Chapter 1: Introducing Josuke Higashikata!

Chapter 1: Introducing Josuke Higashikata!

(Part 1 of the Trio arc)

Morioh, 11 years ago

During his early childhood, Josuke Higashikata was born and raised in a small town named Morioh, located in the M Prefecture of Japan. When Josuke was four years old he was stricken by an unknown illness. No medicine could've treated this illness, so his mother had to go to the hospital. But the town was still in development and there wasn't an established hospital in the town. The closest hospital was in the next town a few miles out of Morioh. She had no choice but to take Josuke out of town to get proper treatment. to the hospital. Unfortunately, a stormy blizzard hit the town and the road was covered in snow. Despite the terrible weather condition's, Josuke's mother had to drive to the hospital to save her son. But the blizzard was too powerful and it trapped the tires of her car in the middle of the road.

"It's no use... What should I do?" Josuke's mother cried quietly to avoid upsetting Josuke. She wiped her tears and looked around the empty road. There was no hope that a car would pass by in this weather. "Josuke won't make it through the night if we're stuck..."

At the corner of her eye, she looked at the rearview mirror and saw a teenager with a pompadour hairstyle. Josuke's mother wasn't sure what the teenager was doing here but he could a troublemaker. The teenager started approaching Josuke and his mother. "What do you want? Go away!"

"Your son is sick right? I'll help you get out of the snow," the pompadour teen said. The teen went to the front of the car and threw off his jacket. He laid the jacket in front of the tire.

"What are you doing?!" Josuke's mother cried out.

"Step on the gas and I'll push the car, it should get the car out of the snow. Once you're moving, don't stop the car..." the teen said.

The young stranger went behind the car and signaled Josuke's mother to step on the pedal. Josuke's mother began to press on the gas pedal as the teen began to push the car. Josuke stared at the teen with amazement in his eyes. A spark of hope ignited in the 4-year old that was never there in his life. He felt comfortable with this stranger as if he knew him personally. Suddenly the car began to move and Josuke's mother continued to drive towards the hospital. Josuke stared at the teen as he disappeared behind the blowing snow of the blizzard.

Josuke never knew what caused his illness when he was 4-years old child. Doctors said that the illness was unnatural and it was nearly impossible to treat. They stated that he was lucky that the illness subsided before it took his life. Josuke grew up not knowing the truth behind his illness. Josuke was unaware of the events that occurred in Egypt. In 1999, a vampire named DIO resurfaced after being trapped in the bottom of the ocean for a hundred years. DIO was determined to conquer the world and destroy the Joestar lineage. The vampire was born during a period where Quirks were just discovered. When the vampire resurfaced, he was fascinated with Quirks and desired an ability similar to it. In his journey across the world, he discovered the ability known as Stands, the physical manifestation of one's fighting spirit.

DIO stabbed himself with the arrow that grants Stand abilities and gave him the terrifying Stand named The World and its time-stopping ability. The awakening of DIO's Stand caused a chain reaction. Since DIO was using Jonathan's Joestar's body, Josuke's great descendant, it awakened the Stands of the entire Joestar bloodline. Some members of the Joestars awakened their Stands while others were too weak to wield a Stand. Those who were considered weak to have a Stand got struck by an incurable illness. Josuke's biological father, Joseph Joestar went on a personal crusade with his grandson, Jotaro Kujo, to reverse the effects of DIO's Stand on Holly, Joseph's daughter. Joseph was unaware that his illegitimate son also had the disease and wasn't even aware of his weakness. After the final battle with DIO, the sickness Josuke was inflicted on was removed, and Joseph went on without knowing that his son that he didn't know existed was cured of the cursed. Joseph eventually caught wind of what happened to Josuke after he discovered that he had an illegitimate son. But that wouldn't happen until a decade later.

After recovering from his illness, Josuke's mother decided to move to a more populated town so they can get easier access to modern-day necessities. A year afterward, Josuke awakened his Stand, Crazy Diamond. Josuke was only 6 years old when he first summoned Crazy Diamond after his stuffed teddy bear broke its arm. At first, Josuke screamed at the sight of his Stand, prompting his mother to check him. She couldn't see the Stand and thought Josuke was pulling a prank. But afterward, he realized that his Stand won't attack him and that he can command it. One of the first actions that Josuke used his Stand on was to repair his broken teddy bear. Josuke quickly realized that his Stand can quickly repair objects to their original state.

