Chapter 3- Daily Routine

"This will be a six-on-six battle. The Gym Leader will not be able to switch pokemon for this match. No items are allowed. Are both sides ready?"

Kayla gave a look at both the challenger today and at Volkner, who is standing in his box lazily and giving a yawn.

Damn it, Volkner! This is no time to fall asleep on your job!

"Go houndoom!"

The challenger, a Dark Specialist who goes by the name of Alvis Greenland, sent out a snarling houndoom for battle as Volkner lazily threw a pokeball into the air. Squeaky, his raichu, appeared as she announced her appearance with buzzes of electricity.

Alvis is a very talented advanced level trainer that had breezed through the gym trainers with ease. Kayla isn't so sure if he can survive the team Volkner uses to entertain advanced level challengers though.

"Nasty Plot, then Flamethrower!"

"Squeaky, Light Screen. Then Rain Dance."

The huge cone of flames was blocked by a psychic pane of barrier. Squeaky used the mayhem to her advantage as she used her powers to summon rain clouds within the gym.


A huge roaring Thunder collapsed from the sky. It would have taken houndoom out if it wasn't for its quick reaction to use a Protect to shield itself from the attack.


Houndoom unleashed a Fire Blast to destroy the next Thunder as it sped around trying to sneak in pot-shots at Squeaky at the same time.


Squeaky nimbly dodged houndoom's attacks as she repeatedly summoned Thunders down without rest. Kayla can only wince at the sight. Volkner is really not giving any chance to Alvis. Alvis is good for his age but he is facing Volkner. Volkner seems to not be in the mood to go easy on his challengers for today.

"Shadow Ball! Disperse the rain clouds!"

"Volt Tackle, take the houndoom out."

Faster than what anyone can react, a yellow blur of electricity crashed into houndoom and slammed it into the other end of the arena, taking it out. From the looks on Alvis's face, he wasn't expecting his houndoom to be taken out in this manner.

Squeaky gave a little cheer at the outcome of this battle while Volkner just gave another yawn. Alvis simply palmed another pokeball in his hand before sending in his next pokemon.

"Skuntank, Poison Gas! Then Dark Pulse!"

"Protect, then get rid of the Dark Pulse."

Squeaky defended herself from the toxic gas before releasing a massive Discharge to disperse skuntank's Dark Pulse. Skuntank used this opportunity to get closer as it tried to slash at Squeaky with a Night Slash and succeeded.


Squeaky's Counter pushed skuntank back as she followed up with Thunder Punches of her own. Skuntank hid itself with a Double Team to evade the attack and used a Taunt to force Squeaky to use only offensive moves.

"Smokescreen, then Flamethrower!"

Skuntank released a stinky cloud of gas that engulfed the entire area and got everyone there to pinch their nose from the smell. A hot blast of flames ignited the gas, resulting in a huge explosion.

"Huh, not bad. I think Flint used that same tactic too a few times. Squeaky, you alright pal?"

A burst of electricity dispersed the smoke as Squeaky panted for breath but still not out for the count yet. That Flamethrower-induced explosion had gotten her good.

"Think you can go for another Volt Tackle before going to rest?"

Squeaky's response is to charge up a massive amount of electricity before charging straight in at speed too fast for the human eye to comprehend. A resounding boom later, skuntank suffered the same fate as houndoom and lay on the ground unconscious. Squeaky wobbled and then fall back down to the ground. The recoil from her Volt Tackle took herself out as well.

"Good job, Squeaky, return. Your turn, Scrat."

Volkner's pachirisu bounced excitedly as he appeared for battle. Scrat isn't really a battler and the pachirisu species don't make good battlers in the first place. Still, Scrat can be a wicked foe to face when given the right motivation.

Alvis sent out a cacturne for battle next and immediately gave his command.

"Spikes! Then Energy Ball!"

Large number of spikes appeared on the arena as cacturne shot them out of his body while spinning on the spot. A few seconds later, cacturne fired a huge barrage of Energy Balls at Scrat, who is hesitating on whether to move around due to the number of sharp spikes on the floor.

"Magnet Rise. Counter with Electro Ball."

Scrat immediately levitated into the air with Magnet Rise and countered the barrage of Energy Balls with his own Electro Balls, producing a huge explosion that rocked the arena.

"Get close and use Hyper Fang."

Scrat dove down in a burst of speed and bit on cacturne with his sharp front teeth, eliciting a pain cry from cacturne. Cacturne retaliated with a Needle Arm but Scrat used a Double Team to make his escape. Undeterred, cacturne used a Feint Attack to seek Scrat out and connect its attack onto the pachirisu.

