Chapter 9: Itachi vs Jellal 1/2

nickclause: Thanks!

demonic hellfire: I don't really consider Zabuza and Haku as villains, so sorry.

I-lander's Mask: Well I'm glad that you like the idea of introducing Naruto villains. Anyway, I have only planned on introducing Akatsuki members since they are the villains I feel can challenge Itachi. But I'm open for other suggestions.

wrex123: Oh, just wait and see.

Kisame: Well I have planned for Kisame to be in it, and if he is it will depend on the situation on which side he will be on.

JAKEenstein: Thanks, and I will consider those options.

Guest: Well when I write, I write what I feel to write. So sorry but so far I mostly feel to write this story at the moment.

lilnightmare17: Thanks!

Xion The XIV: Yeah, I agree. But if some of the people in FT learned of Hidan's abilities I think the S-class mages would be able to beat him somehow…

firefoxmonik: Like I said in the PM. If other Akatsuki members are introduced they will not reveal Itachi's past since most of them does not care. Also I have some romance planned although I'm open for suggestions on some romantic scenes between Itachi and Mira.

Mr. Haziq: Like is said in PM yeah Hidan will not be seen again.

Daegrors: Thanks for your opinion, and I was mostly planning on bringing in dead Naruto villains.

Guest: Thanks!

.5: One the chidori requires hand signs so it can be copied.

Two one of Itachi's main elements are wind so it's not difficult for a genius like Itachi to master the chakra control and form that belongs to the rasengan. Plus even Kakashi was even able to form one once so why shouldn't Itachi be able to, especially since the ethernano has increased his chakra elements and also given him the ability to use other elements.

Three, Itachi on a scale from 1-5 has a 5 in taijutsu so he should be able to use them and since this is fanfiction I say he can. Also there is nowhere stated that you can't use the gates and ninjutsu at the same time.

Four, the ethernano gives Itachi's eyes enough power so that he won't go blind and so that he has the same abilities as an average eternal mangekyou sharingan user.

Five, like I said before the ethernano has increased Itachi's abilities to use his elements that he had in the element of nations plus given him the ability to use the others. And one of the elements he could use in the element of nations were water. Plus most of the time he uses them the water comes from a magic circle meaning he could have transported it from somewhere else.

Ruintheextinct: Same as I said to the last guy, minus the chidori part.

Chapter 8: Itachi vs Jellal

Itachi focused most of his energy into the yata mirror as he was blocking the Etherion blast from striking. "Onii-chan…" Erza muttered in awe. Itachi gritted his teeth as he was sweating slightly.

"N-No…" Jellal gritted his teeth in anger as he saw Itachi smirk at him.

"Your dream comes to an end." Itachi said as the Etherion blast bounced off the shield and into the night sky. The light shined brightly as shockwaves from the blast was sent across the area creating waves in the ocean almost knocking the boat with the others over if Juvia had not surrounded them in a water dome.

With the magic council

"The Etherion has struck the target! Confirm destruction of the tower ASAP!" A frog creature said.

"Clearing the image!" Another frog creature said as the magic council members waited for the result.

"Th-The blast bounced right off!" A frog creature shouted as the image revealed the tower with the Etherion blast bouncing off to the side. "Zoom in on the image!" They zoomed in and saw Jellal, Erza and Itachi with his Susano'o blocking the blast.

"Th-That's The Demon Eyes of Fairy Tail, Itachi Uchiha…" Yajima said.

"Wh-What's he doing?!" A council member questioned.

Siegrain clenched his fist in rage as his eyes were wide in rage. "Damn it!"

Back with Itachi

"Damn you!" Jellal shouted and tried to punch Itachi who dodged it by tilting his head to the side, then Itachi kneed Jellal in the gut.

"Jellal?" Erza questioned in confusion.

"I heard your conversation earlier. And I could easily tell that you were lying, I'm an expert on that subject myself. Ever since you announced the Etherion blast I realized that something was wrong. So I studied the structure of the tower and then I understood… You were planning to use the Etherion blast as a source for the magic power required for the R-System. Then you were planning on sacrificing Erza. Am I wrong?" Itachi asked as he narrowed his eyes at Jellal.

