Chapter 2: Give Me a Reason

Disclaimer: I own none of this. Me down with disclaimer now.

Author's Note: Holy crap the response for this story has been awesome. Honestly the first chapter for MM has gotten almost as many favorites and follows in a single chapter than The Way does now 18 chapters in. So from the bottom of my heart I thank everyone that has read and responded to my story. Hope you guys like this chapter too!


Chapter Two: Give Me a Reason


Location: Tonsberg, Norway.

Date: July 14, 2008


"You wouldn't think the whiskers would be such a put off. No one said a damn thing about it back home." Naruto grumbled as he walked through the Norwegian village's streets. As he walked along the sidewalk, every few people would give him a bewildered look upon seeing his face.

"You're forgetting that in your world the whiskers on your cheeks weren't exactly the strangest thing. When people can walk on walls and breath fire like its nothing, you tend to not give a shit if someone has whisker marks." Kurama said in his mind.

Naruto sighed but couldn't help but concede his point, still scowling when a mother steered her child away from his path, "I've been here for a week and I still haven't found the church the Ancient One told me about. Everyone I ask looks at me like I'm an idiot." Naruto stuffed his hands into his jean pockets. Due to the nice weather outside Naruto only wore a simple red t-shirt that read "I Heart Tonsberg" emboldened on the chest.

"First of all, you are an idiot. Second of all, has it not occurred to you that perhaps that ancient woman is only leading you astray? For all we know this is all but a wild goose chase."

As Naruto was about to answer he started to walk past a quant looking café. Looking over, Naruto made brief eye contact with what looked like an employee walking inside. The girl looked only a couple years older than him, and had dark red hair that reminded him of his mother's. Walking passed her, Naruto walked several feet before coming to a stop. Looking back at the shop, Naruto decided he could use a drink. Walking into the small café Naruto saw that he was the only one inside at the moment.

Heading up to the counter to order something to drink he continued his conversation with his partner, "Even if you're right, I can't take that chance. This is the only lead we got on how to return home, no matter how slim it is." Seeing that the girl from before was ready to make his order, Naruto walked forward, switching to a Norwegian dialect, "Hello, I'd like to order a caffé mocha please."

The girl couldn't seem to take her eyes off of him as she put his order in, causing Naruto to sigh inwardly thinking she was looking at his whiskers. Giving her the correct amount of money needed he then, without really looking, got his change and receipt as he walked over to a table to wait for his order. Sitting down, Naruto gave a quick glance around the shop, seeing that people were now beginning to file in and make their orders and sit down. Giving a final glance at the receipt as he was about to stuff it in his pocket, he stopped upon seeing that the girl had given him what looked to be what human's called their "telephone numbers."

"Seems that the girl is interested in you, brat." Kurama said with a chuckle.

Naruto looked up and over at the girl that had given him her phone number, the two making momentary eye contact before she looked down with a slight smile and blush, "Why would she give me her telephone number though?"

"So she can talk to you I guess. Isn't that what those contraptions are for anyway?"

"But why wouldn't she just talk to me face to face? Talking to each other on the telephone just seems so stupid." Naruto said, looking back down at the number in wonder.

"How am I to know the inner functions of these week little worms? For such an advanced race they sure are boring. If it weren't for that little brawl you had earlier, I'd be dying of boredom."

At the mention of said brawl, Naruto was forced to remember a fight he had gotten into on his first night of arrival. He'd been minding his own business when somebody mistook him for an average tourist and tried to rob him with a flimsy little knife. Naruto then proceeded to break his nose and then steal his wallet, which just so happened to carry several hundred dollars in it.

"Well I don't really want to put too much attention on myself, I've done that enough what with the whole arriving in a wormhole that gave off a supposed staggering amount of power. If The Masters could find me, who's to say other groups on this planet can't as well?" Naruto said.

"If anyone ever tried to kill you on this planet you'd obliterate them." He could practically feel the scoff in Kurama's words, "But I suppose you have a point. The more covert we are the better."

Naruto heard his order called out, and looking up he saw that same girl smiling at him as she held his drink. Getting up Naruto thought, "It's not like I'd be able to call her anyway, I don't have one of those telephones. Though, now that I think about it, everyone else on this planet seems to have one, it might be a good idea to get one of my own." Reaching the counter, Naruto gave one of his smiles at the girl, thanking her as she gave him his coffee, causing said girl's face to light up like a flash light.

