Chapter 2: Introducing Okuyasu Nijimura!

Chapter 2: Introducing Okuyasu Nijimura!

(Part 2 of Trio arc)

"Let me introduce you to my Stand, The Hand!" Okuyasu proclaimed.

Josuke was shocked to see Okuyasu's Stand materialized behind him. The Hand had minor similarities with Josuke's Crazy Diamond. It was muscular, but slightly bulkier than Josuke's Stand. It wore blue armor that resembled American football gear. It had a US dollar sign and a Japanese yen symbol on its chest. A cone wrapped around its head that ends around the edges of its yellow eyes. Josuke could feel the small beads of sweat falling down his forehead. He thought that today has to be the most overwhelming day he had in his life so far.

Okuyasu caught whiff of Josuke's nervousness and chuckled, "Hehehe, first time seeing someone else's Stand, Josuke?"

Josuke quickly regained his composure and narrowed his eyes on Okuyasu. Josuke must not hesitate because Koichi might bleed out from the arrow wound if Josuke doesn't do something.

"No, I saw a Stand before. II just didn't expect I'd be fighting one so soon," Josuke said, "Just because this is my first Stand fight doesn't mean I'm a pushover. I fought against bullies with Quirks, and Stands are not that different!"

"Don't think The Hand is a pushover, even my bro is scared of it, and he's the toughest guy I know. So come on, throw everything you got at me."

"I'm going to only say it once, but I don't want to fight you!" Josuke proclaimed. "Just let me heal Koichi before he bleeds out!"

"Enough! I'm not much of a talker! Let's just fight already dammit!"

Looks like there's no way of talking my way out of this one. I got to play along and fight him. Josuke thought.

Josuke quickly rushed towards Okuyasu. Crazy Diamond materialized behind Josuke's bacl. Okuyasu smirked as he got into a fight stance and had his Stand pull back its right arm. Josuke noticed The Hand's movement and narrowed his eyes onto The Hand's right hand. He noticed two bulges with webs printed on it. While Josuke was staring at The Hand's right arm, Okuyasu lunged the Stand's arm towards Josuke's head.

There must be something up with his right hand! It looks like he's relying on it! Josuke thought as he quickly used Crazy Diamond to grab onto The Hand's arm. The Stand now struggled to move its right arm.

"Let go of my arm, will ya!?" Okuyasu shouted.

Yep, he's way too reliant with his right arm. Josuke thought.

The Hand began kicking Crazy Diamond on the side. Josuke could feel the pain transferring to him. This is the first time his Stand felt pain. But after experiencing a few fights in, he could easily withstand a few kicks to the hip. The Hand formed a fist in its left hand and uppercutted the Stand holding its right arm.

Josuke quickly recovered from the uppercut and regained his footing. He quickly lunged towards Okuyasu and unleashed a barrage of punches at Okuyasu. The Hand stood in his way and blocked the dozen of incoming punches. The Hand quickly grabbed Crazy Diamond by the neck with its left arm and threw it towards the gate behind him. With Crazy Diamond being lunged towards the gate, Josuke was also launched towards the gate. Okuyasu stepped aside to allow Josuke to crash into the gate. Now that he has Josuke up against the wall, Okuyasu can finally use The Hand's ability.

"Time to face the terrifying power of The Hand!" Okuyasu declared. A green energy energy to emit around the right hand of The Hand. The Stand began to swipe downwards but Josuke rolled out of the way. Josuke turned his head and glanced at the fence.

Something looked off about the sign posted on. Josuke read out loud "No passing..."

"Wait, earlier it said "No trespassing!"" Josuke shouted, "Your Stand erases must've erased that a part of that sign!"

"I see you finally figured," Okuyasu lightly chuckled, "The Hand can erase everything it touches with its right hand. The space that's erased is stitched together by the surrounding space. Kinda like how that gate stitched back together!"