Jellal gritted his teeth, then he began to chuckle with a small grin on his face. "The rumors of your intellect are true after all…" Jellal then clenched his fist. "You really are damned annoying!" Jellal shouted.

"Y-You tricked me!" Erza said as she stared at Jellal in anger.

"You were adorable, Erza. Jellal couldn't harness his true strength… He was in serious danger, so fooling you was his only option." A voice that sounded like Jellal was heard.

"I was wondering when you would show up… Siegrain." Itachi said as he didn't even bother to face Siegrain and instead focused on Jellal.

"Siegrain." Erza said as Siegrain walked past them and towards Jellal. "Wh-Why are you here?!"

"I'm reminded of when we first met, Erza." Siegrain said and walked to stand next to Jellal.

"When she and Makarov went to the council to submit a written apology?" Jellal said.

"She mistook me for you and attacked me. Well, we do look alike. I can't blame her. You only let up after I told you we were twins. But you were still hostile towards me." Siegrain said.

"Of course, I was! You silently approved of what Jellal was trying to do, even though you were his older brother! And you spied on me, to top it all off!" Erza said.

"Yes." Jellal commented.

"That was a big mistake on my part. I should have said, I will find Jellal and stop him, instead. But my biggest miscalculation was running into you after I had finally managed to join the council." Siegrain said.

"There's nothing worse than having to come up with excuses on the spot." Jellal said.

"So you two were colluding after all." Erza said.

"No, it's more like their the same person." Itachi said making both Jellal and Siegrain widen their eyes in shock.

Siegrain began to look transparent. ""How did you know?!"" Jellal and Siegrain questioned in unison.

"My first clue was from the very beginning, the fact that Jellal had a twin brother and despite his close relationship to Erza the subject never once came up. My second clue was recently the fact that you had such knowledge on the council's operations, of course it could just mean you were working together. But my final clue came here, the way the two of you carry yourselves, talk, even expressions. Even though your twins those very things should have been different. Yet you share the same thought, body structure, and not to mention your energy signature is completely similar." Itachi said as his sharingan was spinning. "It became obvious to me eventually."

Siegrain then merged with Jellal letting out a glow. "Nothing seems to escape your eyes." Jellal said with an annoyed expression.

"Then you were responsible for the Etherion attack?!" Erza questioned.

"That and he sneaked into the council for the very purpose of this day. But that plan failed." Itachi said with a smirk.

"Did you enjoy your temporary freedom, Erza? My plans may have failed, but none of you are leaving this tower alive!" Jellal declared.

"Just how many people have you lied to, to come this far in life?!" Erza clenched her fist in anger.

"Energy…My magic energy has returned!" Jellal said as he began to glow.

"Why you…!" Erza was about to charge but was stopped by Itachi who put his arm in front of her.

"I will bring an end to Erza's nightmare once and for all…" Itachi said as he stared Jellal down.

Jellal took of his coat and cracked his knuckles. "You will pay for destroying my dream!"

"Dream? If anything, I'm putting an end to your curse." Itachi said.

"The Demon Eyes of Fairy Tail, Itachi Uchiha. I had hoped that one day I would get a taste of your power before destroying you with my own two hands." Jellal declared and went into a stance.

Heavenly Body Magic: Pleiades!

Six yellow rays then rained down from the sky towards Itachi. Itachi then performed a set of hand signs.

Fire style: Dragon Flame Bomb!

Itachi spitted out six large wave of flames that were at the shape of dragon heads. They clashed with the six rays and exploded in midair making it look like fireworks.

Heavenly Body Magic: Meteor!

Jellal surrounded himself in a golden glow and began moving around the area at incredible speed. Jellal flew around Itachi bouncing from the walls. "You will never land an attack on me!" Jellal said as he was flying towards Itachi ready to shoulder charge him. Itachi quickly ducked and kicked Jellal in the gut making him cough up some blood mixed with saliva. Itachi then delivered another kick to his chin sending Jellal crashing into a wall.

"You were saying?" Itachi asked when Jellal leaped out from the rubble charging at Itachi with full speed. Jellal began to throw several punches, but to Jellal's surprise Itachi was able to keep up with his speed blocking every punch. "You're slow." Itachi commented and punched Jellal directly in the face.

