Entry Test

Sam somehow slept through the day and night and woke the next day, after waking the emotions that were attacking him yesterday were no more and his heart was now calmer and his whole body felt lighter as if he had just gotten rid of something weighing him down.

Sam got up and went to the bathroom, showered then changed to one of the clothes that he had bought previously. HE walked out of the bathroom refreshed, then took a step outside. He looked around and took a deep breath, the fresh air entered from his body and came back out from his mouth. He still had 2 hours before the entrance test, so he decided to go to the test area earlier than when it begins, to get to know the people he would spend the rest of his time.

He took his time his time while walking towards the spot the test was gonna take place, seeing people enjoying their life, brought a smile to Sam's face. He happily continued to his destination, while buying something to eat for breakfast. When he reached his destination, he saw many people standing in a line to register. Sam stood at the end of the line and asked the person in front of him, "Excuse me what this line for?''

The person turned around, he had slim but muscular physiques similar to Sam's, his hair was black but had a unique eye of blue colour compared to the rest of his looks and had a power level of 17,000. Placing him at the peak of Strength partitioner stage, he looked at Sam and said: "oh this is where you register to take the test".

Sam replied, "Ah thank you, my name is Sam, and I'm planning to take the entrance exam too"

The guy looked at Sam and said "oh that's nice, I'm Jing, it seems like we are gonna be sect mates"

Before Sam could try to ask another question, Jing asked him something "So which of the main families do you belong to? I belong to the Lee family"

Sam was confused why he would ask that but he answered his question, "I don't belong to any family"

Hearing that Sam did not belong to any family Jing said in shock, "what how is that possible, the clothes you wearing cant be afford by somebody who doesn't have a big family behind him".

The clothes that Sam was wearing had a high defence and could take 5% of an attack for him, which he had bought 50k gold.

"Well, i killed many beasts in order to be able to buy these clothes"

Hearing Sam says that he understood how he bought the clothes and said, "must have been hard, beasts at our level arent even that valuable''.

Sam nodded with a smile.

The two started to get along excellently, they started to talk about other stuff and got to know each other. Jing learnt about Sam's style of fighting and main techniques and Sam learnt about Jing's fighting style and main techniques.

They got to know each other better and slowly the line started to shrink and soon it was their turn to give their name.

Jing and Sam both gave their names, And went to the side and then Jing asked Sam to go to a restaurant and get something to eat while they waited for the test to begin. They each got a few dishes and asked for takeaway.

They came back with their foods and started to eat as they waited for the entrance test to begin.

They both seemed to have a huge appetite as they kept on eating and eating until they finished.

Seeing that Sam keeping up with him in eating, Jing said "Brother Sam, we must compete in a food eating competition after this, i haven't seen anybody eat the same amount as me for a long time''

"We will after you drop 'calling me brother' and just call me Sam"

''Okay Sam, ill be waiting for the day we compete in who can eat more food"

"Well then Jing, you might wanna start fasting till the day we compete''

JIng let a loud laugh and said, "we will see"

As they were talking an elder appeared and with the release of his aura he got everybody's attention to him.

He only said a few words before starting the test,

"The entrance test has begun, you guys should know the rules and tests"

After he left a person came on the stage and called a random person's name.

The first stage was the test of strength, the person came and was told to punch the huge boulder on the stage.

Everybody knew the result instantly, if they didn't get above 15,000 they will fail and if they did they pass.

The first person hit the boulder with all his might but only got above 12,000 on the screen that popped above the boulder.

Seeing this Sam was quite interested to see what his score would be, Jing next to him let out a smile and said, "the guy really wasted his time to just come here and fail in front of so many people"

Jing looked at sam and said, "Sam, you better have a secret move or else you won't be reaching the mark''.

"Don't worry i won't just pass it, I'll set a record"

"Well, then you better set a new record or else your buying all the food for the competition".

"You sure you wanna make that bet, don't cry when you go broke"

"Don't worry I'm not going from just a few plates, you should be the one worried about going broke".

Some people heard the words said, and one of them looked at him mock Sam, "well then keep on dreaming about setting a new record, from your cultivation you should be happy if you scored 9000 instead of thinking of scoring 122343"

Jing released his aura then said, "what the heck, why are you memorising numbers, this is a fighting sect, not an educational academy, if you wanna brag about memorising random numbers then go join one of those academies, well i wouldn't blame you, even i would start memorising numbers and join a girls fan club for whoever that set that record''.

Hearing that he was mock, the person charged towards Jing with his full power but before he could hit jing, he kicked him in the gut and sent him back to his friends.

"Get out of my face, i don't wanna waste my time on you".

The guy started cursing then turned around, this commotion caught the eye of a few people but it wasn't that big for anything to happen.

"Thank you, but that was quite unnecessary of you, i could have handled him without a problem''

"well then you can prove that by setting a new record''