"That's a terrifying power. I have keep up my guard..." Josuke muttered. Josuke began to step back, thinking that keeping his distance will give him an advantage against Okuyasu's Stand.

"Don't think you can easily keep your distance. I can do a lot with just erasing space!" Okuyasu yelled as The Hand erased the space in front of it.

Josuke was suddenly teleported right in front of Okuyasu. Okuyasu immediately jammed his fist right onto Josuke's face and launched him a few feet back. Josuke slowly got up, rubbing the spot that got punched.

"The space that gets erased quickly pulls in anything surrounding it to fill in the gap. If you try to run, I'll just pull you back in!" Okuyasu explained. The Hand erased the space in front of it and pulled Josuke towards Okuyasu. He quickly kneed Josuke's stomach and jabbed him on the face.

"Dammit, if I try to run he's just going to pull me back..." Josuke muttered.

Josuke turned his head to see if he could run far away enough to get out of reach. But Josuke thought of a better idea. He began to sprint away from Okuyasu, who just groaned in response.

"There's no escaping, Josuke!" Okuyasu yelled. He erased the space in front of him to pull Josuke towards him. Despite being a few meters away, Josuke was pulled back towards Okuyasu.

"I was relying on you to use that power of yours," Josuke said.

"Eh, what do you mean!" Okuyasu shouted.

"You'll see," Josuke said as he quickly stepped to the side, revealing a mailbox being hurled towards Okuyasu.

"Wha-!" Okuyasu was knocked down by the launched mailbox. He laid down on the ground conscious but defeated. The mailbox that was pulled towards him sat on top of his chest.

"Dammit, I was outsmarted..." Okuyasu groaned.

Josuke approaches the down Okuyasu and said, "Well it looks like you're defeated. I'm going to heal the guy that your brother shot at and get the hell out of here. You better not try some shit behind my back!"

When Josuke turned around to heal Koichi, he found out that he was gone. A trail of his blood leads to the house. Josuke clenched his fist out of frustrations. He felt like that there's going to be another fight involving Stands. Jotaro did say something about the Stand arrow belonging to someone with a Stand that consists of miniature military men. If that man that shot Koichi is the one with that Stand, then he needs to call Jotaro for help.

Josuke quickly pulled out his phone. He dialed in his number and called him. After waiting for a few seconds, Jotaro answered the phone.

Hello? Jotaro asked through the phone.

"Jotaro, this is Josuke. Are you still in Japan?" Josuke asked. Okuyasu glanced at Josuke when he mentioned Jotaro. If he remembered correctly, Jotaro is a part of the Speedwagon Foundation that's after his brother.

I'm still at my hotel. Is there something wrong?

"Yeah, I found that Stand Arrow you were looking for."

What?! Where did you find it?

"Well someone was shot by the arrow and the person who shot it said something about looking for Stand users."

I see, I'll be there in ten minutes.

"Ten minutes? The person who just got shot-!"

Calm down, Josuke! If the person who got shot has the potential to become a Stand user, he'll live. But if he doesn't, he's dead.

"I can't just sit here and do nothing for that long. He could still be in danger!"

I understand your concern, but please wait for me to get there. Stands can be unpredictable and dangerous. It's better to deal with this together.

Jotaro hung up and muttered, "Yare yare, he's probably not going to listen to me anyways."

"I can't just sit out. Even if Koichi does have a Stand, he's not going to know how to use it. They might kill him if he does something stupid..."

Josuke narrowed his eyes at the door and approached it. Okuyasu slowly got up and muttered, "I can't let him get his hands on bro... Our fight is not finished."

Josuke entered the old mansion and saw Okuyasu's brother standing in the shadows. He stood over Koichi, who was still unconscious and bleeding out. The Stand Arrow was still pierced into his chest.

"Koichi!" Josuke yelled.

"Josuke Higashikata, I'm not surprised that you'd walk in here and try to save a man you just met."

"Just let him go and I'll be on my way out."

