Chapter 6: Fairy Tail's Strongest Team

Chapter Five

Trapped within Oshibana Station by Eligor's Mafu Heki; Erza, Gray, Lucy, and Happy tried to think of a way around the barrier. Their concentration was somewhat strained not only because a greatly depleted Link was most likely fighting Eisenwald's strongest mage by now, but because someone had determined the best way to go was straight through the barrier.

"NUAAAA!" Natsu roared as he slammed his shoulder into the wind and tried to force himself through. Covered in scratches from previous attempts to break through, the Dragon Slayer didn't even seem to notice them as he struggled against the magical wind.

"Natsu, stop it!" Lucy cried out as she reached her limit in silently watching while he slowly destroyed himself. Natsu didn't even seem to hear her as he slowly pushed himself a little further into the barrier. "You'll only end up killing yourself at this rate." She pleaded but he simply clenched his teeth while his face tightened as he tried to take another step.

"Kah!" Natsu yelled as he was forcefully thrown back by the heavy winds.

Lucy was ready for his flight this time as she moved to catch him, though the impact sent her skidding back a few feet. "Natsu! Just give it a rest!" She ordered and Natsu blinked before he looked back at her.

"Damnit... what should I do?" Erza wondered out loud as she paced in frustration. I shouldn't have snapped at him like that! She mentally scolded herself. "Gray," Erza said and Gray jumped before looking at her. "Please hit me." She ordered and he looked at her for a few seconds in blank amazement.

"Th-there's no need for that…" Gray finally said as he took a step back while he brought his hands up in a placating gesture. I like living far too much. He thought as he grinned nervously at her.

Lucy accepted Natsu's scrutiny for several seconds before her eyes narrowed. "What?" She asked crossly as Natsu kept looking at her with an expression caught somewhere between curiosity and confusion.

That expression suddenly changed as he spun with a wide smile to grab her by the shoulders. "I've got it!" He yelled in excitement even as Lucy jerked in surprise at his sudden movement and yell. "We'll use the Stellar Spirits." He announced as if it were obvious and crossed his arms over his chest.

Lucy obviously didn't share that sentiment as she blinked and looked at him uncertainly. "Eh?" She was able to ask through her confusion while Erza and Gray looked over at them.

"I was able to travel through the Stellar Spirit's world in Everlue's Mansion, remember?" Natsu said and Lucy sweat dropped as she recalled how he had indeed somehow hitched a ride on the large Spirit, Virgo.

"Erm… humans normally die when they enter it…" Lucy started off slowly but Natsu just continued to grin in anticipation. "You see, there's no air to breathe." She tried to explain before she shook her head and looked at Natsu steadily. "Besides, the Gate only opens where the Celestial Spirit Mage is standing." She said but Natsu only cocked his head. "Meaning if you want to get out through the Spirit World we'd need at least one Celestial Spirit Mage on the outside." Lucy finished with a shake of her head to show it wasn't possible.

Natsu continued to look at her for several seconds before he just threw his hands up. "That's too confusing." He stated and Lucy looked at him in disbelief. "We don't have time for this, just do it anyways!" He demanded and Lucy looked at him before she shook her head in exasperation.

"I just said it's impossible!" She screamed before she sighed as she put her right hand to her forehead. "One more thing," Lucy said a couple of seconds later as she put one finger up, her face flushed with irritation. "It's a serious breach of contract when a human enters the Stellar Spirit World." She said and Natsu blinked as he looked at her. "It was okay the other time because it was Everlue's Key." She explained and Happy froze.

"Evaroo's… Key…" He said slowly before his eyes went wide. "Aaahhhh!" Happy yelled as he jumped into the air, making everyone look at him in surprise. "Lucy! I just remembered!" The cat exclaimed as he pointed at her with his right paw before he turned to pull his pack his small pack off his back.

"Wh-what?" Lucy asked somewhat nervously.

"The thing I was going to tell you." He answered in a distracted tone as he sifted through the bag before he stopped and pulled something out. "This." He said with a smile as he brought his paw up.

Lucy's eyes went wide when she saw the Golden Key. A beautiful piece of craftsmanship, the center of the bow was white, stamped with the crest of the Maiden, colored in purple. Surrounding the heart-shaped center on either side were simple curves, spiraling on the top and bottom, with the end of the key shaped like a heart "That's… that's Virgo's Key!" Lucy yelled in surprise and Happy nodded. "You shouldn't take someone's belongings without permission!" Lucy yelled as she crouched down to painfully pinch his cheeks.

"No, Virgo herself wanted you to have this." Happy said with a pained grimace and Lucy's eyes shot open in shock.

""What are you talking about?" Erza asked with a mix of impatience and mild curiosity.

"You shouldn't waste our time talking about nonsense." Gray said with a sigh.

While Lucy tried to recover from her surprise, Natsu looked up thoughtfully. "Virgo…" He said before his face cleared in remembrance.. "Ah! You mean the maid gorilla!" Natsu said with a broad smile and Happy slowly nodded his head.

"Lucy..." Happy groaned and the blonde mage blinked before she realized she was still pinching the feline's face and quickly let go. He rubbed his cheeks for a few seconds to get the feeling back into them before he continued his explanation. "She said that since Everlue was arrested, their Contract was broken." Happy said as he held the Key up once more. "So she wanted a Contract with you this time, she visited me to tell me." He added and Lucy shivered as she crouched down.

