
"Of course I have, did you think I was going to hand her over to her father just like that? I'm going to keep her like a pet until I've bled him dry. I will have all of the Heartfilia fortune!" Jose said with a crazed grin. "Now then! Let's get this cruel show underway!" Jose said as his eyes turned dark.

Dead Wave!

Jose gathered several ghosts around his right hand as he gathered energy around his hand, he then extended his palm shooting a dark purple wave at Itachi who responded with a few hand signs.

Fire Style: Fireball!

Itachi spitted out a large ball of fire that collided with the wave creating a large explosion that was visible for everyone outside. "Time to end this." Itachi said as his body turned into a murder of crows that attacked Jose. Jose blocked his eyes with his arm, and when he peeked he saw the crows forming into Itachi who grabbed Jose by the collar and tossed him across the room.

With Porlyusica

Porlyusica was looking up in the sky as wind blew around her around her were some boxes filled with different items as well as one filled with apples. "This is why…I can't stand people!" Porlyusica shouted as she threw a tantrum kicking the box of apples over and swinging her brome to the side knocking over the other boxes. "Fighting is the only way those foolish creatures can solve anything! Makarov, you nitwit! If you wanna die that badly, then go right ahead! Same goes for that Itachi, despite being sick he's still fighting!"

An apple landed next to a foot of a dark hooded masked figure with several staffs on his back. The mysterious figure picked up the apple.

"Mystogan…" Porlyusica muttered.

"May I have this?" Mystogan asked.

"Oh, I see. I thought it was strange how Makarov recovered so quickly. It was you who gathered up Makarov's magic." Porlyusica said as Mystogan took a bite of the apple. "Who said you could eat that?!"

"The war will conclude very shortly." Mystogan said.

"I don't want to say anything to promote aggression between people, but you are one of Makarov's men, aren't you? Then get out of here! Go on and fight or whatever!" Porlyusica said when suddenly a large gust of wind blew around as several Phantom Lord flags flew around and landed around the area. 'Phantom Lord flags…? Don't tell me he went and toppled every Phantom branch himself…?' Porlyusica thought in awe.

Mystogan leaped down and walked towards Porlyusica. "I'd like to ask for another apple."

"You are planning to pick up this trash, I hope." Porlyusica said as Mystogan picked up another apple. "You people truly confound me. Excessive strength brings nothing but grief. And anger makes you forget you're stuck in a tragic spiral."

Mystogan took a bite of the apple and looked up in the sky. "I want to believe in the sacred light that envelops that and all else. The sacred light that guides all… Here." Mystogan said and gave Porlyusica a bag.

"What's this?" Porlyusica questioned.

"The last medical herbs from my part of the list for Itachi's cure. Now all that remains is to see if he gathered his part." Mystogan said.

"Let's hope that he's got his part." Porlyusica said sounding actually slightly concerned.

With Itachi

Jose sent ghostly skulls towards Itachi who dodged them by jumping to the side. "I suggest you give up Jose, before things goes to far." Itachi said as lightning flickered around his body, Itachi was right in front of Jose and began to rotate sending a massive surge of lightning around him, electrocuting Jose who grunted in pain as he backed up.

"Don't look down on me you brat!" Jose said as he gathered dark energy into his fist and charged at Itachi. Itachi formed a blue sphere in his palm and charged at Jose. Over the last few years Itachi had managed to perfect a standard normal Rasengan.


Their attacks collided sending shockwaves around the area making the whole area around them shake. Itachi then span his body upwards with his leg raised up high, Itachi delivered an axe kick to Jose's head sending him crashing down to the ground and forming a crater. Jose looked up at Itachi in anger while Itachi's sharingan looked back at him while spinning around.

"Let's see you deal with a direct attack!" Jose shouted gathering energy into his palm once more.

Dead Wave!

Jose shoot a massive dark purple wave that hit Itachi directly while Jose was laughing manically. "How's that Fairy Tail!" Jose shouted while laughing. He then felt some hands grabbing his legs. He looked down to see several demons like creatures that grabbed their hands around Jose. "I can't move…" Jose muttered as he was dragged down through some portal. "Wh-What is this!?" Jose released as much magic power as he could as the world around him began to crack. Suddenly Jose saw that he was on his knees and an unharmed Itachi stood in front of him. "I can't believe I fell for an illusion!" Jose growled in anger.

