Chapter 3: Silver and Gold 1/2

Chapter 3 – Silver and Gold

A forest of pale and thick trees rustled as wind and mist blew through them. Above the dense canopy of leaves, a stormy sky swirled and seethed as thunder and lightning clashed in their loud vicious dance.

Kokoro looked around at the clearing she stood in.

After so many times of being tossed into this strange place, she no longer felt as afraid as she had before.

Where she had once trembled and shook like the leaves above, now she sat calmly in the grass beneath her feet. It was wet and had a fresh earthy smell that all grass gets when it is just about to rain.

She loved that smell. It always put her at ease.

There was a rustle on her right and Kokoro turned her head, her heart beating in nervous excitement as she caught sight of the dark shadow behind the tree trunks. A dark shadow with two glowing yellow eyes.

"I-It's okay. Y-You can come out." She called to the figure, cursing herself as she stammered slightly.

There was a silence as the yellow glowing eyes stared at her through the shadows only to suddenly dip out of sight.

"W-Wait!" Kokoro leapt to her feet and rushing for the tree line. "W-Where are you going?! Come back! Don't leave me here! AH!" She cried out as a giant roaring wind burst forth from within the trees, knocking her back…and making her vision turn to black.

The sun was setting upon the Tenth Division training grounds. It was mostly empty seeing as everyone was wrapping up for the day and heading off to dinner.

Only one person was currently using the sparring space and that was a young Shinigami girl with long platinum blonde locks tied back in a messy half ponytail that swished as she turned to aim a double strike at a practice dummy made from very strong wood, with two slightly short twin katanas.

It had barely been a week after her Asauchi had transformed and Kokoro had spent every evening after her work had been finished training with her new weapons with a small smile on her face. A new vigour had taken over her.

True she was still almightily quiet and shy around everyone, especially since the incident with Sabu had earned her more stares and mutters. After hearing about how she had zapped the idiot and his friends with her reiatsu, many people now avoided talking with her or insulting her to her face, instead choosing to gossip behind her back, though not very subtly.

Of course, it still hurt, however, found she was able to tolerate the garbage now that she had something to look forward to in the evenings.

Sometimes Kimiko joined her, and the two of them had fun crudely imitating of all the idiots that dared mock either of them during the day. But tonight, the talkative black-haired Shinigami was resting off an ankle she had sprained earlier that afternoon after tripping while running errands between divisions.

Kokoro did not mind being alone tonight as she was in a good mood. For one thing, she was going to go out to have dinner with her father now that academy exams had finally been graded. Secondly, in a rare turn of events, no one had bothered her much today due to the mass amounts of work that had suddenly poured in from the other squads. Apparently, a joint patrol mission with the fifth and ninth squads needed to be arranged to scout and investigate for some strange Hollow that had been prowling in a remote part of the World of the Living.

She was not sure what was going on, but from the amount of paperwork she had just delivered to the ninth division, it was going to be quite an important mission. One which a newbie like her would probably never be selected for even if she were making good progress with her Zanpakuto no matter who her father was.

Despite Kokoro's protests, Kimiko had excitedly dragged her up to their Captain to explain the situation. Captain Shiba himself had commended her for her enthusiasm though he recommended she exercise caution during her training.

Kokoro remembered all too well the grim expression that had flashed over the usually jovial man's eyes as he had looked at the swords. Kokoro had seen that expression many times in her father's face when they had trained together, though she had always written it off as his usual sternness. Now she was not so sure…

"Your weapon is an odd one" Captain Shiba had said when she had questioned him personally about the separation of the blades. "Zanpakuto usually split in two after being released into Shikai or Bankai. Keep practising quietly and keep either Rangiku or I informed of any progress. I will investigate this further."

Trust me to get the weird Zanpakuto.

Kokoro mentally snorted as she slashed twice at the practice dummy, making only slight scratches on the sides where she knew a person's ribs should be. Since the separation of the blades, nothing much else had happened. No powers had revealed themselves so far though it was taking her a while to get used to dual-wielding again after so long of being forced to use a single blade. It was only now, after a solid weeks' worth of training, that she felt like her strikes were starting to improve.

Dual weaponry was always hard because one had to split one's focus into two targets, and it required faster, more fluid footwork than what was usually required for a single blade.

If I could visit Uncle Shunsui or Uncle Jushiro and watch them train at least once, then maybe I'd be able to see how they do it. And maybe they could explain what the hell is with my Zanpakuto since theirs are also similar in form.