Kayla looked on. Scrat couldn't possibly hold for long since his species is really fragile in combat. Scrat is pretty well-trained for a pachirisu but the physical limit he can possibly reach dictates how far he can go in battles. It is already a miracle that he can hold his own on a battle of this calibre.

"Thunder Wave, then Volt Switch to Bask."

Scrat acknowledged Volkner's command with a controlled streak of electricity that zapped at cacturne and paralysed it. Cacturne tried to put up a Spiky Shield to defend from Scrat's Volt Switch but the paralysis had delayed his reaction time, allowing Scrat to get a clean hit in.

Scrat immediately switched out and Bask, Volkner's heliolisk, appeared in place of Scrat. Volkner may not be allowed to switch his pokemon in a gym battle, but the effects of moves like Volt Switch and U-Turn are still well within the rules of the match.

"Low Sweep."

Bask dashed in and knocked cacturne off its feet as it tried in vain to block the attack. Bask ignored the damage it received from cacturne's Spikes as it uses a Rock Tomb to deal damage onto it before knocking cacturne out with a Bulldoze.

"Not bad, kid." Volkner said with a yawn. "Send out your next pokemon."

Alvis visibly gritted his teeth in frustration but sent out a massive drapion, his fourth pokemon for this match. The drapion clicked its claws in a threatening manner with poison oozing out of it but Bask isn't even the least afraid of the large behemoth.

"Toxic Spikes, then Brutal Swing!"

"Surf! Wash all the spikes away and Electrify!"

A massive wall of water rose and washed across the entire arena, cleaning the arena of any traces of Spikes and Toxic Spikes at the same time. Bask took drapion's Brutal Swing head on, which did not deal as much damage as it should since Electrify transformed the typing of Brutal Swing into an electric type, mitigating the damage for Bask.

"Parabolic Charge, don't let up!"

A huge focused blast of electricity shot into drapion as Bask attacked it relentlessly. Bask's small size and natural agility allowed it to run circles around the massive drapion, not allowing the drapion to connect its attack on him as Bask slowly wore him down.

"Drapion, Earthquake!"

"Magnet Rise!"

Bask dodged drapion's powerful attack by levitating himself into the air while still maintaining his barrage of Parabolic Charge, stealing some health back for himself in the process. Drapion gave a roar of defiance and shot a huge barrage of Pin Missile but Bask destroyed it with a Thunderbolt.

Volkner is a genius when it comes to teaching the move Magnet Rise to any pokemon capable of learning it. For other trainers, they could only teach their pokemons to float in the air with Magnet Rise. But for pokemons under Volkner's tutelage?

They can fly with Magnet Rise.

Bask flew nimbly in the air as it used the opportunity to blast huge bursts of electricity on the drapion. A massive Thunder later, the drapion lay on the ground as a smoking heap, unable to continue fighting.

Alvis seemed to despair at the fact that he only took out one pokemon on Volkner's side, but sent in his fifth pokemon, a krookodile.

"Ah crap, a ground type? Bask, Surf and Grass Knot."

A massive wave of water rushed at krookodile but it stood its ground and raised its elevation with a Stone Edge. The platform of stone is just large enough to raise krookodile away from harm.

Tendrils of grass shot out from the ground and snared krookodile, who wasted no time in freeing itself by burning the grass down with an Incinerate. It turned to Bask, only to receive a Return to his face.


A huge dose of venom was injected into krookodile as it screamed in pain and snapped at Bask furiously with its massive jaws. Bask got out of the way and used a Low Sweep once more, knocking the krookodile down.

Bask is just too nimble. Nothing the krookodile do can hit him.

"Sand Tomb!"

Krookodile roared as it engulfed the entire arena in a Sand Tomb. Bask got himself caught in the violent winds of the attack and krookodile used the chance to get Bask back onto the ground with a Smack Down and opened its jaws wide.

"Flash, blind it."

A bright surge of light hurt everyone's eyes and by the time it died down, Bask is raining down a series of rapid blows on the krookodile, who is still trying to adjust to the sudden handicap to his sense of sight.

"Foul Play!"

"Electrify, and Iron Tail!"

Bask reduced the damage taken with Electrify once more and strike back with an Iron Tail. However, it had overextended himself as krookodile caught him by his tail and used a Smack Down. A massive Earthquake then took him out.

"Not bad, not bad." Volkner complimented with approving nods of his head at Alvis as he returned Bask to his pokeball. "Now I am getting excited."