"Give up, or I will give you an illusion a hundred times more powerful than that." Itachi threatened having used one of his weaker illusions on Jose. Itachi then felt a stabbing pain in his chest making him flinch a bit while he narrowed his eyes. 'I have to finish this quickly.' Itachi thought Itachi brought out several kunai's with paper bomb tags attached to them. He threw them at Jose, Jose responded by making a defensive magic circle blocking the explosion.

"I will take you down! That will make everyone surrender when the great Itachi is beaten. I will erase all of their hopes!" Jose said as he sent several phantom ghosts at Itachi.

"You have destroyed my guildhall, threatened and harmed my guild mates, harmed Erza and Mira, and harmed the master. For that… I will show you a horror beyond that of your little Phantom tricks." Itachi said in a cold tone as his sharingan turned into mangekyou sharingan.

"You think you can threaten me? I'm one of the ten great Wizard Saints! Even if you might have been offered the title doesn't mean your stronger or even equal to me! So bow down before me!" Jose said as dark ghostly creatures appeared around him.

"You've had your chance…" Itachi said with his eyes closed, he then opened them revealing his black pinwheel mangekyou sharingan.


A large black and white dome surrounded them, as for Jose it looked like time itself had stopped. "Another illusion, I will just break free like I did last time." Jose said with a smirk.

"That was a low-class illusion. This one however is completely different. In this world time, space and even physical matter, I control it all, in this world I am God." Itachi said as suddenly swords pierced all around Jose's body making him scream in pain.

"It's just an illusion, just an illusion!" Jose told himself and tried to ignore the pain, yet it felt so real it was hard to ignore.

"Telling yourself that it's just an illusion will do you little good, pain is pain no matter how you look at it." Itachi said as several hundreds of him appeared around Jose. "For the next 72 hours, you will feel a torture like non you've ever felt before." Itachi said as multiple clones of him stood around Jose holding a sword, making the Phantom master sweat and widen his eyes in fear.

Later on, in the real-world Jose let out screams of pain and horror that echoed through the Phantom guild. When Jose himself came back to reality he was shaking in fear. He looked at Itachi and started to back away while shaking. "Stay away…Demon…stay away…" Jose muttered while backing away in fear.

"Never come near Fairy Tail again." Itachi said in a threatening tone as he looked around outside to see all the shades attacking his guild mates vanishing.

"Just like I would have said myself." Makarov's voice was heard making Itachi turn to the source seeing Makarov in front of the exit as he was walking up to Itachi. "You did good my boy."

"Master, it's good to see you back on your feet." Itachi said with a bow.

"The council won't be able to ignore this, given the level of mayhem. Looks like Jose's main concern should be saving his own hide from the council." Makarov said. "Shall we go." Makarov said as he began to walk out with Itachi.

"You know, you should probably think about saving your own hide as well, master." Itachi said making Makarov pale.

"Don't joke like that." Makarov said as Aria appeared behind them out from the wind.

'So sad…! He's wide open, just like before! And now with The Demon Eyes of Fairy Tail, Itachi Uchiha as well! Their mine!' Aria thought as he made magic circles on his palms.

"You know he's behind us, right?" Itachi said.

"Yeah." Makarov replied as he extended his hand and slammed his fist into Aria's face knocking him out. "It's over now. We've settled things between our guilds. If you keep pushing me more, I will exterminate all of you and leave no trace." Makarov said in a scary tone, then he turned around with a goofy smile. "Take Jose back home! Right this minute!"

""We won! We beat Phantom!"" Cheers from their fellow guild member were heard.

Both Itachi and Makarov walked out of the giant and looked down on their fellow guild members. "It's Fairy Tail's victory!" Makarov shouted out. "It's our family's victory!" Itachi leaped down onto the water and began walking towards the forest area. "You're leaving already?" Makarov asked.

"I'll be going over to Porlyusica with the herbs, I'll be back once that's done." Itachi replied and waved Makarov off.

"I see." Makarov said as he went over to the others.

"Master!" Erza shouted with Mira, Gray and Elfman running behind her. "Where's onii-san going?" Erza questioned seeing Itachi leave into the woods.

"He has some business to take care off, he will be back in a few minutes." Makarov replied. "Come on now, let's celebrate."

