Chapter 3: You Scratch My Back I Scratch Yours

Disclaimer: I don't own any of this. Sorry?

Author's Note: Holy crap was my last update amazing. In a single day I've gotten more views, reviews, follows, and favorites than I ever have before. I expected to have a little better of a reception than my first story, but I never expected this. You guys are awesome. Now I figured I'd address a few questions/concerns that I got from some awesome reviewers. A lot of people were curious as to who would be paired with Naruto. A few people were for him getting together with Black Widow and some not so much, so I figured I'd say that I don't really have any plans for them to get together, maybe hook up, but never be a couple. She just seems too old for him. I don't know. Here, if someone can give me a good enough reason, for or against, then we'll see. Until then, we'll class her as a maybe. As far as who he'll get with officially, Jessica Jones is a definite. You won't get me to budge on this so don't try. Wanda (aka Scarlett Witch) is a possibility, along with Carol Danvers depending on how they portray her in the upcoming movie. I figure she'll make an appearance in Infinity War since they've already cast Brie Larson for the role, so I'll get a feel for her and go from there. Now, a reviewer going by The Sin of Justice brought something up that I kinda want to bring up. He said that the Naruto characters, in the manga at least, never actually shout out the names of their attacks as they use them, the name is just there so the reader knows what technique they're using. I honestly never even thought of it like that. I always read it as them saying the attack, but the man/woman makes a good point. Sadly, I don't have the convenience of having what I've written in drawing form, so to me it just makes more sense to have him say the attack as he uses it. Sorry TSoJ, hope you still read the story. Well, time for the story to start.


Chapter Three: You Scratch My Back I Scratch Yours


Location: Washington D.C.

Date: July 18, 2008


"So what exactly are we dealing with here?"

Nick Fury was standing in a rather large office, the back wall acting as a large window giving Fury a clear view of the country's capital. Across from Nick was a man in his late 70's. The man wore an expensive looking business suit, his combed blond grey hair rather thick for a man of his age. This man was Alexander Pierce, Secretary of the World Security Council. Secretary Pierce was the middle man between the WSC and SHIELD, making sure that both parties were kept up to date with the other.

Nick took the seat across from Pierce, "You've seen the pictures I'm guessing?"

Pierce snorted, "Along with the entire Council. They're not exactly pleased that we have a literal walking nuke roaming around unsupervised."

Fury sighed, "Well from what I've seen, the kid has experienced war. And I'm not talking about as a civilian, but as a soldier. That and according to him his home world is quite liberal with using child soldiers, him being one of them. When I debriefed him on his mission, the kid didn't even flinch at the prospect of enemy casualties."

"Is he stable?" Pierce asked.

Nick closed his eye, "He hasn't shown any signs of instability, or at least he's more stable than most people I've dealt with in this kind of situation."

The Secretary leaned back in his chair, "Give me a full assessment, from you're point of view."

"Name: Naruto Uzumaki. Age: 15-17. He's humanoid in appearance, with his only distinctly inhuman characteristics being the whisker marks on his cheeks. The boy seems intelligent, but hides it behind a mask of naivety. From what footage we could recover, the boy is very adept at hand to hand combat, being able to disarm and disable with very little effort on his part. In the Sankt Georgen Raid, he demonstrated several strange abilities, from producing spinning spheres and disks of energy, to his body being covered in a yellowish flame with strange markings surrounding his arms and torso. He is also able to create a massive avatar like construct around himself in the shape of a fox like creature with nine tails. In said avatar state, Uzumaki was able to fire off an attack that when set off is similar to an atomic bomb only smaller in size and lacked any kind radiation aftereffects. According to Agent Romanoff, the attack he used wasn't at full strength, apparently holding back to keep it from reaching Romanoff and her team."

Secretary Pierce rubbed the side of his head, his age momentarily catching up with him, "I know this is probably redundant but I'll ask anyway. Threat Level?"

Fury didn't hesitate, "Threat Level: Omega."

Pierce sunk deeper into his chair, "That's two people to become Omega Threat Levels in two months Nick. What the hell is going on?" He asked in exasperation.

