Chapter 3: New Challangers

Thanks once again for the follows and likes. I know I don´t have the best grammar, the best expelling but I have a story to tell. I promise that I will do I huge correction on the expelling and other areas of the story. But now here is another chapter:


had listen to Kamui Woods request and call for with Death Arms,Mirkuo,Backdraft,Ereserhead,Vlad King and Gunhead its time to go after the vigilantes.

''So how many in total?"' Asked Ereserhead

''There were five right here with us, but I think is 9.''Said

''9 vigilantes?! This is more a league of trouble if you ask me' 'Said Death Arms

''Any more information of their appearance?''Asked Mirkuo

''Negative, I already give the police my description and many bystander recorded or take pictures of these people''Said to the fellow heroes.

''And how is Kamui ?''Asked Ereserhead thinking how the pro heroe nearly had his arm chopped off.

''Great now with medical attention. I never seen someone with a sword cut people so cold''Said a bit nervous.

''You told us that he looked like a samurai right.''Said Gunhead.

''Yeah but he had only one eye working, the other seemed to be cuted''Said the heroine.

''What about the other 4 what they looked like ?"Asked Backdraft

''I heard some complains about two woman that stole some stuff including newspaper. They were a redhead and with black hair´´Said Mirkuo

''I also pick complain of an enormous guy with mechanic parts being accompany by of all things a squeleton''Said Vlad King

''What in the world are those people?''Said Death Arms confused.

''They are criminal and we should go after them before they start to walk free amoung our society''Said Erserhead really irritated on how this vigilantes got away so easily even with pro heros on patrol.

''Right,Ereserhead lets separate and have a good chance of finding them. 'Said Vlad King

''Good luck''Said mt lady to the group that started to split

''Yeah to everybody''Said ereserhard jumping with his scarf to a near building.

In that Alley

''Island? We are in Japan in the city of Musutafu.''Said Hiro confused with this question

''Japan?''Said Luffy

''Musutafu''Said Chopper

''Are you people tourist?''Asked Hiro said him confused and then Nami jump to answer.

'''…Yeah we are tourist and we were not supposed to be at this city so we need information to go back to our destination' 'Said Nami with a fake laugh

''Ah you guys want me to call a taxi or…''Said him holding his cellphone to the confusion of everybody.

''What a taxi?''Asked Usopp confused

''Ok,are you people alright ?''Said Hiro now scared and they notice his change of tone.

''No,no are not crazy people is that we were never in a city like this a we need to go back to our ship''Said Nami trying to calm the kid.

''Oh you guys came in a cruise ?''Said Hiro

''Yeah,exactly''Said Nami now happy that he said something that she knwed

''Our the bay is kind of from here, on car is almost 2 hours and on feet is likely 4.''Said Hiro and the information shock the crew.

''Four hours! Well best we start walking' 'Said Luffy in a urgent tone but then is stomach start making noise.

''Really Luffy at this time ?''Said Usopp

''Shishishi I can´t help,hey Sanji can you cook something ?''Ask Luffy

''With what ? There is no kitchen and no fresh ingredient to make anything' 'Said Sanji

''There is a small restaurant right there''Said Hiro giving instruction

''Ah thanks Hiro,you a live safer''Said Chopper

''Well …you guys again''Said Hiro leaving the alley

''Hey Hiro.''Said Luffy and the kid turn his back to see the straw hat teen with cross arms.

''Don´t go crying just because you don´t have any powers, I know people without powers that could beat the crap of those jerks earlier. But you also have to work on yourself,go get stronger and prove these idiots that is not the power that makes a person,is the person who makes the power important''. Said Luffy shouting and giving motivation to the quirkless kid that start crying tears not of sadness but of hope, for the first time someone that was not his parent saw potential on him.

''Thank you, you so much.''Said Hiro bowing him

''You´re welcome, now go home''Said Luffy

''Alrght. Thank you all.''Said Hiro saying goodbye and the straw hats all smiling

''that's was so sweet what you did''Said Nami

''Great job Luffy''Said Zoro

''I must say you sure give the best speech captain''Said Robin

''The little one is going to become a powerful man, I can feel ''Said Franky crying.

''These emotions is so strong that pierce my heart, even though I don´t have a ''Said Brook also crying

''that's was kind creep Brook''Said Usopp

''Ok lets eat.''Said Luffy going to the restaurant only to be stopped by Nami

''Wait a minute''Said the navigator

''What Nami.''Said Luffy annoyed

''The money what about the money?''Said her serious

''What we have some berries with us''Said Luffy and Nami give an angry look

''yeah even if have more, this place don´t accept coin is call Yein''Said her showing the price in the journal was different from the berries sign that they usually see.

''Yein''Said chopper confused.

''If that the case this island is not affiliated with world government,maybe is on the same category as Wano ?''Said Robin

''Hey Brook,what you think ?''Ask Luffy to the oldest of the straw hats.

''Is a possibility, however Wano is protected by the Samurai who are some of the strongest people on the world, now this island I think these ´´Heroes´´are the defenders instead of the Marines''Said the squeleton

''New location, new headaches''Said Sanji annoyed

''Now what we should do ?''Ask Franky and then Usopp got a ´´idea´´

''How about we see the city from high and then we can start planning some ideas''Said the Sniper.

''Whoa great idea Usopp''Said Luffy

''Luffy you are talking with me,Usopp the genius with the IQ of 400''Said Usopp smirking

''THAT´S A FREAKING BIG LIE!''Scream Zoro,Sanji,Nami and Franky

''Huh..what I did to deserve this''Said usopp annoyed.

