
Juvia then whipped Lucy's back with a whip made out of water. "H-Hold on!" Lucy said with tears of pain running down her eyes.

"Yeah! This rhythm burns bright red! This is the soul of rock!" Vidaldus said.

"Soul my butt!" Lucy shouted in anger.

"You both need to go at it! Like you're fightin' over a guy you love!" Vidaldus said making something in Juvia snap.

"A guy we like?!" Juvia questioned in anger.

"Huh?!" Lucy questioned.

"Romantic rival!" Juvia turned into a wave of water and charged at Lucy.

"No, I'm not…!" Lucy said before the water devoured her body. 'It's no use. He has complete control over her! What do I do? There's no way I can beat Juvia in a real fight…' Lucy thought.

"Now you're gonna be destroyed inside Juvia!" Juvia's voice echoed in the water.

'I can't… hold my breath…'

"Lucy… Lucy…" Juvia's normal voice echoed through Lucy's mind.


"Lucy… This thing isn't Juvia… Juvia doesn't want to hurt her friend. Is it… presumptuous of me to call us friends? It's true that you're my romantic rival vying for my dear Gray-sama's love…"

'No, not really…' Lucy thought.

"But Juvia has come to love Fairy Tail! It's full of caring… Full of fun… Full of warmth… Even when it's raining, it's as if the sun is shining brightly inside Fairy Tail. Juvia never knew it was okay to smile so much in a guild… She was so close to being friends with everyone, but now… Juvia really does bring misfortune everywhere she goes…" Juvia said as it sounded as if she was crying.

"Juvia! It's time to finish her off!" Vidaldus said as the wave of water spit Lucy out.

"This is the end!" Juvia said as her hand turned into water.

"Fairy Tail would never…turn down someone…who can shed tears for her friends!" Lucy said as tears formed in Juvia's eyes. "Stand proud! You just gave me a great idea!"

"What a load of crap! Finish her off already, Juvia!" Vidaldus demanded.

"Okay! My Water Jigsaw will cut you into pieces!" Juvia said as her body turned into a whirlwind of water. "This will finish you for good!" Juvia charged at Lucy.

Lucy then brought out a golden celestial key, and as Juvia approached she shoved her hand with the key inside the water. "Open, Gate of the Water Bearer! Aquarius!" Lucy chanted as a blue magic circle formed in Juvia's water and out came a mermaid with a blue fish tail, long blue hair slicked back, she had a large bust and a blue bikini covering her breasts. Under her collarbone was a tattoo of her zodiac symbol. She had light blue crystal earrings, on each of her arms she has a golden bracelet and armlet, a golden belt around her waist, three piercings on her tail, and a headband. Her eyes were cold blue.

"What?!" Vidaldus questioned in shock.

"She used Juvia's body to summon a celestial spirit?!" Juvia questioned.

"Wherever there's water, I can summon Aquarius, the fiercest celestial spirit! I have to thank you, Juvia!" Lucy said when suddenly she saw Aquarius's expression.

She looked angry as she had a thick mark on her head. "Shut it, you annoying girls!" Aquarius shouted and swung her urn sending waves of water washing everyone in the room away even Lucy.

"Wha…?!" Lucy said as she was being washed away.

"Wha…?!" Juvia said as she was being washed away.

While as Vidaldus's hair absorbed the water. "That won't work! I already told you my hair can absorb water!"

Lucy popped her head up from under water. "Juvia!"

Juvia popped her head up from under water. "Over here!"

"Juvia!" Lucy reached her hand out towards Juvia.

"Lucy!" Juvia reached her hand out as they grabbed each other. Then the amount of water began to increase.

"Wh-What's with all this water?! It's way more than I can absorb!" Vidaldus said as Lucy and Juvia focused their energy and sent Vidaldus crashing in the ceiling with a whirlwind of water. "Rousing…!" Vidaldus said as all of his hair fell off.

The water then vanished as a now bald Vidaldus was knocked out on the ground, and Juvia had returned into her normal appearance. "We did it!" Lucy cheered as her and Juvia hugged each other.

"Juvia is back to normal!" Juvia cheered.

"Hey you!" Aquarius shouted as Lucy began shaking. "Watch where you summon me from! You're not thinking of summoning me from a toilet next time, I hope! I'll kill you of you do!"

