(respond to old reviews)
altajir95: Thanks. And Itachi will beat Jose into a bloody pulp don't you worry about that.
lilnightmare17: Thank you. Hope that you enjoy this one.
Lazymanjones96: Thank you there will be plenty more of this story to come.
Guest: Your suggestions are noted, thank you.
Leafyfan19: Your suggestions are noted, thank you.
fssmonik: Thanks, and the previous chapter was mostly to introduce the Fairy Tail characters I didn't get time to introduce in the previous chapters also I wanted some of them to have their time in the sun and not have Itachi take all the spotlight. (Even though that's almost impossible to do.)
TBM10: Yeah we already discussed this through PM and I will try to not make most of the fights too similar to the Fairy Tail cannon story line, I will also make some changes since Itachi is now in the guild.
Blue Eyes Pendulum Dragon: Itachi actually in a way has Eternal Mangekyou now, since the ethernano supplies his eyes with power making it so that he can't go blind and making his eyes having the same level of power as EMS. And I think I have figured out when he will be able to use perfect Susanoo, I'm not going to say when it will happen but it will happen at least.
Chapter 4: The battle ends!
Natsu was letting out a huge amount of flames of rage as he stared Gajeel down. "You sure took the bait, Salamander." Gajeel said with a small sadistic chuckle.
"It's time you quit being a wet blanket all the time, iron dragon!" Natsu responded.
"Natsu!" Lucy said with a relived smile that turned into a serious look when she saw Natsu's serious expression.
"Lucy. Get back." Natsu warned as this fight might be too much for the Celestial mage.
"Gajeel!" One of the Phantom Lord wizards said.
"Stay out of this!" Gajeel leaped towards Natsu.
"Bring it on!" Natsu leaped towards Gajeel with his fists covered in flames. Gajeel transformed his arm into an iron pillar, Natsu grabbed the pillar and span around throwing Gajeel into the wall. Gajeel landed with his feet on the wall that began to crack. Natsu charged at Gajeel with his flaming fist which Gajeel blocked with his iron pillar arm.
The flames from Natsu attacked the area around them hitting Gajeel's men. "We're caught in it!"
Gajeel leaped out of the smoke, then Natsu leaped out after him and slammed his flaming fist into Gajeel's face sending him flying across the room crashing into the wall. Gajeel rubbed his cheek then he saw Natsu above him with his foot covered in flames.
Fire Dragon: Talon!
Gajeel brought his arms into an x-formation blocking the attack. Lucy was watching the battle in awe. "Lucy! Are you all right!" Happy said walking up to the blond celestial mage.
"Happy!" Lucy said with a smile that quickly vanished when she looked back over to the fight.
"What's wrong?" Happy questioned.
"O-Oh… I've never seen Natsu like that before…" Lucy said staring in awe as Natsu walked towards Gajeel with a pissed off expression for what Gajeel did to Lucy.
"Aye, me neither. But…this Natsu is strong!" Happy said when suddenly the whole castle began to shake making almost everyone even Natsu and Gajeel lose balance.
"What's going on?!" Lucy questioned.
"This must be Itachi's doing." Happy replied desperately trying not to fall.
"Itachi?" Lucy questioned as she recalled the name but she wasn't sure from where.
"Aye, he's known as "The Demon Eyes of Fairy Tail" he's also Erza's older brother." Happy replied and then it dawned on Lucy.
"The Demon Eyes of Fairy Tail? You mean the Itachi Uchiha?!" Lucy questioned in shock at hearing that one of the most popular mages in the country was here.
"Aye, you know him?" Happy questioned.
"Who doesn't?! He's ranked number one in Sorcerer Weakly as the hottest guy in all of Fiore!" Lucy said showing excitement in her eyes with hearts in her eyes. "How strong is he actually?" Lucy asked now out of her fan girl mode.
"He's actually one of the strongest in the guild. And he's also the youngest to ever become an S-class mage. Some say that he's even stronger than the master, although he never shows he's full power so no one knows for sure." Happy replied.
