Chapter 2

I welcome any suggestions of non-cannon (from filler or based on other animes) islands/pirates that he could visit. So far the only confirmed confrontation is with Moria, probably recruiting him after.

Really liked Moria's last showing in the series, won't spoil it, but he seemd like a great guy and it ended badly for him. He also brings along some good cannon side characters, like Perona, Absalom, Dr. Hogback and the zombies. And has the funniest laugh in the show.

*At an undiscovered island, on the Calm Belt*

I woke up to a wood ceiling in a comfortable, rather large bed.

It took me a moment, and two long blinks, to gather my wits. The bed really was comfortable.

When I did, I took a look around. A bare, all wooden, room greeted me. A 12m² cube of wood with nothing but a large square slight elevated from the ground floor, the top of the elevation covered in the strange thin silk like grass from yesterday. This being my bed.

That and a small, also wooden, basket sitting on the corner in front of the door, holding some of the fruits that I made yesterday.

Not bad for a 1 day, stranded... shipwrecked?.. Yeah, sleep didn't help there. Still no idea who, what or where I am.

I got up from the plant bed I made last nights, and looked around, at the wood, living house I also made last night. It's technically all living, I have no clue on the specifics of how my creations do it, but the plants are living, rooting and growing on the sand beach ground.

I could... feel/sense/hear it. It was strange, I know. And, as I opened the door, I could see it, slowly but surely a mixture of vines, roots and grass were covering the sand around the cube house.

All thanks to this strange power, a power that I got after eating a really, reaaally bad tasting fruit and seeing a large sea monster... Why does that feels like it should ring a bigger bell?

The wooden house was built on the divide between the beach and the forest. Tropical rainforest to one side and direct access to the beach to the other, a paradisiacal sight. Not that it counted for much, there were no windows yet, just four slight rectangular openings for air circulation.

It was, of course, because I hadn't time to make windows yet. Definitely not because I'm afraid of having three armed super gorillas at one side and shark eating leviathans on the other.

Shrugging, being far too early for all that trouble and already having way too many confusing things to worry about, I decide to go for a swim.

Well, not really a swim, considering both said shark eating leviathans and the sharks they eat that roam the waters around the isle, as I clearly saw yesterday.

Just throwing some seawater at my face would do for refreshment and to help waking up.

Stepping out, still a bit zombie like, I moved towards the sea, in front of the cube's exit.

I slept surprisingly well for a recent amnesiac stranded alone and with powers that, while I can't be sure because of my lack of memories, I'm 80% sure are not normal. And the result of that fruit, considering the timing and strangeness of the green marked foul tasting thing.

Stopping before the waves, I took a moment to look at the endless blue.

It was thankfully empty of monstrous creature of the de- Oh, forget it, a gigantic goldfish just surfaced held by the tentacles of some unseen abomination under the surface a few kilometers away from the coast.

Forcefully ignoring the irrational fear that put into me,creatures that large can't get me so close to the coast, creatures that large can't get me so close to the coast, creatures that large can't get me so close to the coast.

Probably... Hopefully... I'm on an island! I'll need to deal with the sea sometime, can't be afraid of it.

Walking closer to the sea, I scoop a handful of water, bringing it to my face. It's was all going normally, right until a wave brought the sea level to just a bit above my waist, after which I lost all motor function.

Unfortunately, the sudden lost of control of my limbs while leaning forward meant I fell face first in to the ocean water.

The first 5 seconds of my drowning were regrettably wasted by me screaming "OH SHIT!", wasting my breath and trying to desperately squirm for survival.

Fortunately, the wave after the one that took me down dragged me a bit closer to the beach, enough so that, with far too much difficulty for such a small task, I managed to dig my arms and feet around the sand and resist the terrible pull of the 30 cm waves.

With Herculean effort, after what felt like an eternity and may have lasted as much as 1 hour, I managed to drag myself the 3 meters necessary for the sea water to stop covering my body.