"I-I'm sorry…" Lucy muttered.

"Utterly frightening…" Juvia commented.

"Don't push your luck with me!" Aquarius said.

"Right! I'm sorry…!" Lucy said with fear.

"I'm going on a two week trip with my boyfriend now. You better not call me! Got that?!" Aquarius said.

"Yes…" Lucy replied.

"It's about time you find a man yourself. Heh. Fat chance, though." Aquarius mocked.

"Leave me alone!" Lucy shouted as Aquarius returned to the spirit world.

"Love is important, Lucy!" Juvia said and placed her hand on Lucy's shoulder as Lucy had no boyfriend and Juvia only had a one sided crush.

"Anyway, we managed to beat one of them. We won't let Jellal have his way!" Lucy said as she laid down on her back.

The Magic council

"In regard of the Etherion attack on the Tower of Heaven… Four are in favor, five are opposed. As such, use of the Etherion is hereby deferred."

"Wait! Don't any of you understand the true gravity of the situation?!" Siegrain questioned.

"You're being disgraceful, Sieg! We've debated the issue long enough! There are peaceful solutions available as well!"

"Peaceful you say? While we sit here wasting time with nonsense, Jellal is busy attempting to revive the dead! Can you not feel the negative magic energy overflowing or the horror of the one he's trying to revive?!" Siegrain questioned.

"What now?"

"Siegrain! What are you referring to…?!"

"I kept quiet about it to avoid panic that would result if word got out! But I've no choice now…" Siegrain said.

"What are you talking about?!"

"Explain everything?!"

"The black wizard Zeref!" Siegrain said to everyone's shock and horror.

"Is this true, Sieg?!"

"It is. I know Jellal more than anyone. He is my twin brother, after all. I call for another vote!"

The Tower of Heaven with Itachi and Natsu

Hoot Kick!

Natsu blocked Fukuro's kick with his arm. Then Natsu infused his foot with flames.

Fire Dragon: Talon!

Natsu kicked Fukuro in the face sending him flying back. Fukuro stood there with his head bent sideways he then twisted it back straight. "Sorry to disappoint!" Fukuro said when two kunai's landed in front of him with paper bomb tags attached to them. Fukuro bent his head sideways in confusion when suddenly the kunai's exploded. Itachi stood a few feet above them holding another kunai in his hand. "It's time for me to bring the hammer of justice down on you!"

Missile Hoot!

Fukuro's rocket pack flew towards Natsu who stepped to the side dodging it. "Gimme a break! You can't hit me with that thing!" Natsu said but then it came back and Natsu leaped in the air dodging it. Suddenly an arm appeared from it and grabbed Natsu spinning him around. Then Natsu began to look ill.

"Don't tell me!" Happy said.

"I know your weakness, Salamander!" Fukuro said.

"This is bad! That's a vehicle!" Happy said.

"What?" Simon questioned.

"Natsu can't handle riding vehicles!" Happy replied.

"Taking down a weakened target without fail… This is the very essence of hunting!" Fukuro said when suddenly Itachi jumped on the rocket pack and stabbed it with the kunai. But the hand let go of Natsu so that he fell. "Now!" Fukuro said and leaped towards Natsu.

"Damn it!" Itachi cursed then smoke came from the rocket pack as Itachi leaped away from it and it exploded.

Capture Hoot!

Fukuro's mouth suddenly widened in size as he began eating Natsu. "What are you doing?!" Happy questioned.

Then out of nowhere Gray leaped down to Simon and Happy. "Wh-What the…?!"

"Gray!" Simon said.

"What's going on?!" Gray questioned as they watched as Fukuro swallowed Natsu whole.

"He swallowed him whole?!" Happy shouted.

Itachi then leaped down to the others. "What's going on?"

"I digest the magic power of my prey!" Fukuro said.

"Give Natsu back!" Happy shouted and flew towards Fukuro. Fukuro looked at Happy with a grin.

Fire Hoot!

Fukuro spitted out a wave of flames directed at Happy, just in time Itachi leaped in and grabbed Happy dodging the wave of flames.

"That's." Simon muttered. "Did he digest the Salamander's magic and absorbed its powers?!"

"How do you like that?!" Fukuro said. "This is the end!" Fukuro shoot a wave of flames at Itachi and Happy.

