
Yes, Kokoro's scar was jarring at first, but it was not that bad once you got used to it. True he sometimes found himself wondering how she had gotten it; it was a distinctive marking after all. Otherwise, he barely noticed it when they passed in the corridor, even if he had barely spoken a word to her. Not that she would talk much if he or anyone else did. She only really talked to one person and that was the pretty and outgoing Kimiko Shibata, and even then Kokoro barely got a word in edgeways as her friend chattered away like an excitable bird.

Hitsugaya's brows furrowed as he remembered the first moment he had met the girl; with her slightly frizzy pale blonde hair and her wide and anxious sky blue eyes, clutching onto a stack full of papers to her chest like a lifeline.

No way, but how could such a timid little thing like her be able to blast four men and destroy a room with just her reiatsu alone?

He scowled but reigned his indignance in as he listened to Matsumoto continue to prattle on about her dealings with the foul men from that afternoon, neither of them noticing Captain Shiba's shadow quietly sneak past the door to the office and make its way out to freedom with a small knowing smirk.

She was standing in the middle of a small clearing. All around her, a forest of pale trees rustled as wind and mist blew through the stalks. The canopy was so dense above her head that she could barely see the overcast grey skies.


She gulped as her shout echoed eerily around her, the sound bouncing off the branches and reverberating in her ears.

"Hello!" she called again turning around on the spot to see if she could spot a way out.

There was none. There were only tree trunks and grey mist.

Or was there?

Kokoro squinted. Was it her imagination, or had a shadow flickered behind the trees for a split second?

"H-Hello?" she gulped timidly "I-is anyone there?"

Nothing answered. Nothing moved, not even the mist.

She shivered. Wherever she was it was cold. It did not help that the overcast skies above began to swirl and twist ominously as thunder rumbled overhead.

Lightning pierced the heavens above, the flashing white light illuminating the forest and the clearing for a fraction of a second.

Leaves rustled behind her and Kokoro turned around.

This time she could see it. A tall shadow between the trees. It was hunched over with what appeared to be a smoky mane of fur that stood on end from where it spread from the two pricked ears at the top, all the way down what might have been it's back.

Kokoro gasped slightly and cursed herself as the tiny sound rattled and bounced against the trees.

The shadowy figure stopped and a piece of it turned.

Kokoro's heart hammered in her chest like the thunder rumbling as four yellow pinpricks suddenly lit up in the shadows. She reached down to her sides but instead of feeling the hilt of her sword she only felt the end of a scabbard..

She looked behind her back and saw to her astonishment two sword hilts peeking out over her shoulders.

The air around her thickened and the storm clouds above swirled even faster and more furiously than before.

She had to get out of here. That thing, whatever it was, was too powerful. It would destroy her. She had to run. But no, run too fast and she would startle that thing and they would attack.

She started to slowly back away and the thing kept staring at her, its shadowy obscured body turning towards her as they crouched even lower. Kokoro knew that stance. It was preparing to pounce.

A clash of thunder and lightning ignited the skies and the heavens opened their gates to let through the rain.

Abandoning all semblance of self-restraint or respect, Kokoro began to run, her tiny legs barely carrying her a few steps ahead before she tripped on the now muddy ground.

She landed painfully on her face, and quickly turned over to scramble back to her feet, only to see a giant shadow looming over her, silhouetted against the stormy skies above as two glowing eyes bore down upon her and a mouth full of sharp teeth opened wide-

"Kokoro-chan! Hey, Kokoro-chan. Wake up!"

Kokoro blinked. She was lying down in her tangled futon, dressed in her sleeping robe, her platinum blonde hair splayed out in a mess about her clammy face.

Above her, Kimiko's pretty face and raven curled pigtails swam into view. She was wearing her black shihakusho and had a light sheen of sweat on her brow as she took off her sword from her hip.

"Kimi-chan? Wha-what time is it?" Kokoro grunted as she sat up and rubbed her forehead. Why was everything so muddled? And why was it still so dark outside?

"It's six o'clock. You slept through the day. It's okay, it's okay" Kimiko quickly put up two placating hands to silence Kokoro's frantic yelp. "the Captain's gave you a day off to rest and recuperate after yesterday's incident with Sabu and his cronies."

"Yesterday?" Kokoro frowned only to sigh heavily "Oh yeah, I nearly forgot about that."