After which, in a show of acrobacy I didn't know I was capable of, I flipped backwards with one hand away from the sea. Falling on a bridge position, and crab walking backwards as fast as I could all the way back to my cube.

Collapsing on my grassy/sandy "porch", I try stop hyperventilating. What the fuck was that?! I just, lost control, became so, so, weak! I just touched the water and-

I was stopped with a sudden epiphany. Was, was this One Piece? Huge, odd sea monster and strange powers from weird, bad tasting fruit that come with a weakness to water.

But it couldn't be! One Piece was just a fantasy world that I... How did I know it was a fantasy world? I didn't even know my damn name!

I think I watched a series or read a manga... Something like that. Thinking I'm living at the One Piece world feels silly. Wrong... Like waking up alone and without memories in the middle a deserted beach wrong.

I watch the horizon and the half a foot waves that almost killed me, hoping the endless, uncaring sea might hold some answers. Or just enjoying the Kaiju battle playing out in front of me, as an enormous shark eel thing jumps out of the sea and steals the goldfish and part of the tentacles of the kraken, which proceeded to retaliate.

Deciding that I knew nothing about the world and that what universe I was in didn't really matter, while filing away my weakness to either water or seawater -need to find out which later-, I figured it was better to focus on the short term necessities.

Like that I need some freshwater. I'm thirsty as hell, having gone to sleep thirsty yesterday.

An island like this, so well forested and with large wildlife in it, is bound to have a freshwater source.

But I knew I couldn't just rush to it, there was at least one three armed gorilla four times my size in that jungle. Besides who knows what else.

Because of that, today will be a busy day. I'll need to practice to see how I can defend myself with these tree powers quickly, because I need to enter the forest and find a water source today. I might be too thirsty and weak to do it tomorrow.

So, skipping breakfast, I go straight to training.

Straight to training... How am I supposed to train for combat? More importantly, how am I supposed to train mystical tree powers?

Going with the first idea that came to mind, I willed a large row of spiked roots to grow from the sand. Seemed a simple enough start.

Staying with my eyes opened instead of closed to focus -like I did yesterday- I looked wide eyed as five large wooden spikes around two times my height and three times my radius burst from the ground. Just as I had imagined/willed it to be.

Okay, that was easy, I think patting away the sand blown into my shirt and shorts. Probably useful as well, the strength with which these... roots? erupted are sure to be enough to seriously hurt someone.

Good, good.

I have to consciously stop from tapping my fingers together like a cartoon villain while imagining uses for my ground spikes Vlad the Impaler would be proud of.

Now to think of something defensive then.

… That one is a bit harder. I sit on the grass growing around my cube trying to think of a good defensive move besides just making a wooden wall around me.

I did make the wall, there now being a large wooden wall to the right of my home. It stood taller and thicker than the cube's walls, I was also able to create it with my eyes open and without much difficulty. The large wood fortress wall grew from the sand in less than a minute, and I didn't even feel that tired.

It did make me hungry though, so I grabbed the fruit basket that I made and filled yesterday that was stored at my house. Resting the basket besides me for quick access to a meal while I trained.

And now here I stand, or sit, eating my fifth orange look alike while playing with the moving and growing spikes of root that I formed earlier, trying hard to think of a new defensive move.

Because I set as a challenge to myself earlier and I'm sure I could do it, definitely not because I'm avoiding and trying to push away facing the 8 meter ape with three arms, all larger than my whole body.

Five more minutes and a sixth orange later, with no new techniques, I decide to stop being a coward and go look for a source of water.

Still, the training was useful.

I discovered that creating the plants was easier, faster and less taxing when I'm touching the ground with my skin. Can be anything, from my hands to sitting down so my calves touch the sand.

Also, focusing on my creations I could sense them growing as well, if I tried I could feel it taking in the necessary supplements from both the soil and the sky. Using it to grow and multiply, with all my creations around the beach slowly but surely growing and spreading, as plant are wont to do.