"He's that powerful?" Lucy questioned in awe.
"Aye, Natsu even challenges him as often as he can." Happy replied.
With Itachi
Itachi leaped out from some smoke with Jose also leaping out and charging at Itachi with some ghost like hands. Itachi jumped away dodging the hands as he made a few hand signs.
Fire style: Phoenix Flower!
Itachi spitted out several blazing volleys of small fireballs, which flew towards Jose in an unpredictable manner. The fireballs collided with the shadow ghost hands reducing them into nothing but traces of shadows.
Jose smirked confidently as Itachi looked at him with his sharingan spinning around. "You really think you can defeat me boy? You may be an S-class mage, but I'm one of the ten wizard saints!" Jose said as several shadow ghost hands wrapped themselves around Itachi's body lifting him up in the air. "Don't make me laugh." Jose had a wicked grin.
With Natsu
"Quit actin' cocky, pathetic scum." Gajeel mocked.
"You're one to talk!" Natsu retorted back. "You had no problem beating up Lucy…" Natsu said while cracking his knuckles. "I'm gonna deform your face and smash you into iron sand!"
Gajeel let out a chuckle. "Amusing. Like to see you try!" Gajeel and Natsu charged at each other slamming their fists into each other, Natsu the bent down and kicked Gajeel in the chin with his flaming foot. Gajeel got up and extended his arm into an iron pillar that Natsu dodged by jumping up in the air. He then placed his hands on the iron pillar and leaped towards Gajeel kicking him in the face. Gajeel then transformed his other arm into an iron sword trying to slice Natsu who dodged just in time.
"What's with the dangerous hardware?!" Natsu questioned.
"The Iron Dragon Sword!" Gajeel replied as the sword had some spikes on the side. "It cuts apart everything it touches!" Gajeel said as the sword began to rotate like a chainsaw. "See how sharp it is for yourself, Salamander!"
"That's nothin' to me!" Natsu said with confidence.
"Wh-What is that?!" Lucy questioned.
"Iron Dragon Slayer magic…!" Happy said.
Gajeel charged at Natsu with a crazed grin, with the iron sword raised above his head. Natsu leaped to the side as Gajeel slammed the sword down cutting the ground even getting his teammates caught in it. "Were caught in it, part 2!
"What's the matter?! Not gonna block me this time, huh?!" Gajeel said slicing after Natsu who dodged every attack. "I thought this was nothin' to you?!" Gajeel continued to slice after Natsu who dodged every blow and leaped back away from Gajeel. "Oh! You're actually pretty nimble!"
"Same goes for you." Natsu said with a grin on his face as this fight was exciting to him.
Gajeel deactivated the sword returning his arm back to normal. "We never settled our little fight the other day. Whadya say we finish it now, Salamander?!"
"I'm all fired up now, scrap iron freak!" Natsu replied.
A magic circle formed beneath Gajeel as his skin turned into iron scales. "Now you're going down!"
"His body…!" Lucy said in shock.
"Dragon scales!" Happy said.
Gajeel leaped towards Natsu with his fist raised behind his head.
Iron Dragon: Hard Fist!
Natsu blocked Gajeel's punch with his arm however, the impact of the punch sent Natsu flying across the room crashing into a wall were Gajeel's teammates were. "We're caught in it, Part 3!" One of them shouted. "I'm sick if this!" Another one cried.
"Now that was a nice sound." Gajeel said with an evil smirk as Natsu was holding over a dark blue purple spot on his arm.
"He dropped Natsu to his knees with one hit…!" Lucy said in a worried tone while using her hand to cover her mouth.
"Those scales are made of steel!" Happy said.
Gajeel delivered an upper punch to Natsu's chin and punched him again while giving an evil smirk. Gajeel delivered a kick but Natsu dodged, but the pressure from the attack sent waves of wind across the room.