Water style: Water Dragon!

A blue magic circle appeared and out came a dragon made out of water and crashed into the wave of flames creating steam all over the room.

"Weren't you guys supposed to go after Sho and Erza?!" Gray questioned.

"This guy got in the way!" Simon replied.

"We gotta find 'em fast! Jellal was talking about sacrificing Erza, you know! I really doubt that almost anyone can beat Erza when she's serious…but she's completely defenseless stuck inside that card!" Gray said.

"I chose the wrong time to reveal the truth to Sho… I never imagined he would go berserk like that…" Simon said.

"Itachi, Gray." Happy muttered with tears in his eyes. "Help Natsu…"

"Man, you always have to give us trouble…You should know better by now, you damn fire freak!" Gray said as he looked at Fukuro with rage.

"The digestion is starting! Ten minutes until the Salamander's body is dissolved into nothing! And then his magic will be all mine!" Fukuro declared.

Itachi and Gray leaped to Fukuro. "Not if we take care if you first!" Gray said.

Fire Dragon: Roa-!

Fukuro chanted but stopped as Itachi delivered an upwards punch to his gut. Fukuro then vomited out Natsu who was covered in slime. "Now Gray!" Itachi said.

"Right! Out of the way!" Gray said.

Ice Blade: Seven-Strike Dance!

Gray formed a blade of ice on his right arm and on his left elbow and hit Fukuro seven times and sent him crashing into a cage. And let him fall down into the deep hole of the room.

The magic council

"Eight votes for, one vote opposed. As such, an Etherion attack on the Tower of Heaven is hereby approved!" When this was declared Siegrain made a victorious grin.

Back at the Tower of Heaven with Itachi and the others

"We gotta hurry and find Erza." Gray said.

"Natsu wake up!" Happy said shaking Natsu's body.

"Everything is spinning." Natsu muttered.

"Enough joking around, let's go." Itachi said as they all left the room.

Meanwhile with Erza and Sho. "Jellal! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! How dare you fool us!" Sho shouted.

"Sho!" Erza shouted from the card in Sho's pocket.

"How dare you hurt nee-san…!" Sho said to blinded by rage at Jellal to think of anything else.

"Just calm down! Let me out of here!" Erza demanded.

"Don't worry! I'll protect you! I swear it!" Sho said.

"Sho!" Erza shouted.

Sho ran out on a bridge that had a river beneath it and trees with sakura flowers blooming on them. Sho then stopped as Ikaruga stood in front of him, Sho brought out some cards and readied himself for battle. "I am called Ikaruga. Pleased to meet you." Ikaruga introduced herself.

"Get outta my way! Who is this idiot?!" Sho questioned.

"My, such a boorish man you are." Ikaruga said.

"I got no business with you!" Sho shouted and threw several magic cards at Ikaruga, Ikaruga quickly sliced her sword in the air cutting all the cards in half. "Impossible…!"

"There is nothing I cannot cut." Ikaruga said.

"What are you, a cheap street performer?!" Sho held some cards but then suddenly an X-mark was cut beneath him and his cards were cut to shreds. "What…? I can't move…!"

"Severing nerves without cutting clothing or flesh… Such is the power of my Mugetsu Style." Ikaruga said she then spotted a card that contained Erza who was trying to cut her way out.

"Sho!" Erza shouted.

"Nee-san." Sho muttered.

"Oh, my. There you are, Erza!" Ikaruga said.

"Let me out this instant! You don't stand a chance against her!" Erza said.

"Don't' worry. I've added shielding to your card… There's absolutely no way she can hurt you from outside…!" Sho said.

"Oh! That's very interesting…" Ikaruga said amused.

"Sho! Let me out of here! That's no ordinary sword she has!" Erza said.

"It's okay… Trust me…" Sho said. Ikaruga quickly swung her blade and nothing happened. "See." Sho said but then he widened his eyes as he saw Erza blocking some cut with her sword inside of the card. "Wha…?! She cut through the spatial dimension?!" Sho questioned as Ikaruga continued to swing her blade and Erza blocked them from inside the card while as Sho was pushed into a pillar. "Nee-san!"

An orb of light appeared and out of the card exited Erza. "You were kind enough to strain the fabric of space in there. So I took the liberty of cutting it wide open." Erza said as she stood now ready for battle. "Ikaruga, was it? I have no business with you. Begone."