Kokoro grunted as she noticed one of her strikes had struck an inch too low from where she had wanted it.

With a sigh, she readied herself and spun again on her feet, repeating the whirling double strike as before.

So invested was she in her practice that she did not notice the lone figure sitting cross-legged with a long sword across his lap on one of the many benches that surrounded the sparring space.

Toshiro Hitsugaya watched as Kokoro Shiraki sliced and slashed at the practice dummy. He was supposed to be meditating and further bonding with his Zanpakuto but had quickly become distracted when he had heard her start to move through a set of katas and exercises.

Normally the disturbance would have irritated him, and he would have moved away to find another spot to meditate. However, as always when it came to the Shiraki girl, both his curiosity and his irritation was peaked.

He did not know why she frustrated him. Despite his icy demeanour, Hitsugaya was used to being able to read people and their personalities with ease. She was as shy as a mouse and avoided speaking to nearly everyone when she could, including him. Yet he could not forget the sharp temper she had displayed to him that night he had caught her training.

Obviously there was more to her personality than even his sharp eyes could see.

Hitsugaya tilted his head as he looked over her twin blades that glinted as Kokoro swung them in slow motion, her feet moving with smooth precision she practised her footwork.

A dual Zanpakuto formed from one blade were rare but not unheard of, though how it had split without even uttering a release call was beyond him. Apart from Kokoro, there were only two dual wielders currently in the Gotei Thirteen and they were both Captains Shunsui Kyoraku and Jushiro Ukitake.

She's going to have to really master her swordsmanship if she wants to wield two blades at once. Not that it would be hard for her considering her pedigree…if only she'd stop trying to hide her talent all the time like an idiot.

Hitsugaya frowned as he caught sight of a man walking up to the training field.

Captain Shiraki? What is he doing here?

He was tall and lean and was wearing a black Shihakuso and white captain's haori, his black hair tied back in a topknot that revealed his distinguished greying temples. Hitsugaya remembered the man well from his studies. He was one of the best Zanjutsu instructors he had ever had and had been the kind of Shinigami most graduates aspired to be like, Hitsugaya included.

Though he kept his face a stoic mask, Captain Shiraki's steely grey eyes betrayed his warm pride as he watched Kokoro spin on her feet once more and slowly slice at the practice dummy.

"So…a dual zanpakuto huh?"

It took Hitsugaya all he had in him not to snort with amusement as Kokoro squeaked with surprise and drop both her swords.

"O-Otou-san! Wha-what are you doing here? I thought I was going to meet you at the restaurant?" She ducked to scramble for both her swords. Hitsugaya quickly shut his eyes and put both hands on his blade in his lap, trying and failing to hold back an amused smirk at her flustered state.

Kokoro meanwhile could feel her cheeks burning hotly with embarrassment as her father walked towards her with a quirked brow.

"I was. However, the Academy wanted both Captain Shiba and me to both loan some officers to help supervise an exercise in the World of the Living soon. I wanted to discuss the mission parameters before we decided upon who to send."

"O-oh. I see, were you successful then? Because Captain Shiba has been quite busy running away from Lieutenant Matsumoto all day so it's been pretty hard tracking him down."

"Yes, I know. I found the woman fuming about it in their office just now." Shiraki snorted with faint amusement. "But the request has been put in at least, so hopefully we can get that put through soon."

"Well if any of the paperwork passes by my desk, I will be sure to make sure it's taken care of as soon as possible."

"I wouldn't expect anything less of you my daughter."

Behind Kokoro's back, Hitsugaya cracked open an eye to peek through his lashes and felt himself freeze where he sat. Captain Shiraki had put a hand on his daughter's shoulder and was smirking warmly down at her. But what really had Hitsugaya stumped was Kokoro's expression.

A full-blown smile had taken over her usually timid frightened face. Her sky blue eyes, both normal and scarred, seemed to glimmer in the light of the setting sun and her whole being seemed to have a warm glow as her reiatsu shifted from its usual frantic fizzing to a gentle background hum.

"If me being humble means my father doesn't have to face embarrassment because of me I will gladly bear with it."

The words from that night bounced around Hitsugaya's head. She loved her father, dearly, so much so that she wanted to make him proud.

But at what cost? She's miserable hiding behind a mask, anyone can see that.

Hitsugaya shut his eyes quickly as Captain Shiraki spoke again.

"Come, you should have a bath and get changed before we go out. You can tell me all about your Zanpakuto at dinner. I want to hear everything."

"O-Of course Otou-san."