Volkner's ampharos, Fluffy, appeared for battle next. Fluffy is actually nearing the level of Volkner's main team. If Volkner sent her out, then it means that he is finally taking the challenger seriously.

Alvis is so screwed.

"Dragon Pulse."

A massive draconic beam of energy blasted krookodile and sent it flying into the air. A subsequent Focus Blast took it out for the count.

Kayla and Alvis both dropped their jaws at the sight. This is not the first time Kayla had saw Fluffy in battle, but that was a little too quick! Since when did Fluffy grow to be that strong?!

It was with a grim expression on his face that Alvis sent out his last pokemon, a weavile, for battle. Judging from Alvis's look, he knows that his defeat his imminent.

"Charge Beam."

A Charge Beam the size of an overpowered Thunderbolt tore through the ground it travelled and kept weavile busy as it tried to find cover from the attack. Fluffy didn't let up as she continued her attack as Volkner yawned once more.

"Blow everything up with Discharge, let's end this."

Her years of experience in working at Sunyshore Gym warned her of the danger as Kayla ducked her head and seek cover just as Fluffy exploded into a surge of lightning, tearing the arena into shreds.

Arceus save the poor weavile.

Kayla peeked her head out and tried to see the outcome through the resulting smoke. The outcome should be obvious, but she wants to be sure. She is the referee and she have a job in making sure that she makes fair judgements.

Alvis's weavile lay unconscious on the ground with smoke wafting from its burnt body. Guess this is Volkner's win.

"You are good, kid. Not many can motivate me enough to use Fluffy on an advanced level battle." Volkner said with a satisfied tone in his voice as he walked down and gave Alvis an encouraging pat on his shouder. Fluffy trotted to stand beside Volkner and tugged on his shirt, demanding a pat on the head for a job well done, something which Volkner obliged.

"Here, my Beacon Badge. Take it, kid, you earned it. And oh! Kayla! One of those Charge Beam TM please!"

Kayla threw down the TM disc to Volkner like how she throws a frisbee. Volkner caught it and passed it on to Alvis, who received his prized with a gobsmacked expression on his face.

"B-But I only beat two of your pokemon!"

"No one had beaten my entire team before and I still give my badges out anyway. My job as a Gym Leader is to guide and teach advanced level trainers while giving them hard enough challenges to motivate them. You still have a long way to go to even think about beating me, even Flint didn't manage that yet. Either way, you proved to me that you have what it takes to be an Elite trainer. Good luck on your conference, kid. You can try to beat me when you come back as an Elite trainer. My main team and I will be waiting for you."

Kayla watched on as Alvis stared at Volkner with looks of worship and idolisation. Despite his lazy personality, Volkner can be very inspiring.

Volkner stretched his arms lazily into the air and his bones resounded with a 'pop' after Alvis had left with a lighter skip in his steps.

"So, what do you think of that kid?"

"He could do better but he's not too bad, considering that he made you send out Fluffy."

Fluffy puffed out her chest at Kayla's words as Tec, who was resting nearby all along, idly repair the damages to the arena before going back to nap.

Like trainer, like pokemon.

"Do we have anymore challengers?"

"No, the gym trainers took care of all of them." Kayla reported to Volkner of today's happenings as Volkner looked seemingly in thought.

"How about a quick training session? You guys against me? Try to take me down this time."

Kayla's eye can't help but twitch a little. Going up against Volkner's main team is a nightmare. Doing it once is traumatising enough.

But then again, this is a rare learning opportunity. Training conducted by Volkner himself…

"Let me call the guys here, then we can start."

"Bravo!" Volkner clapped his hands once happily. "I will be waiting! I am feeling especially motivated today."

They are so getting themselves demolished by Volkner today.

"Hey, that's it? I thought you guys lasted longer the other time? Did you guys just forget everything that I taught you people about using Magnet Rise? Tec's Earthquake should be easily avoidable. We made it especially easy."

"We still can't get our pokemon to use Magnet Rise at the same speed your team can." Kayla grumbled as she fed a Revive to her manectric and starter, Woofy. "We know how it works thanks to your teachings, but applying it is a different story entirely."

"Ah, I guess it can't be helped. This kind of things takes experience and a lot of practice." Volkner rubbed the back of his head. "I guess more Earthquake avoiding session for you guys and your pokemon? Nothing helps your pokemon learn faster than a visible threat to their lives."

The face of every gym trainer and their pokemon paled at hearing Volkner's words. Tec is already slowly forming a grin on his rocky face and starting to spin his drill in excitement. The speed of the spin is slowly picking up.