Itachi walked through the woods and went up to Porlyusica's house and knocked on the door. Porlyusica opened up the door and had her usual expression. "I figured you would be here by now. Do you have them?"

Itachi brought out a scroll he then bit his finger making it bleed, he then drew the blood on the scroll and did a few hand signs. "Release!" Itachi said as a large puff of smoke appeared showing different herbs on the scroll.

"Is that all of it? Did you find them all?" Porlyusica asked as she saw various different herbs, and some were even more than just one.

"….No." Itachi replied.

"No? what do you mean no?!" Porlyusica questioned with a raised brow.

"I found all but one. When I came to the field with those flower herbs you told me about, the Blood Vain Flower…the entire field was destroyed." Itachi replied. "So I gathered a little extra of the rest of the herbs hoping that would help."

"Without that flower I can't heal you. But with these I should be able to make something that will at least prolong your life for a while so that you can continue your search." Porlyusica said.

"Are there other places with that flower?" Itachi asked.

"There might be. But I think you would have to look in a different country, but there should at least be some areas where you could find these flowers in this country although that's a slim chance." Porlyusica replied.

"I see, how long until you can make that medicine?" Itachi asked with a stoic expression.

"It should be ready after the Harvest Festival. The question is can you last that long?" Porlyusica questioned.

"I have had this before remember. I think I can hold on until then, maybe longer." Itachi replied before walking out.

"Where are you going?" Porlyusica questioned.

"To celebrate, we did beat Phantom after all." Itachi replied with a smile. "I trust you will notify me when it's done."

"Stupid brat. You should act more worried." Porlyusica muttered.

With Natsu

Natsu was still laying at the same spot after he defeated Gajeel, with the iron dragon slayer just a few meters away. "Hey, can you hear me, Gajeel?" Natsu asked.

"I can't hear nothin'…" Gajeel replied.

"Tell me… Where did you learn Dragon Slayer magic?" Natsu asked as he struggled to get up on his knees to look down on Gajeel.

"I told you, I can't hear you…!" Gajeel said ignoring the fire dragon slayer.

"This is the first time I've met anyone who can use the same magic as me! You can at least tell me that much!" Natsu said.

"Shut up…" Gajeel said pissing Natsu off. "Metalicana."

"Huh?" Natsu questioned.

"The steel dragon Metalicana." Gajeel replied.

"What?!" Natsu questioned as he lost his balance and fell down. "So you were taught by a dragon?!"

"You were too?" Gajeel questioned.

"Where is he now?!" Natsu asked.

"Dunno." Gajeel replied.

"Where is he now?!" Natsu asked again with an angry expression.

"I told you, I don't know!" Gajeel shouted as they both head-butted each other.

""Owww….!"" Both of them muttered in unison.

"Man… I feel like my brain's gonna turn to ash, talkin' to you…" Gajeel said.

"What?!" The insulted Natsu questioned.

"He vanished. Metalicana just suddenly left one day, without so much as a word. Man. Talk about a selfish bastard…" Gajeel said.

"H-Hold on! That wasn't seven years ago on July 7th, was it?!" Natsu asked.

"What?! You know where Metalicana is?!" Gajeel asked.

"Don't be stupid! I'm trying to find Igneel, a fire dragon! Igneel disappeared on July 7th seven years ago too." Natsu replied.

"Two dragons disappeared seven years ago… On July 7th, 777…?" Gajeel said in surprise at the coincidence.

"What's with all the sevens?!" Natsu questioned as he head-butted Gajeel.

"How should I know?!" Gajeel shouted.


"It doesn't matter to me, anyway." Gajeel said as he stood up.

"If you're gonna leave, just do it already!" Natsu said.

"This is our guild! You're the one who has to leave!" Gajeel shouted.

"What a small-minded jerk." Natsu said as he got up.

"Get lost!" Gajeel shouted.

"Lemme know if you ever find out about Igneel." Natsu said as he began walking.

"Why should I be nice to you?!" Gajeel questioned.

"We're both Dragon Slayers, after all." Natsu replied with a smile.

"Screw you! Next time I see you, I'll destroy you! I swear it! Just you wait and see!" Gajeel shouted.

"Man, you're vicious. I was thinkin' of making up with you now that we're even, too…" Natsu said.

