Chapter 2- Flint

"Remember how we used to fight with Volk and Franky at that clearing all the time, Burner? Seems like a long time ago yet I can still remember it like it was yesterday."

Flint's magmortar and starter, Burner, gave a grunt of agreement as the duo strolled through the outskirts of Sunyshore. It has been a long time since he had visited his hometown. Flint grinned, Volkner should be up for a challenge. It has been a long time since he can find someone not from the Elite Four that can make him go all out.

If Volkner is actually willing to bring his lazy self to accept his challenge, that is.

Volkner never stopped harping at Flint and guilt trip him for making him Sunyshore's Gym Leader. There was no real bite to it but Flint do feel a bit of guilt for doing that to his best friend. He knows how lazy and unmotivated he can be towards anything not related to pokemon training.

No regrets though, being Sunyshore's Gym Leader is good for Volkner and Volkner had helped transform Sunyshore into what it is today. Sinnoh and Sunyshore had both benefitted greatly through adding Volkner into their Thirteen Pillars. His contributions to the region cannot be ignored. His ability as a trainer cannot be simply overlooked.

Volkner is just that capable.

Unlike Flint who has a younger brother and a grandfather, Volkner never knew who his parents were and he never bothered to find out. Many had stepped forward to claim that role after he became famous but he sent them packing off with his pokemon.

According to Volkner, if they weren't there for him when he is at his worst, they don't deserve him at his best.

Volkner had always been the lazy, quiet type that will just sleep or read a book in an unassuming corner of the room. Flint had always been the outgoing one that got himself into all sorts of trouble. For Volkner, life at the orphanage wasn't easy. The bigger kids tend to bully the younger ones behind the matron's back and she is often too busy to care for each of them individually. Volkner is often left to fend for himself.

Flint's outgoing and charismatic personality attracted people to him like pokemon to pokeblocks. When he was still a child and playing with other kids his age, kids in Sunyshore flocked to him and he always somehow became the leader of his little group. Naturally, the bigger kids don't like their authority to be undermined and had tried all sorts of way to make his life miserable. The other kids were scared of the bigger kids and nobody helped Flint out when the bigger kids kicked and punched at Flint until he was black and blue. All of the kids that followed him left him in his time of need.

Only Volkner didn't.

It came as a surprise to Flint, that the quietest, scrawniest, and most unassuming kid in Sunyshore actually stood up to the bullies for him. They had barely talked to each other before that. Flint had never registered Volkner's presence until that point in time. Before that, he only knows Volkner as the quiet kid with the bright yellow hair and a love for books and pokemon. He only knew of his presence when they passed by each other a few times in the city and through passing remarks he heard about from others.

Volkner also got himself beaten black and blue, but it was how they got to know each other and became brothers in all but blood. They both have a shared love for pokemon. Flint's dream is to one day be the Elite Four of Sinnoh, a dream he strived for after watching the year's Lily of the Valley Conference where there was a segment displaying the Elite Four's powers in the opening ceremony. Volkner did not have such a dream, but he does want to be a trainer and an extremely good one at that.

Funnily enough, Volkner's eventual dream is to be the lighthouse keeper of the Vista Lighthouse.


Volkner is one of the most hardworking people he knew when it comes to pokemon training. He is lazy, but that only applies to anything that is not related to pokemon. He stayed up late to read and gain knowledge about pokemon where everyone had given up and fallen asleep from all the boring and technical stuffs they had to learn to become a trainer. He persevered where others gave up.

And yet he wants to be an ordinary lighthouse keeper? Why?

The only reason Volkner gave him when Flint asked is that he just want to live his life at his own pace. To Volkner, things like fame, money, acknowledgement are nothing. Volkner had said that at the end of the day when your life comes to an end, one should look back and see that they had lived their lives to the fullest, that they had enjoyed themselves. Why slog your lives out if at the end of the road, you look back and realised that all you did for your entire life is to keep working continuously without any time for yourself and your loved ones? One should enjoy what they want to do the most in their short few decades in this world.

To Volkner, a peaceful and carefree life is all he wants.