"Those jerks" Kimiko scowled rolling her blazing blue eyes. "I told them to back off but the minute I turn my back they start up again. Honestly, if you hadn't blasted them across the room I sure as hell would have. No scratch that, I would have taken my Asauchi and neutered them where they stood without hesitation!"

"You do know it was an accident, right? And I only blasted two of them down…though I kinda wish now that I got all of them." Kokoro added with a small smirk and despite her anger, the corners of Kimiko's mouth twitched upwards.

"Yeah well, what matters most is that you're doing a lot better. And besides, both of us might get in trouble if we go out of our way to murder any idiot that dares to insult us." Kimiko snorted and Kokoro giggled. "Speaking of idiots, I think we won't have to worry about Sabu and his friends anymore. Their bad karma has already caught up with them this morning."

"Why? What happened?" Kokoro tilted her head as she leaned it against her pulled up knees.

"Toshiro Hitsugaya, y'know that prodigy twerp that graduated with us? He's got white hair, turquoise eyes, slightly shorter than you but stomps around like he's the captain in charge?"

"Vaguely, isn't he one of the seated officers?" Kokoro mumbled.

She had barely talked to the boy in all her seven months of living and working at Squad Ten. Yes, he was a bit cold and haughty, but he had never once been rude to her. Indeed, he was one of the few that did not stare uncomfortably at the scar on her face those few times they crossed paths. No that was not quite true, he did stare sometimes, but he always seemed more curious than disgusted on those rare instances Kokoro caught him.

She was snapped back to the present by Kimiko's widening grin.

"Yeah, he's the twentieth seat. Well whatever, this morning while training he hand-picked Sabu and his buddies to help him practise the bunkai for his katas and he completely wiped the floor with them. A couple of them had to go to the Fourth Squad to get patched up. Seriously I don't think they will be bothering anyone for an awfully long time."

Kokoro sighed. Well, that was one way for the universe to punish those idiots. Still, she could not help but feel a little sorry for them. Being electrocuted one day only to be smashed in the face by someone half your height had to be embarrassing…even if they did deserve it.

Oh well…I got the day off and had a solid rest for once…even if I did miss training.

She stretched out her back and her neck groaning softly with satisfaction as she felt her bones pop into place.

"Ne, Kokoro-chan what's that over there?" Kimiko asked in an uncharacteristically quiet voice.

"Hmm?" Kokoro quirked a brow at the older girl. Her green eyes were fixed on a point on Kokoro's left side in her blind spot.

Kokoro turned to face the object of her friend's fascination with a frown.

Instead of her single long very plain Asauchi blade, there were two katanas in black sheaths. One was slightly shorter than the other, a katana and wakizashi daisho, with gleaming black metal hilts and white silk tsuka-ito stitching over the top. The golden guards were no longer perfectly rectangular but slightly jagged the shape not quite yet discernible to her eyes. At the end of the hilts, each pommel now had the head of a beastly animal embossed into the metal Kokoro could not make out what they were.

Are they wolves? No, they don't look like wolves. Or bears? But no…they don't look like bears either. What the hell they?

Kokoro looked quickly down at her friend's hip. Kimiko's Asauchi Katana, which had a blue and purple hilt and a bronze diamond guard with a spider engraved in the metal, was still sheathed and ready to go.

Kokoro quickly rubbed her eyes as she turned her gaze back to the two blades beside her. Then she slapped her cheeks and pinched them.

Nothing happened. The swords just lay there motionless, though Kokoro swore she could have seen a small crackle of electricity tingle over the end of the hilts.

"My Zanpakuto." Kokoro breathed as she reached out to hold both halves of the daisho in her lap. "But-how did it transform?"

Then she remembered the dream. She had seen two hilts on her back instead of the one at her hip-

"Oh my god Kokoro-chan, this is fantastic! It's finally started to happen! I mean I knew it would eventually but OH! I'm so happy for you!" Kimiko squealed as she flung her hands around the younger girl's neck.

"Kimi! Kimi! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! What's going on? What do you mean it's finally happened?!" Kokoro gasped in alarm as she tried to wriggle into a position in which she could breathe in her friend's tight grip.

"Oh, Kokoro-chan can't you see?! Your Zanpakuto is transforming! You are imprinting on it and it is finally taking its shape, or shapes, in your case. Soon you'll have a proper Zanpakuto!"

