Chapter 7: Link's Trial

Chapter Six

Inside his wooden room, Link slept fitfully on a large bed before his eyes shot open and he sat up quickly, sweat beading on his forehead.

After several seconds he wiped the sweat from his forehead before lightly touching the scar on his torso as it seemed to throb in pain. That dream again… Link thought before he abruptly tossed the blanket aside and got out of his bed, clad only in a pair of green shorts.

Link stretched his arms up and yawned before he scratched the back of his head sleepily as he looked around his room.

Rather basic, his room only had a dresser along with his bed with two doors, one leading to the rest of his house and another that opened up to a closet. After several seconds of sleepy scrutiny he gave another yawn before walking over to his dresser.

Twenty-five minutes later, Link was about to walk outside when his door suddenly opened to show Erza. "So you were already awake." Erza said and Link nodded his head.

"Did you think I wouldn't show up on time?" Link asked with a small smile that Erza returned.

"I'm sure Natsu would probably burn up half the forest on his way here if you were." Erza said and Link gave a quiet chuckle before following her out.

Once Link closed the door he turned around and jumped down from the large tree his cabin was situated in to land lightly next to Erza before walking with her towards Magnolia.

An hour later Link and Natsu were facing each other outside of the Fairy Tail building, surrounded by everyone in a large circle. "Wait a minute, doesn't seem this wrong to everybody!" Lucy asked in concern as she looked around with wide eyes; Gray, Erza, and Happy standing beside her.

"Taking all bets here, taking all bets!" Cana said as she stood next to a large board and basket that was already full of money, as well as several barrels that smelled of alcohol. On the board was Link's and Natsu's name, as well as several tick marks indicating the number of people betting for each one.

Lucy sweat dropped before she shook her head. "But if two people from the Strongest Team fight-""Huh?" Gray asked as he looked at her with a confused expression. "What are you talking about?" He asked and Lucy looked at him in shock as Erza looked at her curiously.

"I'm talking about you, Natsu, Erza, and Link-san." Lucy said in exasperation. "You're the four strongest mages in Fairy Tail, right!" She asked and Gray blinked before grinning and shaking his head as Mirajane smiled behind him.

"Don't talk nonsense." Gray said in amusement. "Where did you get such a crazy idea?" He asked before looking back as Mirajane sobbed and he sweat dropped nervously as Elfman glared at him. "Ah… it was you Mira-chan…?" Gray asked as Erza and Lucy both stared at him before Eflman grunted.

"I accept Natsu's and Gray's manliness… but I can't just let you go and say they're the strongest." Elfman said as he looked down at Lucy. "There are guys in Fairy Tail much stronger than them." He said and Lucy looked up at him curiously.

"What about Link-san and Erza?" She asked and he hesitated before looking away.

"Erza is definitely the strongest female." Levi, a young woman with blue, curly hair said with a smile.

"As for the strongest male, Link is definitely up there." Jet, a man wearing a cowboy hat with bright orange hair standing behind her, said. "But there's also Laxus, Mystogan… and you can't forget about that "Geezer"."

"Are you ready Link?" Natsu asked and Link held up one hand before turning around and walking to the edge of the human circle. "HEY! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!" Natsu demanded before Link stopped and reached into his pouch to pull out several small crystals.

"What is he doing?" Lucy asked as Erza's eyes widened slightly before she smiled.

"Fufufu… It looks like Link is going to be taking this seriously after all." Erza said as Link placed the crystals down in different locations before walking back to stand a few feet away from Natsu.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked somewhat nervously before Link thrust out both gloved hands. "Those crystals are something we found on a job a few years ago." Erza said as the glowed before forming a large blue crystal, fifteen feet in height, around Link and Natsu, making everyone's eyes go wide. "They react to his Nayru's Love, allowing him to activate it and then keep it up indefinitely without any more magic from him." She said before Link's entire outfit shifted from green to red.

"Now what!" Lucy asked in surprise.

