Chapter 4: All For One

Sorry for the not posting for a while. I am moving for another place and I been super busy. However, know I am back for another chapter. And also sorry for the misspelling and mistake from the other chapters. I swears I check two times on the word before I upload and kind look that the posting delete some of the dialoged. Nevertheless, whatever here it is the new chapter: Straw Hats meeting All For One.

The place was the being called ´´kurogiri´´ brought them was not a pleasant one. It looked like an abandoned hideout or a bar from ages an ago; at least Zoro knew that at least there was booze there for him.

Despite the normal place something seen to be off, like something sinister and dangerous was near them and the straw hats were aware that this was not some friendly partner like they have in the past.

''I don´t like this'' Say Usopp scared

''Me neither.'' Said Chopper

''Hey Mist guy where is your boss''Say Luffy rather impatily

''Sensei is very sick at the moment so he has to stay in put with the help from machine to help him breath, he couldn't meet you people there in person but he is able to see right now.''Said Kurogiri

''Hey does your Sensei need some medical attention, I am a doctor and I can help''Said Chopper in concern.

''Really ?''Said Kurogiri

''Yeah,Chopper is the best doctor we have''Said Luffy similing

''I am the ONLY doctor this crew had you dumbass' 'Said Chopper angry at Luffy stupidity

''Oh yeah that's true'' Said Luffy realizing that

''Unbelievable''Said the crew and Kurogiri only watch in odd this band of people. In a few seconds they arrived at some highly systematic door.

''Here we are.''Said him and then he knocks.

Knock Knock

''Yes''Said a cold and monsters voice

''Sensei we arrived.''Said Kurogiri

''Oh good,let our guest be at home.'' Said All For one,lething every one seeing a old man connected with machines to help him breath and maybe live. The man had no face or nose so its scared Nami,Chopper,Usopp and Brook,while the rest of the crew was on alert.

''Sensei''Said Kurogiri

''Hello there.''Said All for One

''Luffy, let´s go. This guy sound like a monster'' Said Usopp grabbing Luffy by his shirt and sweeting tense in fear of this man.

''But he is setting on a chair he can´t be that bad right now''Said Luffy seeing that the opponent was weak at the moment.

''He may be weaken but never know''Said Zoro analyzing the foe.

''Right''Said Sanji

''I would like to welcome all of you to the glorious country of Japan and the heart of the hero society.''Said all For One.

''Again with this hero thing.''Said Nami

''Is this some kind of a new thing for law enforcement?" 'Ask Frank

''So you don´t have heroes from where you are from ?''Ask All For One curious.

''No we have marines, but this people act just like them.''Said Luffy annoyed

''And they kept shouting a word called Quirk,like what is that.''Said Brook

''So my theory was true.''Thought All For One smiling more than before

''Hey what you are smiling about?''Asked Luffy

''Let me were all just relaxing in your home when suddley you people were sucked buy a weird shaped portal on the sky ?''Ask All For One

''Exactly, we were relaxing on our ship and then this eating star appear and try to steal Usopp and we end up here.''Said Zoro with his arms cross.

''Well I am sorry to inform that all of you are far away from your home and now stucked here for a while until a new portal appear. 'Said All for One and the information shock the pirates.

''We are stucked here in this weird place?''Said Usopp

''It can´t be I !''Said Chopper very sad

''Hey faceless..''Said Luffy

''Please call me All for One''Said the villain

''Ok All For One I´m luffy and I´m going to be king of the pirates''

''King of the pirates ?''

''yeah and this is my crew: Zoro my swordsman,Nami my navigator,Usopp my sniper,Sanji my cook,Chopper our doctor,Robin our archeology,Franky our shipwright and Brook our musician.''Said Luffy showing his crew and their position.

''He just told who we are!''Said Nami horrified

''Idiot.''Said Usopp,Chopper,Zoro and Sanji.

''Hey All For one,what is this quirk thing that we keep hearing.''Said Luffy asking the villain.

''Well my young and naïve boy quirk are the name of the hability that doomed our entire world.''Said All for One.

''What did you mean. 'Said Robin curios as cat.

''Were you come from you don´t see so many powered individual?''Ask him

''Well yeah the devil fruit users. 'Said Usop

''Devil Fruit''Said All For One curios

''Yeah you know the fruit that grant an hability but make you unable to swin.''Said Luffy

''Tell me more.''Said All For One more interested in this people than him imagine,and next thing that he sees is Luffy stretching his face.

''That is so simple, see I am a rubber man.''Said him smiling

''What a peculiar ability and you were able to punch that villain with incredible strength, some people may consider you to have two quirks.''Said All Forn one.

''Ok enough with the mystery. 'Said Zoro impaticent

''Yeah,tell us what these quirks are.''Said Sanji and them All for One repose his posture

''With pleasure.''Said him beginning his explanation

''You see almost two centuries ago a baby on china was born with a luminescent light and then was follow with people also receiving weird powers. For years this thing was consider a blessing, but it was a curse in disguise. After conflicts for many years the quirk community reached it power and now dominate 80% of the world.''

''80%''Said Nami in shock

''Of the world.''Said Chopper,now the Straw hats now that they are not in their usual waters.

''What follow was a judge of power, the people who were gifted Incredibles ability became the so-called heroes. While the weaken and non-power community are treated as such as insects ready to be squash by the boots of the high on power.''

''What but that not fair, just because people don´t have power it doesn't mean that they are worthless.''Said Luffy angry

''If you see the world as I see my little reindeer doctor than we didn´t need heroes we will be fine with the police and fireman and other forces. But know they became a infestation and every year we get more and more than counting all that do heroes course is a nightmares.''

''How many heroes this island had ? ''Said Sanji

''My best guess over 6 thousand. 'Said All For one leaving the crew in horror.