"That…" She said as the image of Virgo's large, brutish face came to her. "Came to your house…" Lucy said before she shook her head. "I love the offer, but now's not the time for that. We have to think of a way out of here!" She said firmly.

"But-" Happy started to say before Lucy pinched both his cheeks and pulled on them again.

"Be quiet and say "Meow meow"." She said and Gray looked at her blankly until she let Happy down.

"But Virgo can dive underground…" Happy said when he was let go as he looked down despondently. "I thought we could use that to go under the wind and escape." Everyone's eyes went wide at his words and they stared at him for a few seconds before they recovered.

"What?!" Erza demanded and Happy looked up at her.

"Is that true?!" Gray added a second later and Happy nodded his head.

Lucy quickly recovered next with a wide smile. "You're right!" She exclaimed with a clap of her hands. "Good job, Happy." She said before she gave him a stern glare. "Why didn't you say that earlier?" She demanded and Happy blinked as he turned his gaze back to her.

"You were pinching my cheeks." He answered and Lucy blushed in embarrassment before she took the Key.

The Celestial Spirit Mage stood straight and held the Zodiac Key out before her as she closed her eyes. "I am the person who connects the road to the Stellar Spirit World." She chanted and the Key gave off a light glow. "Thou… shalt respond to the calling and pass through the Gate" She said and the outline of a golden keyhole appeared in front of the Zodiac Key. "Open the Gate of the Maiden! Virgo" She finished and a bright flash of light momentarily blinded everyone. When the light disappeared, before them a petite woman with short, purple hair wearing a maid outfit with shackles on her wrists had appeared.

Blue eyes looked intently at Lucy before the woman offered a small bow with her right arm dipped in front of her and closed her eyes. "How may I assist you, Mistress?" Virgo asked and Lucy's eyes went wide in shock.

"Eh?" She asked and Virgo opened her eyes to look at her.

"You lost weight." Natsu remarked as he walked up to her and Virgo bowed her head towards him.

"I apologize for causing you trouble last time." She said and Lucy's eyes bulged out.

"It's not just her appearance, it's like she a different person!" Lucy screamed before she shook her head and pointed a trembling finger at her. "W-what's going on...?" Lucy stammered out and Virgo looked at her.

"I'm a loyal Stellar Spirit of my owner; I work in whatever appearance you prefer." Virgo said and Natsu tiled his head as he looked at her.

"You looked stronger and more compelling before." He said and Virgo looked at him.


"Don't say unnecessary things!" Lucy screamed as she fought the desire to punch Natsu in the back of the head..

"Heh, she's pretty cute." Gray said with a grin as Erza smiled.

"Lucy, huh… looks like she's a great mage after all." She said before her smile dropped slightly.

"We don't have time right now; can we make a Contract later?" Lucy asked desperately and Virgo bowed her head slightly.

"As you wish, my Mistress." She said and Lucy sweat dropped.

"Wait, don't call me Mistress." Lucy said and Virgo glanced at Lucy's whip.

"Then how about "Your Highness"?" Virgo asked.

"Rejected!" Lucy said and Virgo cocked her head.

"How about "Princess"?" She asked and Lucy nodded.

"That works fine-" Lucy was cut off as she, and everyone, flinched and looked over as Erza slammed one foot into the ground, creating a small crater, as she glared at Lucy. "R-right!" Lucy stammered out before she looked back at Virgo.

"Understood. Here I go." Virgo said then disappeared into the ground, creating a large tunnel.

"Good job, Lucy." Erza congratulated as she patted her back, slamming her head into the steel breastplate.

"Ouch!" Lucy yelled in pain.

"Alright! Let's get going!" Gray yelled and Erza picked Kageyama up.

"Erza… what are you doing?" Lucy asked as Erza ran over to the hole.

"Link was bandaging him; it wouldn't be right if the effort were to go to waste." She said as she jumped into the hole. Wait… Natsu and Happy weren't inside the station after I picked up Kageyama. Erza realized in surprise.

The wind howled across the wide ravine as Link's Gilded Sword and Mirror Shield gleamed brightly in the sun. The gleam caused several bright glares as they flashed again and again while Link traded blows with what remained of Eligor's scythe.

"This actually works to my advantage." Eligor said with a laugh as he punched out with his left hand and Link ducked down while using his shield to deflect the punch upwards, sending several wind blades up into the sky, before retaliating with a fast barrage of thrusts with enough force that he made Eligor stagger back before he came back in with more skilled slashes. "With this narrow track your options for fighting are rather limited, and it looks like you wasted most of your magic catching up to me anyways!" He went on with more laughter as Link parried a slash before the swordmaster lunged up to slam his shield into Eligor's face. Eligor went back a step from the impact as the Storm Mail Meiru sent Link flying back several feet where he landed on his feet before stumbling, his face layered in sweat. "Is that all?" Eligor asked with a sigh before twirling his sickle as Link wiped his face with his sleeve before charging forward again. "Storm Shred!" Eligor said as he punched with his left hand and larger wind blades shot out at Link.