"Is that how you say hello?" Ikaruga said with a grin as Erza's armor cracked into pieces making Erza fall to her knee.

"That can't be…" Sho said.

"My, don't tell me you didn't see it?" Ikaruga said with a confident smirk. "Is what you gaze at…the evil apparition…far beyond the mist?" Ikaruga sang. "You were so focused on finding Jellal that you didn't notice the sword flash that surrounded you." Ikaruga said as Erza's expression darkened. "Yes, yes, that's the look. I'm not your ordinary passerby, you know…"

"No it would seem not." Erza said an requiped into her Heaven's Wheel armor. "Your my enemy."

"Come." Ikaruga challenged. Erza charged at Ikaruga and swung her sword down at her, but Ikaruga just span around dodging it.

Erza then flew up in the air with several swords rotating around her.

Heaven's Wheel: Circle Sword!

Erza brought all the swords down towards Ikaruga.

Mugetsu Style: Yasha-senku!

All of Erza's swords were cut into pieces as the remains landed around Ikaruga. Ikaruga then delivered another slice, and then Erza's armor broke into pieces.

Mugetsu Style: Karuda-en!

Ikaruga swung her sword sending waves of flames towards Erza, when the flames died down Erza was in her Flame Empress Armor, then the armor broke.

Back with Itachi and the others. They ran in a hallway when suddenly Itachi felt a killer intent in the air. "Huh?" Itachi questioned as he heard some blades sliding on some stone.

"What is it?" Gray questioned.

"Hyyyaaaahhh!" A shout was heard as Itachi leaped back and someone landed where Itachi stood. A three headed red scythe was stabbed through the ground as the dust cleared and revealed a smiling Hidan.

"Hidan?" Itachi questioned in shock.

"What's up, you damn bastard!" Hidan said.

"What are you doing here?" Itachi questioned still in shock. "No, how did you get here?"

"Heh, funny thing actually! I was stuck in that hole and prayed to Lord Jasin to help me, the next thing I know I wake up in this tower. And that punk Jellal said I was some sort of test for some spell that will grant someone help from the undead. He wanted a dead man, he got one. What was more fun for me was all the people that had to be sacrificed to bring me to that tower, Lord Jasin must have been really pleased. And now I get to continue my work!" Hidan said and leaped at Itachi with his scythe raised above his head, Hidan brought the scythe down and Itachi took out two kunai knifes and blocked the scythe from hitting him, Itachi then laid on his back and kicked Hidan in the gut sending him flying.

"Itachi who is this guy?!" Gray questioned.

"His name is Hidan… He's a sadistic creep who loves to sacrifice people to his so called God." Itachi replied.

"Tch! I'll shut your mouth for good once I have sacrificed you to Lord Jasin!" Hidan said with a crazed grin.

"Stay back, and whatever you do don't interfere." Itachi ordered knowing full well of Hidan's abilities.

Hidan then smirked and quickly threw his scythe at Itachi, Itachi quickly leaped to the side dodging it barley. Gray, Simon who was holding Natsu quickly ducked dodging it. Itachi saw that Hidan was still smiling Itachi then noticed something, a thin wire.

"Everyone look out! It's coming back!" Itachi shouted as Hidan pulled his arm back and the scythe came flying back. Gray leaped to the side dodging it while holding Happy, Simon also leaped to the side while holding Natsu barely dodging it. Itachi then leaped to the side barely dodging it as well.

Hidan grabbed the scythe and smirked as a trace of blood was found on the last blade. "You're screwed now." Hidan chuckled and licked the blood of the scythe while drawing a circle beneath him with a triangle symbol in it.

"Oh, no." Itachi muttered as Hidan's skin turned dark with some white markings making him look like a skeleton.

"What the?!" Gray questioned.

Hidan then brought out a sharp black rod and stabbed himself in the leg. "Oh yeah… That's the stuff."

"ARGH!" Itachi heard someone scream and he quickly looked behind him, and then he saw Simon holding his hands on the same spot where Hidan stabbed himself. "Wh-What's going on?!" Simon questioned.