"We've got company." Kurama warned.

Naruto nodded, having felt a presence make its way to his table. Looking over where he had been sitting, Naruto saw that a man as sitting across from where he had been. Walking over to the table, Naruto saw that he seemed to not even be paying attention, looking down at the phone in his hands, a rather new looking touch screen one to be exact. And iPhone 3G if he remembered the television commercials right. The man seemed to be of the same African descent as Karl Mordo going off of his darker skin tone and features. The man was as bald as the Ancient One with a groomed goatee and an eyepatch covering his left eye. The man wore all black, with the long leather trench coat giving him a rather bad ass vibe.

The mysterious man looked up from his phone, looking him in the eye as he said, "You're a hard kid to track down, you know that?"

Every single alarm in Naruto's head was going off right now. Sitting down across from him, Naruto set the hand holding his coffee on the table and used his other hand to discreetly finger the kunai hidden on his person. Naruto didn't say a word, didn't touch his coffee. He only sat there, waiting for the man to continue his thought.

The man reached into his jacket, taking a moment to see if Naruto tensed at his possibly hostile gesture, only to see the kid acting as cool as a cucumber, and pulled out a file with the label reading, 'UAE12.' The man sat the file down between them, "April 3rd of this year, a massive surge of energy appears in the Earth's troposphere over Kathmandu, Nepal. An hour later, Kathmandu paramedics pick up the mangled yet still alive body of what looked to be a 15-year-old American boy who seemed to have injured himself from what was presumed a skydiving accident. When taken to a nearby hospital, said boy upon inspection has already begun to heal, his shattered bones and damaged organs mending on their own. In two days' time that boy has healed completely with no outside help from any of the local doctors and suddenly disappears from his hospital room. Around a month and a half later, he pops up in Tonsberg Norway, asking around town for an old Norse church."

Naruto's eyes were narrowed dangerously, "Who are you?" His voice as sharp as a razor's edge. He wasn't as stupid as some people liked to think. Naruto could now sense a massive amount of negative emotions surrounding this shop. Taking a few glances around the room, he could see several people paying way too much attention to his table. Looking back over at the girl that had been at the counter, he saw that she was now missing. This guy knew who he was, and he was prepared for a fight if he didn't hear what he wanted to hear.

The man leaned back into his seat. Suddenly, the girl from before sat down next to the mystery guy, no longer wearing her work uniform, but instead sporting a rather tight body suit that showed off her curves rather nicely. Her curly red hair that had been kept in a neat bun was now hanging loosely down her back and shoulders. Naruto allowed a momentary sliver of surprise to enter his face before schooling his features, not really expecting the girl to be a part of all this. In fact, on further inspection Naruto could now say this girl was no girl at all. No, she was a woman. What he thought at first to be at least an 18-year-old was had to in fact be around 24 years in age.

The man didn't seem to acknowledge the fact that she sat down next to him, keeping his eye on Naruto, "My name isn't what's important right now. What is important is why a person such as yourself is on my planet. In case you don't watch the news, I've already got my hands full with an armor wearing man child, and a guy that if mad enough can level half of Harlem in ten minutes."

Naruto moved his eyes back and forth from the red headed woman and the man who appeared to be in charge before saying, "My being here is temporary. I don't want to be here anymore more than you do, trust me."

The man scoffed, "And why exactly should I trust you? How do I know that you don't plan on leveling this city after you find whatever it is that your looking for?"

It was Naruto turn to scoff. If he wanted to level this city, he didn't need an Infinity Stone to do it. Hell, he didn't even need his Chakra Shroud, just some good ole Natural Chakra and a handful of Shadow Clones. But this guy didn't need to know that, "You don't even know what it is I'm looking for, seems a little stupid to jump to such a conclusion when you don't even know me."

"No. What's stupid is not jumping to that conclusion when I don't know who, or what, you are. So, I'm going to ask one more time," almost as though that were the signal, every single "costumer" got up out of their chair and pointed what he learned were called guns in his direction, including the woman who had given him her number, "what are you doing on my planet."

