They stared each other down for a while. When suddenly out of nowhere Juvia blushed and turned around and began walking. "R-Really? Juvia gives up then! Goodbye!"
"Whoa there! What the heck?" Gray questioned with his eyes popping out while he was gaping.
Juvia walked with her hand over her chest. "What is wrong with Juvia? Why is my heart beating like this?"
"Wait, you! Stop the giant!" Gray shouted running after her.
"Juvia wants to make him her's! Juvia can no longer hold back!" Juvia said stretching out her hand.
Water Lock!
Gray was now surrounded by a ball of water. "Ugh!" Gray grunted in pain from one of his injuries he suffered when they first attacked Phantom Lord.
"Oh, no! He is injured! Whatever shall I do? I must release him quick, or…" Juvia started to freak out having no desire to hurt this man she had just met. Then suddenly Gray turned the water around him into ice and broke free. "He escaped from Juvia's water lock using his own power? This is the power of an ice wizard… Exquisite!" Juvia stared in awe at Gray. 'Water and ice. It's like we're bound by fate! I've finally found you, Juvia's prince!' Juvia thought getting lost in her own imagination.
"Trying for a surprise attack, you bastard!" Gray said as unlike Juvia he viewed her as an enemy.
"Kyu!" Juvia responded still lost in her own imagination.
Gray began to take his shirt of. "Ouch!" Gray uttered as he felt the pain once again from his injury.
"Why is he stripping? I-I-I think we should take things more slowly…" Juvia said with hearts in her eyes as she was ogling Gray's body.
"I don't want to frighten a woman, but you'd better surrender immediately. Otherwise you're going to get hurt!" Gray said bringing his hands together forming a light blue magic circle.
Ice Make: Lance!
Gray shoot out several lance spears made out of ice that pierced Juvia. "Juvia's body is made of water. Yes… Drip, drip, drop…" Juvia's body restored itself with water making Gray widen his eyes in shock. "That's right… He's an enemy. Torn apart by strife, that is their tearful fate! But Juvia will not lose heart! Farewell, my small blossom of love!" Juvia formed a blue magic circle.
Water Slicer!
Sending jets waves of water at Gray who dodged by jumping to the side, the waves then sliced a pillar made out of steel. "High powered water jets can even cut through steel. Underestimate water, and you will regret it." Juvia said.
Ice Make: Battle Axe!
Gray made a large battle axe of ice and sliced it at Juvia's waist but to no avail as it just went right through her body that put itself together again. "Try again and again, but nothing will change. Against Juvia, physical attacks are ineffective. Yes… Drip, drip, drop…"
"She's a though one…" Gray muttered trying to think of a way to beat her.
"You cannot defeat Juvia. You still have a chance to save yourself. Bring me Lucy Heartfillia, please. If you do, I will ask my master to withdraw." Juvia offered.
"Hey, don't give me that crap. We're both already way past the point of retreating. And Lucy is our ally! I'll give up my life before handing her over to you!" Gray declared.
Juvia dropped her umbrella in shock. 'Give up his life? A love rival!' Juvia began to freak out. "What pain! What harsh fate! My heart… My heart feels like it's going to rend asunder! It hurts!"
"What's the matter? Are you ill?" Gray asked completely oblivious to the situation.
Juvia gained a dark expression. "Juvia will not forgive. Lucy shall not be forgiven!" Juvia said boiling with rage.
"Huh?" Gray tilted his head to the side in confusion as he was taken aback. As Juvia sent a wave of water at Gray. "Ouch!" Gray grunted in pain as the water was so boiling hot that steam came from him. "Boiling water? And why are you mad at Lucy?" Gray questioned to which Juvia sent another wave of boiling water at Gray.
Ice Make-
Gray dodged the wave of water but it then changed direction and went back towards him, Gray dodged again by jumping up in the air. "It's fast! My Creation Magic can't keep up!" The wave of water came back making Gray leap to the side. He slipped in some water almost making him fall of the edge. "That was close…"
"Ever since Juvia was born, she's lived within the rain. In the rain, there is no one who can defeat Juvia!" Juvia formed a magic circle that let out a huge amount of boiling water. "Be boiled inside Juvia's jealousy!"
Juvia shoot several waves of water at Gray making him leap back from each one of them. "What?" A wave almost hit Gray but then.
Ice Make: Shield!