Josuke quickly learned how to use his Stand over the years. Many people thought it was his Quirk, but whenever he denounces these claims people think he's trying to joke with them. During elementary school, Josuke and his classmates were visited by a hero. He asked everyone to show off their Quirks and was particularly interested in Josuke's Stand ability. The impressed hero told Josuke that he would become a fine hero one day. When his classmates heard the hero's praise on Josuke's ability, they asked Josuke if he was going to become one. Josuke had this question lingering on his mind for days until he remembered that night in Morioh where a stranger helped him get to a hospital. From that day, Josuke became determined and focused his goals on becoming a Hero. He adopted the pompadour hairstyle out of respect to the person who saved him. Josuke has a dream to become a Pro-Hero one day, and his Stand, Crazy Diamond, will make it possible.

Musutafu, present day

Josuke walked his normal route to school and was greeted by the same girls who admired him for both his looks and heart of gold. As Josuke walked through the shopping district, he heard some punches being thrown and someone getting hurt in an alley. Josuke decided to investigate this situation. He figured if the situation escalates to something worse, he's going to run yell for a Hero to save his butt. Josuke leaned against a wall and glanced at the small lot to his left. A group of four students surrounded a shorter student who wore a uniform that resembled Josuke's. The students looked like they were seniors in high school. Their uniform indicates they're from Endo High School.

"Damn, this kid barely carries any money..." one of the teen's groaned before kicking the middle school student in the stomach. He threw his wallet on the ground next to the middle school student.

"Hey, asswipe, next time bring enough money to buy us all sodas, huh?" the other student ordered.

The student kicked the victim in the stomach. The beaten student spat blood out of his mouth, spraying it all over his shoes. "Ah, shit! These were new shoes you punk! You should lick some of the blood off my shoe!"

The Endo student prepared to kick the beaten student in the face. Josuke had to act, they most likely had Quirks but Crazy Diamond should beat them all easily. He isn't afraid to use his Stand so freely in the open. Right before the student stomped on the victim, Josuke approached the four high school students surrounding the shorter student.

"Oi, you shouldn't pick on someone weaker than you. It makes you look petty, y' know?" Josuke interrupted the high school student before he could throw the kick at the short student.

One of the students clicked his tongue, "Who's this punk?"

"Probably some nobody," the other student said. Everyone shifted their focus to Josuke and moved towards him. The shorter student got up and grabbed his wallet on the floor. He leaned against the wall because this lot is a dead end.

"You seem to be heading the wrong direction, idiot. Turn around and back the hell off!"

"Hey, what if this loser calls the cops or even a hero?"

"You're right, we should beat this guy up. That'll teach him not to mess with us!"

"Alright, now you're speaking my language!"

"I call dibs on his stupid hair cut!" one of the students. He opened his jaws his teeth sharpened like knives.

"What did you say?" Josuke asked, narrowing his eyes on the student with the sharp teeth.

"I called dibs on your shitty haircut obviously, I'm going to bite it off your head. You should be grateful because this is a fav-" before the student with the sharp teeth could finish his sentence, he was punched in the face with massive force. His front teeth shattered in an instance and he was launched to the wall behind him. Bits of the wall crumbled off and fell to the ground. The high school bullies dropped their jaws at the raw power Josuke carries.

"Anyone else has something to say?" Josuke asked. "You should know that anyone who insults my hair gets a goddamn beating!"

"He got goddamn Shinji!" one of the bullies yelled.

"How the... I didn't see him lift a finger!" the high school student said. The students wondered what kind of Quirk he had but one of the students was more concerned about putting Josuke into his proper place.

"Don't worry, there's three of us and one of him!" one of the students said.

"You're right! Let's mess him up!" the high school student said, with his fists flaring up.

"You got it!" the other two students yelled. One of the bullies lunged at Josuke, with his arms transforming into a blade. Josuke easily dodged the attack and had Crazy Diamond backhand the guy in the back of the head. The second bully used his Quirk to raise floating chunks of concrete from the broken wall and flung it at Josuke. Josuke's Stand quickly touched the pieces of broken debris before it could hit him.

"Crazy Diamond!" Josuke yelled. A pink aura emitted from the concrete and it flew back towards the student with the concrete Quirk. One piece struck him in the forehead, knocking him down and giving him a concussion. The pieces of concrete that he summoned flew back to towards the wall it broke off. It reattached itself to the wall as if it was glue.

"That's some crazy Quirk..." the head bully muttered. He gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes on Josuke. Despite getting their asses kicked, the high school student wasn't going to let this middle school student beat him. "I ain't going to let some little shit with an outdated haircut mess with me!"

"Excuse me!" Josuke snapped, "I guess your friend didn't set a good example of why you shouldn't make fun of my haircut!"

"I don't give a shit!" the bully pulled back his fist for a punch. Fire began to emit from bully's fist, but Josuke was significantly faster than the bully.