Flint can't find a reason to argue with Volkner's logic, but that didn't stop him from trying to find one. Volkner needs more motivation in life. It is a waste to see him squander his time away napping or guarding a lighthouse when he can be so much greater.

This is the reason why he jumped at the chance to apply on Volkner's behalf for the position of Sunyshore's Gym Leader. Volkner is a hidden gem that can shine if given light.

His brother is a very talented individual. He can be so much more.

Flint is brought out of his thoughts when Volkner's house is in sight. It is a small cottage at the edge of Sunyshore facing the sea. Puddles can also come to visit him and peek through the window if needed. This is one reason why Volkner had decided to buy this small cottage to live in since it allows him to interact with the largest member of his team.

Volkner is outside the cottage and snoring away under the shade of a tree. Jo, his jolteon, yipped happily and ran up to Flint as a show of greeting. The electric type ran circles of joy around him in an excited manner, happy that there is someone new to play with.

Flint walked up to Volkner and nudged with his foot.

"Oi, wake up."

Volkner cracked open a sleepy eye.

"Oh, hi Flint." Volkner said with a yawn before closing his eyes again. "Goodnight."

Flint's eye twitched in annoyance. They hadn't seen each other in so long and this is his response?

"Jo." Flint turned towards Volkner's excitable jolteon. "I think your trainer needs a shocking wakeup call."

Jo happily charged itself up with electricity. Volkner sat up immediately upon hearing the crackling sounds that Jo is emitting.

"Alright! I'm up!" Volkner scowled and glared at Flint, who returned it with a big grin on his face as big as Burner's.

"Come on, you and me. One more round."

"It will just end in a draw like always."

"Never know till you try."

"Leave me alone, Flint." Volkner groaned as he lay back down onto the ground. "This weather is perfect for napping too. You should try it out."

Franky simply rotate his arms excitedly and stretched his arms straight up into the air before leaning to a side. From what he knew, this action that Franky displayed since he was an elekid is what made Volkner decide to name Franky as Franky. Volkner was extremely amused when he first saw elekid striking this pose.

They may be brothers, but sometimes Flint have no idea how Volkner's brain work. Why does this particular action cause him to name his electivire Franky?

"See, even Franky is excited for a battle."

Volkner gave a look of betrayal at his starter who simply gave a megawatt smile in return.

"Fine. A one-on-one. I will be going with Franky."

Flint's smile grew even bigger.

"And I with Burner. We are going to burn you and Franky down."

"I TOLD you we will end in a draw like always."

"I was so close! Burner and I almost won!"

"But you didn't."

"ARGH! This is so frustrating! Just when I thought there will finally be a winner between the two of us!"

Volkner gave Flint a 'I told you so' smirk as the two of them lounged about in Volkner's living room after their one-on-one battle. The smaller members of their team made themselves comfortable in their house. Franky and Burner had regained consciousness and had decided to train by themselves in a secluded corner outside. The adrenaline rush hadn't subsided in their bodies just yet.

"Cynthia is calling a meeting for all thirteen of us in about two weeks' time." Flint said as the two of them enjoy a drink. "Just making sure that you know about it. I know you purposely don't check your emails to skip these meetings and then claim ignorance about it."

"That girl needs to learn how to unwind and chill." Volkner said lazily as he swirled the contents in his glass. "She's too serious about everything."

"You are too not serious in everything." Flint deadpanned. "I'm pretty sure you are right at the top of her shit list with the attitude you are showing her."

"Hey, that's good. Maybe I can get myself sacked for real this time. I need a break."

Flint ran a tired hand through his face. Volkner is still hoping to get sacked?

"Where is it though, the meeting."

"Everything is in the email. Go check it yourself." Flint retorted as he purposely made Volkner go the extra mile in opening his mailbox. He needs to stop being so lazy.

"Never mind, Jarvis!" Volkner spoke out loud to no one in particular. "Be a dear and write the time and venue of the meeting into my calendar, won't you? Thanks a lot bud!"

Flint facepalmed. Of course, how could he forget about Jarvis? He practically handles everything IT related for Volkner and he's everywhere even if he cannot be seen most of the time.

The existence of the porygon-z species is really too convenient for a lazyass like Volkner.

