Chapter 3

Razi, Daniel, and Momo sauntered in the town of the island with a horde of people. They docked their raft at the harbor, and were just journeying through the street. However, Daniel soon stopped strolling and snapped his finger angrily.

" Dammit! I just remembered I don't have any money." Daniel then looked at Razi, and Razi looked back at him. Daniel feigned a smile." Well, do you have any money, Razi?"


" No? What the hell? How can you sail without even any money?" Daniel glared into Razi's eyes and beared his teeth. " I'm really hungry. Perhaps I'll have some Ra—"

" I have money. 10 000 beli to be precise." Both Razi and Daniel flinched and turned their attention on Momo. Momo reached behind his blue shirt and pulled out a wad of 100 bill beli. Daniel pushed Razi down and skipped to Momo. Daniel then embraced Momo with a second hug.

"You asshole. I love you."

However, as Momo and Daniel were kindling, a blur of an animal leaped up and snatched the pouch with its teeth. " Hey!" Daniel shouted after being nabbed. " Come back here, you furry bastard!"

" I'll catch him," Razi said. Razi then made a run for the animal as his footsteps rumbled against the pavement. " Wish me luck."

However, Daniel grabbed Razi behind his collar before he made a running start. Daniel then pulled Razi by his side and smacked his head. " What are you thinking? You'll never catch with something that fast."

" Yes I will. You'll see. I'll get us back all our money!"

Daniel was stunned by Razi's courage, but smiled snidely. " Okay. I'll give you two hours. If you can't get our money back in that time than you'll forfeit your position as captain to me."

" Okay. But what if I do get our money back in that time?"

" If you can…than we'll let you have seconds on the restaurant we visit."

" And I'll make you a nice hat." Momo inquired.

" Yay! Here I go!"

Razi futilely ran in the direction where the animal ran off too. Daniel smiled wickedly when he was lost in the crowd of people. " Sucker. C'mon, Momo, let's go get something to eat together."

" But what about Razi?"

" Don't worry. We'll let him have what's leftover. Hehehehe."

However, from above fell two shadows of men. Daniel and Momo both were paralysed by the men, and how they were both carrying two sharp katana's. They both wore brown rags wrapped around their heads, black tunics, and brown sketch pants.

" We're going to kill you, pirates of Wolf Fang Razi," both men said in unison.

" It's nothing personal."

" It's just good business."

All the people in town scattered away from Daniel and Momo. Daniel and Momo were facing two shady figures with black camouflage. Daniel instinctively unsheathed his red katana, and then he unsheathed his purple metal katana. Daniel raised both katana blades up. Momo pulled his metal pipe out, spinned it in circles, and then made a pose where the tip was behind his body—he didn't want to hit himself with the tip.

" Who'd you want to hit?" Daniel smirked as he crossed his two katana blades.

" I want the one on the left," Momo smirked. "He seems to be tougher than the one on the right."

" Really? I wanted the one on the left. But I guess I'll give you the chance to fight him, buddy."

" Thanks, pal."

" What are these pirates bickering about?" The assassin on the left mumbled.

" Who knows," The assassin on the right mumbled. " They're both just plain weird. But they'll be useful to use when we bring back…" Both assassins had one katana drop from their right sleeve. The assassins then disappeared, reappeared besides Daniel and Momo and raised both their katana blades high up. " Their severed heads!"

" Duck!" Daniel shouted as he pushed Momo down and extended his two katana blades too block the pursuer's blades. However, the assassins pulled their blades back and prepared to strike again. " Dodge to your front," shouted Daniel as the heel of his feet kicked Momo forward and Daniel jumped the other way right before the katana blades struck either of them—another second of hesitation and their heads would've been decapitated. " Right. Right. Jump. Left." Momo did every command Daniel shouted too him and safely dodged the blades of the blades.

" How is he able to predict all our moves?" The slimmer assassin said.

" Hey, you there, how are you able to predict all our moves?" The more muscular assassin asked.

" What, that? It's easy to know where bozo's like you are going to strike. The way you move your swords are just too sloppy."

" Why you!" Both assassins brought their katana's towards Daniel in a fury of attacks. Daniel however blocked every attack with his two katana blades, and then he rolled backwards away from the assassins.

" Fishman Karate: Carp Cracker!" Momo charged at the more muscular assassin and jabbed the tip of his metal pipe in his back. Screams of agony were shouted from him, but it only lasted a second until he did a karate chop and flinged Momo away. " Guah!"

" Momo!" Daniel elbowed the slim assassin, and punched the other one in his face. Daniel then ran up to Momo while both assassins were aching and holding their faces in grievance. " Momo…please be alright."