Naruto's eyes, which were at first a striking blue, were now a powerful orange with his iris's shifted into what looked like a strange looking cross, "If you don't want these people to die, I suggest you have your men lower their weapons." Naruto finished his words by exerting his chakra outwardly, causing a pressure to enter the restaurant.

The only sign Naruto got that the man had reacted to his show of power was the sweat beginning to build along his temple. Slowly, the man raised and waved his hand. With his signal, everyone holstered their weapons but kept standing at the ready in case anything went down.

Seeing that everyone had holstered their weapons, Naruto spoke, "I'm sorry for that, but I'm sure you can understand me not liking having weapons pointed at me. So, let me to introduce myself. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. The planet I am from is none of your business, along with the way I got here. I can tell you however that I have no intention of destroying this city. My only motive for being here is to find a way back to my home. Now I don't know about you, but where I'm from, when someone introduces themselves to you, it is only right to introduce yourself." Naruto finished with an expectant look on his face.

The man took a moment as he thought over Naruto's words before saying, "My name is Nick Fury, and I am the Director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." Motioning over to the woman sitting beside him he said, "This here is Agent Romanoff."

Naruto nodded his head, "Well, I wish our meeting could've gone a little better, but I gotta go. The faster I find a way home, the quicker you can stop worrying about whether I'll destroy your planet or whatever."

In the middle of him getting up Nick said, "You're looking for the Tesseract, aren't you?" Naruto froze in his place for a moment before sitting back down. Knowing he had his attention, Nick continued, "The Tesseract is the only known supernatural item in Europe, period. It was also well known for its Norse origin, believed to have been found in what is now Norway."

"And let me guess, you know where it is." Naruto guessed.

"No." Nick answered, "But I know where it was."

Naruto gave him a deadpan look as the three sat there, "Well that's not really helpful." Naruto said.

"On the contrary, I believe what I can tell you is quite helpful." Nick said.

Naruto narrowed his eyes once again, "What do you want?" It was pretty obvious this man wasn't just going to tell him where a powerful mystical item was, even if he didn't actually know how powerful said item really was.

Nick leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on the table with his hands folded together, "I'm fairly certain that you're powerful, the show you put on earlier proves that. The question here however isn't whether you're powerful enough, it's whether I can trust you enough to walk around my planet unsupervised."

Naruto could understand that. He didn't like it, not by a long shot, but he understood it. This planet had only just been introduced to people with out-of-the-ordinary abilities, he couldn't expect them to jump on board with the idea of him being here right away. It was at this moment Naruto almost regretted leaving Kamar-Taj.

"If I'm going to trust you, I'm going to have to see just exactly what you're capable of. And what better way to do that than a little…field test." Fury said.

Naruto eyed Nick up and down before looking him dead into his last remaining eye, "Before I agree to anything you have to answer one question," seeing Fury nod Naruto said, "Was the Tesseract here in Tonsberg."

Fury nodded, "Yes it was. If you want any more information, you'll do this mission. Agreed?"

"Just kill everyone here and torture it out of him Naruto. This man isn't trust worthy, he reeks of deceit and lies." Kurama said, finally speaking since he spotted Nick before.

"While I agree with you that I can't trust this man, I can't just torture him. He reminds me of Ibiki Morino, and a guy like that won't just give up information. No, I'll play along with whatever this guy wants, and if he tries anything I'll obliterate him and this whole organization of his." Naruto thought. Giving another exaggerated sigh, Naruto said, "Agreed. What's this 'field test' of yours?"

Nick reached across the table and flipped the file open, showing that the first couple of papers contained pictures of him. Looking at them, Naruto couldn't help but feel a little queasy at the sight of his broken body after his crash landing. The next picture was of him lying in what looked like a hospital bed, looking way better than he had before with bandages wrapped around his temple. The final picture was of him from what he recognized was just a few days ago. Fury flipped the papers over, revealing that his file had been sandwiching a different file inside. The file's label read, "HB26" and was much thicker than his own.

"If you're interested, we can go over everything somewhere more secure."

"And if I wasn't interested?" Naruto asked.

Nick leaned forward in his seat, his face stern, "Well let's just say, I hope you're interested."