"Why should I? If you leave you'd only come back with Jotaro and his allies, I should kill you right here right now with Bad Company."

The sounds of rifles cocking came from above Josuke, who quickly glanced at the direction of the sound. Several small lights flashed through the darkness and Josuke swiftly dodged the attack. A hail of pellets penetrated the wooden floor beneath Josuke and left several small holes in the floor. Josuke quickly realized that Bad Company must be the Stand that Jotaro warned him about. The attack matches the description of a miniature military. Another barrage of mini-bullets were shot in the direction of Josuke and he dodged the attack. The bullets shredded apart a vase that Josuke was in front of. The pompadour teen silently gasped at the power this small Stand army carries.

"I have a whole company of soldiers constantly patrolling every inch of this house, everywhere you turn there's going to be a small squad of soldiers ready to gun you down like an animal!" Okuyasu's brother proclaimed. Josuke could hear the soldiers reloading their weapons and cocking their rifles. Josuke prepared to dodge the incoming bullets, but was distracted when Okuyasu came barging in.

"Wait, bro! I can finish this fight!" Okuyasu shouted.

"Okuyasu?!" Josuke said. Josuke could hear the soldiers already firing their rifles so he rolled out of the way. Unfortunately, Okuyasu was the one to get shot by the hundreds of mini-bullets fired by Bad Company.

"Okuyasu, your Stand may be the most terrifying Stand I ever encountered, but unfortunately you're too incompetent," Keicho said.

"You're not even concerned about the brother that you just shot?" Josuke asked.

"I kept telling him that people have the right to live if they keep growing. I've been telling him since we were kids, and if Okuyasu is going be dense like that then he deserved this for doing such a reckless act," Keicho said.

"But he's your brother!"

"I warned him if he continued to act as a moron, he would die from doing some dumb mistake!" Keicho yelled, "And if he were to die now, I wouldn't shed a single tear."

The small soldiers in the shadows began to fire at Josuke, who quickly dodged the attack. Josuke glanced at the spot he was just standing on before dodging. He could see the storm of bullets flying past him. This made him realize a flaw in Keicho's Bad Company. The Stand itself may be powerful, but the soldiers themselves are simple-minded. The soldiers take awhile to aim and fire and never shift their aim to line up with a moving target.

"It looks like these soldiers are too simple-minded to shoot moving targets. Once I dodge, they won't change their aim and continue to fire in whatever direction they aim at," Josuke muttered. Despite that, I'm at a major disadvantage here. The soldiers above have the high ground in this house.

Josuke quickly summoned Crazy Diamond and punched a massive hole on the wall. Keicho gritted his teeth and yelled, "Bad Company, don't let him out of here alive!"

Before Josuke jumped through the hole he punched open, he grabbed Okuyasu by the collar. He dragged the wounded teen out of the house so wouldn't get caught in the crossfire of Bad Company. As Josuke carried Okuyasu out of the house, Josuke was shot by several bullets fired by Bad Company's soldiers in the back. Josuke pushed through the pain and threw himself and Okuyasu out of the house. Josuke quickly turned around repaired the wall before Bad Company could open fire again. Once the wall was repaired, Bad Company created many small bullet holes scattered across the wall.

"Christ, those small soldiers surely pack a lot of heat..." Josuke panted. Josuke stood over Okuyasu and used Crazy Diamond to heal Okuyasu's face. Okuyasu slowly moved his hand and touched his face to feel a smooth surface without any small bullet holes on his face. Okuyasu sat up and glanced at Josuke, who had his back on him and faced the front door of the house. "Look, I'm only going to do this once. Now that I healed you, you have to promise me you won't interfere in the fight between me and your brother."

"W-wait, why did you heal me? I tried to kill you not too long ago," Okuyasu said.