"Crazy Diamond!" Josuke yelled, summoning his Stand. The Stand also wore silver armor and a headpiece that covered his entire head. Crazy Diamond unleashed a barrage of punches at the bully, breaking every bone in his body.


Josuke's Stand mercilessly punched the hell out of bully and launched him into the air with an uppercut. When he uppercut the student, Josuke had Crazy Diamond fix most of the bones in his body so that the bully could at least walk and move around.

"W-what punched me..." bully muttered. The short teen couldn't process what just happened. All he could tell was that there was an invisible beating up the bully. The bully with the sharp arm blade, recovered since he received the lightest blow from Josuke.

"I'll tear him apart!" the bully yelled. He quickly lunged at Josuke behind his back.

"Look out!" the short teen yelled. Josuke turned around and uppercut the bully with his own bare hands.

"Looks like this fight is done..." Josuke sighed in relief. He turned to the shorter student and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Not really, those students gave me a beating..." the shorter student groaned, still feeling the bruises from the beat down.

"Just sit tight, let me use my power on you," Josuke said, "Crazy Diamond!"

Josuke's Stand appeared and emitted a pink aura around the student, repairing any torn holes in his clothes and closing up any wounds. The student awed in amazement. He thought his quirk was to restore objects or living things. He could tell by the way the concrete rocks lunged at him returned to their original position. But he had to wonder where the punches come from. He figured that shouldn't be from his Quirk at all.

"So your Quirk is to restore things, right?" the student asked.

"Yeah, you could say that," Josuke said.

"Then how did you punch that guy so fast? It's almost impossible to have two different Quirks!"

"How should I put this..."

"That's because he doesn't have a Quirk," a stern voice said. The two students turn to see a man wearing a white cap walked into an alley. He must've overheard the fighting going on in the alley. The short teen was in awe about the size of the man. Sure, Josuke was tall but this man was above 6 ft tall.

"You looking for trouble?" Josuke raised his arms in defense.

"I'm not here for trouble. I came here because I heard that there's a fight going on here, and right now I found the person I was looking for," the man said.

"Just who are you? I'm not interested in getting wrapped up in another fight. I don't have enough time to spare. I'm still a student who needs to attend school."

"Hm, I do have something that could grab your interest."

"If it's a Quirk that you're going to use against me, I'm ready for another throwdown!" Josuke shouted.

"Yare yare daze... Star Platinum!" the man yelled, behind him was the man's Stand. The Stand had a similar appearance to the person that summoned it, except his skin was purple and had long flowing hair. Josuke dropped his jaw because he never thought that he would see another Stand.

"Y-you're just like me..." Josuke said. The short student looked around with curiosity. The student couldn't see the two Stands in front of him.

"That's right, my name is Jotaro Kujo, I'm here on behalf of your father, Joseph Joestar," the man introduced himself.

"Wait, my father?!" Josuke's eyes shot wide open. "What does he want with me?

"This is a matter that we should discuss privately," Jotaro said. He turned to the short student Josuke just saved.

"R-right, I'll take my leave. Thank you for saving me," the short student bowed out of respect.

"Let's go to a place where we can be isolated from the public, This alley isn't good enough," Jotaro said as he Josuke looked at the knocked out bullies on the floor. Jotaro and Josuke moved their conversation to an isolated area of the park.

"Alright, this should be isolated enough," Josuke said. He turned around and sweated a bit. He was a bit nervous when he mentioned his father that he never saw in his life. "Jotaro was it, right?"

Jotaro nodded, "I'm here to see you personally about a family matter."

"It has to relate to my dad, huh?"

"It does. Your father is my grandfather. That makes me your nephew," Jotaro explained. Josuke felt like his heart skip a beat. This is the first time Josuke is meeting someone from his father's side. The thought of who his father was never came into his mind, but after confronting the idea made the Stand user anxious. Jotaro could see that Josuke is showing some visible signs of distress.

"Is this information getting to you?" Jotaro asked.

"It's probably going to be a lot to take into," Josuke rubbed his forehead. "I never really gave much thought about my father, but I'm curious to know who he is."

"Your father is named Joseph Joestar. He's an extremely successful real estate agent in the United States. He's a significant ally to the Speedwagon Foundation."

"From what I know about them, the Speedwagon Foundation is an international organization dedicated to environmental and medical studies. It's not odd to be friends with an organization like that."

"That's just their cover. The Speedwagon Foundation is an organization set up by a friend of the Joestar family to investigate supernatural occurrences across the world. Like Stand users."

"Stand users? You mean like the thing you and I summon?"

"That's right. Stands are the physical manifestation of an individual's fighting spirit. Each Stand user has an individual ability."

"They're like Quirks, right?"

"You could say that except Stands can't be seen by normal people, whether or not they have Quirks."