Naruto smirked, while this guy reminded him of Ibiki and Danzo from back home, he couldn't help but like the guy. He was ballsy as hell.

"Alright. I'm interested."


Miles away in a SHIELD Safe House


Naruto stood resting his shoulder against the wall to the safe house he was taken to. The building was using its appearance of a laundry mat as a front, with there being a back room that could only be entered through a secret door that required an eye and fingerprint scan. Sitting down across from him was Nick with Agent Romanoff standing near the closed doorway.

Nick flipped the HB26 folder open, "I know you've only been on Earth for a short time, but what do you know of its history, war wise?"

Naruto shrugged, "Only a bit. I know that the area you call Europe was the heavy hitter for pretty much as long as it was around, with the Roman, British and French Empires being pretty big. Other than that I know that there have been two World Wars that happened pretty close each other."

Nick nodded, "The second World War started thanks to the aggressive nature of a Nazi Party controlled Germany, who were systematically taking over their neighbor countries, including Norway. The Nazi party was a Socialist totalitarian dictatorship led by a man named Adolf Hitler. Their racist, mislead beliefs and views lead to the genocide of over eleven million people, most of whom were Jewish. Eventually, a splinter group within the Nazi Party arose who called themselves Hydra, which was headed by one of Hitler's most trusted men, Johann Schmidt. This Hydra group was initially in charge of weapons research and development, then eventually scientific research, and before long, on the insistence of both Hitler and Schmidt himself, started to look into the occult. After the tide began to turn against Nazi Germany, Schmidt withdrew Hydra from the Nazi Party entirely to become its own separate entity. Eventually Schmidt made a power play and, using his advanced weaponry, planned on attacking the key cities of the United States. His plan was stopped by the American soldier known as Captain America-"

"Wait…Captain America?" Naruto asked incredulously.

It was Agent Romanoff who responded, "He was a genetically engineered super soldier."

"That's not what gets me about Captain America. What kinda name is that?"

The two's side conversation was interrupted by a loud cough from Nick. Seeing that the two's attention was on him again, "His plan was stopped by Captain America, with both the Captain and Schmidt dying in the process. With Hydra leaderless and crippled they quickly fell apart. Eventually however, Hydra has begun to resurface, with small cells popping up all along the world." Fury flipped a page over in the file, revealing a picture of an old looking military base. "This is one of Hydra's Weapons Research facilities. It is near the Austrian village Sankt Georgen an der Gusen. We've recently gotten intel that there has been heavy activity there. We believe that they are restarting their weapons research program." He then flipped it over to the next couple pages. "This is Eric Williams, aka the Grim Reaper, who is a known Hydra Agent. A month ago he was spotted entering the facility along with men carrying in large containers and equipment."

Naruto pushed himself off the wall, turning fully towards Nick, "And what exactly is it you want me to do? Infiltration? Assassination? Demolition? All of the above?"

Both Nick and Romanoff looked at Naruto strangely, "What exactly did you do on your planet?" Fury asked.

Naruto weighed the options of telling him what he was before sighing, "I guess the easiest way to explain it would be a mix between a samurai and a ninja from your world. We called ourselves Shinobi. We were essentially soldiers, whose main financial support was partaking in missions that varied in variety and difficulty. These missions go from protection or escort details, assassination, information gathering, and so on."

"How old were you when you became a…shinobi?" Romanoff asked with a hint of trepidation.

"12." Naruto said, not really seeing the big deal.

"You were sent on assassination missions when you were 12 years old?" Romanoff asked in shock.

Naruto shook his head, "No, that was saved for the more experienced." At hearing that Romanoff seemed to calm down.

Fury began to look at Naruto in a new light. This boy, he'd been a child soldier. The way he responded as though it wasn't a big deal. The way Naruto discreetly scanned the café both before and after Fury arrived. The subtle signs he had seen so many times before. This boy had been through war.

"We cannot allow Eric Williams to continue with his weapons research. You're to infiltrate the Sankt Georgen base and destroy it along with making sure Williams is taken out. As you're doing that, you will be accompanied by a team of my agents who are going to 'acquire' whatever information they can on what's going on in there. Understood?"

Naruto nodded, "And who's on this team?"

