble on and on. He felt conflicted on the inside, yet rather excited; always respecting teachers, he mostly trusted their judgement. However, wasn't the point of the entry test to grade each student's abilities? Why did they need to judge each student's Quirks once again?

"Bad! B-bad!" Midoriya shook Bad from his daydream. "Aizawa-sensei's calling you…" The dread and desperation in his voice told him all he needed to know. He was in the limelight now.

"Can't even pay attention for a minute, can you kids? Tsk. Bad, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right?" His classmates looked at him in shock, clearly unaware of Bad's placing in the entrance exam.


"In Junior High, what was your best result for the softball throw?"

"...100 meters.I was on the baseball team." Midoriya looked back in shock; 100 meters was a crazy high distance, but for someone who literally smacked apart a giant, invincible robot?

"...You're Quirkless, right?"


"Yeah, ya guys; what's the deal?" Bad turned around, weirded out that everyone was being so jumpy at that statement.

"B-but, didn't you like… totally obliterate that robot?" Ochako, confused, asked.

"Yeah, so what?" The other students were understandably confused. Something clearly was not adding up here.

"...Well, I'm assuming you held back on your 'best' throw, judging from your previous feats. Did you not take Junior High seriously?" Aizama, exasperated, shot a death glare at Bad, who took it surprisingly calmly.

"...No, I just didn't want to hurt anyone."

Aizawa's snark seemed to turn off for a moment. Studying the student carefully whilst trying to avoid giving away his astonishment, he responded:

"Well, give this throw all you've got." He tossed Bad the baseball, which was specially designed to be durable and resist wear and tear, in an effort to prevent the ball from decimating after being hit with a few Quirks.

"You can do whatever you want so long as you stay inside the circle. And remember, don't hold back."

Bad got a little frustrated at his teacher's insistence on not holding back; thinking to himself: The hell, was I just supposed to disregard everyone there? Am I supposed to disregard everyone now?




...Tsk...fine, ya homeless guy, I'll chuck it with all I've got!

Bad's muscles began to tense up, the ground shaking from his legs flexing. His classmates could only stand there and watch the freak-of-nature grip the ball as hard as he could; whilst trembling from the small earthquakes and wind pressure that was building up from him.

"...What the actual fuck?..." Bakugou had seen Bad smashing the robot into pieces at the exam center, but this trembling and blowing… It reminded him of the time he had pissed off Bad, and had learnt the meaning of true fear.

Izuku stepped back, clearly unable to balance himself with the steadily increasing air pressure. The other students braced themselves, in utter shock to what was happening a few feet away from them. This boy, whom they had just heard had smashed up the strongest robot U.A had ever made with one blow, was Quirkless? Hearing Bad's feats was one thing, but first hand experience was another. In simpler terms…

THIS DUDE'S A BEAST! Kirishima exclaimed in his head, grinning whilst ranking Bad's manliness as number one in the class.

Aizawa stepped back. He had heard the rumor of a student defeating U.A's new 0 pointers, but ignored it as an exaggeration by newbie teachers.





Now, even though he was eager to see the boy's power, he sort of regretted asking him to go all-out.





As the quiet rumbles of the baseball court slowly increased in volume, so did everyone's excitement. Bad, gripping the ball (but being rather careful not to squish it), channeled his will into his arm and upper body, twisting it at over-hypersonic speeds whilst forcing out the loudest battle cry ever heard on U.A grounds.











A flaming ball that had ignited prior to lift-off skyrocketed and let out a roar similar to that of a jet-plane; the air pressure from Bad's throw cutting into the dirt below, instantly forming a small crater around him. As it blitzed away, the baseball burnt like a shooting star in the sky, flying out of the court.

Simply from it moving, massive amounts of dust were kicked up from the field, covering the entire court and the people on it in a dense cloud of smoke.

*Cough Cough*

After the dust settled, Aizawa peeked at his now slightly cracked phone.









"...Know your own maximum first. That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero."




""100 KILOMETERS?!""




"It seemed that the ball somehow completely combusted during its flight." Aizawa explained. "So, based on the ball's initial and final recorded velocity, it estimated the distance. He shot a look back at Bad, narrowing his eyes at the boy. Bad stood there, evidently out of breath and panting. He had clearly exerted his maximum.




"Nice." He congratulated himself. "That's slightly better than 100 meters."



Bad finally turned around and walked back to his classmates, whose jaws were dropped and eyes were wide open.

Aizawa's perspective on the boy had changed. Where did this guy come from? How on earth was someone Quirkless this strong? He, like the rest of 1-A, could only stare back, aghast with the boy's performance. He must have been lying. There is no way in hell someone could get that physically strong without using a Quirk. Whatever it is; Quirk or not, we've got ourselves a big catch this year. He mentally grinned.




",'d you do that?" The spiky red haired boy probed while maintaining a distance, clearly interested yet frightened at Bad.

"Do what?"

"...nevermind…" He made a mental note that Bad's brain was about as dense as his muscles. "Whoa…" Mina finally muttered, her brain switching back on after surveying the damage the school field had taken from one single throw. So cool...





The other students, after reeling from what had happened, were now getting pumped up to give their best shot. Excitement now ruled the group, as they hyped themselves up for the upcoming activities that would allow them to prove themselves.

"You have three years to become a hero. Will you have this kind of attitude the whole time?" The class stopped their small discussions and resumed back to looking at their teacher, clearly startled by the man getting sounding more and more pissed.

Suddenly, Aizawa flashed a malicious grin.

"All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential, and will be punished with expulsion."


Heh, sucks for the last guy, I guess. Bat mentally laughed, while still confused as to why U.A would expel new students after testing them so vigorously. He turned to look at Midoriya, who had a look of dread on his face as he gripped his twitching arm.

"We're free to do whatever we want about the circumstances of our students." Aizawa pushed his hair up. Now faced with the promise of expulsion, the other students began mentally preparing themselves to unleash their all, their excitement now turning into a desperate feeling to survive.

Bakugo flashed an evil grin.

Iida pushed up his glasses.

Kirishima banged his fists together.

Mina jumped up and down.

Ochako nervously looked on.

Midoriya's heart was racing a million miles an hour.

Bad scratched his ear.




"Welcome to U.A's hero course!"