Chapter 5: Tomura

Hey I´m back. I know is been some time but I´ve been pretty busy. But first I KNOW THAT THE GRAMMAR SUCKS OK.I JUST DON´T KNOW WHAT IS WRONG, THE WEBSITE PRETTY MUCH CHOP SOME WORDS OF MY TRANSCRIPT. If someone know some other form of writing process please let me know. Hey the writing might not be the best but you can understand what is going on and I see other fics were people didn´t there is spoilers from recent chapters regarding Tomura,you have been warmed.

In the beginning was rough and according to Robin,Zoro and Usopp, this All For One guy was planning something bad since his whole aura was pure creepy pressure. He had done nothing in these days he just spent sitting and talk on his ''cellphone'' that they interpret as a modern and more cool version of a den den mushi,however according to Kurogiri those devices were not being tracked by the authorities at the moment.

To make things worst their images and looks were put online and on the news,making them pretty much being chased by the authorities again and this time was bad because every hero in the country know how they look like and will try to arrest them. Furtonely Kurogiri and All for One had given them some disguises and fake Id. They even offer a consult by Dr. Ujiko for some surgery to look different however they refuse politely,however Chopper would like to meet this doctor someday because if he can treat someone as old as All For One is probably a really good one.

Right now was 12:00 pm and the straw hats were just chilling around the area. Zoro was drinking some booze. Usopp was adjusting his artillery to future events. Nami was watching the weather channel being hosted by a meteorology/pro-hero who was being all over himself while Nami called him ''amateur''. Robin was doing more research on heroes and great events that has been her status in recent days she only left for eating,shower and sleep. Sanji was at the kitchen with Kurogiri cooking something because today was the day the meet Tomura,the mist man was nervous if Sanji was going to poison the food but the pirate explain ''I don´t trust you people but I will never let food be ruined by poison.''. Franky was upgrading his gear with modern day technology like putting gps on his arm or some funny app that he found online. Brook was playing a guitar in low tune just to light the atmosphere. Chopper was looking over some medicine and the rubbles that he had at the moment. Luffy was sleeping with his straw hat covering his face while he sneezed.

All for One told them that soon they had to do him a ''favor'' as payment for bed and food,that note was giving them a on that Kurogiri receive a call that someone had arrived.

''He is here.''Said Kurogiri

''Who ?"Ask Zoro at the bar and the straw hats become interested in what is going on.

''Sensei appreciante,the future leader of the league.''Said Kurogiri making the pirates in shock.

''So the next big shot.''Said Zoro

''Everybody stay together.''Said Usopp near Chopper,Brook and Nami trembling.

''Kurogiri you are here ?''Said a voice really dry and creppy.

''Yes and I am with our new allies.''Said Kurogiri

''Excellent.''Said the voice and soon the door start to open.

''I need to meet you all face to face.''Said Kurogiri and the straw hats see a imagine that is pure nightmare fuel.A man in his 20,pale and skinny with hands across his body and one in his face

''Aaaaah''Scream Nami,Usopp,Brook and Chopper in fear.

''Whoa.''Said Sanji and Zoro taking back by the guy appearance.

''Hey what is those hands ?''Said Luffy curious alongise Robin and Franky.

''What ?''Said Tomura.

''Yeah,I these hands are kind cool handy. Is that your quirk an infinite number of high five.''Said Luffy pointing to Shigaraki and kind laughing.

''Are you making fun of me ?''Said Shigaraki angry.

''Luffy stay away from him.''Said Usopp from his hiding place behind the bar alongised the scared group.

''Hey your boss need us,if you touch us he will have your head.''Said Zoro.

''Bullshit,sensei is never angry with me.I am his appreciantece.''Whine Shigaraki

''What a spoiled brat.''Said Franky.

''We have to work with this lunatic!''Said Nami with tears.

''I say we ran away and fight however is send.''Said Brook

''A good option but having most of the henchmen are with super power, is going to be like attacking an army of devil fruit users.''Explain Robin making some of the crew depressed.