The wind pressure was so strong that Lucy had to hold down her skirt while Happy was holding on to Lucy so that he wouldn't be blown away. "You gotta be kidding me! Wind pressure from a kick?!" Lucy said.
"His steel scales have doubled the strength of his attacks!" Happy shouted.
Natsu punched Gajeel in the face with his fist covered in flames, but to no effect. "My steel scales nullify all attacks." Gajeel said with a smirk while Natsu screamed in pain.
"No way! It increased his defense too?!" Lucy said in shock as Natsu's chances of winning seemed slim.
"Natsu!" Happy shouted.
Natsu was rolling on the ground back and forth. "Damn! Doesn't hurt! Doesn't hurt one bit!" Natsu shouted trying to ignore the pain.
"That's what he says." Lucy said.
"Aye…" Happy said.
"Shut yer trap!" Gajeel said and head-butted Natsu into the ground. "Quit trying to hang on to your pride!" Sending his hand slamming down but Natsu leaped back.
"Hardheaded bastard! This'll blow you away!" Natsu slammed his fists together and gathered his hands in front of his mouth like he was holding a flute.
Fire Dragon: Roar!
Iron Dragon: Roar!
Gajeel mimicked Natsu's movements as Natsu spitted out a wave of fire and Gajeel spitted out a wave of iron. The pressure was felt all across the room as it blew Lucy and Happy back as well as affecting Gajeel's teammates. "We're caught in it, Part 4." One of them said now laying in the rubble on the ground. "That's Gajeel for you…"
"Looks like the difference between our dragon qualities have become clear, Salamander… Not even breath that can burn a person to cinders can leave a mark against steel." Gajeel said with an overconfident grin, as only a small area on the front of his clothes were burned off. "But, my iron blade breath can rip your body into shreds." Gajeel said to Natsu who had several bruise marks on his body.
"Natsu…" Lucy said in a worried tone.
"He's strong…!" Happy said.
"Not a single mark, huh? You daydreaming or something?" Natsu asked with a grin as a crack appeared on Gajeel's face. "My fire is no ordinary fire. Fire Dragon fire destroys everything!" Natsu said as he took off his black vest and as a magic circle formed beneath him. Natsu was letting out a huge amount of fire around his body. "You're gonna shatter into pieces if you don't fight for real, Black Steel Gajeel! We've had enough time to test each other out!"
Gajeel let out a smirk. "That's more like it!" Gajeel said as he removed the top of his clothing.
"Bring it on, Black Steel Gajeel!" Natsu said.
"There's no need for two dragons in these skies. I'll send you crashing down, Salamander Natsu!" Gajeel said.
Meanwhile outside, all the shade ghosts formed into a large orb with several arms sticking out of it. "Whoa! What's with the creepy hand movements?!" Laki questioned staring in horror.
"You're complaining about that?!" Wakaba questioned when it was obvious that they should all be worrying about the massive ghost sphere.
"This is bad…" Macao said.
The orb then began to slam it's hands down upon the Fairy Tail guildhall. "What are you doing to our guild?!" Cana questioned as tears formed in her eyes.
"Shoot it down!"
"Damn it!"
Back with Natsu and Gajeel. They both charged at each other, Natsu with his fist covered in flames, and Gajeel with his steel fist. Their fists collided sending massive shockwaves. The ceiling then exploded as Natsu and Gajeel flew out charging at each other. "What are these guys?! Boze questioned.
"They took off!" Sue said.
In the air Natsu slammed his fist into Gajeel's face, who responded by slamming his fist into Natsu's face. They began to throw a barrage of punches and kicks at each other. They both landed on top of the building and charged at each other colliding their heads together. As they continued to charge at each other leaving sparks. Natsu kicked Gajeel in the chin and Gajeel then punched Natsu in the face. They kept exchanging blows then they landed back into the room with both of them panting.
"Gajeel's getting beaten!" Sue said in shock.
"No, look! The Salamander is out of breath too!" Boze said.