"It's…It's fine! We can all do it ourselves in our free time! Haha…" Vicky, another gym trainer who is also an Electric Specialist, gave a nervous laugh as she said those words.

"Y-Yeah! We are totally capable of doing that ourselves! We are all advanced and Elite trainers! We can take care of ourselves! Right, guys?"

Marco's words got everyone nodding their head eagerly in agreement. No one wants to go through another one of those crazy Earthquake avoiding session that Volkner enjoys putting them through. It does produce results, since Earthquake is a favourite move of many advanced and Elite trainers in battling against electric types and any Electric Specialist should learn how to avoid or defend against that attack, but the training process isn't fun.

It is definitely not fun when Volkner's Tec is the one unleashing the Earthquakes.

"Well… in that case I will leave it to you guys to train at your own pace. On a side note, remember to rotate the pokemon you are helping the League to train, yeah? Any loaned pokemon evolved recently?"

"My alolan graveler just evolved into a golem." Joe reported. "Do you need me to do anything?"

"Just make sure you update the League's database. Ask Kayla if you are unsure how to do it. If there are any other problems, find me. Don't overtax your golem too, give it a few days of rest. Most pokemon need some time to adjust to their new body after their evolution, especially if they have a major physical change. Your golem now has two arms instead of four, it is going to have to get used to its new body before battling again."

"Got it."

The pokemon gym trainers used to battle challengers are those loaned to them by the Sinnoh League. These pokemon in the League's possession are in the temporary care of the gym trainers and it is their duty to get them up to the level that is strong enough to be given out to trainers employed by the Sinnoh League. Most trainers employed by the Sinnoh League participate in missions and duties that are often dangerous in nature and it is not uncommon for a trainer to lose a pokemon or two on a mission gone wrong. In that case, these trainers are given a choice to choose a pokemon held by the Sinnoh League to replace the one they lost if they wish it. This is a benefit given only to these trainers due to what they had sacrificed to help protect the peace in Sinnoh.

Sunyshore Gym is in charge of training electric types.

"Well, if there's nothing else…" Volkner gave another yawn as his main team purposely mimicked their trainer's action for the fun of it. For those who can anyway. ISpy doesn't have a mouth to do so but that doesn't stop it from trying.

"I will be going back to sleep." The group of gym trainers chorused what Volkner will be going to say in a deadpan.

"Bingo!" Volkner said with a bright smile that seems to hold untold danger. "You guys are getting smarter! Kudos to all of you! Continue to work hard! If I don't see improvement in your pokemon's ability to use Magnet Rise by our next session I will make sure Tec has his fun with more Earthquake avoiding session for you guys! Just saying! No pressure! No pressure at all!"

Volkner walked out of the arena in a jolly manner as he left his gym trainers sweating silently in fear. It looks like they have to train round the clock to meet Volkner's expectation of them.

Arceus save them all.

Pokemon and trainer list:

Volkner Tide: Gym Leader of Sunyshore, Electric Specialist

Titles, Accolades and Achievements: Tie for First Place with Flint in the 521st Lily of the Valley Conference, Sinnoh's strongest Electric Specialist, Thirteen Pillar of Sinnoh, The Sun of Sunyshore, The Yellow Flash

Main team:

1) Electivire (Franky), male

2) Luxray (Simba), male

3) Jolteon (Jo), female

4) Magnezone (ISpy), genderless

5) Gallade (Myst), male

6) Rhyperior (Tec), male

7) Probopass (North), female

8) Gyarados (Puddle), male

Pokemon used for Gym challenges

9) Raichu (Squeaky), female

10) Pachirisu (Scrat), male

11) Heliolisk (Bask), male

12) Ampharos (Fluffy), female

13) Vikavolt (Vik), female

14) Eelektross (Whirr), male

15) Lanturn (Glowy), female

Pokemon used for Sunyshore's security

16) Rotom (Prime), genderless

17) Porygon-Z (Jarvis), genderless

Flint Cinders: Sinnoh Elite Four, Fire Specialist

Titles, Accolades and Achievement: Tie for First Place with Volkner in the 521st Lily of the Valley Conference, Sinnoh's strongest Fire Specialist, Thirteen Pillar of Sinnoh, Sinnoh's Raging Inferno

Pokemon team:

1) Magmortar (Burner), male

2) Infernape (Might), male

3) Houndoom (Bel), female

4) Flareon (Flare), male

5) Rapidash (Flamel), male

6) Talonflame (Soar), female

7) Volcarona (Buzz), male

8) Chandelure (Wick), female

9) Turtonator (Fuse), female