As I was focusing on my roots, I felt/heard/saw a new, sixth root slowly emerging from the five giant snake like roots. Growing without my direct order. That's useful, also almost sure I could stop the growth if I wanted to.

Getting up, I move towards the -totally not terrifying- jungle. Taking the basket of fruits with me, a simple thought creating vines connecting it to my back like a backpack.

The writhing mass of roots I was playing with following at my behest.

The first twenty or so minutes were the same as yesterday, a monotonous walk through a dense jungle in a barely walkable path of fallen leaves and tree branches.

The mass of wooden spikes helping me along as if through telepathy. I start thinking the path is too full of natural debris, the thick roots wash away the rotting leaves and branches. I wonder how to get through a fallen tree, well, apparently said roots can destroy a very thick tree with ease.

This clear path of destruction will also help when making my way back to my cube.

There was a slight pull and a tiredness from moving them so much. They reacted instinctively to my will, but I could feel a pull, a connection, that demanded some energy to maintain.

Thankfully I could replenish any energy spent by eating from my backpack fruit basket. Now covered in silk fur like grass to better capture solar energy and with a small branch holding a growing fruit above it's opening.

A fruit which can be dropped in the basket, with new one growing in its place, with but a thought. Yes, I got a self-replenishing fruit basket now.

I must be past my twelfth "orange" now, no idea where this endless appetite is coming from.

With the help of my new best friend, moving roots, I made it as far into the forest in 10 minutes as I had during the 40 minute walk yesterday. Wonderful friend, really helpful, great listener too.

Sadly, this also meant that I arrived at the three armed monkey territory in said 10 minutes.

It was thankfully empty, save a few signs of half-eaten fruits (hopefully meaning they are herbivores).

Taking a quick look around and finding nothing interesting, I decide to go on ahead.

After 10 more minutes of walking, I arrive at a clearing in the woods, the trees opening to a clear -if leaf covered- ground with a rock in the middle and the canopy of tree giving opening for the more sunlight.

It was a beautiful scene, unfortunately interrupted by a far away roar/shriek. It seemed like a monkey's, I don't know how I know, but I know it's a monkey's call.

I warily look around and ready my buddies, roots 1 through... 8 now? Wow, they are growing and multiplying faster than I thought.

Seeing no 8 meter tall gorilla around, I relax and actually look around the clearing, being first too stunned for finding something different than endless forests and then too tense from the roars to really see what's around me.

It was a small clearing, a slightly more spaced opening between the trees in a vaguely oval shape, with a large perfect cube stone covered in strange writings in the middle.

Wait, What?!

Stumbling to my first sign of civilization, I run my hand through the vines and moss coated stone.

Closer to it I could see that it was actually somewhat submersed in the ground, part of it not visible. I thought to try and see if my roots could feel it up beneath the dirt, then forcibly ignored the blast of sensations that roared in my head as I suddenly hear/felt/tasted the movements of my roots.

Okay, I need to learn how to control and deal with those sensory bombardments real soon.

Still, I ignored the discovery I can sense/see not only my plants, but through my plants and that it hurts my head to do so. Focused on the greater discovery of some sign of civilization.

I would say this lightened some hope that I wasn't stranded alone in this weird ass island, but the rock seemed ancient and unkempt, I doubt there has been anyone around here for the last century.

Forcing away the slight depression brought from the discovery that the rock didn't mean I would find a city around, I tried to focus on the writing.

And I don't know if it was because I didn't remember or never knew how to read, but I don't have a clue what the hell it is saying.

Wait, I know this... I don't know what it's saying, but know this rock...

After far more time staring at the rock than I'm proud to admit, I had an epiphany.

Oh, shit... This is a poneglyph, the foul fruit I ate yesterday was a Devil Fruit, I'm weak to water and the huge sea creatures I saw earlier were likely Sea Kings. I'm actually at One Piece.