Gray made a shield of ice above him to block the water, but due to the immense heat it was slowly melting away. "What incredible heat! I can't stand it!"
"I told you already! Inside the rain is Juvia's world! No one can defeat Juvia!" Juvia said when suddenly a wave of steam covered where Gray was and when it cleared it he was gone. Juvia walked up to the spot to see a broken window. "He used the steam as a smoke screen? He's not just a pretty face, he's smart, too. So amazing…" Juvia said with a small blush.
Gray ran inside a hallway. "I don't have time to take a break! I've got to stop that magic quick!" Gray stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted a familiar face. "I-Itachi?" Gray questioned blinking seeing his friend.
"Oh, Gray." Itachi looked at Gray with a stoic expression. Suddenly water came from the window above them flooding the room. "That's hot! My skin is burning!" Gray said when they were shoot back out like a geyser with Itachi whom looked surprised.
"This is the end for you!" Juvia said and shoot a wave of water at Gray.
"Why you…" Gray slammed his hands into the boiling wave of water.
"He jumped straight into the scalding water?!" Juvia said in shock.
"Freeze!" Gray said and slide down the water wave freezing it into ice and eventually freezing Juvia.
"U-Unbelievable! Juvia's boiling water has frozen! Not only that…" Juvia said as we could see through the ice that Gray's hand was groping Juvia's breast. 'Blush…'
Gray began to freak out. "N-No! This isn't what you think…!" Gray shouted with a blush Itachi looked at this scene with a raised brow.
'Juvia is so embarrassed! Inside your ice forever like this…' Juvia thought.
"Sorry!" Gray removed his hand making the ice around her vanish.
Juvia fell to her knees. 'He freed me from the ice? Why? He's so nice!'
"L-Let's start over!" Gray said.
"No… Juvia really can't hurt you after all…" Juvia said.
"Huh? You're admitting you can't beat me?" Gray questioned completely oblivious to Juvia's feelings, Itachi on the other hand noticed this and looked at Juvia and then back to Gray.
"Is she one of the Element 4?" Itachi asked looking at Gray whom had almost forgotten Itachi was here, and Juvia now noticed this man as well.
"Yeah, which is why I'm a little confused as to why she's surrendering so easily." Gray replied rubbing the back of his head, Itachi then noticed Gray's injury.
"And that injury, how did you get that?" Itachi leant in closer.
"H-Hey it's no big deal, I got it when we first attacked Phantom." Gray said backing a little away from Itachi as he didn't want to feel pain from anyone touching his wound.
"B-Boys love!" Juvia suddenly screamed having completely misunderstood the situation as her imagination started to run wild. "M-Might not be too bad…" Juvia uttered with a smile on her face that made Itachi and Gray pale a little.
"I think you are misunderstanding…" Itachi uttered.
"Yeah definitely, both he and I actually prefer women." Gray uttered and when Juvia heard this she suddenly regained her desire to claim Gray as hers.
"Juvia is stronger than Lucy. Juvia can protect you." Juvia said.
"Protect me…? What for?" Gray questioned.
"W-Well, because… I-I… uhh… l-like…" Juvia muttered with a blush.
"Is it me, or is the rain getting heavier?" Gray questioned as the rain started to pour down even more.
"Juvia is frustrated!" Juvia said.
"Man, this rain is gloomy…" Gray said.
Juvia froze as the word gloomy echoed through her head, she then fell to her knees. Her anger remained oblivious to Gray although Itachi noticed.
"What's the matter?" Gray questioned.
"Oh dear…" Itachi uttered to which Gray looked at him with confusion.
"This man… is the same as all the others…! You're no different after all!" Juvia boiled in anger.
"What the…?! What happened?!" Gray questioned.
"I think you somehow hurt her feelings…" Itachi replied and Gray kept looking confused.
'Love doesn't matter to Juvia anymore!' Juvia thought sending a wave of water at Gray and Itachi.
'I'll just freeze it again!' Gray thought concentrating his magic power but nothing happened. 'It won't freeze! Is it hotter than last time?!' The wave of water was then divided in half as it went around Gray and Itachi whom held out a sword made out of lightning.
"Love doesn't… Love doesn't matter anymore!" Juvia shouted in rage remembering all the times people called the rain gloomy and how everyone bullied her for it as a child. "Juvia is nothing but a gloomy rain woman! But Phantom Lord accepted her despite that! Juvia is an Element 4! She's a Phantom wizard!" Juvia then turned her body into water and charged at Gray with her face shaped inside the water.
