Chapter 1

The objective is for him to be a Shichibukai around the time of the series start.

I don't like when SIs get personal, so the guy's going to have amnesia (know nothing about himself, except being pretty sure he's not supposed to be there) he will have all the knowledge from the wiki (I'm going to use it, might as just give it to the character).

I really didn't understand what is going on. I went to bed like every other day. On my own bed, at my home.


I took a quick look around, sand as far as I could see to both left and right, dense woods at my back and the endless ocean before me. Truly, a wonderous sight.

If I was on vacation! Not when I went to sleep in the middle of a large city at... the city of...

Shit, where was I from?

Wait, was I from... Was I called... Ah, shit.

Falling on my ass, I look at the ocean. What the hell is going on? Who am I? Where am I? And what is that fruit?

Wait, what?

Preferring to focus on the closest thing to me rather than my lack of memories and incoming existential crisis, I take a look at the strange fruit, a green with curly dark brown designs thing in the shape of a melon.

Taking it in my hands, I stare at it, not really knowing what to expect, but hoping to get something out of it, trigger a memory maybe. If it was so close by maybe I know it or something like that.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to want to to cooperate, and I give on getting the answers of the universe out of a fruit.

After 2 more minutes of staring at the ocean while trying to remember something, I decide to check out the forests behind me.

Mostly to do something, anything, and see if I can get the panic from all the many unknowns surrounding me out of my mind.

The first 30 to 40 minutes were a normal, if boring, walk through the park. The vegetation was dense and rather large, various fruit trees, all very tall and with the fruits very out of my reach. Vines crisscrossed a little above me and the ground was covered in fallen leaves and branches.

I tried looking for food, mostly hoping for some recent, still ripe, fallen fruit. I might not understand much, but I'm almost sure that I'm stranded alone here, and I know if that happens you need to guarantee a food source.

I had no luck, ended up spending all the said time looking through rotten fruit after rotten fruit, none looking in really good condition. Though give it a few days of hunger and I'm sure I'll change my tune.

Also took the time to look at what I could see of myself without a mirror. I was wearing a simple sleeveless white shirt, brown cargo shorts full of pockets and some rather comfortable slippers. Also was a bit scrawnier than I remembered.

I hoped for a second that this nagging on the back of my head that I was different, less thin could trigger a memory, but it seemed it was just a feeling.

After some more walking, diving ever deeper into the forest, I finally found something different. Unfortunately, it wasn't ripe fruit, instead it was a huge three armed, dark maroon monkey/gorilla thing.

I cannot say if it was aggressive or not, or even how it's face looked like, it was thankfully chewing on something in the ground and I decided that I wasn't letting that chance go and bailed out of there before it could see me.

Making my way back, firstly as quietly as I could then as fast as possible, I arrive back at the beach to see the sun going down.

No idea I was at the if the same spot as I woke up in, there wasn't anything really remarkable besides a large group of rocks very far away. Which were still there and very far away, so I guess I was close enough.

I thought to gather some wood or something, but I had no real knowledge of survival. I think I watched some videos? A few scenes passed through my head, but it was all very vague.

Tired from a mixture of the walking and the panic of both waking up without memories and seeing a gigantic three armed gorilla, and just slightly scared of going back to the forest while getting dark, I decided to sleep here at the beach for today.

There is not a cloud in the sky and I might as well eat the fruit already with me and deal with whatever this is tomorrow. Hopeful it's all a dream and I don't have to.

Not even thinking about peeling the strange fruit, I doubt getting food will be easy enough I'll be able to worry about such thing for much longer anyway, I take a bite.

And then try really hard not to puke the bit of food I have with me.

Hooooly crap this tastes bad.

After a few more deep breaths, sure that I wouldn't throw up, I take a look at the fruit, the strange, also green interior and juice coming from not really looking very appetizing.

I take a look at the fruit, take a look at the forest, another look at the fruit, another at the forest.

I think about the monstrous gorilla and compare it with the terrible taste, I decide eating it is better than going back to the forest, by a small margin.

Taking an even deeper breath, I try to swallow the fruit as quick as possible, in three bites it's gone.

Then I'm rolling in the sand trying to keep my only food withing me.