"You may have wanted to kill me, but I don't want to kill you. Besides, dying like that is pointless. Anyways, I have to save my friend from you maniac brother..." Josuke slowly shifted his eyes to an old Toyota Corolla (AN: Not sponsored) that looks like it was modeled in the 90's. The car looked like it has seen some better years. Paint on its hood is starting to tear off and the car's mirror is starting to fall off.

"Say, is anyone using this car at the moment?" Josuke asked.

"Eh, that old car? No one uses it anymore. It's been sitting there ever since I was elementary," Okuyasu said. He was confused about what Josuke intends to do with he car. "Why do you ask?"

"Don't worry about it," Josuke said. He summoned Crazy Diamond to tear off the hood of the car.

Okuyasu quickly jumped on his feet and yelled at Josuke, "Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm going to use this hood of this car since no one is using said car. If you want it back, I can repair this car to its original state once I save Koichi," Josuke said. Okuyasu watched as Josuke grabbed the hood from his Stand's hand. Okuyasu glanced at Josuke's back once he turned around.

He noticed that Josuke had a bleeding wound on his back. He can't help but ask, "Wait a second, Josuke."

Josuke groaned and tilted his head towards Okuyasu. "What is it?"

"If you could repair anything or heal, why didn't you heal your back? It got shot up pretty badly!"

Josuke sighed and said out loud, "I may be able to restore both people and inanimate objects, but I can't "restore" myself. If I take a bullet to the leg, I have to let it heal naturally. That is the one flaw of Crazy Diamond that I can think of."

Josuke proceeded to go into the house nervous and sweating. Okuyasu was left outside of the house. He decided to keep his promise to Josuke. Bad Company is a dangerous Stand in an environment like this. This is like an old 50's cartoon with a cat being outsmarted in a mouse. The size of the individual soldiers make it easier for them to hide and ambush Josuke. Josuke lifted the hood as went further, expecting soldiers from Bad Company to fire at him. But not a single bullet was fired at him. Despite nothing attacking him, Josuke kept up his guard. As Josuke walked up the stairs, he heard small voices shouting from his left side. He glanced to the left and saw small silhouettes above the bookshelf. He quickly lifted the hood of the car right before the soldiers began shooting at him. Josuke could hear the bullets bouncing off of the hood of the car so his little strategy was successful.

Once the bullets stopped, Josuke ran up the stairs. As soon as he stepped his foot in the second floor, more soldiers hiding above him began firing at him. Josuke quickly lifted the hood of the car over his head like an umbrella. Josuke sprinted across the empty hallway as the soldiers relentlessly at him. Josuke thought to himself that the hood wouldn't last any much longer under heavy fire.

Unfortunately for Josuke, he step foot on a land mine, which blew up his left leg. The explosion was small but strong enough to send him flying. Josuke looked at his left leg to see his shiny pair of shoes shredded to pieces. Even though he can easily repair it, it wouldn't have that fresh, new look.

Josuke realized that he's out in the open with no cover. The soldiers of Bad Company noticed that Josuke is exposed and began parachuting towards the Stand user. They began firing at Josuke who quickly summoned Crazy Diamond to grab the hood and used it swat the soldiers like flies. A soldier was lucky enough to get on Josuke's shoulder. Josuke felt the soldier standing on his shoulder and used Crazy Diamond to quickly grab it before he could fire his rifle. The Stand crushed the soldier with the palms of his hand and threw the body at another incoming soldier in the air. The force that the soldier was launched destroyed the soldier itself and the descending one.

Josuke could hear a small propeller heading towards his direction. He quickly turned around and saw a miniature Apache helicopter flying towards him.

"It's not just soldiers, he has an entire arsenal at his disposal," Josuke yelled as he lifted the hood to shield any incoming projectiles. The helicopter fired two missiles at the hood, blowing it up and knocking back Josuke. Josuke lifted the hood and saw a massive hole in the middle. As he tried to grab the hood, the helicopters towards him ans blasted his hand.