"I-I will?" Kokoro stared at the two blades, her brain still whirling.

Yes, she had trained with the captain yesterday but that couldn't have possibly sparked off her powers …could it?

Kokoro did not understand. She had expected it to take years before her Zanpakuto took shape, let alone achieve Shikai, but she certainly was not going to complain now.

"Hey wait where are you going?" Kimiko frowned as Kokoro got up and all but leapt for their shared closet and pulled out her uniform.

"To the training field."

"But it's already dark outside!" Kimiko huffed "And you just did a mammoth training session yesterday, you need to eat something-"

"I'll pick something up from outside." Kokoro waved her off and gave her a small smile "Besides if I'm gonna make it to Shikai I've got to start sometime."

And so barely ten minutes later Kokoro Shiraki was running through the Tenth Squad with her two swords tucked into her sash. Due to her short height, she had to hold both up with her hands to stop her sheaths slipping out and bumping along the floor. She was going to have to get a special belt or holster to keep both swords off the ground. The thought was enough to make a big smile spread over her young face…until she was forced to skid to a stop and right into the back of a tall composed figure with brown hair, glasses and a white Captain's Haori.

"O-Oh, Captain Aizen, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to run into you." Kokoro blushed as she quickly backed away and bowed low to the tall man who just smiled kindly down at her.

"That's quite alright Kokoro-chan. I probably should not have been dawdling in the hallways like this. I certainly hope you haven't hurt yourself?" Captain Aizen chuckled softly as she earnestly shook her head "If you don't mind me asking, where are you headed to in such a hurry?"

"Th-the training field. It's my day off and I forgot to practice. H-how are you doing sir?"

"Oh me? I'm doing well I suppose. I have an appointment with Captain Shiba, I must attend to soon. I must say I am incredibly pleased to see you have settled in so well in your new squad." Captain Aizen's smile widened but Kokoro could not help but notice his eyes hardened ever so slightly as the last few words escaped him.

Then suddenly it vanished as he was distracted by the chiming of a nearby clock in another room.

"Ah forgive me Kokoro-chan. I must be off. Good luck with your training, I do hope our paths cross again soon. I shall say hello to Gin for you, shall I? He's leaving on a mission to the World of the Living this afternoon and he won't be back till next week. However, you should come by the Fifth Division when you have another break, I'm sure he'd love to catch up with you." Aizen bowed politely before stepping ahead.

"I-I shall sir. Th-thank you. I hope you have a good day." Kokoro bowed again before quickly dashing off, not noticing the way the older captain's brown eyes narrowed coldly at the daisho she struggled to keep from bumping on the floor as she ran.

When she was farther down the hall, Captain Aizen's lip curled ever so slightly into a small smirk.

"Hmm, looks like things are progressing quicker than I thought."

The night sky was dark and full of stars, the full moon hung low in the sky as Toushiro Hitsugaya walked towards the small wooded area just outside the Tenth Division barracks in his white sleeping robe with his Zanpakuto slung over his back in its holster.

It had been a lousy day. There had been a lot of paperwork and shouting. He had woken up barely having time to blink before he was forced to narrowly avoid a kick to the face from his obnoxious Captain's loud wake-up call. Then he had gotten mowed down by Lieutenant Matsumoto's generous bosom for the umpteenth time as he had walked out his room door (honestly that woman really needed to stop doing that to him first thing every morning, he was not sure how many more knocks his poor skull could take). Then, just before lunch, those four dimwits led by that dreg Sabu Ikeba had flung insults him during training. Under normal circumstances, Hitsugaya would have ignored those morons had it not been for their comments about how he and a certain Scarface would make a cute pair since both were short and "freakish". However, what made several people in the division snigger, instead had made him angry.

Hitsugaya had taken a lot of garbage from people due to his age and height, both to his face and behind his back and he was fine with taking the hits. After all he was sure of himself and his abilities. But to take such a cruel and cheap shot at someone behind their back in such a crude fashion, that was beyond spineless, and if there was one thing Toushiro Hitsugaya hated it was cowards.

And so, he thrashed the living daylights out of the older man and his three friends. They had barely taken their stances around him before his wooden practice blade smashed into their bodies, breaking bones, and snapping tendons. He was sure for certain he would get in trouble for being so aggressive, but Captain Shiba had let him off the hook this once, if only because it saved him the trouble of punishing his subordinates himself for their bad behaviour the previous day.