Itachi quickly turned to Hidan who quickly pulled out the rod and aimed for his stomach next. Itachi leaped towards Hidan. But he was too late as Hidan stabbed himself in the side of his gut, Itachi now stood in front of him and kicked him in the face sending him away from the circle. "Simon!" Itachi shouted as he looked back and saw Simon on his knees frozen as blood dripped down from his mouth and a huge stain of blood appeared on the side of his stomach.

"What's wrong with him?! Simon? Hey, Simon?!" Gray grabbed Simon and began shaking him.

Itachi quickly turned to Hidan who was now running towards Itachi with his scythe raised above his head. "You'll pay for that you fuck! Time to die!" Hidan shouted and leaped in the air. Itachi stepped to the side dodging the scythe, he then kicked Hidan in his chin sending him flying back.

"I'll make sure you will never be able to do that again." Itachi said and grabbed the scythe and leaped towards Hidan and then Itachi raised the scythe.


Itachi was now behind Hidan. When Itachi stood up Hidan's head fell clean off his body and landed on the floor as well as the rest of his body.

"Y-You killed him…" Gray said with shock in his voice, and he was sweating. While an unconscious Natsu laid on the floor as and Happy was hovering above him, and Gray was holding Simon who was coughing up blood.

"No I didn't." Itachi said and picked Hidan's head up by the hair.


""A talking head!"" A pale Gray, Simon and Happy shouted in unison.

"Simon, you all right?" Itachi asked.

"I-I think I will be fine… But the head…it talked…"

"Yeah, Hidan's kind off immortal." Itachi replied with a deadpan expression.

"You son of a bitch! I'll kill you for this!" Hidan shouted as Itachi looked at a window and walked towards it. "Lord Jasin will kill you for this! You will be punished! Do you hear me?!"

"Yeah, yeah, I hear you." Itachi replied and tossed Hidan's head out the window.

"FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK YYYYYYYOOOOOUUUUU!" Hidan shouted as he fell all the way to the bottom.


The sound of Hidan's head hitting the ocean was heard. Itachi walked away from the window casually as Gray, Happy and an injured Simon went to look out of the window. They then saw Hidan's head slowly sinking to the bottom of the ocean, as bubbles popped on the ocean's surface due to Hidan shouting under water. They then looked towards Itachi who stood over Hidan's body. Itachi morphed his eyes into mangekyou sharingan then suddenly Hidan's headless body caught on fire with some black flames. "You, um… Sure he won't die?" Gray questioned.

"Yeah, he'll live." Itachi replied and then went over to Simon. Itachi bent down and checked his wound. "Doesn't look like he hit any vital organs, he was most likely just torturing you before he delivered the finishing blow. Put some pressure on it." Itachi said and took Simons turban and gave it to Gray who pushed it on Simon's wound.

"What did he do to me?" Simon asked.

"Hidan has a powerful curse ability, all he needs to do is cut you, lick your blood, make a ritual circle, then any pain inflicted on him will be shared by his victim. Well as long as he stays in the circle. And since he's immortal makes the ability even more dangerous since…"

"No matter what fatal injury he gives himself he won't die but his victim will, right?" Simon asked.

"Yes." Itachi replied.

"So how do you know him?" Gray questioned.

"Let's just say we have had the displeasure of running into each other in the past." Itachi replied.

"I see." Gray said deciding not to ask any more questions.

Back with Erza. Erza had tried her purgatory armor but that also broke, now she was in her Clear Heart Clothing which consisted of a white sarashi wrapped around the chest, a red hakama with a gold flame like pattern at the bottom with black highlights, and Erza's hair was tied up in a high ponytail. And she was holding two twin katanas.

"What are you thinking? That outfit is nothing but ordinary cloth… You've really underestimated me." Ikaruga said.

"What are you doing, nee-san?! You have plenty of other strong armor! You're even stronger than that, right?!" Sho questioned.

"I'm…I'm not strong at all… Not at all… The one person I have witnessed that was truly strong was onii-chan…Itachi… But I am not strong… I lost many friends as I looked on. I wasn't able to protect those dear to me… And… I was always crying… To make myself… To make myself seem stronger… I sealed my heart inside armor…and cried. I always wore armor because I was weak. I was never able to take it off… I am prepared to cut down any opponent, clothed or not. I had believed my armor would protect me. But that was wrong. I had tried to plug up the cracks in my armor where my heart connected with others'. Fairy Tail taught me that human relationships can feel so close and warm!"