Jellal then leaped back and began to increase his speed. "Let's see how you deal with this speed!" Jellal threw a punch, Itachi quickly caught Jellal's fist and threw him to the side. Jellal then blasted a golden ray towards Itachi who caught it with his hand. But the impact was strong enough to send him back a few steps, in result Itachi's clothes were slightly torn and he had a few bruises and burn marks on his hands. Itachi brought out a few kunai's from his pocket each of them with a paper bomb tag attached to them. He threw them in different directions. "Heh, and I thought you were skilled at using those little ninja knifes!" Jellal mocked, Itachi just smirked and threw two more that clashed into other two, the kinfes bounced to the side hitting to more, then bounced into another direction hitting them. Suddenly they were all flying directly towards Jellal who widened his eyes as the paper tags began to burn. Jellal quickly leaped away with his increased speed as the tags exploded when they hit the wall were Jellal once stood.

"They are one of my specialties actually." Itachi said as he was now behind Jellal, Jellal quickly swung his arm at Itachi who turned into a pack of crows. "But I have other talents as well." Itachi said as the crows flew in front of Jellal formed into him. Jellal then smirked as he vanished in a flash and appeared behind Itachi kicking him in the back sending him flying crashing into a wall.

A/N: Play: Anthem of the Lonely by Nine Lashes

Jellal then flew into the air. "May the seven stars bring judgment upon you!" Jellal placed both his arms on top of each other, as seven magic seals formed in front of him in the shape of a star constellation. "Seven Star Sword…"

Grand Chariot!

Seven rays were sent from the seals as they hit the floor forming the same pattern as in the sky. The floor Itachi and Erza were on then exploded. Itachi and Erza fell down to the next floor of the tower with a few bruises on his face. While as Erza was unconscious.

"That spell has as much energy as a meteor strike. I'm impressed your body is still intact. Maybe I should have used more power, I have no use for this tower anymore after all." Jellal said as he clenched his fist in anger.

Itachi stood up and spitted some blood to the side as his clothes were more torn and he had a trail of blood coming from his mouth. "Maybe I shouldn't hold back against you after all."

Jellal surrounded his body in a golden glow. "Likewise! I'll put an instant end to you! You will regret defying me on your way to hell!"

"I have a lot to answer for in the afterlife, and I will have some regrets but defying you won't be one of them." Itachi said as he directed his right arm towards Jellal with his middle finger and index finger sticking out.

Jellal formed a magic circle in front of him releasing five golden rays. "Take this!"

Five Element Dragons!

Itachi formed five magic circles around him and out of them came five Chinese dragons, one made of fire, one made of water, one made of wind, one made of lightning, one made of earth. The dragons clashed with the rays. Itachi then quickly formed a few hand signs.

Fire style: Fireball!

Itachi spitted out a large ball of fire that crashed into Jellal sending him crashing into the wall making a crater. Itachi threw a kunai with a paper bomb tag attached to it, the knife stabbed into the wall next to Jellal's face. Jellal quickly reacted and leaped away before it exploded.

"Damn you!" Jellal formed several magic circles releasing several golden rays directed at Itachi. Itachi quickly ran to the side as the rays crashed around him. Itachi then leaped in front of Jellal, who quickly blasted him with a yellow orb of energy. Itachi was sent back as he suddenly vanished in a pack of crows. Itachi then appeared behind Jellal grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and threw him into the wall.

"Just give up… Your plan has failed." Itachi said.

"Damn you!" Jellal shouted as he tried to punch Itachi but suddenly Itachi vanished like a ghost. Itachi then everywhere surrounding Jellal. With swords appearing from nowhere from the ground. All the Itachi's grabbed a sword each and leaped towards Jellal stabbing him.

"ARGH! GARGH! AAAA! Jellal screamed in pain for each stab.

Suddenly Jellal was on his knees shaking and sweating having felt something he hasn't felt in a while, fear. "That was one of my illusions. Face it, you can't beat me." Itachi said.