Link stopped as he put his shield forward and once again the wind blades were absorbed into the Mirror Shield. "You fool!" Eligor yelled and Link's eyes went wide as the Shinigami sent his left hand through a set of complex gestures. "Storm Bringer!" He cried out as he thrust his left hand out and a tornado shot from his extended hand. The attack swirled around him rather than directly at him and picked him up before flying up into the sky. Link closed his eyes as he spun, his face tightening in pain as wind blades cut into him, before he was finally spit out. "This is it!" Eligor yelled with a triumphant laugh as he flew in to deliver the final blow.

Link's right eye suddenly shot open and he moved the Mirror Shield in front of him; which shot a blinding glare of sunlight right into Eligor's eyes. "What the-?!" Eligor started to say before his wind blades shot out from the shield and slammed into him with jarring impact. Eligor grunted as the attack sent him flying back and nearly penetrated his Storm Mail.

He quickly recovered, though, and hovered in the air as he prepared to deliver a retort to Link's counter. Eligor's expression changed to surprise when he saw Link had Ex-Equipped both shield and sword and now held the Fairy Bow in his left hand with an arrow already notched. "You fool!" The tall mage said as an arrogant sneer quickly replaced his surprise. "With my Storm Mail Meiru, arrows are-!" Eligor's smile was quickly wiped from his face when finally noticed something different about this arrow; it had a cluster of four mini-bombs attached right behind the arrow head.

The bombs went off right before the arrow came into contact with Eligor and the blast sent him even further back while making him close his eyes. A second later he felt a small hooked blade slam into his stomach and his eyes shot open in a mixture of surprise and pain as Link came in at him; appearing as no more than a green blur. Even with that optical illusion, Eligor could still barely see an unusual looking device strapped to his right forearm. Nearly a foot long, this cylindrical object had a blue center with purple on its outer parts, the back end tapering down in a pyramid shape. The front end had a long length of chain attached to it, and connected to that chain was the small blade now impaled in Eligor's stomach.

H-how?! Eligor wondered as Link slammed his left, gauntlet-covered fist into his stomach. The strength of the attack made him cough up blood even as he felt his spine crack. Eligor's eyes suddenly went wide as Link started patting Eligor's pants to find the Lullaby. The blast from the explosion! He gambled on it being enough to counter the wind coming from my Storm Mail Meiru. It protected me but they negated each other while my concentration was broken, preventing me from summoning more wind. He realized in shock as Link's expression brightened.

Link ripped a portion of Eligor's pants off to grab the Lullaby and quickly put it in one of his pouches. No! Eligor thought even as Link jumped back and Requipped the Fairy Bow and another arrow. To lose to this fly! He thought as a cold wind came from the arrowhead and Link shot down at Eligor. TO LOSE TO THIS FLY! Eligor raged as he brought his hands up even as ice began to overtake his torso. "Take this!" Eligor roared as intense winds once again surrounded him. "Soaring Wind Magic that cuts down anything!" Link blinked in surprise as the Shinigami crossed the index and middle fingers of his left and right hand out at full extension before him. "EMERALD BEAM!" Eligor roared and Link's eyes went wide as he dismissed his bow.

A green aura appeared around Link but then just as quickly blanked out. His eyes went wide as he brought his arms up in a defensive posture before his torso and face as the large funnel of winds flew in at him. Right before the attack connected with him, his entire body glowed a translucent blue. "Aaahhhh!" Link screamed in pain as the wind blades slammed into him with bone-shattering force. The impact sent him to the far side of the train tracks, where he was sent plummeting into the unknown depths.

The ravine was quiet once more for several minutes before a loud roar shattered the silence. "LIIIIINK!" Natsu and Happy flew overhead at high speed over the track as they tried to catch up to Link and Eligor. The Dragon Slayer carefully scanned below him as they flew when Happy suddenly wobbled. "Happy!" Natsu yelled out before he looked back in surprise.

"Sorry Natsu… I can't fly any further…" Happy panted out tiredly as sweat dripped from his entire furry form.

Natsu nodded his head once as he quickly took in Happy's exhaustion before he pointed down to the rail.. "Just set me down on the tracks." He said and Happy nodded before he slowly glided down.

Natsu gingerly picked up his feline friend and carried him in his arms while he walked forward. "Clover's just ahead..." Natsu grumbled irritably as he walked. "Link should've been able to catch up to that wind bastard somewhere around here." He thought as he looked to each side as if expecting to see Link suddenly spring from the black depths. He had only walked for a couple of minutes before he suddenly froze as he sniffed the air carefully. "No way…" Natsu said as he looked over the side of the train tracks. "Link's scent…" He said slowly before his eyes went wide. "LIIIIIIIIIIIINK!" He roared loudly, the noise making Happy jerk in surprise, before he ran to the edge to look down.

Natsu's eyes went wide when he saw a scraped and heavily sweating Link hanging from a long length of chain attached to a blade that was hooked firmly into the wooden rail. The swordmaster's green tunic had several large cuts in it and seemed more a gathering of rags than a tunic and showed hints of a large scar that started at his right shoulder and crossed down to mid-stomach. Natsu continued to look down at Link for several seconds before he finally gave a sigh of relief. "Where's Eligor?" He asked and Link pointed further down into the ravine before he held his left hand up.