"Who're you calling vicious?! You're the one who did this to our guild!" Gajeel shouted pointing at the area they stood at which used to be the Phantom Lord guild.

"You guys wrecked our guild too, you know! Argh! Forget it! I'm not making up with you after all!" Natsu shouted and left.


Makarov let out a sigh as he and the others looked at what was left of their guildhall. "They really went to town on it this time…"

"U-Umm, Master…" Lucy said making them turn towards her.

"You've certainly been through a lot yourself…" Makarov said.

"Don't look so glum, Lu!" Levy's voice was heard as Lucy looked over to her and saw the blue haired bookworm. "We're back!"

"Levy!" Lucy said as she saw Reedus behind her and two other guys. One of them had spiky orange hair, he had a dark purple high-collared shirt, a white belt around his waist, black pants, this was Jet a member of Levy's team Shadow Gear. The other one had black hair that went up making it looking like a whale's tale, he had a white shirt and green pants. This was Droy the second member of Levy's team.

"We all worked together for this great victory!" Levy said.

"Even if the guild did get ruined!" Droy said.

"But it's not like we can't rebuild it!" Jet said.

"Oui…" Reedus said.

"Everyone…" Lucy muttered.

"Sorry for worrying you, Lu." Levy said.

"N-No! it was all my…!" Lucy said.

"I heard everything. But no one blames you for this, Lu!" Levy said with a comforting smile.

"In fact, I should apologize for being useless…" Reedus said rubbing the back of his head as he was supposed to keep Lucy safe from Phantom.

"Lucy." Makarov said gaining her attention. "Although it doesn't hold true for every bit of happiness or sadness, we still share things extent. That's what it means to be a guild. One person's happiness is everyone's happiness… One person's anger is everyone's anger… And one person's tears are everyone's tears. There is no need to feel guilt-ridden. Lucy. Our hearts have surely reached you." Makarov said bringing tears to Lucy's eyes. "Lift your head high! You are a member of Fairy Tail!"

"So this is our new member." Itachi's voice was heard as he walked over to the others, then he looked around. "It's amazing that you could be calm at this time Master, with this amount of damage. The council may sentence you to prison." Itachi said making Makarov cry just like Lucy.

"Master!" Erza said as everyone else sweat dropped.

Itachi went up to Lucy and extended his hand in a friendly manner and with a friendly smile that would make most women melt. "I'm Itachi Uchiha, nice to meet you."

"O-Oh, Lucy Heartfilia, it's a pleasure." Lucy said as she shook Itachi's hand with a faint blush as she was a little nervous.

"Itachi." Natsu's voice was heard.

"Hn?" Itachi turned towards Natsu.

"Fight me!" Nastu shouted and charged at Itachi. Itachi then karate chopped Natsu on the head knocking him out shocking Lucy and those that hadn't meet Itachi before.

"H-He beat Natsu with a chop?" Lucy questioned with wide eyes.

"We just finished a great battle with Phantom, and you're telling me you want more?" Itachi said with a raised brow to the knocked out Natsu.

"Itachi." Makarov said gaining his attention. "How did it go? Did you give all the herbs you were supposed to gather for Porlyusica?" Makarov asked making it seem for everyone that Itachi had simply gotten a task from Porlyusica, that way they wouldn't know what it really was about.

"…I gave her most of them, couldn't find one of them though. She sure yelled at me for that." Itachi replied rubbing the back of his head with a nervous smile.

Makarov gained a sad expression. "I see."

"But she said that she would at least be able to use the once I got her for something." Itachi said with a smile.

"Hn, well at least it wasn't a total waste." Makarov said with a relived expression.

One week later

Everyone was rebuilding the guildhall. An army of Itachi clones with construction worker helmets carrying a large pillar while the original pointed his finger in one direction. After the battle, Phantom Lord was disbanded the council questioned everyone for a week about the little war between the guilds and once they had everything they needed they left. Although Fairy Tail was expecting a punishment much to Master Makarov's horror. "Let's take a break, everyone!" Mira said with some drinks for the workers.

Natsu tried to lift a pile of pillars but to no avail. "What a moron." Itachi said with a sweat drop.

"Oh my." Mira said.

"That's what you get for tryin' to carry so much, moron." Gray said walking past Nastu while holding one pillar not noticing a certain blue haired woman watching him behind a wall.