"This is just great..." Josuke groaned as he got up. Crazy Diamond appeared and grabbed the helicopter. The Stand quickly threw the miniature heli on the ground and smashed it with its foot.

Josuke quickly decided to run before more soldiers converge on his position. He realized that he accidentally ditched the hood but that didn't matter if he was going to be surrounded. He sprinted to the adjacent corridor and noticed that there was a door that was slightly open. He couldn't help but to peek inside it, hoping that Koichi would be inside the room. Luckily his hunch was right as Koichi laid down in the center of the room and still unconscious. Josuke fully opened the door, but before he could step inside a thought suddenly ran through his head.

Wait a minute, this is way too convenient. This must be a trap. I bet that a dozen soldiers are aiming down their sights at Koichi. Josuke thought.

"The Hand!" Okuyasu suddenly shouted behind Josuke. Koichi suddenly appeared in front of Josuke. Josuke quickly turned around to see Okuyasu slowly walking away.

"Wait, why did you pull in Koichi?" Josuke asked. Okuyasu stopped and tilted his head towards Josuke.

"Knowing my brother, he probably placed traps around that guy. Since you healed me, I decided to return the favor," Okuyasu replied. Okuyasu continued to walk away. Josuke to turn his attention to Koichi so that he can finally heal him.

"Crazy Diamond!" Josuke shouted as his Stand appeared. The Stand placed its hand on Koichi's wound and a yellow aura surrounded its hand.

Koichi suddenly woke up and gasped out loud. His eyes widened as if he just had a near-death experience. He quickly saw glanced at Josuke and began screaming.

"Ahhhh, behind you Josuke!" Koichi shouted as he got up and threw his back against the wall. Josuke turned around with his fist ready to throw a punch. Crazy Diamond followed his back and clenched the same fist as Josuke's.

"There's no one here!" Josuke yelled.

"I-I'm talking about the giant man following your back!" Koichi shouted.

Josuke paused and glances a Koichi, "Do... do you mean Crazy Diamond?" Josuke asked.

"W-what is that?" Koichi asked.

"Wait, the bigger question here is that if you can see my Stand?"

"If that's what they're called then yes!" Koichi snapped. The short student took a second to regain his composure and breathed at a more calmer pace.

"You okay, Koichi?" Josuke asked.

"Yeah, I am..." Koichi muttered, "But if I can see your Stand, does that mean I have a Stand?"

"You most likely do. You got shot by the Stand Arrow, which pretty much creates new Stands," Josuke said.

"Ooh," Koichi muttered in intrigue, "So if I have a Stand, does that mean I can summon it"

"Now is not the time to summon your Stand. Even if you summoned one successfully, you wouldn't know how to use it. It takes practice and training to use a Stand," Josuke said, "Right now, our priority is to leave this place."

"Right," Koichi responded. Josuke didn't have anything to shield himself with if Bad Company started attacking them. He's probably going to have to make a quick getaway.

"Alright, it's going to sound ridiculous, but the person who shot you with the Stand Arrow has a Stand. It's called Bad Company and it consists of small toy soldiers with weapons that can demolish you if you're not careful," Josuke explained. The only thing Josuke could do right now is to slowly walk through the long hallway and listen carefully for any sign of the small army. Koichi quickly glanced over Josuke and saw a blocky silhouette moving across the shadows

"Josuke! There's something moving in the shadows above you!" Koichi called out.

Josuke quickly pulled out a lighter to see a tank on a wooden ledge, and it had its cannon pointed right at Josuke's face. As the tank fired a projectile at Josuke, he summoned Crazy Diamond to punch it. The force of the punch caused the projectile to fling in the other direction and blow up midair. Crazy Diamond swiftly grabbed the tank and tore off its cannon. Josuke and Koichi heard something moving towards their position and quickly turned around to see several tanks and soldiers aiming their weapons at them.

"Koichi, run!" Josuke shouted as started running in the other direction. Josuke saw another group of tanks and soldiers moving towards their position from the other side.