"That explains why my mom and classmates think I'm crazy," Josuke remarked.

"Heh, don't worry. I placed myself in jail because I thought I was possessed."

"So Stands have unique abilities? So what kind of ability do you have?" Josuke asked.

"It would be better if I show you it rather than telling you," Jotaro said, "Star Platinum: the World!"

Once Jotaro's Stand materialized, Josuke paid close attention to its movements. Josuke only blinked once and he felt something was missing from his back pocket. He reached down his pockets and couldn't feel his wallet.

"Looking for this?" Jotaro asked as he pulled out Josuke's wallet.

"What kind of ability was that?" Josuke asked back.

"Star Platinum can stop time for three seconds, which was enough time for me to grab your wallet," Jotaro explained. Josuke was left speechless. He knew that there are Powerful Quirks, but stopping time as a whole is on a whole new level.

Jotaro opened his wallet to see a picture of what appears to be his grandfather and mother. "So you just live with your mother and grandfather?"

"Well, my grandfather past away from a stroke when I was seven. So it's just my mom."

"I see. That's unfortunate to lose a family member at that age," Jotaro said. "I don't want to sound rude, but I'm not here to talk about your personal life and all that. I'll get right into business now..."

Josuke gulped nervously.

"Your father was a damn talented fighter. When he was still in his 60's he was still kicking ass. Unfortunately, age gets to everyone and he is no exception. There have been talks about how people will split his inheritance. While looking through some files, we uncovered that Joseph had an illegitimate child. Damn bastard didn't know about it too. So it caused a huge ruckus within the family. My grandmother was furious and insisted that you should receive the smallest portion of the inheritance. But Joseph was reluctant and settled with giving you a third of the inheritance. I came here to personally pass the news to you."

Josuke sighed and glanced to the sky. Despite never meeting his father or his family. Josuke was causing trouble for just existing. He looked at Josuke and bowed while saying, "I'm so sorry for the problem I caused!"

"Look, Josuke, you don't need to apologize. Gramps wants to say sorry for never being there when growing up. He sees this as the best way to apologize"

"He doesn't need to apologize, things are fine the way they are."

"Well, it looks like it, but I have no say in the matter. I'm just a messenger just informing you," Jotaro said. After a few seconds of silence, Jotaro said, "Well, Gramps did also ask me to ask you this... He's asking how you're doing. He just wants peace of mind knowing you're not doing anything terrible."

"Other than attending school, nothing much. I plan to join UA and enroll in the Hero course."

"That's a respectable career choice. You don't have a Quirk, right?'

"I just have Crazy Diamond. As long as I have my Stand, I should be fine."

"Well, it would be interesting to see a hero with a Stand," Jotaro said. Josuke figured that Jotaro must be here for other reasons. He could've easily called him or Tomoko, his mother, about this situation over the phone. But coming here personally means that there's something amidst. "There is one more thing I like to press on you."

"What is it?"

"We recently tracked down an artifact that awakens a person's Stand. It's called the Stand Arrow. We sent an agent to recover it but he was ambushed by the enemy's Stand and got injured during the fight. I'm not asking you to fight the Stand, but if you see the enemy Stand, contact me."

"What does Stand look like?"

"It's a unique Stand that consists of an army of miniature soldiers."

"They're a bunch of toy soldiers? That's interesting. I thought Stands just take forms of humanoids people," Josuke said, "I can take on them."

"The thing with this Stand is a small group of these soldiers can do significant damage. This Stand should not be underestimated."

"Alright, I'll keep in contact with you. Do you have a phone number or email?

"Here's my business card," Jotaro handed Josuke his business card. On the card, it had his phone number and e-mail address printed on it. "It's been nice meeting with you Josuke. I have to go back to New York and fix this mess my gramps unintentionally caused. I will return in a few weeks once the drama has settled down. Try to keep this ordeal about Stands a secret."

"Alright, take care," Josuke said as he waved.

The rest of Josuke's morning proceeded normally, he walked to school and encountered the student that he saved from earlier.

"Hey, you're the person from earlier," Josuke said.

"Oh, you're Josuke, right? I remember you. You're in the class next door. Girls would usually daydream about you in there," the student said. He realized he hadn't introduced himself yet and bowed down. "My name is Koichi Hirose!"

"Nice to meet you, Koichi."

The two walked together to school and began having a normal conversation. Mainly about Crazy Diamond's ability

"So about that Quirk of yours, oh, actually it isn't a Quirk right?" Koichi asked.

"It's kinda complicated. But it's an invisible spirit with powers and they're called Stand. Oh shit, I think I said some stuff I shouldn't have said! I guess it doesn't matter since you already saw my ability first-hand."