"I think this is the universe telling us that something is coming, and its giving us the pieces to fight whatever it is. First, Tony Stark builds an incredibly technologically advanced exo-suit and uses it to combat terrorist cells in Afghanistan. Then, the scientist Dr. Bruce Banner turns himself into a real life Jekyll and Hyde, only his Hyde is a massive rage machine that can demolish a prepared military unit and later destroy an entire city block as though it was nothing. Now, we have an alien from another dimension that's so powerful you'd think he was some kind of comic book character brought to life. We've been given these men for a reason Alex." Nick reasoned.

Pierce shook his head with agitation in his eyes, "Would you drop the Avenger Initiative Program already? The Council doesn't support it, and neither do I. The idea of having those three alone is bad enough, but together? Imagine the damage they could do before they're taken out, if we even could take them out!"

"And image the good they could do as a team working to make a difference." Nick argued.

Pierce sighed, "Even if the Council approved of your program, you'd never be able to get them to work together, Tony Stark being a good example. Sadly, the man is nothing like his father." Leaning forward, Pierce looked at Naruto's file that was sitting on his desk, "He may be powerful, but he's still young. And young means malleable, impressionable."

Fury shook his head, "I already said that the kid is smart, even if you do succeed in manipulating him, he'd eventually figure it out and turn the Triskelion into a parking lot."

The Triskelion was the main public headquarters of SHIELD. The building itself was rather strange in appearance compared to most, with it being on an isle in the middle of a river, the building built along the main outline of the isle. The top floors of the building were set to the side, going up in a cylinder shape only the sides divided up into thirds. It was the pride and joy of the SHIELD founders, it being their last project before the majority of them retired sans Howard Stark.

"Do you think you can control him then?" Pierce pressed.

Fury folded his arms across his chest, "Control him? No. Keep an eye on him? Yes." He then got up from his seat, "Tell the Council that I'll keep a close eye on him. That should sate them until he does something stupid."


With Naruto


"What the hell is taking so long?! This place is so boooring." Naruto whined, leaning his head back in his chair in the room he was waiting in.

Agent Coulson sighed, "Director Fury is having an important meeting right now. He'll get here when he gets here." Phil was standing near the window, looking outside at the monuments on the horizon.

Naruto leaned his chair back on its back two legs, resting his legs on the table to keep his balance, "So exactly do you do?"

"That's classified."

"Where's Natasha at?"

"Black Widow's location is none of your concern at the moment."

"…Black Widow?"

"Agent Romanoff's codename."

"Do you have a codename?"



"I don't know."

"I feel like you do but you're not telling me."


Seeing that he was getting the silent treatment, Naruto sighed, "If it's any conciliation I never had a codename back home."

Coulson didn't get to respond since Fury walked briskly into the room, "I'm sure you're ready for me to give you my side of our bargain Naruto, so I won't waste time with small talk." Fury sat down in the chair next to Naruto, another folder in his hand, this one labeled, "S. Rodgers." Sitting the folder down on the table, Nick said, "According to one of the founders of SHIELD, Howard Stark, the Tesseract is capable of sustaining an infinite amount of energy. As I told you before, it was once in Tonsberg, Norway where it was kept safe for thousands of years. However, during World War II, Hydra Commander Johann Schmidt discovered where the Tesseract was and used Germany's invasion of Norway as a way to find and acquire it. It was with the Tesseract that he broke ground in his weapons research, using it as a power source for his new state of the art rifles that are advanced even now. Schmidt then enacted his master plan of flying a titanic sized aircraft powered by the Tesseract to fly over and bomb the United States. In a last ditch effort, Captain America sacrificed his life after defeating Schmidt by crashing the aircraft into the Arctic."

Naruto sat there, his stomach dropping further and further as Fury finished, "So what happened to the Tesseract? Did you find it?"

Nick sighed, "The Tesseract was in the aircraft with Captain America. By the time we figured out the general area Rodgers crashed, it had been frozen over countless times."

"So it's lost." Naruto concluded.

"I'm sorry Naruto. I know you had your hopes up for this to work out." Kurama said, feeling the disappointment rolling off Naruto at the moment.

Nick nodded, seemingly thinking something over before he said, "I'd like to make a deal with you Naruto."