"We're surrounded!" Koichi shouted. Josuke used Crazy Diamond to break open the wall next to them.

"Move before they take aim and fire!" Josuke shouted. Before the soldiers could open fire, he and Koichi leaped into the hole in the wall. Crazy Diamond repaired the wall so that nothing can follow them through.

"We should be safe in here..." Josuke panted, thinking he escaped death. But what the poor teen didn't realize is that he has fallen into Keicho's trap. Keicho was expecting Josuke and Koichi to punch their way into this room if they were surrounded by Bad Company from all sides. He stood by the windows, facing away from the light so that his body looked like a silhouette.

"Bad Company, begin your assault!" Keicho exclaimed.

Several helicopters began approaching Josuke and firing missiles at him. Crazy Diamond quickly knocked the missiles out of the way with its strength. Josuke's stand quickly lunged itself towards the helicopters to try to knock them down, but the helis managed to fly away from Crazy Diamond's punches by barely flying out of their range. Several dozen soldiers began manifesting from Keicho and marched towards Josuke. The tanks and helicopters began manifesting as well after a hundred or so soldiers were manifested.

"Just how many soldiers can you summon?!" Josuke asked rhetorically. Even though the question was rhetoric, Keicho had a response ready for it.

"I have the ability to summon an entire company of soldiers! 154 foot soldiers! 14 Tanks and 6 helicopters! This is the perfect Stand for proper battle formation and tactics! There's no way you can outmatch Bad Company in both number and strength!"

"Numbers don't mean anything and those individual soldiers of yours are dumb. They can't even hit a moving target," Josuke said.

"That's why I have this every single gun pointed at you! If you move a muscle, they'll turn you into swiss cheese!"

"Why bother threatening me like if you're just going to kill me?" Josuke asked.

"I just want to indulge in this victory. But you're right, I would just be wasting my time. All units, open fire!" Keicho yelled. Crazy Diamond quickly stood in front of Josuke and raised its fist. Bad Company unleashed a hellfire of bullets and missiles at Josuke. Crazy Diamond was fast enough to punch the projectiles at a rapid pace, but Josuke couldn't keep punching at this pace any longer. Like Quirks, Stands run on stamina that takes a toll on the users physically and mentally.


The Stand cried as it protected Josuke from the bullet storm. Keicho smirked and leaned on the window, waiting for Josuke to make a mistake and get shot by one of Bad Company's bullet. Josuke gritted his teeth and walked through the storm of bullets. He just needs to get close to Keicho and knock him out so that Bad Company can end its assault.

"Just like Moses, who walked parted the Red Sea and walked across the floor, I'm going to go through this army and beat you up!" Josuke yelled.

"You're a fool, Josuke Higashikata! My plan is going exactly as plan and you're falling into my trap!" Keicho yelled. Josuke heard something click beneath his foot and he silently gasped after he realized his mistake.

"Another landmine!" Josuke shouted as the small explosive knocked him down. Bad Company quickly surrounded the teenager while he was down. They quickly reloaded their firearms and aim down their sights at him.

"You fallen right into my trap, Josuke! Now that you're down like a horse with a broken leg, it's time to put you down!" Keicho yelled.

"Josuke!" Koichi yelled, who hiding in the corner for his own safety.

"Koichi! Step back!" Josuke yelled at the short student before he could take a step closer.

"Isn't that the kid I shot the arrow with? I wonder what kind of Stand does your friend have? Maybe it can save your life?" Keicho asked.

"Koichi! Just stay back!" Josuke demanded.

"I-if I can summon a Stand, I can help you, Josuke!" Koichi yelled. Koichi quickly thought of summoning his Stand, which he thinks is the method of summoning one. A green aura emitted from the short student and it began to leak out of his body and take shape.

"Hm, I never saw Stands born like this. It usually takes physical form right away, but this is different," Keicho said. The green aura took form of an egg. Keicho raised an eyebrow. The aura solidified in an egg form and landed on the ground. "Not what I was expecting, but what an interesting development."