Their voices got further away and Hitsugaya opened his eyes again. Both father and daughter were walking away with their backs turned to him.

As soon as they were far enough away, Hitsugaya opened his eyes and let his back sag as he leaned back on his arms to look up at the skies.

It's getting late. Damn, I didn't mean to stay out this long.

He sighed as he looked back down to the earth. He could still see Kokoro and her father walking away in the distance, the former still grinning as she began to chat animatedly about the events of that day.

Now that Hitsugaya thought about it, this was the most he had ever heard her speak without stuttering ever since he had first met her all those months ago.

Agh! What's wrong with me?

Hitsugaya cursed and was thankful when he heard his stomach warble and growl.

So, he was hungry? That would explain his strange mood.

Well, I guess I better go grab a bite from the mess hall then.

The shadow of a man watched as the young blonde-haired Shinigami and the tall black-and grey-haired Captain both walked through the marketplace. It had been following the pair for a while as they had meandered their way towards the restaurant they planned to dine at.

Really…I am disappointed in you Captain Shiraki. I didn't expect you to be this easy to follow.

The shadow snorted to itself as it took in the gently smiling face of the taller man, whose grey eyes softened as they looked down on the girl beside him.

The fool. So, besotted with his own little daughter that he had completely let down his guard and left his jugular exposed. The figure's fingers twitched slightly by its sides.

So weak…so unaware-but no-no the shadow would not do to give into temptation, not when a better opportunity to make him suffer was sitting right in front of the shadow's eyes.

So, this is what has brought the old master down to his knees is it? Honestly, I expected more…though maybe there is something there in the child that I have yet to sense…

As swiftly as he dared, the shadow slunk closer to the pair, being careful not to be spotted in the crowd.

Soon he was close enough that he could hear snippets of his quarry's conversation.

"So you only noticed your Zanpakuto had changed after you awoke from that dream?"

"Y-Yes Otou-san." The girl muttered and her father stroked his chin.

"I see…and was this the first dream of this sort that you've had as of late?"

"No. I've had a few. Actually-" And at this she blushed slightly "It's been happening for a while now, a few months actually. I first thought it was just a flash of memory because I know you found me in a forest."

She looked up at her father anxiously, and the shadow's lip curled into an intrigued smile as she asked:

"Do you think that it was my inner world calling to me through my sleep?"

"I don't see what else it could be." Her father sighed "The inner world is a strange thing Kokoro. It is almost a completely different realm constructed within your soul, built upon memories and feelings. No matter what has changed, your past is a part of you, and it's up to you to figure out how to handle it."

"Hmm…" the girl's face fell sadly as she reached up to touch a hand to her blind scarred eye.

The shadow tilted its head curiously as it too examined the mark. Even at this distance, the clean but horrible gash mark stood out starkly against the girl's pale skin. It was a jarring sight to be sure, and yet the little fool had no idea of its true meaning.

But she would soon if she kept progressing this quickly through her training.

The shadow's eyes narrowed slightly as a tall man with brown hair and thick rectangular glasses accidentally bumped into the girl's father.

"Oh, excuse me. Ah Captain Shiraki, what a pleasant surprise." The man with the glasses smiled pleasantly as he recognised the pair.

"Indeed, it is Captain Aizen. Enjoying an evening out?"

"Why yes, Captain Kyoraku has invited me and some of my squad to a party at his division's barracks. And yourself?"

"Oh I'm enjoying an evening with my daughter. It's been a while since I've seen her what with all the work they've been piling on over the last few months."

Aizen's brown eyes brightened behind his glasses as he finally noticed Kokoro's small figure peeking timidly out from behind her father.

"Ah Kokoro-chan, it's good to see you again. How goes your training at the Tenth Division?"

"O-Oh. I-I am doing as well as I am able, t-thank you sir." Kokoro blushed a deep scarlet as she dipped her head down to the ground bashfully.

"Oh you're too modest Kokoro-chan." Aizen chuckled softly as he turned to face Kenji Shiraki. "You should hear Isshin speak about her. He cannot stop raving about how disciplined and hardworking she is. It is no wonder she is gifted with such a unique Zanpakuto. You must be immensely proud."

"I am, very." Shiraki nodded, putting a warm hand on his still blushing daughter's shoulder.

"Oh yes that reminds me, Gin will be coming back from his mission tomorrow Kokoro-chan so if you'd like to come visit him at the Fifth Division you're more than welcome any time. He is most anxious to hear how you've been doing since you graduated and I'm sure you'd have a lot to catch up on."

