Chapter 1: Prologue

A/N: So, this is my first foray into the My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia universe, and there will be heavy manga references (Bleach and BnHA both!). Please provide feedback! I would greatly appreciate it. I'm posting this one as a teaser, just to see if there's much interest.

Set after the Thousand Year Blood War

People had always theorized the possibility of alternate dimensions. Of realities involving things they could only imagine - yes, of powers even beyond Quirks. But few had believed them to be real. Until now.

It was an average day in Tokyo when it finally happened, and as a young child clapped her hands in excitement, jumping up and down in front of the escalator, a glowing, faceless being suddenly materialized and began running in circles around her. Her parents yelped in shock, the new teddy bear that their daughter had wanted so badly still held out to the little girl. And the girl stared breathlessly, not at the bear she had been so excited about, but at the humanoid shape of pure energy running around her. The shape flickered at her stare, then exploded into thirteen different shapes, multiplying rapidly around her. She teetered faintly, her parents calling out in mixed worry and praise for her Quirk.

With the help of the nearby authorities, the little girl's Quirk was eventually brought under control. She was given quite a lot of praise from the nearby policemen, and her parents seeing her exhaustion bought her a bottle of apple juice for the ride home. They stopped by the local government building first, however, where her father registered her Quirk as 'can create humanoid helpers out of light'. But her Quirk, uncontrolled as it was, had repercussions that she would be unaware of for some time. For her father was incorrect. She was not creating the energy people – rather, she was summoning them. And when her power had run wild for that first time, it had summoned a creature from across worlds, a creature powerful and jaded beyond the like of any hero.

It had started as a soft tug at a point just behind his navel, a flicker of nausea washing over him as he'd tried to ignore, but then he'd taken another silent step. Suction like a steep headwind combined with gravity dragged at his limbs, and he stumbled and fell, crying out in surprise. His subordinates, arranged in a wedge behind him, squalled in shock, but it was too late. The world spiraled apart around his lean body and he fell through the gap between dimensions, pulled inexorably through a glassy barrier that shattered at his touch.

The last thing he saw before he landed hard on the concrete was a fluorescent sign and the kitschy reflection of clothes in a glass window, but then his temple hit unyielding stone, and everything went black.

And with the arrival of the Tenth Division Captain, two worlds collided.

Please review! I have the plot all thought out, so hopefully this get some interest!