Nick nodded to Agent Romanoff, who stepped forward, "I will be leading the team. You'll meet the others later on our way out."

Naruto raised an eye brow at her but shrugged, "Alright whatever, when are we leaving?"

Fury stood up, "We just need to wait on the explosives you'll be using and for your teammates to arrive."

Naruto smirked, "Trust me, I'm not gonna need explosives."

"Damn straight."


On Quinjet Heading to Sankt Georgen


Naruto couldn't help but marvel at the technology this world had. While his was nowhere near primitive, they were far from reaching what this planet has. This thing was seriously going fast, with him having to hold onto the strap to brace himself having never gone so fast while standing still inside something. Looking around Naruto saw that his teammates didn't seem to be having as much trouble as he was. Agent Romanoff, or Natasha as she later introduced herself, was sitting rather calmly. Next to her was a middle aged man named Phil Coulson, and across from him was Brock Rumlow. Coulson was pretty average looking, even though he was wearing a suit compared to everyone else's more tactical uniforms. Rumlow looked rather gruff, and from the little he'd seen of him he was pretty cocky. That and he could feel a good amount of negative emotions brimming under the surface.

Looking over at Natasha, Naruto said, "So…was it real?"

Romanoff looked over at Naruto, "Was what real?"

"The telephone number."

"Who calls their phone a telephone anymore?" Rumlow asked, looking at Naruto as though he were an idiot.

"Well what am I supposed to call it?" Naruto asked, genuinely wanting to know.

Romanoff smirked, "It's called a cellphone, but most people just call them phones." She then flipped her hair slightly as she batted her eyes, "And of course I did."

Naruto gave a nod of understanding, "So what's the point of it…exactly?"

It was Coulson who spoke, "You use it to talk to people."

"I know that, but what's the point when you can just talk to someone face to face?"

"Well you can talk to people far away or if you can't do it in person also."

"Just seems like a waste of money to me."

Coulson turned to Natasha, "You actually gave him your number?"


"Well why the hell would you tell me you did then?!" Naruto asked animatedly.

Natasha smirked again, "Why not?"

Suddenly the pilot began to speak over the intercom system, "We'll be flying over Sankt Georgen in five minutes."

The three agents got up and made their way to the four bags sitting near the rear door. Looking at them in confusion Naruto asked, "What're those?"

Once again Rumlow looked at Naruto as though he was an idiot, "They're parachutes." Seeing Naruto was still confused he added, "They're for slowing your fall. Here." He then handed him the last parachute.

Naruto held it and looked it over as he said, "So we're jumping out of the plane right?" Everyone nodded, "Okay yeah, I don't need this then."

The three didn't get to argue because the rear door opened, the wind making it impossible to talk any longer. Naruto walked forward before stopping at the edge and turning around. Giving a quick salute, Naruto dived from the Quinjet, going into a freefall towards the Hydra base.

"You ready Kurama?" Naruto thought, the high velocity wind whipping his hair back and forcing his eyes into a squint as he felt his cheeks begin to flap.

"Hell yeah!" Kurama thought, pushing his chakra into his partner.

In a yellow flash, Naruto was surrounded completely by in a yellow chakra shroud that was seemingly made of flames. Around his torso and shoulders looked to be an incredibly intricate seal. Naruto smirked as he was coming in like a searing meteorite, seeing that he'd land directly in the center of the base. Bringing his arm back, his hand extended like a claw, Naruto expanded the size of his chakra hand.

All the agents slowly descending to the ground saw was the flash of yellow and what looked like a shooting star smack smack dab in the middle of the base, causing a massive explosion. Thank God it was in the middle of the night so they wouldn't be spotted. Now all they had to do was sit back and watch the show.

"Holy shit!" Brock shouted, in total shock as what looked like a white colored energy disk with a blue center collided into the side of the building before exploding out in a sphere of pure energy. Suddenly the base became surrounded by several bright yellow dots, each doing their part in destroying the building.

"How are we supposed to get any information with this guy destroying everything before we get there?" Coulson wondered, he himself in shock at seeing this show of power. He was shocked even further when he saw Naruto jump back into the courtyard, avoiding getting disemboweled by what looked like Eric Williams who was using a strange looking scythe that was attached to his hand like it was a prosthetic attachment.