"You don't have to worry about me spreading your ability. People wouldn't believe me if I said that you have an invisible ghost with you," Koichi chuckled, "That kinda explains why I couldn't see any punches being thrown."

"I assume that people that don't have my ability can't see it."

"So you and that man don't have Quirks, right?"

"Right, no one in my family has Quirks it probably awakens within Quirkless people."

"The ground suddenly shook and the two students almost lost their balance. The sound of something crashing was heard from a block away

"Josuke, I think a fight is breaking out!" Koichi exclaimed.

"Boy, you think!?" Josuke pointed at the giant monstrous man knocking down a communications tower.

"We should run to school! It's safe over there!"

"I'm not missing this fight, Koichi! The heroes will show up and kick his ass!" Josuke sprinted towards the fight so he wouldn't miss a single moment of excitement from this brawl.

"Ah, Josuke!" Koichi yelled, chasing down Josuke. Josuke was at the back of the crowd and his height made it easier for him to see the spectacle in front of him. The police prevented the crowd from going any closer to the fight. The crowd was at a safe distance to watch the fight. Koichi managed to catch up to Josuke and tried to catch his breath. "We shouldn't be around here!"

"Relax, Koichi! This is where the fun begins!" Josuke proclaimed. He pointed his finger at the Hero on the scene, Kamui Woods. The Hero wore a blue suit with a wooden headpiece. His arms were wooden and his Quirk allowed him to completely manipulate the wood in his body.

The Hero dodged the large villain's attack, grappling to any surface to pull himself away from any incoming attack. Kamui landed on top of a train and narrowed his eyes at the titanic thug. Before Kamui Woods could, a woman several stories tall jumped out of nowhere and knocked out the villain with a single kick. It left everyone in the scene speechless, especially Kamui Woods who felt like she stole his spotlight. The woman looked over her shoulder and had her butt sticking out slightly.

"My name is Mt. Lady. It is a pleasure to be your ass-quaintance," the large hero winked as she stuck out her butt. Every single cameraman in the scene pointed their cameras at the giant hero to get her best "features".

"I never saw her before," Josuke pointed out, "She might be one of the newer Heroes."

"You seem kinda interested in Heroes. Do you want to become one when you grow up?"

"Of course I do! Why else would I save your butt from those bullies?" Josuke asked.

"You're right," Koichi laughed lightly.

"What about you, do you want to be one as well when you grow up?"

"Huh? No, I have no desire to become a Hero. Even if I did, I have no Quirk," Koichi explained.

"That's understandable. It's funny, there is a kid in my class who does want to become a hero one doesn't have a Quirk."

"Really? How is he going to get into a school if he doesn't have a Quirk?"

"I don't know if he can cough up a Stand he's going to be fine," Josuke said.

Josuke glanced to his side and spotted the kid he was talking about, Izuku Midoriya. Izuku stood around 5'5 and can be easily spotted by just looking at his green hair. Izuku was the other kid in Josuke's class that had no Quirk. He has a dream to become a Hero is impossible without a Quirk. Josuke felt sympathy for his classmate because a lot of people put him down as useless. Josuke is the only person in Midoriya's class that respects his determination to become a Hero, and it made him the only person in class that he gets along with.

"Gigantifcation, huh? It looks like she'll be very popular, and her Quirk is amazing..." Izuku muttered. As Josuke approached his classmate with Koichi, the muttering got louder and louder. "But it also has some setbacks in closed-off spaces, and it can do a lot of unintentional damage if a fight gets out of hand..."

Josuke smiled deviously as he cupped his mouth and shouted, "Oi, Izuku!"

Izuku threw his notebook in the air and quickly caught it. He turned around and narrowed his eyes at Josuke. "Come on! I told you not to scare me like that!"

"Scare you? All I did was yelled your name. That's not scary at all," Josuke laughed.

"Fine, startled me! You startled me! You know that I don't like it when you scream in my ear when I'm deep into thought!"

"It's all fun and games, right Midoriya!?" Josuke chuckled. Koichi stepped forward a bit and raised out his hand thinking he should introduce himself to Josuke's friend.

"I-I'm Koichi, Josuke saved my neck from a bunch of bullies."

"Did he beat them up badly?" Izuku asked.

"Well, two of those jerk asses made fun of hair," Josuke snapped, who still felt a little tilted about those insults, "I shattered someone's teeth."

"Ouch, did you use your Quirk to fix it up afterward?"

"Why should I fix him up? Anyone who makes fun of my hair deserves what they get!" Josuke gripped his hand and stared at the sky, having the bully's insults playing in head.

Koichi quietly asked, "Why doesn't Josuke like it when people make fun of his hair?"