"I refuse to let Phantom beat me!" Gray shouted freezing the wave of water but Juvia leaped out of the wave. "Stand back Itachi! I got her!" Gray shouted.
"I wasn't planning on interfering." Itachi pointed out with a stoic expression.
Juvia widen her eyes in shock when the rain itself turned into ice. "Even the rain has turned to ice?! What powerful magic!"
Gray slammed his fist on the floor.
Ice Geyser!
Gray sent a geyser made out of ice freezing Juvia in midair, the ice then broke as Juvia fell. 'I lost. It's all over now… Juvia will fall to the ground and splatter, like a raindrop… A fitting end for a rain woman no one wants or needs… Farewell, gloomy me…' Juvia thought and was just about fall to her death when suddenly she felt someone grabbing her hand. She opened her eyes and saw Gray holding her.
"Don't let go! Don't you dare fall!" Gray said almost about to fall himself but was pulled up by Itachi, and Gray pulled Juvia up.
"Why did you help Juvia…?" Juvia questioned.
"Dunno. Just get some rest." Gray replied.
'Why…is he…?' Juvia thought.
"So? Have you cooled down any?" Gray asked bringing tears to Juvia's eyes.
"Huh?" Juvia questioned when she felt sunlight shining in her eyes, she looked up and saw the rainclouds fading away. "The rain… it stopped…"
"Oh! The sun's finally out!" Gray said with a grin.
"So this is the blue sky… I've never seen it before…" Juvia said in awe.
"You haven't?" Gray questioned. "It's pretty nice, huh?"
"Yes… It's beautiful…" Juvia replied.
"So, we gonna go at it again?" Gray asked with a smile.
"Juvi!" Juvia squealed and fainted with a blush on her face and with a smile on her face.
"H-Hey" what's wrong?! What's going on?! Say something! Hey! Hey!" Gray shouted.
"I think you might have gained a fan, Gray." Itachi smiled letting out a light chuckle, to which Gray only looked confused, and the giant started to move even slower.
"Anyway, I will keep going for Jose. You should try and find the remaining Element 4, Aria. I will see you later." Itachi said and infused chakra to his feet and ran up the castle wall side getting closer to the top.
""Gray!"" Mira and Elfman shouted in unison having just arrived.
"Elfman! Oh, Mira too?" Gray said.
"So she's the third Element 4, huh?! Why does she look so happy…?" Elfman questioned as they all stood over an unconscious Juvia.
"Dunno. Maybe she's having a nice dream or something?" Gray replied.
"Only one left!" Mira said.
"Huh?" Gray questioned.
"Itachi found out that we can stop Abyss Break if we defeat the Element 4, and there is only one left." Mira replied.
"Really, he was just here he could have told me that much." Gray said with a sigh as he looked up to see Itachi running on the castle wall side. "Well, guess he's the only one of us now that could beat Jose." Gray said.
"It turns out this spell and the giant are powered by the members of the Element 4." Elfman said.
"There's still time! We can make it!" Mira said to which they both nodded.
Meanwhile, Aria was standing over a slight beaten up Natsu. "It's over, Salamander. I shall give you the same suffering as Makarov." Aria said and appeared behind Natsu with his hands raised.
Airspace: Ruin!
Two magic circles formed on Natsu's sides sending a wave of pressure. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" Natsu screamed in pain.
"So sad! Inside this airspace, all wizards are completely drained from their magic!" Aria cried while Natsu continued to scream in pain.
"I-I'm losing…my strength…!" Natsu muttered.
"Natsu!" Happy shouted.
"Damn it!" Natsu cursed when suddenly Aria was kicked in the chin by Erza who arrived at the scene.
"Erza!" Happy cheered.
"H-Hey… Should you really be moving around in your condition?!" Natsu asked to which Erza turned around and she did not look happy.
"Erza's mad!" Happy shouted as he and Natsu hugged each other in fear.
"Did he do this to our master?" Erza questioned referring to Aria who's now standing up.
"Erza Scarlet, huh? How sad. Not only will I have the Salamander's head, but Titania's as well…" Aria said.
"I take it you're the one who messed with our leader." Erza said glaring daggers at the Element 4 leader.
"Erza…" Natsu uttered in awe.
Aria let out a chuckle having stopped his crying act. "Against Erza, I'll have to fight seriously too!" Aria removed his blindfold.
