Chapter 4

Sato smiled as he continued to press his feet in Momo's skin. " You aren't very bright. Too busy associating yourself with your friends; you couldn't see me coming even when I was pressing up against you. It's such a pity I'll have to kill a fishmen brethren. But business is business and I can't let anything get in my way. I hope you understand, my platonic fishman brother."

" And I hope you understand how much of a prick you are, and how much you suck! Fishman Karate: Flying Fish!"

Momo shot up and rocketed into the sky with Sato's feet still in his skin. Momo brushed his foot with Sato's foot in it and Sato crashed on the ground. Momo crashed on Sato's body and crushed him under his massive weight.

" Oh yeah!" Daniel shouted. " That's our Momo! That's our fishman, not yours, but ours! Nobody's as tough as him!"

" Thank you very much for the compliment, Daniel," Momo said sheepishly, docilely as he rubbed his head. " That really means a lot to m—" Sato grappled Momo with his legs and turned him upside down. Sato then started to strangle Momo with his legs as he smiled broadly.

" That was a neat trick you had there, fishman Momo. It's a pity you weren't smart enough to finish me off when you had the chance. Now the only sympathy I'll give you is sending you too hell myself."

" I would hate to miss it," Momo retorted. " Too bad it's not today!" Momo gripped Sato under his elbows, raised him up, and then he slammed his body to the ground. Momo could hear Sato's bones cracking when he crashed on the ground. "How do you like that, fishman Sato?"

" N-not half bad." Sato's feet wrapped around Momo's feet. Sato tripped Momo and pounced on him. Momo tried to get up, but his arms and legs were pinned down by Sato's arms and legs. " Too bad you don't have any skills in judo. And I don't think there'll be something like that…" Sato reached behind Momo's back, clinged on, then squeezed him with all his might. " In Hell."

" Dammit," Daniel thought. " Momo's a pretty nifty fighter, but he's nothing without his lead pipe. I wish I could help him, but I'm just too sore from fighting that wench. What am I going to do?"

" I may not be good at judo, may do stupid things, and fight without thinking first-

" That's right. You're nothing but a worthless piranha fishman. And don't think you can—"

" Hold on. You interrupted me. I do have one thing most fishman don't have: I know how to set traps." Shark teeth fell down, fell on Sato, and chomped Sato's on his face. As Sato was blinded by the sharp teeth piercing his eyes, Momo kicked him off and rolled out of the way. Momo then stood off and smiled. " Bet you didn't see that coming."

Sato pulled Momo's teeth off and tossed them to the ground, then stomped on them with his feet. Dozens of teeth bits were scattered all throughout the ground from Sato's feet. Sato glanced at Momo and saw he still had his white teeth in his mouth.

" B-but how?"

" Didn't you know? We shark fishmen have the uncanny ability to regrow our teeth. And every time we do they become much sharper." Momo reached into his mouth and pulled his teeth out as they regrew. Momo reached into his mouth and pulled a second pair of teeth out and new teeth regrew in his mouth. Both of Momo's teeth glistened in the light. "The coolest thing is I don't need a dentist or an orthodontist. But let's just see how clean these one's are! Fishman Karate: Munch Fury!"

Momo charged towards Sato with the teeth in his hands chomping vigorously. Sato was frightened by the teeth closing in on him and felt cold winds dampening the back of his neck, tried to flee in an act of terror, but found he was pinned against a wall.

"Shit. I'm a goner. But if I'm gone I can at least let Brittany live; it's my fishman ultimatum." Sato punched his fist in the ground and pulled a wall of rubble up. Momo's sharp teeth merely teared through the rubble, but Sato countered by clobbering Momo in his face, then stabbed the tips of his dorsal fins in his chest. " It looks like it's the end of the line, my sawshark fishman."

Sato jumped up and boot kicked Momo in his face. Momo was then paralysed. Unable to move, having not even the slight energy to wiggle a muscle, Sato continued to brutally punch Sato in his chest and his face.

" Leave Momo alone!" Daniel shouted as adrenaline of anxiety was pumped into his brain and his face was blushed red. " Momo is a fishmen like you? Would you really kill your own species?"