Natsu broke into a broad grin before he carefully set down Happy to jump down from wooden beam to wooden beam in order to get to Link. "So, when's our match?" Natsu asked when he reached him and Link gave a small sigh as he slumped his head. His reaction only got a laugh from the battle-hungry mage before Natsu grabbed him and started to carefully make his way back up.

On the same tracks, but much further back, a green magical vehicle came to the end of one side of the ravine and continued on at full speed despite the severe drop to either side. Erza was back on the driver seat as the vehicle seemed to just soar over the tracks while Gray, Lucy, and a finally conscious Kageyama sat inside.

Everyone was silent during the ride and the air was thick with tension as Lucy kept a close eye on the Eisenwald mage. Gray didn't seem interested at all in their passenger as he sat with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes closed. Looks were deceiving, however, as the Ice-Make Mage was ready to burst into action faster than either Lucy or Happy could hope to.

"Hey..." Kageyama suddenly spoke up and Lucy almost jerked in surprise. "Wh-why did you bring me along?" He asked uncertainly and Lucy frowned slightly.

"We had no choice since there was no else in town." The blonde said as she regarded him nervously. "So we're gonna take you to a hospital in Clover." She said before her eyes narrowed into a glare. "You'd better be grateful." She said and Kageyama shook his head in frustration.

"Not that!" Kageyama snapped before he gave an annoyed sigh and took a calming breath. "We're enemies, so why are you helping me?" He asked, sincerely confused, before he paused and a sly grin came to him. "Oh I know… you're taking me hostage so you can negotiate with Eligor-san…" He reasoned before he shook his head. "You're wasting your time, he's far too cold-blooded for that." He said with a shake of his head.

"Uwaahh… what a gloomy thought." Lucy said with a disheartened sigh.

"I can kill you right now if you want to die so badly." Gray remarked as he glanced over at him and Kageyama looked at him nervously.


The dark haired mage ignored Lucy's outburst as he continued to lock eyes with the Shadow Mage. "Life and death aren't the only two possible outcomes in a conflict, right?" He asked and Kageyama looked at him with wide eyes. "You should all live your lives more positively." He advised before he looked forward again.

As Kageyama processed the Ice-Make Mage's words, the vehicle suddenly jerked on to its two right wheels. "Kyaa!" Lucy screamed as she was sent into a twisting flight to slam her butt into Kageyama's face. The vehicle was quickly back on four wheels again and Lucy was dropped to the ground.

"Erza!" Gray yelled out as he moved forward.

"Sorry!" Erza returned quickly as she regained control. "I'm alright." She added even as she gasped for breath. My sight is getting blurry…She thought as she tried to focus. Did I consume too much magical power? Erza wondered before shaking her head to clear her vision. Link… don't do anything too reckless... She thought as the carriage sped down the track.

"Don't go around bumping people with your huge ass." Kageyama said in annoyance and Lucy blushed as she brought her hands to her face.

"Hieek!" She screamed as she pointed a finger at him. "A sexual harassment!" Lucy shrieked before she looked over at her teammate. "Gray, kill him!" She yelled and Gray's eyebrow twitched as he glared at Lucy.

"Hey… don't go making light of my remarks..." He said in an annoyed tone.

It wasn't too long after that when Erza's tired eyes went wide when she finally saw a very welcome sight. Link, Natsu, and Happy all stood on the tracks as they waited for the vehicle to reach them. Erza brought the vehicle to a grinding stop once she was close enough and the doors opened up to let the occupants pile out.

"Link-san! Natsu!" Lucy cried out happily when she saw they were still in one piece and got a wide grin from Natsu while Link simply nodded at her.

"Are you both okay?" Erza asked with concern in her eyes and Link offered a weak grin before his gaze showed his own concern at her tired eyes and sweat-streaked face.

"Link stole all the fun over here, too." Natsu's good cheer quickly shifted into a disgruntled grumble as he crossed his arms over his chest. "This is why I didn't want to come!" He exclaimed angrily and Link just shook his head in exasperation while Erza just gave a small chuckle before she detached the SE Plug.

"Good work, Link." Gray said as he walked up to clap Link on the shoulder, to which he received a small grin and a nod in return.

"W-where's Eligor?" Kageyama stammered out as he looked around and Link pointed into the ravine. "No... no way..." His eyes went wide with shock as he looked down at the ravine. "Eligor is... dead?" He asked and Link nodded in confirmation.

Erza slowly got down from the vehicle and started to walk over to Link. "Erza, are you okay?" Lucy asked when Erza wobbled slightly and Link looked at her in concern.

"Y-yeah… I'm fine." Erza said before she stopped in front of the blonde swordmaster. "Link…" She started to say but Link just held the Lullaby out to her. Brown eyes looked at him in surprise before the armored mage smiled slightly before she gave a small sigh. "I don't think Master will let me keep this souvenir." She said and Link blinked before he looked down at the demonic flute and offered his own small sigh that ended with a grin.

"Does this mean we did it?" Lucy asked and Erza looked back with a grin.

"That's right, the Masters are now safe." Erza said and Lucy brought her hands together with a clap as everyone smiled. "Since we're here already… we might as well go see our Master at the meeting place. We need to report this incident and ask what to do about the flute." Erza said before she looked at Link. "Clover's just ahead, anyways." She added and Link nodded before he started to slowly head to the vehicle.