"H-hold on there Link, first this and now your Red Tunic!" One of the Guild members said in shock as nervous sweat started forming on almost everyone's forehead. "Don't you think you're taking this too seriously!"

"Red Tunic?" Lucy asked and Erza nodded her head. "With it he can walk in the heart of a volcano and not even break a sweat, the effect of Natsu's flames are going to be severely reduced." Erza said and Lucy's eyes went wide in shock.

"This is going to be an interesting fight." Elfman said as he cracked his neck with a grin and Gray smirked. "That so?" Gray asked curiously as he looked on. "I'm expecting Link to get an overwhelming victory."

Inside the crystal Natsu smirked. "This barrier to protect the Town… and even your Red Tunic…" Natsu said before flames surrounded his hands as he dropped into a ready stance. "NOW I CAN GIVE IT MY ALL WITHOUT REGRET!" Natsu declared and Link gave a small grin before Equipping the Kokiri Sword to his right hand and the Longshot to his left forearm.

Natsu's eyes narrowed while Lucy breathed a sigh of relief as she brought her hand to her chest. "Phew… I was afraid for a second…" Lucy said and Erza looked at her curiously. "What do you mean?" She asked as Link positioned his feet and put his left arm forward while bringing the Kokiri Sword over his head.

"Well those two weapons don't look very destructive." Lucy said and those around her looked at her blankly as Makarov put his hand up while standing on the board. "Ready, GO!" He said as he brought his hand down.

Almost immediately a red aura surrounded the Kokiri Sword. "HYAA!" Link yelled as he slashed down and sent a wave of energy that tore at the ground towards Natsu.

"EHH!" Lucy screamed in surprise as Natsu jumped to the side before launching toward Links.

"DRYAH!" Natsu roared as he punched downwards and Link pivoted on his lead foot before flipping away to land several feet away nimbly. As Link landed he brought his left arm up and shot the Longshot at him.

Natsu ducked down right before it was about to him and Link jerked his arm up before slicing down with it then pulling back and up. The effect was instantaneous as the chain went slack and the movement from Link's arm caused to it to ripple up before slicing down at Natsu.

Natsu narrowly avoided the attack and the hooked blade cracked into the ground, leaving a small hole, before flying back to full retraction into its housing mechanism. "You shouldn't judge things by appearances." Erza said as Natsu flew back in at Link while Lucy's entire body was frozen in shock.

"Fire Dragon's…" Natsu said as he cocked his right fist back and Link's eyes narrowed. He quickly switched the Kokiri Sword to reverse grip as he Equipped his Silver Gauntlets to his hands and brought his right fist back. "IRON FIST!" Natsu roared as he punched forward.

Link adjusted his footing before punching out with his right fist to slam into Natsu's, and both their feet were sent into the stone road a few inches as a small shockwave shot out from the impact.

"It seems Natsu has improved quite a bit." Erza said with a small smile and Lucy slowly turned her head slowly to stare at her. "It takes a lot of power to go head to head with Link's Silver Gauntlets." She said even as Link and Natsu both jumped back.

"Fire Dragon's…" Natsu said as he took a deep breath. "Roar!" He roared and a blast of fire shot from his mouth towards Link.

Link took a deep breath before exhaling, sending a stream of fire of his own to collide into Natsu's, both their eyes intense as they glared at each other.

"WHAT THE-!" Lucy screamed in surprise as the two blasts of fire slammed into each other. "He can breathe fire too!"

"It's merely a modified use of a spell called Din's Fire." Erza said as everyone watched with wide eyes. "Is there a scenario that Link-san isn't prepared for?" Lucy asked and Erza brought a hand to her chin thoughtfully. "Cooking." Erza said after several seconds of contemplation and Lucy sweat-dropped as Natsu's eyes suddenly gleamed.

Link looked at him curiously before Natsu suddenly stopped breathing fire, allowing Din's Fire to rush in at him unimpeded. Link immediately stopped the fire even as Natsu opened his mouth greedily to allow it to flow in and down his throat, a look of relish on his face.