"I-I that would be wonderful, thank you Captain Aizen" Kokoro bowed respectfully though her attempt at demureness could not hide the wide smile nor the excited gleam in her sky-blue eyes at the news.

It made her father's gaze harden slightly and his jaw tense as he politely ground out.

"Forgive me Captain Aizen but we must be off, or we'll lose our dinner reservation."

"Ah, of course of course, I wouldn't want to delay you two. After all I'm sure you both have a lot to catch up on" Aizen smiled, dipping his head politely at the pair "I hope you have an enjoyable evening"

"You as well Captain Aizen" Shiraki smiled as Aizen made to walk away and the shadow stiffened slightly as the man passed him by.

"Captain," the shadow bobbed his head.

"Good Evening" Aizen smiled at the shadow, adjusting his glinting glasses as they brushed shoulders.

The shadow however was not deterred from his task and was quick to continue following Shiraki sensei and his daughter down the crowded street.

They walked in silence now, both seemed to be lost in their own thoughts. The girl was looking nervous, but her blush was quick to lessen as they moved further and further away from Captain Aizen.

Her father on the other hand, looked troubled as he chanced a glance down at the girl's platinum blonde locks.


"Yes Otou-san"

"When was the last time you spoke to Captain Aizen?"

"Last week, just after my Zanpakuto transformed. I ran into him in a corridor as he was on his way to visit Captain Shiba."

"I see. And have you crossed paths with him since then?"

"Only once yesterday when I went to deliver paperwork to the Captain Shiba's office. But he was talking with Lieutenant Matsumoto about more paperwork that needed sending, so I didn't speak to either of them except to say hello and goodbye."

"You didn't tell him about your Zanpakuto then?"

"N-no…I didn't." Kokoro frowned in confusion but then quickly shook her head "Oh, but he did see me carrying both my swords when I first bumped into him. And he did say he had talked with Captain Shiba, so maybe that's where he heard about it."

"I guess that is true…"

The shadow's eyes narrowed as the girl looked confusedly up at her father whose face was still quite grim, even as he stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"Otou-San?" Kokoro peered up at her father curiously. However, he just smiled and squeezed her shoulder gently.

"I'm sorry Kokoro. I am sure there is a reasonable explanation for all of this. I will look into the matter when I have time. Meanwhile, we should probably refrain from talking about your Zanpakuto in public until we know more about its capabilities."

"I understand" Kokoro mumbled as they both turned a corner in the street.

The shadow behind them chuckled softly under their breath.

Little Kokoro Shiraki, you are proving to be a most interesting specimen indeed.

Three days later…

"Shiraki-san. Hey Shiraki-san."

Kokoro scowled. She had been sitting in meditation with her twin Zanpakuto blades over her lap for over two hours on the patio that stretched outside her quarters and she had felt absolutely nothing.

Though she continued to have strange dreams about the misty forest during the nights, she had yet to reach her inner world through the meditative art of Jinzen.

I just don't get what I'm doing wrong. I'm following Otou-san's teachings right down to the last detail. I'd have thought I'd at least get something even if it is very little.

"Ahem, Shiraki!"

She huffed as she cracked open an eye, only to squeak in surprise.

Toushiro Hitsugaya was standing in front of her, arms folded, and an irritable expression adorning his boyish face.

"O-oh H-Hitsugaya-san. Forgive me I-I was just-I-uh." Kokoro gulped feeling her cheeks flush rosy pink. They were the same physical age and he was an inch or two shorter than her, yet he always seemed to be so much more intimidating.

"You were practising Jinzen" he drawled eyeing the twin Zanpakuto in her lap.

"Y-yes…but I-I'm afraid I'm not very good at it" Kokoro mumbled looking down into her lap, completely missing the slightly guilty look that flickered over the boy's turquoise eyes.

It was the first time they had spoken to one another since their argument, not counting the orders barked out on the training field or in the office.

However, he was quick to steel himself. He had a job to do after all.

"The Captain wants to see you in his office. He says it's important and to bring your Zanpakuto with you." He added jerking a thumb to a brown leather strap that held his sword in its sheath on his back.

"O-oh…uh…okay then." Kokoro nodded getting to her feet and quickly stretched her body. Sitting in the lotus position for two hours straight was not easy on the back or the knees no matter how fit you were.

As she stretched, she was uncomfortably aware of Hitsugaya watching her every move. Her blush darkened with embarrassment as she caught his gaze. He was staring at her scarred eye.