''Dammit we are stuck.''Said Usopp.

''So if your hands are not your powers. What it is ?''Asked Sanji smoking.

''This.''Said Shigakar touching a plant and in second the plant as well the pot that was holding her were turn into to dust making the crew shiver.

''My quirk is decay, whatever I touch with my four fingers instantly dissolve into dust pretty much killing instantly.''Said Shigakari making a tone of threating to the pirates.

''Crap.''Said Chopper cring.

''This guy is going to be serious if he attack us,you are going to fight him.''Said Nami

''Why me ?''Bark Usopp in protest.

''You are the best in long distance snipe.''Said Nami

''I know that! But I would like to retorn to the sunny intact.''Said Usopp

''So handy guy….''Said Luffy


''Ok,so if your quirk is at your touch so what the deal with the hands ?''Ask Luffy

''I don´t have to explain to a bunch of nobodies thieves.''Said Shigakari trying to walking away.

''Hey don´t go talk trash about us,your weirdo.''Point out Franky.

''Oh you wanna really know what this hands are ?'''Stops Shigaraki now really angry

''Yes.''Said Luffy,Robin,Zoro,Sanji and Fraky

''No.''Said Nami,Chopper,Brook and Usopp

''Tomura you shouldn´t…''Said Kurogiri trying to prevet death from happening.

''Don´t interfere real reasons behind these hands is because they are the last things that rest of my family.''Said Shigaraki.

''What are you talking about ?''Ask Sanji

''I killed my entire family when I was a kid.''Said Shigaraki and the crew was horrified by his answer.


''Shut up,your idiot.''Said Shigakari trying to touch Luffy

''Luffy !''Said the crew in panic however the straw hat captain caught both arms of the villain and put behind his back for safety.

''What.''Said Shigaraki in shock,just how strong was this kid.

''What is your problem ? What did your family did to your that need them to be killed ?''Ask Luffy demanding answers.

''Shut up your weirdo,I will kill you.''Scream the villain.

''Try do that with our captain and I will cut your arms.''Said Zoro now holding his sword.

''Captain ? This brat is your leader.''Said Shigaraki confused.

''Yes and he might be a idiot but he is not a psycho.''Said Sanji

''Like a care. Let me touch you so these people had a real leader.''Said Tomura strungling.

''Quiet you bastard.''Said Luffy angry,now trying to look at him but the hand kind ruins his view.

''Why you.''Said tomura.

''Hey look straight at my captain when he speaking.''Said Zoro trying to take of the hand on Shigaraki face only to start a horror scene.

''AAAAAAAH.''Scream tomura.

''What is happening ?''Scream Nami more frighten than never.

''He was some psychological problems, please bring his hand back.''Said Kurogiri and Zoro put the hand back and Luffy release from his grip.

''Never do that again.''Said Tomura standing up and looking Zoro in the eye.

''Alright.''Said Zoro.

''Hey you didn´t answer to did you kill your family ?''Asked Luffy again,Tomura give a second of silence and start talking.

''At first I didn´t what I was doing,I thought it was a villain and he was playing with I killed my dog, then my sister, my grandparents and my mother. Some says that quirks are gifts while others say are curses.''Said him in a sad tone.

''What about your father ? Isn´t he one of those hands ?''Asked Robin.

''That bastard is the only one who deserve to decay in front of my eyes.''Said Tomura in a cold voice and a monstrous look and Sanji knew that look, that guy really despite his father more than everybody in the world. The difference is that this maniac actually manage to do a horrible act while Sanji escape his terror of childhood and was saved by that talk Tomura left the room to talk with his sensei.

''What a monster.''Said Franky

''Now it is official were are stuck with monster and we became his slaves.''Said Chopper

''It´s all your fault Usopp.''Said Nami pointing at the sniper.

''Mine!"Said Ussop.

"Yeah if that eating star didn´t want to gulp you we wouldn't be in this situation.''Said her.