"A-are Stands usually born that way?" Koichi asked.

"No, but your case is unique. It looks like your Stand is being developed in that egg you have right there," Keicho said. Koichi quickly picked up the egg and stepped back, hugging his back against the corner of the room.

"I'm interest to see what becomes of that Stand, but we will deal with that later, but for now..." Keicho turned his attention to Josuke, "I will finish what I started!"

The helicopters fired their barrage of missiles at Josuke. The Stand user summoned Crazy Diamond and smacked them. However, the missiles still exploded on impact and blew up Josuke's arm.

"There's no point in trying to fight back Josuke! Any attack I throw at you will just hurt you to the point where you can't move!" Keicho chuckled maniacally, "My plan is going according to plan!"

"Same with mine," Josuke chuckled.

"Don't get cocky Josuke! You're surrounded by the soldiers of Bad Company! There's no way you have a trick up your sleeve!" Keicho shouted.

"You're the one to talk. You should know that Crazy Diamond restores anything it touches, including the dozen of missiles you fired at me."

Keicho glanced at the missiles that Josuke swatted aside and saw a pink aura surrounding them. He quickly realized what angle Josuke is working at. "All units, fire at those missiles!"

The soldiers quickly took aim at the missiles, but once they started firing at the projectiles, they were finally restored as if they weren't damaged in the first place. The missiles quickly flew out of the sights of the toy soldiers and flew straight for Keicho.

"Dammit!" Keicho yelled right before being blown up by his own missiles.

The explosion sent him flying towards the window and having his back crack it. Keicho being physically hurt caused a significant number of the soldiers of Bad Company to disappear. This gave Josuke an opening to finish his fight. Crazy Diamond was quickly summoned in front of Josuke and the two quickly rushed towards Keicho before he could realize what's going on.


Josuke unleashed a flurry of punches all over Keicho's body. Josuke finished his barrage of fisticuffs with a punch straight to the face, launching Keicho off the window. Okuyasu, who was waiting outside the entire time, dropped his jaw as Keicho crashed into their old Toyota car from above.

"Bro!" Okuyasu shouted.

"That damn Higashikata! I'm gonna-!"

"It's all over, Keicho Nijimura!" a stern voice shouted. Keicho slowly raised his body and saw Jotaro standing by the gate.

"I-it's Jotaro..." Okuyasu muttered.

"Damn you! Bad Company!" Keicho shouted. Despite being injured, Keicho isn't going to let Jotaro take him away quietly. Several tanks and helicopters started to appear out of thin air and have their sights on Jotaro.

Before they could fire, Jotaro summoned Star Platinum behind his back. He shouted, "Star Platinum the World!"

Time froze around Jotaro and he swiftly approached Keicho. He quickly pulled out a collar and placed it over his neck right before the time stop ends. Once the time stop ended, Keicho quickly grabbed the collar that was around his neck and tried to pull it off. When he pulled on it too hard, it shocked him.

"Don't bother trying to remove it. It's permanently stuck on you until someone releases it," Jotaro said, "And don't bother trying to summon your Stand either. That collar developed by the Speedwagon Foundation specializes in suppressing Stand abilities."

"You should make sure you have more, it would suck if there was a second Stand user. Ain't that right Okuyasu?" Keicho chuckled weakly. He waited for Okuyasu to budge a muscle, but his brother looked down on the ground.

"O-Okuyasu? Why aren't you doing anything?"

"Look, I may be an idiot, but I don't break my promises. I promised Josuke I wouldn't interfere with the fight between you two," Okuyasu said.

"You do realize what that means right? I get arrested and your on your own!" Keicho shouted.

"I thought about it and how it could happen, but if it does..." Okuyasu bit on his teeth and sighed, "I guess I'm going to have to grow up like you said."

"Then you better start now, brother. Because once I'm gone, it's just going to be you."