" Daniel…" Momo pulled Daniel's head too his mouth as he prepared to whisper something in his ear. " Daniel…" However, it appeared Momo only faked being injured, then sticked his wet finger in Daniel's right ear. Daniel shuddered at the wetness of Momo's fingers of Momo's fingers and backed away—Momo was laughing loudly. " Hahahaha! I got you! I so got you!"

Daniel initially glared at Momo for deceiving him, but he too burst out laughing." You asshole! That was awesome!"

" Hahahahaha!"

" What is wrong with these guys?" The slim assassin asked.

" I don't know," said the bigger assassin " Must be a pirate thing. Anyways, we can't beat them when they're working together, so we'll have to fight them individually."

" If that's the case than I call dibs on the white-haired one. I just love killing cute boys." The slim assassin turned out to be a girl, she removed her clothes, and the feminine appearance of a woman came out.

"Well, boys, who wants to fight me?"

" I think I'll do the honour," Daniel said. " I hate girls. And I'm especially going to enjoy fighting someone like you, girl."

" Bring it on, Mr. Tough Guy."

Daniel threw both his katana's in the air, caught them, and then he flashed their metal to the female assassin. The assassin merely smirked and took out a long chain with a croaked metal bird beak in the front.

Daniel and the girl dashed towards each other. The girl attempted to lash her chains at Daniel, but he caught the chain and pulled the girl towards him. As they were both falling down, about to hit the ground, Daniel and the female assassin repeatedly punched each other in all sorts of places.

Daniel and the girl soon were close to the ground, Daniel pushed her away, and both him and her landed on their feet, where the girl soon collapsed and hugged her chest while trembling. " You pervert! How dare you touch me like that!"

" What is she talking about?" Momo asked. "Why'd she call you a 'pervert'?"

" I'm sure you understand why, Momo. Think back."

" Think back? Oi! Daniel, you didn't happen to touch her…you know…starts with the letter B."

" Maybe I did, maybe I didn't; it shouldn't matter to you."

" B-but that seems a little vulgar. I know she's trying to kill you, but you could at least have the decency to act like a gentlemen."

" Should I tell him what else I found out? No. I think that's meant for after I beat this creepy girl."

"Names Brittany by the way. Just do me a favor, pervert, and just die!" Brittany spinned her long chain around in circles. She then lashed her chain towards Daniel as it then wrapped around his neck. Daniel seeped his hand behind the chain to break free, but he couldn't muster the strength to pry himself free. "Take this, buckwheat!" Brittany heaved Daniel up and slammed his body to the ground behind her. " And this!" Brittany heaved Daniel up a second time and slammed his body to the ground behind her once again.

" Hate to say it, but you're getting what you deserve, Daniel. Maybe next time you'll think twice about groping a woman."

" Moron! Hasn't he figured it out yet?"

" Take a little more of this!" Brittany spinned her chain in circles Daniel was attached to, and then she slammed his head against the ground." Now you die!" Blood was tricking from Daniel's forehead as the mysterious girl Brittany pulled another katana out of her sleeves.

" I've had better days," Daniel thought. " Days like…"


Daniel and Smoker were fishing. Daniel tugged on the reel of his fishing rod as a fish tugged on it in the water, but the fist overpowered Daniel and pulled his fishing rod in the ocean.

Daniel sniffled, tears dripped from his eyes, he cried, " Waahhhhh!"

Smoker just couldn't stand seeing Daniel cry; he was tolerable to anyone other than his son. " Here." Marine Captain Smoker passed his fishing rod over to Daniel as his son took it from him. " There is no reason to cry. I'm here, and I'll always be there for you whether you can you see me or not. Remember: my memory shall not wither away."

After fishing for another two minutes, a fish tugged on the fishing rod, but Daniel surpassed the fish's strength and pulled an 8 ounce salmon from the lake. Smoker and Daniel both marvelled at the salmon until it died; there was no air left for it to breath.

" Thank you, daddy."


" Thank you, daddy. You just gave me an idea." Daniel grasped the chains Brittany used and tugged on them. Brittany was pulled by Daniel and fell on the ground. Daniel jumped up to get back on his feet and raised his red katana blade up. " Now too get these stupid chains off me." Daniel striked his red katana against the chains and sliced them in half. Daniel scraped the chains off and smiled. "Perfect."

" You!" Daniel looked where the noise was coming from, shivered by the coldness in the person's voice, and show it to be Brittany. Brittany's face was splattered with her own blood and she had a katana in her right hand. " Time to die! Yaaaaahhhh!"