" I'm sorry. This lug being a fishman is fundamentally impossible. Especially since he decided to join Wolf Fang Razi and a pitiful swordsman like you. You're all just a joke. A scam. A bunch of intolerable brats without any aptitude too defeat even a spec of danger. You're all—"


Momos's eyes grew cold. They turned into the red eyes of a completely berserk man. Adrenaline not only fueled him, now a mixture of rage and hatred flowed through his veins. Momo pushed Sato off and quickly bit his right arm and ripped a chunk of meat off.

Sato glanced into Momo's eyes and trembled. " I know those eyes. Those are the eyes of an enraged fishman. Oh no. A fishmen's strength is nearly tripled when he does through it…but it can lead into a genocide as that fishman will kill anyone who gets in his path."

For a second time Sato tried fleeing from Momo. However, Momo pounced Sato and rendered him helpless. Momo then bite the part of Sato's legs where his tendons were and sank his teeth in that one region.

Momo soon noticed the rest of Sato's body, licked his lips, and prepared to gnaw on his skin, but stopped at an all familiar voice, "That's enough bloodshed, Momo. You're going to lead yourself into a genocide!"

The red colour in Momo's eyes returned to normal. He was shaky, clumsy, his head was woozy and he felt off balance. Momo collapsed in the midst of his confusion and stared at the world around him.

Momo saw Daniel and the sadness in him; his human friend was crying. " Daniel…what have I done?"

" It's okay now, you big lug. We won." Daniel clumsily arose from the ground and stood on both his hind legs. Daniel was shaky, spaced out, now could only glare at the injured Sato. " Come on, Momo. We're going to make these assassins tell us who hired them."


Razi had never ran so far in his life—never wanted to run as long as he had—his devotion of catching the animal who stole his Nakama Momo's money was strong. After running for five minutes, Razi found the only to be a snake.

The snake slithered far, long. Razi thought he'd never be able to catch up with the snake in less than two hours, the given time his Nakama Daniel gave him, but corned it in an alleyway. Razi could still see the animal was holding the pouch in its mouth and rattled its tail.

" You're not a rattle snake, Mr. Snake," said Razi as he approached the snake. The snake seemed to be tropical; maybe it was even an eel, where it has slimy dark blue scales and was 4 feet long. " I know a snake like you can't be poisonous. But maybe you'll be kind enough to give me back the money you stole. It'll mean a lot to me."

The snake simply stared at Razi and slithered its tongue in and out. The snake stared at Razi, then miraculously leaped in the air and slithered while it was mysteriously levitating off the ground. " You say you need your money back?" A voice was heard from the snake. " You'll get your money when you pry it from the cold, dead hands of me, Shichibukai Shinomori."

The snake spun twirled around in circles so fast Razi mistaked it for a spinning top, then it stopped and a new person stood before Razi. The first thing Razi noticed about the man was his black goatee on his cihn. The man was particularly tall and lean with long limbs and a long face. His eyes were piercing and narrow and he had short black hair that was neatly slicked back with the exception of four forelock bangs.

" It's good to see you again, Wolf Fang Razi," The tall man smiled. " I remember you when you were just a little boy. It's amazing how time flies when you're seeking revenge."

" I'm sorry, who are you?" Razi asked.

" You mean you don't recognise me? " Hmm. I guess that's to be expected from a boy seeing his father in a genocide." The man continued to smirk and rub his fingers together as he gently descended from the air. " I remember everything that happened between your father and the blood bath we shed. He didn't cry even when we tortured him till he was nothing but a puddle of blood. Your father was a very strong man, and compared to him…" The man's feet planted on the ground as he raised his left hand and pointed at Razi. " You're nothing but a peanut. Do you even have a crew?"

" I have a crew of two. I have the son of some famous marine and a shark fishman that looks more like a barracuda fishman."


" Achoo!" Momo sneezed. Momo then sniffed his nose as he rubbed his nose hairs with his index finger.

" Hey, Momo, is everything alright with you?" Daniel asked.

" Yeah," Momo hoarsely replied as he continued to rub under his nose. " I just do this when someone says something about me behind my back. I just hope it's someone other than Razi."


" Two crewmates. Ha. That's just so pathetic. Even a mediocre pirate crew would have at least five pirates on their crew. But you just having two makes me sadist to whichever dimwits decided to join you."