"It's because his life was saved by a stranger when he was sick and stuck in a blizzard. The man who saved him has that exact pompadour hair-style," Midoriya explained, he turned to Josuke and said "Well the fight is all over, Josuke. Let's get to class before we're late."

"You're right," Josuke sighed. Josuke, Koichi and Izuku started heading to school.

Josuke was seated right next to Midoriya during class. That's how the two manage to become good friends over the last few years. Josuke is the only student in Midoriya's class that that defends him from anyone who makes fun of him for being Quirkless. Josuke has a huge tendency of defending anyone in danger, and it garnered him a lot of respect from a lot of people in the class. It also made a lot of girls fall for him and see him as some kind of Prince Charming. Since this is the first week of Josuke's last year in middle school, their homeroom teacher is pushing them to think about their future.

"Since you're all third years, it's time for you all to think seriously about your future. I'll pass out handouts for your plans, so..." their homeroom paused before tossing the papers aside, "You're all planning to go on the Hero course, right?

Everyone began cheering and shouting yes while activating their Quirks. Quirks in this class range from extending your fingers to forming rocks around your body. Josuke turned to Midoriya to see him looking down nervously.

Poor guy, even though he's a Quirkless, he's trying his hardest to become a Hero. Josuke thought.

"Teach!" one of the students yelled, "Don't lump us all in the same group."

Josuke managed to pinpoint who said it and turned to a blond, spiky-haired classmate. His name was Katsuki Bakugo, the only person in class that Josuke has a problem with. Josuke finds him very irritating because of his antagonistic behavior towards everyone, especially Izuku. Josuke learned that Bakugo would bully Izuku when they were kids, and that bit of information didn't sit with him well. If he could, he would punch Bakugo to give him what he deserved, but his explosive Quirk makes him a deadly person to get into a fight with.

"I'm not going to be stuck in the bottom with a bunch of these reject!" Bakugo proclaimed. A lot of students started yelling and shouting at that Bakugo for that unnecessary comment.

"Oh, if I remember, you wanted to go to U.A. high school?" the teacher asked. A lot of students started gasping at this bit of news. They knew Bakugou's Quirk makes him more notable than everyone else in the class, but joining UA is going way above everyone.

"Their acceptance rate is really, really low!" one of the students pointed out.

"That's why the rest of you guys are just extras!" Bakugo shouted. He jumped on top of the desk and gave out his speech about why he's better than everyone, "I aced the mock test!I'm the only one in this school who can possibly get into UA."

"Get off that high horse, will ya?" Josuke muttered. Bakugo had an impressive Quirk and it made him a cut above the rest, but Crazy Diamond also gives Josuke an advantage that everyone else doesn't have. Even with those advantages, Josuke isn't a fan of putting down people.

"I'm definitively going to surpass All-Might and become the top hero!" Bakugo proclaimed, "My name is going to be inscribed on the list of top earners!"

Statements like these are the reason why Josuke is irritated by Bakugo.

"Oh yeah, Josuke, you're also applying to the same school?" the teacher asked. Everyone turned to Josuke and applaud and congratulated him.

"Hell yeah, Josuke would make a badass hero!" a student shouted.

"Definitely better than Bakugo," a female student commented.

Bakugo turned to Josuke and narrowed his eyes on him, "Even if you apply to U.A., I bet you're not even worthy of the Hero Course! Your Quirk is useless in a fight, especially against a Quirk like mine!"

"We'll see about that when the Entrance Exams comes around."

"Midoriya, you wanted to go to U.A. too, right?" the teacher asked

Midoriya silently whimpered. Josuke looked at the two at the side of his eye, worried that everyone will laugh at him. His expectations did not fail him as everyone in class began to laugh hysterically as Midoriya put his head down. Josuke got off his seat, ready to defend Izuku.

"Come on guys, let Izuku try at least? Everyone deserves a shot to become a Hero if they're determined or not!" Josuke shouted.

"How can you defend Izuku?! He's going to be completely useless in the field without a Quirk!" one of the students yelled back.

"He can't just get into U.A. by just studying!" another student yelled. Izuku got up, defending himself from his classmates.

"They got rid of that rule!" Izuku defended himself, "There's no precedent..."

Bakugo leaped from his desk and slammed his hand onto Izuku's desk. He used his Quirk to explode the desk and caused Izuku to fall back.

"Hey, Deku! You're below rejects! You're Quirkless! How can you even stand in the same ring as me!?" Bakugo yelled.

"No, wait, Kacchan! I'm not trying to compete with you or anything, believe me!" Izuku cried out. "It's just a goal I had since I was little., and well... I won't know unless I try..."

"Whaddya you mean unless you try! Are you just taking the test for fun!?" Bakugo yelled. "What the hell can you do? You're Quirkless!"