"What'd you call me?!" Natsu questioned pushing all the pillars off him.

"You wanna fight?!" Gray questioned as they both locked heads.

"Quit carrying 'em like a wimp!" Natsu shouted back at Gray.

"That's enough!" Erza said hitting them with a pillar on the head like they were nails. Erza like Itachi was wearing construction gear. "Work your bodies, not your mouths! We need to rebuild Fairy Tail as quickly as possible!"

""Aye…"" The two of them replied.

Itachi then appeared behind Erza, karate chopping her head. "When scolding people don't hit them. Especially with a pillar." Itachi scolded with a stoic expression.

"Yes, onii-san." Erza replied while rubbing the top of her head with a small tear drop running down her eye.

""Onii-san?!"" Several people questioned in unison at the fact of Erza's behavior.

Both Gray and Natsu then hugged Itachi's legs with tears running down their eyes like waterfalls. "It's good to have you back man!" Gray cried as finally there was someone to restrict Erza's violence.

"Thank you for coming back!" Natsu cried for the same reason as Gray.

"You can let go now." Itachi said with a deadpan expression.

"Master is getting into the spirit too!" Levy said seeing Makarov now in his giant form working on rebuilding the guild.

"More like into it big-time!" Jet and Droy said in unison.

"Boos! Where should I put this lumber?!" Erza questioned with Itachi next to her both holding a pillar each.

"Over there." Makarov replied.

"Okay! Come on Erza." Itachi said.

"Yes, onii-san!" Erza responded as they both began marching.

""Damn! I can't stand being beaten!"" Gray and Natsu said in unison.

"But, y'know…" Macao said.

"Isn't it a little too big?" Wakaba questioned seeing as the guild would become even larger than the old one.

"We decided to remodel it while we're at it. This is the concept sketch of the finished version!" Mira said holding up a drawing.

"Really?" Macao questioned.

"Let's see it." Wakaba said.

Natsu suddenly appeared. "But it was just fine how it was…"

Gray then appeared looking at the drawing with Natsu. "What's it gonna be like?"

Itachi then appeared. "I'm interested too."

They looked at the drawing, and it looked like a little kid drew it. "Wow…" Macao said with a sweat drop.

"That's…something else…" Wakaba said.

"I don't really understand it…" Natsu said looking confused at the drawing.

"Wait this looks like something…" Itachi said when he realized who drew it. 'Oh no.'

"Man, this sketch sucks. What idiot drew this junk?" Gray asked making Itachi sweat nervously as Mira began to cry. "O-Oh, it was you, Mira?!" Gray instantly regretted his comment.

""You made her cry again."" Natsu, Macao and Wakaba said in unison.

"That's Gray for you." Happy appeared.

Itachi began stroking Mira's head. "There, there, it was a good drawing. There, there."

After some time. Natsu stretched his arms out. "I'm starving!"

"Aye!" Happy agreed.

"Is it time to eat yet?" Gray asked when suddenly a wave of water hit them. "What was that?"

"I'm soaking wet." Natsu said.

"Boxed lunches!" Happy pointed at a pink box now in Gray's lap.

"Boxed lunches?" Gray questioned as he opened it seeing his own face made in the rice and with the fried chicken that had some fruit on it that spelled "LOVE" Gray began to freak out while Natsu had stars in his eyes.

"Ooh! Looks tasty!" Nastu said.

"Aren't we going to discuss where it came from?" Itachi questioned only to be ignored.

"I recognize this! This is called a "character lunch"!" Happy pointed out.

"This is insane! I can't eat this! It's oozing something!" Gray said looking gloomy.

"Then let me have it!" Natsu said.

"Are we seriously not going to discuss where it came from?" Itachi said when he noticed some blue hair sticking out from behind the wall.

"Juvia is sad! She spent three days straight making that!" Juvia muttered with tears running down her eyes.

'Never mind.' Itachi thought.

"Who said it was time to eat?!" Erza appeared looking angrily at Gray and Natsu.

"I did." Itachi said.

"Oh, okay then." Erza said not looking angry anymore and then looked at the lunch boxes. "Oh, is that one of those character lunches?" Erza questioned stabbing a fork in the rice that looked like Gray.

"Yikes." Gray said as Erza ate it.