"Unbelievable…" Gray said as Natsu closed his mouth and wiped his mouth. "That moron actually came up with a damn decent idea." He said as fire erupted from Natsu's body.

"Thanks for the food." Natsu said as Link brought the Kokiri Sword up before him, still held in reverse grip, and a red aura immediately surrounded it. "FIRE DRAGON'S SWORD HORN!" Natsu roared as he launched forward at Link.

Link suddenly Equipped a bomb to his left hand and tossed it towards Natsu while jumping to the side. Natsu's eyes went wide as he brought his feet down, his momentum still sending him towards the bomb, before being sent flying back as the bomb exploded.

Link immediately leapt into the air and towards Natsu, his right arm cocked and ready to slash down. Natsu gritted his teeth as he looked up at Link before slamming his feet into the ground, skidding back several feet, before launching up at Link with a roar, his right fist cocked back before fire erupted from it.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu roared as he punched up at Link while Link slashed down with the Kokiri Sword, still held in reverse grip.

The resulting explosion shook the ground below them as the red aura exploded out against Natsu's flame, Natsu's and Link's eyes intense as they stared at each other. They both held even before Natsu suddenly smirked. "Fire Dragon's…" Natsu said and fire exploded from his elbow. "FLAME ELBOW!" Natsu roared and Link's eyes widened slightly as Natsu forced him back.

Link suddenly stopped resisting while turning, letting Natsu blow past him before slamming a boot suddenly encased in iron into his stomach. Natsu coughed as he was sent slamming into the top of the crystal as Link's Iron Boot returned back to his normal boot and he Ex-Equipped the Kokiri Sword while pointing his left arm up at Natsu.

Natsu pushed off the crystal barrier before the hooked blade sunk into him and landed on the ground. "FIRE DRAGON'S SWORD HORN!" Natsu roared as fire erupted from his body once more and he dashed forward at Link.

Link looked over to his right in surprise as the Longshot started to return to its housing and at the last second Link brought his right hand up as his boots became encased in iron once more.

Natsu's head slammed into Link's hand and Link's eyes narrowed as was pushed back, his Iron Boots tearing up the ground.

"See?" Elfman said as Link finally stopped moving. "It's a good match, right?" Elfman asked and Gray grunted. "Where?" Gray asked as the hooked blade completely returned to its housing and Link offered Natsu a small grin before returning his boots to normal.

The second they returned to normal he tightened his grip on Natsu's hair before spinning at high speed to steal Natsu's momentum before throwing him into the air once more.

Natsu spun in the air to plant his feet on the barrier as Link Equipped his Fairy Bow to his left hand took aim with an arrow in his right hand before letting it loose. Natsu quickly jumped to the left to avoid before launching in at Link with a flame empowered punch.

Link pivoted on right foot and spun to avoid the punch before jumping up to kick off of Natsu's back while another arrow appeared in his hand.

"Fire Dragon's..." Natsu said before taking a deep breath as he started to turn around and a blue, cold aura appeared around the arrowhead. "Roar!" Natsu roared as he sent a blast of fire at Link at the same time Link let loose the Ice Arrow.

The Ice Arrow slammed into the fire and two held even against each other for several seconds before the cold aura began to disappear, allowing the stream of fire to overpower it.

Link Equipped three more arrows and shot them out a second later, all of them surrounded by the cold aura, before disappearing in a green flash and appearing over Natsu while aiming down with three more Ice Arrows already in place.

Natsu looked up before doing a jumping spin to the right as soon as Link loosed the Ice Arrows before he disappeared again. As soon as Natsu landed Link appeared behind him with one Ice Arrow notched and ready while the ground where the three Ice Arrows had struck turned to solid ice.

Natsu growled as he spun while ducking down to all fours, narrowly avoiding the Ice Arrow when it suddenly exploded in an eruption of cold wind. Natsu shivered as the intense cold affected him even through his flames before exploding forward.

Link suddenly Ex-Equipped the Fairy Bow while he kept his left arm pointed at Natsu and the Longshot once more shot out at Natsu. Natsu reflexively leaned back while ducking low and the hooked blade and chain flew over his face be a few inches.