Naruto got up from his seat, "Sorry Fury, but I'm not going to work for you and your 'shield.'"

Nick got up himself, walking behind Naruto as he spoke, "I don't want you to work for me. I to work with you. We both have a common interest, the Tesseract. Why not work together here?"

Naruto stopped before turning around, "What're you suggesting Fury?"

Nick put his hands in an almost pleading gesture, "What I'm saying is we work together, SHIELD has several teams working extensively to find Captain America and the Tesseract. We're going to find the Tesseract eventually. The question is, are you going to be here when we do?"

Naruto narrowed his eyes, "I thought what I did to that Hydra base was warning enough. Don't try and manipulate me Fury, or you'll live to regret it."

Fury raised his hands in a placating manner, "I'm not trying to manipulate you, I'm not trying to trick you. This is a legit offer, you work with us until the Tesseract is found, and you'll be allowed to use it to get home."

Naruto kept his eyes narrowed at Nick as Kurama said, "He's telling the truth brat. No matter how much I loath to admit it, it would probably be a good idea to stay close to these guys until you get what you want. And it's not like you can't take care of them if they prove to be too much trouble."

Naruto sighed, "Fine." His face then became rigid, "But there are gonna be some rules." He then stuck out his hand out with four fingers out, "First, I'm not gonna be your dog on a leash. Second, if I don't want to do something, I won't. Third, when you find the Tesseract, I'm the first one you call. Not that Pierce guy, not the World Council or whatever. Me. And fourth…well I haven't really thought of a fourth. But when I do you'll know." Seeing Nick nod in confirmation, Naruto extended his hand forward in a closed fist.

Fury looked at the fist with confusion at first before it turned to understanding and humor. Reaching his own fist out, he bumped fists with the strange alien. And just like that, a deal was made.


Location: Malibu, California

Year: May 30th, 2010


"I still don't get why I'm here." Naruto said as he sat next to Phil in a SHIELD SUV. In the two years on Earth Naruto's appearance had taken on a change. His usually eye length hair was now more cropped and groomed, brushed to the side yet still maintaining its messy look. Whatever baby fat Naruto had on his face was now gone, looking more lean and mature than he had two years ago. Speaking of his face, his whisker marks that had been such a key part of his life were now missing. Thanks to some kind of artificial skin thing over his cheeks, the official name of it going right over Naruto's head when they told him what it was, allowed him to blend into human society perfectly. The decision had been a tough one, his whisker marks had been a part of him his entire life, it just didn't seem right to hide them. But, he knew that it would make his life easier on Earth if they were hidden, as with them on people's attention was immediately placed on him, along with the fact that if people ever asked around about him, his abnormal appearance would make him easier to remember thus be found.

Similar to Coulson, Naruto was sporting a tactical business suit, with the jacket and pants a standard black, with a white button up t-shirt and an orange neck tie. Usually he'd wear something more comfortable but Phil had insisted.

Naruto could hear his partner sigh in his head, "You're here because you owe Fury a favor you fool. You can't be mad that he'd want collect." Kurama grumbled, sick of his partner's complaining,

"Director Fury wants us to watch over Tony Stark as he is working on a cure for his ailment. We're to make sure he doesn't leave or get side tracked." Phil said for the third time in the last hour.

"It just seems like a waste of my skills. I'd much rather be out with Natasha or Clint doing a field mission. At least then I can get my monthly quota of violence and mayhem."

"And you wonder why they gave you the codename 'Maelstrom.'" Coulson said, probably still sore over Naruto getting a codename while he still didn't have one.

Naruto scoffed, "I still think that it's a stupid name. Orange Flash is way better."

"No it isn't."

"It really isn't Naruto." Kurama added.

Naruto decided to change the subject, "So this Tony guy, what's he like?"

"His personality is thoroughly examined in his file." Seeing Naruto rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment he sighed, "You didn't read the file." He stated.

Naruto folded his arms across his chest indignantly, "I'm not one of you SHIELD toadies, I don't gotta do shit."

