
"My eyes can see magic power as colors, and I can't help but notice that yours is similar to Lucy's celestial spirits. There's no use trying to hide it." Itachi said.

"…..Fine I'm a celestial spirit." Loke admitted.

"Then why are you here and not in the celestial spirit world?" Itachi questioned.

"I-I broke a rule, so I can't go back…" Loke said.

"So your slowly dying correct?" Itachi asked.

"Can you see that too?" Loke questioned.

"No, just a theory I had which you just confirmed." Itachi replied.

"Heh, Laxus was right, you really are a sneaky one." Loke said with a weak chuckle.

"So, let me guess the rule you broke involves your former celestial wizard, hence you're afraid of getting near Lucy." Itachi said to which Loke nodded. "I see. I just have one thing to say to you."


"Trust more in your friends." Itachi said and vanished in a pack of crows.

Meanwhile back with the others. "Well, guess we should head home!" Gray said.

"Say, since we finished our job early and all, what do you say we take it easy at a spa?!" Lucy suggested.

"Lucy!" Erza said which made Natsu, Gray and Lucy pale.

"Y-Yes?!" Lucy said out of fear.

"That's a great idea." Erza said to which the pale gang let out a sigh of relief.

Time skip: At the spa

Itachi took a nice relaxing bath in the hot springs. "This is a nice feeling."

"Incoming!" Natsu shouted.

"Aye!" Happy shouted as they both cannonballed into the water.

"And the relaxation is over." Itachi said with a deadpan expression as water spurted in his face.

"Ah, it's hot." Gray complained.

"Guess a hot spring isn't the ideal relaxation for an ice mage." Itachi said.

"Yeah, this is torture." Gray said as Natsu and Happy simply had their super fun time. "So I've been meaning to ask, what did you do for two years?"

"…..Mostly herb hunting for Porlyusica. That and some training." Itachi replied.

"Learned anything new?" Gray questioned.

"Actually yes. I've learned how to combine a few elements into making something new. Although I'm not that skilled at it yet." Itachi replied.

"Oh, can you give me a hint?" Gray asked.

"Let's just say if I combine my water style techniques with my wind style I get ice. And if I combine water with earth I get wood style." Itachi replied.

"Oh so you've learned some ice techniques. Show me." Gray said.

"I'm much better at using wood style but I guess I can show you one little thing." Itachi said as he focused his energy into his palm and formed an ice needle. "It's not much, but I don't want to destroy this place so…" Itachi said and threw the ice needle into a tree just like a kunai.

"Well at least you've gotten stronger. Do you think you're stronger then Gildarts now?" Gray asked with a smirk.

"I don't know, maybe I will test him once he get's back. Then again a hundred years is a long time." Itachi said.

"He said he would finish after three years though, and it's been three years he could be back at any moment." Gray said.

"I wonder if that's enough time." Itachi muttered as he felt a stabbing pain in his chest, but he kept his calm expression up regardless.

"Hm? Did you say something?" Gray asked.

"No, it's nothing." Itachi replied.

After the bath they went into the rooms. "Let's get started!" Natsu said holding a pillow.

"Uppa!" Happy said also holding a pillow.

"What's all the ruckus? I'm sleepy here…" Gray said.

"I agree I'm sleepy as well." Itachi said already laying in his futon.

"C'mon, man! Look! This is an inn! You gotta have a pillow beating if you're staying at an inn!" Natsu pointed out.

"You mean a pillow fight." Gray said.

"Who would be stupid enough for that." Itachi muttered.

"I've seized all the superior-quality pillows." Erza said entering the room with Lucy.

"Superior-quality…?" Lucy questioned.

"And there's my answer." Itachi muttered.

"You're goin' down, Erza!" Natsu shouted and threw a pillow.

"Sheesh." Gray said when Erza who was in front of him dodged Natsu's pillow so that it hit Gray in the face. "Dammit, Natsu!" Gray shouted then spotted a pile of pillows next to him. "Oh! Where did these pillows come from?!"

"Better question is… How did she steal mine when I was sleeping on it?" Itachi questioned spotting Juvia who was hiding behind a rock with a pillow in her arm.

Gray then threw a pillow hitting Natsu directly in the face. "You're next, Erza!" Gray threw the pillow but Erza simply caught it.

"Not bad." Erza complimented.

"All right! Maybe I should join in!" Lucy said as three pillows hit her in the face.