"Hey, Kacchan," Josuke called out, Bakugo turned around to see Josuke. He stood behind him right next to Izuku's destroyed desk. He kicked the desk with his foot and restored the desk to normal, "Give the man a break, will you? He's willing to try to become a Hero even if the odds are against him."

"How can you be a hero if he's Quirkless! He ain't no Batman or Iron Man!" Bakugo yelled, "You're the only one with a Quirk that stands with a loser like Deku!"

Josuke approached Izuku and stood in front of him. "So what if I stand alone defending him? At least I'm defending him like how a Hero would defend anyone."

"Oh, Josuke~" one of Josuke's many female admirers cried out.

Bakugo groaned, "Don't play that Hero act with me. I'm just stating the facts, unlike you who spouts lies like not having a Quirk."

"Don't push it, Bakugo," Josuke warned.

"Or what, you're going to use your non-Quirk powers on me?" Bakugo mocked. Josuke narrowed his eyes and summoned Crazy Diamond. Josuke had his Stand do a quick punch, using the powerful gust from the force of his punch to knock down Bakugo.

"You bastard, Josuke!" Bakugo yelled, "I swear, there must be more to your Quirk than just fixing shit!"

"I keep telling you, it's not a Quirk. But if you want to actually find out what it is, you're more than welcome to-"

"That's enough Josuke! Last time you and Bakugo had a fight we strictly said that we would suspend you both if you start another!" the teacher yelled. Josuke silently moved to his seat while glaring at Bakugo. Bakugo clicked his tongue and returned to his seat.

After school...

Everyone quickly dispersed when the school bells rang. Josuke stuck around the classroom because he had a gut feeling that Bakugo might try to do something to Izuku, and he wants to be there to prevent that. Josuke waved at some of his admirers who walk by the classroom's door. Meanwhile, Midoriya was reading the incident from this morning on his phone, excited to go home and write down some notes. While Josuke was not looking, Bakugo managed to nab Midoriya's notebook.

"We're not done talking, Deku," Bakugo said. Josuke quickly turned around to see Bakugo messing with Izuku again.

"Hey, Katsuki, what is that?" one of Bakugo's friends asked. Katsuki showed his two friends the cover of the notebook.

"Huh, 'Hero analysis for the future?" the other friend wondered. The two began laughing at Izuku for being such a fanboy.

"It's fine, right? Give it back..." Izuku muttered. Bakugo quickly used his Quirk to blow up the notebook and toss it out of the window. Josuke used his Stand to quickly catch the notebook.

"You're such a buzzkill, Josuke. Whatever." Bakugo rolled his eyes at Josuke. He turned to Midoriya. "Most top heroes have stories about them in their school days. I want to shine and be the only student here to make it to U.A. from this mediocre school. I mean, I'm a perfectionist."

Bakugo out his hand over Izuku's shoulder and began to burn off a part of his uniform with his explosive quirk. "So don't apply to UA, nerd."

"Why don't you just back off, Bakugo," Josuke said.

"Hey, Josuke, why don't you just leave things between two old friends, huh?" Bakugo asked.

"Ex-friends, you haven't been a friend to Izuku for the last few years. So turn around and walk away," Josuke said.

Bakugo paused for a second before saying, "You're not worth my time dealing with."

Bakugo and his friends finally walked away. Izuku was quiet during the last duration of the confrontation, trying his best to hold back his tears. He looked up and saw that Josuke already used his ability to fix Midoriya's notebook.

"Thank you, Josuke," Izuku said.

"No problem," Josuke said.

"H-hey, Josuke... can I ask you a question?" Izuku asked.


"Do you think I believe I can be a Hero?"

Josuke paused for a second, trying to quickly think of an answer that doesn't hurt Izuku's feelings. "Look, I know your Quirkless but nothing is stopping you to trying to become one. But the odds are heavily stacked against you."

Izuku paused to take in Josuke's answers. "T-thanks, Josuke. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow..."

"Right, see ya," Josuke said. I know I should say that he can't become a Hero, but dammit it's hard...

Josuke decided to stop by a convenient store to quickly buy some snacks so he can binge on video games later tonight. As he exited the store with a bag full of chips and a carton of juice, he spotted Koichi walked on the same sidewalk as him. Josuke quickly called him out, "Oi, Koichi!"

Koichi turned around to see the tall teen, "Oh, Josuke. Didn't expect to see you out here."

"Decided to stop by the convenient store to pick up some snacks for my late-night video game binging. What about you?" Josuke asked back.

"I had to help clean up the classroom today," Koichi replied.

"I see, well I don't live far from here. Do you wanna chill out at my place?" Josuke asked.

"Sure, I have nothing better to do," Koichi said.