As Natsu continued to slide the chain suddenly disappeared and he looked up in surprise before his went wide when he saw Link launching towards him with the Kokiri Sword in his hand.

Natsu quickly forced himself upright to meet Link's charge before Link suddenly pivoted on his right foot and spun in the air towards him, Ex-Equipping his Kokiri Sword and Equipping two broad scimitars.

"He keeps changing weapons!" Lucy said in shock as Natsu was forced to jump to the side to avoid the whirling blades.

"That's Link's fighting style." Erza said as Link landed on one foot lightly before turning around while ducking down to avoid a fiery punch from Natsu. "He has mastered almost every weapon and utilizes a magic he was taught five years ago by a foreign mage who witnessed him fight close to fifty knights by himself, constantly changing weapons he would pull out of his pouch to change styles and thus throwing the knights off guard." Erza said and Lucy stared at her before looking back as Link forced Natsu back, continuously dodging against Link's whirring scimitars.

"The magic he was taught is similar to my magic, The Knight." Erza continued on while Link suddenly jumped over Natsu while spinning, his scimitars a continuous blurring movement. "Unlike my magic, however, it only focuses on weapons, even storing a large amount of arrows and bombs to be Equipped for quick use." She said as Natsu spun while dropping to his back.

"FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" Natsu roared and Link flashed, allowing the stream of fire to slam into the top of the crystal barrier, before reappearing five feet away from Natsu.

"The name of his magic is where he got his nickname." Erza said as Link jumped at Natsu with a downward slash with his left scimitar and Natsu stopped breathing fire to roll away from the slash even as Link brought his right scimitar to bear before suddenly Ex-Equipping it. "The Maharathi." She said as he Equipped his Biggoron to his right hand while he slashed down and Natsu's eyes widened slightly before he reversed the direction of his roll back towards Link.

"FIRE DRAGON'S CLAW!" Natsu roared as fire exploded from his right foot while he kicked out at Link.

Link brought his scimitar up to block even as he pulled the Biggoron Sword back in and Natsu's kick slammed into his scimitar, sending him skidding back for a few feet, before he Ex-Equipped his Biggoron Sword to Re-Equip his other scimitar. Natsu quickly back-flipped back to land on his feet as he glared at Link.

"Come on Link, pull out your sword and shield!" Natsu demanded and Link didn't move for several seconds before launching forward as the scimitars were surrounded in a red aura. Natsu's face tightened when Link suddenly stopped and pivoted on his lead foot and spun as he Equipped the Longshot to his left forearm and the hooked blade shot out as he spun, going around in a wide circle that whipped out at a surprised Natsu.

Natsu barely moved back in time, still getting a small line across his chest, before bringing both hands up as the hooked blade returned to its housing. "A little flame on the right…" Natsu said as the fire on his right hand suddenly doubled in size. "A little flame on the left…" Natsu said as the fire on left hand doubled in size. "Together they make-""HYAAAA!" Link roared before Natsu could finish and the red aura surrounding the scimitars shot out in a wave of destruction.

Natsu's eyes widened before he was slammed against the crystal once more and grunted in pain as the red wave continued to press him against it. "NATSU!" Lucy screamed in alarm and Natsu gritted his teeth before roaring. "FIRE… DRAGON'S…" Natsu roared and Link's eyes widened in surprise as the red wave dissipated, its energy spent.

"GLEAMING FLAME!" Natsu roared as he brought both hands down, his palms extended towards Link, and shot a giant fireball that reached Link in a second.

By this point everyone was pressed against the crystal barrier or using their magic in some way to be over it to get a bird's eye view. Everyone's reaction was the same as their eyes went wide in surprise, Erza's eyes widening slightly, as Natsu stared into heart of the raging fire.

"Did Natsu… win?" Elfman asked in surprise before the fires suddenly spun around in a rapid circle then dissipated as several blue crystal shards shot out in a circle. Natsu's eyes widened before he ducked down quickly; narrowly avoiding three that would have slammed into his stomach.