"Nee-san.." Sho muttered with tears in his eyes.

"I am free of hesitation now! I will strike you down with my all!" Erza declared.

They both readied their blades and charged, as they leaped in the air the strike of their blades were heard and they landed on the opposite side of each other. One of Erza's swords cracked into pieces. "This battle is over." Ikaruga said as her sword cracked into pieces. "Impressively done…" Ikaruga said as she fell down.

"Amazing! You really are amazing, nee-san!" Sho praised.

"Are you all right, Sho?" Erza asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Sho replied.

"Me, losing… This is the very first time… since I joined the guild… Even so… Both you and Jellal have lost…" Ikaruga said.

"What do you mean?!" Sho questioned.

"In fifteen minutes… The light of justice…shall come raining from the sky…massacre awaits…" Ikaruga sang.

"Sho! Take Simon and everyone from Fairy Tail and get away from this tower as fast as you can!" Erza ordered.

"B-But…!" Sho said.

"Can you do that for me, Sho?" Erza asked with a loving smile.

"Yeah… But what about you?" Sho asked.

"I'm going to settle things… once and for all!" Erza declared and walked towards her destination.

Meanwhile with Itachi and the others. "Get to a boat and leave, I'll go help Erza." Itachi ordered.

"What?! No way! We're not leaving it up to just you and Erza!" Gray argued.

"Sorry about this Gray." Itachi said and used his sharingan to knock Gray out unconscious. "Simon, do you know where the others are?" Itachi asked.

"Yeah, Millianna and Wally have found Juvia and Lucy, and a knocked out member of the Trinity Raven. I told them that we're on the same side. And from what Sho told me the last member of the Trinity Raven's been defeated by Erza and that Erza is on her way to Jellal." Simon said.

"Good, there is a boat in the lower area at a small dock, tell them to go there. And then you and Happy will take Natsu and Gray there as well." Itachi said.

"What about you?" Simon asked.

"I will find Erza and take down this Jellal." Itachi replied and walked away.

With Erza. Erza walked into Jellal's throne room and there stood Jellal waiting for her. "My, oh, my. The game is over already?" Jellal said.

"Is toying with people's lives that much fun?" Erza asked with disgust directed at Jellal.

"Most certainly. It is around the brink of life and death that all emotions revolve. Conversely, there is nothing as dreary and barren as simply living. It's been a long time, Erza." Jellal said with an evil smile.

"Jellal…" Erza said with a venomous tone. "I'm freeing your former allies."

"Fine by me. I've no need for them anymore. The Tower of Heaven is complete." Jellal said calmly.

"Yet you don't care that it'll be destroyed less than ten minutes from now?!" Erza said directing her sword towards Jellal.

"Oh, You mean the Etherion attack?" Jellal asked with a chuckle.

"You're too confident… So it was just a bluff!" Erza said.

"No… The Etherion will rain down." Jellal said and took off his hood.

"That puts my mind at ease. If I simply keep you busy here for the next ten minutes…everything will be settled!" Erza readied her sword for combat.

"No, you will serve as a sacrifice for Zeref and cease to be. It is already set in stone! It is your fate… Your destiny!" Jellal said with a dark energy around him.

With the others at the boat. Simon placed Natsu and Gray on the boat. "Do we have to leave them here?!" Lucy questioned.

"Itachi said he will bring Erza back in time, we just have to trust him." Simon replied as he was holding over his wound.

"Simon, are you all right?" Millianna asked in a worried tone.

"I'm fine." Simon replied.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get in the boat." Wally said.

"Yeah, Etherion could be coming raining down any minute now." Sho said.

"…I'm sorry guys…" Simon said and kicked the boat away from the dock and ran back into the tower.

"Simon! Come back here!" Sho shouted.

"Simon!" Millianna shouted.

"Get back here!" Wally shouted.

Back with Erza and Jellal. "Seven minutes left. Seven minutes until the Etherion rains down. Let us enjoy these seven minutes, Erza…" Jellal said.

"I no longer fear anything! If the Etherion hits, so be it! Taking you down with me is what I want!" Erza declared.