The two had a stroll towards Josuke's house. Koichi noticed the large house in Josuke's neighborhood. The house looked abandoned but someone was standing in the window which gave him an impression that someone is living there.

"Hey, Josuke, does anyone live there?" Koichi asked.

"Hm?" Josuke wondered, he looked at the large house and explained to Koichi, "Well, there are a pair of brothers that live in this dusty old house. It could use a huge makeover. But I guess it's just that they can't just afford it."

As Koichi and Josuke walked by the entrance, Koichi was still curious about this house and looked through the slightly opened gate. But someone from inside the house's property kicked the gate on Koichi, trapping his neck in between the two gates.

"Koichi!" Josuke exclaimed.

"Oi, what d'ya think you're doing snooping around my home?" a grouchy voice asked. Josuke looked over the fence to see a teen around his height. He sports a uniform similar to Josuke's and had a small pompadour with white on his sides. Even though the teen wore a similar uniform, Josuke doesn't know him from his school. Josuke thought he could be from another school.

"If it wasn't obvious, he was just looking," Josuke said.

"Read the sign, no trespassing!" the teen shouted back.

"Alright, just let him go and we'll just be on our-" Josuke suddenly jumped back a bit when Koichi was suddenly shot by an arrow by someone inside the house. "What?!"

The teen slightly widened his eyes and turned around. "Oi, bro, what are you doing?" the teen asked as he looked up to a window. Josuke looked up to see a man slightly older than him behind the second-floor window. He held a bow in his hand.

"The Stand Arrow?" Josuke muttered.

"That man is Josuke Higashikata, the one that Jotaro Kujo met when he arrived in town. That means he's with the Speedwagon Foundation!" the man in the window said.

"Oh, now that you say that out loud, he does fit the description!" the teen said.

"Okuyasu! Make Josuke disappear with your Stand!" the man in the window said.

"What did you bastards do to Koichi!"

"I shot him with the Stand Arrow of course. Maybe he'll become a Stand user and one that we're looking for," the man in the window said.

"And why are you creating Stand users?" Josuke asked.

"It's none of your business, Josuke," Okuyasu said, "Your fight is with me, not my bro!"

Okuyasu pushed the gate opened, allowing Koichi to fall with an arrow stuck in his chest. Okuyasu walked past the unconscious Koichi and a blue aura started to emit from Okuyasu.

"I see you're Stand users as well," Josuke muttered. In his head, he thought. Today is such an eventful day, isn't it?

"Well, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you get!" Josuke shouted. He summoned Crazy Diamond and lunged towards Okuyasu. Before he could strike Okuyasu, a Stand appeared in front of Okuyasu and blocked the attack. It countered by kicking Crazy Diamond in the stomach.

"What?!" Josuke shouted as he was knocked back.

"The only way to hurt a Stand is to use a Stand. Kinda like fighting fire with fire," Okuyasu explained. His Stand stood in front of him and said, "Let me introduce you to my Stand, The Hand!"

Author's Note:

Well, this is different. After being absent for a long ass time I decided to just post whenever I want rather than a fixed schedule. It works better like that honestly. I would post a chapter from any of my stories a week to keep up with some form of consistency. I WILL TRY. Anyways time for the rest of the AN that talks about the story...

I should clarify things before continuing this story to clear out some confusion:

The story will revolve around Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi. The character development that the main characters from BNHA will not tamper with too much. Their growth will still be the same as the anime. That being said, the cast from both series will be a part of each other's stories. Now time for the big one, Stands vs. Quirks.

Stands would be the more obscure powers in the BNHA x JoJo universe. Only Quirkless people can gain them, and if a Quirk user gets struck by anything that awakens a Stand, I'll explain it when it comes to that. I plan to fill in that little hole later. Bow-chicka-wow-wow. The real challenge would be the fights between Stand users and Quirk users. Stand users have a big advantage of not having their Stand seen by normal people, so it would be a challenge to see how non-stand users can one-up Stand users.

Anyways, in terms of timelines, just imagine everything that happened 10 years later. Phantom Blood takes place in 1880, in this universe ti takes place in 1890. Why this change? Well, it's to closely match with the year that BNHA takes place in because Diamond is Unbreakable takes place in 1999.

Now for the important bit, direction. I intentionally put the little "Part 1 of Trio" arc because we're going to follow a simple format. It will be a pattern between a JoJo related arc then follows to a BNHA arc. I think following this format will please both sides of the fandom. Anyways, that's all the information I can spill.

If anyone likes to be a beta-reader for future chapters, DM me and give me a list of both strength and weaknesses. Thanks for reading and lakero45 signing out.

Up next: Introducing Okuyasu Nijimura!