Natsu looked at Link as he stood there with no weapons, his Silver Gauntlets Ex-Equipped, before he suddenly flashed to the far side of the crystal barrier. "Prepare yourself." Link said as he held his right hand and Natsu grinned as Link Equipped his Hylian Shield and Gilded Sword.

Link positioned his feet, putting his shield out in front of him while putting his sword back, before he Equipped his Golden Gauntlets. "NOW I'M FIRED UP!" Natsu roared in excitement as flames exploded off him while Gray and Erza looked on in surprise.

"This isn't good, that idiot might just get himself killed against that much power." Gray said as a red aura surrounded Link's Gilded Sword.

"Eh!" Lucy said in surprise and Erza nodded her head as Natsu crouched down. "Link's Silver Gauntlets increase his strength roughly four-fold." Erza explained as Link and Natsu locked stares. "His Golden Gauntlets, though, increase his strength ten-fold." Erza said and everyone's eyes popped wide in shock as Link and Natsu charged each other.

"CRIMON LOTUS…" Natsu roared as he cocked one fist back and Link tightened his grip on his sword as he prepared to slash. "FIRE DRAGON'S-" Natsu started to roar before a sudden clap threw them both by surprise and they both stopped just a few feet from impact as the entire Guild looked over from where the clap had come from to see a man-sized bipedal amphibian dressed in official clothes.

"That's enough." It said as it continued to walk forward and everyone moved out of its way uncertainly. "I am a Messenger from the Council." It said and everyone leaned back slightly in shock but Erza as Link's eyes narrowed slightly.

The Messenger reached into its black jacket and pulled out a scroll then unfurled it before clearing its throat. "With charges of damaging property, and eleven other crimes from the Eisenwald Terrorism Incident the other day, Link Kokiri is now under arrest." The Messenger said and everyone's eyes shot open in shock before Natsu charged the barrier. "WHAAT!" Natsu demanded as Link looked at the Messenger with steady eyes before Ex-Equipping all of his equipment while his tunic shifted from red to green.

"Erza, no!" Makarov ordered as she started to take a step forward and she stopped before gritting her teeth as Link dismissed Nayru's Love before going to pick up the crystals.

"This isn't right, we didn't-"

"Silence girl." The Messenger said as it looked at Lucy and she flinched before moving back.

"LISTEN YOU-HEY!" Natsu started to roar before he was suddenly encased in a blue crystal.

"LET ME OUT LINK! THIS ISN'T RIGHT AND YOU KNOW IT!" Natsu roared as Link finished picking up the last crystal. "LIIINK!" Natsu roared when Link didn't reply but instead immediately walked towards the Messenger.

Link stopped when he was in front of the Messenger and looked down at him with a nod. Instead of turning around it immediately pulled a pair of large cuffs from its jacket. "These will prevent you from using your magic." It said and Erza's eyes narrowed dangerously as her hands tightened into fists.

Link looked at the cuffs for several seconds before nodding his head in agreement and held his hands out calmly to accept them. "Very well, let us depart." It said and Link nodded before walking on ahead, his right hand loosening his pouch strings slightly to pull something out then re-tightened them before anyone could notice.

Several hours later everyone was sitting in the Guild Hall in silence, no one showing the usual cheer and bustle of the place.

Almost everyone was silent.

"LET ME OUT!" A small lizard trapped in a glass yelled angrily as it beat against its prison. No one reacted to the yelling, Mirajane looking steadily ahead while Erza sat at the bar quietly.

"I SAID LET ME OUT!" The lizard roared again and Mirajane looked down. "Natsu… be quiet." She said but the lizard continued to bang its hands against the glass.

"LEMME OOOOUT!" Natsu the lizard roared again and Mirajane sighed. "You'll act reckless." She said and Natsu shook his scaled head vehemently. "NO I WON'T!" He yelled before motioning to his body. "AT LEAST LET ME GET MY FORM BACK!" He demanded and Mirajane brought her face down level with Natsu.