Phil sighed but knew that Naruto was right. The only reason he was hear was because Naruto needed some spending money to buy an apartment in D.C. so Fury told Naruto he owed him a favor, this mission being said favor. Any other time, the only reason Naruto did anything was because he wanted to, which usually involved field missions with Agent Barton and/or Romanoff, the former of whom taking Naruto under his wing so to speak on matters such as Earth culture and activities, showing the blonde things like videogames, movies, sporting events, and the internet in general. The Council hadn't been to happy learning that tidbit about him not taking orders, but were placated by the fact by the fact that he wasn't roaming around doing God knows what but was instead under the watchful eye of Fury.

Looking out the window, Coulson saw that they were pulling into Stark's mansion driveway, "We're here."

Getting out of the SUV, Naruto couldn't help but marvel at the Malibu mansion. The all white building had a square theme, with multiple intricate levels jutting out every which way. Walking towards the double doors, Coulson didn't bother knocking, instead barging right through. Naruto couldn't help but be unimpressed by the inside of the house, but that probably had something to do with the fact that it looked like Rock Lee had just got done with one of his usual training session in there. In the middle of all that mess sat Tony Stark, looking out the large window acting as a wall into the beautiful ocean view

Giving Tony a look over, Naruto could see that he didn't look any different from the pictures he'd seen. He dark brown hair spiked up at the front, with a rather unusual goatee that had a rather sharp and pointed design. The man looked kinda pathetic at the moment, his usual bravado he'd seen on TV gone, in place of a man looking to be on his last leg. The fact that he was still wearing a robe in the middle of the day didn't help much either.

Sitting next to Tony was Fury, the two of them seeming to have just gotten done with their conversation. Looking over at Coulson and Naruto, Fury said, "I believe you've already met Agent Coulson, and this is Agent Uzumaki." Naruto held back a scowl at being called an agent, he seriously couldn't wait for this favor to be payed and done with, "they're going to stay here, watching over you until you're done."

"Babysitters, really?" Tony cracked, "The blond one looks young enough to be in high school."

Naruto narrowed his eyes at Tony but kept his mouth shut. For now.

"Agent Uzumaki is more than qualified to make sure you stay here to finish your work Tony. If you're really concerned you can put your armor on and he can give you a demonstration." Fury said before making his way towards the door, "Get it done Tony, we're gonna need you."

Naruto rolled his eyes at Fury and his constant references to the 'Avengers Initiative.' He'd lost count how many times he'd tried to get him to get involved, with Naruto ignoring him as much as possible when asked.

Natasha, who'd been in the other room, also made her way towards the door after Fury as she said, "We've disabled all communications. No contact with the outside world." Looking over at Naruto she said, "Good luck."

"So this is where Natasha's been." Naruto thought.

Tony, who thought Natasha had been speaking to him, said, "Please…alright, first things first I need a little body work, then I'll put some time in the lab. Hey Junior, make yourself useful and go on a Starbucks run. Please and thanks."

Coulson stepped in between Tony and Naruto, probably thinking Naruto might attack the inventor, saying "We're not here for that. Director Fury has authorized us to use any means necessary to keep you on the premises. If you attempt to leave, or play any games, I will taze you and watch 'Supernanny' while you drool into the carpet, understood?"

Tony nodded in understanding, "Yeah, uh…I think I got it."


Later That Night


"Do you really think we'd never notice you leaving?" Naruto asked as he walked into Tony's workshop, the entire area covered from wall to wall in equipment.

Tony looked up from his level measurer, "I don't remember you trying to stop me Agent Uzumaki, and where's Coulson anyway?"

Naruto walked around the room stopping at the displayed sets of Iron Man armor, "Agent Coulson was called in on an urgent matter by Fury. As for me, despite what Fury says, I'm no 'Agent.' I don't have to really do what the man says. So I let you leave to do your business, but kept an eye on you in case for whatever reason you tried to make a break for it. I'm only here because I owed Fury a favor. That and I wanted to meet you." Naruto finished by turning to face the Stark fully.

"And why exactly would you want to meet me? You want an autograph or something. Last I checked I charged twenty bucks for those."

Naruto smirked, "No, I just wanted to meet the other member of Fury's possible 'Avengers Initiative.' You're all the man talks about nowadays, that and Bruce Banner, but that guy's gone ghost after Harlem."

