Chapter 6: Aftermath 1/2

Leafyfan19: Your welcome.

Blue Eyes Pendulum Dragon: You'll just have to wait and see what new abilities Itachi has learned. And I haven't thought about how things will be when Wendy shows up so I can't say for sure that Itachi and Erza will be like her older siblings.

lilnightmare17: Thank you, and here you go.

TBM10: They'll find out at some point, not saying when but they will. And I'm sorry to say that my plans for the future of this story will at least involve one more character from Naruto verse. Hope you're okay with just one.

I-lander's Mask: Thank you. Well I can't say that I haven't thought about it but I'm still unsure on the final decision.

Sandwich: True Itachi and Kisame were friends but Kisame is the kind of guy to kill his partner if he has to. He even warned Itachi about that the day they meet, but they weren't exactly friends from that moment so who knows how things were for them at the end.

enigma95: He's nice to Itachi true but Kisame could still want to kill him if their on opposite sides.

trex0428: We already talked about this through PM, but yeah once again I'm not upset.

fssmonik: A life it could be a joy sometimes and a pain sometimes. Anyway, thank you and I will start writing some Itachi x Mira stuff.

Chapter 5: Aftermath

After a trail with the magic council master Makarov was now sitting on a bench with one of his old friends who is also a member of the magic council. "Phantom Lord being disbanded and Jose being stripped of his title as a Wizard Saint… That much I had expected. But Fairy Tail being found innocent was the last thing I imagined." Makarov said.

"You should be grateful, Macky. I spoke in your defense." An old man that was just as short as Makarov said. He had thick light-brown eyebrows and a small toothbrush mustache. He was wearing a brown long sleeve shirt with black vertical stripes and a black three-spiked hat. His name is Yajima.

"I owe you one, Yaj. You should come visit once our guild is repaired. I'll treat you to some ramen." Makarov offered his old friend.

"I'd like Fairy Ramen with twelve slices of roast pork." Yajima said.

"Twelve? That's way too many." Makarov complained.

"This was a violation of Article 4 of the Inter-Guild-Conflict Ban Treaty…" Yajima pointed out.

"Fine! You can have twenty slices! Thirty!" Makarov said.

"Twelve will do just fine." Yajima said the mood then changed into being more serious. "Macky. You can't be so reckless anymore. We're not as young as we used to be. You haven't forgotten have you?"

"Forgotten what?" Makarov asked.

"About Rob." Yajima replied.

"Rob… Rob, huh…" Makarov said now with a sad tone and expression at the memory of his dead friend.

"There was me, you and even Porlyusica. Not to mention Rob… We were all so young... We were reckless, but every day was a delight, too." Yajima said as memories of their past flushed through their minds.

"But then Rob left Fairy Tail and wound up… Erza still tells me about it sometimes. And even Itachi." Makarov said.

"Many feel that Fairy Tail is too out of control these days. Michello and Org are actually calling for it to be disbanded. If this keeps up, you will be harshly punished eventually, Macky. You won't be any good to anyone if you die. Just like with Rob. Macky. You need to retire soon. You can't keep this up for much longer." Yajima said worried about Makarov's future.

Back at the workplace for the new guild hall.

"Everyone! We're taking job requests again starting today! This reception counter is only temporary, but let's do lots and lots of work!" Mira announced to which everyone cheered and most people headed towards the request board.

"What's the deal? Everyone usually just sit around doing nothing…" Lucy said as she looked at how everyone was so worked up. And Mira chuckled at Lucy's comment. "Come to think of it, is Loke here?"

"Oh, have you finally fallen into Loke's clutches too?" Mira teased.

"It's not like that! He was the one who found my keys so I wanted to thank him." Lucy said.

"Sure, I'll tell him if I see him. Did the celestial spirits get mad at you for dropping their keys, though?" Mira questioned.

Lucy let out a nervous chuckle as the memory of the scolding form a certain blue haired mermaid water spirit came to mind. "Mad doesn't begin to describe it… My butt stings just thinking about it…"

"Oh, my…" Mira chuckled nervously.

"Want me to cool it for you?" Gray asked as his hand let out a cold energy.

"That's casual sexual harassment." Lucy replied to the ice mage.

"Lemme see your red butt, Lucy!" The little blue cat known as Happy said.

"That's unadulterated sexual harassment!" Lucy said.

Natsu then appeared with his hand covered in flames. "I wonder what look she'd give if I made it sting even more!" Natsu said with a devilish smirk.