''6 thousand''Said Brook

''Why people need this dawn much, are they more worthless than the quirklees ?"'Said Zoro angry

''Yes they are.''Said All For One

´´And about this hero system. 'Ask Robin

''For you see here instead of anyone wanting to follow their dreams and aspiration that work hard for so many years, they are imeadilty turn down because someone with a better quirk wanted.''

''What that not fair, if I see someone doing this I kick their asses.''Said Luffy

''You are a energetic fellow''Said All For One.

''Look we don´t care if we are consider bad guys or not, we can take down a bunch of losers in capes.''Said Sanji

''Yeah if they try to stop us we can beat them up.''Said Chopper he also doesn´t like the idea of bullying or racism because of his past as being called a monster.

''I have no doubt that you can defeat the heroes but where you are going to go after defeating them ?''Said All For one.

''Well we plan to borrow a boat and them..''Said nami but All for one interumps her.

''Forget sweet girl, the coast also has heroes and besides you can´t navigate on this waters.''

''What make you think I can´t navigate in these waters.''Said Nami angry

''Yeah you asshole,Nami-swan is the best navigator around.''Said Sanji ready to fight

''If you say so then Kurogiri give her a map of the seas to prepared.''Said All for one for his worker.

''As you wish.''Said Kurogiri leaving the room

''Hey All For One, did you leave alone ?''Said Luffy curious

''No I live with Kurogiri and my protégée that must be coming back right now.''

''Here we are.''Said Kurogiri giving a map,Nami upon looking at the map has a worried lok at her face.

''Nami what´s wrong?''Ask Franky

''These coordination's are different from any kind I have experience before, the style is more futuristic and the details are complicated. 'Said Nami looking at the map with confusion.

''Nami''Said Robin worried

''I need a time to think.''Said Nami with her head hurting.

''So how about we make a deal ?''Said All For one

''A deal ?''Said Luffy confuse

''Yeah you people do me some favor and jobs, and in return I guarantee the safety and protection of your crew.''Said All For One.

''Well.''Said Luffy not thrusting this guy but what they have right now to back

''It´s your decision captain.''Said All For One with a smile,and after a few seconds luffy takes a deep breath and star talking

''Alright but with some conditions''said Luffy

''Ok that's fair.''Said All For One.

''First, we are not working for you, we have no other option right now because we piss off a bunch of hero. Second we are not killing anyone if you ask for this than we kick your ass and also mist guy if he had ass too. Third if my nakama need something you better answer them,you got it''Said Luffy and the crew smiles that even if his a idiot he had the best intention.

''Sure anything for an short lived alliance. We have a deal ?''Said All for one giving a shaking hand

''Yeah.''Said Luffy going to shake the hand, however robin arms stop him in his track.

''Luffy no''Said Robin

''Robin what wrong ?''Said Luffy

''I can feel something wrong if he touch you something bad will happen. 'Said the Raven haired woman.

''Here we go''Said Zoro preparing his swords.

''Get… c..a. or you .wil.. the great Usopp''Said Usopp in fear and in a fighting pose.

''You wanan to do something weird with me All For One ?''Said Luffy making a fist

''Sorry is that my quirk tend to steal other people quirks and I don´t know if it will work on you devil fruit user.''Said All For one in curiosity

''Luffy don´t fall for his conversation just nod and lets get some food and take a some nap.''Said Franky

´´Ok All For one the deal is made.''Said Luffy just looking at the old villain.

''Excellent now Kurogiri will take you all to your place for sleep and tomorrow we have the tools that you will need in this island.''Said All for One,and then Robin step ups.

'' For One I would like to read some of history books of this island so I can be better inform about what we are dealing with.''Said her

''A book lover,is difficult now a day with the internet.''Said All For One

''What´s internet ?"'Ask Chopper

''Tomorrow all your questions will be answers I promise.''Said the villain

''You better.''Said Zoro not thrusting this guy.

''Guys who back step us don´t have a happy ending.''Said Sanji now with a cigarette.

''Well that´s Sanji can you cook something ?''Said Luffy

''With what?''Said Sanji angry

''I have ingredients in the kitchen if you pleased.''Said Kurogiri

''Well thanks,now we can have dinner.''Said Sanji

''Oh can wa have cotton cady too ?''Said Chopper

''Or some delicious grilled fish.''Said Usopp

''I will have some cola.''Said Frank

''And a glass of milk for me please.''Said Brook and then all the straw hats left the room leaving all For One with kurogiri

''Sensei are you sure ?''Said the mist man.

''These people maybe loonatics but they escape two powerfull pro heroes and their auras are out of this world,I will not let them leave my side .In a few days the Nomu project will be completed and I will ask them to leave at the U.A.''Said All For One with a devilish smile on his face. He didn´t see the straw hats in action but he was sure that they could win a fight against every hero even All Might.

''You faced many challenges Toshinori but I will doubt that you will forget about this the creature and the straw-hat pirate crew.'' Said him

Hey sorry for being late and also some mistakes on the if it feels rush I apologize you people wants some guidance of what is next is the straw hats meeting Tomura and reacting to modern day technology,so that will be fun to yes the straw hats will be with Shigaraki in the USJ probably in two or three chapters,I already plan of whats is going to happen and oh boy I am happy in the results.

Now for a minute just to piece hands comedy better than My hero,sometimes the humor there tends to be a little cringy like Izuku mumbling or Todoroki not understanding somethings,now I can be wrong and Horikoshi have some strengths in some areas that he can´t master as all he say that his ´´All might´´ is Oda and even if try to beat him (which only in his dream,because of the way that he is writing I can´t see My hero being too long at this point I think we are 40% done with the story).

See next time,it's the straw hats with modern technology: Cellphones,computers,etc..