What is it with idiots like Ikeba? You would think they'd have something better to do than gossip and insult others like old fisherwomen?

Hitsugaya scowled as he stepped deftly over a tree root, his mind wandering once more onto thoughts of a blonde-haired girl with a scarred face.

Aside from her obvious power, Kokoro Shiraki seemed like an ordinary girl to him, albeit terribly shy and jumpy like a wet cat. Though she was quite adept with a sword, Hitsugaya admitted quietly to himself, remembering the few times he caught sight of her sparring against her tall dark-haired friend during training. Though timorous in her approach she had good technique and her Kido was not too shabby either.

And yet those idiots would call her a freak and mock her scars because they're jealous? Why must people be so stupid and cruel?

He wondered to himself as he walked through the trees, only to stop dead in his tracks.

There, just beyond the trees in the special clearing, something silvery flashed and shone under the moonlight.

Quietly he crept towards the nearest tree and peered around the edge of it, turquoise eyes wide with astonishment.

It was a young girl, wearing only her white night robe as she practised a kata in the middle of the small stream that ran through the clearing. Both her swords glinted white in the moonlight as she effortlessly moved through each of the steps, the blades slicing through the air slowly and smoothly like the clear water that ran over her bare feet.

Shiraki? What the hell is she doing out here so late?

He stared at the girl silently from his spot behind the tree. Over her eyes, she had tied what he recognised to be the white sash of her Shihakuso.

She's blindfolded herself? Is she mad? Doesn't she realize how dangerous it is? What if someone tried to sneak up upon her?

"Someone like you master?"

I'm not sneaking Hyorinmaru! I was going to train and I just happened to spot her practising. Big difference. Hitsugaya folded his arms and scowled to himself.

"Then why are you just watching from the sidelines? Why not go up to her?"

Because she is in the middle of a kata. It would be rude of me to interrupt.

"I suppose it would be a shame to intrude on such a lovely display." the ice dragon purred slyly.

Hitsugaya rolled his eyes, his cheeks burning slightly.

I should move away and let her be. It would be creepy of me if I just stayed and continued to watch her like this.

Hitsugaya thought, but for some reason, neither his feet nor the rest of his body could move. He just continued to stare around the trunk of the tree, his turquoise eyes following the girl as she now stepped out of the stream and onto the soft silvery green grass without missing a beat.

It was an oddly haunting sight, watching her move through the stances, a halo of white light illuminating her long loose pale hair as it swished around her small and delicate figure.

Where the hell did she learn to fight like that? Even when she's training in the sparring ring by herself, she doesn't move like this. So how…Oh…I see.

His brow furrowed as his eyes found the makeshift blindfold again.

So that was it. She was comfortable fighting without restraint when she thought no one else was looking?

Well, that's a bit stupid. Hitsugaya scowled waspishly to himself.

Everyone knows her father is a Captain and he trained her so why should she of all people be embarrassed to show off her skills? I mean yeah sure it's one thing to be humble, but I honestly don't understand what her deal is? Why is she so underconfident and shy when she obviously has talent?

Yet even as he watched, one of the rolled-up sleeves on her arms shifted and he saw, briefly illuminated in the moonlight, a strange jagged scar.

What the hell is that? And why is she using two swords? Where's her Asauchi?

Hitsugaya inhaled sharply, eyes narrowing as he tried to catch a glimpse of the strange mark in the moonlight.

"W-who's there?!"

Hitsugaya froze where he stood.

Oh crap, she must have heard him, though how she could have done so was beyond his guess.

She must have good hearing.

"L-look, whoever you are I can hear you breathing!"

Okay, she has really good hearing.

He sighed, his whole-body sagging in resignation as he quietly stepped out from behind the tree and into the shadows only to stiffen as the razor-sharp point of a blade came level with his nose.

He looked down the length of the folded iron.

Kokoro Shiraki was standing in front of him, her blindfold off and her pale blue eyes narrowed almost to slits as she looked down the length of her weapon. Hitsugaya felt his heart stutter in his chest, though whether that was from fear or something else entirely he had no idea. All he knew was that he felt like he was standing face to face with a powerful beast that was coiling itself to pounce.

Then the moment was gone as she recognised him and blinked in surprise.