"What are you the devil?!" Lucy shouted when Natsu was hit by a barrel that came flying out of nowhere.

"Try saying that again!" Erza's voice was heard making everyone turn their attention to her.

""Erza?"" Lucy and Gray questioned in unison when they saw her angry expression.

"Since I'm here, let me make things nice and clear. Weaklings don't belong to this guild!" The man who Erza was talking to was none other than Laxus. "Man, you guys are pathetic, letting Phantom make a mockery of you." Laxus said as he turned towards Jet and Droy. "Actually, I don't even know your names." Laxus said then turned towards Lucy. "And you, rich celestial wizard girl. You were the main culprit. It was your fault that-"

"Laxus!" Mira shouted in anger. "It's all over now. No one's playing the blame game! The master says we're not even allowed to blame you for refusing to help us!"

"Well, of course you're not! It was none of my business! Doesn't matter if I was here when it happened anyway, after all Itachi came to your rescue." Laxus said.

"Why you…" Erza said ready to punch Laxus in the face.

"All right! That's it!" Natsu charged at Laxus.

"Natsu!" Erza shouted. Natsu was about to deliver a punch when Laxus vanished in a flash of lightning and appeared behind Natsu.

"Laxus! Fight me, you heartless bastard!" Nastu shouted clenching his fist.

Laxus let out a mocking chuckle. "How do you expect to fight me if you can't even catch me? Once I inherit the guild, I'm kicking every last wimp out. And everyone who tries to stand up to me! I'm going to create the most powerful guild! The most powerful guild in history! No one will be able to mock it!" Laxus shouted when he suddenly felt a piece of sharp meatal pressed against his neck.

"Who says you will become the next master?" Itachi questioned having appeared behind Laxus without anyone noticing.

"Oh, you're a sneaky one like always." Laxus said and then vanished with his high speed and appeared behind Itachi with his arm raised covered with lightning. When Laxus brought his fist down Itachi caught it with one hand, as a small crater was made from the pressure. Laxus let out a chuckle. "Nice to see that you're as strong as ever, my rival!"

"I see that you have improved as well, but your still nowhere near my level." Itachi mocked with an emotionless expression.

"What was that?! I'm nowhere near your level huh? Well here's some facts for ya pal. You, me and Mystogan are candidates for the strongest members of our guild." Laxus said.

"We both know that were not the strongest, or have you forgotten Gildarts?" Itachi asked.

"We both know that old geezer is not coming back. So the title is between you, me and Mystogan." Laxus said.

"I think you're forgetting to add Erza on that list." Itachi pointed out.

"She may be your little sister, but you're still not related by blood. Meaning she doesn't have any of your strength." Laxus retorted and delivered a punch with his fist covered in lightning. But Itachi vanished from the spot and appeared behind Laxus.

"Your underestimating her, besides blood ties doesn't matter one bit." Itachi said.

"From what I hear, you come from a long powerful line of a group of people. Meaning you have a powerful bloodline just like me." Laxus said.

"Just because some people are lucky with who they are related to, doesn't mean that people who doesn't come form an important bloodline can become just as powerful." Itachi argued.

"Heh, think what you want but I don't see anyone like that here." Laxus said with an evil grin before vanishing in a flash of lighting.

Itachi then went over to the other at the bar counter. "Inherit? What kind of crazy talk is that?" Lucy said.

"Actually, it isn't crazy… Laxus is our master's grandson, you see." Mira revealed.

"Wha..?" Lucy questioned in shock.

"So it's very likely Laxus will be the next master when he retires." Mira explained.

"Y-You can't be serious… But I don't like the idea of someone being our master when he treats his fellow members that way…" Lucy said.

"They say that's why our master is having a hard time retiring… Although the master did offer Itachi to become the next master once, but Itachi's words were…" Mira said.

"It would be too much of a bother." Itachi said and sat down at the bar counter. "I'm not suited to be the master."

"Are you kidding. Your smart, powerful, kind and friendly your perfect." Mira argued.

"I still have no interest in becoming the next master." Itachi said. 'It doesn't matter anyway, I'm dying after all.' Itachi thought.

"That jerk!" Natsu cursed clenching his fist in anger at Laxus's behavior.

"That's enough. You'll only tire yourself out dealing with him. Anyway, what do you say? Feel up to a job?" Erza asked.

"Huh?" Natsu questioned.