"Huh?" Natsu questioned as he saw Gajeel beginning to eat pieces of iron. "Hey! That's not fair! You get to eat!" Natsu shouted.
"Shut up." Gajeel said.
"H-He does eat iron after all!" Lucy said.
"I wonder if it's any good…" Happy said.
"I'm fired up now!" Gajeel said with a smirk.
"Don't copy me!" Natsu shouted.
Gajeel let out a huge amount of energy. "Get ready to be mincemeat!"
Iron Dragon Spear: Demon logs!
Gajeel shoot several logs of iron at Natsu who screamed in pain of the attack.
"Fire…Fire…I can't remember, do I have a fire celestial spirit?!" Lucy questioned as she looked for something but then she remembered. "Oh, right…I lost my keys… All I have on me is this Sagittarius key I recently got." Lucy said holding a golden key in her hand. "I haven't even made a contract yet, but… This is….This is our only chance now!"
Back outside. The giant orb continued to destroy the Fairy Tail guildhall. "Stop!" Cana shouted as tears streamed down her cheeks as they saw their guildhall getting reduced to rubble bit by bit.
"Cana!" Macao said holding her back.
"Our guild…!" Cana shouted trying to break free.
"Stay back!" Macao said.
Back with Natsu and the others. "I am connected with the path to the celestial spirit world! Heed my call! Pass through the gate! Open, Gate of the Horseman! Sagittarius!" Lucy chanted as out of a magic circle came an archer dressed in a horse outfit.
"Hello!" The horseman greeted.
"Th-That's how it is?!" Lucy questioned not expecting this.
"A horse costume?!" Happy questioned.
"We can talk later! Can you shoot fire?!" Lucy asked.
"No. I am a master archer. Hello." Sagittarius replied as he looked into the horizon and saluted.
"O-Oh." Lucy said in a disappointed tone.
"What is he even saluting at?" Happy questioned.
"Lucy! Get back! This is dangerous!" Natsu warned.
"Aye!" Lucy said dragging Sagittarius with her.
"H-Helllo?" Sagittarius questioned as he was being dragged away.
"Here goes!" Natsu shouted and charged at Gajeel with his body covered in flames.
Fire Dragon: Sword Horn!
Natsu charged like a missile at Gajeel crashing into his gut to no effect. "Feelin' hungry and low on energy?" Gajeel asked with a smirk and elbowed Natsu down to the ground. "Then… eat some iron!" Gajeel said as he's arm turned into an iron pillar that pushed Natsu with his face on the ground back, and then sent him slamming into the wall. "I have no use for you anymore. Get out of my sight, scum!" Gajeel said as Natsu landed in front of a hole in the wall.
"No… This can't be real! Natsu can't lose…!" Lucy cried.
Gajeel let out a laughter. "Just look at what you guys were tryiin' to protect!" Gajeel said with a laugh as Natsu looked out from the hole seeing their guildhall being smashed into rubble.
With Itachi
Itachi looked out the window while being held by ghost hands, he saw their guildhall being smashed into rubble as he heard the cries of his guild mates. "….."
"Well, how does it feel to lose your guildhall?" Jose questioned with an evil smirk.
"….." Itachi kept looking outside ignoring Jose as memories of him and Erza first arriving at the guild flushed through his mind, memories of the bonds they formed with new friends and comrades.
"Does it make you feel helpless? Or perhaps weak?" Jose asked with an evil smirk trying to get Itachi to feel despair.
"…." Itachi remained silent ignoring Jose's words not seeming to care which angered the Phantom Master.
"Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you!" Jose shouted as he electrocuted Itachi by sending waves of purple lighting through the ghost hands. Itachi grunted in pain. "Now tell me how you feel?!"
"Onii-san!" Erza shouted as she was about to charge but saw Itachi showing his hand as a sign to back off.
"Our guildhall…" Gray muttered.
"This bastard!" Elfman cursed.
"Itachi…" Mira muttered in a worried tone.
"…It's just a building…." Itachi replied.