Brittany charged with her katana blade over too Daniel. However, as Brittany closed in on him, Daniel turned his red katana around and smacked the hilt against her face. Brittany trembled from the force, then collapsed unconscious on the ground.

"Daniel's first fight: Daniel wins! Woohoo!" Momo cheered on the sidelines. Momo soon realized it was Daniel—Daniel was the one to blame for the battle—Momo was displeased with Daniel. " Daniel, why'd you have to hit a girl? Doesn't that go against a swordsman bushido code or some other crap like that?"

" First of all: I don't have a bushido code; I'm a swordsman that does whatever the hell he wants. Second of all: This girl isn't any ordinary kind of girl."

" W-what do you mean?"

" Well, remember when I…you know?"

" Yeah, how could I forget."

" Well…I checked something else while I was on it. And I can say…you might want to take a gander at her crotch."

" Her crotch?"

" She's a hermaphrodite."

" What? I beg your pardon?"

" If you don't believe me, just take a look for yourself."

Momo followed Daniel's advice and looked at Brittany's sleeping form. Momo strolled to her and looked at her lower region. With his hands Momo stretched for her crotch, he attempted to stroke what was believed to be sticking out, but Daniel bonked behind his head with the hilt of his katana.

" I said you could look. What do you know you're doing?"

" I know what I'm going to be doing, pirates of Wolf Fang Razi," the larger assassin said snidely. " I'm going to eliminate the both of you; I'll start with the piranha fishman."

" I'm a sawshark fishman. And I accept your challenge." Momo stood up, raised his metal rod, spinned it in circles, and then he thrusted it towards the shady, brawny character. "Take a good look at my fishman karate. You don't stand a chance."

" Fishman karate? Is that so? Well…" The shady figure removed his clothes and tossed them to the ground. The figures elegant, muscular body was shown. Momo recognized him as a stingray fishman, the same size as Momo, green scaly skin, brawny arms, two dorsal fins sticking from his arms, jagged teeth, long black hair, and sea-green turquoise trousers. " Let's see how you handle my fishman karate."

Momo was in the fight of his life—a battle between two different fishman who both knew fishman karate—Momo couldn't have been more excited for battle. The stingray fishman swayed his arms side by side to show off his two dorsal fins formed on his arms.

" Make sure you don't die on me, Momo," Daniel laughed as he sat on the ground. "I want a fishman Nakama on my crew."

" I thought it was Razi's crew?"

" It'll be mine when he loses our bet. And I plan to make some changes with it."

" Whatever. Any captain is fine by me as long as he's a good captain." Momo rotated his metal pipe around in circles, glared at the stingray fishman, then stopped spinning it and pointed the tip at him. " Now watch me Daniel as I prove my loyalty to you and to Razi. Fishman Karate: Surf 'n' Turk!"

Momo spinned his metal pipe around and threw it towards the stingray fishman. The stingray fishman effortlessly smacked the pipe away, but was clobbered by Momo when he was distracted, and he caught his metal pipe. Momo went into a furry of jabs to the fishman's torso which could not be seem by the naked eye.

The stingray fishman smiled snidely, he was unharmed by the jabs, said, "My name is Sato. Is this really the best you can do?" Sato kicked Momo and knocked his metal pipe off his hands. Sato then made a futile attempt to slash at Momo with his right dorsal fin and made a scratch on his right cheek. Blood soon trickled from Momo's right cheek as he was cut. " Aw, look at that cut on your precious skin. Not good for a fishman."

"Worry about your own skin." Momo jumped up, spinned around and slashed at Sato with the shark dorsal fin sticking from his back. A cut was on Sato's face larger than the one Sato inflicted and blood trickled out of it. Momo smiled at Sato's infliction." Things aren't looking good for you either."

" That's the way, Momo!" Daniel shouted. " Kick that fishman's ass! Everyone knows fishman are terrible fighters!"

Momo grimaced as he heard vulgar words from Daniel's mouth, then turned his head around to Daniel. "But Daniel, I'm a fishman."

" Oh…right. Well, you're a much handsomer fishman at least."

" Really? Thank you. I rub my scales with turtle wax every day to give it that extra sparkle. I don't mean to gloat, but I think it looks good on me."

" That's right," Daniel thought, smiled snidely. "I'm going to butter you up. Let's just let bygones be bygones and be friends."

Momo however was soon grabbed by Sato and tossed to the ground. Sato pinned Momo down by pushing his right foot on his torso, seeping his sharp nails in his skin, as blood seeped out.