"With Gray and Lucy, too of course. And onii-chan as well." Erza said.

"Huh?" Gray questioned in a little hint of fear now only in his boxers.

"Wha…?!" Lucy questioned.

"Where are your clothes, Gray?" Mira asked to which Gray looked down on himself with shock.

"It feels like we've always been together since the Eisenwald incident. Plus I have always been with onii-chan on jobs before." Erza said.

"Feels like it? She noticed only now?!" Wakaba questioned.

"It was obvious to pretty much anyone. Was she not paying any attention?" Macao questioned.

"That's Erza for you!" Cana said.

"What do you say we form an actual team? It'll be the five of us… Oh, six, counting Happy!" Erza said ignoring the comments from earlier.

This was much to Lucy's joy but suddenly she gained a little depressed expression. "But are you sure you want someone like me? "

"Not like you! We want you specifically!" Natsu said.

"Aye!" Happy agreed.

"It just wouldn't be the same without you, you know?" Natsu said with a huge grin.

"Then it's official with Itachi on the team there's no doubt. Say hello to the strongest team in Fairy Tail." Cana said.

"This is great!" Macao said.

"But is Lucy actually that though?" Wakaba questioned.

"I don't think I's stand a chance is she sicced Aquarius on me!" Alzack said.

"She's got a sharp mouth, too!" Droy said.

"She's the best in many different ways…" Jet said.

""Me, teamed with him…?!"" Natsu and Gray said in unison while staring at each other.

"Have a problem with that?" Erza questioned in a scary tone.

""No! we're ecstatic!"" Natsu and Gray replied in unison out of fear.

"I have a job already lined up! We're to defeat a magic cult secretly operating in the town of Lupinas! Let's go!" Erza said.

""Aye!"" They replied in unison.

"Let's go onii-chan!" Erza said excited to go on a job with Itachi like the old days.

"Sorry, I'll pass." Itachi turned the offer down.

"What?" Erza questioned with a depressed comical expression.

"I'm not saying I don't want to be a part of the team, but I just got back from a two-year long mission I think I should rest a little before going on a new job." Itachi said with his usual smile.

"No way, I was looking forward to it and everything." Erza said with a pout.


Itachi poked Erza's forehead. "Sorry Erza, maybe next time."

"You promise?" Erza questioned.

"I promise." Itachi said feeling a little guilty at the fact that it might not be a next time.

"Okay, onii-chan." Erza said and left with Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy.

"She still acts like a kid around you doesn't she?" Mira said with an amused smile.

"Yeah well I don't really mind. She and I have a lot of history." Itachi said. "What's on the menu?"

"Whatever you want cutie." Mira replied.

"Then how about one of those delicious lunch boxes you used to make for me." Itachi said making Mira blush a little.

"Um, sure I'll make one for you right away." Mira said and began to cook. Once Mira was finished. Itachi opened the box and saw eggrolls, fried chicken and rice that had the word "Welcome Back" on it. "I never said this when you first arrived but, welcome home."

Itachi smiled a little. "Yeah, I'm home."

"Oh, you guys sure are acting like a married couple already?" Wakaba teased.

"That's for sure, when were you going to tell us?" Cana teased.

"It's not like that!" Mira shouted with a small blush.

"Oh, your blushing, your blushing." Cana teased Mira even further.

"Shut up!" Mira shouted still blushing while Itachi simply ignored them.

"Thanks for the meal." Itachi thanked and began eating.

Time skip

It was the middle of the night and master Makarov was drinking some beer while sitting on the top of the construction area for the new guild hall. "Retirement, huh… The guild is being rebuilt. Perhaps it's also time to pass the title of master to the next generation… Laxus… He has deep-seated issues. And Mystogan is basically the poster boy for poor communication. And then there's Itachi, he is the perfect candidate in every single way. If only he wasn't dying of a sickness. Which would leave Erza, who's still rather young…"

"There you are, Master!" Mira's voice was heard as Makarov looked down to see the white haired barmaid. "It sounds like they did it again!"

"Huh?" Makarov questioned.

"It sounds like Erza's team destroyed half of the town their job was at!" Mira said with her usual smile but the news made Makarov pale like a ghost. "The council already demands a written apology! Huh? What's wrong, Master?"

"I can't afford to retire!" Makarov shouted into the night sky.

"Oh, my…" Mira said with a chuckle before walking away.

"It seems my little sister is being a handful." Itachi said standing behind a pillar that was behind Makarov.