They kept throwing pillows at each other, then suddenly. Natsu threw a pillow at Gray who dodged it then the pillow hit Itachi in the face. Making Natsu, Gray, Happy even Erza to sweat a little as Itachi sat up with the pillow on his face. As the pillow slowly fell of his face it revealed his annoyed expression. This made Natsu, Gray, Happy even Erza to shake in fear. "Sleep, now!" Itachi ordered.

""Y-Yes!"" The four of them shouted in unison.

Time skip: Back at the guild hall

Natsu and Gray were covered in some bandages as they both stared each other down revealing a menacing vibe around them. "What's with them?" Elfman questioned.

"Apparently they got hurt during a pillow fight after work!" Mira replied in her usual smile and carefree expression.

"How can a pillow fight cause such serious injuries?" Elfman questioned.

"It wasn't the pillows." Itachi commented.

"Because that you were so worked up during the pillow fight Itachi got mad at us, and look what happened!" Gray shouted.

"You gave it your all too snow princess!" Natsu shouted back.

"Yeah! Well you threw the pillow at him!" Gray shouted back.

"I threw it at you, you dodged it!" Natsu shouted back.

"Doesn't matter because I totally won that pillow fight anyway!" Gray shouted.

"Huh?! I won you striping pervert!" Natsu shouted.

""Lucy! I won, didn't I?!"" They both turned towards the blond celestial mage.

"Shut up." Lucy said in a pissed of tone scaring Gray and Natsu.

""W-We're sorry…"" They both apologized in unison.

"Wow. I thought Erza and Itachi were the only people who could stop those two…" Mira said with surprise in her voice.

"She's a real man." Elfman commented.

"She can't be a real man if she's a girl." Itachi corrected.

"Hey! Is Loke here?!" A group of girls came up to the counter asking Mira. "Where is he?!"

"Loke is just terrible!" Another girl said.

"Who are all of you?!" One of the girls questioned.

"No, who are you?!" Another girl retorted.

"Loke! Where are you?!"

"What's going on?" Lucy questioned.

"Their girls from the town. It sounds like they each think they're Loke's girlfriend." Happy replied.

"He suddenly wanted to break up last night!"

"Urgh! I hate to admit it, but me too!"

"Same here!"

"Me too!"

"Why would he suddenly do this?!"

"I-I'm not sure…" Mira replied nervously.

"Did he suddenly find his true love?!"

"No…" Mira said but was bombarded with another question.

"Who is she?! Is she in this guild?!"

"Lucy! Help!" Mira begged for help which made the girls turn their attention towards her.

"Who's she?!" A girl questioned in anger.

"She's kind of cute." Another girl said in jealousy.

"She's got huge boobs!" Another girl said with jealousy.

"I bet she's Loke's true love…!"

"Argh! Don't dump me into such a complicated mess! Mira!" Lucy shouted and ran away.

"Now relax girls, I'm sure Loke will be here any minute, just calm down." Itachi said trying to calm them down. The girls turned their attention towards him and instantly gained hearts in their eyes.

"Hey who are you? Are you new in this guild?" One of the girls asked now that they had all surrounded Itachi.

"U-Um no. I've just been gone on a job for a while." Itachi replied beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Oh, you must be very strong for being gone so long?" One of the girls that was hugging his arm questioned.

"Um, well yeah…" Itachi simply said.

"Hey! Want to go somewhere and have fun?" One of the girls asked.

"I'm kind of busy." Itachi said.

""Eh! Come on! Just a little fun!"" The girls all said in unison.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Um, Itachi Uchiha." Itachi replied as Mira began to look annoyed at this scene.

"Ah, what a manly name!"

"Can I call you Itachi?"

"Can I to?"

"Me to?"

"Yeah can we?" The girls asked.

"Um, um, I um." Itachi didn't know how to respond. "Later!" Itachi said as he vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Where did he go?!"

"Itachi come back!" The girls said and began to run outside to look for him.

"Their gone." Mira said as Itachi's head popped out from behind the counter.

"That was close." Itachi said with a sweat drop.

Time skip

The night had come and Itachi was in the park when suddenly the hooded figure known as Mystogan showed up. "You wanted to talk?" Mystogan asked.

"Yeah, I did." Itachi replied.

"Is this about your cure?" Mystogan questioned.

"No, I wanted to ask you about something else." Itachi replied.

"What?" Mystogan asked.

"Anima, any news on it?" Itachi asked.

"Not yet. Why do you ask?" Mystogan questioned.


"It's about her, right?" Mystogan questioned.

"Lisanna." Itachi simply said.

"I will admit it's true, the way you described what happened to her sounds like anima. But it's a good chance that it isn't." Mystogan said.

"But it's the best information we got." Itachi said.

"What do you even plan to do if I tell you were it will appear next?" Mystogan questioned.