''She has a point.''Said Zoro

''Usopp-san is the true villain of this story.''Said Brook angry

''Stop blaming on me''Said Usopp angry.

''But all seriousness that kid was a decay power and psychologic problems.''Said Sanji.

''No to mention he doesn´t look all that healthy, his skins was so dry that I wonder if he had any sun in years. He should have some serious lack of vitamins in his body.''Said Chopper.

''Hey mist guy can you tell more about this handy-guy.''Ask Luffy.

''Yes.I can.''Said Kurogiri.

''Ok,fill us up.''Said Franky now want to relax with a bottle of cola.

''You see what young tomura said it is true, when his quirk first appear he accidently use on his family because he didn´t know how to control or use proper.''Explain Kurogiri.

''So he was just relaxing one day and suddley everything he touched started to die ?'Said Chopper with a look of horror in his face alongside his crew, a kid just discover he has a deadly power and he kill his family by accident would most likely destroy anyone mentally.

''Yes. That the horror about quirks some can grant power beyond your imagination that can lead you into fame and fortune, while other are just horror that society immediately see as monster that should be lock away, just as my case. 'Said him

''You ?But what did you do Kurogiri ?''Ask Brook

''Let's just say that trying to make a physical appearance in this body is not that simple and that lead into some problems. 'Said him in a sad tone making the pirates thinking.

''So these people just assume you´re evil and that´s how you became.''Said Zoro kind angry.

''It takes just one bad day to your life change in this world.''Said Kurogiri.

''But why didn´t a hero came to rescue him or you ?''Ask Chopper.

''Or little reindeer that the number one problem with this world that sensei is trying to fix it: Everything has to be hero related.''Said Kurogiri

''What do you mean.''Ask Nami

''At fist heroes were just like powerful law enforcenment,but then they become like celebrities and people eat everything that they said. Imagine this: Tomura as little kid,just after his parent were killed walking around the street.''Said Kurogiri and the straw hats just imagine that poor kid.

''Any good hearted people would ask what wrong. But here they just ignore him because that a hero job to do guess who saved him in the end ? Sensei.''Said Kurogiri.

''What nobody want to help him.''Ask Chopper really sad.

''That actually explain a lot about his personality. 'Said Sanji

''Not only that but jobs are more quirk required than Nami I saw your predictions of wheatear and they were all right, but if you try in the local news you will most likely to be excluded because of your lack of quirk.''Said Kurogiri.

''What so that jackass in a suit on the TV gets to say his own clime predictions just because he has a quirk!"Scream Nami in pure angry,she can predicted weather better than that clown and she would be reject just for not having a quirk.

"Nami-swan is beautiful angry."Said Sanji with heart shapes eyes.

"What a world full of hyprocracy."Said Franky drinking his cola.

"Not only has that but per year more than 1500 people done hero course here in Japan."Said Kurogiri.

"What."Said the crew in is too many heroes to count.

"Okay,for what I need a hero to open my bottles of beer ?"Said Zoro now super annoyed.

"Give it"Said Kurogiri because that is a possibility.

"Man this is madness."Said Sanji.

"Yes I don´t know if I can continuous with this,I wanna all this be a dream."Said Robin noticing Luffy looking at another direction for a while since the talk.

"Luffy what are looking at ?"Asked Robin and he was watching the soon increase the volume.

"Today at hero news,number 9 hero Ryuku save a bus full of kids from falling of a beast jenist just show us a sneak peek at his latest costume of course the Symbol of Peace himself All Might save the day for like I don´t know the count."Said the news anchor

"Do not Fear.I am Here"Said the booming voice of the number hero.

"Man what an annoying voice."Said Zoro drinking.

"If this is the big hero around here,maybe I have to face maybe strong but I wont le him be me."Said Luffy being super serious.

All For One office

The villain was sitting on his chair and enjoy simply one of the best meal that he had in years. That blond vigilante Sanji not only was strong but was a great had prepared a filet with a baked potato and salad in the side and had choose the wine. All for One knew that soon or later his battle with All Might would come so he better enjoy his meal while he front of him was his maybe successor Tomura the grandson of one of his enemies young man look at his sensei look for answers and just look more confused than before.