"Promise me, when you begin to go on jobs with them to at least contain the destruction so that I won't have to go in an early grave." Makarov said.

"With those guys, I think it will be mostly impossible. Besides at your age at this point if you die, you would have lived a long life." Itachi said with a small chuckle.

"Unlike you." Makarov said in a sad tone.


"You're only 21 and you're already dying yet an old man like me is still alive. The world can be so unfair." Makarov said looking into the night sky.

"I actually died a 21-year-old man in my old world too." Itachi said.

"You're such a kind and gentle soul Itachi… From the moment I saw you I thought you would be the next guild master. But I guess fate has something else in mind." Makarov said clenching his fist a little in anger.

"It wouldn't have mattered anyway, I would have turned the offer down regardless of my condition." Itachi said.

"What happened to the last herb? The one you couldn't find?" Makarov asked.

"…. I went to the field where they were supposed to be, only to find the field to be burned out." Itachi replied.

"Burned out? How?" Makarov questioned.

"Believe it or not, but the locals said it was a dragon." Itachi replied as the wind blew powerfully around them and everything else got silent.

"A dragon? Did you tell Natsu about this?" Makarov questioned.

"I asked the locals what this dragon looked like. And they said it was a black winged dragon with some blue markings on it's body." Itachi replied.

"Well, at least it wasn't Natsu's dragon. But why would he burn out that field?" Makarov questioned.

"I have no idea. But apparently that flower may exist somewhere else, once I get my medicine from Porlyusica I will go out and look for it." Itachi said.

"I still think you should ask the others for help. You can't do everything on your own." Makarov reminded Itachi of his own words what he once said to a certain blond shinobi.

"Using my own words against me now, master?" Itachi questioned.

"If it will make you accept the others help, then yes." Makarov replied.

"I have help, I have you, Porlyusica, Mystogan and everyone else here at the guild to cheer me up." Itachi said.

"In a case like this my boy, I think you're going to need more help then that." Makarov argued.

"I'll work something out. For now, there's no need for the others to know." Itachi said and vanished.

"Forget about all the destruction reports. It's that boy that will worry me to death." Makarov said and looked up to the night sky before taking another sip of his beer.

Time skip

"A play? Erza, Natsu, Gray and Lucy will be in a play?" Itachi questioned sitting at the bar counter talking to Mira.

"Yes, their other job didn't go so well so I gave Lucy an easy one." Mira replied with her usual smile.

"Erza, Natsu and Gray in a play. How do you not see the problem of that?" Itachi asked.

"What do you mean?" Mira questioned.

"Erza is so nervous in front of a crowd that she will most likely forget all her lines, Gray will not be able to wear any of the costumes and end up striping in front of everyone watching, and Natsu can't go for a second without destroying anything." Itachi replied with his deadpan expression.

"Oh come on, it will be fun." Mira said with a pleading smile for Itachi to come along.

"You still have a little bit of demon in you I see." Itachi commented.

"Come on, don't you want to see your cute little sister in a play?" Mira asked.

"If I did show up and everything got destroyed she would feel so embarrassed and go on like this; I have brought shame upon you onii-chan! Or something like that and she would beg me to hit her for her stupidity." Itachi replied.

"So in other words, you're not going?" Mira questioned.

"Oh, no I'm going." Itachi replied.

A few hours later.

The theater was reduced to rubble at the end of their performance. And everything went exactly as Itachi said it would. The only thing he didn't count on was that the audience actually liked it. "Well things didn't go quite as I expected, but I was mostly right." Itachi said laying in the rubble with Mira and several others.

"Oh my…" Mira said with her usual smile and chuckle.

"Why does this keep happening?" Makarov questioned also laying in the rubble.

"Macky, hurry up and retire." Yajima said also laying in the rubble.

"Onii-chan please hit me!" Erza said popping her head out from the rubble.

"Told you." Itachi said looking at Mira whom let out a nervous laugh.

Time skip

"It's over, at this rate I won't be able to pay my rent." Lucy cried on the bar counter.

"Is it really that bad?" Mira asked.

"Natsu and Gray destroys everything in their path, and don't even get me started with Erza." Lucy cried.

"I'm sure things will work out somehow." Mira assured with a nervous smile.

"With those three things never work out the way it's suppose- EEEEPPP!" Lucy squealed when a kunai hit the counter right next to her, and it had a job request attached to it. "What the hell?! I could have been killed!" Lucy shouted.