Tony couldn't help but be shocked at hearing that this kid was in the same group as himself, "So what makes you so special that they'd ask you to join?"

Before Naruto could answer, Phil walked down the steps into the lab, "I heard you broke the perimeter."

"Aahh yeah. That was a while ago, where you been, junior and I have already discussed this." Tony said, dropping the previous subject for a later time, "I heard you've been busy."

Phil gave Naruto a pointed look, "First you let him leave, then you tell him where I went after I told you to keep it under wraps. I thought you said you'd do as you're told today."

Naruto shrugged, "I'm a rambunctious little scamp, what can I say? Besides it's not like I didn't keep an eye on him. That and it looks like he actually got something out of his little field trip." He said, seeing that Tony seemed rather reinvigorated.

Phil's attention was however on something else entirely. Walking over towards what looked like a table full of scrap parts, Coulson pulled out what looked like a shield that someone started to craft but gave up half way through. The shield was circular, with three layers of color and the center circle holding a white five-point star. The first and third layer were red, the middle layer white, and the center circle blue.

"What's this doing here?" Phil asked, his voice holding a hint of excitement.

A realization hit Tony, "That's it." Walking towards Phil he said, "Here, give it to me."

"Do you know what this is?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's exactly what I need." Tony then took the scrapped shield into his hands, "Lift the coil."

Coulson seemed to still be in a daze as he lifted up the thick coil as Tony stuff the shield underneath it, leveling the once slightly dropping coil. Placing his level measurer back on the coil, he took a step back say, "Perfect." Talking the level off he said to Phil, "I'm busy, what do you want?"

"Nothing." Coulson said, "I've been reassigned, Director Fury wants me in New Mexico."

"What about me?" Naruto asked.

Coulson turned to the blonde, "You can leave anytime you want, Director Fury wants to meet with you though whenever you get back to DC."

Naruto took his jacket off, unbuttoned his shirt, and loosened his tie, as he walked up the stairs, "I'll think I'll stay for a bit. I here there's an expo tonight, might as well give it a look. Might just see what Natasha's doing while I'm at it."


At Stark Industries


"What're you doing here Naruto?" Natasha asked, wearing her 'assistant' clothes consisting of a grey blouse and business skirt and heels. The two were standing outside Pepper Potts' office, Natasha having pushed him outside after he barged in.

Naruto gave his megawatt smile, "Just wanted to see Black Widow the assistant in action. You're pretty good at it actually."

Natasha calmly drove her fist into Naruto's stomach, "Don't call me that here. Got it?" She asked harshly.

The blonde was hunched over as he wheezed out, "Got it."

The Black Widow pushed some stray hair behind her ear, "Seriously Naruto, what are you doing here."

"Coulson's been reassigned, didn't stick around long enough to find out where, so I figured I'd come help you out since I have nothing better to do." Naruto said straightening up.

Natasha scoffed as she made her way back into the office, "Go bother Clint or Rumlow then." She opened the door and walked in, "I'm sorry Ms. Potts, that was m-" she was cut off by the door closing behind her.

Naruto sighed before making his way to the exit, "I guess I'm going to that expo by myself then."


Later that Night at the Stark Expo


Damn this place was crazy. The atmosphere didn't feel like an expo, it felt like a massive concert event, with each stage presenting some new tech, from holograms to hover-boards, the things this world came up with was fucking crazy. Walking around, Naruto was now wearing a plain dark red jacket, a blue t-shirt underneath, and some simple jeans, with the blonde feeling way better getting out of that monkey suit.

Walking towards a what looked to be the main stage, Naruto could see several signs advertising the upcoming event, "HAMMER INDUSTRIES Presents: In Defense of Peace." Naruto read off, "This better be good."

Walking into the stands, Naruto realized he arrived just in time, as a music began to play with a man in an all grey suit began to dance/walk out to center stage, slowly but surely reaching the glass podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for far too long this country has had to place its brave men and women in harm's way. Then the Iron Man arrived, and we thought the days of losing lives were behind us. Sadly that technology was kept out of reach. That's not fair, that's not right, and it's just too bad. Regardless, it was an impressive innovation, one that grabbed headlines the world over. Well today my friends, the press is faced with quite a different problem. They're about to run out of ink." An awkward silence entered the arena, with Naruto watching in amusement as people began to give the man a pity clap, "Ladies and gentlemen, today I present to you the new face of the United States Military!"