Link's eyes suddenly went wide and he pushed Erza out of the center of the rail before jumping to the opposite side as the vehicle came in at them. During his jump, a shadow hand shot out from under the vehicle and pulled the Lullaby from Link's relaxed grip to throw it to Kageyama.

"Kageyama!" Erza yelled in surprise as Link landed on his feet and turned around while he brought his right arm up to aim the Longshot, the action causing a sudden glare from his Silver Gauntlets.

"You dropped your guard, Fairy Tail!" Kageyama shouted triumphantly as he brandished the evil flute. "The Lullaby... is now in my hands!" He shouted, and his loud shouts of victory made it impossible to hear the small metallic sound of the Longshot firing. His loud cheers also cut off the sound of the small hooked blade sinking into the vehicle. "Now that I have thiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS!" The Shadow Mage's final word stretched out into a loud cry of panic as Link gave a mighty heave and stopped the speeding vehicle in its tracks.

The SE Plug snapped from Kageyama's arm as he was sent flying all the way across the ravine to crash into the trees with a loud cry of pain. "Woah… nice distance…" Natsu said while Link fell to his knees; his entire body trembling from the exertion.

Perhaps I should've rested after all... Link admitted to himself as blood leaked from a few opened scrapes.

"Let's go!" Erza ordered and everyone nodded their heads as Gray helped the still trembling Link up and gave him his shoulder to lean on while Natsu picked up the still tired Happy before all five made their way to the vehicle.

Clover Town

Kage came out from his shadow, breathing heavily, and a wide grin broke out on his face as he looked at the still occupied building twenty feet from him. Good… the meeting isn't over yet. He thought as he struggled to steady his breathing. It took a couple of minutes until he stopped gasping, but once he did he looked down at the Lullaby with an evil smirk. The melody should easily reach them from this distance. He thought with an internal chuckle before he slowly stood up. The time has come. The Shadow Mage determined as he brought the flute to his lips and started to take a breath.

"Hey." A sudden voice said from behind him and he quickly started to turn and pushed his cheek into a pointer finger attached to an abnormally long arm. On the end of that arm stood none other than the Fairy Tail Master, Makarov, who quickly returned it back to its original length. "Fuhyahyahya!" Makarov laughed merrily at Kageyama's reaction before he suddenly stopped and turned away. No… this isn't the time for that. He thought desperately as he shook his head. If I don't find out where those four went who knows what might disappear… Makarov thought then glanced back at Kageyama. "You should get to a hospital young man." He said before he started off at a quick pace.

Makarov… Kageyama thought in shock. He's Makarov from Fairy Tail… He realized before his eyes narrowed in a mixture of disbelief and annoyance. Tch, what a gathering of flies this day is. He thought before he gave a small smile. "Er… erm…" Kageyama said nervously and Makarov looked back at him curiously while he walked up to him. "Will you… listen to one song?" Kageyama asked with a hopeful smile. "The hospital won't let me play it, but I really want someone to listen to it." He said and Makarov looked at him dubiously.

"That's a pretty creepy flute." Makarov said as he pointed at it and Kageyama gave a small laugh.

"It may seem so, but it sounds pretty decent." Kageyama replied and after a few seconds Makarov gave a small sigh.

"I'm in a hurry, so just one song." He said and Kageyama nodded his head as he held in a smile of triumph.

My win! He thought as he brought the flute to his lips. "Please listen carefully." Kageyama requested as his Guild flashed through his mind

"Legal Guilds are so lame!" Rayule said as he looked at a copy of Sorcerer's Weekly.

"Their abilities are so low, yet they're so proud of it!" Byard added in to the laughter of everyone around him.

"This is our revenge against those that banished us to live in the darkness!" Eligor announced with a wide smile. "As a start, we'll kill their Guild Masters!" He yelled and everyone cheered.

Kage took a steadying breath as he prepared to play before the memory of Link, whom he had just tried to kill, saved him even after shooting him off the roof while Eligor just watched. His eyes snapped open again as more flashes came. First Link removing the arrow and then bandaging his wound, Erza shouting that they needed his help, and finally to Gray's words. Kageyama's teeth clenched in frustration as he tried to decide what to do as the carriage came up.

"There he is!" Gray yelled from the inside of the magical vehicle and Erza quickly parked it still a good distance away.

"Old man!"


Natsu and Erza both yelled out as everyone piled out of the vehicle when a sudden figure appeared beside them in the bushes.

Everyone jerked in surprise when they it was a bald, cross-dressing, elderly man wearing a purple spaghetti-strap shirt accessorized by a gold and fuchsia hoop necklace, and a vertical-striped pink and purple shorts. "Shhh." He said as he held his finger up to his lips. "The best part is coming up." He said before looking back. "Wait, you guys are cute. Ufufufu." He said with a happy giggle and Natsu and Gray shivered as Link, in what appeared to be a new tunic, jumped into the canopy of the closest tree.

"Wh-who is he!" Lucy asked with a nervous expression.

"The Blue Pegasus Guild Master, Bob." Erza said and he looked at her with a smile while he put a hand to his cheek.

"My Erza-chan, you've grown." Bob said before he looked up into the tree at Link, who quickly hid behind some leaves and completely disappeared from sight. "So that must be Link-chan I assume?" He asked and some leaves shivered before going still again.