Finally, the three reached the ground, Natasha pressed her finger into her earpiece, "Naruto, I know we said to destroy the base, but we're gonna need you to take it easy for a bit so we can get what we need, understood?"

"Yeah, I got it. I'm kinda having fun anyway." Naruto responded.

Naruto ducked down below the scythe swing, smirking as the guy was pretty pissed off at him destroying his base. The man wore a simple long sleeve black shirt, with matching colored combat pants and boots. The man was clean shaven with cropped short length black hair with a slight widows peak and soul patch on his chin, giving him a rather douchy appearance. The shirt he wore had a big skull and cross bones across the whole front, not really making him look any better in Naruto's eyes.

Keeping on the defensive, Naruto ducked and swerved around the Grim Reaper's slashes, easily able to read his movements with his rather obvious and telling body language. Seriously, this guy was low chunin at best when it came to hand to hand combat. That's like having a slug race a cheetah, it's just not fair. At all. Every twitch of the elbow, the shifting movement of his eyes, the flexing of his wrist. Naruto could read this guy like a book. Hell, he didn't need the Shroud, he didn't even need any jutsu. But here was here to impress. So. Time to impress. With his enhanced abilities, deflected the next scythe swing with his forearm, to Eric's surprise, and then used his other arm the slam his open palm into Williams' chest sending him tumbling back several yards away until Eric eventually ended up in a kneeling position while clutching his chest tightly in pain, probably sporting a few broken ribs.

Naruto moved his legs back and forth, his fists moving in an exaggerated jogging motion, "Is that all you got, Eric? I've been pretty disappointed with this planet so far, don't make it any worse."

Eric growled for a second, before smirking, "Alight, let's see how you like this, freak." He then put his remaining hand on his scythe nub, pressing a bottom on the side. With a loud hum, the blade to the scythe began to spin at a rapid speed, turning it from a scythe to a high speed propeller like buzz saw.

Naruto smirked, "Alright, I'm always down for the ace in the hole showdown." Extending his hand out, a blue sphere of chakra began to form in the center of his palm. Looking back at "The Grim Reaper," Naruto waited for him to make a move in a Mexican standoff like scenario.

"We got what we need Naruto. Go nuts." Natasha said over the radio.

Almost like that was a signal, Eric ran towards him, his propeller blade aimed to blend Naruto into a fleshy liquid. Naruto gave him a moment, letting him think he won, before disappearing in a flash of yellow. Grim Reaper didn't have time to stop and ponder where Naruto went, his next feeling being the pain he felt. It was like having a dull drill buried into his side, only said dull drill was five times as powerful as a normal one.


With that shout, the compressed energy in Naruto's Rasengan burst forward, sending the Grim Reaper flying forward in a rapid spinning motion before slamming into one of the few remaining walls left standing in the area. Looking around, Naruto saw flames, rubble, and his clones streaking by reeking mayhem on the Hydra base.

"Kurama. I think we should pull out one of the big guns." Naruto thought.

"Are you sure Naruto? I thought you were wanting to keep your abilities under wraps as much as possible?" Kurama asked, making sure his partner really wanted to show part of his hand.

"I'm not saying I go Six Paths Sage Mode, just Tailed Beast Mode. I don't want to just give Fury a message, but everyone on this planet that I am not someone to mess with."

"Tailed Beast Bomb?"

"Tailed Beast Bomb."

"Naruto? What's going on?" Natasha asked.

Naruto pressed his finger into the ear piece he was given, "I'm about done. You guys need to get out of here, as far as you can."

Natasha didn't say anything for a moment, probably relaying what Naruto had said to the rest of the team, "Alight, we've gotten ahold of an SUV. Should I ask why though?"

"I'm doing what Fury wanted me to do. I'm gonna blow this shit up."

"…that sounded really cheesy."

"Yeah…sorry about that."

"We should be a couple miles out in a few minutes. How're you going to catch up to us exactly?" Natasha asked.

"Right." Naruto stopped when he heard the Grim Reaper grown in pain, "And don't worry, I'll get to you." Naruto then began to walk towards Eric Williams.