Jellal stared at Itachi in anger as he stood up and veins appeared on his neck. "I spent eight long years constructing this tower, eight years of planning, and now you've gone and…!" Jellal said as Itachi stared at him emotionlessly. "You will pay!" Jellal shouted as he gathered his hands above his head gathering a lot of magic power.

"Dark magic…" Itachi muttered as the wind around them began to blow immensely.

"The shadows are starting to bend towards the light! Oh no! This magic…!" Erza said.

"Prepare to plummet into infinite darkness, Demon Eyes!" Jellal said as a dark orb began to form above him.

"Jellal!" Erza said and stepped in front of Itachi making Jellal hesitate for a second.

Jellal then smirked. "You think I care if you die anymore?! The R-System couldn't be completed! Meaning my plan is ruined, meaning I don't need you! both of you shall be obliterated!" Jellal declared as the orb continued to increase in size.

Itachi appeared now in front of Erza activating the Susano'o placing the shield in front of them. "It's a big brothers job, to protect his younger sibling." Itachi said, but then a stabbing pain was felt in his chest. The Susano'o began to vanish as Itachi fell to his knees and began coughing.

"Onii-chan?!" Erza quickly went to Itachi's side. "What's wrong?!" Erza questioned when suddenly Itachi coughed up blood staining the floor.

Heavenly Body Spell: Altairis!

Jellal threw the orb towards Itachi and Erza. "Damn it…" Itachi cursed as the Susano'o vanished. When the orb was about to hit them, Simon jumped in front of them with a magic circle in front of him. Everyone else widened their eyes in shook when the orb exploded.

When the smoke cleared it revealed Simon who had several bruises on his body as he still stood in a defensive position in front of Itachi and Erza. "Y-You… I-I told you to leave…" Itachi said as he was clenching his hand over his chest.

"Simon…?" Erza questioned as images of how Rob protected her appeared in her mind.

"Erza…" Simon muttered as he fell down.

"Simon!" Erza quickly ran over to her fallen friend as Itachi also stood up and slowly walked over to them.

"You were still crawling around here, you little pest?" Jellal said.

"Why didn't you escape…?! Simon!" Erza said as she looked on her friend while holding his body in her arms.

"I-I'm glad… I always wanted… to be helpful to you… someday…" Simon said as he began to cough.

"I understand! Just don't talk anymore!" Erza said as tears slowly began to form in her eyes.

"You were always… so kind…" Simon muttered as he was slowly dying.

"Simon… Simon!" Erza shouted as Simon looked at her as images of a young Erza saying his name appeared in his mind.

Simon looked at Erza as a trail of tear fell from his eye. "I loved you…" Simon muttered as he closed his eyes and died with a smile on his face.

Itachi stared at Erza and Simon's body with wide eyes as tears ran down Erza's face. "NO!" Erza screamed and cried over Simon's dead body.

"Why didn't you let me take the hit…." Itachi said in a whisper tone as he clenched his fist. "I'm dying anyway…"

Jellal began to laugh. "Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! That was the very definition pf dying for nothing Simon! This doesn't change anything! No one is going to leave here alive!" Jellal shouted.

It wasn't normal for Itachi to get angry, but between Jellal looking at Simon's sacrifice as nothing, and Erza crying he had, had enough. Itachi's body was shaking as he clenched his fist so hard that blood dripped from it. "Don't look down on a person's life!" Itachi shouted and punched Jellal across the face sending him crashing into a wall. "Now you've done it!" Itachi said as veins appeared on his forehead. Itachi leaped at Jellal and kicked him in the face. Itachi then elbowed Jellal in the gut. Itachi then grabbed Jellal by the throat and pushed him into the floor creating a crater causing Jellal to cough up blood.

"I will not lose!" Jellal said and surrounded himself in a yellow glow.


Jellal vanished and then appeared behind Itachi with his fist raised. Lightning then flickered around Itachi.

Chidori rotation!