Then, with a wave of his arm, he introduced one by one what looked like an Iron Man rip off in the version of militarized drones, each one representing the separate branches of the United States Armed Forces. The Army drone being a greenish brown in color with what looked like the large rifle barrel holstered on their backs. Drones for the Navy were a dark blue, with a duel set of rocket launchers on their shoulders and forearms. Airforce Drones were grey in color, with them not having any noticeable attachment on the body. Finally, the Marine Drones were a dark green with brown camo stripes running along it, and similar to the Airforce Drones had no outward attachments added to them. In total, there were thirty-two drones on that stage.

"But as revolutionary as this technology is, there will always be a need for a man to be present in the theatres of war. Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present to you the first prototype of the Variable Threat Response Battle Suit and its pilot, Airforce Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes!" With another wave of his hand, the center of the stage floor opened up, before a trap door began to rise up, revealing what looked to be a grey and silver version of Tony's Iron Man suit, only this was decked out for heavy combat. Heavily armored, with the forearms holding what looked to be high powered automatic weapons, and a Minigun holstered on behind him on the shoulder.

After coming up the stage fully, Rhodes saluted the crowd, with all of the drones following suit.

"For America and its allies HAMMER INDUSTRIES is-" the rest of the man's speech was interrupted by the sight and sound of Tony coming in hot towards the stage before landing in a kneeling position in front of Rhodes. As Iron Man rose up, so did the crowd, the arena exploding in a wave of cheers. Tony walked up to Rhodes, standing next to him and giving the crowd a wave. His armor was slightly different, with the usually circular arc reactor dock now triangular.

Tony then began to walk towards the man on stage, the guy's mic picking up Tony's voice as well, "Where is he?" Tony demanded.

"What?" the man asked.

"Where's Vanko?"

"Wha-what're you doing here man?" the guy stuttered.

Suddenly, the Minigun on Rhodes' armor sprung to life, taking aim at Tony. Naruto didn't waste a second jumping into action, as Tony flew off into to avoid getting turned into swish cheese by his friend. About to jump into action, Naruto stopped when the Airforce and Navy Drones flew after them, with the Army and Marine Drones beginning to open fire on the crowd below. Naruto's body flashed yellow as his body took on his Nine Tails Chakra Shroud and bull rushed towards the Marine unit who were the closest to the crowd. Shoving his fist into the first one he could, he then expanded his arm out, ripping the Drone apart. Looking over, Naruto stood there as the Marine Drones began to open fire on him. To Naruto in his Chakra Shroud he could barely feel he bullets at all, simply allowing them to ricochet and bounce off uselessly.

When the Drones finally stopped firing Naruto said, "You done?" Suddenly, seven translucent arms sprouted from his body, smashing into each of the Marine Drones, the massive hands grabbing ahold and crushing them as though they were empty soda cans. The hands retracting back, Naruto then raised both hands, with two small hands sprouting from each wrist, before he began to form two miniature sized Raseshurkinens in his palms. Naruto then threw them at the remaining Army Drones, one making contact that obliterated three of the drones in an explosion that was only a sixth of the size of the usual attack, with the other being shot at by one of the drones, causing it to explode prematurely taking out only one of them. In the confusion of Naruto's attack, the Uzumaki was revealed to have formed four Rasengans along his back, before once again sprouting chakra arms to pick up the Rasengans and drive them into the remaining drones, the attacks finishing them off instantly.

"He-hey! What the hell man!" the guy that introduced the weapons yelled, having seen the whole thing while ducked under the stage, "Do you have any idea how much those cost?!"

Naruto's Chakra Shroud flickered as he said, "Not enough apparently." He then disappeared towards the sound of gun fire where he knew Tony and Rhodes were. Appearing in what looked like a Japanese garden, Naruto saw that Iron Man and whatever Rhodes was calling himself seemed to just get done destroying the rest of the Hammer Drones.