"Hey, this is pretty good! I'll have some more!" Erza said.

"Seriously?! I'll have some too!" Gray said.

Itachi then saw Juvia's head peek out from behind the wall with tears of joy forming in her eyes.

Inside Juvia's mindscape: "It's great! Really great! I want this every day! So please marry me." Gray said in Juvia's imagination.

"Yes! We can have thirty babies or so!" Juvia replied in her own imagination.

Back in reality: "Juvia is so touched!" She said and instantly went back into hiding from them.

"Itachi, Natsu, Gary, Erza…" Loke appeared holding a key chain with several celestial keys on it. "Could you give these to Lucy for me? They're her keys."

"I was wondering why you hadn't been around lately!" Gray said.

"You were looking for these the whole time?" Natsu asked.

"Are you okay? You look really pale…" Happy said.

"Thanks. I'm fine. Whew. Being a gentleman is though." Loke said.

'Something is not right about him…' Itachi thought and activated his sharingan. 'Strange, he has similar energy signatures as those keys.'

"Lucy doesn't seem to be here. Maybe she still hurts too much to be up and about." Happy said.

"We can go pay her a visit then. You should come too, Loke." Natsu said.

"I'll pass. You know I'm no good around celestial wizards." Loke said and walked away.

"Really? Even though this is Lucy we're talking about?" Natsu questioned.

"Natsu. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Don't pry too much." Erza said.

Later at Lucy's place. "Lucy!" Happy said flying outside of the window.

"How ya doin'?!" Natsu asked crawling through the window.

"Don't go through the window!" Gray said crawling out from the chimney stove.

Erza and Itachi were already inside the room. "There's a door for a reason, you know!" Erza said while sipping some tea.

"Do you usually do this? Breaking into someone's home?" Itachi asked with a sweat drop.

They all now stood in the center of the room. "Huh?" Natsu questioned.

"Normally…" Gray said.

"My place!" Happy said with a Lucy mask throwing a stuffed whale at Natsu and Gray.

"…is what would happen, but…" Erza said looking around for the blond girl.

"What disturbs me the most it that you guys have done this so often it's become a habit." Itachi said with a sweat drop.

"The bath, huh?" Gray questioned as an image of Lucy throwing something at Gray and calling him a pervert appeared in his mind. "…is the cliché waiting for me, so… I'm sorry, but…!" Gray said entering the bathroom.

"She's not here." Natsu said sitting in the bathtub.

"That was fast! And don't get in it!" Gray shouted.

"It looks like she left." Erza said now only wearing a towel around her covering her breasts and her downer area, plus another towel wrapped around her head, while she was holding bath equipment in her arm.

"And what are you here for?!" Gray questioned.

"Bad Erza." Itachi scolded, lightly hitting her on the head making Erza let out a small yelp.

They were now back in Lucy's bedroom, this time Erza has her armor back on by the way. "That griping was lackluster…" Erza said.

"Not having Lucy around throws everything off." Happy said.

"What kind of criticism is that? And excuse me for being lackluster." Gray said.

"Lucy!" Happy looked around. He opened a box and then gained wide eyes.

"Where is she?" Natsu questioned. Looking where Happy was looking then also gained wide eyes.

"What are you guys looking in there for?" Gray asked looking gaining then wide eyes and a small blush. Erza then also looked and gained a blush.

"I didn't know there was underwear like this!" Happy said.

"This…is underwear?!" Gray questioned.

"Wh-When would one don something like this?" Erza questioned.

"Mealtimes?!" Natsu said.

""Nope, definitely not."" Erza, Gary and Happy said in unison.

"Why would she be in her own underwear drawer?" Itachi asked looking at them with a sweat drop.

"We shouldn't be looking in here anyway! Hurry and shut it!" Gray said and Happy closed the drawer.

"Lucy! Come out!" Happy shouted.

"Why do you keep looking in weird places?!" Gray questioned.

Itachi then noticed a note on her desk. Suddenly they heard Happy trip, they looked over to see a box filled with letters. "What are these?" Erza questioned.

"They're letters…" Gray said.

Natsu then opened up one of the letters and began reading it out loud. "Mom. I finally managed to join Fairy Tail, the guild I really…"

"Natsu what you are doing is a crime." Itachi pointed out.

