Need ideas for the name of the character, which he will give to himself. I'm trying to make one by putting together famous pirates' name, so far I got: Edward D. Vane, Williams D. Reis and Charles D. Shih.
*Somewhere in the Calm Belt, 12 years before the start of cannon*
After waking up on a nice and comfortable bed, this time with a belly full of both food and water, I decided that this being stranded in undiscovered islands thing isn't so bad.
Provided you have a building and survival cheat code of a power, of course.
Now I just have to work on not drowning or getting sucker punched by large red three armed gorillas. Should be easy.
Waking up, I didn't actually leave the grass bed. I did something I thought of trying while on the trek around the forest, but preferred to finish that first and do this in the relative safety of my wooden cube. I closed my eyes and tried to feel my creations around me.
It came to me with a roar, flashing suddenly into my head and leaving me confused, numb and with a killer headache.
But it worked, I could see/feel/sense all around me. Everything in a few hundred meters radius was so... clear.
I could also see for the first time the proper size of my creations. Constantly growing beneath the cube house is a vast network of roots and by the beach I could feel the seawater/coconut converter expanding, where there was just a large single trunk was now a crisscross of coconut vines covering the beach ground, one already thickening into the trunk of a proper new water filter.
There were also the large attack roots, moving underground as if they were Dune's sandworms. They had no leaves or proper nutrient capturing roots, depending entirely on my energy to function, not at all self sustainable, unlike my other creations.
And I went to sleep ordering them to grow as much as they could. Lifting my arms to try to pull myself from bed, I could see that they were noticeable thinner.
Dragging myself out of the fluffy grass bed, I move towards the basket left haphazardly in the middle of the room. Moving with slow, feeble steps as the hunger caused by feeding said growing, unsustainable sandworms left me waaay too weak.
Collapsing besides the holy basket of food, I started eating. After two fruits in, having a bit more brain power, no longer almost dying of hunger, I cut the connection with my moving roots. Closing the leak of energy feeding the greedy plants.
I'll try to think of a more sustainable solution after this. This, being finishing the eighth peel-less orange look alike that I gobbled up in less than a minute.
After eating through the whole basket, while using my returning energies to create more fruits from the branch hanging from said basket, I decided to focus on other important things.
Or important enough when you can magically solve the issues of food and water in an unknown, uninhabited island.
I want to take a shower.
Properly getting up now, no longer too weak to move correctly because of power using exhaustion, I stretch and move to the door of the cube.
Noting that the moment I finished eating, my previously paper thin, bone only arms returned to their healthier versions. What kind of bullshit biology is this? A sudden flash of memory told me that Luffy and Brook healed broken bones in less than a minute by drinking milk...
Ignoring the affront to basic biology, I left the house.
Leaving the safety of my home, I take the time to look around. And hooo crap, did my plants obey the "grow" command.
Where just yesterday was a sand beach ground covered in thin vines, was now a grass land, green as far as the eye could see. The few trees, mostly fruit bearing, that I had made on the first day were now almost half as large as the likely decade old trees covering the coastline.
Multiplying too, as I could see the beginning of smaller trees surrounding the originals.
Made note of that said new smaller trees were growing more slowly, both because I could not see them visibly growing, unlike their freaky progenitors, and because I could sense the difference in growth rates.
I sensed their growth while waking up, but seeing it was a wholly different thing.
Well, filling away their growth rate, I continue in the direction of the beach, now grasslands, that held my water filters.
Taking one coconut in my hands while making a bamboo straw from my other one, I take the even more paradisiacal sight. Now grasslands all the to the sea, and with coconut water, I'm just missing the tiny umbrellas and I can pretend I'm having vacation on random tropical place #7.
It makes very much more likely my early theory that I'm in this One Piece world when I can't remember the name of any tropical country, which I'm sure I knew one, but remember Robin is born in the island of Ohara, at the West Blue.
I know I decided to wait until I was out of the island, but with my food and water concerns dealt with, I can't help but consider the possibility more. And this lack of knowledge except when regarding the One Piece world does seem suspicious.
Screw it, it doesn't change much until I reach actual civilization, so it doesn't bear much thought. Maybe I'll try to learn haki though.
Okay, overcoming the small rage at my selective memories, I move past my saltwater filters and closer to the ocean.
This time not even really being affected by the two large sea snakes with strangely lion like heads fightin- Oh, wait. These two are mating... okay, okay, okay.
After voyeuring stupefied at 20 more minutes of giant creatures doing the nasty all over the horizon -I tried looking away, but they were island sized-, I recomposed myself and focused on what I originally wanted. Making a plant to carry the sea water to my home so I could take a shower.
Definitely adding a heavy filter though, I thought hearing the roar of the still mating lion sea snakes.
I sat at the grass close to the sea and focused on the plant I wanted to bring to world, though not sitting close enough that a wave could reach me and make a repeat of yesterday's almost drowning.
Considering my plants are apparently self sustainable as long as I get them sun and water -even taking saltwater-, I decided to go for an aqueduct. Putting most of the plant's structure above ground, with more access to the sun.
Closing my eyes, I pictured a large wooden tube covered in wide, five petaled green/purple plants going from the sea line to my cube house, held by and connected to three robust, evenly spaced, trunks.
Focused on it, I could sense the wood slowly grow and form into my will. Feel as it grew from me to the sea, then from the sea to the house and feel as it connected with the three support cubes along the way and then with a corner of the roof of the cube. And there, I had a shower.