"Then you'll go and try to rescue Link, won't you?" She asked and Erza's right hand tightened slightly. "I WON'T! WHO CARES ABOUT HIM!" Natsu demanded and Erza's eyes tightened.

"Our opponent is the Council…" Gray said as he leaned back against a table. "There's nothing we can do for now." He said and Erza looked over at Makarov as he sat on the bar with his arms crossed, his face showing no emotion.

"Master, why did you stop me?" Erza asked and Makarov lifted his head slightly to look at her. "Link would've-""Link is a foolish mage, almost as foolish as Natsu." Makarov said and Erza's hand slammed into the bar, splintering it and getting the attention of everyone in the room.

Makarov locked stares with her before sighing and pulling out a pipe from his jacket. "The Council is a force we as a Guild cannot fight, Erza." Makarov said as he packed some tobacco into the pipe. "Link, however, has never cared about things such as, "forces that cannot be fought", and so yes, in the end I would have most likely had to have restrained him to prevent him from doing something stupid." He said as he magically lit the tobacco and Erza's eyes tightened. "What we need to do now is wait." Makarov said and after several seconds Erza looked away from Makarov again. Or a few words from you would have been enough to calm him. Makarov thought as he looked forward again, inhaling deeply on his pipe. If only you knew the power you have over that young man. He thought before a small twinkle came to his eye. And vise-versa.

"LEMME OOOU-GURK!" Natsu started to roar before slamming against the other side of the glass as Erza turned her glare on him, effectively silencing him.

"There's something fishy going on." Lucy said as her head rested against a table. "I'm certain of it."

The Council Headquarters… Link thought as he looked up at the large building, pausing short of the large double doors. "The Council is waiting." The Messenger said and Link blinked before nodding his head as two Rune Knights opened the door.

If I'm wrong, getting out of here will be difficult. Link thought as he looked around carefully, noting the Rune Knights that walked around as well as various other mages. "Through here." The Messenger said and Link nodded his head as they stopped in front of another set of large double doors.

The Messenger clapped his hands twice and the doors slowly opened to reveal a large room where the Mage's Council sat on several large seats. Link's eyes narrowed slightly as he walked up to the witness stand.

"Defendant Link Kokiri…" The Messenger said after he had walked up to a small desk and picked up some papers. "Please take the witness stand." It said and Link looked at the stand before stepping into it.

"I CAN'T STAND THIS!" Lucy suddenly screamed as she stood up and slammed her hands against the table. "LET'S GO TESTIFY FOR HIM!" She yelled and Makarov sighed, exhaling a plume of smoke.

"LET… ME… OUUUUT!" Natsu suddenly roared and Erza once again snapped a glare over at him.

"Are you sure you want out?" Makarov suddenly asked and Natsu froze in surprise before nervously scratching his chin, making everyone look at him curiously. "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" Makarov asked with a grin before suddenly thrusting his right hand out. "KAH!" He yelled and Natsu twitched wildly as he was sent flying, the glass going flying in another direction.

When he landed he was surrounded by a large cloud of smoke. When it cleared, rather than Natsu, Macao was shown lying on the ground and rubbing his head.

"MACAO!" Levi screamed in surprise as everyone looked on with wide eyes.

"S-sorry…" He said with a nervous grin. "But I was indebted to Natsu." Macao explained before looking over as Erza slowly stood up.

"Where did Natsu go?" Erza asked slowly and Maco slowly stood up as he looked at her somewhat nervously. "Don't tell he went after Link!" Gray yelled and he nodded his head.

"Knowing him… probably." He said as he rubbed the back of his head. "THIS IS NO JOKE!" Elfman roared as he looked down at Macau before everyone went quiet as Erza slammed a foot through the floor.

"Everyone calm down." Makarov said and everyone looked back at him. "Let's just wait for the outcome."

"Defendant Link Kokiri." A large mage sitting over the other mages of the Council said as he looked down at Link, Link meeting his gaze calmly. "Concerning the Terrorism Incident with Eisenwald the other day… you are suspected of destroying part of Oshibana Station, Ryushika Canyon's Railway Bridge, and an entire mansion in Clover." He said before looking down at his papers.