"H-Hi-Hitsugaya-san. Wha-what are you doing here? Oh shit, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-I'm I'm sorry." she bleated her usual anxious terror returning to her face as she quickly retracted her blade from his face.

And now we're back to square one. Hitsugaya rolled his eyes.

"Enough. Look nothing happened so you don't have to apologise. If anything, I should be sorry since I interrupted you." He said though he sounded more annoyed than apologetic.

"O-Oh, th-that's okay. You don't have to-I-I was just finishing up that kata anyway." Kokoro blushed as she quickly lowered her swords much to the other boy's mounting irritation.

"What are you doing training out here so late?" he frowned folding his arms.

"I-I was…I slept most my day off and now I can't sleep," Kokoro admitted looking down at her toes. "W-What are you doing out here?"

"I couldn't sleep either" Hitsugaya deadpanned.

"O-Oh…I see…"

A cricket chirped.

Kokoro gulped scratching the back of her head nervously as her eyes fell to the grass at her feet.

The silence continued.

Hitsugaya quirked an eyebrow at the nervous girl his own eyes rolling up towards the dark night sky.

More silence, then a heavy sigh.

"Y'know, for someone of your calibre you are annoyingly shy," Hitsugaya grumbled, more to himself than to Kokoro.

"Huh?" Kokoro's flush darkened slightly, but Hitsugaya did not pay attention as he leaned against the tree next to him.

"I said why can't you get to sleep? Is it because you're thinking about what happened with that idiot Ikeba?"

"Uh, actually…it's because of…well, it's because of this." Kokoro bit her lip as she quickly tucked the two blades in her hands back into their sheathes. "M-My Zanpakuto, i-it…well…it changed."

"Changed?" Hitsugaya frowned looking at the two handles. Now that he looked harder, they both did look extraordinarily like the single Asauchi she had wielded the day before in practice.

"A dual Zanpakuto? B-But that-they're really rare?!" His turquoise eyes widened as he looked up at her face. "Only two people in the Gotei Thirteen have twin Zanpakuto and they're both Captains!"

"I-I know." Kokoro mumbled as she took off the blindfold from the top of her head and fiddled with it in her fingers "I honestly don't know how it happened. I-I just woke up a couple of hours ago and, there they were."

"I see" Hitsugaya frowned as he examined the black and white hilts and the jagged golden guards. Despite the pair's already impressive appearance, there was something about them that felt unrefined…unfinished.

She's not quite attuned to her Zanpakuto spirit yet. But from the looks of it she will be soon.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised" He sighed rolling his eyes "If you were able to zap four idiots with just your reiatsu, obviously you'd have a strong Zanpakuto."

Kokoro felt herself flush like a beetroot as she looked down at the grass beneath her toes.

The way he held himself with confidence, the way he talked…he was already a Shinigami in more ways than one. And yet he seemed impressed with her?

"Th-that's very kind of you to say Hitsugaya-san," she mumbled her hands clutching her blindfold tightly in her hands. "But in all honesty, I-I'm not really sure if -"

"Oh, come on! Cut the crap, Shiraki!" Hitsugaya groaned in exasperation, turquoise eyes flashing as he glowered at her "You really expect me to believe you had no idea how strong you actually are? Your father is a Captain for crying out loud! One of the best in-"

"One of the best in the Sereitei? Yes, Hitsugaya-san thank you for reminding me, it's not like it's a piece of knowledge that everyone keeps shoving down my throat day in and day out!"

Hitsugaya blinked.

Kokoro Shiraki was glaring at him once more, her hands clenched so tightly around her blindfold that the knuckles had turned bone white even as they shook slightly. He felt his hair stand on end, not from fear, but from something invisible sizzling in the air.

"Tch! So you actually can stand up for yourself? And people say I have a temper." Hitsugaya snorted, smirking slightly as Kokoro flushed red once more, her nostrils flaring as she snapped:

"Of course I can stand up for myself, you glorified little pipsqueak!"

A vein in Hitsugaya's temple popped.

"Who are you calling pipsqueak? We're the same height!" he spluttered as he strode up so that he was in her face. But to his surprise Kokoro did not back down as her hands flew to rest on her hips and she pulled herself up straighter.

"No, we're not, I'm taller than you by at least an inch!"

"An inch doesn't count!" he growled.

"Oh yes, it does!"

"No it doesn't!"