"Hey Tony!" Naruto yelled, "You good?"

Tony looked up, shocked to see Naruto is his Nine Tails Chakra Mode, "Is that you Junior?"

Seeing Naruto nod, Rhodes looked back and forth between the two, "Tony, who the hell is this guy?"

"Junior, meet Rhodey, Rhody, meet Junior."

Suddenly, the three looked up as they heard what sounded like another drone landing in the clearing. The drone landed in a loud thud and puff of dirt. This drone looked different however, as it was heavily armored, appearing as more of a juggernaut than anything. The mask split open and apart, revealing the face of a man Naruto could honestly say he didn't recognize. The man had a tan complexion, his long hair slicked back with a thin soul patch and moustache.

"Good to be back." The man said in what Naruto recognized as a Russina accent.

Rhodey seemed just as confused as Naruto was, "Well this aint' gonna be good."

The Russian man crossed his arms across his chest before whipping them outward, causing a pair of long electric whips to appear at the end of his hands, with lightening arcing between the two whips.

"I got something special for this guy." Rhodey said, "I'm gonna bust his bunker with the 'Ex-Wife.'"

"The what?" Tony asked.

From the shoulder that didn't have the Minigun on it, a rocket began to emerge, the rocket began to tick down before flying off towards the Russian whip guy.


"Well that was disappointing." Naruto deadpanned.

Tony looked at Rhodey, "HAMMER tech?"


Iron Man stepped forward, "I got thi-"

Before Tony could finish his sentence, Ivan was sent flying by a massive flaming yellow fist curtesy of Naruto. The blonde than walked forward, "Sorry to interrupt Tony, but I really just want to get this over with." Naruto then extended his hand forward towards the still downed Ivan, "Let's see how your armor stands up to my Wind Style Rasengan." Slowly, a Rasengan began to form in his palm, with sharp wind chakra whisping around the sphere. As Ivan got up and was about to lash out with his whip Naruto once again extended is hand forward with Wind Rasengan in hand.



Days Later in SHIELD Malibu Safe House

"-and then I saved Pepper from the self-destructing drones."

"I know what happened Tony…I was there." Naruto drawled.

The two were in a warehouse like building used by SHIELD operatives as a safe house. Tony was sitting down in one of the two chairs available, a table next to him with two folders sitting on top of it. Surrounding Tony and the table he was sitting at were five screens each showing something different, with Naruto standing next to one of those screens.

"This man is grinding my nerves Naruto." Kurama growled.

Naruto smirked as he thought, "I don't know Kurama. He kinda grows on you."

"It's good to see that you two are getting along so well."

The two turned to see Nick Fury walking into the warehouse walking over and sitting at the table Tony was at. As Fury began to sit down, Tony went to grab the folder saying "Avengers Initiative Program" on the front with the SHIELD emblem emboldened on the front, only for Nick to stop him by placing his hand on the file.

"I don't want you looking at that. I'm not sure that it pertains to you anymore." Fury said leaning back in his chair, "Now this on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff's assessment of you." Heading the file over Nick said, "Read it."

"Augh…Personality Overview: Mr. Stark displays compulsive behavior…In my own defense that was last week." Seeing Nick giving him a look to keep reading he continued, "Prone to self-destructive tendencies-okay, I was dying, I mean please isn't everyone? Text book narcissism…agreed. Okay, here it is. Recruitment Assessment for Avenger Initiative: Approve…you know, I gotta think about it."

"Read on." Fury said.

Looking back at the file, Tony continued to read, "Tony Stark not…not recommended. That doesn't make any sense. How can you approve me, but not approve me?

Fury got up from his seat, "We believe that in this juncture we'd only like to use you as a Consultant."

Tony himself got up, reaching his hand out for a handshake with Nick, "You can't afford me." Stark said.


Chapter Complete


Author's Note: Boom, chapter three is done people! Hope you guys liked it. I know I said this before but your guys' reaction to my story has been awesome so far, with an awesome 26 reviews and over 100 favorites and follows each. So let's keep it going. Let's get to 75 reviews guys. We can do this people, I believe in you.