"What else, I plan to go in there, grab Lisanna, and get out." Itachi replied.

"It's not that easy." Mystogan said.

"I never said it would be easy." Itachi said.

"Shouldn't you focus on your cure for now. Instead of going after Lisanna who could already have been killed in Edolas for all we know." Mystogan said.

"Let's face it, none of us are probably going to find the last herb. So let's face it, I'm a dead man walking. The least I could do is bring Lisanna back before I die." Itachi said and looked up into the night sky.

"You shouldn't give up just like that, there's still a good chance that we can find it." Mystogan said.

"Mystogan, in my first year of that trip, I had already gathered the herbs I have now given Porlyusica. You know what that means?" Itachi asked.


"I searched a whole year to find that last herb, and I couldn't find it. It doesn't exist anymore in this world." Itachi said. "I will use the medicine that Porlyusica is making me to buy me some time, once I find Lisanna and bring her back. I will most likely die." Itachi said as a leaf blew from the wind into his hand. "At least my final act, will be a good one." Itachi said when suddenly they heard people from their guild in the distance shouting for Loke. "Seems our guilds playboy has left the guild."

"Do you intend to look for him?" Mystogan asked.

"Nah, it's not my place, besides there's only one girl that can help him now." Itachi said with a smile as the leaf blew out from his hand. "Thanks for the talk, let me know when you learn of anima's next location."

"I will." Mystogan said as he vanished.

"Guess I should go and watch the aftermath of the show." Itachi said and vanished as well.

Itachi leaped on some trees and eventually landed on a tree branch. He looked down and saw Loke and Lucy standing on a cliff with a waterfall surrounding, in front of them was a grave that had the Blue Pegasus guild mark on it. And with the name "Karen" engraved on it. "So this is his former owners grave. He's the celestial spirit Leo the lion. So he's master died, and for some reason he acts like it's his fault and that's why he's afraid of getting close to any other celestial wizard." Itachi said to himself.

"That is the crime I committed… Once a person's life is lost, it can never be recovered. When someone dies, they're gone forever. The only way for me to atone is to disappear forever too…" Itachi could hear Loke's words to Lucy then he suddenly saw Loke fall down and beginning to look transparent.

"Loke?! Hey…!" Lucy went over to Loke's side.

"I-I guess it's here…" Loke said weakly.

"What is?!" Lucy questioned.

"The time for me to be no more…" Loke replied.

"What are you saying?!" Lucy said.

"I've been unable to return to the spirit world ever since that day…" Loke said as his hands looked like they were about to vanish.

"Y-Your hands!" Lucy said in a worried tone.

"This is basic principle of the spirit world. It's a rule… There's nothing that can be done. Karen's never left my thoughts since that day… I tried all sort of things to distract myself, but I was never able to forget. I lived each and every day waiting for this moment… The moment I cease to exist in front of Karen's grave… And now the time has finally come… But…in the very end I was able to meet a wonderful celestial wizard like you… Thank you, Lucy…" Loke said ready to embrace death.

"Wait! I will save you! Don't give up!" Lucy said.

'As things are now she's the only one who can save him' Itachi thought continuing to watch the scene.

"Take care of everyone in Fairy Tail for me…" Loke said his final wish.

"No!" Lucy hit her fist into the ground.

"Lucy…" Loke said weakly.

"I refuse to accept this! If you can just get back to the spirit world you can recover your life force in no time! I will send you back there!" Lucy declared.

"You can't… Rules are rules…" Loke said.

"But…this isn't right! You didn't kill Karen! It was just an unfortunate accident!" Lucy said and hugged Loke.


"Open, Gate of the Lion! Let Loke back into the celestial spirit world! Open…! Please! Open…" Lucy begged.

"Lucy… It's okay… Stop…" Loke begged.

"It's not okay!" Lucy argued. "I can't just ignore a friend and let him disappear before my very eyes!" Lucy said as suddenly a large amount of light energy appeared around them. "Open, Gate of the Lion!"

"Lucy! You can't use that much magic all at once!" Loke warned.

"I told you! I will save you! I will force… the celestial spirit door….open!" Lucy said.

"Stop!" Loke begged.

"Open, Gate of the Lion! Open!" Lucy shouted as more magic power was released.

"H-Her magic power…may be almost as powerful as Erza's and Mira's…" Itachi muttered watching at the release of magic power from Lucy.

"It won't open! Spirits who've caused a contract holder's death can't return to the spirit world! Stop! You're starting to assimilate with me! You'll disappear too if you don't stop now!" Loke warned as Lucy looked like she was about to disappear as well.