"Calm down Tomura."Said All for One all chill.

"Calm down sensei,you invited this lunatic for our cause ? How about people like Himiko Toga or Dabi or…."

"They will be here soon, but I can´t let those people around they would cause anarcy supreme, while that would be fun I don´t wanna go just like Destro was."Said him taking a bite of his meat.

"That revolutionary idiot,his cause was his death a long time along with him."Said Shigaraki.

"There are some things that are in front of the hero faces and they don´t imagine that my be the future fall."

"What are you talking about ?"Ask Tomura all confused

"You´ll see in the future"Say All For One with an smile.

"What about the straw hat idiot ?"

"Luffy, might be carefree but he is one of the strongest beings I ever seen in my life and I fought All Might in his prime."

"What that guy might be stronger than All Might,even the Nomu ?"Asked Tomura confused he saw that the kid was strong since he was able to put him on hold but not that level.

"Lets just are the preparations"Ask All For One

"Almost done I had Kurogiri prepare the time and location, I already call it for a bunch of thugs for helping the media appear for trying to scoop any information about the students or All might we will invade."

"Excellent .And the straw hats are coming with you."Said the boss.

"WHAT BUT SENSEI THEY…"Scream Tomura in frustration only to be cut out by All For One with a signal to stop,while driking some vine.

''Aaaah,great selection and year that Sanji fellow sure knows about trust me,they will go with you."Said All for One

"Allright,as your wish."Said Shigaraki kneeling.


Bar of Kurogiri

"What´s wrong Luffy ?"Ask Nami seeing the captain looking at an empty bowl

"Where out of chips."Say Luffy.

"No chips."Said Chopper,Usopp and Brook.

"You know there are more healthy snacks on the fridge if you guys need it."Said Sanji

"Argh healthy food."Said Luffy with disgusted.

"I´m sorry if not everybody has your weird metabolism. "Scream Nami mad at Luffy and hit him in the head.

"Now what we do."Ask Brook.

"I can go buy some chips and other stuff guys wants something ?"Said Luffy

"By me some onigiris."Said Zoro

"I need some orange juice."Said Sanji

"More cola."Said Franky.

"I been wishing for some gum to chew and play with my tongue, even though I don´t have a tounge."

"Nothing thank you"Said Nami and Robin together.

"Yosh let´s go."Said Luffy ready to leave.

"Hold are not going alone.I´m going with you."Said Usopp

"Me too."Said Chopper.

"Okay hey mist guy,do you know some place that can sell us some chips."Said luffy

"There is a food market near this location."Said Kurogiri

"Great so send us there Kurogiri."Said Usopp

"Alrigh here the money."Said him

"Thanks do you want something ?"Ask Luffy being gentle

"Oh…I am fine thank you."Said Kurogiri being taken back on how nice Luffy was being

"Well lets go."Said Luffy with his group

"Don´t get into any fight."Said Nami angry at the group and Robin only laugh at the side.

"Don´t worry nami-swan he´s with Usopp and Chopper they know how to speak his style."Said Sanji

"I hope sanji kun."Said Nami drinking some vodka to relax.


Luffy,Ussop and Chopper were using the disguised that were given by the league of villains. Luffy was using a leather jacket with a grey short and wearing a blond wig with his straw hat hanging on his back,Usopp was with a white shirt with ''thought'' and using a baseball cap,while chopper was in his chibi form wearing a rainbow theme shirt and his usual hat. The group need to keep a low profile.

"HEY WHERE IS THE MARKET AGAIN,MIST GUY ?"Shout Luffy for the heaves earning him multiples weird look

"Shut up,Luffy"Said both Usopp and chopper covering his mouth

"We are undercover here."Said Usopp

"Sorry our friend here have some problems. "Said Chopper.

