This story in canon of both will take place after Dressrosa in One Piece and in My hero is a few weeks before the start of U.A.
Sorry if this is not what you were excepting to read. English is not my first language so I decided to take a shot. I am using Word to write because it is the best I have. If you want to give me critiques or some notes, I would be happy to look over it. So here it goes.
In the New World.
Update: I am sorry for this. Look when I started on the website I didn't know how it worked. Now I know and I am much better writer. Sorry for the crappy chapters at the beginning. I hope you all enjoy it.
The thousand Sunny has been shipping for a few days and had spotted any trouble in both marines and pirates. It is kind of hard to see the powerhouse ships spent some many days without any harms. Most of the crew especially Nami, Usopp, Chopper, and Brook found themselves in peace being not in the face of danger. Zoro kept working out, Sanji was preparing new recipes, Robin was taking notes of some researches, Franky was working on the cola machine. However, there was a certain individual of red shirt and straw hat that was not very happy, with his face on the floor of its one ship.
''Oi Luffy, are you all right ?'' Ask Sanji smoking his cigarette checking on his captain on the floor
''No I am bored''
''Really?'' Ask Sanji kind not in the mood for this talk with the captain
''Yeah nothing fun happens in days!´´Luffy gets up and star to move his arms up and down
''For once Luffy be glad about that. The New World is not a place of fun and is full of dangerous pirates that want the head of people like you.´´ Says Usopp reminding of the danger of the New World
''They want my head they can try to take it´´ Scream Luffy
''Ýeah Luffy.´´ Cheer Chopper in the back
''Indeed ´´Cheer Brook also in the back of the sunny
''Stop being such a cry baby. The way that you are a danger magnet for us, problem would be around our corner any minute.´´ Nami appear with a yellow shirt and jeans and her hair is in a ponytail after just finished some work
''Nami swan is right. It would be best to stay low after what happen with Doflamingo.´´ Sanji agrees with the lovable navigator
''But Sanjiiiiiii´´ Scream Luffy like an unappreciated child
''Shut up´´ Sanji start to kick Luffy but the crying doesn´t stop
''Luffy´´ Say Chopper worried
''Ok, how about we stop on an island so you can look around´´ Says Nami kind of annoying with this attitude.
''Really, thanks Nami you are the best. Hey Chopper we are going to be on an island very soon´´ Says Luffy very happy with his reindeer doctor
''Really I hope we can have fun'' says Chopper
''Shishishi.I know, now let's go talk to the others about that'' says Luffy leaving Nami and Sanji
''Sometimes he is just a big kid that never grows up´´ Sigh Nami thinking about the captain.
''But we can´t say that he does think with his heart. If that was the case that idiot would be dead already´´ Say sanji about the feet of his captain
''You are right. Hey, Sanji can you make me a Tangerine ice cream. I am in the mood for some today.´´Say Nami in her seduction voice.
''TANGERINE ICE CREAM IS ALREADY IN THE MAKING NAMI-SWAAAAAN´´ Scream Sanji with hearts in his eyes going very fast to the kitchen
''Sanji-kun you lovable idiot´´ Say Nami taking off her ponytail
''You can never deny that you enjoy doing this'' Said Robin laughing of the cook and his policy of saying no to women, and knowing that Nami takes full advantage of this.
''You know me very well Robin´´ Say Nami smiling and Robin laugh at this
''Dinner is ready'' Say Sanji in the kitchen with the table ready with full of meals, meats, and other stuff
''Alright meat'' Says Luffy munching some food
''Where is the booze'' Ask Zoro
''You pick yourself Marino'' Says Sanji with a glare
''Pass the cola.´´Says Franky
''Oh my what a lovely meal'' Says Brook eating some rice
''Hey, Luffy no stealing today'' Says Usopp protecting his food from the captain.
''Sanji can you pass the milk please'' Ask Chopper and Sanji give the little person his drink
''Hold up, wheres Robin ?´´Ask Nami
''´Huh´´ Says everybody confuse
''I called her from the library and nothing yet´´ Says Nami upon seeing the raven-haired women didn´t arrive yet.
''I will personally delivery food for Robin-chan´´ Says Sanji ready to deliver food to the woman only to receive a punch by Nami
''No way´´ Says Nami
Soon Robin appears in front of the crew
''Ah Robin quick eat, or Luffy will eat the whole dinner again´´ Scream Usopp and they know that this sentence is not a joke.
''Actually, there is something I wanna point out right now´ ´Appear Robin in the kitchen
''What it is ?´´Ask Chopper confused
''Usually, the stars from the sky don´t bright very much, however, there is a different kind of star in the moment´ ´Say Robin getting the attention of everybody
´´Really a different star !´´Scream Luffy, Chopper and Usopp
´´I wanna see, I wanna see'' Luffy and Chopper going outside
´´Let´s go everybody´ ´Says Usopp really anxious.
When they went outside and see the night sky, they see what it look like a star but looked more big and open and the other tiny ones present in sky looked very different.
´´It's just me or it looks like this star is kind of open´´ Ask Zoro.
´´I don´t know Zoro I actually thought you didn´t know what stars are since you tend to sleep for the whole night´´ Say Usopp with a smirk
´´Shut up´´ Scream Zoro beating Usopp.
Suddenly the star becomes more bright and bigger.
´´Is just me or is it looks like that star has become bigger ?´´Ask Usopp now trembling
´´You´re right Usopp´´ Say Chopper with fear.
´´Hey, Robin what do you think´´ Ask Frank to the most intelligent of the group.
´´I am not a very good astronomer but I think this star is way too up in the sky for this hemishpher´´Said her looking to the sky.