"What?!" Jose questioned with a raised brow.
"It can easily be rebuilt, my friends cannot. If you're trying to aggravate me, you're doing a poor job." Itachi said mocking Jose who now looked at Itachi with rage in his eyes. Itachi then felt that Natsu's energy was low, and that Gajeel's energy was way higher now. Itachi looked up to the ceiling, he then inhaled his breath. "Natsu!" Itachi shouted as he made a tiger hand sign with one of his hands. "Eat this!"
Fire style: Fireball!
Itachi spitted out a massive blazing ball of fire that was sent crashing through the ceiling and continuing to work its way up. "What the?" Jose questioned in bewilderment.
Natsu widened his eyes when he heard Itachi's voice, when suddenly the floor around him was hit by a major fireball making flames burn around him. "What the?! Fire?!" Lucy questioned.
"It's Itachi's!" Happy shouted with joy as Natsu began absorb the flames.
"Yeah, only Itachi's flames taste this sweet. I'm all fired up now!" Natsu shouted as he leaped at Gajeel slamming his fist into his face sending Gajeel back.
"Don't get cocky just 'cause you ate some fire!" Gajeel said as he charged at Natsu, who just swung his fist at Gajeel sending powerful waves of flames at him.
"Alright!" Lucy shouted.
"Now he's at full power!" Happy shouted with joy.
Back with Itachi. Itachi let out a smirk. "Go get 'em." Itachi said as he looked towards Erza, Mira, Gray and Elfman. "Get out of here right now!" Itachi ordered.
"No way! We're not leaving you!" Erza shouted wanting to stay and help Itachi defeat Jose.
"Get out of here! I can't fight him knowing you guys could get hurt from our battle! You will only get in my way! Listen to me get out of here now!" Itachi ordered with a stern face.
"His right guys, we will only be a distraction." Gray said having full faith that Itachi would beat this Phantom clown of a master. "Let's go." Gray said as he went towards the exit with Elfman following him.
"Nee-chan! Come on!" Elfman shouted to his older sister.
"Right!" Mira said and went over to Erza. "Come on let's go, we have to trust him."
"Onii-san… Don't you dare lose!" Erza said as she and Mira left with the others.
Itachi looked towards them with a smile, then he gained a more serious look as he looked over to Jose. "Now to end this war." Itachi said as his body turned into a murder of crows.
"What?!" Jose questioned when suddenly Itachi appeared in front of him delivering a punch to his face sending Jose flying into a wall. "You little brat!" Jose cursed as he got out from the rubble.
"This war ends…with Fairy Tail's victory." Itachi said as he made a few hand signs.
Fire style: Dragon Flame Bomb!
Itachi spitted out a large wave of fire that took the shape of a dragon's head. Jose dodged it by leaping to the side, but Itachi appeared in front of him kicking him in the chest sending him flying across the room.
Back with Natsu. Gajeel placed his hands in front of his mouth like he was holding a flute.
Iron Dragon: Roar!
Gajeel spitted out a wave of iron. Natsu brought forth his hands in front of the breath attack, and then deflecting it. "He deflected my breath with just his bare hands!" Gajeel said with his eyes wide in shock.
"Just how much harm do you have to cause until you guys are satisfied?!" Natsu questioned in anger as thanks to Itachi's powerful flames, Natsu's power had risen to new heights.
"Impossible… I can't lose to the likes of him… I can't lose to this scum!" Gajeel said in disbelief.
"I'm gonna pay you back for everything you've done! Messing with Fairy Tail is the biggest mistake you ever made!" Natsu shouted as his body erupted in flames that were way more violent than ever before, as he slammed his fist into his palm.
Meanwhile back outside. The guild has been reduced to rubble, and the large orb had begun to vanish as all the shades returned to their normal state and begun attacking the Fairy Tail guild members once more. "Our guild…."
"The shades are coming back!" Bisca said as she reloaded her magic shotgun.