"What's going on?" Makarov asked impatiently as Kageyama stood frozen in indecision. "Hurry up already."

"No!" Erza shouted as Link's face appeared from the leaves, poised to launch out, before they stopped as an elderly man wearing a black shirt, pants, spiked choker, sunglasses, and a black witch hat seemed to appear beside them.

"Just stay quiet." The man, Goldmine the Guild Master of Quatro Cerberus, said as he crossed his arms over his chest while other Guild Masters were seen gathering around them. "This should get interesting." He said as he looked on with a smile.

"Now." Makarov demanded as he glared at Kageyama and Kageyama jerked in surprise before bringing the flute to his lips.

Just play it… I just need to play! Everything will change after that! He thought before Makarov gave a sigh.

"Nothing will change." Makarov said and Kageyama froze in shock. "Weaklings will stay weak forever." He said as he looked him in the eye. "But weakness is not evil, since human beings are weak creatures to begin with." He said and Kageyama looked at him with wide eyes. "Alone, you feel nothing but insecurity. That is why we form Guilds, why we gather nakama." Makarov paused for a moment as the Shadow Mage slowly brought the Lullaby from his lips. "We walk together in order to live a strong life." He continued after a few moments and everyone looked at him. "The clumsy ones will run into walls more often than others, and it may also take them longer to get there, but if you believe in tomorrow and put yourself out there… you can naturally obtain your own strength." He said and Kageyama's body began to tremble. "That's how you'll be able to smile and live strong… without having to depend on such a flute of course." Makarov finished with a wide smile and Kageyama's eyes shot wide open as he looked at Makarov in disbelief.

Amazing… he knew everything… He thought before he slowly slumped to his knees and dropped the demon flute. "I admit my loss." He said as he bowed his head and Makarov gave a small sigh.

"Master!" Erza shouted as she and the others ran up with happy smiles.

"Old man!" Natsu and Gray yelled out and Makarov looked back as his jaw dropped in shock.

"What the... what are you lot doing here?!" Makarov yelled in dumbfoundment as they reached him.

Erza didn't say anything at first, but rather grabbed him and pulled into a hug that slammed his head into her armor "You're amazing! Your words deeply touched me!" She said happily over his yell of pain and Link nodded with a small grin when Erza let him go.

"You're really something, old man." Natsu agreed with a wide smile as he crouched down and patted Makarov on the head and Makarov's eyes closed in annoyance.

"If you really think so stop patting my head." He said with a small sigh.

"It's all settled now." Gray said with a tired sigh as Lucy crouched in front of Kageyama.

"Come on, now, let's go see a doctor." She said and Kageyama nodded without saying a word or looking up.

"Don't know what's going on but you're cute too." Bob said with a smile as he crouched down by Kageyama.

"Ka ka ka ka." The Lullaby suddenly laughed as smoke issued from its mouth. "You mages have no guts." It said and everyone looked down at it with wide eyes. "I can't hold it any longer. I'll just eat you all myself." It said as more smoke came out and began to take shape.

"The... the flute just talked!" Lucy screamed in surprise and Link winced as his ears twitched. He barely noticed his own instinctive reaction, though, as everyone watched the smoke drift up further.

"The smoke is starting to take shape!" Happy announced and indeed the smoke did appear to be forming into a large form, easily twenty stories at least.

Before long, the smoke solidified into an extremely tall monster with three eyes, two legs, two arms and a monstrous head. Its twisted body contained many different sized holes that a good-sized human could jump clean though. "LET ME CONSUME… YOUR PITIFUL SOULS!" Lullaby roared and as everyone looked on in shock Link's eyes tightened before drawing his sword and readying the Mirror Shield.

"Wh-what is this!" Kageyama said in shock as he looked at the demon.

"Oh my… this is bad." Blue Pegasus Master said as he brought a hand to his mouth.

"It's a devil from the Book of Zeref!" The man with the black robes yelled in shock.

"I'M STARVING TO DEATH…" Lullaby rumbled as it held one clawed hand up. "SO I'M GOING TO EAT YOUR SOULS!" It roared and everyone tensed slightly in anticipation.

"WHAAAT?!" Natsu roared before he looked around in confusion. "Are souls tasty?" He asked and everyone, even the massive Lullaby, paused as they regarded the Dragon Slayer in stunned silence for several seconds.

A loud roar from the Lullaby quickly brought everyone back to their current predicament and forced Lucy to tack a step back in terror. "What… what is going on?" Lucy asked as she stared up at the Lullaby in terror. "How could a devil come from a flute…?"

"That devil is the Lullaby itself!" Goldmine yelled before he swallowed nervously. "In other words, Living Magic... the specialty of Zeref." He finished ominously as he brought a hand up to adjust his hat.

"Living Magic…" Erza said before her eyes narrowed as her right hand clenched into a fist.

"Hold on." Gray said as he looked over at the Quatro Cerberus Guild Master. "When you say Zeref, do you mean the Dark Mage Zeref?" He demanded as the Blue Pegasus Master put a hand to his cheek and started to sweat nervously.