"Stop making your pokemon do everything for you."

"Hey, Jarvis enjoys doing this. Ask him if you don't believe me."

"Stupid lazyass."

"Shut up, afro head. By the way, did you see any pirates or the likes when you were on the way here?"

"No, the sea journey was very peaceful."

"Ah, Puddle must have gotten them scared. I know there is still one or two groups around but I can't seem to find them. I will get to it later."

"Or." Flint said with a predatory glint in his eyes as he looked at his best friend. "We could go pirate hunting now, just like old times."

Volkner returned the same look back at him. This is like the old times when the two of them will go around challenging street thugs and gangs as young boys with only their starters. The two of them against the world.

"That totally sounds like a good idea."

"Are you sure this is the correct area?"

"I'm damn sure of it. Maybe they hid underwater? Glowy!"

A lanturn appeared onto the sea on Volkner's command. Flint and Volkner are surfing on Puddle right now, so the massive gyarados cannot dive deep down to search for the pirates that they are looking for.

"Glowy, you found anything?"

Volkner engaged in a game of charades with Glowy. Flint have no idea how Volkner managed to understand what his lanturn is talking about, just that he can.

Glowy then began to speed off in a certain direction as Puddle followed.

"I think Glowy said she found a small island with a few working boats. It may be where the pirates hide themselves. How do you want to make our entrance?"

"Just go straight in, knock them out, then get out of there."

"The person with the least number of takedowns treat the winner to a meal?"

"I'm not going to lose this bet, Volk. I will never deny myself a free meal."

"Say that when you finally beat me."

"Why are you suddenly so interested in getting rid of these pirates? I remembered that this particular group is pretty small. You can just leave it to the police." Flint mentioned offhandedly before he remembered something. A sly smile works its way to his face as he looks at Volkner with a knowing gaze.

"Come to think of it, your girlfriend will be coming to visit soon. Aww, how thoughtful of you."

"She's not my-"

"You two even exchanged pokemon. Do you know that in some places, a girl and a guy exchanging pokemon is considered as a form of engagement?"

"What era do you live in? This is the modern society, Flint. Many people exchange pokemon everyday and I don't see them getting engaged because of it."

"Seriously though, when are you two getting married? I can't wait to be an uncle already."

"She lives in Johto and I in Sinnoh. There's no way she can come to live here permanently due to her work."

"Huh, is that why you are so insistent on trying to quit being a Gym Leader? So that you can go and live with her in Johto?"

"Shut up, Flint. I told you we are not in that kind of relationship."

"Don't even deny it, you two obviously have a thing for each other. You guys have been keeping in contact for years."

"I see the island." Volkner cut Flint's words off as a small island came into view. "I don't think they noticed us yet. Want to take a ride with Myst's Teleport?"

"I'm so going to win this bet, Volk."

"The one who barks the loudest have the weakest bite."

Volkner released his gallade out as the psychic pokemon teleported the two trainers onto the island. The brothers released their entire team out for battle immediately, who are already raring to go.

Time for a showdown.

"Thirty-eight! Damn, who said that this group is small? There are so many of them!"

"Forty! You need to work harder if you don't want to lose, Flint!"

Volkner's rhyperior, Tec, bulldozed his way through the mass of pirates using his large size. His tough armour prevented him from suffering any damage as it used himself as a battering ram to clear the way. Puddle stayed at the beach where he prevents any stragglers from making their escape into the vast sea.

"Might, Mach Punch!"

Flint's infernape took down a golem with a single punch just as Myst appeared in a Teleport and took out another group of the pirates' pokemon with a powerful Psycho Cut. Burner shot intense cones of flames as Franky zipped around the place in a flash of yellow, striking down everything that stands in his way.

"Simba, Wild Charge!"

Volkner's luxray blitzed through the crowd with huge amount of electricity coating his body. ISpy, Volkner's magnezone, shot down flying types with precise bursts of Shock Waves, allowing them to retain aerial superiority as Soar, Flint's Talonflame, hovered overhead as she sniped her targets on the ground with ground support from Flare, Flint's Flareon.