"That's right! Even if our guild's been destroyed, this fight ain't over yet!" Alzack shouted to his fellow guild mates.
""Yeah!"" The Fairy Tail members shouted in unison.
Back with Natsu. Natsu let out a violent amount of flames while looking at Gajeel, who looked at Natsu in anger. "Do you know who I am, you piece of crap?!" Gajeel shouted as he charged at Natsu.
Iron Dragon: Hard Fist!
Gajeel threw a punch, as did Natsu who collided his fist with Gajeel's. Natsu let out fire from his fist, as slowly the heat began cracking Gajeel's steel scale armor. "I-I'm supposed to be…the strongest…" Gajeel muttered.
"This is the end!" Natsu declared as his other fist began letting out a huge amount of flames.
Flame Lotus: Fire Dragon Fist!
Natsu threw a barrage of punches at Gajeel that looked like fists of fire. "Levy! Jet! Droy! Nab! Macao! Gramps! Erza! Lucy!" Natsu said as he delivered an upper cut to Gajeel's jaw. Natsu then let out a shout while his body let out a huge amount of fire. "This is for them…and for our guild you destroyed!" Natsu again began to throw a barrage wave of flaming punches at Gajeel. The power form Natsu's attack destroyed the top area of the what was left of the giant sending Gajeel flying out a hole in the wall.
Outside everyone looked towards the light coming from the top of the giant. "Al! that light!" Bisca said.
"It's Natsu!" Alzack said with a grin.
Everyone let out a cheer as the head of the giant fell into the water.
Back inside the ruins of the giant. "Whoa! Is this for real?!" Boze questioned.
"Gajeel lost?!" Sue questioned.
Happy then came flying while holding Lucy. "Natsu!" Lucy shouted.
"Natsu!" Happy shouted as they both looked for the fire dragon slayer. They then spotted Natsu looking down on the beaten Gajeel. "Natsu won!"
"P-Piece of crap…" Gajeel muttered as his body was covered in bruise marks.
"Now we're even…" Natsu said as he fell down to his knees and then on his back.
"Natsu!" Lucy shouted.
Natsu let out a weak chuckle. "Pretty much can't move after that…" Natsu said with a grin as Lucy and Happy flew towards him.
"Sheesh. He sure knows how to go overboard." Lucy said as tears of happiness formed in her eyes.
"Aye! That's Natsu for you!" Happy said with a smile.
With Itachi
Rubble began to fall around Itachi and Jose as they stared each other down. "What an unruly dragon." Jose said.
"You will find that most of us in Fairy Tail are like that. And there are plenty of powerful people like me in it." Itachi said with a smile over hearing his guildmates cheering outside.
"Don't be so modest, Itachi The Demon Eyes of Fairy Tail. Your magic is spectacular indeed. You're also very talented if fighting. In fact, you're actually the first wizard to last this long against me in a fight. That I cannot stand in fact that there are more powerful wizards like you in Makarov's guild." Jose said as he flicked his fingers sending a small bullet of magic energy at Itachi who just tilted his head to the side dodging it. Jose then had small dark purple orbs forming on his fingertips. "Do you know why I didn't finish Makarov off?" Jose asked as the orbs shoot out from his fingers. Itachi dodged all of them with ease as dust began gathering up behind him. "Despair! I did it to instill despair."
"Despair huh?" Itachi said as he narrowed his eyes at Jose and threw some kunai's at him. Jose leaped to the side dodging the knifes.
"How will he feel when he wakes up and sees that his beloved guild and comrades have been wiped out? He'll be grief-stricken, I'm sure… Once I've given him despair and sorrow, then I will destroy him. It will not be a pleasant death… He will suffer, suffer, and suffer even more as he withers and dies!" Jose said with an evil smirk.
"If you think your strong enough to beat master Makarov then you are blind." Itachi mocked. Jose growled in anger as he shoots out more orbs at Itachi, the orbs exploded around Itachi. As Jose looked at the area where Itachi stood that was now covered in a dust cloud. Itachi then appears as a ghost behind Jose with a kunai directed at his neck. "How do you expect to beat him when you can't even defeat me? A mere S-class mage as you called me." Jose then vanished from the spot and appeared behind Itachi.