"You're not going to die! I won't let you! What's the point of magic if you can't use it to protect your friends?!" Lucy said.

"Stop…! Don't make my crime even worse!" Loke begged.

"How is this a crime?! If that's the rule of the spirit world, then I'm gonna change it!" Lucy shouted when suddenly a force of power pushed them away from each other. The waterfall began going upwards as a large hole opened in the sky letting out a huge light. "What is that?!" Lucy questioned.

"No, it can't be…! The Celestial Spirit King?!" Loke questioned in shock at a giant humanoid spirit clad in full set of plate armor, and he had a ridiculous long thick white mustache that honestly looked like nose hair.

"Huh?!" Lucy questioned.

"So that's the Celestial Spirit King?" Itachi questioned to himself as he remained hidden.

"What's he doing here…?!" Loke questioned in confusion.

"King? Meaning he's the most powerful of the spirits?!" Lucy questioned.

Old friend…" The Celestial Spirit King spoke. "Under our agreement with humans, taking life of a key holder is forbidden. Although it was not by direct involvement, you did commit this act, Leo the Lion. Therefore, you are not allowed to return to the celestial spirit world."

"Hold on! Don't you think that's a bit unfair?!" Lucy questioned to the spirit King.

"S-Stop Lucy!" Loke warned.

"Old friend… Human girl… That law is immutable." The Spirit King said.

"So he's here because she said she was going to change the rule?" Itachi questioned continuing to watch in hiding.

"Three years! Loke has suffered for three long years! He did it for Aries! One of his own! He had no choice!" Lucy pointed out.

"Hearing my old friend's wish pains me greatly as well…" The Spirit King said.

"Don't be stupid! He's not an old friend! He's a friend standing in front of you right now! Listen for a change, you old mustache man!" Lucy shouted making Loke pale and although they didn't see it, it made Itachi snicker a little.

"Mustache…?" The Spirit King questioned.

"L-Lucy…" Loke said.

"This was an unfortunate accident! Loke wasn't at fault! I won't accept anything but an innocent verdict! I… refuse to accept anything else!" Lucy shouted.

"That's enough, Lucy… I don't want anyone's forgiveness… I just want to atone for my crime! I just want to cease to exist!" Loke shouted as tears ran down his cheeks.

"You can't!" Lucy shouted as she let out a huge amount of magic power that even surprised the Spirit King. "You disappearing won't bring Karen back! It'll only cause even more sadness! It isn't a crime! Caring for your own isn't a crime!" Lucy shouted as all her celestial spirits appeared behind her. "If you cease to be, you'll only leave me, Aries, and everyone here with even more sorrow to bear! That… won't atone for anything!" Lucy said as her spirits vanished and she passed out.

"Lucy!" Loke said.

Lucy then struggled to get back up. "All my friends who showed themselves just now feel the same way…" Lucy said.

"Friends…?" Loke questioned.

"If you're a spirit, then you understand how Loke and Aries feel too!" Lucy said to the spirit King.

"Lucy! You're being to reckless! Are you trying to make the same mistake Karen did?!" Loke questioned.

"If you will go to such lengths to say this, then perhaps it is the law that is wrong. Leo, you committed this crime for Aries, one of your brethren… And you, old friend who tried to save Leo… Out of consideration for that beautiful bond, I hereby make an exception for this incident and grant you, Leo, return passage to the celestial spirit world." The Celestial Spirit King granted.

"You're not bad after all, old mustache man!" Lucy said with a smile which The Spirit King returned.

"You are exonerated. Be grateful for the guidance of the stars." The Celestial Spirit King said and began to vanish.

"Please wait… I…!" Loke begged.

"If you still wish to atone for what you have done, then I order you to live your life serving your friend. She is that valuable of a friend to have. Protect her with your life!" The Celestial Spirit King said as the hole in the sky vanished and the waterfall began flowing down once more.

"There you have it!" Lucy said.

"Lucy." Loke said as tears ran down his face.

"Yeah…" Lucy grabbed Loke's hand.

"Thank you… Lucy…" Loke vanished back into the spirit world and now Lucy had gained a new golden key.

"Guess that's that." Itachi said and began walking back to the guild. "Just like I thought, only a celestial wizard can save a celestial spirit." Itachi said. After some walking Itachi arrived back into the town and was now outside of the guildhall, where Mira, Natsu anf Gray were gathered.

"Itachi, Loke's gone have you seen him?" Mira asked.

"Yeah, he's with Lucy. He's fine." Itachi replied and walked in to the construction area of the new guildhall. "They will be here any moment now, so let's go inside and wait."