"Hey, now! Don't go reading her stuff!" Gray said.

"Today I met someone named Erza. She's really cool and pretty." Natsu continued reading making Erza blush a little at what was in the letter. "Then Natsu and Gray…"

"Are all of these letters to her mom?" Gray asked looking around the pile.

"Looks like it." Happy replied.

"Why haven't they been mailed?" Natsu questioned.

"There's a note." Erza said gaining the attention of the others. "Lucy left a note. She says she's going home…"

""Wh-Why?!"" Natsu, Gray and Happy questioned in unison.

"We've got to go after her!" Erza shouted jumping out of the window and running towards the train station while dragging Itachi around like a ragdoll, whom had a deadpan expression, by the arm.

""Aye!"" Natsu, Gray and Happy replied in unison following after Erza and Itachi.

They instantly took the train and headed over to the Heartfilia mansion. "Um, guys?" Itachi asked.

""What?!"" They questioned in unison.

"Which station is the Heartfilia mansion at?" Itachi asked making them pale while also gaping.

Erza then spotted the conductor. "Tell me how to get to the Heartfilia mansion right now!" Erza shouted to the poor man while holding him by the collar.

Itachi then karate chopped her on the head making her let the man go while rubbing the spot on her head. "Excuse me, but what my sister meant to ask was, which station do we have to exit to get to the Heartfilia mansion?" Itachi asked.

"There are five more stations before we arrive at the Heartfilia area." The conductor replied while shaking a little in fear.

"Thank you very much." Itachi bowed.

After the train ride, once again Erza grabbed Itachi by the arm and ran with the others towards the Heartfilia mansion. They then saw a large mansion on the horiozon and saw Lucy standing in front of a grave that said "Layla Heartfilia". Everyone besides Itachi shouted in unison. ""Lucy!"" Shocking her beyond words.

"W-Why are you here-" Lucy said as Happy flew and hugged while tears ran from his eyes.

"Lucy!" Happy cried.

Lucy then explained that she simply came here to tell her father that she was not going to come back and threatened him not to attack Fairy Tail again. And that she was just about to go back. This made the Gray and Natsu shocked beyond words as Gray had wide eyes while he was gaping, while Natsu looked embarrassed for worrying so much. Erza just let out a small laughter as Itachi let out a small smile. And Happy was still hugging Lucy while crying. After Lucy said goodbye to the servants of the mansion they all left.

"I'm really sorry I worried you guys." Lucy apologized.

"Don't sweat it. It was our fault for jumping to conclusions." Erza said.

"Looks like there was nothing to worry about after all." Gray said.

"Yet the you guys almost threw a tantrum when you thought she was gone forever." Itachi said with a little smirk.

"Happy cried the whole time!" Natsu said.

"You were in tears too, Natsu!" Happy said.

"Was not!" Natsu argued with a small blush.

"I-I'm really sorry…" Lucy apologized again.

"Man, this sure is a spacious town." Gray said as he looked around.

"It's very nice and peaceful." Erza said.

"Oh, no. This is just our garden. Everything from here to that mountain is our estate." Lucy said pointing at a mountain in the distance. Natsu and Gray began to pale. "Huh? What's wrong, guys?"

"Holy crap she's rich! Rich girl overload!" Gray shouted now in salute mode.

"Casual bragging overload!" Natsu shouted also in salute mode.

"Natsu and Gray have been defeated!" Happy shouted as Natsu and Gray danced in the background. "Captain Erza! Could you please make a statement?!"

"Such clear blue skies…" Erza said looking into the skies.

"Medic! Captain Erza has a screw loose! General Itachi what are your orders!?" Happy questioned.

"She really is rich, huh?" Itachi said looking in the distance.

"We've lost General Itachi as well!" Happy shouted

""Uppa!"" Gray and Natsu shouted in unison.

Lucy simply let out a laughter while the others looked at her with a smile.

That's the end!

Now I don't have much to say only that, if any of you think the fight between Itachi and Jose was too short. Please keep in mind that Itachi usually finishes a fight as quickly as possible specially since he's sick.

Also, I have plans to bring some Naruto villains into the story, I have selected 5, mostly Akatsuki members, those who have read every chapter by now would know who they are. One of them isn't going to be that important and have a small role, and the rest of them will have an even bigger role.

Anyway, leave a review.