"That´s sir I also know people who are not mentally stable."Said a normal looking bystander.

"Wow they are so direct here."Said Usopp with a confused look.

"Usopp,look."Said luffy pointing at a mini-market.

"Jackpot."Said Usopp.

"Chips,I gonna buy all the meat flavor chips that they had available. "Said luffy

"Hey Luffy remember we have a budget here."Said Chopper

"Ok"Said Luffy and his friend and enter the futuristic looking store

"Good afternoon sirs."Said the cashier.

''And good afternoon to you too cashier. "Said Chopper

"Chips."Said Luffy looking at the chips selections

"Contom candy."Said Chopper.

"Hey guys check it out,they have this weird cold drink with different flavors. "Said Usopp looking at a slush machine.

"Wow,they have rainbow and candy too."Said Chopper with stars in his eye.

"There is meat in there ?" Ask Luffy

"I don´t think so."Said Usopp

"Choose one Usopp."Said Chopper

"Ok."Said Usopp choosing an strawberry flavor and drinking really fast

"Wow this is good but…AAAARGH"Said Usopp now screaming in pain.

"Usopp what is wrong?"Ask Chopper super worried.

"Brain freeze."Said him making a massage in his brain.

"These things cause brain freeze the moment you drink it.I WANNA TRY IT."Said Luffy

"Me too"Said Chopper and thus both chose a flavor and drink really fast so the effect start.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH"Said Luffy rubbing his head.

"MY HEAD"Said Chopper also in pain.

"HA HA HA HA HA HA."The trio laugh later because this was so much fun to do.

"Hey lets bring to everyone."Said Luffy

"You bet. Let see what everybody likes."Said Usopp and he picked tangerine flavor for Nami,Rum flavor for Zoro,Cherry flavor for Sanji,Cola flavor for Franky,Grape flavor for Robin and Lemon flavor for Brook.

"That´s everything."Said Chopper now with two basket full of chips and other junk.

"Hey let give also for the mist guy and also…that creppy."Said Luffy referring to Tomura.

"You wanna offer him these ?"Said Usopp kind confuse

"That guy is full of problems but maybe if we try to treat him like friend he don´t will be so bad in the end."Said Luffy

"Luffy that´s a terrible an idea."Said Usopp

"You said the same thing about Robin in the Brook."Said Luffy.

"Well that's different, why do you think I wanna get near I guy who wants to kill us all."Said Usopp justifying.

"Hey Luffy are you ready to pay ?"Asked Chopper

"Yeah,lets go."Said Luffy ready to pay and enjoy but soon two people enter the store.

"Good afternoon…"Said the cashier and the new people points gun to him.

"Silence, money in the bags,now,now."Said the first rober

"Ok, please don´t hurt me."Said the cashier scared.

"We will hurt you,if you do something funny with your quirk."Said the other robert

"Sir my quirk is pretty useless why do you think I work in the register,this is so simple that even quirkless people could do this job better than me."Said the cashier very sad was apparently very funny for the robers.

"Ha ha at this loser what a real threat."Said the first rober

"I don´t know he seemed nice for me."Said Luffy near the robers just observing.

"Luffy get out the way they have guns."Said Usopp hiding.

"You also have."Said Luffy

"They are non-lethal."Said Usopp

"Luffy get out of sight. "Said Chopper scared.

"No,I´m not gotta let this asshole do this and gets away."Said Luffy

"Shut up you brat."Said the rober shotting at Luffy

"LOOK OUT."Said the cashier in pure fear,but luffy just stand there and let the bullets just bounce from him.


"Bullets don´t work on me I´m made of rubber."Said luffy laughing

"Wh-aa-t"Said the second rober.

Luffy use quickly his conquerors haki to put the two down.

"Man these guys had no fighting spirit whatsoever. "Said Luffy disapointed

"Luffy did you haki ?"Asked Usopp trembling.

"Yeah I´m not wasting energy on weak opponents."

"Sir are you okay ?"Asked Chopper

"Please don´t hurt me."Said the cashier in fear.