Sitting on the half buried priceless piece of history, I calmly analyzed my situation in my head.


Okay, maybe not that calmly and not that in my head, as I screamed my frustration at the forest. And it was mostly venting my frustrations than any real analyses.

Getting no answer from the trees -stingy assholes, they're hearing me, I know it, I could feel it- I breath out a heavy sigh and bury my head in my hands.

I'm precociously removed from my coming further hysteria by a wet "HRLSH!" sound, making me jump from the poneglyph and turn in its direction.

Turning, I see the steroid fueled gorilla I was so scared of. Held impaled in the air by 5 out of my now 11 writhing roots. It's three arms hanging limply by it, two by the side and one on its back.

Well... All that worry for this? I started approaching my catch, calmly walking closer until I was at an arms reach of it. Then the world suddenly spun into a kaleidoscope of colors and everything, specially my head, hurt.

If I had eyes at the back of my head, or paid any attention to my surroundings, I might've realized that my kill had a friend close by. One that, enraged over the impalement of his buddy, decided to deck me in the schnoz.

Jumping at me in a movement that I couldn't follow even if I wasn't distracted by the corpse of it's friend, it threw a heavy two handed punch with its two frontal arms.

Even though I hadn't seen it, one my roots did react in time, getting between me and the monstrous primate. Unfortunately, said root wasn't enough.

Though the root slowed the punch, the things fists still broke through the wood, hitting my face and sending me flying to and through the closest tree to my right.

Everything hurt. More so my head, but everything else hurt too. Holding my head and groggily trying to focus the colors flying around my eyes into shape, I slowly got up from the- Holy hell I'm indented far into this tree. Or the long brown/green shape I'm almost sure is a tree.

Pretty sure that shouldn't be possible, definitely not with my spine intact.

Stumbling out of the large, indented inwards, tree trunk and almost falling on my face, I managed to focus the rust red color slowly getting bigger into the shape of a large angry, screaming ape running towards me.

Good to know the noises aren't from a concussion, the ape is just shrieking very loudly.

Can't say there was an epic showdown between us, after I recovered enough from the sucker punch to form coherent thoughts, I panicked and tried to run backwards, stumbling drunkenly back to the tree with my face imprinted into it.

In said panic I also really wished to get that thing away from me. Luckily my squad, the now 10 writhing roots (root #3, your sacrifice will be remembered) answered my calls.

In a burst so fast that I couldn't really follow, both because of untrained eyes and the still swirling vision, three roots erupted from the ground, spearing the beast through, from ass to head.

Falling seated on the destroyed trunk, I try to gather my breath and thoughts.

I don't know if it was the fact that I have no clue on what to do, the fact that I'm in what I'm pretty sure should be fiction, the fact I almost died to a gorilla with a nonsensical anatomy or if I'm just going crazy from stress. But I started laughing like a deranged man.

I laughed, and laughed, and laughed some more. Falling from the trunk to roll around the ground in laughter at some point.

"Ah, ah, ah, I'm fucked." Getting my breath back from my laughing attack, I state the obvious.

Marooned in an apparently abandoned island, completely incapable of swimming, surrounded by sea monsters and super gorillas.

"Well, at least I'm not in Warhammer." Had to focus on the bright side of things.

Out of my panic induced laughing, I realized that the sky was already darkening, no idea how long I had spent walking through the forest and panicking about my -now- surety of being in a world that should be fictional, even being one of the most nonsensical fictional worlds.

I start making my way back through the path of destruction made by my roots wherever I threaded. I rather not stay in the still mostly unknown forest while it's dark, regardless of being able to unconsciously kill a large animal with my Devil Fruit powers.

After some 20 minutes of backtracking I arrive back at my house, feeling far more comforted by the familiar sight of the hairy green cube I called a home than I imagined I would.

My roots following close by, 5 of the now 13 roots dragging both the still impaled primates behind me. I'm sure I could find an use for them.