"Oh? You want me to die with you? Let's see you try!" Jellal said as he snet some dark tentacles with red markings towards Erza who cut them with her sword. She then charged at Jellal, Jellal grabbed her wrist and charged up another attack. Erza managed to leap back but the attack blew a hole in the ground. Erza landed on a boulder and leaped back inside.

"Destroying the tower you worked so hard to build with your own hands." Erza said swinging her sword at Jellal who dodged and shoot a dark purple beam that Erza dodged by leaping from a wall. "What a waste, Jellal!" Erza swung her sword, Jellal leaped to the side so that Erza cut his playing board with the figurines on it, in half that was behind him.

"A pillar or two is nothing. They're mere decorations." Jellal said.

"The only reason those decorations are there is because Sho and the others believed in you for eight long years!" Erza shouted.

"Don't start nitpicking everything I say. The R-System is what matters. It's what those eight years were for. And now it is complete!" Jellal said as some of those dark tentacles with red markings popped up from the ground and formed a dome around Erza. "It appears your skill has improved somewhat, but this is the end." Jellal said with confidence that he had won. Then suddenly Erza cut her way out, Jellal stepped back a little in shock.

"I told you. There is nothing I fear now!" Erza charged at Jellal and managed to cut him in the gut. Jellal fell to the ground as Erza sat on top of him with her sword directed at his neck. "What is your real goal?! We both know the R-System isn't really complete! I didn't spent those eight years doing nothing. I did research on the R-System. It's true that its structure and system follow the blueprints exactly. But it's still missing something vital before it can be called complete."

"I told you before. You're the sacrifice." Jellal said with a smirk.

"I'm referring to something even more basic. What's lacking…is magic energy! A tremendous amount of magic would be needed to initiate this large-scale spell. Maybe even more than all the wizards on the continent have combined. There is no way this tower can hold that much magic, much less one person! On top of that, you haven't tried to escape despite knowing of the council's attack. What are you thinking?!" Erza questioned.

"Three minutes until Etherion attack…" Jellal said.

"Jellal! Your dream is long over! Is dying now what you want?! Then we'll go together! I won't let go until the very end!" Erza declared with fire of determination burning in her eyes.

"Perhaps that's for the best… I have no control over my body, the ghost of Zeref possessed it. I'm simply a puppet meant to give Zeref new flesh." Jellal said.

"Possessed?" Erza questioned.

"I couldn't save myself… No one was there to save me… Not even my friends… There was no heaven, no freedom, to be had… It was all over before it even began." Jellal said. When suddenly a light began to shine in the sky. "I knew the R-System couldn't be completed… But Zeref's ghost wouldn't let me stop… I can't be stopped… I'm a broken locomotive… Erza… You win. Finish me now. Isn't that why you came here?"

The entire tower began shaking and falling apart, the ceiling in the room began to fall around them, and up in the sky you could see a light slowly charging. "There's no need for me to do it myself. The Satellite Square has already been deployed in the skies above. This is the end. For you and for me." Erza said as she got of Jellal and her sword vanished.

Jellal sat up. "Always one for awkwardness…"

"So you were just another of Zeref's victims?" Erza questioned.

"This is my punishment for giving into my weakness. My mind wasn't able to cope with the excessive gap between dream and reality." Jellal replied.

"Isn't filling the holes of your inner weaknesses and flaws what friends are for?" Erza said.

"Erza…" Jellal muttered.

"I need to atone too… For not being able to save you…" Erza said as they embraced each other in a hug.

"No… You have saved me." Jellal said then gained an evil grin as the light of Etherion approached. Erza closed her eyes ready to accept her fate.





Nothing happened, Erza opened her eyes and saw a bright light right above them. But there was a large red spectral warrior that had its arm raised above its head with some sort of shield blocking the blast. She widened her eyes as above her and Jellal stood Itachi who looked down on them as he struggled to push the blast of Etherion away.

That's the end for now!

So next time it will be Itachi vs Jellal.

So one thing I know that Hidan lost a little too easy but honestly Hidan is no match for Itachi what so ever. But anyway there are other akatsuki members that are, anyway let me know what you think should I continue bringing in Naruto villains or just make OC villains. The only reason I picked Hidan now by the way was because unlike the other akatsuki members Hidan was still alive and through some summoning magic he could be brought into FT world which is what happened here.

Anyway let me know how you think this chapter went in the reviews!