With Gray, Mira and Elfman. "His eyes?" Gray questioned.
"Yes." Mira replied.
"What about 'em?" Gray questioned.
"Aria normally has his eyes closed. Keeping them closed apparently holds back his overly powerful magic." Mira explained.
"Are you kidding me?" Elfman questioned.
"Whatever happens, if we find Aria, we have to beat him before he opens his eyes! If he opens them, we could lose our only chance at victory…" Mira said as the two young men looked shocked that someone could prevent their chances of victory by just doing that.
"So is this Aria guy like Itachi with his eyes?" Gray asked.
"No, Itachi's eyes have far more power from what he told me. If Itachi finds Aria he would be able to beat him. But we can't wait for that to happen, we must beat him before…" Mira said when suddenly the magic circle began to glow.
With the other Fairy Tail members. "What the?"
"It's glowing!"
"Is it completed?!"
"Damn! Is this the end of the line…?!" Wakaba questioned.
Back with Erza. "Come, Titania… I'm casting Zero, the airspace of death…! This airspace consumes the life if everything inside it!" Aria let out a powerful wind around him.
"This is bad!" Happy said holding onto Natsu's scarf so that he wouldn't be blown away.
"A spell that consumes life, you say? How? How are you people able to take others' lives so easily?!" Erza said and brought out a sword.
"Now let's have some fun…" Aria said with his eyes glowing red.
"Erza!" Natsu shouted.
Erza charged at Aria. "Can you withstand this airspace?" Aria questioned while Erza just ran through the airspace and began to cut it with her sword. "Impossible! You've cut through my airspace?! Wait?"
Reequip: Heaven's Wheel Armor!
Erza changed her clothing into a plated armor that covers her chest, with a large metal flower over it, she now had a large billowing skirt that has metal plating in the upper area, her stomach and neck are uncovered, and she has large metal wings that are made of individual blades, and she now had a wing-like headpiece. Then a huge amount of swords appeared around her.
She charged at Aria and sliced her with the two swords in her hand and flew past him, and send all the other sword at him at the same time. Aria fell to the ground defeated.
"She beat him with one hit!" Happy shouted in shock.
"Erza really is dangerous!" Natsu shouted in fear.
"Our master will never be done in by the likes of you. Strike him from your list of triumphs this instant." Erza said with a scary expression.
"S-So sad…" Aria muttered.
Outside with the Fairy Tail members. "Should we duck?!"
"Ducking won't help anything!"
"What are we supposed to do?!" They all questioned when the magic circle suddenly vanished.
"The light went out!"
The giant then began to stop. Back inside with Natsu, Happy and Erza everything was shaking. Erza returned to her normal clothing when she was about to collapse but then she felt something grabbing her on the shoulder with an arm wrapped around her. She opened her eyed and was meet by Itachi's smiling face. "Onii-san?"
"Sorry that I'm late. You've grown so strong, Erza." Itachi said with a smile of pride directed at Erza.
Back on the battlefield inside the giant with Jose. "The Element 4, wiped out by lowly Fairy Tail scum?!" Jose said in disgust at the weakness of his so-called elite.
"People beaten by scum are just scum themselves." Gajeel arrived holding an unconscious Lucy Heartfillia.
"Oh! You're back, Gajeel?" Jose said with a smirk as he still had his Gajeel around to defeat the Fairy trash.
"I brought a little gift, Master." Gajeel said and dropped Lucy.
"Oh, that was quick. How were you able to find her, Gajeel?" Jose questioned.
"Don't underestimate a Dragon Slayer's sense of smell." Gajeel replied with a wicked grin and a dark chuckle.
"She's alive, I hope. There's no point otherwise…" Jose said looking at the little rich girl that wasn't moving.
"Well, I gave her a real roughing-up, but…let's see!" Gajeel said and kicked Lucy into a wall making her grunt in pain and cough a little. Gajeel let out a little chuckle. "Looks alive to me!"
"I'd expect no less from our guild's strongest wizard…" Jose said with an evil grin. He then went to the speaker to deliver a message. "Members of Fairy Tail! Listen closely to this!"
With Itachi, Erza, Natsu and Happy. "What?" Natsu questioned as they suddenly heard Jose's voice.
"Jose." Itachi said in a dark tone.
On the speaker all that was heard was Lucy screaming in pain.