Williams looked up, blood gushing down the side of his head, his organs and ribcage shifting with each pain inducing breath, "Wha-what the hell…are you?!" Eric finished by spewing blood from his mouth, his teeth stained crimson.

Naruto didn't say anything at first only kneeling down in front of the man stuck in the wall, "I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't really like killing. But knowing what you people have done, and what you represent as a group, I can't let people like you walk around, even if I'm not from here." Naruto, who's eyes were orange in color again raised his closed fist to his chest before his body flashed a bright yellow again. Only this time, Naruto's appearance changed as well, as he was now sporting a trench coat with a turned up collar that had black seals made to look like pattern designs from the shoulder down the arm and the collar. His torso was now black, with a yellow circular seal running along it. Eric couldn't think it was possible, but this kid seemed even more powerful.

Naruto then jumped high into the air, extending his arms out as he outwardly exerted his partner's chakra. Once again there was a flash of yellow, only this was massive, covering the area like a miniature sun. When the light disappeared, Naruto was revealed to now be covered in what looked like the titanic avatar of a nine tailed fox. It's nine tails swinging viciously, each barely holding back the power a single swing of those tails could produce.

"It's good to be out, Naruto. Feels good to stretch my legs for a bit." Kurama bellowed.

Naruto, who was inside the avatar of Kurama's head, chuckled, "Good to hear body. Alright, let's do this!" Naruto finished by clapping his hands together.

Kurama gave a quick chuckle before getting serious. Rearing his head back, Kurama opened his jaw as he began to build chakra in a massive amount, forming it into a sphere. As the sphere began to build in power, Kurama built the pressure even more, making sure that the attack was as tight as possible. When the Biju felt the attack was strong enough, Naruto had Kurama jump high into the air before releasing his attack.

"Tailed Beast Bomb!" Naruto shouted as his partner's signature technique was fired towards the remains of the building below.


With the SHIELD Agents


"H-O-L-Y shit." Agent Rumlow said, looking at where the Hydra base had been before it had been obliterated by what looked like an off brand nuclear bomb.

A dome of pure white energy reached up dozens of stories tall, the force of it clearing the clouds in the sky revealing the moon that had been hiding behind them. Eventually, the after effects of Naruto's attack finally dissipated, revealing that Naruto's monster form was gone, along with the building they had just been in almost ten minutes ago.

Coulson wiped the sweat along his brow, "How exactly are we gonna explain this to Director Fury? I don't believe it and I'm here."

Natasha was still staring at where Naruto had obliterated the Hydra base, "All Director Fury has to do is see the crater in the ground and he'll know what this guy is capable of."

"Yeah well, who gives a shit what Fury thinks?! This is above Fury! Just imagine when Secretary Pierce hears about this, or the World Security Council for that matter?! This guy is a fucking monster!" Rumlow yelled, obviously frightened by what he just saw.

"A fucking monster huh?"

The three turned around in complete surprise to see the person they were talking about, leaning up against their commandeered vehicle. Naruto looked absolutely unscathed, almost like he hadn't just gotten back from raiding and eviscerating an entire military base.

"What did you do back there?" Agent Coulson asked, "What the hell are you?"

Naruto got up off the car, "Looking back at it, I bet you guys are second guessing trying to pick a fight with me when we first met. That move I just used, that's not even my strongest. Hell, it could've been way stronger, but I didn't want you to get caught in the aftermath." Turning to the one in charge, Natasha, Naruto continued, "Now, I believe we had a deal?"

Natasha stared Naruto in the eye, gaging whether he was telling the truth about his powers, before answering, "You're right, we do. Get in the car, I'll call in a Quinjet."

"Where're we going?"

"The Triskelion."

"What the hell is that?"

"SHIELD Headquarters."


Chapter Complete


Author's Note: Well, that's pretty much that. Next chapter will start out in the Triskelion, aka the building from The Winter Soldier, and we'll get to see more of Fury and SHIELD. What did you guys think? Awesome? Above awesome? Let me know, review people! Let's boost that review count! Oh and favorite and follow and all that stuff too. And if you have any questions go ahead and PM me and I'll see if I can answer them without giving away the plot too much. But still review, let other people see that this story is awesome. Or above awesome. Your preference. Till next time.