Later on when Lucy arrived back Loke came out from the Celestial Spirit world.

"A celestial spirit?!" Natsu questioned in shock.

"You are?!" Gray questioned.

"yep. That's right." Loke replied.

"Ah, so that's why everything felt off when we switched places before!" Natsu said as he inspected Loke.

"Yep!" Loke said.

"I had no idea at all…" Gray said.

"But how come you're not a cow, or a horse or anything?" Natsu questioned.

"You know Virgo. She has a human form too. Loke replied as an image of a maid with short pink hair and blue eyes came to mind.

"No, she can turn into a gorilla too." Natsu said.

"Oh, yeah, you're right." Loke said.

"Loke is a lion spirit." Lucy explained.

"Lion?!" Natsu questioned.

"A grown up cat!" Happy said.

"That's right!" Loke said.

"No, it isn't!" Lucy corrected.

"So cool." Happy said now on Loke's shoulder.

"But are you in good enough shape to be here?" Gray questioned.

"I'm not in tip-top shape yet, but I wanted to come say hello. Plus, I couldn't wait to see Lucy again." Loke said as Lucy gained a small blush.

"In loooooove!" Happy teased.

"Don't talk like that!" Lucy said in an annoyed tone.

"Now then, let's discuss our future together!" Loke said carrying Lucy out in bridal style despite her struggling.

"Hey! Let me down!" Lucy shouted.

"She's so lucky. I wish I had a celestial spirit too!" Natsu said.

"What kind?" Happy questioned.

"A dragon of course! I could try out my dragon slayer magic on it!" Natsu replied.

"You don't call celestial spirits to test your strength on them!" Lucy scolded having escaped Loke's arms.

"You're right. They're for talking about love-" Loke now had his arm wrapped around Lucy's shoulder.

"You should go now. You're not in full health yet, remember?" Lucy reminded.

"Just a minute." Loke brought out five tickets and gave them to Lucy.

"What are these?" Lucy questioned.

"Tickets to a resort hotel. You did so much for me, so…" Loke said.

"The beach!" Lucy said in excitement.

"Oh!" Natsu said holding his ticket.

"Fish!" Happy cheered.

"I've never stayed… in such an expensive hotel!" Gray said holding his ticket.

"A vacation might not be a bad idea." Itachi said holding his ticket.

"I gave one to Erza too. Go enjoy yourselves." Loke said.

"All of you! What are you loitering for?! Do you want to be left behind?!" Erza asked having already packed and even wearing her beach outfit, which consisted of a blue Hawaiian shirt, a light blue straw hat, hot pants, and a floating ring.

""Talk about fast!"" Gary and Lucy shouted in unison.

"All right! Let's go! I'm ready to go right now!" Natsu said.

"Same here!" Happy said.

"You idiots! I need to pack first!" Gray said.

"Lucy. The fact that I committed a crime hasn't changed, but you've given me the courage to move forward. I'm a member of Fairy Tail, but I'm your celestial spirit, first and foremost. You're my owner. I'll be there for you whenever you're in trouble. You can rely on me to be your knight in shining armor." Loke said.

"I'm not your owner. I'm your friend!" Lucy corrected.

"Yeah! I'm glad to be working with you, Lucy!" Loke said and vanished into the spirit world.

"I'm glad to be working with you too, Loke!" Lucy said.

"We're about to leave, Lucy." Erza informed.

"You know, Erza. If I ever caused one of us to get hurt or lose their life, I think I would suffer like Loke did too. But there's nothing to worry about, is there? If we all work together, we can overcome any though situation, can't we?" Lucy said.

"That's well said." Erza said with a smile.

"C'mon, already! Let's get going!" Natsu said.

"Aye, sir!" Happy agreed.

"We're gonna have so much fun a day or two won't be enough!" Gray said.

"All right. It was kind of Loke to do this. Let's have lots of fun!" Erza said.

""Aye, sir!"" They cheered.

Itachi stood in the corner with a handkerchief in his hand as he brought it up to his face. *Cough! *Cough! Itachi coughed into the handkerchief and when he looked at it, he saw stains of blood. "Let's go onii-chan!" Erza said gaining Itachi's attention.

"Yeah, coming." Itachi said as he threw the handkerchief in the garbage can.

That's the end.

So next time we begin with the "Tower of heaven" arc. Anyway tell me your opinion on this chapter and if you have any questions in the reviews.

Also I'll say this now, in the state that Itachi is in now with his sickness and everything. Opponents like Jellal and Laxus will be a challenge for him.

Next time: The Tower of Hell!