Itachi span around as Jellal was electrocuted by the wave of lightning. "ARGH!" Jellal screamed in pain. Jellal quickly leaped up flying in the air. Itachi then leaped from the ground and appeared in front of Jellal, Itachi then delivered an upper cut to Jellal's jaw sending him further up. "Impossible! I cannot be defeated!" Jellal shouted as Itachi kicked him up further and further until they were on the top of the tower. "I am destined to create a land of freedom! Amid the pain and terror, Zeref whispered to me… He asked if I wanted true freedom! That's right! Only I can feel Zeref! I am the chosen one! Together, Zeref and I shall create a land of true freedom!" Jellal declared as he kept flying upwards and sending yellow rays of energy at Itachi who dodged them all.

Fire style: Dragon Flame Bomb!

Itachi spitted out multiple fire balls at the shape of a dragons head and they all flew past Jellal and into the sky. "I will destroy all of you!" Jellal said as he formed a large magic circle in front of him.

"Abyss Break?! Are you planning to destoy the tower and everyone in it?!" Erza questioned.

"I'll just spend eight years creating another! No, this one will take five! Zeref! Your time shall come!" Jellal declared when suddenly Itachi vanished in a vortex, then a vortex appeared in front of Jellal and out came Itachi who kicked Jellal in the gut sending him further up in the air, as the magic circle vanished.

"You want freedom?! Fine I will free you from that ghost!" Itachi shouted as he formed a blue orb in his hand and thunder clouds formed in the sky above them. Itachi was now above Jellal. As a large dragon made out of lightning appeared in the sky. The dragon then merged with the blue rasengan orb in Itachi's hand, as so much lightning flickered around it, it almost covered the sky.

Jellal stared in awe as he widens his eyes. Itachi then charged at Jellal pushing the orb with all the lightning flickering around it into Jellal's gut.

Thunder Sphere!

Itachi pushed Jellal down the tower, as they both went crashing all the way down to the bottom of the tower. As streams of lightning erupted all around the tower.

Meanwhile with the others in the water dome. "What in the world?!" Gray questioned as the tower looked like it was about to collapse.

"What's going on?!" Wally questioned.

"That has to be Itachi!" Natsu said.

"Yeah, I think so too!" Lucy said.

"But are they going to be okay?" Millianna questioned.

"I'd like to think so, but he's really going on a rampage that's so unlike him…!" Gray said.

Back in the tower

Itachi kept pushing Jellal who was covered in bruises and burn marks. Itachi kept pushing Jellal into the ground as the ground beneath them began to crack and water began to come in. Erza quickly leaped down after them. "Onii-chan!" Erza shouted as she was one floor above them and looked into the hole that Itachi crashed Jellal through. Suddenly the ground beneath Jellal collapsed as him and Itachi fell into the ocean depths. "Onii-chan!" Erza shouted as the entire tower collapsed and Erza leaped after them.

Itachi still had his hand placed on Jellal's gut as they went deeper into the ocean. Jellal then muttered a few words making Itachi widen his eyes as his sharingan read his lips. Itachi then let go of Jellal as suddenly someone grabbed Itachi by the collar. Itachi looked and saw Erza grabbing a hold of him and swimming up to the surface as rubble of the tower fell around them. Itachi looked back at Jellal who slowly vanished into the darkness of the ocean.

Erza and Itachi both popped up their heads over the water surface inhaling their breaths. "Onii-chan, you okay?" Erza asked.

"…Yeah, I'm fine." Itachi replied as he saw the rest of the tower sinking. He suddenly felt Erza hug him as tears ran down her eyes.

"Thank you…" Erza said as tears of happiness fell from her eyes.

Itachi returned the hug. "I'm sorry, Erza…"

"For what?" Erza questioned.

"For Simon…" Itachi replied.




"Erza…" Itachi said.

"He saved us…" Erza said as her bangs were covering her eyes.

"I know… But maybe I could have…saved him…" Itachi muttered as he and Erza continued to float on the water.

"There is no use thinking about what we could have done…" Erza said as tears of sadness began to fall from her eyes even her artificial eye.

"Heh, sounds like something I would have said." Itachi said with a weak chuckle.

"… Onii-chan, back there you coughed up blood… Why?" Erza questioned looking worried.

"… Can we talk about it later, maybe when were back at the guildhall." Itachi said as he began realizing that his secret was almost out in the open. 'Might as well tell them, tell them all.' Itachi thought.