"We are not bad are nice people."Said Chopper.

"Are you people heroes ?"Ask him

"No."Said Luffy

"So why did you save me ?"Ask the cashier.

"Letting you get hurt and humiliate and do nothing that not something I would let pass. Just waiting for a hero will not be the answer to everything there are times that you have to fight also."Said Luffy very serious to his point about helping someone.

"But the law said…"Said the cashier only to be cut it.

"What´s more important ? Your life or some dumb rules given by the heroes."Said Luffy and that makes the man stop for a second and bow in full respect.

"Thank you, thank you so much."Said him in tears.

"You´re welcome."Said the trio.

"As a payment I would let you people carry how much junk food you can in your arms."

5 minutes later

"Thank you ´re a nice guy."Said Luffy carrying at least twenty bags of meat flavors chips.

"I hope you never get robbed again"Said Usopp with many candies, treats and slushies.

"Have a nice life."Said Chopper with some junk food provide.

"Thank you one more cops I would to report some crimes in my store"Said the cashier calling for the police.

"Man what I nice guy."Said Luffy

"Yeah with this much food we can have desert for days."Said Chopper.

"I don´t think sanji would like to us only eat junk food,he always talk about the right diet for each one."Said Usopp

"Who cares if it is Sanji cooking is going to be delicious. Unless is vegetables. "Said Luffy

"Hey a map."Said Chopper looking at a city map that points out the major parts and also all the hero agencies.

"This city sure is filled with hero agencies."Said Usopp in fear.

''Guys,look a ´s go check it out."Said Luffy pointing at the beach in the map

"Right now ?"Asked Chopper

"Yeah."Said him very happy.

"But what about the food ?"Asked Chopper

"Put in your backpack chopper."Said Luffy

"Okay."Said the doctor and soon was the impossible task to fit all that food in one tiny backpack

"And Done."Said Usopp and now the backpack was three times Chopper size.

"I look ridiculous."Said Choopper angry.

Dagobah Municipal Beach

The beach was kind empty except for two figures talking. What was once was a polluted and smeling dump of a beach now is back to be a great place for tourist and heroes once again. But nothing was preparing for its next challenge.

"Well here it is.I have to say I´m not impressed."Said Usopp

"We seen more cool beachs than this."Said Chopper.

"Yeah but we can still play with sand."Said Luffy throwing sand at Usopp

"Argh Luffy."Said Usopp.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha"

"You ask for a fight with the greasted sand warrior of all time."Point out Usopp.

"Get him Usopp."Said Chopper and so Usopp throw a bunch of sand at his captain only to be dodge perfectly.

"Miss me."Said Luffy smiling.

"Hey using Haki is against the rules."Said Usopp

"Says who ?"

"Says me."

"Aha."Said Usopp preparing another attack only to be fired at someone else.

"Ouch. "Said the person.

"Usopp you hit that person. "Said Chopper and Usopp start to sweat in fear.

"Let check it out. "Said Luffy running to the man.

"Hey are you okay?"Ask Lufy

"While yes my good boy,it was just some sand ball that hit me."Said the man who was old and very skinny.

"Yeah were that came from ?"Said Usopp trying to hide the evidence.

"I saw it was you."Said the man.

"It helps me that its was originally to hit him. 'Said Usopp in fear and also pointing at Luffy.

''That´s okay I know that you didn´t me to."Said the man laughing

"Hey old-skinny men what is your name ?"Ask luffy

"Toshinori Yagi and I´m here with a friend.''

"Yagi-sama."Said a young voice

"Young midoriya,here let me introduce to my friend."

Yeah I´m ending here. Because is going to be more focus on the talk next chapter that I´m working on and this will tied together later. Luffy little vigilant will make his fame a little big in this world and soon will bomb all around.

Also if the site screw again with my script again and cut like half of my dialogue for no good reason, I don´t know what to do anymore. And saying that my grammar sucks is not going to help around next time.