"Oi, Jotaro!" Josuke shouted from the second floor window. Jotaro tilted his head towards Josuke, who was waving for his attention. The teen chuckled and said "Sorry for going a bit ahead of you."

"Yare yare..." Jotaro muttered as he looked down.

A short while later, the Speedwagon Foundation quickly arrived and apprehended Keicho. Okuyasu watched his brother was put into the Foundation's transport truck. Koichi was sent home right away. His folks are probably worried that he's coming home late. Josuke and Jotaro stuck around and investigated the house to look for the Stand Arrow. So far they checked every nook and cranny that his old house had. But they couldn't find the Stand Arrow they were looking for.

"I swear to God, I'm going to tear down their house just to find it," Josuke said.

"Hm, I hate to break it to you Josuke, but it looks like the Stand Arrow could've been stolen," Jotaro said.

"Wait, what do you mean? Who else could know about the Arrow?"

"Keicho was working with a bunch of villains to create Stand users for their organization. He did it so he can get money to support himself and his brother."

"So that means villains with Stand users will cause problems. Dammit, how are the Heroes suppose to counter Stand users? Stands have the advantage of not being seen by anyone!"

"That's why we're working on it. It's going to take them a long time to find Stand users that could work for them. For now, we have them on the run again."

Josuke sighed. "I guess that sucks, huh? There isn't anything I can do?"

"Yep, for now, just live life normally and hope that the Speedwagon Foundation can fix this issue before it escalates any further."

"Shouldn't you have a few Heroes backing you up? I mean, these villains have Quirks that could easily destroy you."

"Me and my associates are experienced with both Stand and Quirk users," Jotaro said, "Take it easy kid, I'm going to back to my hotel. I'm heading out early tomorrow."

"Keicho has been apprehended?" a young man with light-blue hair said. He was busy scratching his neck even though it's extremely dry. He sat on a stool in front of a bar. Behind the counter of bar was a man made out of black mist wearing a suit and tie with metal plates around his neck.

"Yeah, it sucks that he got arrested... But hey, at least the we still have the Stand Arrow," a man with purple hair smirked.

"You did well in recovering the Stand Arrow before Jotaro could," the man made out of black mist said.

"What can I say? Red Hot Chili Peppers is the perfect Stand for breaking and entering. Too bad you guys can't see it," Akira said.

"At first I thought Stands were useless, but they're totally badass once you think about it!" the young man said.

"So, boss, what now? Should I grab Okuyasu before the Speedwagon Foundation does?"

"Nah, don't bother. His bro was just his pawn, he doesn't know too much about us," the young man said.

"But what if Keicho spilled everything he knew on his brother?" the man made out of black mist said.

"Keicho always looked down on his bro, so there's no way he could tell him everything," Akira said, "So, what's next, Tomura?"

The young man glanced his eyes at Akira and said, "We should lay low for the time being. Jotaro should be leaving Japan soon but that doesn't mean that his associates aren't snooping around."

"What about the Stand users Keicho created then? What should we do about them?"

"Well, Keicho kept them a secret from us. Any Stand user that refused to join our organization was kept secret from us"

"That's a bummer..."

"Don't worry about it, Akira. Things are going to get interesting," Tomura said with a smile.

Author's note: I hope you guys enjoyed a different interpretation of the fight between Josuke and the Nijimura brothers. I want to write the same events that took place in DIU, but at the same time I don't want to write the events from the manga/anime word for word. Of course it's going to have similarities with the source material but with differences that make sense.

As for the absence of Okuyasu's father, I decided not to include him in the series because I felt like his overall presence wasn't important past his initial appearance. And Keicho being alive, like I said, I wanted to do things slightly different from DIU. Anyways, I fixed up the first chapter of the story so check it out for a better read. Anyways, if anyone wants to beta-read, please DM me. I'm always open.

Up next: Introducing Koichi Hirose!