"Phantom Lord was always the top guild. It had the greatest magic in the kingdom, the greatest personnel, the most money… But Fairy Tail has suddenly grown much stronger in recent years." Jose said the last part in disgust. "Itachi, Erza, Laxus, Mystogan… Those names even reached our town, and the stories about the Salamander spread throughout the land like a wild fire. At some point, Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail became the two guilds that represent this kingdom. I can't stand it. Your guild was always feeble as hell!"
Itachi then appeared at a high speed in front of Jose and kicked him in the gut sending him back a few steps. "In other words you were jealous, and started this war."
"Jealousy? Nothing of the sort. We only want to make it clear who's dominant and who isn't." Jose said as he crawled out from some rubble and spitted out some blood to the side.
"Heh, guess that makes us dominant then." Itachi said with a smirk.
"What?" Jose questioned with a growl.
"Element 4, Black Steel Gajeel, were all defeated by members of Fairy Tail in fact you're the only one left standing on your side in this war. And also you were such a coward that you didn't have the guts to fight master Makarov yourself, no you needed help for that. In fact, you're the master of Phantom Lord and your losing to me… A mere S-class mage from Fairy Tail." Itachi pointed out which only angered Jose even further.
"Shut up!" Jose shouted in anger and sent some ghostly shadow skulls at Itachi. Itachi made a few hand signs.
Earth style: Mud wall!
A wall popped up from the ground blocking Jose's attack. "I've never been a found of your guild, but it was something trivial that triggered this war…" Jose said. "A job request to take the daughter of the Heartfilia Concern back home."
"The new girl, Lucy right?" Itachi questioned with a stoic expression.
"That's right. One of this kingdom's richest socialites, a member of Fairy Tail? Just how large must you become until you're satisfied?! With unfettered access to the Heartfilia fortune, you would undoubtedly grow far more powerful than us! That is the one thing we cannot allow!" Jose said as he kept shooting out more dark orbs at Itachi that just jumped around and dodged each and every one.
"So you're that delusional, huh? Our guild doesn't care about such things as were we stand in the ranks. I don't know this Lucy girl that much, I have only heard and seen what others are willing to do in order to protect her. But since she is a runaway wouldn't that mean that she won't have access to her family fortune, it's common sense the fact that you didn't know that makes you far stupider then I thought. Another thing, she's one of us, a member of Fairy Tail, she's a part of our family now and if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us." Itachi declared as he placed his palm on the ground with lightning flickering around his palm.
Chidori Stream!
Lightning began flickering on the ground as it approached Jose who leaped in the air dodging it. In the air Jose widened his eyes as Itachi was in front of him with a kunai in his hand.
Itachi and Jose landed on the ground a few steps away from each other, when Jose's wizard saint medallion landed next to Itachi. Itachi stepped on it crushing it beneath his boot. "Someone like you doesn't deserve the title of Wizard Saint."
"Heh, destroying my medallion doesn't change the fact that my power is equal to the Wizard Saints while as you are nothing more than an S-class wizard." Jose said with an evil chuckle.
"So you don't know that either." Itachi said with an emotionless expression.
"Know what?" Jose questioned.
"Before they gave the title to Jura, they offered it to me but I turned it down." Itachi replied shocking Jose.
"W-What?" Jose questioned with his eyes wide and sweat running down his forehead.
"After all I don't need a title that says how strong I am." Itachi said.
"Heh, so you're telling me that you're on par with me and Makarov?" Jose asked with an expression that asked if this was a joke.
"I guess you could say that, yes." Itachi replied in a calm and relaxed tone.
"Then this…shall be amusing indeed." Jose said with an evil wicked grin.
"Before we continue… Knowing guys like you, you have something else planned for Lucy, right?" Itachi asked.