However, it was not the usual stare of pity or revulsion she was used to receiving. His brow was furrowed in concentration as his turquoise eyes swept over the scar on her face, head tilted slightly as if he were trying to stare straight into her very soul.


Hitsugaya blinked, and he quickly turned his face away, his cheeks now stained lightly with pink.

"S-Sorry." he coughed awkwardly.

"Don't worry, I-I'm pretty used to it. I guess we'd better be going then." Kokoro muttered softly once again turning her eyes to her feet as he nodded at her and began leading the way.

She followed him dutifully, though she could not help but stare at his white head of hair, a stab of envy piercing her straight through to her core.

It did not take a genius to feel that he was possessed of great power, yet he was just so composed and in control of himself. He had come from the Rukongai and had no former training before entering the Shinigami Academy and graduating within three years, having already bonded with his Zanpakuto and achieved Shikai.

She, on the other hand, had been training to become a Shinigami for nearly twenty-one years. Her father was a revered swordsman and Captain and had taught her all she knew. She had also had the advantage of being friendly with many of the higher ranks of various other Divisions. And yet despite all that, she was still so jumpy and nervous around others and she still could not keep a leash on her powers.

I guess people like him are just born for the life of a Shinigami.

Kokoro sighed only to stiffen as she felt the spiritual pressure in the air shift slightly.

Huh? What's he doing here? And what the hell is that other presence? It's familiar but I can't place it.

She clutched at her swords which she had tucked into her sash. She had sent in the order for the special holster at an esteemed leatherworker's shop a few days ago but it would still be another week till it was ready.

She bit her lip slightly as she and Hitsugaya approached the door to the Captain's office.

"This is twentieth seat Hitsugaya requesting permission to enter sir." He said in a commanding tone that left no room for argument.

Yep, he's definitely Captain material. He already walks like his Zanpakuto is shoved up his backside. Otou-san would like him.

Kokoro mentally rolled her eyes.

"Permission granted Toushiro. Is Shiraki with you?" the voice of their Captain called out to them.

"Yes, she's here." The door opened to reveal lieutenant Matsumoto who was grinning wide, but Kokoro could see that she was sweating lightly and her eyes held an anxious gleam.

"Thanks, Shiro-chan you're the best. Come on in Kokoro-chan!"

Behind her, Captain Shiba stood behind his desk, his face pleasant but his eyes grave, as he looked at the people in front of him.

The one closest to the door was one Kokoro recognised instantly as Captain Kyoraku. He was smiling encouragingly at her as he fiddled with the brim of his iconic straw hat in his lap. Next to him was an elderly man in a captain's haori with an X shaped scar spread over his face. He sat there slightly hunched over his wooden cane, yet despite his appearance of frailty, he exuded immense power and authority.

"Head Captain Yamamoto. Uncle-I-I mean Captain Kyoraku." Kokoro bowed low with a gulp.

"Hello, Kokoro-chan. I'm glad to see you're doing well. It's been too long since I last saw you." Captain Kyoraku smiled warmly.

Behind her, Hitsugaya watched sympathetically. He had thought she was afraid before it was nothing compared to the absolute terror he saw now as she glanced behind her godfather at the Head Captain. Her whole body was trembling like a leaf. Her skin had turned the colour of chalk, even her scar seemed paler, and her reiatsu had started to fizzle and crackle in the air making her pale hair frizz slightly.

"I'll take my leave sirs" He bowed to his superiors dutifully and turned to leave but was stopped as the Head Captain coughed.

"No, you stay boy. I wish to speak with you as well."

Hitsugaya stopped in his tracks and quickly made to stand beside Kokoro.

Kokoro felt herself flush slightly pink as she straightened up and caught his eye. It was soft it was in its concern, looking more like flowing water than their usual orbs of ice. Then, she was torn away as the Head Captain's voice rumbled:

"So, Kokoro Shiraki. Yes, I remember the day your father found you and brought you back from Rukongai. You still have that stubborn gleam in your eyes as you did when you were an infant" Yamamoto's eyes narrowed as he stared the frightened girl down. "I hear from your captain that your powers are starting to manifest themselves."

"Y-Yes sir" Kokoro gulped as she did her best to straighten her spine and hold herself together, only to flinch as the old man barked:

"Unsheathe your swords and put them on the desk"

"Yes sir" Hitsugaya nodded and stepped forward, swiftly pulling out his sword from where he had kept it holstered on his back in a pale blue sheath with a plain brown leather strap to hold it secure. It was a long blade, taller than him, with a light blue hilt and a four-pointed bronze-coloured star for the guard. A strange wintry chill seemed to emanate from the pale metal of the blade even as he placed it down on the desk.