"Yes it does!"

"No it doesn't!"

"No you're right it does not!"

"Of course it does! Uh…" Hitsugaya paused, eyebrow twitching as he realised what he had said.

Damn, she got me!

He cursed himself mentally, his scowl deepening as he watched Kokoro's face split into a small smirk only for it to fall as she realised that they were practically nose to nose.

"W-Well if that's all you have to say Hitsugaya-san, then I guess I won't be bothering you anymore." she all but leapt away arms folded over her chest as she turned to walk away. "Goodnight"

"What-hold on just a moment-!" Hitsugaya reached out to grab her but too late, she had vanished into a shunpo, only to clumsily trip on the edge of the small stream and fall flat on her face straight into the water.

"Ah, cold-cold-cold!" She spluttered and squeaked as she writhed and scrambled in the water, cursing herself as her nightclothes suddenly became soaked through to the bone.

"Hey! Hey, stop squirming! Ah!" Hitsugaya tried getting a grip on her shoulders to pull her back only to get pulled into the stream himself.

When he surfaced, he was side by side with Kokoro, sputtering and spitting out water as they sat up shivering, both doing the best to wipe their wet hair from their eyes.

"You okay?" Hitsugaya spat out a mouth full of water.

"I'm fine. You?" Kokoro mumbled wincing as she rubbed her stinging eyes.

"I'm soaked through but I'm fine" Hitsugaya rubbed a hand over his wet white locks, making them even more mussed and spiked than usual.

Kokoro meanwhile looked like a bedraggled housecat even as she made to sweep her blond locks back over her head and out of her eyes, revealing the whole of the scar on her face.

"Who gave you that?" Hitsugaya wondered softly to himself as he looked at the mark.

"Huh?" Kokoro glanced at him sideways, her pale eyes glimmering eerily in the dark like a cat.

"Nothing-nothing" Hitsugaya said quickly as he put a hand to his stomach which for some strange reason was performing a strange acrobatic performance with many a twist and turn.

Ugh, please don't tell me I'm going to be sick on top of everything else today.

He was brought out of his strange thoughts when she mumbled:

"Sorry. I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me."

"It's alright but would you stop apologising already" Hitsugaya rolled his eyes as he carefully stood to his feet "Seriously stop it. You don't have to keep acting so humble all the time."

"That's easy for you to say" Kokoro mumbled bitterly as she followed his lead and stepped out onto the grass, holding herself as she shivered in the cool night air. "You're just a kid from the Rukongai."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Hitsugaya folded his arms with a scowl.

"It means you don't understand what it's like growing up in this world" Kokoro sighed as she turned her back on him "Sure you're a prodigy and you're picking up stuff fast but you've never had to live in this world day in day out for years. You don't know what it's like to have all the stupid morons expect you to be both powerful like your father yet keep your mouth shut and know your place like a good child. Is it easy? No! Do I like having to hide all the time like a wimp, hell no! But if me being humble means my father doesn't have to face embarrassment because of me I will gladly bear with it. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to dry off and go to bed. Good night!"

And with that, she picked up the hem of her robes, stuck her nose into the air and stalked off out of the clearing leaving a very stunned sopping wet Hitsugaya standing in the middle of the stream all alone.

She's quite a little spitfire isn't she master?

"Oh shut up Hyorinmaru" Hitsugaya scowled, sneezing into his wet sleeve.

Well if his bizarrely acting stomach was not going to make him ill than his little chilly dip certainly would certainly do the trick.

"Guess I'll have to go to bed after all" he grumbled as he stepped out of the stream and shook his hair out once more like a wet dog.

This really was not his day.

And there we have Chapter 2 about Kokoro settling into her life at Tenth Division. So far she's still not really found her way out of her shell but she's slowly getting there. Don't worry, things should start moving forward from here on out.

I gotta say it was fun writing about the Tenth Division with Isshin as Captain. I have always had a funny headcanon that the way he wakes up Ichigo by attacking him first thing in the morning would have been something he did to all his recruits when he was a Shinigami as part of his "training". From reading the Manga I got the feeling he'd be a lot like his cousin Kaien Shiba in that he's fair and doesn't take crap from his subordinates, but he is ultimately lazy and would do anything to get out of doing whatever paperwork.

Anyways, please let me know what you all think in a review, or fave/follow if you enjoyed :)