''Ok lets go''Said Luffy pointing at the top of the building

''Robin can you…''Ask Nami to the other woman

''With net''Said Robin making a net of arms and the straw hats start to climbed until they reach the top

''Well here we are and…..huuuuuuuuuuuuh'''Said Usopp and then he was dumbfound for what he saw.

''Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah''Said most of the straw hats except for Robin

''It´´s..''Said Nami kind of shocked.

''SO BIG!´´Said the crew seeing now the full modern and technologic city that stand in front of all of them.

Location not identify, headquarters of the villain alliance

The man know end as All For One was watching the news of the world and the usual crap that is always appears. Debut of a new hero, new hero polemic, new hero launch a new design or costume with some new stuff, the usual garbage. Back when he was young and quirks were new to the world he could have everything at his fingers and give people the powers and appearance that they wanted. Until his younger brother betrayed him by giving a powerful quirk that was passed on for 7 generation. However, the last user Toshinori Yagi was the worst of them all, not only he managed to be the longest user but also he was the user who dominate the quirk with the most power. Recently he felt a weird sensation, one that happen when the quirk was passed so he knew that Toshinori had passed the quirk and when he find this individual he would elimate as soon as possible.

As the news were passing, he saw the usual break news of the day however this time it got his inference.

´´9 vigilantes were spotted today during a rescue being procedure by number 8th hero Kamui woods and newcomer of last year .Here is some shocking footage''Said the anchor that was some women with just one deer horn,but that information got the attention of All for One.

''Outsading not only they were able to beat the villain but also to hurt the wood theme hero, thankfully Kamui Woods is fine he only need some recovery but stayed on alert these people are dangerous and doing illegal activity with their quirks.''Said the newcaster until All for One turn the tv off.

''Huh''Said the faceless man

''Kurogi''Said the villain for his surbonative.

''Yes,master.''Said the mist man.

''How is your sense on finding people ?''Asked All for One.

''I been practin for a while in order for the operation at U. ?''Said the mist person.

''I need you to find me some people''Said the villain with a smile.

Back with the straw hats

''Ok here´s a ,Chopper and Franky will pretender to robber the and I would pretender to be costumer and then the rest of you guys save everybody as ´´new heroes´´,after the riot I am going to make the manager give us free food or fear some serious lawsuit to his establishment. So what you guys think ?''Said Nami explain the plan of free food.

''A brilliant plan my beautiful Nami''Said Sanji with heart eyes.

''Hey why we are the bad guys ? Why not Zoro or Brook ?''Asked Usopp angry alongside Chopper.

''Franky alone can scare these people, but you people also give some kind of fear in the atmosphere''Said Nami with a smirk.

''Nami these crew is many things but good actor none of us are. Remember that play that the one Marine did and we ruined everything.'' (P.S-That scene was hilarious)Said Usopp sweating

''I don´t think that our performance was that bad long nose-kun,I think I give a solid performance' 'Said Robin smiling.

''You are right Robin chan''Said Sanji

''That thing was not even a musical' 'Said Usopp hysterical while robin laugh some more.

''Relax usopp we have everything under…''Said Luffy smiling until he stop for feeling something off.

''Luffy,something wrong ?''Asked Nami scared

''Hey Zoro,Sanji did you feel that ?"'Said Luffy to the other of the monster trio.

''Yeah''Said Sanji.

''Like something is coming near''Said Zoro preparing the then some weird black fire appear of the top of the roof.

''AAAAH what that ''Said Chopper in fear alongise the crew

''Wait that black smoke''Said Luffy remebring the black smoke and that could be only one person.

''It´s blackbeard''Said Luffy ready to fight remembering the man that triger Ace capture.

''Blackbeard!''Said the straw hats shocked that was possibily the new yonko ready to attack.

''AH he came for my devil fruit''Said Chopper in fear.

''Mine too''Said Brook crying in fear.

''I not lethign that jerk escape this time''Said Luffy preparing an attack but then it came out of the mist,something weird.A person with yellow eyes and a smoking tuxedo.

''What in the hell''Said Sanji confused

''Another devil fruit user''Said Zoro ready to the next second Luffy catch Kurogiri by the arms and pin him to the ground

''What''Said Kurogi mentally usually he would not get caught because of his quirk,but this kid was something different.

''Who are you ? Who you work for ? What part of the New World are we in''Said Luffy demenading answers

''He was able to capture me in my black mist form,no wonder Sensei wants to recruit them''Said Kurogiri mentally very nervous about how powerfull these people are.

''Hey we are talking to you''Said Zoro

''Zoro be calm,this man has no human body what so ever''Said Usopp trembling

''My apologies for attacking you people out of nowhere. My name is Kurogiri and I am an employee of All For One an important person in this city.''Said Kurogiri getting up

''Ok so what your boss wants with us''Said Zoro

''He sense that you people are in problem with the local heroes so he send me here to send you all to a safe place were you be safe''Said Kurogiri offering an option.

''There is also food and medication.''Said him and that catch the straw hats off guard.

''I don´t know.''Said Luffy kind not thrusting this guy but his crew had no other option.

''Luffy is our best offer we have in the moment' 'Said Robin

''She right. We don´t have allies, plan or the Sunny to back up on or safety and with so many costume people we are going to fight someone sooner or later.''Said Franky

''So Luffy what you think?''Said Zoro

''Ok mist guy, take us to your boss.''Said Luffy with a frown to the newcomer

''With pleasure.''Said Kurogiri forming a portal and the straw hats enter there.

Yeah I am ending right here this chapter. Next time will be All for One meeting the straw Hats and giving his philosophy on how this society works with I hate to admit he is not wrong, most of the problems including villain are caused either by quirks or how the society see their quirks. But these are the straw hats we are talking about let see how they will be next time.