"Shiraki. Your swords" Captain Shiba grunted, quirking a brow and Kokoro jolted once more. Her hands were still resting on the pommels of her swords.

She looked down at them quickly, yet even as she wrapped her fingers around the black and white hilts, she heard the growling snarls of two beasts and felt a small crackle of energy trickle up her fingers from where they touched the metal and silk.

"Why do you hesitate young one?" Head Captain Yamamoto snapped irritably.

"I-I-I" Kokoro gulped feeling all eyes turn on her.

Is that sound from you? Are you telling me you don't want to come out? But why?

She wondered staring at the swords as the growling got louder in her ears, though no one else besides her seemed to be able to hear it.

"Shiraki, the head captain asked you a question" Captain Shiba prompted, his eyes flickering to her swords with intrigue.

Kokoro snapped back to attention at once, her cheeks flushing the colour of eggplant in her embarrassment as she stammered:

"S-sorry sir but I-I-I was always taught that a Shinigami's Zanpakuto is t-their life when you put it on never let it from your sight or reach, s-sir."

She bit her lip as the old man looked into her eye.

"Hmm… Your father taught you that I'm guessing?"

"Yes sir"

"A wise man" Yamamoto nodded slowly "Such instinct is important on the battlefield. However, you need not worry about that now child for there is nothing dangerous here."

"B-But aren't you the most dangerous man in the whole of Soul Society?" Kokoro gulped.

"I am but one of the most dangerous men, yes. Your swords Shiraki, now." Yamamoto raised an eyebrow, and Kokoro felt the growling in her head grow louder.

No, they did not want to come out. They did not want to be seen. They were not ready yet.

"I-I'm, I can't-"

"Shiraki that was an order!"

"I-I said I can't!"


"What part of 'I can't' don't you understand you, stupid old man!"

There was a very sticky pause as the Head Captain's eyes widened from their usual slits.

Hitsugaya and Lieutenant Matsumoto stared at Kokoro wide-eyed, the latter clapping a hand over her gaping mouth in shock.

"Shit she's done it now," Captain Shiba gulped he exchanged a glance with a Captain Kyoraku who sighed heavily in defeat. This…was not going to end well.

Kokoro froze up in horror as her brain finally caught up with her mouth.

Crap, crap, crap she had not meant to say that out loud! She was so nervous that she was blurting out the words she kept beneath the airtight filter she usually hid behind.

Her face paled as she felt the scorching pressure in the room suddenly bear down upon her as if a building had suddenly been pushed onto her shoulders. Oh god if she was not in deep water before then she sure was now.

"Shiraki-san, I thought you of all people would know that I do not tolerate impudence of any sort from any rank, no matter how old or young."

"Y-Yes, sir. I-I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to insult you." Kokoro blurted out, the pressure forcing her to hunch as it pressed into her guts and forcing tears to spring in the corners of her eyes as they flew open.

She wrapped her arms around her ribs protectively against the pressure, whimpering a little as she shut her eyes to block out the pain.

"Enough! You're hurting her!" a voice called out in alarm.

"Toushiro Hitsugaya stand down! That's an order."

"Yama-Ji please, Kokoro-chan already apologized-"

"You stand down as well Shunsui. The girl might be your goddaughter, but she needs to learn proper respect." Yamamoto growled, sounding more like a rumbling volcano as he forced the full weight of his glower down on Kokoro's now sweating form

God, it felt like she was cooking in an oven. An oven shaped like a gigantic chain that was squashing her and squeezing all the air out of her so much that she was starting to feel lightheaded.

I-I can't breathe-No. Keep standing. Keep on your feet no matter what, just like your Otou-san has taught you. Holy crap it's really hot! I don't know how much more I can take!

A husky deep voice snarled in her head.

She was vaguely aware of Matsumoto collapsing to her hands and knees, and of Captain Shiba grunting as he braced himself on his chair while Hitsugaya held himself up by leaning against the desk, but she ignored it all as she forced herself to raise her head.

Tears of pain and exhaustion leaked from the corners of her eyes, but she kept pushing back glaring at the Head Captain all the while as she did her best to shove her own much weaker fizzing and crackling reiatsu against the foreign wall of heat.

It was not much. But it did relieve the pressure if only for a few seconds at a time.

That's it child keep pushing through the pain. You can do it.

The voice from before growled once more like the deep rolling thunder.

I will help you fight it. Do not let him drive you down.

You will help me fight it? Just who are you?