" Achoo!" Daniel sneezed. Daniel then sniffed his nose as he too rubbed his nose hairs with his index finger.

" Are you okay, Daniel?" Momo asked.

" I'm alright. I just have this strange feeling someone's speaking ill about me behind my back."

" Do you think it too could be Razi?"

" I don't know. All I know is whoevers doing it better stay away from me."


" So you know my father?" Razi asked. " Where is he? I haven't seen him in years."

" Weren't you paying attention to anything that I said. Your father is dead. We ripped his body limbs from limb into seven separate pieces and kept one piece for ourselves as a memento." Shinomori the Shichibukai reached under his coat and pulled a small stubby finger with dry blood. " Everyone else got an arm or a leg, but me as I am wanted something small. The rest of his body we feed to our dogs."

Razi was initially confused till we saw Shinomori take out a finger, then he became angry and pointed a finger to him. " You monster! Don't you have any sense of mortality! That was my father!"

Razi without a second thought ran up to Shinomori. Razi then raised a fist up to punch Shinomori with, but stopped after a cold chill ran through his spine. As he was now standing, Razi lifted a small pebble off the ground, and then he threw it at Shinomori as it went right through him and dissolved to dust after going through his backside.

" I knew it!" Razi exclaimed. " My senses are never wrong about these things. You're a Devil Fruit user as well."

" Why yes," Shichibukai Shinomori smiled and stroked his goatee. " I've eaten the Mahou Mahou no Mi Fruit ( Acid-Acid Fruit) It's a rare kind of Logia Fruit that makes my entire body made out of acid. Now just watch as I show you what it can do."

A large gush of acid spewed from Shinomori's hands. The acid surrounded Shinomori's body, then piled up on him as tiles made out of acid covered his diaphragm, elbows, arms, legs, and made a helmet with spikes coming out the top on his head.

" That's really cool," Razi awed. " I almost wish I had eaten a Logia Devil Fruit."

" How sweet of you to say," Shinomori said with a smirk. " It's too bad I'm going to kill you. Acid Ball!"

Shinomori raised his right hand up and a ball of acid emerged from his palms. The ball was then fired at Razi, but Razi dodged the attack by dropping on the ground and rolling away to the left. Shinomori went into a cycle as more balls were fired from his arms, but Razi simply rolled away from them.

" Are you making a mockery of me? Your tendons should've dissolved by now!"

" It's not my fault you have lousy aim," Razi replied while rolling, then stood up on his hind legs. " You should probably just leave me alone. I don't want to turn into my Zoan body unless I feel threatened."

" Stupid! PREPARE TO MEET YOUR END! Acid Whip!" Shinomori stretched his right arm out. Toxic soon sloshed out of his arm as a whip made out of acid solidified. Shinomori thrashed his whip towards Razi, but Razi dodged it effortlessly as he sensed where the whip was going to hit and walked away from that spot. " This is getting irritating!"

" It's not my fault you've got bad aim," Razi retorted with a calm expression on his face. Razi then landed gracefully on his feet and glared at Shinomori. " What about my brother? Did you kill my brother Himura?"

" What, that annoying little twerp who carried two steel tonfas? Don't worry, we didn't dispose of him. He's happily sailing around the see with his merry band of incompetent pirates. But maybe I'll keep a memo to pay him a visit."

" You stay away from him!" Razi in his angry state ran towards Shinomori, jumped up, and then he scratched his face with his fingernails. Blood tricked from Shinomori's cheeks, but Razi noticed how his fingernails were dissolving as they touched Shinomori's acid body. " Guess I was a little too careless."

Razi reached into his pant pockets and pulled out two woolen black gloves with diamonds trimmed on the knuckles. Razi gracefully slipped the woolen gloves on his hands and wiggled his fingers to test their flexibility.

" Good, I was afraid these were getting rusty; I haven't used them in quite some time."

" Enough dilly-dallying!" Shinomori shouted. " Come over here and fight me like a man!"

" I'm no man! I'm an animal!"

" Well, Mr. Animal, in my trade they call me The Toxic Serpent! And they are especially afraid of my Toxic Slither Whip!"