With Gray, Mira, Elfman. "That voice!" Elfman said.
"Lucy?!" Gray questioned.
"No way!" Mira said.
"We have captured Lucy. That's right. Our first goal has been achieved. That leaves us with our one other goal…Destroying all of you pathetic brats!" Jose said.
"Bastard!" Natsu growled with thick marks on his forehead.
With Jose and Gajeel. "Watch Lucy." Jose ordered. "There are a few insects inside the guild."
"And a Salamander?" Gajeel asked wanting to get a chance to prove who was the strongest dragon slayer.
"Yes. But… I'm going to make them realize there will be no more miracles. I'm going to take care of them personally!" Jose said with a dark expression.
"Damn! They have Lucy!" Natsu cursed.
"The new girl?" Itachi asked.
"Yeah, she's our new comrade." Natsu replied.
"Hn, can't wait to meet her." Itachi said while sitting down.
"What are you doing?" Natsu questioned looking at Itachi with a raised brow.
"I'm waiting. Jose is coming here, so I'm waiting." Itachi replied calmly with his eyes closed looking like he was meditating.
"Onii-san…Natsu…" Erza muttered weakly.
"Erza!" Natsu responded.
"You've done enough, just rest. You onii-san is proud of you." Itachi said with a smile.
Erza smiled and then looked at Natsu with a serious expression. "Natsu…Unleash…your strength… You still have dormant strength inside you… Believe in yourself… Be steadfast and wake it…Now is the time… Protect Lucy… Protect our guild…Go Natsu!" Erza shouted making Natsu really fired up, really.
Natsu let out a huge amount of flames that for a short time took the shape of a dragon while his roar was heard throughout the castle.
In the woods at Porlyusica's place, Makarov slowly woke up. "Natsu?"
"Makarov? How are you feeling?" Porlyusica asked to which Makarov sat up from the bed. "You still need to rest."
"And you expect me to listen to you?" Makarov questioned.
"You recovered rather quickly…for someone your age." Porlyusica said.
"I could do without that last part." Makarov said putting on his coat.
"Are you planning to go to your death?" Porlyusica asked.
"I'm simply doing what a parent should do. By the way, how comes the cure for Itachi?" Makarov asked.
"Mystogan's been dropping by with some of the herbs from time to time. As for Itachi, he hasn't brought the herbs he's found yet." Porlyusica replied.
"I see. Thanks for the help." Makarov thanked and walked out.
Back with Itachi and Erza. Itachi was sitting and waiting when he began to hear footsteps. "Itachi! Erza!" Mira's voice was heard.
"Erza! Itachi!" Gray's voice was heard.
"This place has been trashed too…!" Elfman said.
"Guys…?" Erza said weakly.
"When did you get here?" Gray asked.
"You should be lying down!" Mira said.
"H-Hey!" Elfman said and looked down to see a beaten Aria.
"Aria…?!" Mira questioned.
"Erza defeated him." Itachi said staring at one entrance waiting for Jose.
"She fought in her condition?!" Elfman questioned.
"What were you thinking?!" Gray asked.
"I never thought you'd see me in such a deplorable state… I guess I still have long way to go…" Erza said with a weak little smile.
"What the…?!" Gray questioned when a dark presence was felt.
"Ugh!" Elfman grunted also feeling the presence.
"This is!" Mira said.
"I sense death!" Erza said all with sweat running down their foreheads. Itachi sat there perfectly calm unlike them however.
"What is this feeling?!" Gray questioned.
"It's giving me the chills despite my manliness!" Elfman said.
"The air is filled with evil energy!" Mira said when a clapping sound was heard.
"Jose." Itachi said calmly not faced by it what so ever.
"That was truly impressive, my Fairy Tail wizards." Jose said now having changed his outfit into a less flamboyant one, being more militaristic. It consisted of a long blue closed coat, a belt circling his waist and by another one going over his right shoulder with the Phantom symbol on the buckle. It had golden stripes going down from the high collar, his wizard saint medallion remained on the same spot. On his left arm was a brownish cape covering it with wide golden stripes on the edges, he wore loose pants tucked inside boots, his hair was now tied into a high ponytail. "To be honest, I never imagined you would entertain me this much." Jose was letting out a huge amount of dark energy. "To think that you would destroy the Jupiter, take down the Element 4, and bring my magic giant to its knees…"
"Master Jose!" Erza said in anger.