"You want to earn money enough to pay your rent, right?" Itachi questioned now standing behind the blond celestial wizard.

"What's this?" Lucy questioned and looked at the job request attached to the kunai. "Take out a group of bandits, reward 200000 Jewels!"

"You, me, Erza, Natsu, Gray and Happy will go on this job." Itachi simply said before walking away. "Meet us by the Magnolia train station in one hour."

"Hey wait!" Lucy shouted but to no avail.

"Looks like you've been chosen for a test." Mira said with a chuckle.

"A test?" Lucy questioned.

"Itachi tends to take new members of the guild on a job to see what their capable of." Mira replied.

"Really?" Lucy questioned.

"I remember when he took me on a job, it was awesome. He was so cool." Mira said remembering the first job Itachi took her to which was an S-class job.

"He didn't destroy the town that sent the request did he?" Lucy asked hoping that Itachi wouldn't be like Erza, Natsu and Gray.

"No, but he did end up destroying a good part of the forest were that monster was." Mira replied.

"What kind of job was this?" Lucy asked.

"An S-class job." Mira replied with her usual carefree smile.

"S-class?!" Lucy questioned in shock.

An hour later: Magnolia train station

Everyone was waiting for the train to arrive despite Natsu's constant protest. Erza was showing stars in her eyes at the fact that she got to go on a job with her big brother.

On the train Natsu suffered from motion sickness as always, and Itachi was going over the plan. "Okay, the bandits lair is in a castle a few miles from the train station we will be exiting. Now we want to end this as quickly as possible, and since no one owns that castle ever since it was taken over by the bandits you're free to destroy the entire thing if you want. As for how we're going to split the reward, I suggest Lucy gets the most since you three have ruined every single job she has been on." Itachi said much to Lucy's joy.

"Hey that's not fair." Gray protested.

"Aye, no fair." Happy agreed.

"Happy isn't getting anything from the reward." Itachi said.

"What why?!" Happy asked.

"You and Natsu live together, you fish after all your meals and you don't wear clothes. In other words you don't need it." Itachi bluntly stated.

"No fair!" Happy wined.

"Do you have a problem with my onii-chan's orders?" Erza asked in a scary tone holding out a sword.

"N-No!" Happy shouted in fear.

"Good." Erza said and put her sword away.

"Now Lucy will get 50000, Gray will get 40000 same as Erza and Natsu and I will get 30000." Itachi said to which they all agreed. "By the way, Erza where do you live now?"

"Fairy Hills. I had to get a new place to live since you sold our old apartment." Erza replied.

"Well it's good that you've found a place of your own." Itachi said.

"Where do you live then?" Erza asked.

"Nowhere." Itachi replied.

"What?! You must have a place to live! I know come and live with me!" Erza said no more like demanded.

"Fairy Hills is for girls only. Besides I will find a place of my own." Itachi said turning down Erza's offer.

"Then I will come and live with you!" Erza demanded.

"No, your fine where you live now. Besides it's good for you to be more independent." Itachi again turned Erza down.

Once they arrived they walked over to the castle where the bandits were. Natsu wanted to charge in the front door but Itachi dragged him into a bush along with the others. "I wanna rampage on them, come on!" Natsu complained.

"We should sneak in and attack them quietly from the inside first before we rampage." Itachi said.

"Well Itachi's strategy is better, and that way we'll at least be done faster." Gray said not noticing a certain blue haired rain woman hiding behind a tree looking at him.

"But I wanna beat them all up!" Natsu complained.

"Oh come on Natsu, don't you want to go in stealthy like a ninja?" Itachi asked knowing what was going to happen.

"N-Ninja?" Natsu questioned with stars in his eyes.

"Yes Ninjas." Itachi said. "And what do ninjas do? They attack quietly."

"Ninja." Natsu said now with his scarf wrapped around his face like a mask.

"Aye. Ninja." Happy said standing back to back with Natsu.

"Okay then." Itachi said and looked at the castle. "We will sneak in through that window and take out anyone that gets in our way, but quietly. We don't want anyone to escape." Itachi ordered. "Lucy, Erza you will wait by the front door until you get the signal, then you will burst in and take those who are left out."

"What signal?" Lucy questioned.

"Let's just say the bandits will be wondering why three strangers and a blue cat are in there." Itachi said as he raised his hand. "Go." Itachi lowered his hand and vanished at high speed moving up the wall of the castle towards the window.