"Dark Mage Zeref, the most atrocious mage in the history of magic…" Bob said as he looked up at Lullaby. "I never imagined that this adverse legacy from several hundred years ago would appear…" He lamented while the others could only look on in stunned silence.

"NOW… WHOSE SOUL SHOULD I ENJOY FIRST?" It rumbled before grinning. "I'VE DECIDED. ALL OF YOURS!" It roared as it opened its mouth wide and inhaled deeply.

"No! The Lullaby's going to devour us!" A Guild Master yelled and Lucy screamed in panic.

Makarov right hand clenched as he prepared to fight before freezing as three forms rushed past him.

Erza's body had a momentary glow as she Ex-Equipped her armor to Requip a black armor that also sported some silver trimming in the same step. Easily the most distinctive feature of the armor was a pair of wings, reminiscent of those of a Dragon or bat. Around Erza's neck was a neck guard decorated by several gems and a pair of large shoulder pads, each composed of two silver-edged plates one over the other, sporting silver crosses on them too, and flanking the high collar, whose shape is reminiscent of that of a dress. The silver-edged breastplate revealed a fair amount of her cleavage and belly, with plates flanking her hips and reaching down to a very large waistguard, composed of very long, silver-edged plates shaped like feathers and decorated by silver crosses. The waistguard left the front of Erza's body exposed, with her groin being covered by a dark indument and a pair of slim gauntlets came equipped with prominent protection for her hands, each sporting silver patterns. Her leg greaves were sliver-edged on her thighs and knees, but pitch black dark everywhere else. In the next step of her charge, she brought out her right hand to Requip a sword with an intricate design and a multicolored purple and silver blade accompanied by two red diamond shaped gems, equally spread apart on the sword's blade, and a brown hilt with a golden hand guard. "The Blackwing Armor!" A Guild Master yelled in recognition of the mighty attack armor, which greatly increased a wielder's offensive capability.

Link brought out his left hand to Requip the Gilded Sword and his Golden Gauntlets at the same time. As soon as both mages had their arsenal ready, they veered off to different legs; Link going to its left leg and Erza to its right. Natsu's feral smile came full force as he put on a burst of speed to jump onto the Lullaby's right leg and quickly scrambled up it.

Before it could do anything about the mage climbing up its leg, the Lullaby was treated to a nasty shock as it realized that perhaps it should have taken its potential meals more seriously.



The loud cries of the two swordmasters were quickly echoed by a loud, piercing roar of pain as they cut deeply into the demon's ankles with a single pass. Even as it started to slump down, a red flash caught its attention in time to see Natsu launching up at him with his right leg completely engulfed in fire. "Karyu no Kagitsume!" The Fire Dragon Slayer roared as he delivered a kick that forced the already off balance demon to stumble back several long steps.

"What the... with a single kick he made that huge demon stumble back!" A Guild Master yelled out in shock while another shook her head.

"Is he even a mage?" She wondered out loud as they continued to watch the spectacle in front of them.

"HOW IMPUDENT!" The Lullaby suddenly roared as it righted itself. It turned its monstrous head and opened its mouth to fire a volley of energy blasts at the still airborne Natsu.

"Whoops!" Natsu yelled in surprise as he spun in the air to avoid the volley. Right as he dodged them, though, he noticed that they now all flew unimpeded at Gray, Lucy, Happy, Makarov, and the other Guild Masters. "Look out!" He called out in warning before he noticed Gray had already assumed a familiar stance, with his legs spread out a little over shoulder-length apart and his hands held out before him.

"Ice Make…" Gray said as he brought his right fist down on top of his left palm and a cold breeze shot out from him.

"An Ice Alchemy Mage, he's going to try and make a shield!" A Guild Master said in shock even as another started to run away.

"He won't make it in time for this!" He yelled and most of the others broke into a run as well, for how could anyone make something sturdy enough to block a volley of blasts only a couple of seconds away?

"Shield!" Gray yelled as he thrust both hands out in a wide arc and instantaneously a large, semi-circle ice shield appeared before him to easily block the attacks.

"What the- he's fast!" One Guild Master said in wide-eyed awe and several others appeared to be in agreement with her.

"How could he control Alchemy Magic that fast?" Another one asked no one in particular.

Unnoticed by anyone, a wide smile had started to form on Makarov's face as he watched his mages awe the oft-complaining Guild Masters with their prowess.

"Alchemy Magic?" Lucy asked curiously and Happy looked up at her.

"It's a type of magic that gives "shape" to the magic power." He said before looking forward again and grinning. "And takes it away as well." He added and she looked at him stunned silence.

"Ice Make…" Gray said as he brought his hands back up in that same stance before he thrust them both out again. "Lance!" He yelled and several ice lances shot out from his hands and around the ice shield to slam into the Lullaby.

"GOAH!" It roared in pain as it stumbled and Natsu swung wildly from its shoulders while Link and Erza, still attacking the Lullaby's legs, nimbly danced around it. "I feel sick…" The Dragon Slayer complained, though his eyes were still narrowed in determination as he climbed up to a standing position.

"W-what destructive power!" Lucy screamed as she brought her hands to her face in shock, a reaction shared almost unanimously by those around her.

"Excellent." Makarov said as he smiled in approval.