A loud boom gets me out of my revelry, and I sit up just in time to see a gigantic eel like head go under the waves, a shark at least 8 times my size hanging from it's mouth.


After calming down, or at least realizing running in circles while screaming isn't helping anyone, I decide to the most reasonable thing I can think of.

"All hail C'thullu, the Great Old One of the Deeps!" Seeing no reaction I tried again "What is Dead may never Die!" and again "Hear me Poseidon, great god of the seas!" and again...

Well, that was useless. I lay -fall- down in the sand, tired after screaming at the sea for help from whatever eldritch creature may answer for however long it has been. I think it was mostly venting by screaming at the ocean.

I really just wanted a soft bed right now.

That and answers. But, though both are unlikely, a bed seemed more possible. More mundane at least.

I laid there with my eyes closed, just imagining a soft, smooth, perfect bed beneath me, instead of the rough sand. I was focusing so much I could feel it.

Except when I raised my arms to stretch, I actually felt some strange, soft texture, not at all sand like.

Sitting up once again, I'm left baffled as I look at the mysterious green material that made a bed around me.

Running my hand through it tells me that it's soft and silk like, just like I wanted for my imaginary bed.

Getting an idea, I closed my eyes again and pictured/hope for a phone, I concentrated really hard and... nothing. Okay, I apparently can't create things. Maybe this is some natural super fast growing sand moss?

Sitting on the strange new bed, I heave a sigh as I recline back and- jump back as my back hits something solid.

Looking at what I hit I see a large, green, hairy chair back? Yeah, it seems like growing from the ground behind my was the back of a rather large hairy chair.

Running my hand through it, I could identify this material, it was more recognizable than the silk like bed, it was leaves.

The strange chair wasn't hairy, it was instead covered in a grass leaf like material, that was so thin and covered it so thoroughly that it seemed like it was hair/fur.

Ripping a chunk of it also revealed the wooden like structure beneath.

Getting a new idea, I closed my eyes and imagined a tree this time, an apple tree to be more specific, growing in front of me.

I did not even have to think that hard on it. I could feel a small pull inside of me, and opened my eyes to a small, flourishing apple tree, or at least an apple tree like tree. Including apples.

Raising my hands to the eye level fruit growing from the just created the tree's branch, I grab one of the apples and take a bite. And it does taste like apples, normal apples.

It was surprisingly simple to make it, just... wanting. It's weird to explain, it was like how you get your arms to move, you just will it.

I quickly eat through three more of the fruits, that shitty tasting fruit from before wasn't very fulfilling.

I then spend some two hours making a mixture of trees and wood/leaves structures around the beach. Testing this strange power.

It does tires me out a bit, and makes me quite hungry, but I feel surprisingly fine and energized after eating a bit, and most of the things I created were various variations of fruits that I remembered, which I would then eat to recover what I spent to created. It was quite the efficient system. Could also change pretty much anything I want in my creations, I'm still exploring its limits.

Still, remembering what's a pineaple but nothing on what's my name is irritating.

Well, at least food won't be a problem anymore, I think to myself while eating a banana, though it was purple and came from a some odd spiky bushes at his side, while sitting in a large vine between two trees growing in the sand. All, of course, created by this weird Wood Release like power of mine.

Housing is not that big of a problem either, I think while looking at the large box of wood covered in grass/fur.

Still trying to think on how to get drinking water, but I can sleep thirsty for today.

I didn't really freak out or question the power much. This whole situation was weird enough already, I wasn't about to freak out about the only thing that's been beneficial to me so far.

So, now that I have guaranteed myself a food source, to focus on the second point of interest for anyone stranded. How the hell do I get to civilization?

He ate the Mori-Mori no mi (Forest-Forest Fruit), a Paramecia which gives him the ability to control/create plants.

This takes place around 12 years before the start of the series. The SI has a One Piece character body, which means logic and biology may get out through the window.

This story will eventually include OCs. I'll use One Piece born versions of characters from other anime, as it gives an outline for me to write and something for the readers to recognize. I'm taking suggestions, for example:

Kimimaro [Naruto]: Nihilist, overly loyal sole survivor of a pirate family that terrorized the West Blue for years. Very proficient with CQC, ate the Paramecia Bone-Bone fruit.