Collapsing on the slight step on my front door, I stare at the sunset over the ocean. A beautiful sight, not even marred by the huge ugly Anglerfish looking creature fighting the equally large mixture of an eel with a crocodile on the horizon.

Another wet "SLURSH" is heard as my roots, now 14, remove themselves from the corpse of the strange creature and retreat to the underground. I could still feel them shifting and growing beneath my feet.

Quickly going over my discoveries, then just as quickly burying most of the world changing discoveries and questions, I focus on the truly important. I'm still very thirsty.

I left to get some freshwater, and instead found out I'm on a fictional, strange world and that there's a priceless and illegal piece of history on this island. A productive day, but not in the way I hoped.

Heaving my tenth sigh of the day, I laid back in the wooden floor of the house behind me, my feet still touching the sand outside.

"I really needed to that find river or lake today." I think out loud as I eat another of my orange look alike creations. "Even if my powers are useful every human needs to drink water, I think taking a bite, it's not like-"

Mid way to another bite I stop as my thoughts coming to a screeching halt and I look into the fruit. Wet, dripping juice from the way too orange orange stares back at me.

Hoping to be right for the ease it will be bring and hoping to be wrong so I won't have to worry about being possibly retarded, I move a bit further ahead from my house.

Closing my eyes as I did yesterday I imagine a coconut tree lying down. A large single trunk extending horizontally in the sand from me to the sea ahead. I picture it reaching into the sea, I will it to take in the salt water -normally unsuited to ground plants-, and I command it to remove the salt while storing the water into its coconut like fruits.

It must've taken me more than I realized to picture it, cause when I open my eyes the sunset is gone and the moon is halfway up the sky.

But it's done. Growing from the ground below me is a single large brown tube covered in oval protuberances, looking almost like a sewage or energy tube found in a city.

Walking to one of the protuberances, a rough, green egg shaped ball, I remove it from the tube.

I was think on how to open the weird egg shaped coconut analogue, fortunately, it seems to understand me, one of its tips opening like a latch. So I can talk to even the fruits I create? Neat.

Taking a small sip of the coconut to see what is it like, I widen my eyes and down the rest in three seconds as the slightly sweet, very refreshing freshwater fills my mouth. I proceed to drink two whole more coconuts, being more thirsty than I had realized.

Finally full, I still took one more coconut with me as I moved back to my home, pressing down the shame from having this whole adventure and almost dying for a resource I could've made at the beach with no real downside.

Now, sitting on my porch, watching the waves at night while sipping my coconut water from a straw made from a small bamboo like plant that I created just for this, I could almost forget my problems. This actually solved most of them, my powers are a cheat code for surviving after all.

The bamboo straw also made me realize that I could grow plants directly from my skin, as the I grew it straight out from my palm. Filed that away with the other many discoveries of the day.

Even the sight of the titanic a turtle with the neck of a giraffe being attacked by some strange flying fish piranha couldn't take this relaxed mood away from me.

Until I started becoming paranoid about said flying fish launching themselves at me and ran back inside my cube.

Tired from the walk through the woods, the slight breakdown and almost being murdered by an angry gorilla, all exacerbated with the constant use of my power, I fell face first into bed as soon as it was in sight.

It's not like I could take a shower anyway, haven't found a river or lake or made a plant capable of solving that issue yet. I'll deal with that tomorrow.

A large roar echoed through the night, different from the shriek/roar I now knew came from the 3 armed gorillas. Whatever that is, I'll also deal with it tomorrow.

And so, I gracefully passed out.

Next chapter will be the last explanations/discovery chapter, the one after being a training/time-skip montage of some 3/5 years and him leaving the island.

While they are rare in other seas, the Calm Belt (where he's at) is full of Sea Kings, thus why there were so many sightings in the chapter.

His own creations have a smudge of his "will" in it, which makes them act like Gaara's sand. Other than that he can control surrounding plants, but they don't move unless explicitly controlled to.