Link's ears suddenly twitched and his eyes widened before they closed as he let out a quiet sigh. "According to witness' testimony… the culprit is a male mage wearing a green tunic and-" The mage was suddenly cut off as the doors exploded.

"I'M THE ONE YOU'RE LOOKING FOR!" Natsu roared in a poorly transformed version of Link as he rampaged up to the witness stand. "ARREST ME IF YOU CAN!" He roared before two clicking sounds echoed throughout the court room.

Everyone looked at Link in surprise as he tossed the cuffs to the side before looking at Natsu with an exasperated expression even as he held his right hand up. "LINK, WHAT AR- I MEAN I'M LINK!" Natsu yelled before he was surrounded in a green crystal. "HEY-!" Natsu started to roar before the crystal suddenly shattered into dozens of small orbs that flew off.

"My apologies for that intrusion." Link said as he looked back at the shocked Council.

"HOW DID YOU GET THOSE CUFFS OFF!" The Messenger demanded and Link looked at him steadily for several seconds before looking back up at the Council.

"Tell me… is there a need to go through this entire process?" Link asked as he looked up at them and they quickly snapped out of their shock. "I'm not here to be put on trial. I'm merely a… scapegoat." He said and they all looked at him in surprise.

"I'm sure your competency was brought into question after the Lullaby was stolen… and with all the destruction that ensued you all needed someone that could take the blame." Link said and all but a blue-haired young man and black-haired young woman's faces tightened.

Quite the opposite, they actually both laughed in amusement. "And here you were even never given any hints." The blue-haired man said and Link's eyes narrowed as he looked at him. Siegrain… Link thought as he recalled the first time he had met the man.

"JELLAL!" A fifteen year old Erza screamed as she charged at a young man with blue hair and Link barely grabbed her in time. "LET ME GO, LINK!" Erza demanded as Link Equipped his Silver Gauntlets to his hands, his muscles straining as he struggled to keep hold of her.

"Erza, this is not the place to fight!" Makarov said firmly but Erza continued to struggle against Link to get to the young man. "I'm sorry… did you call me Jellal?" He asked and Erza froze in surprise as she continued to glare at him. "My name is Siegrain… Jellal is my younger brother." He said and Erza's eyes widened as Link looked at Erza curiously.

"I see… my apologies…" Erza said after close to a minute and Link slowly let Erza go.

Once they left the Council Headquarters, Link looked at Erza curiously but all she did was look determinedly ahead. "Erza-""I don't want to talk about it, Link." She said and Link blinked in surprise before nodding his head.

His eyes… Link thought as he looked into Siegrain's eyes. It's buried… but even now they have the same look… He thought and his eyes narrowed even more as the face of Ganondorf flashed through his mind.

"It seems the stories of your keen mind are true, Maharathi." Siegrain said and Link blinked before returning his gaze to the large mage.

"Link Kokiri… how did you manage to come to this conclusion… and how did you free yourself from those cuffs when they are supposed to prevent any use of magic?" The mage asked and Link continued to look at him before giving a quiet sigh.

"That is how you all operate, more concerned for your gained seats before anything else. It's easy to figure out the reason behind something once you understand the priorities of the people who make the decision." Link explained simply and Sieglin's grin widened slightly as the other Council members looked at him angrily, with the exception of a short, elderly man with a three-pointed hat. "As for how I got out of the cuffs… perhaps they were defective." Link said as he replaced the pick back into his pouch, his movements hidden underneath the witness stand.

The large mage looked at him with narrowed eyes before bringing his right hand to his eyes. "How do you plead?"

"Guilty." Link said immediately and the mage banged his gavel before shooing Link away and Link bowed slightly towards him before turning around and walking out. You're right Erza. Link thought as he walked out of the courtyard, the look in Sieglin's eyes once more flashing through his mind. That man Siegrain… he's evil… Link thought and though his hand twitched he kept walking forward.

Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter.

Till next time.