Sitting with my eyes closed I could feel as the tube pulled in air through small holes along its bark, then used said air to pump the seawater into its hollow middle, passing by layers of filters made from a grass like moss and finally falling from the roof in a corner of my home.
Focusing on said home, I quickly created a thin wall to stop water from splashing everywhere, and willed the bark beneath the artificial, natural shower to be specially absorbingly. Taking in the water and distributing as needed along the growing root network.
This really was the survivalist cheat code.
I have no idea the depths behind growing moss in hollowed wooden tubes, or converting saltwater into coconut water (though it tastes more like clear freshwater), or even how a hollow cubic tree covered in moss survives. But here I'm, building/creating all of that.
If it is One Piece it would make some sense. For the simple fact that nothing on that show actually makes sense, logic goes through the window and Devil Fruits have some bullshit powers.
One shower and some 40 minutes later. I was sitting in my porch, afruit at hand and ready to deal with the second issue of the day.
The sun was already going down but it was still in the sky, must have spent more time sensing the my creating then I thought, but there was still sunlight to burn.
Closing my eyes, I reconnected with the attack roots that I closed off to not have to sustain earlier.
I wanted to try to deal with the unsustainability of my... Wow, now 138 independent attack roots before dark. They were urrently writhing like snakes underneath the roots from the house, the water filters and the growing grasslands.
They really took to my order of "grow" before going to sleep. No wonder I woke up starving, I was already hungry after reconnecting with them for less than a minute. Thankfully I came prepared, having a large -and growing- stock of oranges besides me.
Eating as I focused, I try out my first idea. I gather the mass of writhing roots, making all of them meet one of their tips at a single point. Uniting all of them at that single point, I pushed said point into the surface.
The noise of a burst of earth told me it worked. Opening my eyes, I take in the round protuberance sticking out of the upturned earth. With a radius larger than two of me lying down -what? It was my only equipment of measure-. And I knew it was the tip of the iceberg.
Getting up, I moved closer to the half sphere sticking out of the ground, munching on an orange and taking the basket with me as I went.
Arriving in front of the sphere of roots, I focused on the most obvious solution someone with no clue of botany can think of to help maintain roots. Give them a good tree.
Now, most people couldn't do that, fortunately I ate a fruit that tasted like a spited on ashtray.
It was like a slow motion explosion of branches, multiple thin -visibly thickening- branches covered in sparse -visibly growing- short green leaves burst into existence, slowly but visibly growing from the half sphere in front of me.
Nodding in approval of my on work, while chewing on an orange, I sat in front of the roots, closed my eyes and focused.
Waking from my plant growing induced trance some 30 minutes later, I was greeted to the sight of a massive tree towering over everything else on the beach.
The tree stood far taller than my cube home and slightly taller than the old trees by the coastline. It was also ridiculously wide, with a trunk with a radius larger than three of me lying down and a canopy of spreading branches casting a shadow that covered from the sea line where I stood all the way to my cube.
I could feel from my connection to it that it no longer needed me to sustain itself. Though I would need to spend energy to order it to move.
Hm, with that dealt with, I sat down with my back to the trunk of the new tree and stared as the horizon started slowly turning orange as the sun set.
With that I had solved all of my immediate issues.
I now had food and clean water, even a bath and self-sustaining protection on this island.
Now, the only hurdle left was getting to civilization.
It was starting getting dark, but I was not tired enough to go back to sleep for a change, so I went to deal with the two gorilla corpses I left besides the house.
Before that, I approached and touched the bark of the newborn giant tree holding all of my roots, which covered all of the surrounding beach head in its shade. With but a thought the tree developed small, round fruit like protuberances, all emitting a soft greenish-yellow light.
Making bioluminescent nuts was easier than I feared. It was pretty useful, it provided enough light to see my future gorilla project, but not enough to bother if I decide to go sleep outside. And I know I could adjust the brightness if I wished to.
"Ah, you're truly a great friend, giant tree." I talk with my only companion. The rustle of its leaves the only answer.
Patting the trunk of my creation, I turn back to the three armed corpses.
"Hmmm, Hmmmm" I turn my head to get a different angle "Hmmmmmmmm..."
Going with the only idea that came to my head on what to do with large gorilla corpses. I decide to see if I can zombiefy them.
Pretty sure there is a fungi capable of doing what I want, and I should be able to further perfect whatever it may do to work on the corpses. Don't think they'll be that useful, but it's not like I know how to treat hunted gorilla to eat it's meat/use its fur, or like I need the food/cloth source, my plants solve any issue there.
Going along with the idea, I make two thin branches, one from each hand, connecting to random places of the corpses.
I close my eyes as I picture the plant, fungi in this case, that I desire transfering and growing into the corpses. Closing my eyes both to focus and to not see the shifting dead flesh.
And when I open-
"HOLY SH$!%*!_#(*%_!&*%!#_!(*#$_&(&)" After screaming countless obscenities and shrieking senseless sounds, and throwing up all I ate since waking up here, I did the only reasonable solution to my mistake.
With a mental order, the two monstrous abominations sped towards the sea, with far too wetly a sound for my tastes. Soon enough they were beneath the waves and devoured by some sea monster attracted to the blood leaking from the open flesh and muscle of the abominations.
Never doing that again.
At least it gave me the bonus of discovering that while I can't touch it, I can sense and control my creations even when they go under the sea.
Which I only realized the next day, when I was calmer. After creating the abominations I just finished puking, rinsed with some coconut/filtered water and went to sleep.
After tossing and turning, unable to sleep while thinking about the offense to god I suicided into the sea, I eventually passed out.
Next will be a larger chapter covering a 4 year time skip/training montage.