´´Hey, I want to see the star closer´´ Scream Luffy jumping up and down.
´´Luffy you know that we can´t reach there, besides the sunny can´t fly´´ Said Usopp
´´it can´t? Hey Franky…´´Luffy was about to say something of spark in his eyes and that was not good.
´´DON´T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT´´ Scream the crew except for Robin
´´Nami, what's happening ?´´ Ask Chopper with curiosity because the wind was changing direction was like its pulling them in a forced manner and not in a good way.
´´I don´t know but whatever it is could be dangerous, we should move to take left´´ Nami start to take the order and do the best to not be a trap.
´´You got it´´ Says the Cyborg.
´´Everybody in position´ ´Scream the Navigator and everybody goes to their position to be ready.
´´Oh god, oh god, could this be a star that eats peoples says Usopp really scared
´´What a star that eats people´´ Scream Brook and chopper in fear.
´´If he tries to eat my crew I am going to beat him up ''says luffy ready to fight.
´´Luffy I don´t think you can punch a star that easily and besides….´´Says Usopp however he was being dragged into the air by the something in the sky.
´´Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah´´ Scream the sniper.
´´USOPP!´´Scream the crew
´´I got you´´ Says luffy stretching his arm and grabbing Usopp
´´Thanks, Luffy, quick bring me to the sunny´´ Scream Usopp in tears
´´You got it´´Says the captain, however the captain wasn´t bring the sniper to ship.
´´Luffy what wrong ?´´Ask Chopper
´´I can´t do much there is something pulling me´´Say Luffy struglin
´´What let´s help´´Said Brook
´´Whatever it is, must really want Usopp´´ Say Luffy not giving up and the rest of the crew appear to help.
´´Quick guys save me.´´Scream Usopp desperate
´´What's going on´´ Ask Sanji seeing the commotion
´´The star wants to eat ussop and is trying to pull us too´ ´Say Chopper desperate
´´What no way´´ Says Zoro
´´´Franky don´t move the ship, Usopp is still in the air´´ Scream Nami for the Cyborg
´´Hey come on everybody help´´ Say the captain and then everybody starts to try to rescue Usopp from being eaten by the ´´star´´.
´´Stupid star´´ Say Zoro
´´What is so special on that liar´´ Ask Sanji
´´Lets talking keep going´´ Said Nami and then they felt something new
´´Hey usopp is going down´´ Said Chopper
´´Ah thank God, for an instance I thought´ ´Said Usopp relived but the mood changed because the force was strong and pull everybody out of the the straw hats were in the air
´´The Sunny´´ Say Frank at the ship
´´We will be back Sunny, stay will come back for you´´ Scream Luffy to his ship and now the straw hats disappear out of the blue.
Musutafu, Japan
In the blue, sky of the city nothing out of the ordinary, just the typical fight between superheroes and supervillains. Kamui Woods and mountai Lady were fighting a group of villains with long arms and knives for fingers who were robbing some innocent people. Nothing was out of the normal until everybody hears a bouncy of loud screaming from the sky.
´´AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH´´Scream every straw hat pirate
´´What that hell´´Scream Zoro confused
´´What is going on´´Ask Chopper crying in fear
´´We are falling?´´Ask Nami in horror
´´Don't worry we are going to land of water in the ocean,as our devil fruit users are safe we will be okay´´Say Sanji trying to stay calm.
´´I don´t see water only concrete ready to squash us into pulp´´Say Robin also in fear
´´Don´t say that Robin !´´Scream Usopp crying thinking now this is the end.
´´ Gomu no Ballon´´Say Luffy forming his balloon form and everybody bounce on him when they hit the ground
The group was separated in for a few meter Robin and Nami could hit the concrete however, Robin used her devil fruit to save them
´´Spider net´´Say robin forming the pink net
´´Thanks Robin you are my angel´´Say name in tear
´´Ouch´´Say Usopp hitting the pavement
´´What that hell happen ?´´say Chopper confused and bumbling
´´Are you dead ?´´Ask Usopp
´´No Usopp I don´t think so´´Say Chopper relieved.
´´Well I already died so I don´t think this is like it again,Yohoho´´Say Brook putting his head in his body
´´Woods what happening?´´Ask Mt Lady confused as all hell.
´´I don´t know who fall in the sky and land this way these could have died. We should help and ask question later´ ´Says the wood theme hero.
´´Hey moss head are you alive ?´´Ask Sanji getting up
´´I can hear your stupid voice can´t I.´´Says Zoro
´´Go to hell´ ´Says Sanji and Zoro also get ups and the two see a crowned of weird looking people some less human than other.
´´What you people are looking at´´ Scream Zoro for the people and everybody runs in panic
´´Man what is this? An island of only devil fruit users? ´Ask Sanji in disbelief
´´Guys´´ It was the voice of Franky who had crashed into a car and damage more the vehicle than the robot.
´´Hey Franky, you okay ?´´Ask Sanji
´´Yeah I am super, but here is Luffy´´ Ask Franky looking for its captain.
At the center of the battle
´´Man what happens that star eats Usopp ?´´Ask Luffy looking his around and see different people.
´´Wow, what cool costume´´ Said Luffy looking at Kamui, and however this was the perfect time for the villain and its henchman grab luffy by the neck and put a knife.
´´Nobody move or we will cut this kid throat´´ Said the villain with long arms
´´Luffy!´´Scream Sanji,Usopp and Zoro.
´´We will do nothing as long you people don´t use your quirks´´ Said the villain holding luffy
´´Dammit at this angle there is no chance of me saving this kid, where is Hawks when we need him at this situation 'Thought Kamui woods
´´You are coming with us kid´´ Says the villain putting the knife on luffy throat.