"Fifty-five! I'm going to win, Flint! Start thinking on what you want to treat me to later!"

"Like hell that will happen! Burner! Lava Plume!"

A massive wave of raging flames washed over Flint's side of the battlefield just as Franky unleashed a Discharge. The combination of lightning and fire took out a huge portion of their foes. Many had started to flee.

"North, trap them with Rock Tomb!"

Volkner's probopass summoned rocks of massive sizes and cut off the escape of the pirates. Buzz, Flint's volcarona, took this chance to knock them out with a head splitting Bug Buzz.

"Hey, those are mine!"

"Too bad! Eighty-four!"

"Damn it! Jo!"

Jo jumped into the fray in a streak of yellow and unleashed massive waves of Discharge at another group of pirates. Tec blasted the pirates' pokemon aside with a Rock Wrecker, clearing the way for the rest of Volkner's team.

"Ninety! Suck it up, Flint! I'm winning this!"

"Hey, that's their boss, right?" Flint put a temporary pause in their heated competition as he pointed to an escaping figure far away from them.

"Yeah, leave that to me. Myst! Take him out!"

The elusive gallade made a sudden reappearance in front of the pirates' boss and knocked him out with a well-placed chop. Flint took Volkner's temporary distraction to command his pokemon.

"Fuse, Shell Trap!"

Flint's turtonator turned around and used her shell to block the incoming attacks from the pirates' pokemon before unleashing a massive explosion of fire on her foes. Flint can't help but congratulate himself on his quick thinking. This attack just evened the odds.

"I'm not losing this! Franky! Thunder!"

"Burner! Overheat!"

A massive collection of energy erupted at the pirates' location. Soar quickly used her wings to disperse the resulting smoke. When the smoke cleared, the pirates lay on the ground defeated and unable to move. They were either knocked out or groaning on the floor in pain.

"I took out a hundred and twenty-five, you?"

"What?!" Flint yelled out in both shock and frustration. "Me too!"

"Damn it." Volkner grumbled as their pokemon starts to slowly make their way back to them. "Why do everything that we compete in always ends in a draw?"

"How the hell would I know? And how are we getting these pirates back to the mainland?"

"Uh…" Volkner stroked his chin in thought as he looked upwards to the sky. "I never thought that far, to be honest. I wasn't even expecting to really find the pirates."

"And you brought me out here just like that?"

"Why not?" Volkner gave a shrug. "It's not like we have anything better to do anyway."


Pokemon and trainer list:

Volkner Tide: Gym Leader of Sunyshore, Electric Specialist

Titles, Accolades and Achievements: Tie for First Place with Flint in the 521st Lily of the Valley Conference, Sinnoh's strongest Electric Specialist, Thirteen Pillar of Sinnoh, The Sun of Sunyshore, The Yellow Flash

Main team:

1) Electivire (Franky), male

2) Luxray (Simba), male

3) Jolteon (Jo), female

4) Magnezone (ISpy), genderless

5) Gallade (Myst), male

6) Rhyperior (Tec), male

7) Probopass (North), female

8) Gyarados (Puddle), male

Pokemon used for Gym challenges

9) Raichu (Squeaky), female

10) Pachirisu (Scrat), male

11) Heliolisk (Bask), male

12) Ampharos (Fluffy), female

13) Vikavolt (Vik), female

14) Eelektross (Whirr), male

15) Lanturn (Glowy), female

Pokemon used for Sunyshore's security

16) Rotom (Prime), genderless

17) Porygon-Z (Jarvis), genderless

Flint Cinders: Sinnoh Elite Four, Fire Specialist

Titles, Accolades and Achievement: Tie for First Place with Volkner in the 521st Lily of the Valley Conference, Sinnoh's strongest Fire Specialist, Thirteen Pillar of Sinnoh, Sinnoh's Raging Inferno

Pokemon team:

1) Magmortar (Burner), male

2) Infernape (Might), male

3) Houndoom (Bel), female

4) Flareon (Flare), male

5) Rapidash (Flamel), male

6) Talonflame (Soar), female

7) Volcarona (Buzz), male

8) Chandelure (Wick), female

9) Turtonator (Fuse), female