"Let's go Happy, like ninjas." Natsu said with his hands in a hand sign.

"Aye, ninjas." Happy said and lifted Natsu flying towards the window.

Gray used his ice magic to make a ladder and climbed towards the window. While Erza and Lucy went on standby at the front door.

Itachi jumped in through the window first and saw that most bandits were gathered down stairs having a party. While some of them were on the second floor having a few drinks while at the top floor there was no one. "Okay let's go." Itachi whispered to Natsu, Happy and Gray as they climbed in the window.

Shadow clone!

Itachi made ten shadow clones of himself. "You all know what to do?" Itachi asked his clones to which they all nodded and then they vanished. "Alright first we have my clones secure any escape route the bandits can take, then we charge at the group on the first floor, then Erza and Lucy will join the party." A crow then flew in from the window and landed on Itachi's shoulder. "Is everything set?" Itachi asked the crow to which it nodded. "Okay then let's go." Itachi said as he jumped down to the first floor.

"Ninja style!" Natsu shouted gaining the bandits attention.

"Let's go!" Gray jumped down as well.

"Aye!" Happy said and flew after them.

"Who the hell are you guys?!" A bandit shouted then was kicked in the face by Itachi.

The front door then busted open with a bull holding and axe. "Let's go Taurus!" Lucy said as the bull charged.

"MMMMMOOOOO! My pleasure Lucy!" Taurus charged at the bandits knocking several of them out.

"We are from Fairy Tail!" Erza shouted and charged at the group of bandits.

Fire Dragon: Roar!

Natsu breathed out a wave of flames blowing up a large area of the castle.

Ice make: Cannon!

Gray made a cannon out of ice and blasted a wave of bandits with it.

Itachi leaped in the air and threw several kunais with paper bomb tags attached to them.


The whole castle had been reduced to rubble and the bandits had been captured. "In the end they destroyed the castle." Lucy said looking at the rubble.

"Just give up about not wanting them to destroy things on jobs, it's going to happen regardless. So my advice for the future pick jobs that doesn't require them to start a fight at the client's area." Itachi said as he gathered the reward money from a village leader from the village the bandits have been robing. Itachi then went over to Lucy, Natsu, Erza, Gray and Happy. "Lucy here's your part of the reward, here's yours Erza, Gray, Natsu and Happy. And this is mine." Itachi said handing out everyone's share of the reward.

"Is it okay for you to take so little compared to the rest of us?" Lucy asked.

"Don't worry, I already gained a large reward for my two yearlong mission I don't really need anything else. In fact, you guys can have my share if you want?" Itachi offered.

"No, we would feel bad if you didn't get your share of the reward. The job was your idea and it was your plan." Lucy said.

"Argh! I haven't rampaged enough!" Natsu said still wanting to fight.

"No, you've already done enough." Gray said not noticing the blue haired rain woman staring at him from behind a rock.

"No I haven't!" Natsu shouted then locked his eyes on Itachi. "Itachi! Fight me!" Natsu charged at Itachi with his fist covered in flames. Itachi turned around and punched Natsu with the back of his hand knocking the pink haired dragon slayer out.

"Huh? Isn't that Loke?" Happy questioned spotting the guilds famous playboy.

"Huh?" Loke questioned a little surprised to run into them like this. "What a coincidence!"

"You have work out here?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah. You guys too? Gah! Lucy!" Loke began to back away a little as Lucy approached him.

"Perfect timing! I wanted to thank you for finding-" Lucy said.

"Well, I got work to do! Bye!" Loke said and ran away as fast as he could.

"Wh-What was his deal?!" Lucy questioned with a sweat drop.

"What did you do to him?" Gray questioned.

"He's avoiding you like crazy." Natsu said.

"I didn't do anything!" Lucy shouted.

Itachi looked at his crow. "Go." Itachi said and the crow flew in Loke's direction.

Loke was resting under a tree, he picked up a flower that all of the sudden died out the moment he picked it up. "Problem?" Itachi's voice was heard, Loke turned to the source to spot the one person in the guild that actually rivaled his charms when it came to ladies.

"What do you want?" Loke questioned.

"Simple. I want to know what you are." Itachi replied.



"What do you mean, I'm Loke just Loke." Loke replied looking a little nervous.

"So it's only coincidence that you have similar energy signatures to celestial spirits?" Itachi questioned.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Loke questioned pretending to not knowing what Itachi was talking about.