"He's…" Elfman said.
"…Phantom's master?!" Gray finished.
"So much evil magic! Just facing him makes me feel sick!" Mira said covering her mouth.
"Now then. You were kind enough to entertain me, so I really must return the favor. Return it in full…" Jose said with an evil smirk. When suddenly a kunai flew at him, Jose tilted his head to the side dodging it. He looked towards the source and saw Itachi with his eyes narrowed and his sharingan activated. Jose gained an angry expression when blood ran down from a cut at his cheek.
"I'm your opponent." Itachi said standing up staring Jose down.
"The Demon Eyes of Fairy Tail, Itachi Uchiha, huh?" Jose said with an unpleasant expression and wasted no time and directed his right hand towards Itachi.
Jellyfish Form!
Jose send several ghost fists at Itachi. Itachi pointed his middle finger and index finger at Jose.
Element Dragons!
Itachi made five magic circles behind him that released five Chinese dragons one made out of water, one made out of fire, one made out of lightning, one made out of earth, and one made out of wind countering Jose's attack, sending shockwaves around the room.
With Lucy and Gajeel. Gajeel kicked Lucy into the wall. "Hmm, doesn't sound half bad. But there's no challenge at all…" Gajeel said.
"Y-You need to stop, Gajeel! Things will get ugly if you keep this up…!" One of the Phantom wizards said.
"Huh? But there's nothin' else to do. The master's mean, making me guard the girl while he gets to stamp out those pests…" Gajeel transformed his arm into an iron pole. "What's wrong with passing the time like this?"
"Stop! If master finds out you'll get in serious trouble too!" The Phantom wizard said but was then hit in the face by an iron pole.
"Shut up. I don't care whose daughter this is. She's Fairy scum to me. Plus, being a girl doesn't change the fact she's a wizard. She knew what she was getting into when she joined a guild." Gajeel said.
"Still, this is going to far! I don't like this!" Boze said.
"You're gonna make the master mad. He's gonna blow up." Sue said.
"I'll just put the blame on you, then!" Gajeel said with a chuckle.
""Man, you're mean…"" The two of them replied in unison.
"It's really pathetic, though. Those Fairy asses suddenly got in a tizzy after finding out she's rich." Gajeel said.
Lucy got up and let out a chuckle. "You guys really are stupid…I pity you so much it brings tears to my eyes…"
"Oh?" Gajeel questioned with an amused smirk.
"Wh-What is she thinking?!" Boze questioned.
"She's provoking Gajeel…!" Sue said.
"Phantom Lord… Ruler of the spirits, huh? Talk about ridiculous! You're not scary one bit!" Lucy said with a smile.
"Oh, you don't say?" Gajeel said with a grin and then transformed his arm into an iron pole slamming it in Lucy's gut. "You've got real guts, trying to act though in this situation. I like that." Gajeel said and transformed his arm back making Lucy fall to the ground clutching her hands over her gut. "But I don't want to hear you bluff and bluster. I want to hear you scream. I'm at a loss. I need you to scream more for me."
"Why not just get rid of me then?! You guys will be at a real loss then!" Lucy said with a smile despite all her injuries.
"Oh? Sounds interesting. Go on." Gajeel said with a grin.
"Fairy Tail will never let you get away with this. That's the type of guild your messing with! Every day you're all going to tremble in fear at the mere shadow of the most terrifying guild in the world… For as long as you live!" Lucy said still smiling confidently.
"Sounds interesting. Let's see if you're right!" Gajeel said transforming his arms into iron poles and leaped at Lucy.
"Gajeel!" Boze shouted.
"Stop!" Sue shouted.
Gajeel was about to charge when the floor suddenly exploded in flames, Natsu leaped up and punched Gajeel in the face with his fist covered in flames. As Natsu began to roar making his flames more powerful. "I knew it! I knew I smelled him!" Gajeel said with an evil smirk.
"…Salamander." Lucy muttered in a happy relieved tone.
"Gajeel!" Natsu shouted while flames violently burned around him.
That's the end for now!
Next chapter will be the end of the Phantom Lord arc, with Natsu fighting Gajeel and Itachi fighting Jose. Now in this chapter the main focus was supposed to be on the current situation, since Itachi just arrived in the middle of the arc, which is why there was more focus on other things and people rather than him.
Now if you guys have any questions, suggestions, or opinions on how this chapter went let me know in the reviews.