"Everyone, let's finish it!" Gray yelled as he prepared another volley and the other three nodded their heads in agreement. "Ice Make: Lance!" The Ice- Make Mage roared as he sent ten ice lances flying at the monster while Link and Erza both jumped up from opposite directions.

In preparation for this final attack, Link decided to Ex-Equip the Gilded Sword and Requipped to his left hand a longsword with a purple grip, blue guard, and a yellow jewel set in its hilt. Knowing the evil nature of this enemy and in complete agreement with the call for a final attack to finish it, Link had brought forth the Blade of Evil's Bane.

The Lullaby's eyes went wide when it felt the holy aura around the Master Sword affect it while Natsu jumped up over the distracted demon and raised both hands up. "Some flame on the left." He said and his left hand erupted with a bright flare. "Some flame on the right…" Natsu continued and the same flare appeared around his right hand. "Together they make…" He said and his smile became a glare of concentration. "Karyu no Koen!" Natsu roared as he came down on the Lullaby's head and slammed both hands together into a double hammerfist.



Link and Erza both roared as they slashed across the Lullaby's torso in an X-pattern a mere instant before Gray's lances slammed into it; with the end result all four mages' attacks reaching the demon within moments of each other.

The explosion that followed that combination momentarily blinded everyone watching and several of them grabbed on to loose articles of clothing as the shockwave reached them. When they could see again, everyone watched with wide eyes as the mostly destroyed Lullaby fell backwards to slam into the Guild Master Meeting building, crushing it beneath its weight.

"Zeref's devil was defeated so easily…" One Guild Master murmured in awe and Lucy started to smile brightly.

"I…I'm impressed…" Another Guild Master admitted and Makarov started laughing loudly.

"A-amazing…" Kageyama said with wide eyes as the smoke cleared slightly to show three silhouettes. The smoke quickly started to dissipate to show Link, Erza, and Natsu walking back towards Makarov with an almost-bored air.

"This is Fairy Tail's Strongest Team!" Lucy cheered as she ecstatically put a hand on Gray's shoulder as the others came up to join them.

"What do you think?!" Makarov asked with a broad smile. "Aren't they great?!" He called out with a proud laugh and Lucy clapped her hands together while the Guild Masters' grudgingly nodded their heads.

"You're all the best!" She declared once everyone was together and Natsu shot her a smile that quickly turned into a happy laugh.

"Now… you have to go see the doctor, right?" Bob asked as he suddenly appeared next to the still overwhelmed Kageyama and tickled his chin. The Shadow Mage immediately jerked away from the cross-dressing Guild Master in a mixture of fear and terror, uncertain what to make of him.

"Goodness, I don't really know why this happened. But it looks like we owe Fairy Tail one." A Guild Master said and Makarov just laughed happily as he put his hands behind his head.

"Hyahyahyahyahya! Don't worry about it!" He laughed happily for several seconds before he suddenly froze in shock.

"Hrm?" The Guild Masters said as they looked to see what had gotten Makarov's attention, and he immediately started to sneak off before their eyes went wide in shock.

Link put his palm to his face as everyone else but Natsu looked in shock when they finally noticed the destroyed building. "NUUUAAAAHHHH! THE REGULAR GUILD MEETING HALL... IT DESTROYED!" Most of the Guild Masters yelled in shock as they stared at the rubble.

"Hahaha!" Natsu laughed in amusement. "It's completely wrecked!" He agreed before he was sent flying from a hit to his head from Link to get him to the others. The blonde mage then immediately flashed over to them as he and Erza returned to their normal attire and held up a hand to prevent them from taking off.

"GET THEM!" The Guild Masters yelled before a large green crystal appeared around all the Fairy Tail mages and rose up into the air.

"Wh-what the…?" Lucy said in surprise as she looked around while Link waved farewell to the shocked Guild Masters. The crystal glowed brightly before it suddenly broke into dozens of small green orbs that quickly vanished.

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Up on the second floor, the green orb that Link had placed after his return from the Job for Bolan flared into existence. Almost immediately, dozens of green small green orbs appeared below it then quickly came together to show Link, Makarov, Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Happy. The instant the green aura disappeared completely; Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Happy all staggered and slowly went to their knees with sick expressions on their faces. "Fuu… seems those three can't handle your Farore's Wind, Link." Makarov remarked and Link grinned as he gave a small shrug, which made him stumble in exhaustion.

Erza immediately caught and supported him while she gave a small sigh and his ears twitched as he scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "Come on Link; let's get you to your house." She said then narrowed her eyes at him. "Where you will be resting." She said and Link grinned nervously as he nodded his head quickly. Erza had a satisfied smile at that then the two walked over to the stairs.

"H…hey… Link…" Natsu said dizzily as he stood up before swaying.

"Careful, Natsu." Happy said as he raised a paw up.

"Don't forget… I'm fighting… you first…" He said before he tripped and fell to the ground. Link gave a small wave of his hand and stumbled again with the movement.

"Link! Focus on walking!" Erza scolded and Link gave a tired nod.

Makarov looked at them and sighed before his face tightened. "Get off the second floor this instant!" He roared and they all jumped before they ran for the stairs.

Natsu almost got to the stairs before stopping and looking around. "So this is the second- OOF!" Natsu said before he was slammed in the back by a giant fist from Makarov.

Kids these days… He thought with a small sigh before smiling widely and chuckling.